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Introduction, Context & Funding

While post the January 12 disaster, consequences and effects

remain, increase the poverty and the vulnerability of more than
1,500,000 families in Haiti, creates new poverty in a manageable
manner, the severest type of cholera make itself-known in the
artibonite department in Haiti an get a speed of propagation that
reaches the geographic departments of the country in about two
The conditions of insalubrity, poor hygiene in
households, and the passivity of the population
hence the threat of the epidemic, utmost in the
cyclonic season (June-November). As of 7 July
2011, the cumulative number of reported
cholera cases was 386,428 of which 205,469 were
hospitalized and 5,885 died.
Beside other Partners, Haiti Participative (HP) and UNICEF
concluded a small scale cooperation in support to the passage of the ZeroCholera Caravan in the context of a peak of cholera alerted and confirmed in
Carrefour, with the objective to contribute to reduce the propagation of the epidemic
in the community through massive
sensitization and reinforcement of
cholera prevention and cure key
messages, including prevention of the
general waterborne diseases related
to poor hygiene practices. The
contribution of soap and Aquatab
tablets estimated to an amount of USD
3,000, which represents a modest
contribution to a financial effort of an
amount of USD 20,565 necessary for
the realization of the 3-week activities.
The report details below prove concretely that the foreseen activities effectively held,
helped HAITI PARTICIPATIVEto reach the set of objectives of this project.

6 imp. Ption, Puie blain 4 route de frre, Ption-ville Hati
Tel : (509)37-01-92-02

The Project
The Zero-Cholera Caravan Project is a collectively held project part of the 2011
national plan of cholera response in Haiti of MSPP and the clusters. It has been created
by HAITI PARTICIPATIVE to be a punctual tool of massive campaign of health and
hygiene promotion and for community vigilance against cholera for quick intervention
in the areas of cholera emergency peaks or zones with potential risks identified by the
Cluster, as this time in Carrefour municipality to address needs and demands related to
emergency of a recent peak.
The main activities undertaken by
the project to address the needs
and meet project objectives was:
(1) in-Community capacity building,
during 1Day of sensitization and
training for (300) three hundreds of
community leaders from schools,
churches, IDP-camps and local
community agents in cholera prevention,
community mobilization, and responsibility of
local leaders in sustaining vigilance for fighting
epidemic and promote health.
Community outreach by Teaming and
deploying 12 Health Promotion Units (HPU) of
Community by HAITI PARTICIPATIVE that take in charge the community outreach
activities of health promotion focusing of cholera in the 11 remote localities of
Carrefour. (3) Public passage of the caravan convoys of mobilization and sensitization
reaching all the accessible localities with sensitization activities, demonstration and
participatory activities mobile and fixed to increase community vigilance and
awareness. (4) Distribution of soap and aquatabs to 1,000 most vulnerable families
identified in order to support hygiene practices efforts in-house and water chlorination
during one month.
The Zero cholera caravan launch by Haiti Participative (HP) and other PARTNERS
Contributed effectively to combat the epidemic propagation in community thru
massive health promotion and specifically thru massive campaign of cholera
prevention and curative measures awareness including prevention of all sort of
epidemic or diseases related to poor hygienes practices.

6 imp. Ption, Puie blain 4 route de frre, Ption-ville Hati
Tel : (509)37-01-92-02

The Project Management Team (PMT) of Haiti PARTICIPATIVE has had to face some
unforeseen difficulties during the implementation period of the project, we may note:


The poor collaboration of the municipal authorities

The difficulty to forge a properly appropriate place for the event
The difficult geographical configuration of the commune that required investing
84, 62% of efforts from community involved groups and PMT to reach remote
The lateness of the mobile-sound company

Results for the Period (expected and attained)

In reference to the LDA, should be undertaken in Carrefour a campaign of sensitization which
aims at developing the sense of engagement in the community and build the capacity to
sustain the health and hygiene promotion to prevent the contamination by the bacteria of
cholera. Activities foreseen in the context was: (1) capacity building and (2) community
outreach through deployment of Health Promotion Units (HPUs) and (3) the passage of the
Caravan convoys ending with a sort of public activities of sensitization and education.
All the activities foreseen in the Cooperation agreement
was realized, and by observing the outcome/output
indicators after the realization of the project KZK in
Carrefour, we conclude that the expected results were
met above expectations.
1- In capacity building in-community, Upon 150
community leaders foreseen to train, 300 was
trained (so 200% reached); and out of 24 Health
promotion agents to train, 108,33% were effectively
2- in community outreached throughout the remote
localities of Carrefour, 12 Health Promotion Units (HPU)
well equipped and with megaphones were effectively
deployed (100% reached); HPUs reached not only 3
remote communal-sections but a total of 11 remotecommunal sections in Carrefour during two days: Belly,
Coupau, Taifer, Malanga, Bouvier, Laval, Procy, Morne-chandelle, Corail Thor, Rivire-froide, Dufreiney, (366,
67% reached) in the agreed delay, promoting handwashing habits, proper techniques of hand-washing
6 imp. Ption, Puie blain 4 route de frre, Ption-ville Hati
Tel : (509)37-01-92-02

and water chlorination, and appropriate life-saving follow-up

to contaminated individuals. So, while it was expected that
HPUs reached about 34,560 individuals with cholera keymessages, after compilation of the HPUs daily reports, its been
revealed that 37,155 individuals (107, 51%) have been reached
by the HPUs with key-messages and interaction throughout
households, churches, market-places and schools.
3- The passage of the Caravan the day of event happened on
Sunday July 24, 2011 and reached populations in the expected
Mobilization and sensitization was carried as
foreseen by three (3) convoys with mobilesounds of mobilization including cultural Rara
band followed by population interacting, and
partners mobiles. The first-convoy departed
Carrefour, the second-convoy departed from
Mahothire-75 Near Bwadyout and the thirdconvoy from Mariani east-ward, all to pass by surrounding localities and the national
road at about human-walk pace during hour hosting mobilization campaign, to reach the
arrival point: Front of Centre-Sportif de Carrefour
at Monrepos-44.
Activities the day of event were full of interest for the
population, they included: Demonstrations of proper
use of chlorine to purify water use of Rain-fresh watersystem Offered by ADRA team, demonstration of
ORS solution with sachet and home-made items, cultural
theater sketches of sensitization against cholera by school
pupils, poem/text-competition between pupils representing ten
(10) schools in the caravan, sensitization messages and
reinforcement of key-messages of prevention and cure by PMT
and partners including DINEPA.
Visual Indicator of Changes included: - People from community
with very limited or no capacity to combat cholera before,
now trained and deployed throughout the commune are
ensuring the job of sensitization conveniently. - Having pupils
with less awareness before, now trained by the school leaders
that were trained expressly by HAITI PARTICIPATIVEteam, and
transformed into agents of sensitization. Number of members
6 imp. Ption, Puie blain 4 route de frre, Ption-ville Hati
Tel : (509)37-01-92-02

of the population that vote for vigilance against cholera in their household and community at
4- Days after the passage of the caravan, in collaboration with community leaders and
tens of community-based organizations of the Committee MEN NAN MEN, 1,000
families of the most vulnerable families were identified and received thru tickets
distribution, Aquatabs and Soaps for families offered by Unicef-WASH, in terms of
follow-up, to support families efforts to build hygiene practices in-household, and water



Key Partnerships
- PAHO/WHO is key partner in the
implementation of this project, furnish a
considerable positive impact on the results
of this period.
- UNICEF, who continually support the
caravan, this time provide SOAPs and
AQUATABS for 1,000 most-vulnerable families

MSPP that, among other worked with the HAITI PARTICIPATIVE PMT to produce a
message of community mobilization approved in the context of the caravan.
Brazilian Battalion that provide assistance to voice-record the approved messages in
- Digicel that furnish a technical support to
spread the recorded messages of community
vigilance against cholera, to Digicel subscribers in
- Other partners involved in the Zero-Cholera
Caravan project in Carrefour included: ADRA,
- At community level participation was
optimum and exemplary with the active involvement
of about 60 community-based groups gathered into
a Committee called: Komite Men Nan Men (KOMM)
and UTADRUI organization.

6 imp. Ption, Puie blain 4 route de frre, Ption-ville Hati
Tel : (509)37-01-92-02

Cross cutting issues


Displaced populations living in camps are comparatively more vulnerable to health hazard
due to increased exposure and susceptibility to risk factors. Promotion of hygiene was made
to reduce the rate of transmission of the infectious disease.
Recommendations & Lessons Learned
- Exploit community-based groups involvement in other projected editions of the
- Very poor access to pure-water is observed in all remote-areas in Carrefour, a followup must be envisioned to improve access to drinking water in those areas to reduce
risk of contamination by the cholera bacteria.
- Distribution should be managed closely and is best when happened after the passage
of the Caravan as a follow-up.
- The Health Promotion Units (HPUs) deployment is a proven method to efficiently reach
the remote areas with difficult access, with education and sensitization.

6 imp. Ption, Puie blain 4 route de frre, Ption-ville Hati
Tel : (509)37-01-92-02

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