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G.R. No. 165887. June 6, 2011.

petitioners, vs. MIGUEL LIM, in his personal capacity as Stockholder of Ruby Industrial
CORPORATION, respondents.
G.R. No. 165929. June 6, 2011.*

CHINA BANKING CORPORATION, petitioner,vs.MIGUEL LIM, in his personal capacity as a

stockholder of Ruby Industrial Corporation and representing the MINORITY STOCKHOLDERS
Actions Pleadings, Practice and Procedure Forum Shopping Parties can be considered to have engaged
in forum shopping if all of them, acting as one group, filed identical special civil actions in the Court of
Appeals and in the Supreme Court.On the charge of forum shopping, we have already ruled on the matter
in G.R. Nos. 12418587. Thus: We hold that private respondents are not guilty of forum




Stockholders of Ruby
Industrial Corporation
vs. Lim
shopping. InRamos, Sr. v. Court of Appeals, 173 SCRA 550 (1989), we ruled: The private respondents
can be considered to have engaged in forum shopping if all of them, acting as one group, filed identical
special civil actions in the Court of Appeals and in this Court. There must be identity of parties or interests
represented, rights asserted and relief sought in different tribunals. In the case at bar,two groups of private
respondents appear to have acted independently of each other when they sought relief from the appellate
court. Both groups sought relief from the same tribunal. It would not matter even if there are several
divisions in the Court of Appeals. The adverse party can always ask for the consolidation of the two cases. x
x x In the case at bar, private respondents represent different groups with different intereststhe minority
stockholders group, represented by private respondent Lim the unsecured creditors group, Allied Leasing
& Finance Corporation and the old management group. Each group has distinct rights to protect. In line
with our ruling inRamos, the cases filed by private respondents should be consolidated. In fact, BENHAR
and RUBY did just thatin their urgent motions filed on December 1, 1993 and December 6, 1993,
respectively, they prayed for the consolidation of the cases before the Court of Appeals.

Corporation Law Derivative Suits An individual stockholder is permitted to institute a derivative suit
on behalf of the corporation wherein he holds stock in order to protect or vindicate corporate rights, whenever
officials ofthe corporation refuse to sue or are the ones to be sued or hold the control of the corporationin
such actions, the suing stockholder is regarded as the nominal party, with the corporation as the party in
interest.A derivative action is a suit by a shareholder to enforce a corporate cause of action. It is a remedy
designed by equity and has been the principal defense of the minority shareholders against abuses by the
majority. For this purpose, it is enough that a member or a minority of stockholders file a derivative suit for
and in behalf of a corporation. An individual stockholder is permitted to institute a derivative suit on behalf
of the corporation wherein he holds stock in order to protect or vindicate corporate rights, whenever officials
of the corporation refuse to sue or are the ones to be sued or hold the control of the corporation. In such
actions, the suing stockholder is regarded as the nominal party, with the corporation as the party in

VOL. 650,
JUNE 6, 2011


Stockholders of Ruby
Industrial Corporation
vs. Lim
Same Shares of Stock The power to issue shares of stock in a corporation is lodged in the board of
directors and no stockholders meeting is required to consider it because additional issuances of shares of
stock does not need approval of the stockholderswhat is only required is the board resolution approving the
additional issuance of shares.A stock corporation is expressly granted the power to issue or sell stocks.
The power to issue shares of stock in a corporation is lodged in the board of directors and no stockholders
meeting is required to consider it because additional issuances of shares of stock does not need approval of
the stockholders. What is only required is the board resolution approving the additional issuance of shares.
The corporation shall also file the necessary application with the SEC to exempt these from the registration
requirements under theRevised Securities Act(now the Securities Regulation Code).
Same Same PreEmptive Right Words and Phrases Preemptive right under Section 39 of the
Corporation Code refers to the right of a stockholder of a stock corporation to subscribe to all issues or
disposition of shares of any class, in proportion to their respective shareholdings.Preemptive right under
Sec. 39 of the Corporation Code refers to the right of a stockholder of a stock corporation to subscribe to all
issues or disposition of shares of any class, in proportion to their respective shareholdings. The right may be
restricted or denied under the articles of incorporation, and subject to certain exceptions and limitations.
The stockholder must be given a reasonable time within which to exercise their preemptive rights. Upon the
expiration of said period, any stockholder who has not exercised such right will be deemed to have waived it.
Same Same Same Even if the preemptive right does not exist, either because the issue comes within the
exceptions in Section 39 or because it is denied or limited in the articles of incorporation, an issue of shares
may still be objectionable if the directors acted in breach of trust and their primary purpose is to perpetuate
or shift control of the corporation, or to freeze out the minority interest.The validity of issuance of
additional shares may be questioned if done in breach of trust by the controlling stockholders. Thus, even if
the preemptive right does not exist, either because the issue comes within the exceptions in Section 39 or
because it is denied or limited in the articles of incorporation, an issue of shares may still be objectionable if
the directors acted in breach of trust and their primary



Stockholders of Ruby
Industrial Corporation
vs. Lim
purpose is to perpetuate or shift control of the corporation, or to freeze out the minority interest. In
this case, the following relevant observations should have signaled greater circumspection on the part of the
SECupon the third and last remand to it pursuant to our January 20, 1998 decisionto demand
transparency and accountability from the majority stockholders, in view of the illegal assignments and
objectionable features of the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan, as found by the CA and as affirmed by this
Same Liquidation Words and Phrases Liquidation, or the settlement of the affairs of the corporation,
consists of adjusting the debts and claims, that is, of collecting all that is due the corporation, the settlement
and adjustment of claims against it and the payment of its just debts.Liquidation, or the settlement of the
affairs of the corporation, consists of adjusting the debts and claims, that is, of collecting all that is due the
corporation, the settlement and adjustment of claims against it and the payment of its just debts. It involves
the winding up of the affairs of the corporation, which means the collection of all assets, the payment of all
its creditors, and the distribution of the remaining assets, if any, among the stockholders thereof in
accordance with their contracts, or if there be no special contract, on the basis of their respective interests.
Same Same Where the corporate life of a corporation as stated in its articles of incorporation expired,
without a valid extension having been effected, it was deemed dissolved by such expiration without need of
further action on the part of the corporation of the State.Since the corporate life of RUBY as stated in its
articles of incorporation expired, without a valid extension having been effected, it was deemed dissolved by
such expiration without need of further action on the part of the corporation or the State. With greater
reason then should liquidation ensue considering that the last paragraph of Sec. 49 of theRules of
Procedure on Corporate Recovery mandates the SEC to order the dissolution andliquidation proceedings
under Rule VI. Sec. 61, Rule VI likewise authorizes the SEC on motion or motu proprio, or upon
recommendation of the management committee, to order dissolution of the debtor corporation and the
liquidation of its remaining assets, appointing a Liquidator for the purpose, if the continuance in business
of the debtor is no longer feasible or profitable or no longer works to the best interest of the stockholders,
partieslitigants, creditors, or the general public.

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JUNE 6, 2011


Stockholders of Ruby
Industrial Corporation
vs. Lim
Same Same Securities and Exchange Commission Administrative Law The rule that reviewing courts
do not substitute their judgment for those made by administrative bodies specifically clothed with authority
to pass upon matters over which they have acquired expertise does not apply where there is a clear showing

to pass upon matters over which they have acquired expertise does not apply where there is a clear showing
that an administrative body, such as the SEC, acted arbitrarily and committed patent errors and grave abuse
of discretion The Securities and Exchange Commissions (SECs) utter disregard of the rights of the minority
in applying the provisions of the Rules of Procedure on Corporate Recovery is inconsistent with the policy of
liberal construction of the said rules to assist the parties in obtaining a just, expeditious and inexpensive
settlement of cases.The SECs utter disregard of the rights of the minority in applying the provisions of
theRules of Procedure on Corporate Recoveryis inconsistent with the policy of liberal construction of the
said rules to assist the parties in obtaining a just, expeditious and inexpensivesettlement of cases.
Petitioners majority stockholders, however, assert that the findings and conclusions of the SEC on the
matter of the dismissal of RUBYs petition are binding and conclusive upon the CA and this Court. They
contend that reviewing courts are not supposed to substitute their judgment for those made by
administrative bodies specifically clothed with authority to pass upon matters over which they have
acquired expertise. Given our foregoing findings clearly showing that the SEC acted arbitrarily and
committed patent errors and grave abuse of discretion, this case falls under the exception to the general
rule. As we held inRuby Industrial Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 284 SCRA 445 (1998): The settled
doctrine is that factual findings of an administrative agency are accorded respect and, at times, finality for
they have acquired the expertise inasmuch as their jurisdiction is confined to specific matters. Nonetheless,
these doctrines do not apply when the board or official has gone beyond his statutory authority, exercised
unconstitutional powers or clearly acted arbitrarily and without regard to his duty or with grave abuse of
discretion. InLeongson vs. Court of Appeals, we held: once the actuation of the administrative official or
administrative board or agency is tainted by a failure to abide by the command of the law, then it is
incumbent on the courts of justice to set matters right, with this Tribunal having the last say on the
Same Same The majority stockholders eagerness to have the suspension order lifted or vacated by the
SEC without any order for



Stockholders of Ruby
Industrial Corporation
vs. Lim
its liquidation evinces a total disregard of the mandate of Sec. 49 of the Rules of Procedure on Corporate
Recovery, and their obvious lack of any intent to render an accounting of all funds, properties and details of
the unlawful assignment transactions to the prejudice of the corporation, minority stockholders and the
majority the corporations creditors.The majority stockholders eagerness to have the suspension order
lifted or vacated by the SEC without any order for its liquidation evinces a total disregard of the mandate of
Sec. 49 of theRules of Procedure on Corporate Recovery, and their obvious lack of any intent to render an
accounting of all funds, properties and details of the unlawful assignment transactions to the prejudice of
RUBY, minority stockholders and the majority of RUBYs creditors. The majority stockholders and
BENHARs conduits must not be allowed to evade the duty to make such full disclosure and account any
money due to RUBY to enable the latter to effect a fair, orderly and equitable settlement of all its
obligations, as well as distribution of any remaining assets after paying all its debtors.
Judgments Appeals Law of the Case When the validity of an interlocutory order has already been
passed upon on appeal, the Decision of the Court on appeal becomes the law of the case between the parties
Law of the case means that whatever is once irrevocably established asthe controlling legal rule of decision
between the same parties in the same case continues to be the law of the case, whether correct on general

between the same parties in the same case continues to be the law of the case, whether correct on general
principles or not, so long as the facts on which such decision was predicated continue to be the facts of the
case before the court.The petitioners majority stockholders and China Bank cannot be permitted to raise
any issue again regarding the validity of any assignment of credit made during the effectivity of the
suspension order and before the finality of the September 18, 2002 Order lifting the same. While China
Bank is not precluded from questioning the validity of the December 20, 1983 suspension order on the basis
ofres judicata, it is, however, barred from doing so by the principle oflaw of the case. We have held that
when the validity of an interlocutory order has already been passed upon on appeal, the Decision of the
Court on appeal becomes the law of the case between the same parties.Law of the casehas been defined as
the opinion delivered on a former appeal. More specifically, it means that whatever is once irrevocably
established as the controlling legal rule of decision between the same parties in the same case continues to
be the law of the case, whether correct on general principles or not, so

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JUNE 6, 2011


Stockholders of Ruby
Industrial Corporation
vs. Lim
long as the facts on which such decision was predicated continue to be the facts of the case before the
Corporation Law Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act (FRIA) of 2010 (R.A. No. 10142)
Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act (FRIA) now provides for court proceedings in the rehabilitation
or liquidation of debtors, both juridical and natural persons.R.A. No. 10142 otherwise known as
theFinancial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act (FRIA) of 2010, now provides for court proceedings in the
rehabilitation or liquidation of debtors, both juridical and natural persons, in a manner that will ensure or
maintain certainty and predictability in commercial affairs, preserve and maximize the value of the assets
of these debtors, recognize creditor rights and respect priority of claims, and ensure equitable treatment of
creditors who are similarly situated. Considering that this case was still pending when the new law took
effect last year, the RTC to which this case will be transferred shall be guided by Sec. 146 of said law, which
states: SEC. 146.Application to Pending Insolvency, Suspension of Payments and Rehabilitation Cases.
This Act shall govern all petitions filed after it has taken effect. All further proceedings in insolvency,
suspension of payments and rehabilitation cases then pending, except to the extent that in opinion of the
court their application would not be feasible or would work injustice, in which event the procedures set forth
in prior laws and regulations shall apply.

PETITIONS for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Lim, Vigilia, Alcala, Dumlao & Orenciafor petitioner in G.R. No. 165929.
Balgos, Fernando & Gumarufor petitioner in G.R. No. 165887.
Romulo, Mabanta, Buenaventura, Sayoc & Delos Angeles Law Officesfor respondent Miguel
Santiago & Santiagofor Ruby Industrial Corporation.
Walter T. Youngfor Management Committee.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
This case is brought to us on appeal for the fourthtime, involving the same parties and
interests litigating on issues arising from rehabilitation proceedings initiated by Ruby Industrial
Corporation wayback in 1983.
Following is the factual backdrop of the present controversy, as culled from the records and
facts set forth in theponenciaof Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno inRuby Industrial Corporation v.
Court of Appeals.1
The Antecedents
Ruby Industrial Corporation (RUBY) is a domestic corporation engaged in glass
manufacturing. Reeling from severe liquidity problems beginning in 1980, RUBY filed on
December 13, 1983 a petition for suspension of payments with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) docketed as SEC Case No. 2556. On December 20, 1983, the SEC issued an
order declaring RUBY under suspension of payments and enjoining the disposition of its
properties pending hearing of the petition, except insofar as necessary in its ordinary operations,
and making payments outside of the necessary or legitimate expenses of its business.
On August 10, 1984, the SEC Hearing Panel created the management committee (MANCOM)
for RUBY, composed of representatives from Allied Leasing and Finance Corporation (ALFC),
Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCOM), China Banking Corporation (China Bank),
Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation (Pilipinas Shell), and RUBY represented by Mr. Yu Kim
Giang. The MANCOM was tasked to perform the following functions: (1) undertake the
management of RUBY (2) take custody and control over all existing assets and liabilities of
RUBY (3) evaluate RUBYs existing assets and liabilities, earnings and operations (4) determine
1G.R. Nos. 12418587, January 20, 1998, 284 SCRA 445.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
the best way to salvage and protect the interest of its investors and creditors and (5) study,
review and evaluate the proposed rehabilitation plan for RUBY.
Subsequently, two (2) rehabilitation plans were submitted to the SEC: the BENHAR/RUBY
Rehabilitation Plan of the majority stockholders led by Yu Kim Giang, and the Alternative Plan
of the minority stockholders represented by Miguel Lim (Lim).

of the minority stockholders represented by Miguel Lim (Lim).

Under the BENHAR/RUBY Plan, Benhar International, Inc. (BENHAR)a domestic
corporation engaged in the importation and sale of vehicle spare parts which is wholly owned by
the Yu family and headed by Henry Yu, who is also a director and majority stockholder of RUBY
shall lend its P60 million credit line in China Bank to RUBY, payable within ten (10) years.
Moreover, BENHAR shall purchase the credits of RUBYs creditors and mortgage RUBYs
properties to obtain credit facilities for RUBY. Upon approval of the rehabilitation plan,
BENHAR shall control and manage RUBYs operations. For its service, BENHAR shall receive a
management fee equivalent to 7.5% of RUBYs net sales.
The BENHAR/RUBY Plan was opposed by 40% of the stockholders, including Lim, a minority
shareholder of RUBY. ALFC, the biggest unsecured creditor of RUBY and chairman of the
management committee, also objected to the plan as it would transfer RUBYs assets beyond the
reach and to the prejudice of its unsecured creditors.
On the other hand, the Alternative Plan of RUBYs minority stockholders proposed to: (1) pay
all RUBYs creditors without securing any bank loan (2) run and operate RUBY without
charging management fees (3) buyout the majority shares or sell their shares to the majority
stockholders (4) rehabilitate RUBYs two plants and (5) secure a loan at 25% interest, as against
the 28% interest charged in the loan under the BENHAR/RUBY Plan.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
Both plans were endorsed by the SEC to the MANCOM for evaluation.
On October 28, 1988, the SEC Hearing Panel approved the BENHAR/RUBY Plan. The
minority stockholders thru Lim appealed to the SECEn Bancwhich, in its November 15, 1988
Order, enjoined the implementation of the BENHAR/RUBY Plan. On December 20, 1988 after
the expiration of the temporary restraining order (TRO), the SECEn Banc granted the writ of
preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the BENHAR/RUBY Plan. BENHAR, Henry
Yu, RUBY and Yu Kim Giang questioned the issuance of the writ in their petition filed in the
Court of Appeals (CA), docketed as CAG.R. SP No. 16798. The CA denied their appeal.2Upon
elevation to this Court (G.R. No. L88311), we issued a minute resolution dated February 28,
1990 denying the petition and upholding the injunction against the implementation of the
Meanwhile, BENHAR paid off Far East Bank & Trust Company (FEBTC), one of RUBYs
secured creditors. By May 30, 1988, FEBTC had already executed a deed of assignment of credit
and mortgage rights in favor of BENHAR. BENHAR likewise paid the other secured creditors
who, in turn, assigned their rights in favor of BENHAR. These acts were done by BENHAR
despite the SECs TRO and injunction and even before the SEC Hearing Panel approved the
BENHAR/RUBY Plan on October 28, 1988.
ALFC and Miguel Lim moved to nullify the deeds of assignment executed in favor of BENHAR
and cite the parties thereto in contempt for willful violation of the December 20, 1983 SEC order
enjoining RUBY from disposing its properties and making payments pending the hearing of its
petition for

2CARollo, pp. 95111. Decision dated April 27, 1989, penned by Associate Justice Cecilio L. Pe and concurred in by
Associate Justices Vicente V. Mendoza (now a retired Member of this Court) and Pedro A. Ramirez.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
suspension of payments. They also charged that in paying off FEBTCs credits, FEBTC was given
undue preference over the other creditors of RUBY. Acting on the motions, the SEC Hearing
Panelnullifiedthe deeds of assignment executed by RUBYs creditors in favor of BENHAR and
declared the parties thereto guilty of indirect contempt. BENHAR and RUBY appealed to the
SECEn Bancwhich denied their appeal. BENHAR and RUBY joined by Henry Yu and Yu Kim
Giang appealed to the CA (CAG.R. SP No. 18310). By Decision3dated August 29, 1990, the CA
affirmed the SEC ruling nullifying the deeds of assignment. The CA also declared its decision
final and executory as to RUBY and Yu Kim Giang for their failure to file their pleadings within
the reglementary period. By Resolution dated August 26, 1991 in G.R. No. 96675,4 this Court
affirmed the CAs decision.
Earlier, on May 29, 1990, after the SEC En Bancenjoined the implementation of
BENHAR/RUBY Plan, RUBY filed with the SECEn Banc an ex parte petition to create a new
management committee and to approve its revised rehabilitation plan (Revised BENHAR/RUBY
Plan). Under the revised plan, BENHAR shall receive P34.068 million of the P60.437 Million
credit facility to be extended to RUBY, as reimbursement for BENHARs payment to some of
RUBYs creditors. The SECEn Bancdirected RUBY to submit its revised rehabilitation plan to
its creditors for comment and approval while the petition for the creation of a new management
committee was remanded for further proceedings to the SEC Hearing Panel. The Alternative
Plan of RUBYs minority stockholders was also forwarded to the hearing panel for evaluation.
On April 26, 1991, over ninety percent (90%) of RUBYs creditors objected to the Revised
3Id., at pp. 117124. Penned by Associate Justice Jose C. Campos, Jr. and concurred in by Associate Justices Oscar M.
Herrera and Artemon D. Luna.
4Id., at p. 125.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim

the creation of a new management committee. Instead, they endorsed the minority stockholders
Alternative Plan. At the hearing of the petition for the creation of a new management committee,
three (3) members of the original management committee (Lim, ALFC and Pilipinas Shell)
opposed the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan on grounds that: (1) it would legitimize the entry of
BENHAR, a total stranger, to RUBY as BENHAR would become the biggest creditor of RUBY (2)
it would put RUBYs assets beyond the reach of the unsecured creditors and the minority
stockholders and (3) it was not approved by RUBYs stockholders in a meeting called for the
Notwithstanding the objections of 90% of RUBYs creditors and three members of the
MANCOM, the SEC Hearing Panel approved on September 18, 1991 the Revised
BENHAR/RUBY Plan and dissolved the existing management committee. It also created a new
management committee and appointed BENHAR as one of its members. In addition to the
powers originally conferred to the management committee under Presidential Decree (P.D.) No.
902A, the new management committee was tasked to oversee the implementation by the Board
of Directors of the revised rehabilitation plan for RUBY.
The original management committee (MANCOM), Lim and ALFC appealed to the SEC En
Bancwhich affirmed the approval of the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan and the creation of a new
management committee on July 30, 1993. To ensure that the management of RUBY will not be
controlled by any group, the SEC appointed SEC lawyers Ruben C. Ladia and Teresita R. Siao as
additional members of the new management committee. Further, it declared that BENHARs
membership in the new management committee is subject to the condition that BENHAR will
extend its credit facilities to RUBY without using the latters assets as security or collateral.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
Lim, ALFC and MANCOM moved for reconsideration while RUBY and BENHAR asked the
SEC to reconsider the portion of its Order prohibiting BENHAR from utilizing RUBYs assets as
collateral. On October 15, 1993, the SEC denied the motion of Lim, ALFC and the original
management committee but granted RUBY and BENHARs motion and allowed BENHAR to use
RUBYs assets as collateral for loans, subject to the approval of the majority of all the members of
the new management committee. Lim, ALFC and MANCOM appealed to the CA (CAG.R. SP
Nos. 32404, 32469 & 32483) which by Decision5 dated March 31, 1995 set aside the SECs
approval of the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan and remanded the case to the SEC for further
proceedings. The CA ruled that the revised plan circumvented its earlier decision (CAG.R. SP
No. 18310) nullifying the deeds of assignment executed by RUBYs creditors in favor of BENHAR.
Since under the revised plan, BENHAR was to receive P34.068 Million of the P60.437 Million
credit facility to be extended to RUBY, as settlement for its advance payment to RUBYs seven (7)
secured creditors, such payments made by BENHAR under the void Deeds of Assignment, in
effect were recognized as payable to BENHAR under the revised plan. The motion for
reconsideration filed by BENHAR and RUBY was likewise denied by the CA.6
Undaunted, RUBY and BENHAR filed a petition for review in this Court (G.R. Nos. 124185
87entitledRuby Industrial Corporation v. Court of Appeals) alleging that the CA gravely abused
its discretion in substituting its judgment for that of the SEC, and in allowing Lim, ALFC and

MANCOM to file separate petitions prepared by lawyers representing themselves as belonging to

different firms. By Decision7dated
5Id., at pp. 243267. Penned by Associate Justice Consuelo YnaresSantiago (now a retired Member of this Court) and
concurred in by Associate Justices Antonio M. Martinez and Ruben T. Reyes.
6Id., at pp. 269287.
7Supranote 1.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
January 20, 1998, we sustained the CAs ruling that the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan contained
provisions which circumvented its final decision in CAG.R. SP No. 18310, nullifying the deeds of
assignment of credits and mortgages executed by RUBYs creditors in favor of BENHAR, as well
as this Courts Resolution in G.R. No. 96675, affirming the said CAs decision. We thus held:
Specifically, the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan considered as valid the advance payments made by
BENHAR in favor of some of RUBYs creditors. The nullity of BENHARs unauthorized dealings with
RUBYs creditors is settled. The deeds of assignment between BENHAR and RUBYs creditors had been
categorically declared void by the SEC Hearing Panel in two (2) orders issued on January 12, 1989 and
March 15, 1989. x x x
These orders were upheld by the SECen bancand the Court of Appeals. In CAG.R. SP No. 18310, the
Court of Appeals ruled as follows:
x x x
1) x x x when the Deed of Assignment was executed on May 30, 1988 by and between Ruby
Industrial Corp., Benhar International, Inc., and FEBTC, the Rehabilitation Plan proposed by
petitioner Ruby Industrial Corp. for Benhar International, Inc. to assume all petitioners obligation has
not been approved by the SEC. The Rehabilitation Plan was not approved until October 28,
1988.There was a willful and blatant violation of the SEC order dated December 20, 1983on the part
of petitioner Ruby Industrial Corp., represented by Yu Kim Giang, by Benhar International, Inc.,
represented by Henry Yu and by FEBTC.
2) The magnitude and coverage of the transactions involved were such that Yu Kim Giang and
the other signatories cannot feign ignorance or pretend lack of knowledge thereto in view of the fact
that they were all signatories to the transaction and privy to all the negotiations leading to the
questioned transactions.In executing the Deeds of Assignment, the petitioners totally disregarded the
mandate contained in the SEC

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial

Corporation vs. Lim

order not to dispose the properties of Ruby Industrial any manner whatsoever pending the
approval of the Rehabilitation Plan and rendered illusory the SEC efforts to rehabilitate the petitioner
corporation to the best interests of all the creditors.
3) The assignments were made without prior approval of the Management Committeecreated by
the SEC in an Order dated August 10, 1984. Under Sec. 6, par. d, sub. par. (2) of P.D. 902A as
amended by P.D. 1799, the Management Committee, rehabilitation receiver, board or body shall have
the power to take custody and control over all existing assets of such entities under management
notwithstanding any provision of law, articles of incorporation or bylaw to the contrary. The SEC
therefore has the power and authority, through a Management Committee composed of petitioners
creditors or through itself directly, to declare all assignment of assets of the petitioner Corporation
declared under suspension of payments, null and void, and to conserve the same in order to effect a
fair, equitable and meaningful rehabilitation of the insolvent corporation.
4) x x x. The acts for which petitioners were held in indirect contempt by the SEC arose from the
failure or willful refusal by petitioners to obey the lawful order of the SEC not to dispose of any of its
properties in any manner whatsoever without authority or approval of the SEC.The execution of the
Deeds of Assignment tend to defeat or obstruct the administration of justice. Such acts are offenses
against the SEC because they are calculated to embarrass, hinder and obstruct the tribunal in the
administration of justice or lessen its authority.
x x x
Even the SECen banc, in its July 30, 1993 Order affirming the approval of the Revised BENHAR/RUBY
Plan, has acknowledged the invalidity of the subject deeds of assignment. However, to justify its approval of
the plan and the appointment of BENHAR to the new management committee, it gave the lame excuse that
BENHAR became RUBYs creditor for having paid RUBYs debts. x x x
For its part, the Court of Appeals noted that the approved Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan gave undue
preference to BENHAR. The



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
records, indeed, show that BENHARs offer to lend its credit facility in favor of RUBY is conditioned upon
the payment of the amount it advanced to RUBYs creditors, xxx
In fact, BENHAR shall receive P34.068 Million out of the P60.437 Million credit facility to be extended to
RUBY for the latters rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation contemplates a continuance of corporate life and activities in an effort to restore and
reinstate the corporation to its former position of successful operation and solvency. When a distressed
company is placed under rehabilitation, the appointment of a management committee follows to avoid
collusion between the previous management and creditors it might favor, to the prejudice of the other
creditors.All assets of a corporation under rehabilitation receivership are held in trust for the
equal benefit of all creditors to preclude one from obtaining an advantage or preference over
anotherby the expediency of attachment, execution or otherwise. As between the creditors, the key phrase
is equality in equity. Once the corporation threatened by bankruptcy is taken over by a receiver, all the
creditors ought to stand on equal footing.Not any one of them should be paid ahead of the others.
This is precisely the reason for suspending all pending claims against the corporation under
receivership.8(Additional emphasis supplied.)

Aside from the undue preference that would have been given to BENHAR under the Revised
BENHAR/RUBY Plan, we also found RUBYs dealing with BENHAR highly irregular and its
proposed financing scheme more costly and ultimately prejudicial to RUBY. Thus:
Parenthetically, BENHAR is a domestic corporation engaged in importing and selling vehicle spare
parts with an authorized capital stock of thirty million pesos. Yet, it offered to lend its credit facility in the
amount of sixty to eighty million pesos to RUBY. It is to be noted that BENHAR is not a lending or
financing corporation and lending its credit facilities, worth more than double its author
8Id., at pp. 455460.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
ized capitalization, is not one of the powers granted to it under its Articles of Incorporation. Significantly,
Henry Yu, a director and a majority stockholder of RUBY is, at the same time, a stockholder of BENHAR, a
corporation owned and controlled by his family. These circumstances render the deals between BENHAR
and RUBY highly irregular.
Moreover, when RUBY initiated its petition for suspension of payments with the SEC, BENHAR was not
listed as one of RUBYs creditors. BENHAR is a total stranger to RUBY. If at all, BENHAR only served as a
conduit of RUBY. As aptly stated in the challenged Court of Appeals decision:
Benhars role in the Revised Benhar/Ruby Plan, as envisioned by the majority stockholders, is to
contract the loan for Ruby and, serving the role of a financier, relend the same to Ruby. Benhar is
merely extending its credit line facility with China Bank, under which the bank agrees to advance
funds to the company should the need arise. This is unlikely a loan in which the entire amount is
made available to the borrower so that it can be used and programmed for the benefit of the
companys financial and operational needs.Thus, it is actually China Bank which will be the source of
the funds to be relent to Ruby. Benhar will not shell out a single centavo of its own funds. It is the
assets of Ruby which will be mortgaged in favor of Benhar.Benhars participation will only make
the rehabilitation plan more costly and, because of the mortgage of its (Rubys) assets to a
new creditor, will create a situation which is worse than the present.x x x
We need not say more.9(Additional emphasis supplied.)

After the finality of the above decision, the SEC set the case for further proceedings.10 On
March 14, 2000, Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI), one of RUBYs secured creditors, filed a
Motion to Vacate Suspension Order11 on grounds that there is no existing management
committee and that no deci
9Id., at pp. 461462.
10SEC records (Vol. 10), p. 3488.
11Id., at pp. 35333535.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
sion has been rendered in the case for more than 16 years already, which is beyond the period
mandated by Sec. 38 of the Rules of Procedure on Corporate Recovery. RUBY filed its
opposition,12 asserting that the MANCOM never relinquished its status as the duly appointed
management committee as it resisted the orders of the second and third management committees
subsequently created, which have been nullified by the CA and later this Court. As to the
applicability of the cited rule under the Rules on Corporate Recovery, RUBY pointed out that this
case was filed long before the effectivity of said rules. It also pointed out that the undue delay in
the approval of the rehabilitation plan being due to the numerous appeals taken by the minority
stockholders and MANCOM to the CA and this Court, from the SEC approval of the
BENHAR/RUBY Plan. Since there have already been steps taken to finally settle RUBYs
obligations with its creditors, it was contended that the application of the mandatory period
under the cited provision would cause prejudice and injustice to RUBY.
It appears that even earlier during the pendency of the appeals in the CA, BENHAR and
RUBY have performed other acts in pursuance of the BENHAR/RUBY Plan approved by the
On September 1, 1996, Lim received a Notice of Stockholders Meeting scheduled on
September 3, 1996 signed by a certain Mr. Edgardo M. Magtalas, the Designated Secretary of
RUBY and stating the matters to be taken up in said meeting, which include the extension of
RUBYs corporate term for another twentyfive (25) years and election of Directors.13 At the
scheduled stockholders meeting of September 3, 1996, Lim together with other minority
stockholders, appeared in order to put on record their objections on the validity of holding thereof
and the matters to be taken therein. Specifically,
12Id., at pp. 35453549.
13CARollo, p. 345.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
they questioned the percentage of stockholders present in the meeting which the majority
claimed stood at 74.75% of the outstanding capital stock of RUBY.
The aforesaid stockholders meeting was the subject of the Motion to Cite For Contempt14and
Supplement to Motion to Cite For Contempt15filed by Lim before the CA where their petitions for
review (CAG.R. Nos. 32404, 32469 and 32483) were then pending. Lim argued that the majority

stockholders claimed to have increased their shares to 74.75% by subscribing to the unissued
shares of the authorized capital stock (ACS). Lim pointed out that such move of the majority was
in implementation of the BENHAR/RUBY Plan which calls for capital infusion of P11.814 Million
representing the unissued and unsubscribed portion of the present ACS of P23.7 Million, and the
Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan which proposed an additional subscription of P30 Million. Since
the implementation of both majority plans have been enjoined by the SEC and CA, the calling of
the special stockholders meeting by the majority stockholders clearly violated the said injunction
orders. This circumstance certainly affects the determination of quorum, the voting requirements
for corporate term extension, as well as the election of Directors pursuant to the July 30, 1993
Order and October 15, 1993 Resolution of the SEC enjoining not only the implementation of the
revised plan but also the doing of any act that may render the appeal from the approval of the
said plan moot and academic.
The aforementioned capital infusion was taken up by RUBYs board of directors in a special
meeting16 held on October 2, 1991 following the issuance by the SEC of its Order dated
September 18, 199117approving the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan and creating a new
management committee
14Id., at pp. 337344.
15Id., at pp. 346355.
16Rollo(G.R. No. 165929), pp. 13401345.
17CARollo, pp. 127136.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
to oversee its implementation. During the said meeting, the board asserted its authority and
resolved to take over the management of RUBYs funds, properties and records and to demand an
accounting from the MANCOM which was ordered dissolved by the SEC. The board thus resolved
The corporation be authorized to issue out of the unissued portion of the authorized capital stocks of the
corporation in the form of common stocks 11.8134.00 [Million] after comparing this with the audited
financial statement prepared by SGV as of December 31, 1982, to be subscribed and paid in full by the
present stockholders in proportion to their present stockholding in the corporation on staggered basis
starting October 28, December 27 then February 28 and April 28 as the last installment date at 25% for
each period. It was also moved and seconded that should any of the stockholders fail to exercise their rights
to buy the number of shares they are qualified to buy by making the first installment payment of 25% on or
before October 13, 1991, then the other stockholders may buy the same and that only when none of the
present stockholders are interested in the shares may there be a resort to selling them by public auction.18

As reflected in the Minutes of the special board meeting, a representative of the absent
directors (Tan Chai, Tomas Lim, Miguel Lim and Yok Lim) came to submit their letter addressed
to the Chairman suggesting that said meeting be deferred until the September 18, 1991 SEC
Order becomes final and executory. The directors present nevertheless proceeded with the

meeting upon their belief that neither appeal nor motion for reconsideration can stay the SEC
The resolution to extend RUBYs corporate term, which was to expire on January 2, 1997, was
approved during the September 3, 1996 stockholders meeting, as recommended by the board of
directors composed of Henry Yu (Chairman), James Yu, David Yukimteng, Harry L. Yu, Yu Kim
Giang, Mary L. Yu and Vivian L. Yu. The board certified that said
18Rollo(G.R. No. 165929), pp. 13421343.
19Id., at p. 1342.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
resolution was approved by stockholders representing twothirds (2/3) of RUBYs outstanding
capital stock.20Per Certification21 dated August 31, 1995 issued by Yu Kim Giang as Executive
VicePresident of RUBY, the majority stockholders own 74.75% of RUBYs outstanding capital
stock as of October 27, 1991. The Amended Articles of Incorporation was filed with the SEC on
September 24, 1996.22
On March 17, 2000, Lim filed a Motion23 informing the SEC of acts being performed by
BENHAR and RUBY through directors who were illegally elected, despite the pendency of the
appeal before this Court questioning the SEC approval of the BENHAR/RUBY Plan and creation
of a new management committee, and after this Court had denied their motion for
reconsideration of the January 20, 1998 decision in G.R. Nos. 12418587. Lim reiterated that
before the matter of extension of corporate life can be passed upon by the stockholders, it is
necessary to determine the percentage ownership of the outstanding shares of the corporation.
The majority stockholders claimed that they have increased their shareholdings from 59.828% to
74.75% as a result of the illegal and invalid stockholders meeting on September 3, 1996. The
additional subscription of shares cannot be done as it implements the BENHAR/RUBY Plan
against which an existing injunction is still effective based on the SEC Order dated January 6,
1989, and which was struck down under the final decision of this Court in G.R. Nos. 12418587.
Hence, the implementation of the new percentage stockholdings of the majority stockholders and
the calling of stockholders meeting and the subsequent resolution approving the extension of
corporate life of RUBY for another twentyfive (25) years, were all done in violation of the
decisions of the CA and this Court, and without compliance with the legal requirements under
theCorporation Code.
20SEC records (Vol. 11), pp. 35863587.
21Id., at p. 3585.
22Id., at pp. 35893598.
23Id., at pp. 35503575.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
There being no valid extension of corporate term, RUBYs corporate life had legally ceased.
Consequently, Lim moved that the SEC: (1) declare as null and void the infusion of additional
capital made by the majority stockholders and restore the capital structure of RUBY to its
original structure prior to the time injunction was issued and (2) declare as null and void the
resolution of the majority stockholders extending the corporate life of RUBY for another twenty
five (25) years.
The MANCOM concurred with Lim and made a similar manifestation/comment24regarding the
irregular and invalid capital infusion and extension of RUBYs corporate term approved by
stockholders representing only 60% of RUBYs outstanding capital stock. It further stated that
the foregoing acts were perpetrated by the majority stockholders without even consulting the
MANCOM, which technically stepped into the shoes of RUBYs board of directors. Since RUBY
was still under a state of suspension of payment at the time the special stockholders meeting
was called, all corporate acts should have been made in consultation and close coordination with
Lim likewise filed an Opposition25to BPIs Motion to Vacate Suspension Order, asserting that
the management committee originally created by the SEC continues to control the corporate
affairs and properties of RUBY. He also contended that the SECRules of Procedure on Corporate
Recoverycannot apply in this case which was filed long before the effectivity of said rules.
On the other hand, RUBY filed its Opposition26 to the Motion filed by Lim denying the
allegation of Lim that RUBYs corporate existence had ceased. RUBY claimed that due notice
were given to all stockholders of the October 2, 1991 special meeting in which the infusion of
additional capital was
24Id., at pp. 36223625.
25Id., at pp. 35763580.
26Id., at pp. 36113618.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
discussed. It further contended that the CA decision setting aside the SEC orders approving
the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan, which was subsequently affirmed by this Court on January
20, 1998, did not nullify the resolution of RUBYs board of directors to issue the previously
unissued shares. The amendment of its articles of incorporation on the extension of RUBYs

corporate term was duly submitted with and approved by the SEC as per the Certification dated
September 24, 1996.
The MANCOM also filed its Opposition27to BPIs Motion to Vacate Suspension Order, stating
that it has continuously performed its primary function of preserving the assets of RUBY and
undertaken the management of RUBYs daytoday affairs. It expressed belief that between
chaotic foreclosure proceedings and collection suits that would be triggered by the vacation of the
suspension order and an orderly settlement of creditors claims before the SEC, the latter path is
the more prudent and logical course of action. On April 28, 2000, it submitted to the court copies
of the minutes of meetings held from January 18, 1999 to December 1, 1999 in pursuance of its
mandate to preserve the assets and administer the business affairs of RUBY.28
On August 23, 2000, China Bank filed a Manifestation29echoing the contentions of BPI that as
there is no existing management committee and no rehabilitation plan approved even after the
240day period, warrants the application of Sec. 49 of the SECRules of Procedure on Corporate
Recovery such that the petition is deemedipso facto denied and dismissed. China Bank
lamented that the length of time that has lapsed, as well as the parties actuations, completely
betrays a genuine attempt to rehabilitate RUBYs moribund operationsall to the dismay,
damage and prejudice of
27Id., at pp. 36263629.
28Id., at pp. 36403665.
29Id., at pp. 36873695.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
RUBYs creditors. It stressed that the proceedings cannot be prolonged nor used as a ploy to defer
indefinitely the payment of long overdue obligations of RUBY to its creditors. With the case
having beenipso factodismissed, there is no need of further action from the parties or an order
from the SEC. Consequently, RUBYs creditors may now take whatever legal action they may
deem appropriate to protect their rights including, but not limited to extrajudicial foreclosure.
On September 11, 2000, the SEC granted Lims request for the issuance of subpoena duces
tecum/ad testificandum to Ms. Jocelyn Sta. Ana of BPI for the latter to testify and bring all
documents and records pertaining to RUBY.30Earlier, Lim moved for a hearing to verify the
information that China Bank and BPI had separately executed deeds of assignment in favor of
Greener Investment Corporation, a company owned by Yu Kim Giang, one of RUBYs majority
stockholders.31 Said hearing, however, did not push through in view of RUBYs proposal for a
compromise agreement.32Lim submitted his comments on the Proposed Compromise Agreement,
but there was no response from RUBY and the majority stockholders.33The minority stockholders
likewise served a copy of the revised Compromise Agreement to the majority stockholders.34Lim
moved that the case be assigned to a new Panel of Hearing Officers and the majority stockholders
be made to declare in a hearing whether they accept the counterproposals of the minority in their
draft Amicable Settlement in order that the case can proceed immediately to liquidation.35

On January 25, 2001, the MANCOM filed with the SEC its Resolution unanimously adopted
on January 19, 2001 affirming that: (1) MANCOM was never informed nor advised of the
30Id., at pp. 37013702, 3706.
31Id., at pp. 36973700.
32Id., at pp. 38293834.
33Id., at pp. 38383842.
34Id., at pp. 37453763.
35Supranote 33.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
supposed capital infusion by the majority stockholders in October 1991 and it never actually
received any such additional subscription nor signed any document attesting to or authorizing
the said increase of RUBYs capital stock or the extension of its corporate life (2) MANCOM
continuously recognizes the 60%40% ratio of shareholding profile between the majority and
minority stockholders, with the majority having 59.828% while the minority holds 40.172%
shareholding (3) as there was no valid increase in the shareholding of the majority and
consequently no valid extension of corporate term, the liquidation of RUBY is thus in order (4) to
date, the majority stockholders or Yu Kim Giang have not complied with the December 22, 1989
SEC order for them to turn over the cash including bank deposits, all other financial records and
documents of RUBY including transfer certificates of title over its real properties, and render an
accounting of all the money received by RUBY and (5) pursuant to this Courts ruling in G.R. No.
96675 dated August 26, 1991, the previous deeds of assignment made in favor of BENHAR by
Florence Damon, Philippine Bank of Communications, Philippine Commercial International
Bank, Philippine Trust Company, PCI Leasing and Finance, Inc. and FEBTC, having been
earlier declared void by the SEC Hearing Panel, and the CA decision in CAG.R. SP No. 18310
affirmed by this Courthave no legal effect and are deemed void.36
On the other hand, Lim filed a Supplement (to Manifestation and Motion dated January 18,
2001)37reiterating his pending motion filed on March 15, 2000 for the SEC to implement this
Courts January 20, 1998 Decision in G.R. Nos. 12418587 which states in part that [t]he SEC
therefore has the power and authority, directly to declare all assignment of assets of the
petitioner Corporation declared under suspension of payments, null and void, and to conserve the
same in order to effect a fair, equitable and meaningful rehabilitation
36Id., at pp. 38433848.
37Id., at pp. 38493868.


Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
of the insolvent corporation. Lim contended that the SEC retains jurisdiction over pending
suspension of payment/
rehabilitation cases filed as of June 30, 2000 until these are finally disposed, pursuant to Sec. 5.2
of the Securities Regulation Code (Republic Act [R.A.] No. 8799). Considering that the
Management Committee is intact, the majority stockholders cannot act in an illegal manner with
regard to RUBYs assets. He thus concluded that the continued disobedience of the majority
stockholders to the orders and decisions of the SEC and CA, as affirmed by this Court, have
certainly rendered any additional assignments, such as the Deeds of Assignment executed by BPI
and China Bank with BENHAR, Henry Yu or conduits of the majority stockholders, null and
The MANCOM manifested that it is adopting in toto the Manifestation and Motion dated
January 18, 2001 filed by Lim. It also moved for the SEC to conduct further proceedings as
directed by this Court. Considering that there is no chance at all for the proposed rehabilitation
of RUBY in light of strict implementation by government authorities of environmental laws
particularly on pollution control, and MANCOMs assent to effect a liquidation, the MANCOM
asserted that a hearing should focus on the eventual liquidation of RUBY. It added that a
dismissal under the circumstances would be tantamount to a perceived shirking by the SEC of its
mandate to afford all creditors ample opportunity to recover on their respective financial
exposure with RUBY.38
On May 15, 2001, the MANCOM submitted copies of minutes of meetings held from April 13,
2000 to December 29, 2000.39
On September 20, 2001, the SEC issued an Order directing the Management Committee to
submit a detailed reportnot mere minutes of meetingson the status of the rehabilitation
process and financial condition of RUBY, which should con
38Id., at pp. 38703871.
39Id., at pp. 38723919.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
tain a statement on the feasibility of the rehabilitation plan.40The MANCOM complied with the
said order on February 15, 2002.41 The majority stockholders and RUBY moved to dismiss the
petition and strike from the records the Compliance/Report. MANCOM filed its omnibus

opposition to the said motions. There was further exchange of pleadings by the parties on the
matter of whether the SEC should already dismiss the petition of RUBY as prayed for by the
majority stockholders and RUBY, or proceed with supervised liquidation of RUBY as proposed by
the MANCOM and minority stockholders.
The SECs Ruling
On September 18, 2002, the SEC issued its Order42denying the petition for suspension of
payments, as follows:
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Commission hereby resolves to terminate the proceedings and DENY
the instant petition.
Accordingly, pursuant to Sec. 55 of the SECs Rules of Procedure on Corporate Recovery, which provides:
Discharge of the Management CommitteeThe Management Committee shall be discharged and dissolved
under the following circumstances:
a. Whenever the Commission, on motion or motu prop[r]io, has determined that the necessity for the
Management Committee no longer exists
b. Upon the appointment of a liquidator under these Rules
c. By agreement of the parties
d. Upon termination of the proceedings.
Upon its discharge and dissolution, the Management Committee shall submit its final report and render an
40Id., at p. 3927.
41SEC records (Vol. 12), pp. 43084318.
42Rollo(G.R. No. 165929), pp. 8389.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
ing of its management within such reasonable time as the Commission may allow.

the Management Committee is hereby DISSOLVED. It is likewise ordered to:

(1) Make an inventory of the assets, funds and properties of the petitioner
(2) Turnover the aforementioned assets, funds and properties to the proper party(ies)
(3) Render an accounting of its management and
(4) Submit its Final Report to the Commission.
The MANCOM is ordered to comply with the foregoing within a nonextendible period of thirty (30) days from
receipt of this Order. Relative to any compensation owing to the MANCOM, it is left to the determination of the parties
No pronouncement as to costs.

The SEC declared that since its order declaring RUBY under a state of suspension of
payments was issued on December 20, 1983, the 180day period provided in Sec. 49 of theRules
of Procedure on Corporate Recoveryhad long lapsed. Being a remedial rule, said provision can be
applied retroactively in this case. The SEC also overruled the objections raised by the minority
stockholders regarding the questionable issuance of shares of stock by the majority stockholders

and extension of RUBYs corporate term, citing the presumption of regularity in the act of a
government entity which obtains upon the SECs approval of RUBYs amendment of articles of
incorporation. It pointed out that Lim raised the issue only in the year 2000. Moreover, the SEC
found that notwithstanding his allegations of fraud, Lim never proved the illegality of the
additional infusion of the capitalization by
43Id., at pp. 8889.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
RUBY so as to warrant a finding that there was indeed an unlawful act.44
Lim, in his personal capacity and in representation of the minority stockholders of RUBY, filed
a petition for review with prayer for a temporary restraining order and/or writ of preliminary
injunction before the CA (CAG.R. SP No. 73195) assailing the SEC order dismissing the petition
and dissolving the MANCOM.
Ruling of the CA
On May 26, 2004, the CA rendered its Decision,45the dispositive portion of which states:
WHEREFORE, the Questioned Order dated 18 September 2002 issued by the Securities and Exchange
Commission in SEC Case No. 2556 entitled In the Matter of the Petition for Suspension ofPayments, Ruby
Industrial Corporation, Petitioner, is hereby SET ASIDE, and consequently:
(1) the infusion of additional capital made by the majority stockholders be declared null and void and
restoring the capital structure of Ruby to its original structure prior to the time the injunction was issued,
that is, majority stockholders59.828% and the minority stockholders40.172% of the authorized capital
stock of Ruby Industrial Corporation.
(2) the resolution of the majority stockholders, who represents only 59.828% of the outstanding capital
stock of Ruby, extending the corporate life of Ruby for another twentyfive (25) years which was made
during the supposed stockholders meeting held on 03 September 1996 be declared null and void
(3) implementing the invalidation of any and all illegal assignments of credit/purchase of credits and
the cancellation of mortgages connected therewith made by the creditors of Ruby Industrial Corporation
during the effectivity of the suspension of payments order including that of China Bank and BPI and to
deliver to MAN
44Id., at pp. 8788.
45Id., at pp. 3867.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
COM or the Liquidator all the original of the Deeds of Assignments and the registered titles thereto and any
other documents related thereto and order their unwinding and requiring the majority stockholders to
account for all illegal assignments (amounts, dates, interests, etc. and present the original documents
supporting the same) and
(4) ordering the Securities and Exchange Commission to supervise the liquidation of Ruby Industrial
Corporation after the foregoing steps shall have been undertaken.

According to the CA, the SEC erred in not finding that the October 2, 1991 meeting held by
RUBYs board of directors was illegal because the MANCOM was neither involved nor consulted
in the resolution approving the issuance of additional shares of RUBY.
The CA further noted that the October 2, 1991 board meeting was conducted on the basis of
the September 18, 1991 order of the SEC Hearing Panel approving the Revised BENHAR/RUBY
Plan, which plan was set aside under this Courts January 20, 1998 Decision in G.R. Nos.
12418587. The CA pointed out that records confirmed the proposed infusion of additional capital
for RUBYs rehabilitation, approved during said meeting, as implementingthe Revised
BENHAR/RUBY Plan. Necessarily then, such capital infusion is covered by the final injunction
against the implementation of the revised plan. It must be recalled that this Court affirmed the
CAs ruling that the revised plan not only recognized the void deeds of assignments entered into
with some of RUBYs creditors in violation of the CAs decision in CAG.R. SP No. 18310, but also
maintained a financing scheme which will just make the rehabilitation plan more costly and
create a worse situation for RUBY.
On the supposed delay of the minority stockholders in raising the issue of the validity of the
infusion of additional capi
46Id., at pp. 6566.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
tal effected by the board of directors, the CA held that laches is inapplicable in this case. It noted
that Lim sought relief while the case is still pending before the SEC. If ever there was delay, the
same is not fatal to the cause of the minority stockholders.
The CA likewise faulted the SEC in relying on the presumption of regularity on the matter of
the extension of RUBYs corporate term through the filing of amended articles of incorporation.
In doing so, the CA totally disregarded the evidence which rebutted said presumption, as
demonstrated by Lim: (1) it was the board of directors and not the stockholders which conducted
the meeting without the approval of the MANCOM (2) there was no written waivers of the
minority stockholders preemptive rights and thus it was irregular to merely notify them of the

board of directors meeting and ask them to exercise their option (3) there was an existing
permanent injunction against any additional capital infusion on the BENHAR/RUBY Plan, while
the CA and this Court both rejected the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan (4) there was no General
Information Sheet reports made to the SEC on the alleged capital infusion, as per certification by
the SEC (5) the Certification stating the present percentage of majority shareholding, dated
December 21, 1993 and signed by Yu Kim Giangwhich was not sworn to before a Notary Public
was supposedly filed in 1996 with the SEC but it does not bear a stamped date of receipt, and
was only attached in a 2000 motion long after the October 1991 board meeting (6) said
Certification was contradicted by the SEC list of all stockholders of RUBY, in which the majority
remained at 59.828% and the minority shareholding at 40.172% as of October 27, 1991 (7)
certain receipts for the amount of P1.7 million was presented by the majority stockholders only in
the year 2000, long after Lim questioned the inclusion of extension of corporate term in the
Notice of Meeting when Lim filed before the CA a motion to cite for contempt (CAG.R. Nos.
32404, 32469 and 32483) and (8) this Courts decisions in the cases elevated to it had recognized
the 40% stockholding of the minor



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
ity. Upon the foregoing grounds, the CA said that the SEC should have invalidated the resolution
extending the corporate term of RUBY for another twentyfive (25) years.
With the expiration of the RUBYs corporate term, the CA ruled that it was error for the SEC
in not commencing liquidation proceedings. As to the dismissal of RUBYs petition for suspension
of payments, the CA held that the SEC erred when it retroactively applied Sec. 49 of theRules of
Procedure on Corporate Recovery. Such retroactive application of procedural rules admits of
exceptions, as when it would impair vested rights or cause injustice. In this case, the CA
emphasized that the two decisions of this Court still have to be implemented by the SEC, but to
date the SEC has failed to unwound the illegal assignments and order the assignees to surrender
the Deeds of Assignment to the MANCOM.
On the issue of violation of the rule against forum shopping, the CA held that this is not
applicable because the parties in CAG.R. SP No. 73169 (filed by MANCOM) and CAG.R. SP No.
73195 (filed by Lim) are not the same and they do not have the same interest. This issue was in
fact already resolved in G.R. Nos. 12418587 wherein this Court, citing Ramos, Sr. v. Court of
Appeals47declared that private respondents Lim, the unsecured creditors (ALFC) and MANCOM
cannot be considered to have engaged in forum shopping in filing separate petitions with the CA
as each have distinct rights to protect.
The CA also found that the belated submission of the special power of attorney executed by the
other minority stockholders representing 40.172% of RUBYs ownership has no bearing to the
continuation of the petition filed with the appellate court. Moreover, since the petition is in the
nature of a derivative suit, Lim clearly can file the same not only in rep

47G.R. Nos. 80908 & 80909, May 24, 1989, 173 SCRA 550, cited inRuby Industrial Corporation v. Court of Appeals,
supranote 1, at pp. 462463.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
resentation of the minority stockholders but also in behalf of the corporation itself which is the
real party in interest. Thus, notwithstanding that Lims ownership in RUBY comprises only 1.4%
of the outstanding capital stock, as claimed by the majority stockholders, his petition may not be
dismissed on this ground.
The Consolidated Petitions
From the Decision of the CA, China Bank and the Majority Stockholder joined by RUBY, filed
separate petitions before this Court.
In G.R. No. 165887, petitioners Majority Stockholders and RUBY raised the following grounds
for the reversal of the assailed decision and the reinstatement of the SECs September 18, 2002
First Reason
Second Reason
Third Reason



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim

On the other hand, petitioner China Bank in G.R. No. 165929 puts forth the argument that
the principle ofstare decisiscannot be given effect in this case considering the prevailing factual
circumstances, as to do so would result in manifest injustice. It contends that the reason for the
declaration of nullity of the Deed of Assignment pronounced more than a decade ago, has become
legally inefficacious by its obsolescence. The creditors of RUBY have the right to recover their
credit. But when the CA ordered the nullification of China Banks Deed of Assignment in favor of
Greener Investment Corporation, it practically dashed its last hope for ever recovering its credit.
China Bank is of the view that the CA overstretched the import of this Courts January 20,
1998 decision in G.R. Nos. 12418587 when the SEC was ordered to conduct further
proceedings, as to include the unwinding of the alleged illegal assignment of credits. The
rehabilitation of RUBY, if it still may be capable of, is not made dependent on the unwinding by
the SEC of the illegal assignments, as the same concerns only the issue of who shall now become
the creditors of RUBY, and does not alter the fact that RUBY has hefty loan obligations and it
has not enough cash flow to pay for the same.
Deploring the principal parties penchant for prolonged litigation resulting considerably in
irreversible losses to RUBY, China Bank maintains that from the report submitted by the
MANCOM to the SEC, it can be clearly seen that no attempt at rehabilitation whatsoever had
been pursued. Given the current situation, China Bank prays that the CA Decision be reversed
and its Deed of Assignment in favor of Greener Investment Corporation be recognized and given
full legal effect.
48Rollo(G.R. No. 165887), p. 11.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
In fine, main issues to be resolved are: (1) whether private respondents MANCOM and Lim
engaged in forum shopping when they filed separate petitions before the CA assailing the
September 18, 2002 SEC Order (2) whether the defects in the certification of nonforum shopping
submitted by Lim warrant the dismissal of his petition before the CA (3) whether the CA was
correct in reversing the SECs order dismissing the petition for suspension of payment.
Our Ruling
The petitions have no merit.
On the charge of forum shopping, we have already ruled on the matter in G.R. Nos. 12418587.
We hold that private respondents are not guilty of forumshopping. InRamos, Sr. v. Court of Appeals, we
The private respondents can be considered to have engaged in forum shopping if all of them, acting
as one group, filed identical special civil actions in the Court of Appeals and in this Court. There must
be identity of parties or interests represented, rights asserted and relief sought in different tribunals.

In the case at bar,two groups of private respondents appearto have acted independently of each other
when they sought relief from the appellate court. Both groups sought relief from the same tribunal.
It would not matter even if there are several divisions in the Court of Appeals. The adverse party
can always ask for the consolidation of the two cases. x x x
In the case at bar, private respondents represent different groups with different intereststhe minority
stockholders group, represented by private respondent Lim the unsecured creditors group, Allied Leasing
& Finance Corporation and the old management group. Each group has distinct rights to protect. In line
with our ruling inRamos, the cases filed by private respondents should be consolidated. In fact, BENHAR
and RUBY did just thatin their urgent motions filed on December 1, 1993 and December 6, 1993,



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
respectively, they prayed for the consolidation of the cases before the Court of Appeals.49

In the present case, no consolidation of CAG.R. SP Nos. 73169 (filed by MANCOM) which was
earlier assigned to the Thirteenth Division and CAG.R. SP No. 73195 (filed by Lim) decided by
the Second Division, took place. In their Comment filed before CAG.R. SP No. 73169, the
Majority Stockholders and RUBY (private respondents therein) prayed for the dismissal of said
case arguing that MANCOM, of which Lim is a member, circumvented the proscription against
forum shopping. The CAs Thirteenth Division, however, disagreed with private respondents and
granted the motion to withdraw petition filed by MANCOM which manifested that the Second
Division in CAG.R. SP No. 73195 by Decision dated May 26, 2004 had granted the reliefs similar
to those prayed for in their petition, said decision being binding on MANCOM which was also
impleaded in said case (CAG.R. SP No. 73195). The Thirteenth Division also cited our
pronouncement in G.R. Nos. 12418587 to the effect that there was no violation on the rule on
forum shopping because MANCOM and Lim or the minority shareholders of RUBY represent
different interests.50
As to the alleged defects in the certificate of nonforum shopping submitted by Lim, we find no
error committed by the CA in holding that the belated submission of a special power of attorney
executed in Lims favor by the minority stockholders has no bearing to the continuation of the
case as supported by ample jurisprudence. To appreciate the liberal stance adopted by the CA,
one must take into account the previous history of the petitions for review before the CA
involving the SEC September 18, 2002 Order. It was actually the thirdtime that Lim and/or
MANCOM have challenged certain acts perpetrated by the majority stockholders which
49Supranote 1, at pp. 462463.
50Rollo(G.R. No. 165887), pp. 719721.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
are prejudicial to RUBY, such as the execution of deeds of assignment during the effectivity of
the suspension order in pursuit of two rehabilitation plans submitted by them together with
BENHAR. The assignment of RUBYs credits to BENHAR gave the secured creditors undue
advantage over RUBYs prime properties and put these assets beyond the reach of the unsecured
creditors. Each time they go to court, Lim and MANCOM essentially advance the interest of the
corporation itself. They have consistently taken the position that RUBYs assets should be
preserved for the equal benefit of all its creditors, and vigorously resisted any attempt of the
controlling stockholders to favor any or some of its creditors by entering into questionable deals
or financing schemes under two BENHAR/RUBY Plans. Viewed in this light, the CA was
therefore correct in recognizing Lims right to institute a stockholders action in which the real
party in interest is the corporation itself.
A derivative action is a suit by a shareholder to enforce a corporate cause of action.51It is a
remedy designed by equity and has been the principal defense of the minority shareholders
against abuses by the majority.52For this purpose, it is enough that a member or a minority of
stockholders file a derivative suit for and in behalf of a corporation.53An individual stockholder is
permitted to institute a derivative suit on behalf of the corporation wherein he holds stock in
order to protect or vindicate corporate rights, whenever officials of the corporation refuse to sue
or are the ones to be sued or hold the control of the corporation. In such actions, the suing stock
51Chua v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 150793, November 19, 2004, 443 SCRA 259, 267.
52Western Institute of Technology, Inc. v. Salas, G.R. No. 113032, August 21, 1997, 278 SCRA 216, 225.
53R.N. Symaco Trading Corporation v. Santos, G.R. No. 142474, August 18, 2005, 467 SCRA 312, 329.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
holder is regarded as the nominal party, with the corporation as the party in interest.54
Now, on the third and substantive issue concerning the SECs dismissal of RUBYs petition for
suspension of payment.
The SEC based its action on Sec. 49 of the Rules of Procedure on Corporate Recovery,55which
SEC. 49. Period of Suspension Order.The suspension order shall be effective for a period of sixty
(60) days from the date of its issuance. The order shall be automatically vacated upon the lapse of the sixty
day period unless extended by the Commission. Upon motion, the Commission may grant an extension
thereof for a period of not more than sixty (60) days in each application if the Commission is satisfied that
the debtor and its officers have been acting in good faith and with due diligence, and that the debtor would
likely be able to make a viable rehabilitation plan. After the lapse of one hundred and eighty (180) days

from the issuance of the suspension order, no extension of the said order shall be granted by the
Commission if opposed in writing by a majority of any class of creditors. The Commission may grant an
extension beyond one hundred eighty (180) days only if it appears by convincing evidence that there is a
good chance for the successful rehabilitation of the debtor and the opposition thereto by the creditor appears
manifestly unreasonable.
In any event,the petition is deemedipso factodenied and dismissed if no Rehabilitation Plan
was approved by the Commission upon the lapse of the order or the last extension thereof. In
such case, the debtor shall come under the dissolution and liquidation proceedings of Rule V of
these Rules. (Emphasis supplied.)

According to the SEC, even if the 180 days maximum period of suspension order is counted
from the finality of this
54 Jose Campos, Jr. & Maria Clara L. Campos,THE CORPORATION CODE: COMMENTS, NOTES
(1990 ed.), p. 820, citingGamboa v. Victoriano, No. L40620, May 5, 1979, 90 SCRA 40, 47.
55Approved on December 21, 1999.




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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
Courts decision in G.R. Nos. 12418587 in December 1998, still this case had gone beyond the
period mandated in the Rules for a corporation under suspension of payment to have a
rehabilitation plan approved by the Commission.
While it is true that theRules of Procedure on Corporate Recoveryauthorizes the dismissal of a
petition for suspension of payment where there is no rehabilitation plan approved within the
maximum period of the suspension order, it must be recalled that there was in fact not one,
buttwo rehabilitation plans(BENHAR/RUBY Plan and Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan) submitted
by the majority stockholders which were approved by the SEC. The implementation of the first
plan was enjoined when it was seriously challenged in the courts by the minority stockholders
through Lim. The second revised plan superseded the first plan, but eventually nullified by the
CA and the CA decision declaring it void was affirmed by this Court in G.R. Nos. 12418587.
Given this factual milieu, the automatic application of the lifting of the suspension order as
interpreted by the SEC in its September 18, 2002 Order would be unfair and highly prejudicial to
the financially distressed corporation.
Moreover, records reveal that the delay in the proceedings after the case was set for hearing
following this Courts final judgment in G.R. Nos. 12418587, was not due to any fault or neglect
on the part of MANCOM or the minority stockholders. The idea propounded by the petitioners
majority stockholders that this case is about a minority in a corporation holding hostage the
majority indefinitely by simple assertion that the formers rights have been transgressed by the
latter is, downright misleading.
First, the SEC did not even mention in its September 18, 2002 Order that when this Court
remanded to it the case for further proceedings, there remained only the Alternative Plan of
RUBYs minority stockholders which had earlier been forwarded to the SEC Hearing Panel. With
the CA Decision setting aside the SEC approval of the Revised BEN




Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
HAR/RUBY Plan, as affirmed by this Court, it behooves on the SEC to recognize the fact that the
Alternative Plan was endorsed by 90% of the RUBYs creditors who had objected to the Revised
BENHAR/RUBY Plan. Yet, not a single step was taken by the SEC to address those findings and
conclusions made by the CA and this Court on the highly disadvantageous and onerous
provisions of the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan.
Moreover, the SEC failed to act on motions filed by Lim and MANCOM to implement this
Courts January 20, 1998 Decision in G.R. Nos. 12418587, by declaring all deeds of assignment
with BENHAR and/or the conduits of Henry Yu of no force and legal effect, which of course
necessitates the surrender by the concerned creditors of those void deeds of assignment.
Petitioner China Bank dismisses it as unnecessary and immaterial to the continued inability of
RUBY to settle its long overdue debts. However, the CA said that the foregoing acts should have
been done by the SEC for proper documentation and orderly settlement after proper accounting
of the assignment transactions. The appellate court then concluded that dismissal of the petition
under Sec. 49 of theRules of Procedure on Corporate Recoverywould impair the vested rights of
the minority stockholders under this Courts decision invalidating the aforesaid deeds of
assignment, thus:
We agree with the observations of the petition that if the illegal assignments not having been unwound
and the mortgages not canceled, the majority, their alter ego, and/or cohorts will claim to be secured
creditors and freely collect extrajudicially the obligations covered by the illegal assignments. Ruby has very
little money compared to the P200 Million probable liability to the illegal assignees as unilaterally stated by
Ruby without audit (previously merely totaled to P34 Million in 1998 as stated in the revised rehabilitation
plan). Foreclosure of the mortgages by the illegal assignees will follow Ruby will lose all its prime
properties there will be no assets left for unsecured creditors and there will be no residual P600 Million
assets to divide.56
56Rollo(G.R. No. 165887), p. 61.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
Evidently, the minority stockholders and MANCOM had already foreseen the impossibility of
implementing a viable rehabilitation plan if the illegal assignments made by its creditors with

BENHAR and the majority stockholders, and subsequently, with conduits of RUBY or Henry Yu,
are not properly unwound and those directors responsible for the void transactions not required
to make a full accounting. Contrary to petitioner China Banks insinuation that the minority
stockholders merely want to prolong the litigation to the great prejudice and damage to RUBYs
creditors, MANCOM and Lim had determined and moved for SECsupervised liquidation
proceedings as the more prudent course of action for an orderly and equitable settlement of
RUBYs liabilities.
Records likewise revealed that the SEC chose to keep silent and failed to assist the MANCOM
and minority stockholders in their efforts to demand compliance from the majority stockholders
or Yu Kim Giang (who headed the first MANCOM) with the December 22, 1989 Order directing
them to turn over the cash, financial records and documents of RUBY, including certificates of
title over RUBYs real properties, and render an accounting of all moneys received and payments
made by RUBY. On January 18, 2002, the MANCOM even filed a Motion57 to require Yu Kim
Giang to render report/accounting of RUBY from 1983 to the 1st quarter of 1990, stating that
despite a commitment from Mr. Giang, he has seemingly delayed his compliance, hence
frustrating the desire of MANCOM to submit a comprehensive and complete report for the whole
period of 1983 up to the present. To underscore the importance of making the said records
available for scrutiny of the SEC and MANCOM, Lim manifested before the SEC that
Indeed, the majority is actually unwilling (and not merely unable) to submit such records because these will show,
among others:
57SEC records (Vol. 12), pp. 40794080.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
(1) The majority to minority ratio in the corporate ownership is 59.828% :40.172%
(2) The actual amounts of the bank loans paid off by Benhar International[,] Inc. and/or Henry Yu would be very
(3) The illegal payment of the bank loans and illegal assignments of the mortgages to Benhar/Henry Yu are
contrary to the Honorable Commissions Order of 20 December 1983 for suspension of payments
(4) The earnings of the corporation from 1983 to 1989 amounted to millions and cannot be accounted for by the
majority and the first Mancom
(5) The money may have been spent to pay off some of the loans to the bank but Benhar and Henry Yu fraudulently
claim credit therefor.58

It must be noted that MANCOM had rejected the two rehabilitation plans proposed by
BENHAR and the majority stockholders. In shifting the blame to the MANCOM and minority
stockholders for the delay in the approval of a viable rehabilitation plan, the SEC apparently
overlooked that from the time the SEC approved the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan and dissolved
the MANCOM, the majority stockholders has denied MANCOM access to corporate papers,
documents evidencing the amounts actually paid to creditor banks/
assignors, financial statements and titles over RUBYs real properties.

Although the SEC granted MANCOM and Lims request for a hearing and direct a
representative from BPI to bring all documents relative to the assignment of RUBYs credit, said
hearing did not materialize after the majority stockholders proposed a compromise agreement
with the minority stockholders. But as it turned out, this development only caused further delay
because the majority stockholders were unwilling to turn over documents, funds and properties
in their possession, and would neither make a full accounting or dis
58Id., at pp. 42884289.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
closure of RUBYs transactions, especially the actual amounts paid and rates of interest on the
loan assignments. In this state of things, the MANCOM and minority stockholders resolved that
the more reasonable and practical option is to move for a SECsupervised liquidation
The other ground invoked by Lim and MANCOM for the propriety of liquidation is the
expiration of RUBYs corporate term. The SEC, however, held that the filing of the amendment of
articles of incorporation by RUBY in 1996 complied with all the legal requisites and hence the
presumption of regularity stands. Records show that the validity of the infusion of additional
capital which resulted in the alleged increase in the shareholdings of petitioners majority
stockholders in October 1991 was questioned by MANCOM and Lim even before the majority
stockholders filed their motion to dismiss in the year 2000.
A stock corporation is expressly granted the power to issue or sell stocks.59The power to issue
shares of stock in a corporation is lodged in the board of directors and no stockholders meeting is
required to consider it because additional issuances of shares of stock does not need approval of
the stockholders.60 What is only required is the board resolution approving the additional
issuance of shares. The corporation shall also file the necessary application with the SEC to
exempt these from the registration requirements under the Revised Securities Act (now the
Securities Regulation Code).
The new management committee created pursuant to SEC Order dated September 18, 1991
apparently had no participation in the October 2, 1991 board resolution approving the issuance of
additional shares. The move was part of the boards assertion of control over the management in
RUBY following the approval of the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan.
59CORPORATION CODE, Sec. 36, par. 6.
60Dee v. Securities and Exchange Commission, G.R. Nos. 60502 and 63922, July 16, 1991, 199 SCRA 238, 252.


Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
The minority stockholders registered their objection during the said meeting by asking the board
to defer action as the SEC September 18, 1991 Order was still on appeal with the SECEn Banc.
When the SEC En Banc denied their appeal and motion for reconsideration under its July 30,
1993 and October 15, 1993 orders, Lim, MANCOM and ALFC filed petitions for review with the
CA which set aside the said orders. As already mentioned, this Court affirmed the CA ruling in
G.R. Nos. 12418587.
Contrary to the assertion of petitioners majority stockholders, our decision in G.R. Nos.
12418587 nullified the deeds of assignmentnotsolely on the ground of violation of the injunction
orders issued by the SEC and CA. As earlier mentioned, we affirmed the CAs finding that the re
lending scheme under the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan will not only make rehabilitation more
costly for RUBY, but also worsen its financial condition because of the mortgage of its assets to a
new creditor. To better illumine this point, we quote from the CA decision in CAG.R. SP Nos.
32404, 32469 and 32483 comparing the provisions of the rehabilitation proposals submitted by
the majority stockholders (Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan) and the minority stockholders
(Alternative Plan):
there is no need for Benhar to act as financier, as Ruby itself can very well secure such credit
accommodation using its assets as collateral. Verily, Benhars pretext at magnanimity is deception of the
highest order considering that: (1) as embodied in the heading Sources and Uses of Funds in the Revised
Benhar/Ruby Plan, the P80Million loan/credit facility to be extended by Benhar will be used to pay
P60.437Million loans of Ruby. Of the P60.437Million, P34.068Million will be paid to Benhar as payment
for the amounts it paid in consideration of the nullified assignments (2) The Deed of Assignment of Credit
Facility will be executed by Benhar in favor of Ruby only upon payment of Ruby of such amount already
advanced by Benhar, i.e. the P34.068Million credit assigned to Benhar by the seven (7) secured creditors.
The Revised Benhar/Ruby Plan, in fact, gives Benhar undue preference on the matter of repayment.
Under the said plan, the

VOL. 650, JUNE 6,



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
creditors of Ruby will be paid in accordance with the following schedules:
BPIPhilippine Orient


P 9.347M

To be paid
in cash with
interest p.a.
To be paid

having P34.068M
paidRuby obligations
to 7 creditors

for 3 years)

To be paid
in cash with
P8.614M to
be paid in

(Rollo,CAG.R. SP No. 32404, p. 727)

Needless to state,the foregoing payment schedules as embodied in the said plan which gives
Benhar undue advantage over the other creditors goes against the very essence of
rehabilitation, which requires that no creditor should be preferred over the other. Indeed, a
comparison of the salient features of the Revised Benhar/Ruby Plan and the Alternative Plan will readily
show just how stacked in favor of Benhar are the provisions of the former plan:
plays a major
role. It will be
paid P34.068M
out of P60.437
M total amount
due to creditors
explained as to
how arrived at.

1. The
are the ones
The amount
payable is
2. Benhar will 2. Direct
not assign the credit
credit facility P80M loan
of P80M unless and will be
from the



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim

P34.068M above
stated is paid.

Equitable Bank
or even China
3. The
main 3. Mortgaged
assets are to be tobank(s)directly.
mortgaged to the
creditor assignor
of Benhar and if
assignments are
recognized, then
mortgagee even
when it is a
4. Start up cost 4. Plant B =
and P25,640 Year IV
based on 1988 estimatedP40.
and MPlant
estimatedP30. M
5. Rehabilitation 5. Rehabilitation
only of Plant B.
of both plants.
6. Recognition of 6. None
7. Because of the 7. Pilipinas
SEC Order he got Shell
an MC seat and representative be
and the Pilipinas retained.
representative of
was retained.
8. Credit facility 8. Credit facility
is being assigned directly to Ruby.

9. Authorized
mortgage assets
of Ruby itself.
Only remaining
asset is one (1)
Two (2) prime
10. Capacity of
only one (1) plant
stated at 72%

9. None going to
the minority but
to actual lenders.

10. Capacity of
two (2) plants
75% or 80% with
purchase of new

VOL. 650, JUNE 6,



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
11. Projection
figures based on
May, 1990 forex
exchange rate. Cost
of importation and
other local supplier
currently cannot be
12. Market
economic slow down

11. Minority
current foreign
exchange rate.

12. Taken
so will upgrade
13. Discriminatory 13. Not
to creditors Benhar discriminatory.
undisclosed rates of
14. Original
14. Original
Figures of illegally figures will be
assigned loans from used original
FEBTC, PCIB, PTC figures plans
which totaled to 12%
P11,419,036.87 but only.

now entered as
may have been
capitalized. Figures
for the other four
(4) secured lenders
individually. Total
of seven (7) secured
lenders given as
P34.068 M.
15. Interest is 28% 15. Interest is
with Benhar as 25% payable to
the bank. This
is still subject
market rates to
be negotiated
16. Call
on 16. Additional
unissued shares for subscription of
P11.814 M and if P16M within 6
minority will take months by the
pre minority
emptive rights and stockholders.
x x x x61

Prior to the September 18, 1991 Order approving the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan and
dissolving the MANCOM,
61CARollo, pp. 263266.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
majority of RUBYs creditors (90%) have already withdrawn their support to the revised plan
and manifested that they were only lately informed about another plan submitted by the
minority stockholders. Hence, these creditors wrote individual letters to the SEC Hearing Panel
expressing their agreement with and endorsement of the Alternative Plan of the minority

The Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan had proposed the calling for subscription of unissued
shares through a Board Resolution from the P11.814 million of the P23.7 million ACS in order to
allow the long overdue program of the REHAB Program. RUBY will offer for subscription
118,140 shares of stocks at par value of P100 each to all stockholders on record, payable within
15 days, or within a reasonable period from SEC approval of the revised plan.63 This was
implemented by the October 2, 1991 meeting of the Board of Directors led by Yu Kim Giang. The
minority directors claimed they were not notified of said board meeting. At any rate, the CA
decision nullifying the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan was affirmed by this Court on January 20,
1998. Hence, the legitimate concerns of the minority stockholders and MANCOM who objected to
the capital infusion which resulted in the dilution of their shareholdings, the expiration of
RUBYs corporate term and the pending incidents on the void deeds of assignment of creditall
these should have been duly considered and acted upon by the SEC when the case was remanded
to it for further proceedings. With the final rejection of the courts of the Revised BENHAR/RUBY
Plan, it was grave error for the SEC not to act decisively on the motions filed by the minority
stockholders who have maintained that the issuance of additional shares did not help improve
the situation of RUBY except to stifle the opposition coming from the MANCOM and minority
stockholders by diluting the latters shareholdings.
62SEC records (Vol. 9), pp. 29552965, 28422850, 29762985, 30583065.
63SEC records (Vol. 7), p. 2156.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
Worse, the SEC ignored the evidence adduced by the minority stockholders indicating that the
correct amount of subscription of additional shares was not paid by the majority stockholders and
that SEC official records still reflect the 60%40% percentage of ownership of RUBY.
The SEC remained indifferent to the reliefs sought by the minority stockholders, saying that
the issue of the validity of the additional capital infusion was belatedly raised. Even assuming
the October 2, 1991 board meeting indeed took place, the SEC did nothing to ascertain whether
indeed, as the minority claimed: (1) the minority stockholders were not given notice as required
and reasonable time to exercise their preemptive rights and (2) the capital infusion was not for
the purpose of rehabilitation but a mere ploy to divest the minority stockholders of their 40.172%
shareholding and reduce it to a mere 25.25%.
The foregoing matters, along with the persistent refusal of the majority stockholders, led by
Yu Kim Giang, to give a full accounting of their transactions involving RUBYs credits and
properties, were extensively argued by the minority stockholders in their opposition to the
motions to dismiss/vacate suspension order filed by the majority stockholders and BPI, as follows:
Their receipts only show supposed payment by the majority of a total of P1,759,150.00 out of the correct
amount of P7,068,079.92.00 (sic) (59.828% of P11.814 million required capital infusion under the MRP and
RRP) which should have been the amount paid by them under the RRPwhich requires full payment. Thus,
they sought to attain a 74.75% equity from a 59.828% original equity by playing more tricks and stating
that, under the general rule, they are supposedly allowed to payup only 25% of their

subscription.Unfortunately for them, in a rehabilitation supervised by the SEC and with an existing
Mancom, the general rule does not apply. What is stated in the rehabilitation plan must be strictly
followedprovided the rehabilitation plan has been finally approved.
It must be remembered that in October 2 to 17, 1991, the amounts owed by Ruby to the banks who
illegally assigned their



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
loans/credit was stated at P34 Million. Operations needed another P20 Million plus.A capital infusion of
P1,759,150.00 was so miniscule and clearly not for rehabilitation but was intended to deprive the minority of
its blocking position and property rights since distribution after liquidation is based on the percentage of
stockholdings. It is not only unfair, inequitable and not meaningfulit is clearly dishonest.
Assuming arguendo that the Board of Directors could act independently and this did not violate any
injunction, if the capital infusion was actually made, the Board of Directors had the duty to report this to
the Mancom because they would then fall under existing assets and would be part of the evaluation of the
proposed RRP, necessary for management and in the overall plan of rehabilitation. Nothing of this kind
happened and the belated proof cannot correct this situation.
It is not true that there is benevolence on the part of the majority when they maneuvered the illegal
assignments and paid the banks.The loan obligations remain as accounts payable of Ruby and have even
been bloated to gigantic proportions and yet the SEC does not even ask them to account how much these
obligations are now and the majority should have reported these to the Mancom, but the majority has not.
These anomalous situations have been made to continue long enough and, we pray, should be addressed by
the Honorable Commission.
The SEC must understand that, being head of the first Mancom, YU KIM GIANG had the same
obligation to render a report to the SEC as the present Mancom now. To single out the present Mancom to
do this when a complete report cannot be made without these starting records is discriminatory, unfair and
violates the rules of accountancy. For example, where is the report on the illegal assignments and mortgages
complete with details? Where did the rentals for the period from 1983 to 1989 go? This amounted to
millions. There are no reports on these.By not requiring the first Mancom to Report, the SEC is
preventing the complete picture on the liabilities and finances of Ruby from being seen

VOL. 650, JUNE 6,



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
and issheltering Ruby and the majority.64(Additional emphasis supplied.)

Preemptive right under Sec. 39 of the Corporation Code refers to the right of a stockholder of
a stock corporation to subscribe to all issues or disposition of shares of any class, in proportion to
their respective shareholdings. The right may be restricted or denied under the articles of
incorporation, and subject to certain exceptions and limitations. The stockholder must be given a
reasonable time within which to exercise their preemptive rights. Upon the expiration of said
period, any stockholder who has not exercised such right will be deemed to have waived it.65
The validity of issuance of additional shares may be questioned if done in breach of trust by
the controlling stockholders. Thus, even if the preemptive right does not exist, either because the
issue comes within the exceptions in Section 39 or because it is denied or limited in the articles of
incorporation, an issue of shares may still be objectionable if the directors acted in breach of trust
and their primary purpose is to perpetuate or shift control of the corporation, or to freeze out
the minority interest.66In this case, the following relevant observations should have signaled
greater circumspection on the part of the SECupon the third and last remand to it pursuant to
our January 20, 1998 decisionto demand transparency and accountability from the majority
stockholders, in view of the illegal assignments and objectionable features of the Revised
BENHAR/RUBY Plan, as found by the CA and as affirmed by this Court:
64SEC records (Vol. 13), pp. 4403, 4408 and 4443.
65Jose Campos, Jr. & Maria Clara L. Campos,THE CORPORATION CODE: COMMENTS, NOTES
(1990 ed.), p. 58.
66Id., at pp. 6263.






Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
There can be no gainsaying the wellestablished rule in corporate practice and procedure that the will of
the majority shall govern in all matters within the limits of the act of incorporation and lawfully enacted by
laws not proscribed by law. It is, however, equally true that other stockholders are afforded the right to
intervene especially during critical periods in the life of a corporation like reorganization, or in this case,
suspension of payments, more so, when the majority seek to impose their will and through
fraudulent means, attempt to siphon off Rubys valuable assets to the great prejudice of Ruby
itself, as well as the minority stockholders and the unsecured creditors.
Certainly, the minority stockholders and the unsecured creditors are given some measure of protection by
the law from the abuses and impositions of the majority, more so in this case, considering thegiveaway
signs of private respondents perfidy strewn all over the factual landscape. Indeed, equity cannot
deprive the minority of a remedy against the abuses of the majority, and the present action has been
instituted precisely for the purpose of protecting the true and legitimate interests of Ruby against the
Majority Stockholders. On this score, the Supreme Court, has ruled that:
Generally speaking, the voice of the majority of the stockholders is the law of the corporation, but
there are exceptions to this rule.There must necessarily be a limit upon the power of the majority.
Without such a limit the will of the majority will be absolute and irresistible and might easily
degenerate into absolute tyranny. x x x67(Additional emphasis supplied.)

Lamentably, the SEC refused to heed the plea of the minority stockholders and MANCOM for
the SEC to order RUBY to commence liquidation proceedings, which is allowed under Sec. 49 of
the Rules on Corporate Recovery. Under the circumstances, liquidation was the only hope of the
minority stockholders for effecting an orderly and equitable settlement of RUBYs obligations,
and compelling the majority stockholders to account for all funds, properties and documents in
67CARollo, p. 266.

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Majority Stockholders of
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Corporation vs. Lim
possession, and make full disclosure on the nullified credit assignments. Oblivious to these
pending incidents so crucial to the protection of the interest of the majority of creditors and
minority shareholders, the SEC simply stated that in the interim, RUBYs corporate term was
validly extended, as if such extension would provide the solution to RUBYs myriad problems.
Extension of corporate term requires the vote of 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock in a
stockholders meeting called for the purpose.68The actual percentage of shareholdings in RUBY
as of September 3, 1996when the majority stockholders allegedly ratified the board resolution
approving the extension of RUBYs corporate life to another 25 yearswas seriously disputed by
the minority stockholders, and we find the evidence of compliance with the notice and quorum
requirements submitted by the majority stockholders insufficient and doubtful. Consequently,
the SEC had no basis for its ruling denying the motion of the minority stockholders to declare as
without force and effect the extension of RUBYs corporate existence.
Liquidation, or the settlement of the affairs of the corporation, consists of adjusting the debts
and claims, that is, of collecting all that is due the corporation, the settlement and adjustment of
claims against it and the payment of its just debts.69It involves the winding up of the affairs of
the corporation, which means the collection of all assets, the payment of all its creditors, and the
distribution of the remaining assets, if any, among the stockholders thereof in accordance with
their contracts, or if there be no special contract, on the basis of their respective interests.70
69China Banking Corporation and Kahn v. M. Michelin & Cie, 58 Phil. 261, 268 (1933).
70Supranote 65, at p. 415.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
Section 122 of theCorporation Code, which is applicable to the present case, provides:
SEC. 122. Corporate liquidation.Every corporation whose charter expires by its own limitation or is
annulled by forfeiture or otherwise, or whose corporate existence for other purposes is terminated in any
other manner, shall nevertheless be continued as a body corporate for three (3) years after the time when it
would have been so dissolved, for the purpose of prosecuting and defending suits by or against it and
enabling it to settle and close its affairs, to dispose of and convey its property and to distribute its assets,
but not for the purpose of continuing the business for which it was established.
At any time during said three (3) years, said corporation is authorized and empowered to convey all of its
property to trustees for the benefit of stockholders, members, creditors, and other persons in interest. From
and after any such conveyance by the corporation of its property in trust for the benefit of its stockholders,
members, creditors and others in interest, all interests which the corporation had in the property
terminates, the legal interest vests in the trustees, and the beneficial interest in the stockholders, members,
creditors or other persons in interest.
Upon winding up of the corporate affairs, any asset distributable to any creditor or stockholder or
member who is unknown or cannot be found shall be escheated to the city or municipality where such assets
are located.
Except by decrease of capital stock and as otherwise allowed by this Code, no corporation shall distribute
any of its assets or property except upon lawful dissolution and after payment of all its debts and liabilities.

Since the corporate life of RUBY as stated in its articles of incorporation expired, without a
valid extension having been effected, it was deemed dissolved by such expiration without need of
further action on the part of the corporation or the State.71With greater reason then should
liquidation ensue
71See Villanueva,PHILIPPINE CORPORATE LAW(2010 ed.), p. 841, citing Sec. 11, Corporation CodePhilippine National
Bank v.

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Majority Stockholders of
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Corporation vs. Lim
considering that the last paragraph of Sec. 49 of theRules of Procedure on Corporate
Recoverymandates the SEC to order the dissolutionandliquidation proceedings under Rule VI.
Sec. 61, Rule VI likewise authorizes the SEC on motion or motu proprio, or upon
recommendation of the management committee, to order dissolution of the debtor corporation
and the liquidation of its remaining assets, appointing a Liquidator for the purpose, if the
continuance in business of the debtor is no longer feasible or profitable or no longer works to the
best interest of the stockholders, partieslitigants, creditors, or the general public.
It cannot be denied that with the current divisiveness, distrust and antagonism between the
majority and minority stockholders, the long agony and extreme prejudice caused by numerous
litigations to the creditors, and the bleak prospects for business recovery in the light of problems

with the local government which are implementing more restrictions and antipollution measures
that practically banned the operation of RUBYs glass plantliquidation becomes the only viable
course for RUBY to stave off any further losses and dissipation of its assets. Liquidation would
also ensure an orderly and equitable settlement of allcreditors of RUBY, both secured and
The SECs utter disregard of the rights of the minority in applying the provisions of theRules
of Procedure on Corporate Recoveryis inconsistent with the policy of liberal construction of the
said rules to assist the parties in obtaining a just, expeditious and inexpensivesettlement of
cases.72Petitioners majority stockholders, however, assert that the findings and conclusions of the
SEC on the matter of the dismissal of RUBYs petition are binding and conclusive upon the CA
and this Court. They contend that reviewing courts
CFI of Rizal, Pasig, Br. XXI, G.R. No. 63201, May 27, 1992, 209 SCRA 294.
72Sec. 12, Rules of Procedure on Corporate Recovery.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
are not supposed to substitute their judgment for those made by administrative bodies
specifically clothed with authority to pass upon matters over which they have acquired
expertise.73Given our foregoing findings clearly showing that the SEC acted arbitrarily and
committed patent errors and grave abuse of discretion, this case falls under the exception to the
general rule.
As we held inRuby Industrial Corporation v. Court of Appeals:
The settled doctrine is that factual findings of an administrative agency are accorded respect and, at
times, finality for they have acquired the expertise inasmuch as their jurisdiction is confined to specific
matters. Nonetheless, these doctrines do not apply when the board or official has gone beyond his statutory
authority, exercised unconstitutional powers or clearly acted arbitrarily and without regard to his duty or
with grave abuse of discretion. In Leongson vs. Court of Appeals, we held: once the actuation of the
administrative official or administrative board or agency is tainted by a failure to abide by the command of
the law, then it is incumbent on the courts of justice to set matters right, with this Tribunal having the last
say on the matter.74

Petitioners majority stockholders further insist that the minority stockholders were mistaken
when they contended that the rehabilitation of RUBY is dependent on the unwinding by the SEC
of the illegal assignments and mortgages. They assert that aside from the fact that the SEC had
nothing to unwind because the alleged illegal assignments and mortgages were already declared
null and void, the said assignments and mortgages will not affect the rehabilitation of
73Rollo(G.R. No. 165887), p. 744.

74Supranote 1, at p. 455, citingAlejandro v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. 8457273, November 27, 1990, 191 SCRA 700,
709710Pajo, etc., et al. v. Ago and Ortiz, etc., 108 Phil. 905, 915916 (1960) and No. L32255, January 30, 1973, 49 SCRA
212, 220.

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Majority Stockholders of
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Corporation vs. Lim
Ruby the sameaffecting only the issue of how, as towhowill be its creditors.
Such contention is untenable and contrary to our previous ruling in G.R. Nos. 12418587. With
the nullification of the deeds of assignments of credit executed by some of Rubys secured
creditors in favor of BENHAR, it logically follows that the assignors or the original bank creditors
remain as the creditors on record of RUBY. We have noted that BENHAR, which is controlled by
the family of Henry Yu who is also a director and stockholder of RUBY, was not listed as one of
RUBYs creditors at the time RUBY filed the petition for suspension of payment. Petitioners
majority stockholders insinuation that RUBYs credits may have been assigned to third parties,
if not referring to BENHAR or its conduits, implies two things: either the assignments declared
void by this Courts January 20, 1998 decision continues to be recognized by the majority
stockholders, in violation of the said decision, or other third parties in connivance with BENHAR
and/or the controlling stockholders had subsequently entered the picture, without approval of the
SEC and whilethe SEC December 20, 1983 Order enjoining the disposition of RUBYs properties
was in force.
The majority stockholders eagerness to have the suspension order lifted or vacated by the
SEC without any order for its liquidation evinces a total disregard of the mandate of Sec. 49 of
theRules of Procedure on Corporate Recovery, and their obvious lack of any intent to render an
accounting of all funds, properties and details of the unlawful assignment transactions to the
prejudice of RUBY, minority stockholders and the majority of RUBYs creditors. The majority
stockholders and BENHARs conduits must not be allowed to evade the duty to make such full
disclosure and account any money due to RUBY to enable the latter to effect a fair, orderly and
equitable settlement of all its obligations, as well as distribution of any remaining assets after
paying all its debtors.



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
In fine, no error was committed by the CA when it set aside the September 18, 2002 Order of
the SEC and declared the nullity of the acts of majority stockholders in implementing capital
infusion through issuance of additional shares in October 1991, the board resolution approving

the extension of RUBYs corporate term for another 25 years, and any illegal assignment of credit
executed by RUBYs creditors in favor of third parties and/or conduits of the controlling
stockholders. The CA likewise correctly ordered the delivery of all documents relative to the said
assignment of credits to the MANCOM or the Liquidator, the unwinding of these void deeds of
assignment, and their full accounting by the majority stockholders.
The petitioners majority stockholders and China Bank cannot be permitted to raise any issue
again regarding the validity of anyassignment of credit made during the effectivity of the
suspension order andbeforethe finality of the September 18, 2002 Order lifting the same. While
China Bank is not precluded from questioning the validity of the December 20, 1983 suspension
order on the basis ofres judicata, it is, however, barred from doing so by the principle oflaw of
the case. We have held that when the validity of an interlocutory order has already been passed
upon on appeal, the Decision of the Court on appeal becomes the law of the case between the
same parties.Law of the casehas been defined as the opinion delivered on a former appeal. More
specifically, it means that whatever is once irrevocably established as the controlling legal rule of
decision between the same parties in the same case continues to be the law of the case, whether
correct on general principles or not, so long as the facts on which such decision was predicated
continue to be the facts of the case before the court.75
75Union Bank of the Philippines v. ASB Development Corporation, G.R. No. 172895, July 30, 2008, 560 SCRA 578,
600, citingPeople v. Pinuila, et al., 103 Phil. 992, 999 (1958).

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Majority Stockholders of
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Corporation vs. Lim
The unwinding process of all such illegal assignment of RUBYs credits is critical and
necessary, in keeping with good faith and as a matter of fairness and justice to all parties
affected, particularly the unsecured creditors who stands to suffer most if left with nothing of the
assets of RUBY, and the minority stockholders who waged legal battles to defend the interest of
RUBY and protect the rights of the minority from the abuses of the controlling stockholders. As
correctly stated by the CA:
Liquidation is imperative because the unsecured creditor must negotiate the amount of the imputable
interest rate on its long unpaid credit, the decision on which assets are to be sold to liquidate the illegally
assigned credits must be made, the other secured credits and the trade credits must be determined, and
most importantly, the restoration of the 40.172% minority percentage of ownership must be done.76

However, we do not agree that it is the SEC which has the authority to supervise RUBYs
In the case ofUnion Bank of the Philippines v. Concepcion,77the Court is presented with the
issue of whether the SEC had jurisdiction to proceed with insolvency proceedings after it was
shown that the debtor corporation can no longer be rehabilitated. We held that although
jurisdiction over a petition to declare a corporation in a state of insolvency strictly lies with
regular courts, the SEC possessed ample power under P.D. No. 902A, as amended, to declare a
corporation insolvent as an incident of and in continuation of its already acquired jurisdiction

over the petition to be declared in a state of suspension of payments in the two instances provided
in Sec. 5 (d)78thereof.
76Rollo(G.R. No. 165887), p. 62.
77G.R. No. 160727, June 26, 2007, 525 SCRA 672, 682683.
78SEC. 5. In addition to the regulatory and adjudicative functions of the [SEC] over corporations under existing



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
Subsequently, inConsuelo Metal Corporation v. Planters Development Bank79 the Court was
again confronted with the same issue. The original petition filed by the debtor corporation was for
suspension of payment, rehabilitation and appointment of a rehabilitation receiver or
management committee. Finding the petition sufficient in form and substance, the SEC issued an
order suspending immediately all actions for claims against the petitioner pending before any
court, tribunal or body until further orders from the court. It also created a management
committee to undertake petitioners rehabilitation. Four years later, upon the management
committees recommendation, the SEC issued an omnibus order directing the dissolution and
liquidation of the petitioner, and that the proceedings on and implementation of the order of
liquidation be commenced at the Regional Trial Court to which the case was transferred.
However, the trial court refused to act on the motion filed by the petitioner who requested for the
issuance of a TRO against the extrajudicial foreclosure initiated by one of its creditors. The trial
court ruled that since the SEC had already terminated and decided on the merits the petition for
suspension of payment, the trial court no longer had legal basis to act on petitioners motion. It
likewise denied the motion for reconsideration stating that petition for suspension of payment
could not be converted into a petition for dissolution and liquidation because they covered
different subject matters and were governed by different
decrees, it shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide cases involving:
d) Petitions of corporations, partnerships or associations to be declared in the state of suspension of payments in
cases where [it] possesses sufficient property to cover all its debts but foresees the impossibility of meeting them when
they respectively fall due or in cases where [it] has no sufficient assets to cover its liabilities, but is under the
management of a Rehabilitation Receiver or Management Committee created pursuant to this Decree.
79G.R. No. 152580, June 26, 2008, 555 SCRA 465.


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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
rules. Petitioners remedy thus was to file a new petition for dissolution and liquidation either
with the SEC or the trial court.
When the case was elevated to the CA, the petition was dismissed affirming that under Sec.
121 of the Corporation Code, the SEC had jurisdiction to hear the petition for dissolution and
liquidation. On motion for reconsideration, the CA remanded the case to the SEC for proceedings
under Sec. 121 of theCorporation Code. The CA denied the motion for reconsideration filed by
the respondent creditor, who then filed a petition for review with this Court.
We ruled that the SEC observed the correct procedure under the present law, in cases where it
merely retained jurisdiction over pending cases for suspension of payments/
rehabilitation, thus:
Republic Act No. 8799 (RA 8799) transferred to the appropriate regional trial courts the SECs
jurisdiction defined under Section 5(d) of Presidential Decree No. 902A. Section 5.2 of RA 8799 provides:
The Commissions jurisdiction over all cases enumerated under Sec. 5 of Presidential Decree No. 902
A is hereby transferred to the Courts of general jurisdiction or the appropriate Regional Trial
Court:Provided, That the Supreme Court in the exercise of its authority may designate the Regional
Trial Court branches that shall exercise jurisdiction over these cases. The Commission shall retain
jurisdiction over pending cases involving intracorporate disputes submitted for final resolution which
should be resolved within one (1) year from the enactment of this Code. The Commission shall
retain jurisdiction over pending suspension of payments/rehabilitation cases filed as of 30
June 2000 until finally disposed.(Emphasis supplied)
The SEC assumed jurisdiction over CMCs petition for suspension of payment and issued a suspension
order on 2 April 1996 after it found CMCs petition to be sufficient in form and substance. While CMCs
petition was still pending with the SEC as of 30 June 2000, it was finally disposed of on 29 November 2000
when the SEC issued



Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
its Omnibus Order directing the dissolution of CMC and the transfer of the liquidation proceedings before
the appropriate trial court. The SEC finally disposed of CMCs petition for suspension of payment when it
determined that CMC could no longer be successfully rehabilitated.
However, the SECs jurisdiction does not extend to the liquidation of a corporation.While the SEC has
jurisdiction to order the dissolution of a corporation, jurisdiction over the liquidation of the
corporation now pertains to the appropriate regional trial courts.This is the reason why the SEC,
in its 29 November 2000 Omnibus Order, directed that the proceedings on and implementation of the order
of liquidation be commenced at the Regional Trial Court to which this case shall be transferred.This is
the correct procedure because the liquidation of a corporation requires the settlement of claims
for and against the corporation, which clearly falls under the jurisdiction of the regular courts.

The trial court is in the best position to convene all the creditors of the corporation, ascertain
their claims, and determine their preferences.80(Additional emphasis supplied.)

In view of the foregoing, the SEC should now be directed to transfer this case to the proper
RTC which shall supervise the liquidation proceedings under Sec. 122 of theCorporation Code.
Under Sec. 6 (d) of P.D. 902A, the SEC is empowered, on the basis of the findings and
recommendations of the management committee or rehabilitation receiver, or on its own findings,
to determine that the continuance in business of a debtor corporation under suspension of
payment or rehabilitation would not be feasible or profitable nor work to the best interest of the
stockholders, partieslitigants, creditors, or the general public, order the dissolution of such
corporation and its remaining assets liquidated accordingly. As mentioned earlier, the procedure
is governed by Rule VI of the SECRules of Procedure on Corporate Recovery.
80Id., at pp. 473474.

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Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
However, R.A. No. 1014281 otherwise known as the Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency
Act (FRIA) of 2010, now provides for court proceedings in the rehabilitation or liquidation of
debtors, both juridical and natural persons, in a manner that will ensure or maintain certainty
and predictability in commercial affairs, preserve and maximize the value of the assets of these
debtors, recognize creditor rights and respect priority of claims, and ensure equitable treatment
of creditors who are similarly situated. Considering that this case was still pending when the
new law took effect last year, the RTC to which this case will be transferred shall be guided by
Sec. 146 of said law, which states:
SEC. 146. Application to Pending Insolvency, Suspension of Payments and Rehabilitation Cases.This
Act shall govern all petitions filed after it has taken effect. All further proceedings in insolvency, suspension
of payments and rehabilitation cases then pending, except to the extent that in opinion of the court their
application would not be feasible or would work injustice, in which event the procedures set forth in prior
laws and regulations shall apply.

WHEREFORE, the petitions for review oncertiorariare DENIED. The Decision dated May 26,
2004 and Resolution dated November 4, 2004 of the Court of Appeals in CAG.R. SP No. 73195
are hereby AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION in that the Securities and Exchange Commission
is hereby ordered to TRANSFER SEC Case No. 2556 to the appropriate Regional Trial Court
which is hereby DIRECTED to supervise the liquidation of Ruby Industrial Corporation under
the provisions of R.A. No. 10142.
With costs against the petitioners.
81Lapsed into law on July 18, 2010 without the signature of the President, in accordance with Article VI, Section 27
(1) of the Constitution.




Majority Stockholders of
Ruby Industrial
Corporation vs. Lim
CarpioMorales (Chairperson), Brion, BersaminandAbad,**JJ., concur.
Petitions denied, judgment and resolution affirmed with modification.
Notes.A derivative suit is fundamentally distinct and independent from liquidation
proceedingsthey are neither part of each other nor the necessary consequence of the other. (Yu
vs. Yukayguan, 589 SCRA 588 [2009])
A stockholder may sue on behalf of the corporation to assail a compromise agreement entered
into by the corporation. (Strategic Alliance Development Corporation vs. Radstock Securities
Limited, 607 SCRA 413 [2009])

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