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I have finished my course

(Proverbs 13:12)
Every good journey begins with a comprehensive definition with an end in view (Luke
4:18, 19; 1 John 3:8, 9; Acts 20:28; Exodus 2:23-3:1-10).

Jesus defined his mission in this world. Apostle Paul did. Prophet Moses discovered his
mission also when encountered God in the burning bush.

Every man in this world is on a mission or a course; either knowingly or unknowingly.

Lost Identity, misconception of identity or mistaken identity is a great problem. If a man
does not know why he is here on earth, how can he finish his course? You can’t finish a
course you do not know.

The major puzzle in this world that poses a critical challenge over its arrangement is the
realization, discovery or understanding of one’s true self. The major question, therefore,
is, “Who are you?” Do you really know yourself? Why are you in this world? Why did
God create you? Is it to just worship Him and wait till He comes to take you to heaven?
Every good manufacturer produces with a reason based on need. What is your use in this
world? Are you just occupying a space in this world for nothing?

Until you fix the puzzle of your life, you will never know a true fulfillment, and this may
keep you confused, even at old age. Where is life taking you to? Have you discovered the
map of your life? There is a specific direction your life is divinely designed to follow,
and until you discover it, real success (with true fulfillment) in life could be far from you.

So many people have committed suicide because they feel miserable or they feel they are
no body in this world. Or may be, in their entire struggle, they could not truly find a clear
definition of what their life is all about. My prayer for you today is that God, the sole
manufacturer of your life, will reveal to you who you truly are. He did it to Jeremiah
(Jeremiah 1:5), He did it to Paul, the apostle (Galatians 1:11-17). Please, read my book,
“Fulfilling your destiny with ease”. Buy it at

A still-born child (a child born dead) is better than an old man, who does not know why
he is here on earth. People do the wrong thing (pursuing after human ambition) out of
pride, trying to please people in order to gain fame because they are ignorant of their own
calling in life. At the end, they may look successful but unfulfilled with the feeling of
emptiness in their souls.

Until God helps you to discover who you are, what you are born to do, the class of people
you are born to affect positively, and the nature of your future, you will be full of fear,
doubt about life, worry and anxiety concerning your future, and uncertainty over your
existence. You need to arrange the puzzle of your destiny by the help of the Holy Spirit
so that you will be able to live a life void of confusion.
Without the discovery of one’s purpose for existence, life will be a bunch of frustration.
People study the wrong course in school just to earn a degree to be proud of. They marry
the wrong person who does not even know where his/her life is heading to, all because
“She is pretty” or “He is handsome”. They even try to belong to organizations that do not
appreciate them for what they are or for whatever they do. Nothing reduces your capacity
to do things like not being yourself, squeezing yourself or robbing yourself of true
happiness just to please people that do not believe in you, no matter what you do.

Great people are people that died fulfilled; people that finished their race in life without
regret whatsoever; people that finished their assignment in life; men that never chased the
wind (goals without certainty or assurance) but pursued realities; men that finished their
course with a true understanding of what success or wealth is all about (Deuteronomy
8:18; 1 Timothy 6:17-19; 2 Corinthians 9:8-13).

Let me say this again; your life has a definite purpose for its existence and it is waiting
for you to discover it, if you have not yet done so; and until you locate your purpose, you
may continue to struggle all the days of your life, achieving nothing and (or) lacking the
joy of fulfillment.

God has a pre-planned foundation for your life before your arrival in this world; and if
you build wrongly on it, it will surely collapse because God will always move against
every work that is contrary to His divine plan for all generations (Psalms 33:10, 11).
Remember the story of the “Tower of Babel” (Genesis 11:1-6).

The principal factor that determines your success in this world with an uncontestable
fulfillment is your relationship with the Holy Spirit. He has a great assignment in your
life (John 16:13; 14:26; 2 Corinthians 2:9-11).

How can you discover your destiny?

1. God reveals it (Jeremiah 1:5; 33:3). So, you have to call on God in prayer to show it to
you by the Holy Spirit.
2. Through scriptural illumination (2 Peter 1:19)
3. Through divine encounter (Mark 1:16, 17; Exodus 2:23-25; 3:1-10; Acts 9:1-16; 26:8-
4. It comes through trance as you engage in act of meditation (Habakkuk 2:1-4; Numbers
5. It can also come via Godly night visions (dreams) (Job 33:14-17)
6. By looking inward:

a. What do you think you can do best in your life that can prove your true color, making
you a star?
b. What does your soul loves to do, despite the stress in it?
c. What is the thing that has a force of attraction toward you, or that attracts your interest
when you see people doing it, or hear people talk about it? (As for me, nothing pleases
me like writing a book and doing the work of God).
d. What do you always envision with your mental eyes, either through night visions or
trances that gives you inner joy?
e. What do you think about that gives you peace, inner satisfaction and a settled mind?
f. What you desperately hate, which attracts your concern, is a clue to what you are born
to correct.
g. In what do you have pleasure doing, even when you are not paid?
h. What will you like to do if the whole world is ready to sponsor you?
i. What will you like to do, no matter the discouragement around you? That is what you
are created and anointed for. Go for it!

Your life was given to you to serve God and your generation with it. The abilities in you
are divine instrument for service. If you die without serving your generation or humanity
with the blessings of God that you are carrying inside of you, you may stand to answer
query in heaven. Remember the parable of the talent (Matthew 25:14-30).

Go for my book, “Fulfilling your destiny with ease”. Find it at Amazon or

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