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The New York Times

What Were Reading

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Some people have a lot of nerve, to put it mildly. In 1865, a former slave,
Jordan Anderson, received a letter from his former owner, asking him to
return to work at the plantation because the big house had fallen into
disarray. In a bitingly sarcastic letter, Mr. Anderson lets the old master have
it, hilariously, but also with dignity.
Today I Found Out
Some people have a lot of nerve, to put it mildly. In 1865, a former slave,
Jordan Anderson, received a letter from his former owner, asking him to
return to work at the plantation because the big house had fallen into
disarray. In a bitingly sarcastic letter, Mr. Anderson lets the old master have
it, hilariously, but also with dignity.Go
Lynda Richardson
Senior Staff Editor, Travel
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New York Times Some readers` letters

To the Editor:
Re B-School, Disrupted (June 1), about HBX, a Harvard Business School
online program that represents an alternative to massive open online
courses, or MOOCs:
MOOCs, and all online courses, are a really poor delivery system of
education and especially critical thinking. Critical thinking doesnt happen
in a vacuum with some lone soul sitting at the computer and then
answering a few questions afterward. Retention rate? Not great. Isolation
factor? Huge. Deep understanding of the material? It could be measured in
inches, never yards.
Critical thinking thrives on interaction, on sharing ideas with others, on
reflecting, so we can calibrate the validity of our ideas: What do others
think? What arguments have I forgotten or do I need to develop?
I see students as minds to be molded, not as dollar bills to be plucked out of
a wallet. Wake up, Harvard, and all you money-grubbing universities so
concerned with your image and professorial popularity. Youre delivering
an inferior product flying erroneously under the banner of education. Your
win is the students loss.
We spend more money on prisons in Michigan than on education. And we
wonder why our state has declined, our largest city has declined, our ability
to attract industry has declined. Well --hold that. We are great at attracting
the prison industry. You might say it owns us, as we put away enormous
numbers of young black men for nothing.
Migrants in Italy: Arrival and survival
The world has over 6 Billion people and will see widespread social
collapse and unprecedented mass migrations before the global population
reaches 10 Billion. The grossly overpopulated failed states of Africa and
Central America are exporting their excess populations to Europe and the
USA. This scenario was predicted, and described in detail, as far back as
the early 1970's. The demographic researchers of that time were ridiculed

as alarmists. They were spot on. We are very early into this. It is going to
get much worse.
While I agree that women should have equal opportunities as men, I can't
help but push back at the idea that equality for men and women consists of
equal opportunity to become cogs in the corporate machine.
There are some of us, men and women, who consider the idea of being
CEO of anything--especially a corporation that's defiling the environment,
or manufacturing unnecessary products out of toxic materials. etc.-- equal
to the darkest depths of hell.
How about equal opportunity for all to contribute to society in a truly
healthy and sustainable way? How about equal opportunity to "work" as
little as possible so as to spend more time lying in a hammock reading a
good book?
This idea that "success" means sacrificing the best years of one's life to a
system of unsustainable, unstoppable, planet-destroying economic growth
is what's healthy for any of us, male or female, needs to be reconsidered.
"I myself have never able to find out precisely what a feminist is. I only
know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that
differentiate me from a doormat." Rebecca West

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