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interview You have been operating the TrueNorth Health Center since 1984.
In 2007 you moved to a much larger facility. How is the new
location working out?
In September 2007, we took over a 24,000 square foot facility in the most

An interview beautiful area of Santa Rosa, CA. After a comprehensive top to bottom
renovation we opened our fabulous new facility. We now have over three

with Alan dozen private rooms with private bathrooms. We have incorporated modern
amenities including private phones with voice mail, broadband Internet
access via WI-FI, large screen flat panel TVs with DVD players and cable
Goldhamer, D.C. access. Our goal was to make the experience of fasting somewhat less
by Mark Huberman
But doesn’t the inclusion of TVs, Internet Access, and DVDs into the
fasting experience risk interference with the total physiological
rest and lifestyle discipline that is supposed to be the foundation
of the process? I mean, what might Dr. Shelton say!
Dr. Goldhamer is a Life We live in a different world today and the availability of big screen TVs,
member of the National Health DVD players, etc., make viewing our outstanding collection of health
Association and a member of education videos enjoyable and effective. I think Dr. Shelton would be
amazed at the quality of educational materials we have collected. For those
the NHA Board of Directors.
who prefer to have intense rest during fasting, they can choose to leave the
During a recent interview with TV and computer unplugged.
Mark Huberman, he discussed
the expansion of TrueNorth I know that your facility has a rich history of attracting some
Health Center which is famous patients including movie stars, politicians and some major
celebrating its 25th business executives. Has your new facility increased that interest?
Anniversary this year. Our new facility makes people from any walk of life feel secure and
comfortable. We have seen a substantial increase in the number of influential
people participating in our program.

Has your new facility allowed you to offer programs in addition

to supervised fasting.
Yes, we offer supervised water and juice fasting programs and a healthy
eating and exercise option. We have an affiliated fitness center with excellent
trainers and a variety of equipment available. We are also adjacent to a lovely
walking path.

But is “juice fasting” really fasting?

No, fasting is water-only. However, fasting is not for everyone and a diet
of juices only can be a useful tool in helping people move in the direction
of health.

Has your larger facility required you to expand the staff?

Absolutely. We now have two medical doctors, a clinical psychologist, five
chiropractors, four massage therapists, a wonderful chef, nutrition educators
and a support staff of over 20. We offer an education program that includes
twice daily live and recorded presentations, cooking classes and question
and answer sessions.


“In the early years we were limited to training two doctors
per year. We currently have seven doctors training at
TrueNorth Health.” Dr. Goldhamer
Have you also made changes in the food you offer? How many interns have you trained, and have many
We are fortunate to have hired a classically trained chef gone on to operate fasting clinics themselves?
who has done an outstanding job of using the tremendous In the early years we were limited to training two doctors
variety of organically grown fruits and vegetables available per year. We currently have seven doctors training at
to us in California and making a variety of interesting and TrueNorth Health. I am also teaching courses in clinical
tasty dishes for our participants. The cooking classes are fasting at three schools of naturopathic medicine and one
very popular as well. chiropractic college. Many of my students come to the
center for preceptorships or internships and the number
And speaking of food, tell me about your new of doctors applying has increased tremendously. Many of
food service. our interns have opened facilities, however, the challenges
We have recently started a new food service called True of keeping a facility open that offers medically supervised
North Health Kitchen which is a personal chef service for fasting is still very difficult.
our patients. Healthy options can be ordered by visiting
the Center’s website: Do any stand out?
Yes, Stephan Esser, M.D., grandson of Dr. William Esser, is
an outstanding new doctor. Stephan was accepted to
With all these upgrades, is fasting still affordable
Harvard Medical School for his residency in physical
at your new Center? medicine and, with outstanding doctors like him coming
Yes, we have not changed our rates. Participants can still along, the future looks bright.
secure a private room with private bathroom for $139 a
You have three papers that have been published
You have two books, The Pleasure Trap and The in peer-reviewed scientific journals dealing with
Health Promoting Cookbook. Are there others in fasting in the treatment of high blood pressure and
the pipeline? diabetes. Is there more research on the horizon?
Our first studies entitled “Medically Supervised Water-
Yes, I am currently working on a new
only Fasting in the Treatment of High Blood Pressure,”
book on fasting.
were written with the help of T. Colin Campbell at Cornell
University. We demonstrated the largest effects ever shown
Tell us about the intern in treating high blood pressure in humans with fasting and
training program for doctors? a health promoting vegan diet. We are currently working
I am proud to report that we have on a prospective study that will look at the clinical and cost
been accepted by a number of of care outcomes in treating autoimmune disorders in-
naturopathic, chiropractic and cluding lupus (SLE), arthritis, colitis and diabetes with
now medical schools as a training fasting and a health-promoting diet.
site for doctors. These preceptorships The original studies can be downloaded from our web
are a part of their medical training site at
and they learn about the use
of clinical fasting.The You operate the world’s largest fasting facility,
most motivated can re-
turn for internships
conduct research, train doctors, teach fasting, treat
where they can be- patients and write books. What do you do in your
come eligible for spare time?
certification by the I like to play basketball, hike with my lovely wife Jen-
IAHP in fasting nifer and my son Gar, and play with my four-year-old
supervision. grandson, Colin.

H E A LT H S C I E N C E ■ SPRING 2009 23

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