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Zach Popp

Mr. Mitchinson
AP U.S. Government, Period 6
9 October 2016
My Political Ideology
Part I. Political Socialization Defined

Conservative- A person whose political views favor more local, limited government,
Less government regulations, conformity to social norms and values; rough on crime

Liberal- A person whose views favor more govt involvement in business, social welfare,
minority rights, and increased government spending

Populist- A member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of

ordinary people.

Libertarian- One who is conservative on economic issues, liberal on personal conduct


Under the Political Spectrum Chart I am a Libertarian. I would say thats right. Im
pretty moderate, I just want governments size to reduce.


I definitely think that my family and education have influenced my political opinions the
Most. I would say this because most of the other ones have little to no influence on me. I
would say that Media has some influence on me, but some of the media today is just
super opinionated/influenced that I do not buy it all. Education has a big impact because
that's what I know or learn about the topics. My family has a big influence on me because
they are super conservative so they always have something to say.

Zach Popp
Mr. Mitchinson
AP U.S. Government, Period 6
9 October 2016
Summary Part II. Political Spectrum
I think that the chart represents me accurately to an extent. I say to an extent because
some of the questions were really out there. Also some of the questions weren't straight forward
they had like an underlying meaning to them. What I mean by out there is that I just really
couldn't even comment on the answer correctly. There was no option that just was in the middle.
I had to agree or disagree even if I didn't choose a side. So I guess I could also argue that it
doesn't represent me accurately. The reason being is that I don't get that middle of the road
option. I felt like some of questions were twisted around to make them sound bad. Another thing
I have to say is that the chart doesn't really make any sense to me I looked up where clinton and
trump fell. They fell right around the same spot. So I don't really even get what the chart is
saying. I think for the most part I was able to answer the questions correctly. Some of them were
worded funny so I had too think twice. In the end, I do think I was able to answer the question
how I truly feel about the issues and what the question is really pertaining to. Furthermore, I
would not recommend this little question set to help you identify where you lie on the political
spectrum. All in all, I do think that this was a very interesting set of questions. Some of them did
have a valid straight forward point and some of the other ones did not. The ones that were not
had like this underlying factor to them that made them sound ten times worse than what they
really were. The questions were just worded in ways that could confuses ones with a lower IQ.

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