Module 1

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MODULE 1 - Theories of Deviance Objectives


Define and distinguish several major perspectives for

studying deviant behavior. These include
structural functionalism Durkheim
o Dominant in the first half of the twentieth century
o Morals (Norms, values, laws) that individuals are taught
constrain their behavior
o Anomie- communities growing further apart from each
other leading to greater degrees of deviance
o Felt that deviance was needed for a functional society.
When a crime is commited, society is untied in
indignation against the perpetrator bringing people
together rather than tearing apart
o Deviance defines the moral bounderies for everyone
strain theory, Merton
o Exapansion of structural functionalism,
o Success goals are citizens have are limited to just the
middle and upper strata. American dream for some
people, but lower class individuals are systematically
excluded from competition. Instead of going through
the motions while knowing that their path to success is
blocked, some members of the lower class retaliate by
choosing a deviant alternative.
o They know what the dream can be, but have insufficient
access to the approved means of attaining those goals
(education, hard work, deferrd gratification)
Differential opportunity theory, Cloward and Ohlin
o All disadvantaged people have some lack of opportunity
for pursuing legitimate societal goals but they do no
have the same opportunity for participating in
illegitimate practices.
o Deviant behavior depends on peoples access to
illegitimate opportunities
differential association,
culture conflict theory Thorsten Sellin

o When people from one culture mirgrate to another

o Culture conflict may occur during a take over when
one of the cultural group that movies in are extended to
apply to the groupd that is neighborhood and the
latitude that used to the enjoyed by the former
occupants become lost.
o border when people from different culture groups find
themselves in contact. No norm dominates. When a
child comes home from college break, rules are
o Thinking about the deviance of children from immigrant
ethic groups moving into the US caught in the struggle
between two cultures, but his theory applies equally
well to the large number of diverse subcultural groups
in our country
control theory,
feminist theory,
o women are systematically disadvantaged
o women are unprotected against verbal, physical, and
sexual abuse, and their individual attempts to rise up
and protect themselves often subject them to being
labeled as offenders.
social constructionism.


Explain how and why crime is a normal part of society and

why it is functional for society.


Explain the strain toward anomie and deviant behavior when

there is a lack of integration between cultural goals and
institutional means using American society as an example.


Define and distinguish between institutional goals and social

norms as twin elements of social structure.


Describe several key propositions to their social learning

theory of criminal behavior & the process of learning social

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