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Mike came at him, claws brandished, and a look of insanity in

his eyes. Nyte watched carefully as he ran full speed at him. Mike
swiped high, aiming for his throat, and Nyte back stepped. A fist
like a bundle of claws flew straight at his chest, and Nyte
sidestepped, leaving the hand to continue flying. With Mike
overbalanced, Nyte gave him one blow to the back of the neck,
knocking him down to his face. From the ground, Mike chuckled,
The maniac would have been knocked out cold, and you didnt
even use your speed. Well done.
Nyte hardened his gaze, and then smiled. Mike stood up, and
dusted himself off. What do you say to calling this a day? Youve
made fine progress. Nyte just nodded, and fixed his sleeves.
Mike walked to the bench where he had left his shirt and bag, and
picked them both up. As he put his shirt on and changed his shoes
and gloves, he commented, You know, were going to have to get
to your speed eventually. You know you can be faster. Nyte
nodded. As he picked up his own gloves, he replied, I know, but
sometimes, I just cant. I try, but its like I just cant.
Mike thought about that for a second, remembering his early
days of Blood Magic, now long past. He had felt the same thing
when he had just started, and couldnt accomplish the level of
magic he was trying to get to. He nodded, and stated, I know
how that feels. I was like that when I was youngor rather,
younger than I am now. Nyte gave him a funny look, and went
back to changing his gloves. As Mike stood up, and shouldered his
bag, he heard Muses voice in his head, as if she was standing
right beside him, Mike, I need to see you in my office, as soon as
you get done with Nyte. Bring him with you, if you have to. Mike
nodded, and said, Nyte, come with me, Muse wants to talk to
me, and I cant send you back home just yet.
With that, Mike began walking down the street, with Nyte
walking beside him.

I sometimes wonder, my boy, if you should be here. You

obviously know how to handle yourself out there, Muse said over
her glass of iced tea. Its not exactly like you have no other
choices, right? She had her cloaks hood pulled back, and the
morning light shined on her face through the mesh net on the
porch window. Mike merely nodded, his hair swinging slightly back
and forth in the process. Muse continued, I want to know; why
do you stay in this school? Mike looked at her for a second, and
stated, I like teaching the students. I like knowing they would
have a better chance in the world out there. He finished that
statement with a melancholy stare outside. Luxury looked from
Muse to Mike, wondering if their relationship wasnt just
headmistress to teacher. Perhaps it was more like mother to son
Besides, Mike commented with a sly grin, who else can
teach your supernaturally gifted students? They all shared one
bout of laughter, and Luxury just shook her head in amusement.
Smoke had a thoughtful look on his face, and Gizmo looked at him
in encouraging love, even though she knew he wouldnt see her;
he was staring into space. Smoke knew what to say, however. I
would like to say, he started, choosing his words carefully, that
there hasnt been a teacher quite like you for as long as I have
been here. Muse nodded, and Mike looked down at his
untouched tea. Pyro looked thoughtful, and nodded as well. Cryo
tilted her head, looking at Smoke in agreement. Chris, over in the
corner, also looked like he agreed. Luxury sometimes wondered
what brought them together. Mike and Chris didnt seem like the
kind to become friends with each other easily. Yet, they also
seemed to be as brothers. Muse looked like she was going to say
something, but instead, took a drink off her tea.

Luxury took a quick glance across the meeting room to see

what was on Nytes mind. He was silent, as usual, but she could
see his ear perked to hear the conversation. Luxury took a quick
stock on the people in this room, all Muses favorite students, at
one time or another. Most of the people here were teachers, and
former students. Her best friend, Mike, was the supernatural
magics teacher, as well as one of the many non-magical combat
teachers. He was a great deal older than his looks. He looked to
be in his thirties, but he was over one hundred years old, at least.
She got the sense that he was older, but she didnt ever press him
to tell her his exact age. Pyro, as his name suggested, was a
pyromancer. He and his sister, Cryo, made up the elemental
branch of magic. Truth, over in the far corner, was another nonmagics teacher, and worked with firearms. Supposedly, he was a
crack shot aim with any weapon, but Luxury didnt ever see him
in action.
Smoke was a teacher of non-magical hand-to-hand combat,
and was also a student of Mikes to learn how to control his other
self. He had a secret relationship, which everyone knew about,
with Gizmo. She, as it is said, liked Smoke a little more than being
just friends. Her hair covered her right eye, as usual. She
sometimes looked as though she was hiding something behind
that curtain of hair, but Luxury never asked about it. She is Alexis
Luxury Schrade. She also teaches non-magical combat, as well
as having a touch of shifting, with which she is working personally
with Mike.
A comment shook Luxury out of her thoughts. Another
student. Do you think you are up to it? Muse asked, gazing out
the window to the tree line, where her students were training.
Mike nodded, and spoke, Sure. I just want to know, who is heor
she, and where does this student come from? Muse looked a
little hesitant for a second, and said, His name is Marcus Flynt.
Hes a Crocian. He is one of the first three to ever come here, to

this planet. Do you think youre up to it? Luxury wondered for a

second, and then she knew; Crocians were those people that
looked more human, and were known for being very tall. They
were from a planet that Gizmo had only just found. A planet, she
knew, to be named Cross.

Listen UP!!! I dont know what you expected, and I dont care,
he began, This class isnt about caring what you think. Caring for
your feelings is not part of my job. My job is to make sure you will
survive in a combat situation. He was pacing back and forth in
front of the class. The man, if that was what one would call it, was
supposedly the teacher of this class. It didnt make sense, how
this thing could ever know a thing about war, when all he did was
sit in front of this classroom full of gaping eyes. He quickly looked
over at Gemini and Tigris, both good friends of his. They were
looking at the short thing with a look of interest, as if what he had
to say meant anything
and how about you, little pup? the teacher asked, pointing
his finger at Marcus. His smile showed a firm kindness, which was
lost on him. Gemini could tell that Marcus hated being called
condescending names for any reason, which was why she made it
a point to let people know, before they could make that mistake.
Apparently, this message wasnt made clear to this thing.

Marcus stood up, towering over the teacher. This teacher

seemed to be like a little pet dog compared to Marcus height. He
looked down at this teacher that went by the name of Mike.
Mike merely raised an eyebrow, as he looked up at Marcus. Then
he smiled, turned around, and said, Great! We have a volunteer.
Now Marcus cut him off by putting a hand on his shoulder, and
turning him back around to face him. The humor in Mikes eyes
died immediately. He tilted his head slightly, and asked, Is there
a problem?
Marcus couldnt stand it any longer, Yeah. There is a problem:
you. Mike raised an eyebrow, Funny, kid. Real funny, and
turned back around. He seemed so sure of himself. As if he knew
what he was talking aboutAnyway, Im going to show you how
to perform
Marcus had drawn his blade, and was pointing it at Mike. The
rage pent up in him was evident, and thats just what Marcus
wanted. Mike should know whats coming. You talk a great story,
but I still cant believe they have you teaching this class! As if
you know war! Marcus whispered so only Mike could hear.

Mike didnt see the anger pick up. Nor did he expect to turn
back around to a drawn blade. With this situation, he let his
instincts take over. You want a fight, kid? You now get to prove
yourself, Mike said. The anger, hot and wild, turned to a cold,

calculated focus. When he listened, he could hear the whispers

between students, could hear their hearts beat with excitement,
and he thought he caught the scent of pheromonesbut not
Triagan pheromonesone of the Crocians, perhaps? He could
hear every word, every breath. He could also smell the adrenaline
in Marcus. He could practically hear the thoughts run through his
A glint in Marcus eye caught Mikes attention. The twitch in his
hand was more than enough warning. By the time Marcus sword
was in strike, Mike was already dodging. The sword passed
through thin air, whizzing right by Mikes ear. Without mercy or
compassion, Mike brought his sword up, and severed Marcus arm
halfway between the wrist and elbow. With a quick slice, he then
cut both kneecaps. Marcus fell to the floor. Mike looked down at
him, and softened his gaze.
He put his sword away, and picked up Marcus amputated arm.
He pulled out his knife, gave it a quick toss, slitting his palm, and
put it away. He then smeared the blood from his cut hand onto
the open flesh of the severed arm. He swatted Marcus other hand
away from the wound. He jammed the severed arm into the open
flesh of the rest of the arm. Then he focused, willing his blood to
put the arm back together. After a few seconds, the wound was
reduced to a cut, then a thin slit, and finally reduced to a small

After the class was dismissed, Mike held Marcus back for a
second. Gemini stepped a bit closer to hear what they were
saying. Good as new, huh? I think I can agree to that one,
Marcus was saying, as he eyed his fixed arm with a look of
fascination. Soif you are, as you say, a great deal older than
me Just how old are you? Mike just shrugged. Then looked him
right in the face, and said, Five hundred and twenty-five. My
birthday was a few weeks ago. This comment shook Gemini to
the very core. Most Crocians never even made it to one hundred
and fifty, and yet she heard that the Triagan lifespan was smaller
than that, almost as small as a human lifespan
Marcus seemed to be just as shocked. Th-then how are you
sosoyoung looking? he asked. Mike had no readable
expression, but he said, I have a gift. A rather painful gift, really.
To tell the truth, I can live practically forever. Not that Id want
to His expression turned to one of thought. He then shook his
head, Yeah, I have a gift. I am a Blood Mage. I have been training
in swords for the last four hundred years, by our time. You had no
chance, he said, pointing at the thin scar on Marcus arm.
Marcus nodded, and sat up. Then he bowed his head to Mike.
The bow was returned.

MUSE!!! Jade ran into the meeting room, panting and

sweating from the run through the hallways. Headmistress
Muse! She began pointing in a futile effort to explain her need.
Muse peered down the hall, looking to see Jades problem. Finally,
she gave up and asked, Whats wrong, Jade? Mike, from the
shadows, stated, Hold on, Jade. Take a moment. Catch your
breath. When Jade did as he said, Mike nodded at Muse. She
nodded back, Okay, now tell me, whats happened? Jade just
stated, Theyre almost here, and collapsed on the floor.
Muse looked to Mike, hoping he could tell who they were.
Mike was already walking toward Jades lab, on the other side of
the campus. Once he was outside, Muse saw him walk across one
path, turn a tree, and then she couldnt see him anymore.
Shrugging, she knew he would beat her there, since he always
was the faster of the two. She just continued walking.

They were looking, and they were about to see. That ship, the
transport for them, is trained in the scopes sight. She was
holding her breath, but didnt realize that until now. Jade let out a
long, thoughtful breath. Gizmo had been the one who gave the
scope to Jade, and she perfected it, so that she could study whats
out there.

They were almost here, whoever they were. Jade knew it, since
the trajectory was for this world. The humans were finally
advanced enough to explore other planets, and this is what the
ship was. Four of them, from the heat signatures. Mike, in the
doorway, pulled his knife, cut his palm, and threw the spilt blood
on the ground. This was common blood-casting form.
Jade looked a bit closer into the scope, to see if she could
predict where they were going to land. A few seconds, and she
knew their target was the center of Emonticon Square.

Mike was first on the scene, standing at the edge of the

clearing. His sword was drawn, in case there was a problem, and
his magical eye was uncovered. His right eye, which was almost
always covered, was special, in that he could see in slow motion
with it. It was enchanted to slow down the thread of time.
The ship looked like it was going to crash, and Mike braced
himself for it. To his surprise, however, it stopped, righted itself,
and landed with hardly a bump. The airlock doors opened, and
four tall figures stepped out. They seemed to be wearing
swimming gear, except that there was no skin showing, and there
were no fins.
The first one out touched the side of his helmet, and said, Say
something. Mike raised an eyebrow at the sudden order, and
said, Welcome. The second one out almost seemed to wet
himself, as he shouted, They speak English! This makes things

soooo much easier. At this comment, Mike gave his head a quick
toss, re-concealing his magical eye. The third one out of the ship
tilted her head and asked, What are the primary elements of
your air?
Jade stepped up and promptly stated, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and
Carbon. Just like Earth. She had her hands behind her back, and
was standing as tall as she could, which wasnt much since she
was only four feet tall. You are safe to take off your helmets. Our
air wont hurt you.
The first one out reached up, and removed his helmet and
mask, and took a tentative breath. Heaving a sigh of relief, he
looked to the other humans, and prompted them to do the same.
Then he looked forward again, and looked down at Mike, I am
Captain Travis Grant, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. This is our lab specialist, Dr. Michelle Brown, he
swept his hand to the one who asked about the composition of
Triagans air, Corporal Jill Creece, he swept his hand to the other
female, who had yet to speak a word, but merely nodded, and
civilian Jericho Montre, he thumbed at the last person, a salute of
disdain. Jericho was looking around in awe.
Mike nodded, and replied, I am Michael Reede, teacher and
warrior for Her Majestys Royal Court. He looked at Jade, and
continued, This is Jade, student and cybernetic technopath, and
a damn good one, if I may add. Jades eyes grew to the size of
dinner plates at that last comment. Travis looked confused for a
second, but it was Jill who asked, What is a technopath? Jericho,
who had seized the moment to make a joke, replied, You know,
like psychopath, but with techno music, and began laughing.
He stopped laughing when Jill bashed him in the nose with the
butt of her handgun. She pulled his face to hers, and whispered,
You may not understand respect, but its comments like that,
that can start a war. And if there is a war, I will ensure that you

are the first casualty. She let him slide to his knees, holding his
nose, as she stood up. She walked forward, and nodded to Travis.
Mike eyed Jill warily, and loudly stated, Emonticons are
generally peaceful, for the most part. Itd take a lot more than
that to start a cross-galactic war. Right, Jade? Mike glanced at
Jade, who nodded with a frown. Travis looked Mike square in the
eye, and calmly said, I dont care what you are, for the most
part. If her condition is a threat to my team, or the human race, I
want to hear about it. He then set his gaze in steel, and stared at
Mike closed his eyes for a second, gave an exasperated sigh,
and answered the question, A technopath is one who has a gift
having to do with anything from mechanics to software. Jades
nose twitched for a second, and she nodded.
Michelle looked at Jade, and asked, How do you know of
Earth? Jade flushed a little, and looked down at her shoes. Then
she answered, Weve kind of been watching you for the last
century or two. And by watching, I mean weve been learning
everything we can about you. She was digging her boots toe
into the soft soil, and had her hands behind her back still. Mike
knew the body language; Jade was a little embarrassed by being
put on the spot like this.
Mike corrected, Its truly been two hundred and fifty-three of
your years. He moved a little bit forward, stepping in front of
Jade. Jade has only been at it for the past few of them. She
nodded from behind Mike.
Travis nodded, I see. Then you know why were here.
Simple, Mike replied, youre here to learn what you can about
your immediate area. With this comment, Mike swept his hand to
the sky. When he dropped his hand, he saw that Travis was
nodding, and Jill looked a little confused. What do you mean
immediate area? This is halfway across the galaxy!

First year since story started:

Travis and Michelle return to Earth, to report their findings, Jill and
Jericho stay;
start fights between Emonticons and Flame, Emonticons and
Havok, and Emonticons and Vixen;

Second year since story started:

Mike and Luxury get married;
Jill falls for Nyte;
Ward is made;

Third year since story started:

Wither makes an appearance, Muse dies, Mike is promoted to
A.I. and Frag are made;
flashback to Flame and Onix, Smokes childhood;
Flame is put away, and Onix starts teaching;

Fourth year since story started:

Nytes training takes place;
the DMiene family makes an appearance;
Chris siblings arrive;
Pulse and Pyro biospark;
Gizmo and Smoke biospark;

Fifth year since story started:

Yaoi and Yuri make an appearance;
Blast and Havok make an issue in Emontico, they are defeated,
Havok is put away, and Blast has a change of heart;
Gizmo, Jade and Blast bring in Jason;
Brandon follows Jason;
Nyte and Jill biospark;
Frost makes an appearance;

Sixth year since story started:

Jade becomes Blasts girlfriend;
introduce Wulfe;
Vixen and Flame work together, Alheipt makes an appearance,
Truth dies;
Shock, Inferno, Julie and Kate biospark;
Frost takes a liking to Gemini;

Seventh year since story started:

Marcus admits he loves Tigris;
Jade and Blast break up, Jade falls for Mike;
Bolt makes an appearance;
Gizmo is pregnant;

Gizmo has Smokes baby, Deja is born;

Eighth year since story started:

Wulfe falls for Jasmine;
Sarah and the others from Chaos Post make an appearance;
Jade and Mike biospark;

Ninth year since story started:

Angie changes her name to Katt;
Hematite becomes Jerichos girlfriend;
Hematite and Jericho biosark;

Tenth year since story started:

Patch and Bolt biospark;
Strype, Cloak and Voide make an appearance;
Sarah changes her name to Discipline;
Strype and Sarah biospark;

Eleventh year since story started:

Katts older sister, Feline, makes an appearance;
Jet and K.O. fight, Smoke breaks it up;
Vixen learns creative summoning, Smoke dies;

Mike locks Vixen in a subterranean prison, sealing it with his


Twelfth year since story started:

Luxury is pregnant;
Frag tries to destroy his creators;
Josh makes an appearance, Psychic branch of Emontico formed;
Havok and Flame work with Frag, Nyte and Pyro die;
Luxury has Mikes children, Blood and Beauty are born;

Thirteenth year since story started:

Patch and Bolt are married;
Jade and Blast make Devastator, which goes SNAFU, EMP wipes
out Emonticon power for a few weeks;
Emontico and Southern Triagon start a war;

Fourteenth year since story started:

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