History Notes: Why Men Enlisted

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History Notes

Causes of World War 2

Anti Communism
Rise of Hitler and The Nazi Party
Great Depression
The Rise of Japan
The Treaty of Versailles

Why men enlisted

Desire for adventure

Sense of duty
Sense of pride in ANZAC heritage
Financial reward

Where Australians fought

North Africa

Change in modern warfare:The Holocaust and the use of atomic

The holocaust
- easy labour
- more jobs for other people
- mass killings
- economic
Atomic bomb

Mass killing over a large area

Death could be instant or slow and painful

Significant experiences and events of Australians

Prisoners of War Japan, changi, Europe, Burma, Sandakan
The Holocaust

Impact of WWII on Australias home front

Women took over jobs
National Security Act

Closer to Americans than Britain

National Independence

Significance WWII
Stronger bond with America

Commemoration WWII
RSL clubs
War memorial in Canberra

Rights and Freedoms

Impact of changing government policies towards Aboriginal
people over time

Dispossession of land for Aboriginal People (instead placed on reserves or

Aborigines encouraged to Think white, act white, be white.
The Aboriginal Lands Rights Act (first recognition from the aus gov to the
land ownership )

Referendum 1967 (include Aborigines in the census and human rights)

- outcome was the public recognition of the existence of Australias Indigenous
- creating laws for aboriginal people
- land rights
Yirrkala Petition
-dealing with the gov and earning land rights
-Tent embassy provided them with huge publicity gaining political and public
Early Aboriginal activism including the 1938 day of mourning
Day of mourning (Australia Day)
What: mourned the loss of their lands and demanded basic rights
The Gurindji and Wave Hill (June 1966)
What: Industrial protest for unjust wages and poor conditions/treatment
Integration 1965
What: Policy of integration which recognised the significance of indigenous
heritage and expression of aboriginality.
Global activism and impact on Australia

Significance of key development in rights and freedom

Current struggles for civil rights and freedoms throughout the world

Child Solidiers
Womans Rights and Protection
Gay rights

Cold War and Australia in the Vietnam War Era

Ideologies of the superpowers the USSR and the USA
One party state led by a dictator
State Control
Communism- equal share of

Democracy with free elections and
elect president
Freedom of Speech
Capitalism- right to make own

The Korean War 1950-1953

Situation in Korea

Japanese Colony
Split into two at the 38th Parallel
North supported by the USSR
South supported by the US

North Korea and the USSR

Stalins encouraged the North to invade the South to extend

communist control
Stalin provided North with equipment

The role of the UN

The UN ordered North to retreat but were rejected

UN sponsored military intervention to South

End of War -27 July 1953

Armistice was signed. Border stays the same at the 38th parallel.
Australian and international response to the threat of communism

Prime Minister Menzies banned the Communist Party

The Significance of the Cold War through Cuban Missile Crisis

How- Tension between US and Cuba as Cuba turned to USSR as US refused

to buy their sugar. Leading to US attempt to assassinates their PM,
destroy Cubas industries and invade them
What- Under USSR command, Cuba placed several nuclear missiles aimed
at the US. After negotiations the missiles were taken away and an
emergency hotline was established between the White House and the
Australias involvement in the Vietnam War

Fear of domino effect (communist invasion)

Inability to defend itself
Looking to US for support/ needed to prove loyalty to UN

Forward Defense- locate and eliminate the threat before it becomes

Treaty Obligations- ANZUS and SEATO
Australian and international reaction to the Vietnam War
Liberal Party
Conservatives- believed that the
Viet gov asked for our help
Catholic Churches- hoping Vietnam
would remain democratic and
Most of the Press-citing that Aus
had no choice

Labor Party
Save our Sons (SOS)Youth Campaign

Morotorium MArches

Change of Attitude

Death of first conscript

Not run under its own independent foreign policy
The trip from American President and Liberal Politician exclaiming
run over the bastards
Broadcasting of the war exposed the horrors of war

Key Turning Points

Fall of first conscript soldier

Visit of US President
Tet offensive Public began to feel the gov was lying
-Questions raised on how the North was able to launch such an
attack and the military tactics

My Lai

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