Open Letter

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October 11, 2016

Dear Chancellor Brogan:

My name is Taylor Donahue. I am a senior, an English Major, a PASSHE student, and
a Mansfield University Mountaineer.
I am writing in response to a comment you made during your live webcast this past
week, regarding actions students should take if the impending faculty strike occurs
on October 19th: every student is responsible for attending every one of their
classes, regardless of what any professor opts to doyour obligation as students is
to continue to go to class until you are told not to.
Chancellor, it appears as though we disagree fundamentally as to the
responsibilities and obligations of studentswhich does not surprise me, given the
numerous other ways we disagree. Nevertheless, I am disappointed.
During my time at Mansfield University, my dedicated professors have given me all
the encouragement, guidance, respect, support, and love that I have needed to
progress through my classes, embrace challenging academic theories and concepts,
and, even more significantly, tackle all of the difficulties I have encountered outside
of the classroom. They are incredibleperiod. Their responsibility as faculty
members is to provide the best possible education for the thousands of students in
the State System, and they have risen to that occasion every single semestereven
in the face of mutilated budgets, shrinking department sizes, and increased
workload. My faculty have more than fulfilled their obligations, and continue to do
so in standing firm in the contract negotiationsthe immediate outcome of which
will directly affect the quality of education in PASSHE.
My faculty cannot be the only ones fighting for my education. Chancellor, when you
claim that it is my responsibility to attend class despite the strike, you disrespect
me, my fellow students, and the institutions we have invested our lives into. As a
student, it is my immediate responsibility to stand up for my education and the
education of thousands of PASSHE students. We are the blood of our institutions,
and we are charged with ensuring that they succeedwhich means uniting with our
faculty as they fight for quality education.
I will not normalize the faculty strike. Business is not as usual. I will not attend a
class taught by an underqualified temporary staff member while my professors
strike for my education. If my faculty strike, I strike. That is my responsibilityto
stand for quality education. Try it sometime.

Taylor Donahue
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Class of 2017

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