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Install NuSMV Software Steps

1) Download NuSmv 2.6 (src) from
Extract and place in home directory
2) Install follwoinf softwares required ( also gcc and g )
sudo apt-get install cmake flex bison libreadline-dev
3) Go to /home/username/NuSMV-2.6.0/NuSMV ( open terminal ) and make directory a
nd go into that directory
mkdir build
cd build/
4) cmake with zchaff on
5) sudo make
6) gedit ~/.bashrc
add follwoing line to end of .bashrc file and save
export NUSMV_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/username/NuSMV-2.6.0/NuSMV/share/nusmv/
7) Go to /home/username/NuSMV-2.6.0/NuSMV/build/ folder and open terminal run fo
llowing command
sudo make install
8) check if software install by writing
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Install NuXmv Software Steps
1) Download NuXmv fromor copy from usb ( use affiliation usd and email
2) extract and place in home directory nuXmv-1.1.1-Linux
3) Open terminal from home directory and open bashrc file using
gedit ~/.bashrc

add follwoing lines at end of file and save

export NUXMV_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/username/nuXmv-1.1.1-Linux/share/nuxmv/
export PATH="/home/username/nuXmv-1.1.1-Linux/bin/:$PATH"
4) Run this command to make effect to environment variables
source .bashrc
5) test if program working using
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------at one place ( extra thing )
export NUSMV_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/username/NuSMV-2.6.0/NuSMV/share/nusmv/
export NUXMV_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/username/nuXmv-1.1.1-Linux/share/nuxmv/
export PATH="/home/username/nuXmv-1.1.1-Linux/bin/:$PATH"

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