BHOPAL - MP Press Release Re Bhopal

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TD RECTORATE OF PUBLIC.RELATIONS e _ GOVERNMENT OF MADHYA PRADESH NEWS ITEM, SAFE DISPOSAL OF WASTES IN UNION CARBIDE PREMISES: NO CONTAMINATION OF GROUND WATER OR SOIL FROM WASTES Bhopal, July 28, 1588. ‘The Machya Pradesh Polt | analysed the samples _tom the tubewells and other drinking water sources in he areas around the Union Carbide promises early this month. The analysis found no_traces of chemicals in the water sourcs thal may be liked to the cherticals used in the Union Carbide factory or the wastes there, ~ Samples trom those water sources were also collected water of which is non-poteble. In these _soufces also no residues of such chemicals were found that may be linked to the chemicals "used in Union Garbide or the wastes there, n of water sources is caused.tue to mpropet drainage of water and t other causes of environmental pollulion, Its, therefore, not proper to assume thet the contamination of water sources around the Union Carbide premises is due to the chemicals, of the factery or the wastes there. Notional Enviconment Engineeting Researchinstitute (NEERI. Nagpurhas collected ~ ‘endenalysed the samples from these wate’ sources from tine to time. In these analyses, no (races of chemicals were found that may be related fo the chemicals used in Urion Carbide factory. The report that appeared in a section ofthe press based on the tests conducted by some American Citizen Environmental Laboratory that the chemicals from the Union Carbide have containinated the ground water is not'correct. The State Government or the MP. Pollution Contiol Board does not have thé report of any stich American laboratory. Besides, in 1890, when this laboratory allegedly collected samples from the water sources, the NEERI also took samples from these water sources and analysed them, which also made it clear thatthe water sources had not been contaminated due to chemicals. The State Government is alive towards health of he people and no such action would be allowed as maycauseany / ‘adverse effect on their health. It may also be mentioned here that three solar evaoration ponds were constructed ( for the treatment of contaminated water of the factory. The silt of pond number one and two has been safely disposed of in pond number three under the supervision of experts. This hhas been done through secure landfill technique suggested by the NER. Recently, the Industries Department hes taken possession of the entire 87.74 acres tand of Union Carbide by cancelling the lease. Alter possession of the land by the sate) Government, the civil and criminal iabilties of Union Carbide will remain unchanged. The State Government will ensure safe disposal of the residual Sevintar and Nepthol tar fiom) the factory. This willbe done in consultation with the NEERI, Nagpurand I.1.C.., Hyderabad. No, 2077-D MPSIDKM

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