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Liceul Pedagogic Gheorghe Sincai

Profesor: Kiss Kinga

Data: 14.11.2014

Class: IX A
General theme: Domeniul personal
Title of the lesson: I am poem
Type of the lesson: Acquiring new vocabulary.
Competente specifice: 1.4, 2.5,3.1.
Objectives: -To enable students to understand and use the feelings related vocabulary in the context of poem
-To give students personalized writing and speaking practice in the context of writing a poem.
Interaction: group work, pair work, frontal work
Material: flashcards, worksheets.
Methods: - discussion, personalised learning, pelmanism, dramatising.

Time: 5
Aim: to empower SS. and engage them in personalised learning manner.
Competente specifice: 1.1, 1.2
Method: personalised learning.
Material: handout.
Interaction: S-T, S-S, FRONTAL.
Description: T. writes on the whiteboard the ME/NOT ME heading and exemplifies the manner in which SS.
must organize the given words i.e. if the word/concept bears relevance to them, they write it under the ME
heading, if the word/concept is not relevant to them they write it under the NOT ME heading. Once the
instructions have been provided the T. will enlist the words: verse, hate, love, poem, books, reading, nature,
food, animals.
Follow-up activity: T. will do an OCFB (open class feedback) to check the division of ME/NOT ME among

Liceul Pedagogic Gheorghe Sincai

Profesor: Kiss Kinga
Data: 14.11.2014

Activity 1
Time: 5
Aim: to activate the vocabulary and give SS. further speaking practice
Competente specifica: 2.1, 3.1
Method: group comparison
Material: handout
Interaction: S-S, T-S, Frontal.
Description: SS. are grouped (based on the colour of butterfly they choose) in fours and they have to compare
and contrast their MES and NOT MES lists in order to identify the person that they have the most and least in
common with.
Follow-up activity:
T. performs an OCFB and asks several groups to share their commonalities and differences.
Activity 2:
Time: 5
Aim: to enhance language learning
Competenta specifica: 1.4
Method: pelmanism
Material: the WB, flashcards
Interaction: S-S-S, S-T.
Description: SS. will do a memory game also known as pelmanism by which they will learn 6 new adjectives of
feelings. All flashcards are facing the WB. and SS. need to turn them over with the strict specification that only
two cards can turned once and these words have to be synonyms. If the words do not match the flashcards are
stuck back and another student comes forth till all the words have been correctly turned over and displayed
neatly in two columns such as adjective and its synonym.
Follow up activity:
T. does the necessary meaning, form, pronunciation clarifications and asks CCQs (Concept Checking questions)
to make sure SS. have acquired the correct meaning and usage of these words.

Liceul Pedagogic Gheorghe Sincai

Profesor: Kiss Kinga
Data: 14.11.2014

Activity 3
Time: 10
Aim: to provide further practice of the TL further exploiting a similar context.
Competente specifica: 2.3
Method: creative writing
Material: handout (I AM POEM template)
Interaction: Individual work, group work, OCFB
Description: SS. are handed the template with the poem and pinpoints that each line has a beginning and their
role is to finish the line according their own creativity, feelings. Microteaching will be done in order to ensure
that they use the newly acquired vocabulary accurately. SS. need to end up the given lines individually.

Activity : 4
Time: 15
Aim: to provide more personalized practice of the target language and to develop fluency
Competenta specifica: 3.2
Method: brainstorm, debate.
Material: props
Interaction: S-S-S, S-T.
Description: SS. working in the assigned groups must devise according to indications a role play, a song, a
dialogue/monologue making use of the props provided by the teacher.
Follow up activity: 10
When ready, SS. will perform their achievement in front of the class.

Liceul Pedagogic Gheorghe Sincai

Profesor: Kiss Kinga
Data: 14.11.2014





1 easily annoyed and complaining:I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling a bit grumpy.a grumpy old man
adjective UK /rm.pi/ INFORMAL
B2 happy that

something unpleasant has

not happened or




infinitive] I'm


relieved to find you - I thought you'd already gone. He was relieved to see Jeannie reach the other side of
the river safely.[+ (that)] I'm relieved (that) you didn't tell her.
adjective UK /rlivd/ US
relieved to do something:
Irene seemed relieved to find out the truth.
relieved (that):
She was extremely relieved that Tom hadn't recognized her.
2 FORMAL frightened or worried about something: He hesitated before calling her, fearful of what she might
say.She's fearful (that) she may lose custody of her children.
adjective UK /f.fl/ US


Fearful parents kept their children indoors.
fearful (that):
We're fearful that fighting will start up again.
fearful of:
Fearful of another attack, civilians are fleeing the capital.


Liceul Pedagogic Gheorghe Sincai

Profesor: Kiss Kinga
Data: 14.11.2014

B2 wanting very much to do or have something, especiallysomething interesting or enjoyable:the children's

eager faces[+


infinitive] She sounded very

eager to meet you.They crowded round

the spokesperson,

eager for any news.

adjective UK /i.r/ US


She looked at the eager faces waiting for her news.

eager to do something:
He's so eager to learn that he stays lateevery evening.
eager for:
The girls were bored and seemed eager for newexperiences.
1 showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things:a

brave soldierIt


brave decision to quit her job and start her own business.She was very brave to learn to ski at 50.
adjective UK /brev/ US
B2 extremely pleased:[+ that] I was thrilled that so many people turned up to the party.
thrilled to bits
very pleased and excited
thrilled with:
Dan was thrilled with his birthday cake.
thrilled about:
I'm not very thrilled about having to do it again.
thrilled (that):
We are thrilled that Kevin is going to join the team.
thrilled to do something:
I was thrilled to see her.
thrilled to death/bits/pieces (=extremely thrilled):
I'm thrilled to death about the result.

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