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Promoting the Borobudur Temple

Into 7 Wonders of the World (Again)

Peace be upon you all,
Ladies and gentlemen, After a long time we have wondered why Borobudur temple hasn't yet
promoted to be 7 wonders of the world, again. But how it happened? What is the cause of it? What
is the precise problem of Borobudur temple to be removed from 7 wonders of the world's list? I am
here to tell you the story about it.
Topic 1 (Comparison between 7 wonders of the world candidates)
Okay, Then what is the present 7 wonders of the world right now?
Christ Redeemer: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Great Wall of China: China
Machu Picchu: Peru
Petra: Jordan
Pyramid at Chichn Itz: Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Roman Colosseum: Rome, Italy
Taj Mahal: Agra, India
What do you think? Are these more wonderfully great rather than Borobudur Temple. Okay let's we
discuss about it one by one. Number one is Christ Redemeer, is that statue older than Borobudur?
Of Course not. You can say that was the most fabulous statue ever made by mankind in 20th
century. And our old Borobudur temple is inexorably incomparable with that
whiny/naughty___holy statue.
The temple had been built in 7th century ago. Then about great wall, where is the exact artistic
value? That wall was built long time ago had only one function that was to defend China from
Mongolian Invasion. In the other hand Borobudur temple's functions was to be a sacred and holy
place. To fulfill that function the temple was purposed to have artistic value. With that value the
temple could attract many Buddha followers to pray in there. The evidence is the relief that attached
on the temple's wall. To craft a scene, just one scene, was extremely difficult at that time.
What about Macchu Picchu? For your information, those building is just a ruined village on
the top of the hill now. There's no more left except, foundation of houses. Look at the Borobudur,
we have everything. Every structure, every relief, and maybe we can get the stolen buddha heads
from that temple.
Petra is just a big stone mount that was crafted to be a building. The main differences come
from Borobudur temple is that Petra Jordan got every resources from one source (that was the hill)
but the temple needs more than one source (those was, andesit stone, hill, many labor force, and
many architect to design those epic reliefs). To be comparable, the difficulty in making Borobudur
is so far more tricky than Petra.
Pyramid at Chichn Itz is less comparable than Borobudur temple, the main reason is that
the temple was built mainly for holy praying, but the pyramid was built for scarifying the soul of
virgin girl to be offered for sun god. With that bloody history, the Borobudur temple is far more
superior than the pyramid.
Next, is Roman Colosseum, we cannot argue that the building was made to held Gladiator
Combat. This is the why the Colosseum is so famous. If we look deeper into the structural builing
and its architectural construct, the building is just a stadium. A very plain stadium. It is far less
superior than Borobudur if we compare it head to head.
The last 7 wonders of the world is Taj Mahal. We know exactly the difficulty in making Taj
Mahal. The problem is Taj Mahal is just a grave of one person. And the glamorous function is just
to prove the love of one person. .., Unlike that, Borobudur temple was built for

everyone, and everybody especially Buddha follower, and more older than Taj Mahal. The point of
difficulty was that they built it in a very different epoch with very different technological advance.
So Why Borobudur is not in the list of seven wonders of the world. The main problem is that
the temple is less popular than those 7 wonders building. So what is the exact mechanism for
enacting a building to be a wonder of the world?
Topic 2 (Mechanism of Wonder of the World Enactment)
7 Wonders of the world is enacted by New7wonders foundations based in Zurich Switzerland. The
criteria for building to be wonder of the world are :
The Official New 7 Wonders of the World cover the whole span of human history, from the
earliest time that Man began to make his mark upon the Earth, to the year 2000 A.D.
All monuments and buildings must have been human-built and in an acceptable state of
preservation.Human built means that people must have been involved in the fashioning of the
monument or building. All candidates for The Official New 7 Wonders had to have been in a
sufficient state of preservation that the originators vision could still be perceived without artificial
aids ruins, however well tended or reconstructed with visual aids, could not be nominated.
Monuments and buildings from all countries and continents in the whole world were eligible
and invited to be nominated. However, only 21 Candidates from 21 countries were selected as
Finalists (see Authority entry below) to be brought to vote. (Only 1 Finalist Candidate was allowed
per country).
Monuments and buildings had to have artistic or architectural value. Purely technological
wonders, whose sole purpose is the application or use of technology, and untouched natural
wonders which have had no human intervention, will be included in future projects of
All of the nominated monuments and buildings were universally recognizable.
Monuments and buildings reflected and celebrated the cultural and social diversity of the peoples of
the world.
The main mechanism after all criteria have been fulfilled is registration and voting. The
most important is voting, because the succesful or the failed of nominated building to be wonders of
the world depends on it. The vote will reflect the popularity of a building. The more vote we get,
the more popular a building is. That is the main problem of Borobudure temple : Popularity.
Topic 3 (Popularity Factors, and Management Strategy)
Popularity depends on the level of promotions. The promotions depends on the level of the
budget and the management strategy. To increase popularity I have SWOT analysis of Borobudur
SWOT Analysis of the Borobudur Temple :
Advantages :
1. Grandeur became one of the attractions for tourists.


There is historical value in these attractions.

Being one of the sights are spiritual.
The most unique travel there is only one in the world.
Can increase the standard of living of the surrounding communities in terms of productivity
and sales all souvenirs.

Weakness :
1. Slow rate in Damage recovery after catastrophe(s).
2. Travelers still do not care about hygiene when visiting these sights.
3. Security Risk management still low.
4. Low internal research.
Opportunity (Kesempatan)
1. Trend of increasing in Global Tourism (World Bank, IMF, European Central Bank, Google
Public Data 2016, UNESCO Data Bank,)
2. Trend of increasing in Global Gross Domestic Product ( Quartal II 2016) BPS 2016 and
Central Bank Of Indonesia 2016
3. Positive Global Sentiment of Indonesian Tourism (BPS 2015-2016, Kementrian Pariwisata
2010-2016, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2011-2016)
1. Terrorism
2. Merapi Volcanoe Eruption
3. Vandalism
4. Climate Change (Affecting Andesit Stone Strength and Quality)
5. Illegal Activity in the temple that will destroy partial stucture of the temple.
6. Sudden Monetary and Financial Crisis.
Thus, I came up with this brilliant ideas. The reason SWOT are the most important factors is
that it shows the fundamental aspect of Borobudurs Tourism Management Strategies. First, we
know the possibility that the temple will be known by global civilization, to optimize that,
maximization of promotion is the most pertinent act to be done in near future. The promotion can be
implemented on every social media (I.e : Youtube, Facebook, etc). But, I say that we do not only
depend on Wonderful Indonesia program, we must act on our own. In special way to focus the
promotion just only for Borobudur temple.
By that opportunities, we can conclude that this is the time for change. By that strategy I
explained before, it matches the current global and local Tourism conditions.
Weakness of the temple can be managed by improving the management for research center,
including hiring professionals to increasing the quality and quantity of research. Employing best
quality of cleaning services to maintain hygienes.
To handle the threats, we must develop immunity against the threats. Immunity can be
developed by managing the budget for the sudden threats and managing special insurance for
securing the building when the threats attacks. We must independently act to prevent and the threats
and to recover the effects of the threats after it occurred. By special insurance especially for
cultural heritage building we can make claim if something in-expectable occurred and recover the
damage faster.
If You choose me as Ambassador of Tourism, I will help the management of Borobudur and
other attractions site to promote them. My personal strategy is that first, I will make every
stakeholder realizes how important the temple to them. I will allow myself to be medium of
promotion of the temple and other site in Magelang. And I will be a pioneer of Literation in
Tourism. This literation level can be achieved by increasing in quality and quantity of promotion
locally and globally like what I said before. And I have a future target, that I will unify everyone in

this world to recognize Borobudur, and win the New7Wonders of the world nomination. That's all
ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attention.

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