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Problem Pixie

by Raymond Cole

He walked into the court, head held high and hair pulled into a braid for this formal
occasion. He wore his traditional robes with his favorite boots underneath. His tail twitched a bit
in anticipation, and his ears were held down so as to prevent them betraying his excitement. His
hands curled and uncurled, the wicked claws teasing the flesh on his hands. He ran his tongue
over his fangs, slightly cutting it. The blood only heightened his tension.
Headmaster Michael his Queen began, you have been called into this court so as to
inform you of the influx of magical births that have reached teaching age this year. Mike
nodded his head in agreement, figuring already of how to arrange his near-full classes. You are
aware of this responsibility, correct? she continued.
He bowed deeply, and answered, Yes, My Queen. I understand. As he was standing
back up, he felt eyes watching him. Looking to his left, he saw the unmistakable form of a
Shadow-Guard. Sniffing discreetly, he noticed the sure lack of scent, unique to once-dead: one
who has been killed, but their grave renounced, bringing them back to life. It was said to be done
only in the most serious situations. This lack of scent is truly unnoticeable to all but naturally
inclined mages.
I trust you know about the new Blood Mages? she asked. Mikes head whirled; Blood
Mages are the rarest of all magical births! Their abilities were practically limitless, so long as
there was a focus of blood. Mike himself was an example of this: he spilled his own blood, and
all was possible through sheer willpower. I he started, I did not sense any red births,
Brooklyn. Can you tell me their light? He glanced to the Shadow-Guard, who was eyeing him
suspiciously. His eyes snapped back to Queen Brooklyn, who was looking at her daughter. She
then looked back to him, We thankfully have all whites, in this round. I know you still feel
She trailed off, not wanting to mention Vixen; who was Mikes best student, and that had gone
rogue a decade ago.
Mike must have shown his thoughts, because Princess Brooklyn stated, He was a good
Mage, but we are still looking for him. You need not be concerned. He will He will be
killed, Brooklyn. I will do it myself, if need be, Mike interrupted. He was my responsibility,
and I failed. The Order knows, and so do you. He was clenching his fists, and the blood was
peppering the carpet with red stains. His tail drooped, and his ears followed suit.
Oh, let the Order continue chewing on their loincloths! Queen Brooklyn shouted. Her
daughters eyes were the size of the moon, and her mouth hung open. Mikes reaction must have
been similar, because she continued, Well, you know what I mean. Vixen isnt your
responsibility anymore. He ceased being your problem when he attempted to take my life. She
looked down at her robes. Mike used a bit of magic and could see the ugly scar through her belly.
Anyway, this is beside the point. Ill let my daughter inform you of the details of the
mage births as I have an import errand to see to. With this, Queen Brooklyn stood up, and
bowed to Mike. Then she turned and left the room. When she left, her daughter began, There

are two red mages, siblings. Both are light, and they show skills in Natural Magic. She gave
Mike a funny look at this comment, and he grew a little confused. Then she continued, After the
Blood Mages, there are a few Elementals, and I believe a Technopath. After this, there are mostly
ungifted who seek training in the ways of war. Then she too stood up to leave.
Good day, Headmaster Mike. She bowed, as her mother did, and turned away. Ah,
Mother left her Shadow again She clicked her tongue and shook her head. Its time to go,
Ms. Reede. Mikes brain began to whir as he prepared a comment that he was a male. Then he
caught movement from the Shadow-Guard.
Ms. Reede? he asked. The only Ms. Reede I have known in a long time has been my
He stopped in thought. Then continued, The only Ms. Reede for the last several hundred
years has beenMy sister.
The Shadow-Guard was already walking away. Mike shouted, Wait! Ms. Reede, I need
to have a word with you! He was running to catch the Shadow-Guard. As soon as he got there,
the Shadow-Guard gave one great shove to his chest. The wind flew from Mikes lungs. This
move would have stopped the heart of any other Emonticon. However, Mike hadnt had a heart
for the last five-hundred years.
When he stood right back up, the Shadow-Guard looked slightly surprised, and when he
took a full breath, her eyes widened. She pulled her arm back again, and when she thrust it
forward, Mike grabbed her arm and pulled her into him.
Face-to-face, he looked into her eyes. They were exactly the same deep blue as his were.
They also had the accented eye line, unique to a particular race of Emonticon; a very rare race at
that. She pulled her arm back, and snapped him in the jaw with her knee as she flew back. Her
ears were back, and her tail swiped side to side with aggression.
From out of nowhere, she procured her blade. When she came at him with a death-blow,
Mike sidestepped, and brought his sword out of its scabbard. The metal colliding rang heavy in
the air, and a small explosion of sparks showered the ground beneath them. She came at him with
another blow aimed at his neck, and he barely dodged. Through this, he brought his hand up and
knocked the blade out of hers, slamming the butt of his sword against her sternum with the end
of his foot teasing behind her ankle. Faster than she had anticipated, he had her blade in his hand,
and she was flat on her backside.
She looked up, and immediately got to her knees. Her head hung. Her hair, uniquely cut
as a Shadow-Guard member, created a small clear space on the back of her neck.
Do it. She whispered. Her hands were on her knees, and she hung her head. Take my
head. Mike raised an eyebrow, but he knew she wouldnt see this: I will do what I must.
The blade fell, the wind whistled. For one moment, Ms. Reedes body tensed up, feeling
her death at hand. Then the blade struck the ground. She jumped, and looked up. You mean you
arent going to grant me the respect of dying honorably?!?
Mike just laughed, What, and lose my sister again? The Shadow-Guard hardened her
gaze, and spat, I have no blood family!

Evelyn B. Reede, you are my blood sister! Mike harshly whispered. You were killed
before my eyes in thirty-five twenty-four! He placed his sword back in its scabbard. Then he sat
down on the floor. Evelyn shook her head, How did you know my middle initial? she asked.
B. stands for Beatrice, grandmothers older sister. Mother named you Evelyn after our
Fathers mother. Mikes shoulders slumped, and his tail and ears drooped. I visited your grave
for five hundred years His voice was hardly more than a whisper, For five hundred years, I
would visit your grave, sing you Mothers old lullaby, and say that you were the best thing to
ever happen to our family. Every day, without fail, I would do this, Evelyn.
Pixie, she whispered. My name is Pixie. Mike looked up to see her sitting right
beside him. She was looking at the ground. Brooklyns family kept track of my grave for twenty
years before I was revived. Just to make sure they chose the right grave. She was looking at her
blade, which was embedded in the floor up to its hilt. The Guard took me in. After some rookie
missions, I was given a seat on the Shadow-Guard. There I stayed for about five years. Then I
was given the rank of Her Majestys personal Shadow after showing my stuff.
Mike stood up, They couldnt have picked a more worthy individual, from what I
gather. He held out his hand, and Pixie took it.
What do you say we invite you to the School for a round of blade-training? Mike
asked. Pixie looked concerned, but slowly nodded, Looks like I could use some practice. She
looked again at her blade. I heard the Queens going to step down soon, and the Princess
already has her own personal Shadow. Some wild young thing by the name of Jester Mike
With this, Mike stepped toward the entrance to the Court. Care to join me? He smiled,
and added, Little Pixie?

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