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This weekend, Erica is going to compete in a tennis tournament.

She will practice hard all

week because she wants to win the tournament. The winner will receive $1,000. Erica hopes
she will get first place!
Erica's husband is going to travel to the tournament with Erica. He will watch her compete.
He will sit in the stands and cheer for Erica. He is going to be proud of Erica even if she does
not win first place.
Erica's parents are not going to travel to the tournament. They will watch the tournament
on television. They will cheer for Erica at home. They are going to be proud of Erica whether
she wins or loses.

Brent is an American astronaut. Today, he will travel into outer space. At noon, his space
shuttle is going to launch into space. Brent and the other astronauts are going to travel to
the International Space Station. They will stay in space for almost 6 months.
The crew is going to continue research at the space station. They will do some experiments.
They will record their data. They are also going to make some repairs on the space station.
Brent will learn a lot in space. He is going to make videos of his time on the space station.
His family will watch the videos on the internet. They will see what Brent is doing in space.

There is going to be a wedding today. At 4 o'clock this afternoon, Megan Smith and Mark
Jones are going to get married. After today, they will be Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones.
It is going to be a huge celebration. Everyone will be there! They are going to serve dinner
and dessert. The best man will give a speech. Then everyone will dance. The dance will last
until midnight.
The day after the wedding, Megan and Mark are going to leave for their honeymoon. They
are going to travel to Hawaii. They are going to stay there for 7 days. They will have a good
time in Hawaii!

Hi! My name is Hannah and I am nine years old. I am so excited! I am excited because
tomorrow my daddys going to take me to the zoo. I love the zoo!
We are going to see snakes! The last time I went to the zoo I saw the cutest tiny
green snake. I want to see more snakes!
We are going to see the tigers. I am going to roar at the tigers! Can you roar like a
tiger too?
I am going to hop like a kangaroo when I see the kangaroos! When I see the
penguins I am going to waddle like them. They look so funny when they walk!
I am going to sing like the birds and I am going to flap my arms and fly with them
too! I am going to be a beautiful blue bird with a bright yellow beak! My song will be
the most beautiful song ever!
We are going to find the giraffes too. They have very long necks. I am going to
pretend that my neck is very long just like a giraffe! I dont like eating leaves like
giraffes do. No, leaves taste awful! I am only going to pretendto eat them.
My daddys going to let me buy something from the gift shop. I dont know what I am
going to want but I cant wait to see what there is! We are going to have fun! I am
so excited!

Hai! Nama saya Hannah dan saya berusia sembilan tahun. Saya sangat bersemangat! Saya
senang karena besok ayahku akan membawa saya ke kebun binatang. Saya suka kebun

Kita akan melihat ular! Terakhir kali saya pergi ke kebun binatang saya melihat ular hijau
kecil lucu. Saya ingin melihat lebih banyak ular!

Kita akan melihat harimau. Saya akan mengaum di harimau! Anda dapat mengaum seperti
harimau juga?

Saya akan melompat seperti kanguru ketika saya melihat kanguru! Ketika saya melihat
penguin saya akan berlenggak-lenggok seperti mereka. Mereka terlihat begitu lucu ketika
mereka berjalan!

Saya akan bernyanyi seperti burung dan saya akan mengepakkan lengan saya dan terbang
dengan mereka juga! Saya akan menjadi burung biru yang indah dengan paruh kuning
cerah! lagu saya akan menjadi lagu yang paling indah yang pernah!

Kita akan menemukan jerapah juga. Mereka memiliki leher yang sangat panjang. Saya akan
berpura-pura bahwa leher saya sangat panjang seperti jerapah! Saya tidak suka makan
daun seperti jerapah lakukan. Tidak, daun rasa mengerikan! Saya hanya akan berpura-pura
untuk makan mereka.

ayahku akan membiarkan saya membeli sesuatu dari toko suvenir. Aku tidak tahu apa yang
akan saya inginkan, tetapi saya tidak bisa menunggu untuk melihat apa yang ada! Kita akan
bersenang-senang! Saya sangat bersemangat!

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