'WEC Romania 90 Years PDF

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Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council

Executive Secretariat
Bucharest, 30 June 2014
WEC Romania celebrates 90 years
The Romanian member committee (MC) of the World Energy Council (WEC) celebrated 90 years of its foundation
at FOREN 2014. The Monograph WEC Romanian MC - 90 years of Energy Romanian Brand was launched on
this occasion and jubilee medals were awarded to WEC senior executives; former and present chairs and secretary
generals of the Romanian MC, and prominent Romanian energy personalities.
Achievements of WEC Romania in its 90 years
Over its 90 years, the WEC Romanian MC has become a solid organisation. It is a strong and prestigious voice in
the Romanian energy community, enjoying wide national and international recognition. Over its history, the
Committee has gone through several organisational structures, headed by several noteworthy Romanian energy
experts, adapted its activities to all social and economic changes of the country, while also being continuously
connected to the development and challenges of the global energy industry. It is an active member committee of the
WEC, particularly at the CEE regional level.
Notable moments include:
1924: Participation of the Romanian team headed by professors Constantin D. Buil and Constantin I.
Budeanu in in the first World Power Conference, London, when Romania received the statute of Founding
Autumn 1924: King Ferdinand the 1st of Romania enacted the seting up of "The Romanian professional association for
cooperation and research in energy and electric engineering industry", which functioned as a voluntary entity beside
the then Romanian governmental structure
1956 : The Romanian team headed by prof. Constantin Dinculescu, the then Chair of the WEC Romania
participated in the 6th World Power Conference at Vienna. Since then, Romania participated in all WEC
Congresses that followed.
1958-1988: Romania was actively involved in the WECs activities, having representatives on the WECs
Energy Conservation Commission, Oil Substitution Task Force, etc.
1971: Romania hosted the 8th World Energy Congress in Bucharest
1986: A meeting of the WEC Oil Substitution Task Force was hosted in Bucharest, Romania
1987-1990: In this period, Romanias communist leaders forbade foreign currency payments for
international affiliations, so WEC Romania was no longer allocated financial resources to pay its annual
subscription contributions to the WEC. Therefore the WEC Romanian MC was excluded from the WECs
structures in 1988.
1990: Following the Romanian Revolution of 1989 which resulted in the fall of communism, the member
committee was reintegrated into the WEC
1998: WEC Romania was registered as a legal, independent, and autonomus association
1998 to present: WEC Romania has thoroughly addressed the major issues of todays challenges in all its
events, studies, programmes and publications, with particular emphasis on the energy policy framework set
up by the World Energy Council
Flagship events of the WEC Romanian MC :

FOREN, organized in Romania every two years since 1990, has become a key event for the Romanian and
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) energy community, an ideal platform to address the regions energy
issues and identify the right policy frameworks to secure economic growth and sustainable energy supply.
European Center of Excellence: CENTGAZ, a major project aimed to provide a better understanding of the
potential of gas-making clays and gas exploration in Romania versus the European background
Future Energy Leaders Programme in Romania (FELPR)
Energy Collaboration Platform of Romanian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who are members of
the WEC Romanian MC. This platform has become an important voice for policymakers in the Romanian
electricity market
Mesagerul Energetic or Energy Messenger, the monthly bulletin of WEC Romania
Awards and medals offered each year by WEC Romanian MC to prominent personalities in the Romanian
power industry for the most representative papers and reports presented at conferences and symposia and
for the youth activities within FELPR
Annual reports revealing with the most significant achievements of the committee.
What next?
The WEC Romanian MC is committed to further develop its work activities, strengthen its communication
and cooperation among its members, and - with the other WEC member committees in the CEE region
become an important player in the national and international energy scene.

WEC Romania MC 90 years jubilee medal

Front side: Constantin Busila - the founder of the WEC Romanian MC in 1924 at the first World Power Conference
in London.

Rear side: The WEC logo is protected beyond time and space by two angels sent by the Divine


Gheorghe Balan
Director General Executive

Elena Ratcu
Adviser WEC Romanian MC
Manager Romanian FEL Programme

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