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1.How would you teach numbers 0 to 10 to a child according to Montessori method?

Explain all the exercises in the group briefly in your own words.
Montessori approach is quite different and one of the easiest ways to teaching the
concept of numbers to the children in the early years of life. In Montessori
education, they provide many appropriate ways to the children for exploring the
world of mathematics. The math journey commences in the childs life with
concrete experiences and then leads the child towards abstractions. The
opportunities of learning and teaching the mathematics are found very easily from
the daily life of the child. It is said that the childs brain is like a sponge, he greedily
absorbs all what is shown and taught to him. It would be very surprising to know
that the child starts learning mathematics from the very early age of his life, even
though from the age of toddler. Teaching the Mathematics to the child in the early
years of life is not taken as a daunting task in the Montessori Education. The basic
and chief task of teaching to the child through Montessori education is to make the
concept very clear and comprehensible. In Montessori education numbers are
taught in the various ways so that the children may learn them with perfection be
cause the perfection in the childs life, was the basic motive of Maria Montessori .
We should make mathematics as a part of everyday activity for the children.
Learning can be a great fun for the children if taught playfully. It has been widely
observed and understood that children can learn faster and quickly when visual
teaching practices are used. There are countless activities which can make the math
as a fun for not only toddlers but also kids (4 to 6 years old)It is scientifically
proved that the little children are naturally attracted to the science of numbers.
Mathematics, like language, is the product of the human intellect. It can be clearly
said that human beings have a mathematical mind.
Montessori took this idea, that the human has amathematical mind, from the
French philosopher Pascal.
Children mind is always ready to estimate the quantity of the things, similarity,
difference, patterns, to make order, sequence in things and to control error in
everyday life. Indirect Preparation of Number
Understanding of numbers develops through experiences with concrete objects,
which are used in EPL Exercises because it contributes effectively in the

development of mathematical mind.EPL are the everyday household activities. The

child is naturally attracted to these activities as these experiences are essential part
the participation in these activities, the child becomes a responsible and helping me
mber of thesociety who can deal with the problems of everyday living. Along with
it, at the un conscious level, practicing these activities forms the essential patterns
in the nervous system that leads to the conceptual development of order,
concentration, coordination, and independence, which are all crucial elements of
mathematical mindset. These skills are learned by the child through EPL, without
even knowing. Order is one of the basic elements for math, as we cannot do any
mathematics task without the capacity of sequencing and ordering. Similarly,
ability to the concentration on a task is also essential for math as it helps develop
logical thinking and problem solving. EPL also gives children good eyecoordination and controlled movements, which are required to do work effectively
with the math materials present in a Montessori classroom and at home. There are
different ways and materials of teaching numbers to the kids in Montessori, The
Number Rods (The Red Rods)Sandpaper Numbers The Spindle Boxes Number
Cards and Counters Memory Game Actions Game Number Poems and Rhymes
Math Area
Number Rods
- Ten rods, grated in length, the shortest rod being ten centimeters in length, and
each succeeding rod increasing by the length of the first, with the longest rod being
one meter.These rods prepare the child for 1-10 counting. Number Rods
Number Rod Variation
- Using the same object children can count out the objects onto each section of the
Sandpaper Numerals
- Numeral symbols 0-9 in sandpaper. These help the child with recognition of
numerals 0-9.

Sandpaper Numerals
Association of Rods and Numerals

- Number rods and numeral cards 1-10. Children asso ciatethe number rod quantity
with the number symbol. Children gain a growing understanding of sequence as
they work with association exercises. Association of Rods and Numerals

Small Number Rods

- These can also be used for simple addition along with Bead Stair Addition when
the child is ready to work with simple addition. I placed the photo here as annex
tension work wih the Small Number Rods. Small Number Rods Addition with
Small Number Rods
Spindle Boxes

- A child counts out the quantity of spindles in their hand and places each set of
spindles into the appropriate rectangular section. The Spindle Box indirectly helps
to develop theidea that each quantity can be made up of loose units taken together
as one set. They also begin to learn the concept of zero as an empty set.

Spindle Boxes - A child counts out the quantity of spindles in their hand and
places each set of spindles into the appropriate rectangular section. The Spindle
Box indirectly helps to develop the idea that each quantity can be made up of loose
units taken together as one set. They also begin to learn the concept of zero as an
empty set.

Extensions 1-10 - These are additional exercises that can be added to the Math
shelves to provide practice in associating quantity and symbol. I change these
monthly according to unit studies to enhance those as well.

Apples 1-10

Smiles 1-10

Pumpkins 1-10

Fish Bubbles

Cards and Counters - A set of numerals 1-10 and 55 plastic discs. The layout of
the counters is what makes this counting work different. Children will count out
the discs in pairs under the numeral. When all the discs are counted out, point out
that some of the numerals have a disc that doesn't have a partner. Those numbers
are called odd numbers. The discs which all have partners are called even numbers.

Cards and Counters

Memory Game - A small basket with slips of paper each with a numeral from 010 written on it. 55 small similar objects such as buttons, seashells, or tiny pebbles.
This exercise can be done with two, three, or four children. Each child chooses a
number. Explain that they are to keep their number a secret. Ask them to look at
their number, remember it, and bring that many objects from the basket of objects
that is on the shelf. You can also provide small trays in which the children can use
to count out their objects. When all the children have returned to the mat have
them take turns to read their number and count out their objects.

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