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FIGHT FOR CHILDRE ‘Asio's feshever Chikkon's Comploint Office (CO) has been estabished by the Provinci! ‘Ombussmnan Sindh (POS). The Gi 5 10 create a chicKen-soecite redkess mechon’m agaist Injusiee ond to ensure eccountabitly of deperimants / isttulons functioning under the Government of Sect Chicren’s Compiont Otfice, under POS-UNCEE portnertip 8 @ decicoted redres ond response sytem lor compen relating 0 and by chictan, against maladminiiraton by any provinciol ‘agency, instivion or pubic body ike police. educations instutions, prions. erphanagek ‘government authodtas doing with chicren and NGOs. ‘Complaints may be lodged by children or by any adult on their behalf especially for vulnerable children, such as: + Sheet komen Chien + Wing Chien + Date Cikten “Vet ottoticing + ChikreninContc wit tow + Chasen tif Seperton Don't accept child abuse, report to Children's Complaint Office (CCO) 6 Established through partnership with UNICEF Children’s Complaint Office | “cas” Provincial Ombudsman Sindh Pee eee Meee eee ca eR cg

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