Enneagram Type 5 - The Investigator: Thinkers Who Tend To Withdraw and Observe

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Enneagram Type 5 - The

Thinkers who tend to withdraw and observe

People of this personality type essentially fear that they

don't have enough inner strength to face life, so they tend
to withdraw, to retreat into the safety and security of the
mind where they can mentally prepare for their emergence
into the world. Fives feel comfortable and at home in the
realm of thought. They are generally intelligent, well read
and thoughtful and they frequently become experts in the
areas that capture their interest. While they are sometimes
scientifically oriented, especially with the Six wing, just as
many Fives are drawn to the humanities and it is not at all
uncommon for Fives to have artistic inclinations. Fives are
often a bit eccentric; they feel little need to alter their
beliefs to accommodate majority opinion, and they refuse
to compromise their freedom to think just as they please.
The problem for Fives is that while they are comfortable in
the realm of thought, they are frequently a good deal less
comfortable when it comes to dealing with their emotions,
the demands of a relationship, or the need to find a place

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for themselves in the world. Fives tend to be shy,

nonintrusive, independent and reluctant to ask for the help
that others might well be happy to extend to them.
Fives are sensitive; they don't feel adequately defended
against the world. To compensate for their sensitivity, Fives
sometimes adopt an attitude of careless indifference or
intellectual arrogance, which has the unfortunate
consequence of creating distance between themselves and
others. Trying to bridge the distance can be difficult for
Fives, as they are seldom comfortable with their social
skills, but when they do manage it, they are often devoted
friends and life long companions.
Fives are usually somewhat restrained when it comes to
emotional expression, but they often have stronger feelings
than they let on. Few people know what is going on beneath
the surface, as Fives have an often exaggerrated need for
privacy and a deep seated fear of intrusion. Because of
their sensitivity and their fears of inadequacy, Fives fear
being overwhelmed, either by the demands of others or by
the strength of their own emotions. They sometimes deal
with this by developing a minimalistic lifestyle in which they
make few demands on others in exchange for few demands
being made on them. Other Fives make their peace with the
messiness of life and engage it more fully, but they almost
always retain their fears that life is somehow going to
demand more of them than they can deliver.
Fives, especially with the Four wing, sometimes mistype
themselves as Fours. Such Fives recognize that they have
strong emotions and don't identify with the often extremely
cerebral portrait of type Five. But, Fives, unlike Fours,
always retain some degree of discomfort when it comes to
the expression of their emotional states. However much

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facility they may gain with it, the language of emotion is not
their native tongue.

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Five's are observers: they have an overwhelming need to understand the

environment and therefore are curious about everything. They tend to
satisfy that curiosity by standing at the periphery rather than by getting
centrally involved, or by investing heavily in their own units while
sacrificing their relations with the larger organization. They frequently are
knowledgeable in numerous areas and seem to enjoy learning purely for the
sake of learning. This desire for knowledge may be generated by a need to
protect themselves from an environment that they see as unpredictable or
capricious. Five's use their knowledge as the raw material for building
expertise, models, world views or organizations that serve as a home base
for them. Not surprisingly, they are the most intellectually gifted of the
types. In addition, they are highly independent-minded and are sensitive to
outside forces that might deprive them of their independence.

Five's are observers: they have an overwhelming need to understand the

environment and therefore are curious about everything. They tend to
satisfy that curiosity by standing at the periphery rather than by getting
centrally involved, or by investing heavily in their own units while
sacrificing their relations with the larger organization. They frequently are
knowledgeable in numerous areas and seem to enjoy learning purely for
the sake of learning. This desire for knowledge may be generated by a need
to protect themselves from an environment that they see as unpredictable
or capricious. Five's use their knowledge as the raw material for building

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expertise, models, world views or organizations that serve as a home base

for them. Not surprisingly, they are the most intellectually gifted of the
types. In addition, they are highly independent-minded and are sensitive to
outside forces that might deprive them of their independence.
Possible Origins. Five's felt intruded upon as children--their privacy
stolen. Children who feel that they have to escape are going to find ways to
distance themselves. One way is to stay in your room and close the door.
Another way is to put up a wall of emotional distance by removing
yourself from your feelings. Eventually you can learn to stand directly
under the gaze of someone who is trying to pry into your life and not feel
any reaction to their intrusiveness.
Flawed Five's find emotional involvement a problem. Part of this may be
because they are thinkers rather than doers and thus less likely to be in
contact with others, and part may be because they find it difficult to deal
with the strong feelings that emotional involvement generates. They live
with a sense of having limited resources and energy and of being easily
exhausted by personal interactions.
As managers they may stand on the sidelines, functioning chiefly as
knowledgeable observers, or they may create their own knowledge-based
organizational Islands," which they then protect against possible incursion
from the outside, especially on the part of powerful authorities. They are
likely to supervise from behind closed doors -acting as decision makers
who leave follow-through to others. Although they have good or workable
relationships with subordinates, Five's often have underdeveloped or poor
relationships with superiors and peers.

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Well-adapted Five's have overcome their fear of the environment and by

trusting it, they are able to put together observations, theories, and patterns
in the environment in ways that others cannot They can do this only
because they are able to hold in abeyance their need for structure while
they formulate and develop new and often valuable ideas.
At their best, Five's as managers learn to relax their vigilant, self-protective
posture toward the larger organization They put their considerable
knowledge to work in conducting often highly original, even iconoclastic
projects The instinct to hunker down serves them well because it leads
them to give their all to their undertaking and to ignore or fend off criticism
or attacks from the outside They are often the brains behind the scenes that
stay cool while others distress.
Occupations. Among Five's we find theorists, inventors and engineers As
managers they may gravitate toward staff functions They may also excel as
line managers in starting a new and innovative organization, in spite of the
doubts of others.

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Finding Oneself.
Five's will probably agree with most of the following statements:
1. I tend to keep my feelings to myself.
2. I like to know what will happen ahead of time.
3. I don't know how to engage in small talk very well.
4. Intellectually I like to synthesize and put together different ideas.
5. I need much private time and space.
6. I often sit back and observe other people rather than get involved.
7. I seem to be more silent than most others People often ask me that
I'm thinking.
8. I have trouble reaching out or asking for what I need.
9. If an issue comes up, I like to first work it out by myself, then go
discuss it with others.
10.I like to put things in perspective, to step back and take everything
in. If I leave anything out, I accuse myself of being so simplistic or

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Enneagram Type 5: The

Lost essential quality: A sense of omniscience; simply knowing there is an
ample supply of knowledge and an abundance of energy for everyone.
Compensating belief: The world demands too much from people and gives them
too little, potentially resulting in a scarcity of resources.
Attention/coping strategy: Protecting yourself from intrusion and demands by
cutting off feelings. Focusing attention on intrusions and detaching to observe.
Becoming self-sufficient, seeking privacy, limiting desires.
Trap: Obtaining self-sufficiency will free you from needing anything from others.
Driving energy: Avarice (stinginess) for essentials that are perceived as being
scarce, such as private time and knowledge.
Avoidance: Intrusion and demands by others leading to depletion of energy or to a
sense of inadequacy.
Strengths: Keeper of confidences, knowledgeable, calm in a crisis, appreciative of
Paradox: Striving for self-sufficiency cuts one off from essential resources and
Path of development:

Experience feelings in the moment

Stay connected rather than withdrawing

Allow more people into protective circle

Reveal personal matters, express self

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Engage in physical activity

Ultimate task: Reconnecting to the energy of life force and heart-felt feelings,
realizing that ample energy and resources are available.

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Type 5: The Observer

Reflexively retracting
Have I been quick to withdraw from contact? From claims or demands upon my
time and energy? Did I contract into myself? How have I reacted when I felt
intruded upon? How did I protect my boundaries?
Basis: Fives coping strategy is to guard against intrusion and conserve energy in a
world that they believe will want too much or give too little.
Detaching to observe
How often have I been thinking and analyzing situations? Did I try to figure things
out in advance to gain predictability? Did I watch from a distance? Did I fall into
analysis paralysis? When did I disconnect from feelings and go into my mind?
Basis: Detaching to observe provides Fives protection from demands and
expectations that might lead to being drained of energy, which they fear.
Limiting wants and desires
How might I have minimized my wants and desires, especially compared to others?
Was I even aware of my wants and desires? Did I mainly want to be left alone?
What, if anything, did I ask for from others?
Basis: Fives believe that if you dont want, you wont lack. If you can get along
with little, you wont be vulnerable or dependent.

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Type 5: The Observer

The Basic Proposition
You lost sight of the universal principle that there is an ample supply of all the
knowledge and energy that everyone needs, and came to believe instead that the
world demands too much from people or gives them too little. You learned to
protect yourself from intrusion and insufficient resources by becoming private and
self-sufficient. You limit your desires and wants, and acquire knowledge. At the
same time, you develop a sense of avarice for time, energy and knowledge. Your
attention naturally goes to intrusions and detaching to observe.
The central issue for healing
While everyone has concerns about potential scarcity, with not having enough
emotional connection or material supplies to sustain our life and well being, for
Observers this became the central issue. As a consequence Observers retracted into
the mind, detached from feelings and emotional claims, and conserved their energy
by reducing needs and pursuing self-sufficiency. They didnt realize that this can
lead to a lonely and even impoverished life.
Healing means reversing this process, even though it may be counter to the way
youve learned to feel comfortable in the world. Moving forward into life-giving
energy and building emotional contact represent your key developmental issues. By
expanding into feelings, experience and connection, more of life energy will
naturally be available.
Six healing and growth commitments for Type Fives:

Recognize and release the avarice for time, space, energy and knowledge

Make the counter-instinctive move forward into life and feelings

Stay present, engaged with others

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Share or give more of yourself while taking in more support from others

Recognize there are ample resources, and practice abundance

Realize that the flow of universal energy to meet lifes real needs

Personal Growth Recommendations

for Enneagram Type Fives

Learn to notice when your thinking and speculating takes you out of the immediacy
of your experience. Your mental capacities can be an extraordinary gift, but only can
also be a trap when you use them to retreat from contact with yourself and others.
Stay connected with your physicality.

You tend to be extremely intense and so high-strung that you find it difficult to relax
and unwind. Make an effort to learn to calm down in a healthy way, without drugs or
alcohol. Exercising or using biofeedback techniques will help channel some of your
tremendous nervous energy. Meditation, jogging, yoga, and dancing are especially
helpful for your type.

You see many possibilities but often do not know how to choose among them or
judge which is more or less important. When you are caught in your fixation, a sense
of perspective can be missing, and with it the ability to make accurate assessments.
At such time, it can be helpful to get the advice of someone whose judgment you
trust while you are gaining perspective on your situation. Doing this can also help
you trust someone else, a difficulty for your type.

Notice when you are getting intensely involved in projects that do not necessarily
support your self-esteem, confidence, or life situation. It is possible to follow many
different fascinating subjects, games, and pastimes, but they can become huge
distractions from what you know really need to do. Decisive action will bring more
confidence than learning more facts or acquiring more unrelated skills.

Fives tend to find it difficult to trust people, to open up to them emotionally, or to

make themselves accessible in various ways. Their awareness of potential problems
in relationships may tend to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is important to
remember that having conflicts with others is not unusual and that the healthy thing
is to work them out rather than reject attachments with people by withdrawing into
isolation. Having one or two intimate friends whom you trust enough to have
conflicts with will enrich your life greatly.

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Type 5. Thinker
The Observer (the Five)
Observers have a need for knowledge and are introverted, curious, analytical, and insightful.
How to Get Along with Me

Be independent, not clingy.

Speak in a straightforward and brief manner.

I need time alone to process my feelings and thoughts.

Remember that If I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it may be that I am

feeling uncomfortable.

Make me feel welcome, but not too intensely, or I might doubt your sincerity.

If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because it was

such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place.

don't come on like a bulldozer.

Help me to avoid my pet peeves: big parties, other people's loud music,
overdone emotions, and intrusions on my privacy.

What I Like About Being a Five

standing back and viewing life objectively

coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects

my sense of integrity: doing what I think is right and not being influenced by
social pressure

not being caught up in material possessions and status

being calm in a crisis

What's Hard About Being a Five

being slow to put my knowledge and insights out in the world

feeling bad when I act defensive or like a know-it-all

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being pressured to be with people when I don't want to be

watching others with better social skills, but less intelligence or technical
skill, do better professionally

Fives as Children Often

spend a lot of time alone reading, making collections, and so on

have a few special friends rather than many

are very bright and curious and do well in school

have independent minds and often question their parents and teachers

watch events from a detached point of view, gathering information

assume a poker face in order not to look afraid

are sensitive; avoid interpersonal conflict

feel intruded upon and controlled and/or ignored and neglected

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Fives as Parents

are often kind, perceptive, and devoted

are sometimes authoritarian and demanding

may expect more intellectual achievement than is developmentally


may be intolerant of their children expressing strong emotions

Dynamics of Type 5: Thinker

World View: The world is invasive and confusing. I need privacy to think.
Basic Desire: to understand the world
Basic Fear: of being overwhelmed by the world

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Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:

Need to understand the world -> observe -> analyze -> understand the
world -> Need to understand the world
In the healthy state, the need to understand the world induces Type Fives to
observe and analyze the world, which help them to better understand the
world. When Fives reach a good understanding of the world around them,
their need is satisfied and a balance is reached.
In the average state, when Fives' do less of observing and analyzing the
world, they start to not understand the world. This increases their need to
understand the world, which helps Fives to return to more observation and
analysis. Thus the balancing loop can help Fives to recover.
Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear:
Fear of being overwhelmed by the world -> detach from the world ->
understand the world -> Fear of being overwhelmed by the world
In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being overwhelmed by the world
can cause Type Fives to become detached from the people around them and
the world around them as a defense. This unfortunately causes them to
understand the world even less, which further increases Fives' basic fear.
The cycle continues to build up.
We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the
basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Fives can stop their detachment
from the world, and start to observe and analyze the real world more. This
will increase their understanding of the world, and reduce their fear of
being overwhelmed by the world.

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