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P.Rizwan Ahmed

Margham Publications

Management Information
(Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Pattern) New Syllabus
(For BCA, B.Com(Computer Applications),B.Sc.(ISM), MBA and MCA Courses)


P.Rizwan Ahmed, MCA., M.Sc.,M.A.,M.Phil.,{Ph.D),

Head of the Department
Department of Computer Applications &
PG Dept. of Information Technology
Mazharul Uloom College, Ambur - 635 802
Vellore Dist. Tamil Nadu.

Margham Publications
No.24, Rameswaram Road, T- Nager,
Chennai- 600 017 Phone:(044) 2432 2469
Web Site:


Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Data, Information, and Knowledge
1.3 Distinguish between Data and Information
1.4 Meaning of Information
1.5 Types of Information
1.5.1 Strategic Information
1.5.2 Managerial Information
1.5.3 Operational Information
1.6 Attributes of Information
1.7 Information needs of managers
1.8 Web Databases
1.9 Data warehousing
1.10 Characteristics of Data Warehouse
1.11 Need for Data Warehousing
1.12 Benefits of Data Warehousing
1.13 Future of data warehouse
1.14 Limitations of Data Warehouse
1.15 Applications of Data Warehousing
1.16 Advantages of Data Warehousing

Review Questions
Chapter 2
2.1 Knowledge
2.2 Different Types of Knowledge
2.2.1 Explicit Knowledge
2.2.2 Tacit Knowledge
2.2.3 Embedded Knowledge
2.3 Knowledge Management
2.3.1 Tools Used in Knowledge Management
2.4 Purpose of Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

Review Question
Chapter 3

Information System for Decision Making

3.1Concepts of Decision Making

3.2 Types of Decision
3.3 Essential steps in process of decision making / Phases of Decision making process
3.4 Decision Support System (DSS)
3.5 Characteristics of DSS
Review Question
Chapter 4

Information System Concepts

4.1 Definition of Information System

4.2 Why information systems?
4.3 Need for Efficient Information System
4.4 Information System and its Role in Management
4.5 Elements / Components of an Information System
4.6 Information system Resources
4.7 Functions of an Information System
4.8 Types of Information Systems
4.9 Transaction Processing Systems
4.9.1 TPS Components
4.9.2 Characteristics of Transaction Processing Systems
4.9.3 Features of TPS
4.10 Office Automation System
4.10.1 Benefits of OAS
4.11 Process Control Systems
4.12 Decision Support System
4.12.1 Components of a DSS or Architecture of DSS
4.12.2 Attributes of Decision Support Systems
4.12.3 Types of Decision Support Systems
4.13 Benefits of DSS
4.14 Executive Support Systems / Executive Information Systems
4.14.1 Components of Executive Information System (EIS)/ESS
4.14.2 Characteristics of the Executive Support System/ Executive Information System
4.14.3 Benefits of Executive Information System / Executive Support System
4.14.4 Advantages of ESS/EIS
4.14.5 Disadvantage of ESS/EIS
4.15 Management Information System
4.15.1 Benefits of MIS
4.15.2 Comparison between the Management Information System and the Decision
Support System
4.15.3 Difference between DSS, MIS and EIS

Review Question
Chapter 5

Introduction to Management Information Systems

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Definition of MIS
5.3 What is Management Information System?
5.4 Evolution of MIS
5.5 Objectives of MIS
5.6 Why Management Information System?
5.7 Structure of MIS
5.7.1 MIS Structure Based on the Physical Components
5.8 Advantages of MIS
5.9 Characteristics of MIS
5.10 Role of MIS
5.11 Uses of MIS
5.12 Prerequisites of an Effective MIS
5.13 Impact of MIS
5.14 Limitations of MIS
5.15 MIS and Other Disciplines
5.15.1 Computers and MIS
5.15.2 Academics and MIS
5.15.3 Management Accounting and MIS
5.15.4 Operations Research and MIS
5.15.5 MIS versus Data Processing
5.16 MIS for a Business Organization :
Review Questions
Chapter 6
6.1 System Analysis
6.2 Need for System Analysis
6.3 Requirements of a Good Systems Analyst
6.4 Roles of System Analyst
6.5 Different tools for the System Analysis and Design
6.5.1 Entity
6.5.2 Structured English
6.5.3 Decision Tables
6.5.4 Data Dictionary
6.5.5 Decision Tree
6.5.6 Flow Chart

Systems Development

6.5.7 Data Flow Diagram

6.6 System Development Life Cycle
6.6.1 Systems Analysis
6.6.2 Systems Design Physical System Design Database Design
6.6.3 Programming
6.6.4 System Testing
6.6.5 Conversion
6.6.6 Production and Maintenance
6.7 Stages of System Design
Review Questions

Chapter 7

Input/output and Form Design

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Input Design
7.3 Output Design
7.4 Form Design
7.4.1 Classification of Forms
7.4.2 Requirements of Forms Design
Review Questions
Chapter 8

File Organizatoins

8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Sequential File Organization
8.1.2 Indexed- Sequential Organization
8.1.3 Inverted List Organization
8.1.4 Direct- Access File Organization (Random Access or Relative File organization)
Review Questions
9.1 What is System Implementation?
9.2 System Implementation Methods
9.3 System Implementation steps
9.4 Construction Phase of Systems Implementation
9.5 Delivery Phase of Systems Implementation
Review Questions

System Implementation

Chapter 10

Functional Management Information Systems

10.1 Marketing System

10.2 Personnel Management
10.3 Financial Management
10.4 Production Management
10.5 Accounting System
10.6 Manufacturing System
10.7 Inventory Control System
10.8 Budgetary Control System
10.9 Computerized Accounting Systems
10.9.1 Basic requirements of the computerized accounting system
10.9.2 Limitations of Computerized Accounting System
10.9.3 Advantages of Computerized Accounting System
10.9.4 Disadvantages of Computerized Accounting System
10.10 IS Organization
10.11 Top managements responsibility
Review Questions
Chapter 11

Development of MIS

11.1 Different Approaches to Development of MIS

11.2 Pitfalls in MIS Development
11.3 Factors responsible for development of MIS
11.4 Role of Computer in MIS
Review Questions
Chapter 12
12.1 Introduction
12.2 What is Database?
12.3 Objectives of Database
12.4 Data Base Management Systems
12.4.1 Elements of DBMS
12.5 Database Approach
12.6 Application Areas of Database System / Uses of Database
12.7 Characteristics of Database
12.8 Advantages of Database Approach
12.9 Disadvantages of Database Approach
12.10 Database Models
12.10.1 Hierarchical Data Model
12.10.2 Network Data Model
12.10.3 Relational Data Model
12.11 Database Administrator
12.11.1 Functions of DBA

Data Base Concepts

12.11.2 Role of Data Base Administrator

Review Questions
Chapter 13

Expert System

13.1 Expert System

13.2 How Expert Systems Work
13.3 Building an Expert System
13.4 Components of an Expert System
13.5 Developing Expert Systems
13.6 Advantages of Expert Systems
13.7 Disadvantages of Expert Systems
13.8 Application of Expert Systems
13.9 Features of Expert System
13.10 Benefits of Expert Systems
13.11 Limitations of Expert Systems
Review Questions

Chapter 14
14.1 Introduction
14.2 System Audit
14.3 System Audit Framework
Review Questions
APPENDI A; Past University Question Papers
APPENDIX B: Solved Question Papers

System Audit

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