Gimmicks and Catchphrases

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Worksheet 7: Gimmicks and Catchphrases

Aim: To explore the importance of gimmicks and catchphrases.

Who said:
You are the weakest link. Goodbye? Anne Robinson
Would you like to phone a friend, ask the audience or 50/50? Chris Tarrant
Ive started so Ill finish magnus magnusson
Start the Clock Nick Hewer
Whats the scores on the doors? Vernon Kay
They think its all over it is now. Kenneth Wolstenholme
Is that your final answer? Chris Tarrant
Tell us your name and where you come from Cilla Black
Can I have a P please Bob? Bob Holness

What is the appeal of catchphrases?

Catchphrases are used during different shows, they are usually repeated a number of
times during the show, they are used because it allows people to remember a show and
the host, they catchphrase is usually catchy and easy to remember for example the
survey says this is from All star family fortunes, this is good to have because it
automatically allows people to know the name of the show, and even if they cannot
remember the name of the show they can always search up the catchphrase and it will
then reveal the name of the host and the show.
What is the gimmick?
A gimmick is something that is used to impress someone or an audience.

Come up with a gimmick

Come on down

What does a gimmick do and why is it necessary?

A gimmick is used to attract an audience, it usually engages the audience which allows
them to be more intrigued and take more interest in the show. Gimmicks are good to use
because it get the views to make the show more popular which gets more people
watching it.

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