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What I know
1. What I already know

Port is a container ship leaned to loading and unloading activities, updown passengers, and other economic activities. In East Java, precisely in the port
city of Surabaya there is the second busiest seaport in Indonesia, namely the Port
of Tanjung Perak.
Tanjung Perak is the center of trade in eastern Indonesia. This port also
connects Surabaya with other port cities in Indonesia. Tanjung Perak is one of
Indonesia gate that serves as the collector and distributor of goods from and to
Eastern Indonesia, because of its strategic location and supported by the East Java
hinterland areas of potential then the port of Tanjung Perak is also a shipping
center intersulair eastern Indonesia.
At Tanjung Perak port facilities also include Ro-Ro ships reliance to serve
the transport of passengers or goods and crossings between islands and between

2. Why I Chose

As already known, Tanjung Perak is the Port that has a good quality of
service, it is becoming one of our attractiveness to know how the facilities and
security system available. Nonetheless, there is certainly every port of any
constraints that can affect the service activity. This is the reason we chose this
theme to be a matter of i-search this time.
3. What I want to know more
1. What are the facilities that can be given of Tanjung Perak port to ro-ro
ships are docked?
2. What kind of security terminal on ro-ro ships in the Port of Tanjung
3. What are the obstacles that still exist on the ro-ro ships currently rely
on the Port of Tanjung Perak?

The Search Process

The process in getting the materials I-search with the theme of the

facilities and security system ro-ro ships in the Port of Tanjung Perak is by
browsing the internet, reading the articles of bloggers who share many of the
world's ports and look for clues as to the people around.
The articles contained this blog has been very helpful in the search for
materials although there are constraints such as the lack of a reference from the
internet because of the various articles which acquired all of the same content.
The second constraint is not adanyad book can be used as a reference point the isearch. The third constraint is not able to make observations directly to the Port of
Tanjung Perak to obtain information in accordance with its original state.

What I Learned
1. Facilities in Tanjung Perak Port
Port of Tanjung Perak, Tanjung Perak is located in the East No. path. 620,
Surabaya, has a wide range of facilities to provide services to the community, the
existing facilities at Tanjung Perak port include:
a. Shipping channel

West shipping channel is a major groove to enter the port of Tanjung Perak
25 nautical miles in length, 100 meters wide with a depth varying between 9.7 to
12 meters ARP is equipped with 24 buoys and stations in the karang Jamuang
Scout is ready to serve 24 hours. Other grooves are shipping channel east, which
length 22.5 nautical miles, 100 meters wide with a depth of between 2.5 to 5
meters ARP is equipped with 8 buoy.
b. Scouting
Tanjung Perak is mandatory waveguide port. For that is available 39
waveguides consisting of 28 ocean waveguides and waveguide port 11. Sea Scout
in charge of guiding the ship for sailing in the groove and the waveguide port for
the navigation guide the ship in port. For this task scouting, the scout stand by at
Station Karang Jamuang for 24 hours, which can be contacted by radio IJHV on
cannel 6 - 8 - 12 - 14 and 16. For the safety and smoothness of motion if the ship
in port, available 8-powered tugs 800-2400 HP, 5 5 scout ship powered 350-960
EB 'and 6 boats powered kepil 125-250 MK.


Health Care
As the gate Indonesian port, Tanjung Perak is also equipped with Harbor
Hospital has a capacity of 100 beds in service 24 hours a day. The hospital is
located on Jl. Kalianget 2-4 Surabaya, telephone numbers (031) 3294801 and
equipped with medical equipment that is good for general practice and specialists.
For emergencies also provided emergency room, ambulance and medical radio on
frequency 718.
The facilities generally above can be used either for cruise ships, cargo, roro, and others. Apart from the above facilities, the port of the silver cape provide
special facilities for roro vessels namely:

a. Port-Roro Terminal
Terminal Ro-Ro (Roll On Roll Off) is a terminal that serves unloading
container or out of the car through the Ram Door ship. This particular vessel to

transport vehicles. Ro-Ro terminal is also to serve the transport of passengers and
goods crossings between islands Surabaya - Madura. This terminal is located on
the street 379 West Perak Surabaya. Here are the data on roro terminal




Area of the passenger terminal

2.371,65 M2


201,50 M2


294,25 M2

West Side Terrace

Passenger Terminal Capacity
Long Wharf
Area of Parking Lot

700 people
-7,2 M.LWS
140 M

Big Trucks


3.870 M2

Vehicles ex demolition

515 M2

Car parking capacity

Places of Worship

1.912,5 M2
250 vehicles
32 2

*Sketsa Gambar Terminal Ro-Ro Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak

b. Passenger Terminal Gapura Surya

Gapura Surya passenger terminal facility has an area of 4,522 m2 and the
building can accommodate 1,000 people. The gate has a vast archipelago 4,522
m2 building with a capacity of 1,500 people, as well as Ro-Ro terminal building
has an area of 2,866 m2 with a capacity of 700 people.
To support the activities of the port, especially regarding the ro-ro ships,
the port of Tanjung Perak provide other facilities such as :
o Anchoringservices
Services rendered to the roro vessel docked safely in order to wait for the
following services such as mooring, loading or waiting for other services
(docking, maintenance of documents, etc.).
Avoid the possibility of colliding with another ship that was docked.

Ensure that the water depth of the ship did not run aground. No waiting
shipping channel.
o Care Services waveguide
Roro vessel pilotage services when entering the shipping channel to the
dock or port basin for berthing.
Features: To maintain the safety of the ship, passengers and cargo flow when
entering the harbor.
o Care Services Snooze and ship
Implementing the work to bind and release the rope ships motion exercise
will lean or departed from or the docks, bridges, buoys, dolphin and others.

o Mooring Services
Services rendered to the ship tethered to the mooring and technically in a
safe condition, to be able to unload smoothly and safely.
At Tanjung Perak port allocation ship mooring at Pier put up 500 yards
North Jamrud, 120 meters in Jamrud Pier South Pier and 120 meters in Ro-Ro. All
it aims to avoid inefficiency due to sub-optimal use of moorings.
o Water Care Services
Services rendered for the delivery of fresh water from land to the ship for
the purposes of ship and boat crew.
o Telephone services
Services rendered for the extention of landline telephone service to the
ship for the sake of the ship and the crew.
o Services Other Services
a. Equipment rental services Ports
Rental tool aims to support the loading and unloading activities in order to
meet the objectives namely: fast and timely, efficient and does not pose a high
economic cost.
Features: Facility rental services are:
1. Forklift


Faucets (land, floating and electricity)

Boat motors
Fire extinguishers

b. Water supply and public telephone

Water services are sourced from the Water Company, and the Port of
private companies and public service telepun as a communication tool to facilitate
activities at the Port
c. provision of electricity
Electricity supply at the port as a tool to support the industry through:
a. fixed connection
b. Temporary connection


d. Security facilities or services of Other Services

Pas Ports
Fee tools Unloading-Load

2. Security at Port Terminal

Security at port facilities within the PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III ( Persero )
which handles the port of Tanjung Perak refers to the provisions of the ISPS Code
(International Ship and Port Facility Security Code ) is an international code
governing the security of ships and port facilities ( Amendments to SOLAS
Chapter XI - 2 ) . The existing security system at the port of Tanjung Perak ,
namely :
a. Port Facility Security Officer
Each port has a Port Facility Security Officer ( PFSO ) is the officer in
charge of the implementation of the development , revision and maintenance of
the port facility security plan and are able to coordinate and communicate with the
ship security officer ( SSO / Ship Security Officer ) and the shipping company
security officer ( CSO / Company Security Officer ) .
In order to maintain the level of security that is owned , PT Pelabuhan
Indonesia III ( Persero ) which handles the port of Tanjung Perak conducting
Training ( Training ) , Practice Exercise ( Drill ) And Implementation Exercise
( Exercise ) periodic and continuous with the following conditions :
1 . Training ( Training ) of the ISPS Code should be followed by PFSO and
obligation to promote to the management and all employees .
2 . Practice Exercise ( Drill ) carried at least 1 ( one ) times within a period of 3
( three ) months . The parties responsible for the implementation of the drill is
PFSO . Implementation drill adapted to the provisions and procedures set forth in
the Port Facility Security Plan ( PFSP ) .

3 . Implementation Exercise ( Exercise ) conducted at least I ( one ) times within a

period of 18 (eighteen ) months . The parties are responsible and directly involved
in the implementation of the exercise is PFSO and PSC and other relevant parties .
To the port of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III ( Persero ) which handles the port of
Tanjung Perak has implemented the ISPS Code security action includes the
following :

In and out of port facilities

Limited area within the port facility ;
Cargo handling ;
Shipping supplies ship
Handling of goods left behind by their owners , and
Port facility security monitoring.

b. Classification Level of Security

The level of security ( Security Level ) as a classification or weight of the
level of risk against security threats , the next level of security can be grouped as
follows :
1 . Security Level 1 ( one )
This means that the level of safety under normal conditions , both on board and in
port facilities .
2 . Security Level 2 ( two )
This means that the security level is at a high level posisisi , both on board and in
port facilities and enforced absence of an event such as a high-risk security
incidents .

3 . Security Level 3 ( three )

This means that the level of security at a very high condition / bernahaya and
specific precautions that need quickly and segera.PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III
( Persero ) in the Port of Tanjung Perak has endeavored to meet the facilities and
equipment as per the requirements of the ISPS Code including the following :

The Entrance / Exit Port

1 . ID Card
2 . Handy Talky
3 . Inspection Mirror
4 . HH - Metal Detector
5 . Electric portal
6 . Fences and Fences keep moving

System Monitoring

Control Room
System X-rays ( X - ray ) in the passenger terminal
Information Systems ( light )
Communication Systems ( Handy )
transportation system ( car ) .



Based on the results of i-search has been done, we can conclude that the
port of Tanjung Perak already have good facilities to serve the community, such as
providing a range of terminals to facilitate loading and unloading activities, and
up and down. Even the port of Tanjung Perak is the second busiest port in
Indonesia and the facilities available in the world has met the standard port.
Other than that, the Port of Tanjung Perak also has a good security system
with a fairly tight guard. Using system and exert the authorities to strengthen the
security of port operations.
In addition, a wide range of facilities and security systems are provided,
there are still obstacles that can disrupt service activities in ports, this is what
needs to be addressed to improve the quality of the port for the convenience of


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