News Letter: Overweight, Obesity and Auriculotherapy

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News Letter

November 2008

Overweight, obesity and auriculotherapy

Last week I had the occasion to present auriculotherapy in several
conferences or interviews. A very often asked question is about the
overweight. Can we treat obesity using auriculotherapy ?
Some years ago, various journals talked about the possibility to stop
hunger using an implant on the ear. In the 90ies some proposed to use a
ring on the ear. The fashion has changed and since approximately two
years we can see some advertisements that propose a little device to be
placed on the concha of the ear with the aim to loose weight.
Is there anything about it ?
During the International Symposium on Auriculotherapy in Lyon in the year
1994, we had the chance to welcome professor Shirashi and doctor
Ikezono from Tokyo both specialists in obesity. Both scientists worked
on rats in order to study the action of needles on the ear. Their very
elaborated research allowed us to understand the action of certain ear
points on the brain of rats.
Both, wanted to know the impact on the hypothalamus produced by an ear
stimulation using the needle. For this reason, they placed electrodes in the
hypothalamus of obese rats.
Here, the results of their observation :
1) An ear stimulation has an action on the activity of the hypothalamus.
2) The observed action is only produced on the nucleus of the satiety
and not on area responsible for hunger.
3) More a rat is obese, more the response of the hypothalamus is

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News Letter November 2008
Any reproduction is prohibited without the permission of the author.
Copyright Raphal Nogier

The hypothalamus being a median organ, which is impair and symmetric,

presents eighteen nuclei. Three of them control the nutrition behaviour:
The lateral hypothalamic area and the dorso median nucleus are the
initiating centres of the hunger
The ventro median nucleus controls the satiety.
The study of these researchers from Japan led to several
conclusions :
1) The ariculotherapy has a more important action in case of quite obese
persons and is less active in persons, who only would like to loose
some little weight. This technique is before all efficient for those
persons, who present a real need to loose weight and is not reserved
for persons, who want to loose weight for aesthetic reasons.
2) The ear points stimulate the neurones of the ventro median nucleus
of the hypothalamus and therefore the sensation of satiety. It is
necessary, when treating an obese person, to propose a simple
nutrition protocol to this patient. It is important to begin the meals with
non-caloric foods and to insist on chewing for long time the food. The
satiety signal will in this way be released quickly and consequently the
gain of weight will decrease spontaneously.

Treatment protocol for weight loss

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News Letter November 2008
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Copyright Raphal Nogier

Following points are proposed in treatment for weight loss :

Pretragal points
Stomach point: anterior and posterior side of the ear
Prefrontal cortex points
Pancreas point
The patients shall be treated every month and if possible in the morning.
The points shall be detected by the help of an electric point detector.
They are easily detectable before the meals and have the tendency to
disappear during the post prandial period. The points are treated with steel
The treatment sessions shall be repeated during one year, does not
matter how much weight was lost. To treat only for 6 months makes no
sense. If the result shall be stable, the treatment shall be followed at least
during twelve months. This is the time period necessary for the nervous
system to reprogram the parameters.

Docteur Raphal NOGIER

Lyon, France

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News Letter November 2008
Any reproduction is prohibited without the permission of the author.
Copyright Raphal Nogier

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