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Investment Capital
City, Country
Investment Manager Private Equity Group
Dec 2015 Present

Supervisory Board observer at: Company 1, Company 2, Company 3, Company 4, and Company 5

In charge of investor relations and fund administration (e.g. quarterly/annual reporting, LP communication, capital
calls/distributions) and (completed) fundraising due diligence for latest fund

In supervision of associates and analysts along with senior team for deal flow sourcing and portfolio management

Responsible for 8 completed transactions of which 2 were cross-border (3 stand-alone, 4 bolt-on acquisitions, and 1 exit)
Selected Transaction Experience:

Partial exit and merger of Company 1 - Responsible for all aspects (e.g. modeling, due diligence, negotiations, legal
proceedings). Lead representative for Investment Capital on exit committee of Mergco (combined entity).

Acquisition of Company 3 Lead investment manager. Responsible from sourcing to closing. Observer representation on
Supervisory board. Subsequently closed three bolt-on acquisition for successful execution of investment thesis thus far.
Business Analyst Private Equity Group
Jan 2014 Dec 2015

Responsible for all aspects of transactions and investment management (deal sourcing, due diligence, financial modeling,
investment proposals, strategic & market analysis, implementing and monitoring reporting structures)

Organize annual event 1 (thought leadership event) and event 2 (company networking event)
Selected Transaction Experience:

Acquisition and merger of Addco (Company 2 bolt-on) Responsible for proprietary sourcing and execution of foreign
bolt-on acquisition (laid first contact, financial modeling, due diligence, jointly led negotiations, legal execution)

Acquisition of Company 4 Responsible for proprietary sourcing and execution of transaction. Observer representation on
supervisory board. Created operational model with CEO and engaged in various operational improvement tracks
Various IT
City, Country
Jan 2013 Sep 2013
Administrative employee and junior developer

Responsible for front-end website development, handling customer accounts, and administrative processes

Insurance Co.
City, Country
Asset and Risk Management Intern
Apr 2012 Jun 2012

Developed a risk dashboard offering insight into Solvency II framework through market metrics on capital tiers, hedge
positions, fixed-income position duration and interest rate exposure

Along with investment committee analyzed and executed various interest rate swaps to improve Solvency II capital ratios

Assisted asset managers responsible for equity, fixed-income and risk management of 3.5 billion fund
PEA (Country Private Equity Association) Private Equity Course
CFA Track Passed level I; Level II candidate
City University School of Economics and Management
Master of Science in Finance; Chartered Financial Analyst Track
City University School of Management
Master of Science in Business Administration; Strategy specialization
City University School of Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

May 2016
December 2015
City, Country
Sep 2011 Oct 2013
City, Country
Sep 2010 Sep 2012
City, Country
Sep 2007 Jun 2010

City Student Ice Hockey Team - Captain (Jan 2013-present)
National Student Ice Hockey Championship Organizer (Feb-May 2013)
City Student Golf Association Board Secretary (2011-2012)
Tournament Commission City Student Golf Association (2011-2012)

City, Country
City, Country
City, Country
City, Country


Native proficiency in English and Language 2, Intermediate proficiency in Language 3

Software/Programming: Well-versed in Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS, STATA. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBA

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