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Coating Applicator Verification Requirements

Engineering Standards Bulletin

Engineering Standards Bulletin

Title: Coating Applicator Verification Requirements
Bulletin number: BUL-081-2016

Version number: 1.0

Date: 2016-06-08

Issued by: LP CAN Projects Quality Assurance

Approved by: Harry Tsaprailis, Technologist, LP PL Integ Mainline Sys Plng
This change is effective immediately
In reference to:


C-110: Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray-Applied

C-210: Coating of Buried Steel with Rollable or Brushable Coatings
C-510: Application of Three-Layer Sleeves for Girth Welds
C-520: Heat-Shrink Sleeve Application over Two-Layer Polyethylene
Apply the following change to C-110 (Section 3.6), C-210 (Section 3.6), C-510 (Section 3.4.1)
and C-520 (Section 3.5) to clarify the applicator verification requirement is intended for large
scale MP and LP projects.
Change the wording from:
For pipeline and facility construction projects, prior to the commencement of production coating
in the field, the Applicator shall demonstrate the application procedure to the Company. This
demonstration shall consist of coating at least three welds. It shall be carried out at a time and
location agreed upon by the Company and the Applicator. The applied coating shall be
inspected by the Inspector to confirm that it meets the requirements of this specification.
For mainline construction and facility projects using this specification for more than 50 girth
weld coatings, the Applicator shall demonstrate the application procedure to the Company prior
to the commencement of production coating in the field. This demonstration shall consist of
coating at least three welds. It shall be carried out at a time and location agreed upon by the
Company and the Applicator. The applied coating shall be inspected by the Inspector to confirm
that it meets the requirements of this specification.
Immediate Action
The Applicator verification process is revised and only applicable to mainline construction and
facility projects as described above.

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Coating Applicator Verification Requirements

Engineering Standards Bulletin

Applicators from SCMs Approved Applicator List have already been vetted for their
competencies. Revising these requirements also reduces the coating costs associated with
smaller maintenance operations and repairs.
Additional due diligence is undertaken for large-scale LP/MP projects only to support the quality
of these initiatives and is consistent with the construction specifications (e.g., PCS-004).
This bulletin is applicable to all projects utilizing C-110, C-210, C-510, and C-520.

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray

Applied Coating
Protective Coating Specification

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Version Number: 9.0
Version Date: 2016-01-27
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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

Document Version Control Register

1 Revision Summary



Complete revision
Reviewed and updated to reflect current industry standards and Companys best
engineering design practices.

2 Applicability


Version Date


This revision is applicable to all projects that have not received AFE
Projects with AFE approval shall continue to abide by the previous
If projects with AFE approval choose to adopt any changes of the
standard, a Project Decision Record is required.
For any standard revision, engineering consultants are to contact
their Enbridge project team for direction on reviewing and
incorporating revision changes.


Note: for a detailed list of changes and approval, see change log (related documents section in the

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

Table of Contents
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Exclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Shop or Field ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Defined Parties .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Deviations ........................................................................................................................................... 2

2 References ............................................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Company Publications ........................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Industry Publications ........................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 4

3 General Requirements .......................................................................................................... 4

3.1 CSA Z245.30 ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Manufacturers Qualified Application Procedures (MQAP) ................................................................. 5
3.3 Conflicting or Omitted Requirements .................................................................................................. 5
3.4 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................... 5
3.5 Regulatory ........................................................................................................................................... 5
3.6 Application Procedure Qualification .................................................................................................... 5
3.7 Documentation .................................................................................................................................... 5

4 Health, Safety, and Environmental ...................................................................................... 6

4.1 Permits ................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Hazards ............................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Safety Datasheets (SDS) .................................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Abrasive Blasting ................................................................................................................................ 6
4.5 Handling and Applying Liquid Coatings .............................................................................................. 6
4.6 Coating Removal ................................................................................................................................. 7
4.7 Drips, Spills, and Overspray ............................................................................................................... 7
4.8 Waste Disposal ................................................................................................................................... 7
4.9 Solvent Flushing .................................................................................................................................. 7

5 Materials ................................................................................................................................ 7
5.1 Coating Material Qualification ............................................................................................................. 7
5.2 Approved Products .............................................................................................................................. 7
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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification
5.3 Material Selection ................................................................................................................................ 7
5.4 Grade .................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.5 Abrasive Blast Media .......................................................................................................................... 8
5.6 Storage of Materials ............................................................................................................................ 9
5.7 Repair Materials .................................................................................................................................. 9

6 Surface Preparation .............................................................................................................. 9

6.1 Damaged Steel ................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Pre-Preparation ................................................................................................................................. 10
6.3 Pre-Cleaning ..................................................................................................................................... 10
6.4 Steel Temperature ............................................................................................................................ 10
6.5 Protection of Adjacent Surfaces........................................................................................................ 10
6.6 Air Separators ................................................................................................................................... 10
6.7 Blast Cleanliness ............................................................................................................................... 10
6.8 Blast Profile ....................................................................................................................................... 10
6.9 Parent Coating .................................................................................................................................. 11
6.10 Removal of Dust.............................................................................................................................. 11
6.11 Rust Bloom ...................................................................................................................................... 11
6.12 Cutbacks ......................................................................................................................................... 11

7 Coating Application .............................................................................................................11

7.1 Applicator Qualification ..................................................................................................................... 11
7.2 Training ............................................................................................................................................. 11
7.3 MQAP ................................................................................................................................................ 12
7.4 Surface Condition for Coating ........................................................................................................... 12
7.5 Application Method............................................................................................................................ 12
7.6 Thinning ............................................................................................................................................ 13
7.7 Coating Thickness............................................................................................................................. 13
7.8 Steel Temperature ............................................................................................................................ 13
7.9 Temperature and Dew Point Monitoring ........................................................................................... 14
7.10 Weather ........................................................................................................................................... 14
7.11 Heating ............................................................................................................................................ 14
7.12 Curing .............................................................................................................................................. 15
7.13 Measurement of Cure ..................................................................................................................... 15
7.14 Overlap ............................................................................................................................................ 16
7.15 Visual Appearance .......................................................................................................................... 16
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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification
7.16 Recoating ........................................................................................................................................ 16
7.17 Flanges ........................................................................................................................................... 16
7.18 Transitions to Existing Coatings ...................................................................................................... 16
7.19 Transition to Above Grade .............................................................................................................. 16

8 Coating Repairs ...................................................................................................................17

8.1 Repair Specification .......................................................................................................................... 17
8.2 Low Film Thickness........................................................................................................................... 17
8.3 Defective Coating .............................................................................................................................. 17
8.4 Damaged Coating ............................................................................................................................. 17
8.5 Damaged Steel ................................................................................................................................. 17
8.6 Surface Preparation for Coating Repairs .......................................................................................... 17
8.7 Repair Coating Application ............................................................................................................... 18
8.8 Application of Heat ............................................................................................................................ 18
8.9 Holiday Testing of Repairs ................................................................................................................ 18

9 Quality Control .....................................................................................................................18

9.1 Quality ............................................................................................................................................... 18
9.2 Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) ......................................................................................................... 18
9.3 Applicators Inspector ........................................................................................................................ 19
9.4 Company Inspector ........................................................................................................................... 19
9.5 Ambient Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 19
9.6 Blast Profile ....................................................................................................................................... 20
9.7 Plural-Component Equipment ........................................................................................................... 20
9.8 Visual Inspection ............................................................................................................................... 20
9.9 Thickness Measurement ................................................................................................................... 20
9.10 Calibration and Adjustment ............................................................................................................. 21
9.11 Shore D Hardness Test................................................................................................................... 21
9.12 Blotter Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 21
9.13 Salt Test .......................................................................................................................................... 21
9.14 Failed Tests ..................................................................................................................................... 22
9.15 Holiday Testing ............................................................................................................................... 22
9.16 Adhesion Test ................................................................................................................................. 23

10 Records ..............................................................................................................................24
10.1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 24
10.2 Coating QC Records ....................................................................................................................... 24
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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification
10.3 Document Turnover ........................................................................................................................ 25

11 Markings .............................................................................................................................25
12 Shipping and Handling ......................................................................................................25
Appendix A X-Cut Adhesion Test Procedure ........................................................................26
Appendix B ITP Sample ..........................................................................................................29

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

1 Scope
1.1 Purpose
This specification defines the requirements for plural-component spray application of coating

This specification is applicable to steel substrates in buried service. It covers the following
below-ground parts:
a) Piping and components such as elbows and tees (usually NPS 4 and greater)
b) Girth welds
c) Valves
d) Steel sump tanks
e) Slip bore/directional piping

Other parts as directed by the Company

This specification covers the following coating systems as defined in CSA Z245.30-14:
a) System FC1
b) System FC2
c) System FC3

In addition to defining the requirements for plural-component spray application, this specification
also defines the requirements for cartridge spray application and for using wax tape for flanges
and bituminous tape for transitions.

1.2 Exclusions
Brush and roller application are not covered by this specification, except for repairs as defined in
Section 8.
Note: refer to C-210 for requirements for the application of rollable or brushable coatings.

1.3 Shop or Field

The coating materials described in this specification can be applied in either a shop or field

1.4 Defined Parties

In this document, the term Company shall hereafter refer to Enbridge Inc. and its

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

The term Applicator shall hereafter refer to the person or persons responsible for the
application of paint, coating, or lining.
The term Inspector shall hereafter refer to the Company field or shop representative
responsible for performing inspections.
The term Manufacturer shall hereafter refer to any and all involved parties that manufacture,
supply, and distribute the equipment and products.

1.5 Deviations
Where there is a conflict or discrepancy between any applicable codes and the content of this
document, the most stringent requirement shall apply. All deviations from this document shall be
documented and requested in writing via a Technical Standards Deviation Request (TSDR) for
technical review and consideration of the outcome.

2 References
2.1 Company Publications
This document refers to the following publications created by the Company; where such
reference is made, it shall be to the latest edition unless otherwise specified.
IMS-08 (Engineering Services Quality Management)
ENB-QMS-GUID-017: Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) Preparation Guideline
IMS-08-Subsite (Engineering Standards)
Protective Coating Specification
C-210: Coating of Buried Steel with Rollable or Brushable Coatings
Protective Coating Specification
C-410: Coating of Buried Pipe with Bituminous Tape
Protective Coating Specification
C-420: Coating of Buried Steel with Wax Tape Systems
Protective Coating Specification
C-610: Transition Coating
Protective Coating Specification
PCL-Prod List: Approved Product Materials

2.2 Industry Publications

This document refers to the following publications created within industry; where such reference
is made, it shall be to the latest edition unless otherwise specified.
ASTM (ASTM International)
Standard Test Method for Rubber Property Durometer Hardness
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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

CSA (Canadian Standards Association)

Field-Applied External Coatings for Steel Pipeline Systems
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries External Coatings for Buried or Submerged Pipelines
Used in Pipeline Transportation Systems Part 3: Field Joint Coatings
NACE (NACE International)
Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica
Design, Fabrication, and Surface Finish Practices for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for
Immersion Service
Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates
Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 m (10 to
30 mil)
NACE/SSPC (NACE International/Society of Protective Coatings)
No. 2/SP 10
Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning
SSPC (Society of Protective Coatings)
Guide 15
Field Methods for Extraction and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous
PA 2
Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness Requirements
SP 1
Solvent Cleaning
SP 7
Brush-Off Blast Cleaning
SP 15
Commercial Grade Power-Tool Cleaning
Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

2.3 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are applicable to this document only:

Fusion bonded epoxy


Inspection and test plan


Manufacturers qualified application procedure


National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health


Quality control


Safety datasheets

2.4 Definitions
The following definitions shall apply to this document:
Brush grade
A coating material product grade that is identified by the Manufacturer as suitable for application
by brush, roller, or pad
Manufacturers qualified application procedure (MQAP)
A procedure that has been qualified by the Manufacturer by applying coating in accordance with
the procedure and testing the coated specimens in a laboratory as specified in CSA Z245.30-14
Parent coating
The existing coating that is present on the part prior to application of the new coating
Pipe, spool, valve, bend, fitting, girth weld, weld area, repair area, or other component coated to
this specification
Spray grade
A coating material product grade that is identified by the Manufacturer as suitable for spray

3 General Requirements
3.1 CSA Z245.30
3.1.1 Canadian Pipelines Only
The qualification, application, inspection, testing, handling, and storage of coating materials
covered by this specification shall comply with the requirements of CSA Z245.30-14 if the
coating is applied to piping that will be part of an oil and gas pipeline system in buried service in

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

3.1.2 US Pipelines and All Non-Pipeline Applications

Compliance with CSA Z245.30-14 in its entirety is not required for pipelines in jurisdictions
outside of Canada; however, specific elements of CSA Z245.30-14 shall be complied with
where defined in this specification.

3.2 Manufacturers Qualified Application Procedures (MQAP)

The Manufacturers instructions and technical datasheet and the MQAP form an integral part of
this specification and shall be followed. If multiple MQAP versions are available for the same
product, the MQAP version selected by the Company shall be used.

3.3 Conflicting or Omitted Requirements

The Applicator shall not be relieved of providing complete and satisfactory coating by any
omissions in this specification. Omitted or conflicting requirements shall be brought to the
attention of the Company for resolution. In the event of a conflict between a MQAP and this
specification, the more stringent shall prevail.

3.4 Responsibilities
Except where otherwise specified, the Applicator shall supply all materials, equipment, labour,
inspection, and supervision necessary for the performance of the work and shall perform the
work in accordance with the requirements of this specification.

3.5 Regulatory
The Applicator shall comply with all provincial, state, and/or federal regulations.

3.6 Application Procedure Qualification

For pipeline and facility construction projects, prior to the commencement of production coating
in the field, the Applicator shall demonstrate to the Company the application procedure that it
intends to use on the project. This demonstration shall consist of coating at least three welds. It
shall be carried out at a time and location agreed upon by the Company and the Applicator. The
applied coating shall be inspected by the Inspector to confirm that it meets the requirements of
this specification.

3.7 Documentation
All specifications, standards, and other documents referenced in this document form part of this
specification. The Applicator shall ensure that its personnel have a working knowledge of each
document as applicable to their responsibilities.

The following documents shall be available at the application location and shall be submitted to
the Company on request:

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

b) Coating material product datasheet and SDS

c) Abrasive product datasheet and SDS
d) ITP
e) This specification (C-110)

SSPC Vis 1

g) CSA Z245.30-14

4 Health, Safety, and Environmental

4.1 Permits
All necessary permits shall be obtained by the Applicator prior to undertaking any work.

4.2 Hazards
The Applicator shall ensure it is aware of all safety hazards associated with the storage,
handling, and application of the coating materials. The Applicator shall be responsible for
informing all personnel of the potential health hazards associated with coating and shall supply
suitable personal protective equipment.

4.3 Safety Datasheets (SDS)

The Applicator shall maintain copies of SDS for all controlled products and shall ensure its
personnel are familiar with the precautions of the SDS regarding hazards, necessary personal
protective equipment, and first-aid measures and are trained in the handling and use of these

4.4 Abrasive Blasting

Abrasive blasting materials shall meet regulatory requirements. Nozzle blast operators shall
wear a NIOSH-approved hood. The blast hood shall be fed with air that is pressure regulated,
filtered, and meets regulatory requirements. Other personnel exposed to blasting dust shall
wear a NIOSH-approved filter respirator. Abrasive blast cleaning equipment shall be fitted with a
functional dead man remote control system. All mechanical equipment, including abrasive
blasting equipment, shall be grounded and all precautions taken to prevent the buildup of static
electricity. Abrasive blast hose couplings shall be secured with safety wire and chokers.

4.5 Handling and Applying Liquid Coatings

Suitable protective equipment shall be used when applying, mixing, and handling liquid coating
materials. The Applicator shall refer to the Manufacturers SDS and adhere to the
Manufacturers safety instructions.

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

Personnel shall be protected from inhalation of vapours emitted by liquid coating materials
during mixing, preheating, and application. These products should only be used in wellventilated areas, and personnel shall wear the appropriate respiratory protection. Personnel with
sensitivities to these types of coating materials should avoid exposure to these materials or

4.6 Coating Removal

Under no circumstances shall coating be removed by heating it with an open flame.

4.7 Drips, Spills, and Overspray

Adjacent property shall be protected from damage by overspray. Shelters shall be used to
contain airborne atomized coating particulates when spraying in windy conditions. Measures
(such as drop sheets) shall be taken to prevent liquid coating from spilling or dripping onto the
environment. Coating spills shall be contained and cleaned up.

4.8 Waste Disposal

All waste materials (including oily rags) shall be collected and contained daily. The work site
shall be left in a tidy and organized condition at the end of each day. The Applicator shall be
responsible for collection and disposal, as required by regulations, of all coating-related waste
materials, including, if applicable, spent abrasive and old coatings removed by the surface
preparation process.

4.9 Solvent Flushing

Solvent flushing operations at Company work sites shall be carried out by discharging the spray
gun into a suitable container. Solvent shall not be flushed onto the environment. Solvent shall
be disposed of in accordance with all provincial, state, and/or federal regulations.

5 Materials
5.1 Coating Material Qualification
Only products that have been qualified by the Manufacturer as required by CSA Z245.30-14
Clause 5.3 shall be used.

5.2 Approved Products

The PCL-Prod List contains the list of Company-approved plural-component coating products.
Only coating products that have been approved by the Company shall be used.

5.3 Material Selection

The coating products used shall be selected based on the application conditions and the
maximum operating temperature restrictions as indicated in PCL-Prod List and the
Manufacturers datasheets.
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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

Coatings approved by the Company for abrasion-resistant service shall be used where abrasion
resistance is required, such as directional drill and slip bore applications.

The Company shall verify that the products selected are suitable for the intended application
and service conditions. If the coating Manufacturer and the name of the product to be used are
not unambiguously specified by the Company (e.g., in the purchase order), the Applicator shall
submit to the Company the names of the products it proposes to use and shall obtain from the
Company written approval specific to the intended application and service conditions prior to
using the products.
Note: such approval may take the form of Company approval of a coating ITP that identifies the project,
part, service rating, and product that will be used.

5.4 Grade
Coating products applied in accordance with this specification shall be spray grade, except for
coating products used for repairs, which shall comply with the requirements defined in Section 8
of this specification.

5.5 Abrasive Blast Media

The abrasive blast medium used shall comply with the following requirements:
a) Compliant with the MQAP
b) Compliant with health and environmental restrictions in effect at the project site
c) Does not contain metallic copper
d) Capable of producing an angular anchor pattern and the required anchor profile depth

Only steel grit and steel shot abrasive may be recycled. Recycled abrasive may be used only in
blast rooms where automated dust removal equipment is functioning and QC procedures for
monitoring working mix and abrasive contamination levels have been approved by the

When steel grit and shot abrasive is used, routine and frequent addition of grit to the grit/shot
mixture is necessary to achieve a dense, angular profile of the specified depth. The working mix
shall consist of at least 65% grit.

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

A list of abrasives approved by the Company is contained in PCL-Prod List. Prior to starting
abrasive blasting operations, the Applicator shall confirm with the Company in writing the
acceptability of the abrasive it intends to use.

Abrasive blast media used on Company work sites shall be supplied in clearly labelled original
packaging from the supplier or Manufacturer.

5.6 Storage of Materials

Coating materials shall be transported and stored in accordance with regulations and within the
temperature range allowed by the Manufacturer. Suitable ventilated and climate-controlled
facilities for transportation, storage, and mixing of coating materials shall be provided where

Abrasives shall be stored in a dry, controlled environment.

5.7 Repair Materials

Coating products used for repairs shall be approved by the Company. The PCL-Prod List
contains the list of Company-approved coating repair products. Melt sticks shall not be used for

For small- and medium-sized repairs (as defined in Section 8), a brush-grade material may be
used to repair a spray-grade parent coating.

Fusion bonded epoxy coating (FBE System 1A) and FBE with abrasion overcoat (System 2B)
shall be repaired with a Company-approved liquid coating material.

6 Surface Preparation
6.1 Damaged Steel
Prior to the commencement of surface preparation, parts shall be visually inspected. Damage
(such as dents, gouges, and corrosion pits) shall be noted, and the Company shall be notified
by the Applicator of the location, extent, and cause of damage. Damaged steel shall not be
blasted or coated until authorization has been given by the Company.

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

6.2 Pre-Preparation
Surfaces shall be inspected to confirm that imperfections in the steel that could cause holidays
or impair the performance of the coating such as slivers, rough welds, or weld spatter are not
present. Welds should meet the requirements of NACE SP0178, Grade D. Imperfections in the
steel and non-compliant weld preparation shall be reported to the Inspector for resolution.

6.3 Pre-Cleaning
The surface of the part shall be examined for visible contaminants such as oil, grease, magnetic
particle inspection products, and ultrasonic couplant. If found, these contaminants shall be
removed prior to blast cleaning in accordance with SSPC SP 1 and the MQAP using suitable
water-based cleaning agents or organic solvents. Residues shall be removed by rinsing the

6.4 Steel Temperature

The steel temperature shall be monitored. From the start of abrasive blasting until completion of
coating, the steel surface shall be kept dry and its temperature shall be maintained at least 3C
(5F) above the dew point to prevent visible oxidation (flash rusting) of the surface. This
requirement is not applicable if the steel temperature during blasting is less than 0C (32F) and
flash rusting of the blasted surface does not occur prior to coating application.
Note: induction heating has been used to preheat steel after cold blasting without causing flash rusting.

6.5 Protection of Adjacent Surfaces

Nearby surfaces vulnerable to damage by abrasive blast cleaning and coating (such as
machined surfaces, moving parts, weld bevels, internal surfaces, and raised faces of flanges)
shall be protected from damage. Blast media and coating shall be prevented from entering the
internals of valves, fittings, and pipe.

6.6 Air Separators

Clean, dry compressed air shall be used for abrasive blasting. Air lines originating at
compressor units shall have adequate separators, filters, and drains to ensure contaminants
such as oil and water are not deposited onto the steel surface. Accumulations of oil and
moisture shall be removed by regular purging.

6.7 Blast Cleanliness

The part shall be abrasive blasted to achieve a standard of cleanliness of SSPC SP 10/NACE
No. 2. The Applicator shall ensure the surface finish is attained by comparison against SSPC
VIS 1.

6.8 Blast Profile

Abrasive blast profile readings shall be in the range of 0.064 to 0.114 mm (2.5 to 4.5 mil) and
within the range allowed in the MQAP.

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

6.9 Parent Coating

When overcoating parent coatings such as fusion bond epoxy, the parent coating shall be
sweep blasted in accordance with SSPC SP 7 to remove gloss and provide a roughened
(abraded) surface for overcoating. All frayed or loosened coating materials shall be removed.

When preparing to coat bare steel adjacent to parent coating (such as a weld cutback), the
parent coating shall be roughened (abraded) and feathered. Feathering shall remove the sharp
edge at the transition from the parent coating. Roughening shall extend onto the parent coating
at least 50 mm (2 in.) from the edge.

6.10 Removal of Dust

After abrasive blasting of the part has been completed, dust and debris shall be removed from
abrasive blast cleaned surfaces using clean, dry compressed air or a vacuum.

6.11 Rust Bloom

Coating shall be applied before visible oxidation (flash rusting) occurs. Any cleaned steel
showing rust stains shall be reblasted prior to coating.

6.12 Cutbacks
Cutbacks (pipe ends that will be welded) shall be abrasive blast cleaned. Coating shall not be
applied to cutbacks prior to welding. The cutback length shall be as specified by the Company
(e.g., in the purchase order.)

7 Coating Application
7.1 Applicator Qualification
LP SCM has established a Contractor Pre-Qualification Process to ensure that projects utilize
approved coating Applicators who have met the Companys quality and technical requirements.
The Company shall utilize this process when selecting Applicators to apply coatings.
Note: a list of Company-approved Applicators may be obtained from the LP SCM Sharepoint site, which
can be accessed through the following link:

7.2 Training
7.2.1 Applicator Qualification Canada Only
Applicators shall be trained and qualified as required by CSA Z245.30Z245.30-14 Clause 6.1.2.

7.2.2 Operator Qualification US Only

If operator qualification of coating personnel is required, all covered tasks shall be completed.
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7.2.3 Notice of Training

If Applicator training or qualification will be conducted specifically for a Company project, the
Company shall be provided with reasonable notice of the training and shall be allowed to
witness it.
Note: the Inspector(s) should attend this training.

7.3 MQAP
Surfaces shall be prepared and coating shall be applied in accordance with the MQAP. Other
Manufacturer instructions shall also be followed unless they conflict with the MQAP.

7.4 Surface Condition for Coating

Immediately prior to coating application, the Applicator shall verify that flash rust is not present
and the surface meets all other preparation requirements. If dust has accumulated on the
surface, it shall be removed. A clean, dry brush may be used for this purpose.

7.5 Application Method

Coating shall be applied using one of the approved methods listed below.

7.5.1 Plural-Component Spray

Coating may be applied with heated plural-component spray equipment of a type approved by
the coating Manufacturer. Single leg pump systems (i.e., hot-potting) are not approved.

7.5.2 Handheld Spray

If coating is applied by handheld spray in the field, it shall be sprayed in an enclosure that
effectively prevents overspray damage to nearby surfaces and the environment.

7.5.3 Automated Spray

Mechanized equipment may be used for plural-component spray application to pipe and girth
welds. Mechanized spray equipment shall be of a type that has been approved by the
Company. Mechanized equipment shall be used in accordance with the equipment
Manufacturers instructions and operating manual. Daily production data downloaded from
automated equipment shall be provided to the Company on request.

7.5.4 Cartridge Spray

Subject to Company approval, plural-component coatings may be applied using cartridge spray
equipment in the field. Cartridge spray equipment shall be of a type that has been supplied by
the coating Manufacturer for the product being applied, and the coating shall be applied in
accordance with an MQAP covering cartridge spray. Cartridge spray Applicators shall be trained
by the coating Manufacturer on the use of the equipment. At its discretion, the coating
Manufacturer may designate in writing an Applicator representative to conduct this training on
its behalf. An ITP specific to cartridge spray shall be submitted to the Company for approval.
The ITP shall include training of Applicators. Cartridge spray application and quality control tests
shall be witnessed by the coating Inspector.
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Protective Coating Specification

7.5.5 Brush or Roller

Repairs and surfaces where spray application is not feasible may be coated by brush or roller in
accordance with C-210.

7.5.6 Back-rolling
Spray-applied coating shall be worked into corrosion pits, crevices, and rough surfaces using a
suitable brush or roller.

7.6 Thinning
Solvents shall not be added to liquid coating materials.

7.7 Coating Thickness

The coating shall be applied at a thickness within the range allowed in the MQAP. In addition,
the dry film thickness shall be within the ranges given in this specification.

The dry film thickness shall be within the range 635 to 1,016 m (25 to 40 mil), except for
applications where abrasion resistance is required.

For applications onto bare steel where abrasion resistance is required, such as directional drill
or slip bore installations, the thickness shall be within the range 1,016 to 1,750 m (40 to 70

For abrasion-resistant applications applied over fusion bonded epoxy (FBE), the total thickness,
including the FBE, shall be within the range 1,000 to 1,750 m (40 to 70 mil).

7.8 Steel Temperature

The temperature of the substrate shall be continuously maintained within the range required by
the MQAP from the commencement of abrasive blasting to the completion of coating
Note: For most liquid coating products, the steel surface temperature is required to be maintained
constantly above 10C (50F) and at least 3C (5F) above the dew point temperature until after
application. Preheating can usually be used to maintain the steel at least 3C (5F) above the dew point
temperature regardless of the bulk air relative humidity.

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7.9 Temperature and Dew Point Monitoring

Surface temperature and ambient air dew point shall be monitored to ensure that they are within
the specified range from the commencement of blasting through application and curing. A
calibrated contact thermometer shall be used to measure the temperature of abrasive blast
cleaned steel surfaces. Infrared devices shall not be used on blasted metallic surfaces but may
be used on other surfaces if calibrated on these surfaces.
Note: infrared devices may not provide accurate readings on blast cleaned metallic surfaces.

7.10 Weather
Coating application shall not take place outdoors during inclement weather if the substrate being
coated is likely to be exposed to condensation (e.g., snow or rain) or excessive wind. Coating
operations may proceed where suitable heating and weather protection are provided (e.g.,
portable shelters or covers).

7.11 Heating
If the required steel temperature cannot be attained from ambient air conditions, heat shall be
applied to the steel to raise its temperature and maintain it in the range specified in the MQAP.
Heating may also be used to reduce the time required to achieve cure. Heating shall not be
allowed to damage the existing coating or raise the temperature of the steel above 150C

7.11.1 Heat Sources

An approved method of heating that is appropriate for the project schedule and site conditions
shall be used. The following methods of heating are approved by the Company:
a) Electrical induction
b) Infrared
c) Indirectly heated air

7.11.2 Propane Torch
For field applications only, if the Inspector determines it is not feasible to heat the surface to be
coated with one of the above-mentioned approved methods, a propane torch flame may be
applied directly to the surface to preheat it.
Direct flame preheating may be used prior to abrasive blast cleaning. It shall not be used after
blasting unless the steel is reblasted to remove flash rust before coating. The steel should be
preheated to a temperature that ensures the coating achieves full cure.

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The direct flame shall not contaminate the pipe surface with carbon or hydrocarbon nor be
allowed to damage (burn the edges) of the adjacent parent coating. Heat-damaged coating shall
be removed.
Flames shall not be applied directly to coated surfaces.
Propane torches shall not be used on parts that could be damaged by excessive heat (such as
Open flame or direct-fired heating shall not be used to heat the air within an enclosure if coating
application or curing is taking place within the enclosure.
A propane torch with an enclosed flame may be used as a heat source for small and medium
repairs as defined in Section 8. The flame enclosure shall prevent the flame from being applied
directly to the surface. A repair post-heated with an open flame may not be overcoated.

7.11.3 Heating of Valves

The only heat source approved for heating valves is air.
Note: valves can be damaged by excessive heat.

7.12 Curing
Before handling or backfilling, the coating shall be allowed to cure at the temperature and for the
duration needed to achieve the hardness required by the MQAP. Time elapsed and temperature
shall be monitored during the curing period. The temperature of the applied coating shall not be
allowed to fall below 0C (32F) until it has cured. Coating that freezes before it cures shall be
Note: The MQAP or coating Manufacturers curing tables provide guidelines on the duration and
temperature needed to achieve cure. The MQAP provides the hardness value required before handling or
backfilling. For most coating products, a temperature of at least 10C is need for the coating to be able to
cure. Coatings can harden and appear to be cured if they are frozen.

7.13 Measurement of Cure

Cure shall be determined by Shore D hardness measurement as specified in CSA Z245.30-14
Clause 12.1.
Note: a coating Manufacturer-specified solvent rub method may be used in addition to hardness testing
but not as alternative.

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Protective Coating Specification

7.14 Overlap
The applied coating shall be extended over the adjacent parent coating. The average overlap on
a part shall be at least 50 mm (2 in.) per Table 6 in CSA Z245.30-14. All parent coating that has
been abraded shall be overcoated.

7.15 Visual Appearance

Coating shall be applied in a manner that minimize sags and runs. Pinholes, missed or skipped
areas, excessive roughness, drips, runs, and sags that exceed the coating thickness tolerance
shall be cause for rejection. The cured coating shall be uniform in colour.

7.16 Recoating
If more than one coat is required (e.g., to achieve the specified coating thickness), the
Manufacturers recoat schedule shall be followed. Cure time and substrate temperature shall be
monitored between coats.

If the Manufacturer-recommended maximum recoat time has been exceeded, the area to be
overcoated shall be abraded prior to application of the next coat.

Coating exhibiting amine blush or bloom shall not be overcoated until the blush or bloom has
been removed and the area abraded.

7.17 Flanges
Flanges shall be coated with a Company-approved conformable wax tape in accordance with C420.
Note: The application of liquid coatings to flanges is not feasible. Removable tape coatings allow future
access to flanged connections.

7.18 Transitions to Existing Coatings

The transition between new coating applied in accordance with this specification and existing
polyethylene tape or coal tar enamel coatings shall be overcoated with a Company-approved
tape material. A 61 cm (24 in.) minimum length of tape shall be applied centred on the interface
between new to existing coating in accordance with C-410.

7.19 Transition to Above Grade

Piping that comes from below ground to above grade shall be coated a minimum of 25 cm (1 ft.)
above the final backfilled grade level.
Note: refer to C-610 for additional information.

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8 Coating Repairs
8.1 Repair Specification
Rejected, damaged, or defective coating and holidays shall be repaired.

8.2 Low Film Thickness

Areas of coating that are less than the specified thickness shall be repaired by applying an
additional coat as described in Section 7.16.

8.3 Defective Coating

Defective coating (such as coating that has failed to harden as required) shall be completely
removed. The area of removal shall be prepared and recoated in accordance with this

8.4 Damaged Coating

Coating damage caused by impact or abrasion (such as nicks, scrapes, and gouges) that has
disrupted the coating bond to the steel or reduced the coating film thickness to less than the
specified thickness shall be marked and the damaged area repaired. Coating surface layers that
have been scorched or discoloured by flames shall be removed down to sound coating.

8.5 Damaged Steel

If gouges or dents in the coating extend to the steel substrate and if the steel appears to have
sustained damage, the damaged area shall be marked and reported to the Company. Damaged
steel shall not be blasted or coated until authorization has been given by the Company.

8.6 Surface Preparation for Coating Repairs

8.6.1 Small Repairs
Surfaces of repair areas up to 2 mm (1/16 in.) in diameter or width shall be prepared by
roughening the surface of the parent coating to remove gloss around the holiday for at least 25
mm (1 in.) with 80 120 grit sandpaper or light sweep blasting.

8.6.2 Medium-Size Repairs

Surfaces of repair areas revealing bare metal up 25 cm2 (4 in2) in size shall be prepared by
abrasive blasting per Section 6 of this specification or by power tool cleaning in accordance with
SSPC SP 15 to remove dirt, scale, rust, damaged coating, and other foreign material to a bare
metal condition.

8.6.3 Large Repairs

Damaged areas revealing bare metal larger than 25 cm2 (4 in2) shall be repaired by abrasive
blast cleaning as outlined in this specification.

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8.6.4 Parent Coating

The adjacent parent coating and any holidays or damaged coating adjacent to the cutback area
shall be roughened (abraded) for at least 25 mm (1 in.) around the repair.

8.6.5 Removal of Dust

After abrading, all dust shall be removed from the prepared areas using a clean, dry bristle
brush, a cloth, or compressed air.

8.7 Repair Coating Application

Brush-grade coating may be used for repairs unless the repair area is larger than 25 cm2 (4 in2).
If a brush-grade coating product is used, it shall be applied in accordance with C-210. Spatulas
may be used to apply brush-grade coating at small repairs.

Coating shall be applied to the prepared surface at the specified dry film thickness. It shall
extend at least 25 mm (1 in.) over the surrounding parent coating. All roughened (abraded)
parent coating around the repair shall be covered with repair coating.

8.8 Application of Heat

Heat shall be applied to the repair area before and after coating application if required to
achieve cure. A Company-approved heating method shall be used (see Section 7.11.1).

8.9 Holiday Testing of Repairs

After curing to at least a tack-free condition, repaired coating shall be holiday tested at the
voltage specified for the adjacent (parent) coating.

9 Quality Control
9.1 Quality
The Applicator shall be responsible for the quality of the coating work.

9.2 Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)

Prior to the commencement of coating work, the Applicator shall prepare and submit to the
Company for its acceptance an inspection and test plan (ITP). The ITP shall include all
elements and QC activities listed in the sample ITP appended to this specification. The sample
ITP may be used as a template but shall be modified to include project-specific requirements.
The ITP shall also include the QC requirements listed in the MQAP and in Table 6 of CSA
Note: refer to ENB-QMS-GUID-017 for ITP preparation guidelines.

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9.3 Applicators Inspector

The Applicator shall perform quality control inspection and testing in accordance with the
requirements of this specification and the ITP (CSA Z245.30-14 Clause 7.1).

The Applicator shall provide at least coating inspector to perform coating quality control.

The competency requirements for the Applicators coating inspector are as follows:
d) NACE-certified CIP Level 1 (or equivalent certification such as SSPC)
e) Trained and knowledgeable with regard to the application techniques, materials, ITP, and
MQAP covered by this specification

Able to demonstrate the correct use of the required coating inspection instruments

The inspection instruments necessary to perform coating quality control shall be available for
use at the work site.

If agreed to in writing by the Company, the requirement for the Applicator to provide a coating
inspector may be waived if quality control is performed by a coating Inspector provided by the
Company with an equivalent or higher level of competency.

9.4 Company Inspector

The Inspector may perform or witness coating inspection and testing.

The Inspector shall have access to and shall be allowed to witness or audit the Applicators
work, equipment, and records.

The Inspector shall be allowed to conduct reasonable destructive testing to verify application
conformance (e.g., X-cut adhesion tests). Damage to the coating at these test locations shall be
repaired by the Applicator.

9.5 Ambient Conditions

The ambient air dew point shall be measured at the start of daily blasting or coating activities,
when weather conditions change, and at least once every 4 h thereafter using a suitable
calibrated hygrometer (dew point meter).

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9.6 Blast Profile

9.6.1 Method
Profile measurements shall be taken with replica tape and a spring micrometer in accordance
with NACE RP0287.

9.6.2 Frequency
Profile measurements shall be taken, at a minimum, at the start of each shift, after refilling
blasting pots, not less than once per 25 parts blasted, and at least once per cumulative hour of
blasting. Measurements shall be taken at a minimum of three different locations on the part

9.7 Plural-Component Equipment

Plural-component pump pressure and temperature shall be monitored in accordance with the
equipment Manufacturers guidelines at maximum 15 min. intervals during spray application to
ensure coating material is being consistently mixed at the required temperature and ratio.

9.8 Visual Inspection

The finished coating shall be free of visually detectable deleterious imperfections. The following
imperfections shall be cause for rejection:
a) Pinholes and missed or skipped areas
b) Roughness, drips, runs, and sags if coating thickness is not compliant at the imperfection
c) Signs of improper mixing such as streaks and colour variations
d) Blisters, cracks, or delamination

9.9 Thickness Measurement

Coating dry film thickness shall be measured on each part. The number and location of the
measurements shall be sufficient to obtain representative data and ensure that thickness
complies with requirements.

Coating thickness shall be measured in accordance with SSPC PA 2, modified as follows:
a) On pipe and girth welds, measurements shall be taken in all four quadrants circumferentially
(at approximately the one, four, seven, and ten oclock positions).
b) At least five representative measurements shall be recorded per part tested (Table 6 of CSA
c) For girth welds, at least one measurement shall be on the weld bead.
d) The coating thickness restriction used shall be Level 4 as defined in Table 1 of SSPC PA 2.

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9.10 Calibration and Adjustment

9.10.1 Calibration Certificates
Measurement equipment shall be calibrated before use and recalibrated at the interval
recommended by the equipment Manufacturer, or every 12 months. Equipment used to perform
quality control measurements shall have current calibration certificates. Copies of these
certificates shall be submitted to the Company on request.

9.10.2 Verification and Adjustment

Measurement equipment shall be verified to be accurate and adjusted when necessary, prior to
use and at regular intervals during use, in accordance with the equipment Manufacturers

9.11 Shore D Hardness Test

Shore D hardness shall be tested at least once per 25 parts coated or once per day, whichever
is greater. Hardness shall be measured on every part where there is uncertainty due to
insufficient time or temperature that a full cure has been achieved. Shore D hardness shall be
measured using the method specified in CSA Z245.30-14 Clause 12.1.
Note: This test is based on ASTM D2240. Testing can only be done if the button is within the temperature
range 10C to 25C (50F to 77F). In cold weather conditions, hardness should be tested before the part
has had time to cool below 10C (50F).

9.12 Blotter Test Procedure

To ensure the compressed air cleanliness requirements are met, a blotter test shall be
performed on each air compressor used for abrasive blasting prior to use each day.

A blotter test is performed as follows:
a) After shutting off the supply of abrasive and purging the blast hose of abrasive, direct a
stream of compressed air from the blast nozzle at a clean, absorbent white target (such as
coffee filter paper or white cotton cloth) for at least 30 s.
b) Examine the target for signs of oil or water. No transfer of these substances to the target is

9.13 Salt Test

The steel surface to be coated shall be tested for salts using a method described in SSPC
Guide 15. The first part to be coated, and at least one part in 50 thereafter, shall be tested. Salt
contamination shall be less than the maximum acceptable levels listed below (CSA Z245.30-14
Table 6). Salt contamination exceeding acceptable levels shall be removed.
a) Chloride: 20 mg/m2 (2 g/cm2)

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b) Sulphate: 54 mg/m2 (5.4 g/cm2)

c) Nitrate: 35 mg/m2 (3.5 g/cm2)

9.14 Failed Tests

If a test fails to conform to the specified requirements, additional testing shall be performed to
ascertain the extent of the nonconforming area. At the Companys discretion, all affected
coating determined to have failed testing may be rejected. Rejected coated parts shall be
stripped and recoated.

9.15 Holiday Testing

9.15.1 General
The entire coated surface of all parts shall be inspected for holidays. Holidays shall be plainly
marked immediately after detection and shall be repaired in accordance with this specification.

9.15.2 NACE SP0188

Holiday detection shall be carried out in accordance with NACE SP0188, but the voltage shall
be as specified below. Holiday detectors shall provide audible and visual indication of holidays.

9.15.3 Search Electrode

Holiday detection on pipe and girth welds shall be carried out using a properly sized spring
encirclement electrode capable of contacting the full circumference of the pipe. The search
electrodes shall be clean and free of coating residue. On girth welds, after passing over the
weld bead, the spring encirclement electrode shall be brought back to the toe of the weld to
ensure no holidays are missed.

9.15.4 Irregular Shapes

For areas that are difficult to access due to their irregular shape (such as nuts, bolts, and
corrosion pits), brass brush electrodes or low voltage (60 70 V) wet sponge holiday detectors
may be used.

9.15.5 Holiday Test Voltage

The coating thickness of the parts to be holiday tested shall be measured. The voltage used
shall be sufficient to reliably detect holidays and shall be as specified in the MQAP. If the MQAP
does not specify a minimum voltage, then the voltage used shall be at least 5 V/m (125 V/mil)
of the average coating thickness of the parts.

9.15.6 Lowering-in Voltage

The voltage used for final holiday testing of girth welds during lowering-in shall be the same
voltage that is used to holiday detect the parent (i.e., mainline) coating. The voltage used shall be
based on the thickness of the parent coating.

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9.15.7 Adjustment
The voltage of the holiday detector shall be measured (and adjusted, if necessary) prior to use
each day and at least once in each 4 h period of use. Voltage shall be measured between the
search electrode and a bare steel area of the coated part using a suitable calibrated voltmeter.

9.15.8 Verification
The holiday detector operation and voltage shall be confirmed to be adequate by demonstrating
that existing holidays are consistently detected. If the voltage is not adequate, the voltage shall
be increased until existing holidays are consistently detected, but the voltage shall not exceed
the maximum allowed.

9.15.9 Surface Condition

Inspection with a holiday detector shall not be attempted until the coating is hard dry (as
determined when the coating does not indent when pressed with a thumbnail). When holiday
testing is conducted, the coating surface shall be free of water and deposits such as soil, ice,
snow, or tape that could prevent the search electrode from coming into contact with the coating.

9.15.10 Adjacent Coating

Care should be taken not to damage parent coating adjacent to the coating being tested.

9.15.11 Travel Speed

Operation of the holiday detector shall be controlled so that the travel rate does not exceed 300
mm/s (1 ft/s).

9.15.12 Repeated Passes

To minimize possible coating damage due to repeated holiday testing, the number of passes
over a coated area should be limited and the electrode should not remain stationary on the
coating while the power is on.

9.16 Adhesion Test

Coating shall be tested for adhesion using the X-cut adhesion test procedure described in
Appendix A.

Coating adhesion shall be tested at least once per 50 parts coated or once per working day,
whichever is more frequent.

The acceptable adhesion rating shall be 3 or less.

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10 Records
10.1 General
The Applicator shall keep records of daily operations and quality control testing for each part
coated. The Applicators records shall be available for review by the Company, and copies shall
be submitted to the Company on request.

10.2 Coating QC Records

Coating QC records shall include at least the following information:
a) Identification:

Project name

ii. Part identifier (description, number/location)

iii. Applicators company name
iv. Applicator (name or identifier)
v. Inspector (name and signature)
vi. MQAP version identifier
b) Blast cleaning:

Salt test method and result (if applicable)

ii. Part temperatures (C/F)

iii. Ambient temperature (C/F)
iv. Dew point temperature (C/F)
v. Name, type, and size of abrasive
vi. Surface cleanliness (SSPC SP 10, etc.)
vii. Anchor profile depth
c) Coating application:

Date and time of application

ii. Coating material (product name)

iii. Expiration dates and batch numbers of coating materials
iv. Steel temperature (C/F)
v. Ambient temperature (C/F)
vi. Dew point temperature (C/F)
d) Inspection:

Cure duration and temperature

ii. Coating thickness measurements

iii. Shore D hardness
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iv. X-cut adhesion rating

v. Holiday test voltage and results
vi. Comments

10.3 Document Turnover

The following documents shall be submitted to the Company on the schedule agreed to by the
Company and the Applicator and no later than the date of project final completion:
a) MQAPs
b) Coating product datasheets
c) Abrasive product datasheets
d) Signed-off ITP
e) Signed-off QC records

Certificates of application compliance as defined in CSA Z245.30-14 Clause 11.2.

g) Abrasive blast media disposal records (if blasting is performed at Company work sites)
h) Calibration certificates

11 Markings
Coated parts shall be labelled or marked as specified by the Company (e.g., in the purchase

12 Shipping and Handling

Coating shall be protected from damage during shipping and handling, (e.g., by using suitable
slings, padding, and dunnage).

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Protective Coating Specification

Appendix A
X-Cut Adhesion Test Procedure

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X-Cut Adhesion Test Procedure

1. Protective gloves and glasses shall be worn while performing the test. The knife blade
should be covered when not being used. The use of retractable or folding blades is
2. Perform the test after the coating has cured as determined by hardness. The coating
temperature shall be less than 35C (95F) during the test. If a test fails at a coating
temperature below 10C (50F), it may be repeated after warming the coating to 20C 5C
(68F 9F). Coating damaged by the test shall be repaired. The coating thickness shall be
within the specified range.
3. Using a sharp-bladed utility knife, make 30 to 50 mm (1.2 to 2 in.) cuts through to the metal
surface to form an X with an angle of approximately 30, as shown in Figure A.1.
4. Insert the point of the utility knife horizontally (i.e., the flat of the blade) under the coating at
the point of intersection of the cuts such that the blade point is at the metal surface.
5. Use a levering action against a fulcrum to force the flat point of the blade up from the metal
surface, describing a single, vertical (i.e., at 90 to the surface) motion in an attempt to prise
the coating off.

Figure A.1 X-Cut Adhesion Test

6. The metal blade shall have the dimensions as shown in Figure A.2 and an exposed cutting
edge of 25 mm 6 mm (1 in. 0.25 in.).

Figure A.2 Dimensions of the Knife Blade

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

7. Measure the maximum length of steel substrate exposed by coating adhesion loss from the
vertex of the X to the end of the exposed steel as indicated by the b) in Figure A.1.
Coating adhesion is rated on a five-point scale.
Rating 1: no removal of coating other than that caused by insertion of the flat point of the knife
blade at the intersection point (nominally less than 1 mm)
Rating 2: no more than 2 mm of adhesion loss from the metal surface
Rating 3: no more than 3 mm of adhesion loss of coating from the metal surface
Rating 4: no more than 4 mm of adhesion loss from the metal surface; displays resistance
Rating 5: more than 4 mm of adhesion loss of coating from the metal surface; displays no
8. Limited cohesive failure within the coating shall be considered a pass if there is satisfactory
adhesion. Cohesive failure caused by excessive interface or cross-section porosity leaving a
noticeable honeycomb structure on the pipe surface shall constitute a failure.
Note: this procedure is essentially the same as the adhesion test required by CSA Z245.30-14 and
described in Annex C of ISO 21809-3.

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coating

Protective Coating Specification

Appendix B
ITP Sample

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coatings

Protective Coating Specification

Suppliers Name

QC Activity

Coating Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) Sample

ITP Number
ITP Rev.

This sample is for information only and shall not be treated as an accepted ITP




Verify applicator training/qualification

C-110 7.2


Each applicator, prior

to production

Review documentation

C-110 3.7

Available at site

Start of project

Verify approvals for blast abrasive and

coating materials

C-110 5.2

Product is approved
by Company for

Prior to application

Inspect coating material storage

C-110 5.6

Climate controlled,
materials not

Instrument calibration and adjustment

C-110 9.10

certificates not
expired, equipment
adjusted as needed

Each measurement
device, prior to use and
as required

Pre-blast visual inspection

C-110 6.2


Each part

Dew point measurement



Start of shift and every


Steel surface temperature


C-110 7.9

Steel above 10C

(50F) and at least
3C (5F) above the
dew point

Visual inspection for contaminants such

as oil and grease

C-110 6.3


Salts test for chlorides

C-110 9.13
SSPC Guide 15

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QC records

Start of shift and every


QC records

Not present or

Each part

QC records

Chloride < 20
(< 2 g/cm )

First part, and 1 per 50


QC records




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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coatings

Protective Coating Specification

Suppliers Name

QC Activity

Coating Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) Sample

ITP Number
ITP Rev.

This sample is for information only and shall not be treated as an accepted ITP





Blotter test for compressed air


C-110 9.12

No oil or water in air

Beginning of each shift


Visual inspection for blast cleanliness

C-110 9.8


Each part


Anchor profile measurement

C-110 6.8 NACE


3.0 4.0 mil

and per MQAP

One per 25 parts or

one per day. Three
readings per part at
different quadrants.


Inspect for dust

C-110 7.4

All dust removed

Each part


Temperature monitoring

C-110 7.9


During preheat and

cure for each part


Monitor plural-component spray

equipment pressure and temperature

C-110 9.7

Per equipment

Once each 15 min.

while spraying


Dry film thickness measurement

C-110 9.9

20 50 mil and per

(40 70 mil for

Each part, five

readings per part


Visual inspection of coating appearance

C-110 9.8

No deleterious
imperfections such
as misses, runs, or

Each part


Shore D hardness test

C-110 9.11


Four tests per shift



X-cut adhesion test

C-110 9.16

Rating of 1 or 2

One per 50 parts or

one per day, whichever
is greater

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QC records

QC records

QC records

QC records

QC records

QC records


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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coatings

Protective Coating Specification

Suppliers Name

QC Activity

Coating Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) Sample

ITP Number
ITP Rev.

This sample is for information only and shall not be treated as an accepted ITP











Holiday detection (pre-jeeping)

C-110 9.15

Voltage as required.
All holidays marked

Entire coated surface

of each part

QC records


Inspect coating repairs

C-110 8

All defects and

holidays repaired

Each repair

QC records


Final holiday detection

C-110 9.15

All coating tested

All coated surfaces at

shipping, lowering in,
or backfilling



Markings applied

Per PO

Each part



Load-out inspection (if applicable)


QC documentation

At project completion





Suitable shipping
and handling
damage protection
QC records are
accurate, complete,
and turned over.

R Review (review of documentation or work practices or installation techniques)

S Surveillance (can be a review, observation, or inspection for the purpose of verifying that an action has been accomplished as agreed by contract)
V Verify (check quality records)
W Witness (Enbridge must be notified in writing five working days in advance of witness points; may be waived, but an approved waiver form is required)
H Hold (Enbridge must be notified in writing five working days in advance of hold points; may be waived, but an approved waiver is required)

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Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray Applied Coatings

Protective Coating Specification

Suppliers Name

QC Activity

Coating Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) Sample

ITP Number
ITP Rev.

This sample is for information only and shall not be treated as an accepted ITP











Project name:__________________________________________________________________
Part description:__ ___________________________________________
Coating specification: CSA Z245.30-14, Enbridge specification: C-110 Coating of Buried Steel with Plural-Component Spray-Applied Coatings
MQAP identifier: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Applicator name: _____________________________________________
Applicator inspector name, signature, and date:_____________________________________________
Enbridge inspector name, signature, and date: _____________________________________________

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