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Gospel Revolution


Vol 3 Issue 3

His Word | page 2

Understanding The
Significance Of The

Olive Tree
Anointing Oil
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You have a life of victory

because of Jesus!
Discover all that you possess through Jesus finished work
with these resources by Joseph Prince

Masterpiece CD Series

4-CD Audio Series (Approx. total duration: 3hr 25min)

When Jesus walked on earth, most of His miracles were
in the area of healing because that is His natureto heal.
In this dynamic Bible teaching, Joseph Prince expounds
on what Gods Word says about health and healing, as
well as how to receive them with faith and patience.

Stand Strong CD Series

2-CD Audio Series (Approx. total duration: 2hr 25min)

Your place is in Christ, who is seated in heaven at the

Fathers right hand. And Christ is resting while the Father
enforces the victory that He achieved at the cross. In this
audio series by Joseph Prince, discover how you can trust
in your heavenly Father and adopt an attitude of rest as
He makes your enemies your footstool!

Faith-Filled Words CD Series

4-CD Audio Series (Approx. total duration: 2hr 35min)

God has placed the power of life and death in your
tongue. Faith is released when you choose to speak
what you want to see according to Gods Word, rather
than what you see in your natural circumstances. Join
Joseph Prince as he reveals how faith is not about
doing right, but about resting and believing in Jesus
finished work and speaking it forth.

For a gift of

US$30 or more

To order, please use the order form enclosed with this newsletter.

Jesus Has The Final Word


Revelation 1:8
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,
says the Lord

Please send all
correspondence, enquiries,
requests to: Joseph Prince
Ministries, Inc., PO Box
2115, Fort Mill SC 29716,
USA; tel: 866 909 9673
(toll-free); email:
Gospel Revolution is
published by Joseph
Prince Ministries, Inc.,
a non-profit organization
in the USA. Copyright
Joseph Prince Ministries,
Inc., 2010. All rights
reserved. No part of
this publication may be
reproduced in whole
or in part without prior
written permission.
Gospel Revolution has no
subscription or newsstand
price, and is supported
through contributions
worldwide. All gifts to
Joseph Prince Ministries,
Inc. are tax-deductible in
the USA only.
Unless stated otherwise,
all articles touching on
the Word are based on
Joseph Princes messages.
Other opinions reflected
in this newsletter do not
necessarily represent
those of the ministry or
publications team.
Unless stated otherwise,
all scripture quotations
are taken from the New
King James Version.
Copyright 1982 by
Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All
rights reserved.

he doctor has just told you that you have an incurable disease. The X-rays
and blood tests confirm it. Your worst fears have come true and you feel like
your future has been sealed.

My friend, the doctors report is not final. Jesus declares to you, I am the Alpha
and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. (Revelation 1:8) He has the first word
as well as the final word in your situation. The experts and medical reports dont!

Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. But Jesus did
not speak Greek. He spoke Aramaic or Hebrew. So He would have said, I am the
Aleph and the Tav. Aleph and tav are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
So what Jesus is declaring to us is this: I have the first word in your situation. And I
have the final word in your situation!
Each Hebrew letter has a corresponding picture. Interestingly, aleph is associated
with an ox and tav, a cross. Together, they make up a beautiful picture of what Jesus
did for usHe is the sacrificial animal on the cross. It was for us that He suffered,
bled and died.
When Jesus hung on the cross, He also took our infirmities and bore our
sicknesses. (Matthew 8:17). That is why your sickness does not have the final word
in your life. Jesus does because He took your sickness upon His body and paid for
your healing with His blood.
When Jesus hung on the cross, He took our curse. (Galatians 3:13) We were
supposed to be cursed because of our sins, but He took our place and the curse fell
on Him. Today, we take His place and His blessings fall on us!
So why settle for the curse of sickness or even poverty when the price for your
healing and prosperity has been paid by Jesus? Sickness and poverty do not have the
final word in your life. Jesus does because He redeemed you from every curse!
Beloved, when man says that it is impossible, Jesus says that it is possible. The
Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, has the final word in your situation!


His Word

The Significance Of
The Olive Tree And

Anointing Oil

In the Old Testament, God ordained the anointing oil to bless

His people. But what can new covenant believers use it for
today? Joseph Prince shares from the Bible how the anointing
oil speaks of Christ and His finished work. Understanding this
will give you access to Gods supernatural provision of health,
wholeness and prosperity!

he Bible mentions in many places the grain,

wine and oil. For years, I had wondered why
the Lord always mentions these three items
together. So I asked the Lord and I thank Him that
the search is over.
Through the grain, wine and oil, we can receive
by grace, not by accomplishing or striving, all the
benefits of Jesus. Man ate his way into trouble in
the Garden of Eden. By the same token, you can eat
your way back into Gods blessings today.

Seeing Christ In The Grain, Wine And Oil

The grain and wine represent the Holy Communion,
which speaks of the broken body of Jesus and the
blood that He shed. To make bread, you take the
wheat or grain, then crush and beat it to make
dough. Then, you punch the dough and put it into
the fiery heat for it to become bread. Thats what
happened to our Lord Jesus on the crossHe
became our Bread of Life.
To get wine, the grapes not only have to be
plucked, they also need to be crushed and trodden
upon. Likewise, our Lord Jesus was trodden upon by
the judgment of God and He became new wine for
all of us.
Olive oil comes from the olive fruit. But when
you press the fruit real hard, you wont find oil, only
a white sap. Also, the fruit tastes very bitter. To get
the oil, the fruit and its seed have to be crushed by
a great weight in an olive press. The crushing also
removes the bitterness. In the same manner, Jesus
was crushed under the burden and weight of our
sins, and under the judgment of a holy God. He was
crushed to become the anointing oil that heals us

Ordained By God
God is bringing the church to a place where we see
the importance of the holy anointing oil. Gods way
is always for us to act on what we can do in the
natural, and He will accomplish in the supernatural
what we cannot. Using the anointing oil is biblical
and ordained by God. So dont let people tell you
that you are superstitious for using the anointing oil.
James 5:1415
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call
for the elders of the church, and let
them pray over him, anointing him with
oil in the name of the Lord. 15And the
prayer of faith will save the sick, and
the Lord will raise him up. And if he has
committed sins, he will be forgiven.

...Jesus was crushed under the

burden and weight of our sins, and
under the judgment of a holy God.
He was crushed to become the
anointing oil that heals us today.
It was a practice in the early church to use the
anointing oil on the sick. So when the elders of the
church visited the sick, they anointed the sick person
with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of
faith will save the sick shows us clearly that this is not
a superstition, but something done in faith. How do
you have faith? faith comes by hearing, and hearing by
the word of God. (Romans 10:17) So once you have a
revelation about what the Bible teaches on a subject,
faith for that area will come.

Fresh Oil Of The New Covenant

Lets look at Psalm 92, a psalm for the Sabbath. In verse
10, it says, But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I
have been anointed with fresh oil. God expects us to have
fresh oil because when oil gets stagnant, it becomes
The word fresh in Hebrew is ra anan which means
green. Notice that extra virgin olive oil is green. Green
speaks of newness or youth. So the oil has to be of the
new covenant because the oil of the old covenant is
The old covenant tells you that you must obey God
before He can heal your body. Some people believe that
and their faith becomes stale. They will slowly stay away
from God because of wrong believing.
But do you know that the new covenant doesnt
teach that? It teaches that despite your failures, God will
heal you. As seen earlier in James 5:15, even if a person
has committed sins, he need not feel disqualified because
God will forgive his sins through the prayer of faith.
Once sin, the biggest hindrance, has been removed, what
is there to stop us from receiving from God?
After we have prayed over the olive oil, it becomes
holy anointing oil. Holy means set apart for Gods
purposes. It also means separated fromdarkness
into light, lack into abundance and sickness into
wholeness. Thus, the anointing oil is no longer just
natural oil. The next verse says:
Psalm 92:11
My eye also has seen my desire on my
enemies; my ears hear my desire on the
wicked who rise up against me.

When you are anointed with green or fresh oil, its

going to affect your eyes and ears. Your eyes will see
victory and your ears will hear victory. So the wicked
or your enemies will not prosper, but you will!
Before you read the Bible, you can tell the Lord,
I am anointing my eyes, Lord. Let me see You afresh
in the Scriptures. Then, you will find that the Bible
comes alive for you. You are relying on the Holy Spirit
to give you revelations, to guide you into all truths,
and not trusting in your own intellect.

Yokes Destroyed, Burdens Lifted

Isaiah 10:27
It shall come to pass in that day that
his burden will be taken away from
your shoulder, and his yoke from your
neck, and the yoke [satanic bondage]
will be destroyed because of the
anointing oil.
Sometimes, you feel stressed and are full of
worries. After a quarrel or moment of strife, you
sense a weight on your shoulders. The word his
in the above verse refers to the Assyrians, Israels
enemies then. Today, it represents the spirit of the
anti-Christ or the devil who seeks to oppress you.
An ox has a yoke around its neck to pull the cart.
Likewise, the devil wants to put a yoke on your
neck to pull you wherever he wants you to go. For
instance, if you are addicted to nicotine, the devil
tells you, You cannot but smoke. Ive got you
where I want you.
But the thing that can destroy this yoke is the
anointing oil. You may say, Pastor Prince, the oil
represents the power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, the
Holy Spirit is 100 per cent involved here. But in this
context, God says to use the anointing oil. Then,
the power of the Holy Spirit will destroy every
satanic bondage in your life.
Notice that the yoke will be destroyed and
not broken. There is a difference between these
two words. When something is broken, it can be
repaired. But when something is destroyed, it is
beyond repair. Gods anointing oil will destroy every
satanic bondage in your life beyond repair!

Restoration Of Time And Family Life

When the devil wants to attack you, one of the ways he
comes against you is to steal from you. In Deuteronomy
28, there is a very interesting principle to observe
under the portion of the curses.

Gods anointing oil will destroy

every satanic bondage in your life
beyond repair!
Deuteronomy 28:3840
You shall carry much seed out to the
field but gather little in, for the locust shall
consume it. 39You shall plant vineyards and
tend them, but you shall neither drink of the
wine nor gather the grapes; for the worms
shall eat them. 40You shall have olive trees
throughout all your territory, but you shall
not anoint yourself with the oil; for your
olives shall drop off.
The seed here refers to grain and in the vineyards, you
have wine. Notice that the devil is out to consume your grain
and wine, so he sends the locusts and worms. He is also out to
consume your oil.
Lets look at the next verse to find out why the devil
wants to take away these things from your life.
Deuteronomy 28:41
You shall beget sons and daughters, but
they shall not be yours; for they shall go into
Whenever there is a lack of the grain, wine and oil,
your family life is affected. You may have children whom
you love deeply, but when they grow up, you lose them.
Mixing with bad company, they become captive to drinking,
partying and drug addictions.
But God has prepared a way out for you.
Joel 2:2324
for He has given you the former rain
faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come
down for youthe former rain, and the
latter rain in the first month. 24The threshing
floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall
overflow with new wine and oil.
The former rain in Hebrew refers to a teacher of
righteousness. The reason God gives you a teacher of
righteousness is so that the church, your home and your
workplace will be full of grain, and overflowing with new
wine and oil. And the next verse says:
Joel 2:25
So I will restore to you the years that
the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling
locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing
locust, My great army which I sent among you.
Here, the chewing locust refers to the worm. The King

...when you pray over your bottle

of natural olive oil in Jesus name,
God sets it apart and it becomes
holy anointing oil.
Here, the chewing locust refers to the worm.
The King James Bible uses the word palmerworm.
When your life is full of the grain, wine and oil, God
will restore to you the years that the locusts and
worms have eaten. Some of you may say, Pastor
Prince, once the years have passed, they are gone.
But the Creator of time says that He will restore to
you the years that have been wasted!

Revealing The Beauty Of

The Olive Tree
When you study the olive tree, you will be blessed
because every part of the tree has a meaning. Today,
when you go to the Garden of Gethsemane in Israel,
you will find really old olive trees with gnarled
trunks. Interestingly, the trunk of an olive tree is
hollow unlike most trees.
Why is the olive tree trunk hollow? The olive
tree represents each of us and God wants us to
remember always that we are created by God with
this purposeto contain Him only, not ourselves or
the devil.
People who dont fulfill or refuse to accept Gods
purpose for them will feel empty inside. They can do
many things to fill themselves uplive for pleasure,
earn lots of money, get whatever they desirebut
they will end up feeling empty. You can even see
the emptiness if you look real close into their eyes.
But when you look at those who are full of God,
there is a fire in their eyes and a spring in their steps
everywhere they go.
In the Bible, God describes His people Israel as
the Green Olive Tree. (Jeremiah 11:16) We, who
were formerly Gentiles, have been grafted into this
olive tree. (Romans 11:1325) The olive tree lives
long, so expect to live a good, long life. Have you
wondered how the olive tree lives long?


Prayer For Anointing Oil

You may approach a pastor or leader in your local
church to pray over and consecrate your oil for you. As
a king and priest in Christ (Revelation 1:6), you can also
pray over the oil and set it apart to be holy. Heres a
prayer for blessing and sanctifying your oil:
In the name of the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and by
the power of the Holy Spirit, I set this oil apart to be
holy anointing oil.
This oil is the holy anointing oil with the power to cast
out demons and to heal the sick according to the Word
in Mark 6:13 and James 5:14.
It sets us apart unto God and makes us more than
conquerors and overcomers.
It honors God and man, and brings glory to Jesus Christ.
This anointing oil gives us gladness and empowers us for
service unto God.
It speaks of the finished work of Christ and gives us
protection from all evil.
This anointing oil blesses us and gives us complete
victory in Jesus Christ. Amen!

Through the grafting process, the

offshoots grow out of the old hollow
trunk and perpetuate the trees life.
In Psalm 128:3, it says, Your wife shall
be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of
your house, your children like olive plants
all around your table. Your children
will perpetuate your life. Even in
the church, the new generation will
perpetuate the life of the church.

Benefits Of The Olive Oil

Released Through The Cross
A few years ago when I was in
Capernaum, the hometown of Jesus, I
saw an olive press. The guide explained
that olive berries were put in the press
and crushed with a huge millstone. The
first press produces extra virgin olive oil,
which is used to light the Jewish temple.
The oil from the second press is used for
medicine, while the oil from the third or
last press is used for making soap.
At that moment, the Holy Spirit
revealed to me, Thats what happened
to Jesus in Gethsemane. Gethsemane,
which means oil press, was where
Jesus was first pressed in a time of

darkness (Luke 22:53), so that we

will always be in the light and walk
in the light.
The light makes you see
what othersyour competitors,
professors, scientistscannot
see in the natural. It is the Holy
Spirit that gives you spiritual
enlightenment. For instance,
people saw David as a shepherd
boy. But Samuel, under the
anointing of the Holy Spirit, saw
a king in David. So the anointing
oil will cause you to see how God
sees. And when you see how
He sees, you will enjoy what He
The second press took place
after Jesus was brought from
Gethsemane and scourged. Jesus
is our medicine because by His
stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)
A member in our church told
me that he had eczema on his
left thigh for some time. He had
applied all kinds of medication on
his thigh, but the eczema did not
subside. When I first preached
about the anointing oil, he bought

some olive oil and prayed over it.

Then, he started applying the oil
on a daily basis for a week. Today,
he is healed of eczema!
The last press, in which the oil
is used for cleansing, happened
at the cross. Jesus was crushed
under the fiery indignation of a
holy righteous God, suffering the
judgment and penalties for our
sins. His blood has cleansed us of
our sins.
Olive oil in the natural has no
effect on you unless you eat or
use it. But when you pray over
your bottle of natural olive oil
in Jesus name, God sets it apart
and it becomes holy anointing oil.
Use the oil for Gods glory and
see His miracles, prosperity and
restoration in your life!
This article is excerpted from the
message Understanding The Significance Of
The Olive Tree And Anointing Oil preached
by Joseph Prince on 22 June 2008.
Copyright Joseph Prince, 2008. All
rights reserved. To obtain a copy of the
full message, visit the online store at

Praise Reports

What Six Years Of IVF Couldnt

Do, The Blood Did

Not Worrying Leads To


ur son and his wife have been married

for 10 years and were desperate to
have a baby. Six years ago, they began
having In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments.
They kept a record and had at least seven IVF
treatments, all of which were unsuccessful.

or the whole of December 2009, I

was listening to Pastor Joseph Princes
teaching, Live The Let-Go Life!, and
started confessing the verse, Let not your
heart be troubled, every time I sensed that I
was worrying.

In March 2009, my sister bought me your book,

Destined To Reign Devotional. It was my best birthday
present. The reading for 19 March was about
pleading the blood of the Lamb of God over our
family members. The scripture used was Exodus
12:13 and you said that what nine plagues couldnt
do, the blood did.

On 19 January 2010, my daughter was

returning to her university. We had an
outstanding university fee of $989 then. The
morning of her registration on 20 January, I
went to my bank and transferred $789 to my
daughters account. That was all the money I
had then.

I was thrilled reading this, so I prayed for my son

and daughter-in-law, pleading the blood of Jesus
over their situation. I was so excited and knew that
something had happened.

Thirty minutes after transferring the money,

my daughter called screaming on the phone
and saying that the university had given her
a bursary and that it would also include the
outstanding amount in this years fees, so the
outstanding fee was paid.

For the past four years, they have been living in

Thailand and they telephone us every Sunday
morning. A few weeks after I had prayed, my son
called to say that his wife was pregnant. I told him
that I wasnt surprised as I had pleaded Jesus blood
over their situation. What six years of IVF couldnt
do, the blood did. We were so thrilled. On another
Sunday, our son called to say that his wife was eight
weeks pregnant. It had been eight weeks since I
prayed for them! Hallelujah!
In February 2009, my husband and I booked our
flights to go to Thailand for Christmas. We were
due to arrive on 5 December, the day our daughterin-law was scheduled to have a Caesarean section.
I was so thrilled at how the Lord had planned
everything and what a blessing it was for us to
be there for three weeks. However, the baby girl
decided to arrive four weeks early, so our son and
his wife were settled in when we arrived, and our
little miracle is gorgeous!
Thank you so much, Pastor Prince, for your
teachings. I love your sermon CDs and am learning
so much. I listen to them in the car and friends I
take to church love your teachings too.
Inez Knifton | Derbys, England

I really want to thank God for your teachings,

which have transformed my spiritual walk. I am
guarding my heart and as I do so, I find that I
am less fearful. Thank you, Pastor Prince.
Lerato Nkosi | Johannesburg, South Africa

Finding Rest In The Lord

hank you so much. I have been watching

your broadcasts on TV for about three
weeks and I already see a change in me.

I have been a Christian for about 15 years, but

I have been going through a lot. I have been
trying to find rest in the Lord, but its been
hard. But every morning now, its a little bit
easier because the word that you preach each
day is the word that I need.
The Lord is using you and your beautiful
ministry to minister to me. You are an
awesome man of God. God bless you and
your family.
Tikiyah Banks | New York, USA


Praise Reports

Now We Know What Gods Grace Truly Is

Out Of Jail, Dramatically
Transformed By Gods Grace

early a year ago, I was given your

book Destined To Reign by my
parents. At that time, I was serving
a jail sentence for drinking and driving.
Until then, I had spent nearly a decade
away from church after a failed marriage
and a shipwrecked faith. My life was slowly
being destroyed under the weight of
condemnation and shame.

ear Pastor Prince,

Your teachings on Gods Word have truly been a blessing
to me as well as my son. My prayer to the Lord was for
Him to show me what I have never seen before in His Word.
After hearing you preach on Daystar Television Network, I now
know what my son and I have been missing. You helped us to truly
understand what the grace of God is, and what it has done to set
us free from guilt and condemnation that Satan would have us
believe that we are still under.
Now, I know and understand more than ever Gods love for us.
I thank God for sending you into our lives. May He bless you and
your family always.

During that decade, my youngest son, then

aged 20, was murdered. Then, my oldest
son was given six months to live. A second
marriage was also failing. I had turned to
drowning myself in alcohol to numb the
pain of a failed life.

Carolyn Everett | Florida, USA

But I was lit on fire and filled with faith as I

read your book over and over again. I read
the Bible again with a new perspective,
with eyes that had the revelation of grace.

I love God deeply and have always wanted to please Him and live
for Him, but kept failing. Even though I fell in love with Jesus when
I got saved at 18, I quickly lost my passion when I heard about all
the things that I had to DO in order to keep God happy.

The hope that filled me up changed my

life dramatically. During my incarceration,
I shared the good news of Gods grace
and many men came forward to commit
themselves to Christ for the first time,
while others came back to the Lord.

You have set me free. Your teachings that I have watched and
your book Destined To Reign are liberating! It has changed my life
and my ministry! Thank you.

I saw powerful changes in them by the

power of Gods grace. Some of them,
like me, are out of jail now. Those who
have stayed in contact with me write to
let me know that they are still serving
Jesus passionately in His grace. One is
even responding to a call to ministry and
is applying for a place in a Bible College.
I have plugged myself back into a local
church where the pastor preaches
pure grace. No longer do I live under
condemnation and shame. No longer do I
take the antidepressants that I was on for
nine years. And I have been completely
set free from alcohol addiction. My
marriage is also being healed and my
sons health has been restored.
Glory to God! Jesus is real! The grace
of God causes us to overcome!
Thank you so much for your ministry.
Tim Brewer | Washington, USA

Life, Ministry Changed

ear Pastor Prince,

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have changed my

I thank God for your boldness, obedience and love. God bless you
and your family. May you continue to preach the gospel of grace
around the world and help set other people in bondage to the law
and sin free!
Anoushka Naidu | Durban, South Africa

Receiving Healing For Fear,

Insecurity, Condemnation

was introduced to your message of

grace through your program on TV.
Then, I bought your Destined To Reign
book and devotional. They helped me
so much! I have fought fear, insecurity
and condemnation my whole Christian
walk. God healed me a lot through these
books. I want more revelation of His
love and grace.
Thank you for hearing from God
and reaching out to the world. Who
would have thought that a pastor from
Singapore would have the truth that I
so desperately needed. Thank you for
showing me who I really am and what I
have in Christ.
I feel connected to you because you
speak the truth about Gods grace
fearlessly and like you, I was once on the
verge of a nervous breakdown because
of condemnation. Thank you for the
message of Gods grace.
Angie Blain | USA

Cancer Gone!

y husband was told by his

doctor that he had cancer. At
about the same time, you were
teaching about the Lords Supper in your

Mentally Healthier, Happier Than Ever

have suffered from mental health problems for years and

have been hospitalized for this. The treatment given was
medication of the strongest kind.

I would like to thank you Joseph for showing me God and for
the way you teach His grace. You have shown me that God
loves me, no matter what I think of myself.
A very dear friend lent me a copy of your book Destined To
Reign. I would read the book to and from work on the bus.
I would laugh and cry, and forget that I was on the bus with
everyone looking at me, but I didnt care.
I have told my family that I am now a born-again Christian,
which I thought would be difficult for them to understand, but
they have been very supportive as they have seen the changes
in me since God came into my life.
I have stopped smoking and I go swimming every day. I am
happier than I can remember ever being and with the grace of
God, I have slowly come off my medication. I have one more
tablet to go and I will be completely free from all medication!
Some days are still a challenge, but when I find things difficult, I
pray until I find the strength to overcome the problem. Even my
children can see the difference in me and my relationship with
them has improved. So thank you Joseph and God bless you.
Sharon Murphy | Richmond, UK

I remember hearing you tell a true story

about a young lady who fell seriously
ill after a flight and was sent to the
hospital, and how the Lords Supper
healed her. So I told my husband that
every day until he returns to the doctor,
we would pray and take the Lords

The praise reports were shared with Joseph Prince Ministries

via email, post or phone. They were edited for length and
the information furnished by the testimony-givers have been
published in good faith.

After a couple of days, my son joined

in as well. When my husband went for
his last test, he was told that the cancer
could not be found.

Do you have a praise report to share how God has blessed you
through this ministry? We would love to hear from you. Know
that your praise report glorifies His name! You can use our
online praise report form at
(click on Contact and select Praise Report).

I continue to watch your broadcast,

learning something new each time.
Dorothy Ross | Illinois, USA


If you would like to include a photo* of yourself, please write to

us at or at Joseph Prince Ministries,
Inc., PO Box 2115, Fort Mill SC 29716, USA.
*Please note that the photo you send is non-returnable. We may use your photo when we
publish your praise report on our website and/or newsletters.


Event Coverage

Joseph Prince In Italy

Between 27 and 29 May 2010, Joseph Prince was in
Palermo, Italy, to speak at the 25th Anniversary Celebration
at La Parola della Grazia (The Word Of Grace Church).
Invited by its senior pastor, Pastor Lirio Porrello, Joseph
was one of the key guest speakers at the event.

Over three days, Joseph preached at a

total of five sessions. At each session, he
addressed more than 2,500 delegates,
among whom were pastors and leaders
from 20 to 30 churches all over Italy.
Expounding on the gospel of grace with
the aid of an interpreter, Josephs message
left a deep and profound impact on the
delegates. During the first two evening
sessions, Joseph entered a time of ministry
at the end of each session where some
delegates experienced supernatural healing.



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Parenting With Grace

1-DVD Album (Approx. total duration: 1hr 12min)

For a gift of $19.90 and more

Although parenting children can sometimes be challenging,
your family life can be like days of heaven on earth! In this
practical DVD teaching, Joseph Prince not only shares gracebased principles for raising your children, but also reveals your
heavenly Fathers love for you. Catch these revelations and be
equipped to parent your children with grace!

The Power Of The Cross DVD

3-DVD Album (Approx. total duration: 3hr 2min)

For a gift of $59.90 and more

Are failures in your life causing you to feel ashamed or
condemned? Be encouraged because Jesus finished work
has delivered you from darkness and qualified you to enjoy
Gods goodness. Join Joseph Prince as he unfolds gems of
truths about your right standing in Christ today and begin to
exercise your rights as a believer!

Receiving Healing With Faith

And Patience DVD

1-DVD Album (Approx. total duration: 1hr 15min)

For a gift of $19.90 and more

Have you ever believed God for healing and found that the
results were not forthcoming? Then learn that manifestations
of healing are not always instantaneous, and that it is vitally
important for you not to give up and to keep believing in the
finished work of Jesus. Discover how to receive healing with
faith and patience, looking always at Jesus, the author and
finisher of your faith.

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based entirely on
your own efforts,
or entirely on the
unmerited favor
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