Effective English Language Teaching

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We are Year IV English major students studying the Bachelors Degree in English for
Teaching at Cambodian University for Specialties, Kampong Cham Branch.
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for this degree, we were required Effective
English Language paper. The paper that our group accomplished was entitles because of help
from several people whom we would like to acknowledge.
First of all, we would like to express our deep gratitude to Mr. Neat Sok Heng, Vice Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Linguistics, who has initiated this program,
providing us with the opportunity to write this term paper. A special thank is also given him for
his great support and useful advice. Without this support and advice, this term paper would not
have been completed.
Furthermore, we would also like to extend our appreciation to all lecturers of Term Paper
Writing, who has contributed all her knowledge and strengths to teach us.
Finally, our most appreciation is conveyed to our respectable family, especially our
parents who have sacrificed everything for us. Their encouragement and financial support are
great help for our studies to get this paper approved.

APPROVAL SHEET.......................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................iv


Background of the Study..................................................................................1

Statements of the Problem................................................................................2
Significance of the Study..................................................................................3
Scope and Delimitation of the Study................................................................3


Teachers qualities
Knowing the subject...............................................5
Wanting the students to do well.............................7
Making the lesson enjoyable..................................8
Having high expectations.......................................8
Teaching methodology
Teaching style.........................................................10
Teaching techniques...............................................12
Lesson plan.............................................................16
Teaching Resources
Published material..................................................21
Materials produced by teachers..............................22
Student materials....................................................23

Visual and Audio-visual aids..................................24

Motivational Strategies
Importance of Motivation.......................................26
Techniques of motivation.......................................27
Technology equipment...........................................28
Laboratory .............................................................28



English language has become an essential element for communication through the world.
It serves as a bridge into the world of higher education, science, international trade, polities, and
tourism. Excluding native speakers, around one billion people worldwide speak English
(International Express: Upper-Intermediate, 2001). Therefore, the demand for effective English
teaching has been substantially increasing. Adrian Wallwork (2001) says that teaching is more
difficult than any other job. However, many famous authors who have expertise in the field of
teaching English have contributed many useful ideas about how to lessen the author of A Training
Course for TEFL (1983:323), in order to teach English effectively the teacher must make a very
positive contribution to his teaching by critically examining new techniques or methods and
having courage to voice his criticism.
Moreover, in how to Teach English by Barry Sesnan (1997:55) mentions that to teach
English well the teacher is required to have special ability. He must be a good teacher who can
direct the students to the right way of learning. To be a good teacher, he has to learn and practice
some factors that will lead him to be a successful teacher.
In addition, motivation is an important factor in learning. Without motivation, not much
or no learning at all will take place. In Strategies for Effective Teaching by Allan C Ornstein
(1995:6) says that the teacher has the responsibility help the student to be successful in their
studies. Thus, motivate students to learn is a beneficial way to teach effectively.
Furthermore, Julian Edge the author of Essential of English Language Teaching (1993:43)
expresses that the materials are considered necessary for supporting scholarly or teaching
effectiveness, so they should be designed to suit the students and the process involved. When
looking into an ELT classroom, the teacher expects to see learners doing things in English.
This library-based research paper will focus on effective ways of English language
teaching English effectively such as teachers abilities, methodology, teaching resources, student
motivation and facilities.

Statement of Problems
This paper aims to answer the following questions:

What are the qualities of ELT teachers?

What teaching methodology can be used in ELT?
What teaching resources can be used in ELT?
What strategies can teachers use to motivate the students?
What facilities should be used in ELT?

Significance of Study

The paper is important for many reasons. It provides information on how teachers upgrade
their abilities, how to conduct English teaching, what materials used in teaching, how to motivate
students, as well as facilities improvement. Particularly, the research is useful for all who are
interested in learning how to teach or improve their English Language Teaching because they can
information of teaching effectively to help to be a successful teacher or trainers. It is also helpful
for the group members to gain more knowledge on effective English teaching.

Scope and Limitation

This library-based research has been conducted by two students on March 1 and ended
on June 1, 2012 . Primarily, we came up with the topic, and than started to make the outline. After
that, we went to some libraries to fine information that were relevant to the subtopics in the
information is same libraries such as Cambodian University for Specialties library , Western
Library and American Corner library. After collecting enough relevant data, the group started to
write the paper. However, due to the time constraint, the group has faced some difficulties in
borrowing books and other relevant documents from some libraries. In spite of these problems,
the members finally successfully completed their paper that was approved by the adviser on June
5, 2012.


Teachers qualities
Knowing the subjects
Barry Sesnan in How to Teach English (1997:158) mentions that English teachers have to
know the subject well, and their English should be better than the students. Moreover, before they
start teaching, they have to know how the language is learned successfully. In order to be ahead
of the students all the times, they have to know a lot of English. However, having a good English
knowledge does not focus only on a large quantity of words but also on good quality. So, they
have to try hard in order to be successful.
Teachers role. According to Colin Campbell and Hanna Kryszews in leamer-Based
Teaching (1992:6) say that teachers can play actively in the group, in which they can contribute
ideas, opinions or related personal experience. Moreover, they play a role as contributors, helpers,
or monitors who can instruct and push students to achieve what they are laming.
Teachers language abilities. In Effective Teacher & Teaching (1992:7) by VK Rao cites
that teachers, who can speak English perfectly or properly by themselves, may not be considered
into successful teachers.
It is true that good teachers of English are people whose own command of the language is
quite limited. The main reason is that they know about the students needs better than the native
Using appropriate language. Rao (1992:38-39) explains that teachers should select the
language that will be used frequently in class, especially by the students. For instance, the
teachers should decide on which expression they will use by themselves and which they want the
students to use. He also adds that many teachers teach more than one subject. This implies that
they have specialist knowledge in other subject areas. He, additionally, describes the discipline as
the most important requirement for teachers in schools; they have to strictly follow those agreed
policies. However, they still have some freedom, especially when they are in the classroom. they
should have proper attitudes and reaction to various kinds of misbehavior.

Understanding the students

According to Barry Sesnan (1997:158), the good teachers must understand the students all
the times. Besides, the teachers should understand what to teach new students. Moreover, the
teachers have to do some work before teaching such as review the lesson and practice the
conversation with them everyday because most of students language in the same class is often at
very different levels.
It is that good teachers of English are people whose own command of the language is
quite limited. The main reason is that they know about the students needs better than the native
Using appropriate language. Ral (1992:38-39) explain that teachers should select the
language that will be used frequently in class, especially by the students. For instance, the
teachers should decide on which expression they will use by themselves and which they want the
students to use. He also adds that many teachers teach more than on subject. This implies that
they have specialist knowledge in other subject areas. He, additionally, describes the discipline as
the most important requirement for teachers in schools: they have to strictly follow those agreed
policies. However, they still have some freedom, especially when they are in the classroom. They
should have proper attitudes and reactions to various kinds of misbehavior.
Understanding the students
According to Barry Sesnan (1997:159), the good teachers must understand the students all
the times. Besides, the teachers should understand what to teach new students. Moreover, the
teachers have to do some work before teaching such as review the lesson and practice the
conversation with them everyday because most of students language in the same class is often at
very different levels.
Students name and background. Rao (1992:25) write in his book that there are several
advantages in knowing students names. First, the teacher will not get confused in choosing
which student to answer his question. Second, it helps create friendly relationship between the
teacher and students the work arrangement: pairs or groups. The author also expresses that is very
important to know the background of the students because it can give more information about
their students lives.
Giving a sense of purpose. Rao (1992:34-35) raises several reasons to make students feel
good in class activities. First, teachers should know the students names and cheer them in class.
Second, teachers have to be gentle to students and hope they respect others. Third, teachers have
to make sure that they do not show favoritism towards particular students. Forth, teachers have to
clearly plan lessons so that they will know what they are going to teach in each lesson. Fifth,

teachers have to tell the students what they want the students to complete during and at the end of
the lesson. Sixth, teachers must give chance to the students to speak and listen to each other better
than all the relationship just between the teachers and the students. Finally, the teachers have to
provide good morals, know all characteristics of the students in the class.
Involving all the students. In large classes the teachers usually miss some students out
when they do oral practice.
Rao (1992:40-41) suggests that all teachers need to offer each student equal chance in asking and
answering questions with strong interest of the whole class. Many teachers pay attention only to a
particular part of the class where the good students are sitting. That may not be a good tendency.
Wanting the students to do well
In How to Teach English by Barry Sesnan (1997) says that it is very difficult to teach. No
other jobs that are more difficult than teaching because all the parents always look at what the
teachers teach their children, and English language is very hard to teach and so much marking to
do. Therefore, teachers have to pay full attention to students all the times. To be a good teacher,
we need to care for the students and want then to do well.
Balancing fluency and accuracy. Rao (1992:37-38) mentions that in order to make the
students use their English well, the teachers should give them enough time to use it freely.
However, the students need to develop accuracy because it is very important to progress through
the course, especially to pass an English examination. Therefore, many teachers think that it is
essential for them, when planning a lesson, to determine the focus of part of the lesson whether
on fluency or accuracy.
Giving encouragement. All the teachers should always motivate the students who really
work hard, not just those who are most successful. This can be done simply by saying by saying
Yes, thats right, Well done,, or Excellent answer...etc. For written work, teachers give
comments because they may be more encouraging than score. V K Rao (1992) states that it is
better to compare the students work with his previous one than to make him fell how he is
progressing. Try not to measure his performance against anothers.
Making the lesson enjoyable
Barry Sesnan the author in How to Teach English (1997:160) says that students can learn
better if they like the lesson. As a result, when the students enjoy the lesson, the teachers will also
enjoy the teaching. Sometimes, teachers want to be actors or performers, but they are not
successful. They should have some qualities such as a clear voice, good presentation, and self-

confidence. Besides, teachers can play music or sing a song in a good practice just for fun.
Teachers can also draw pictures to teach new language and explain new vocabulary to students.
This does not need a professional to do it.
Students will be more motivated to learn if they find interesting things in the lesson. To
make the lessons interesting, the teachers can include the students hobbies in the lesson.
Having high expectations
Barry Sesnan (1997:160) mentions that a good teacher never thinks the students are
stupid. A good teacher helps the students knowledge and always keeps him or her busy. Be
positive that the students will do well. Provide them with language work that makes them
succeed, and then they can do other harder work. Seanan (1997:160) adds that a good teacher
knows how to adapt the lesson on meet the students needs.
Ensuring that English is spoken. In Effective Teacher & Teaching by V K Rao
(1992:36) raises some ideas about how to ensure that English is the language of communication
is the classroom. The teachers have to use English as the normal language of communication in
the classroom. Then, the teachers should organize the lesson in English. As a result, students will
join if they fell that the teachers will help them, and the teachers have to convince individual
students not to use their native language.
Previous experience of learning English. Before going to teach a class, the teachers
have to discuss with the previous teacher about what the students have already learned so that
they will know the strengths and weaknesses of the students. By doing so, V K Rao (1992:29-30)
says that the teachers can form a picture about their new class. If the class is a new class, the
teachers may have to design a good, relevant syllabus. The contents must be suitable for the
students level.
Teaching Methodology
Teaching style
Teaching style is viewed as a board dimension or personality type that encompasses
teacher stance, pattern of behavior, mode of performance, and attitude toward self and others,
claims Allan C. Ornstein in Strategies for Effective Teaching (1995:131). Ornstein cites Penelope
Petersons teaching style definition which refers to three aspects: how teachers use space in
classroom, how to instruct activities and materials, and how to group students. He also raises
other educators description of teaching style as an expressive and instrumental feature of
teaching which involves teacher and students characteristics and performances.

On the Internet website http://www.itestlj.org/Teachniques/Zhenhui-TeachingStyle.html,

Rao Zhenhui expresses that teaching style are composed of methods and approaches that the
teacher must appreciate. It is assumed that the teacher should adjust his way of teaching to suit
the way students learn.
Variety of teaching styles. According to Herbert Thelen (1995:50), teaching style is
compared with roses connected to professions. Unlike Thelen, Frank Riessman in Source Book
For Teaching English Overseas (1971:75) explains his teaching style as personality types, which
are basically dependent on the teachers observation of inner-city students. All teachers can use
these types, too.
Additionally, Ornstein raises six kinds of teaching styles recently defined by Louis Rubin
(1995:44). The first style is explanatory style based on explanation of the subject matter and
lesson aspect. The second one is aspiratory style that involves emotional exhibition and
stimulation of the teacher. Third, it is named as informative style that refers to the progress of
teaching and learning through presentation. The fourth is known as corrective style. For this style
teachers correct and give advice to students. Interactive style is the fifth one that means the way
teachers use dialogues and questions to improve students ideas. The last one is program motive
style, explained as teachers guide and instruction to students independent learning.
Way to develop teaching styles. There ate much way to develop teaching styles. Ornstein
(1995:132) suggests several ways teachers can use to develop their teaching styles. First of all,
teachers must consider their own physical and mental characteristics in order to develop their
styles and techniques. Secondly, they must control feeling in the classroom; otherwise, their
uncomfortable feeling will be labeled as phony. Moreover, they must adjust the method experts
recommendations with the learning theories in order to avoid omission and inappropriate
emphasis. They should revise their daily lesson development and from time to time record the
reaction from students toward various methods, media, and activates for later uses. Finally.
Teacher should consider the environment around them that may affect their decision on teaching
Teaching techniques
Some basic principles to be considered. In An Introduction to English Language
Teaching (1978:6), John Hay craft states that not only methods, which are used in English
teaching, but who and what are being taught are also necessary. Therefore, there are many
approaches that should be used in teaching English, First, teachers should engage with students
and keep their interest. They must bear in mind about the importance of motivation,

psychological problems, and the need of personalization, realism, confidence, and variety the
other approach is mastery of language skills including speaking, listening .reading, and writing
.The third approach is course contends that must be taken into consideration. They include skills,
structure, vocabulary, phrases, the use of idioms and colloquial. And pronunciation teaching
sequence for introducing new language items is one more approach that involves selection,
presentation and explanation, repetition, repletion, practice remedial work, and language revision.
Finally, teachers may have to consider another approach on the language they use, the students
use of their native language, and the use of supplementary materials.
Furthermore, teachers should engage all the students in every activity and know some
simple techniques such as look at all the students in the class: vary techniques for asking
questions; do not go around in the class: write clearly: encourage students: include everyone:
make sure the class is seated in the best possible way: limit teacher talking time: be careful with
the use of grammatical terms: take account of various levels in the class: deal with each problem:
correct students; pair and group work; and use their names correctly.
Effective techniques for teachers. A variety of teaching techniques has been shown
recently. Teachers may seek for suitable teaching techniques for themselves and their students
through their experiences. Teaching progression occurs from teaching over week, month, and
year that effectively works with a textbook as a guide or inspiration.
Teaching vocabulary: Jeremy Harmer in the Practice of English Language Teaching
((1991:153) considers vocabulary as an important organ and flesh, and structure as skeleton.
Although the vocabulary used used to teach the students is based on the books, the teachers can
introduce other vocabulary that is necessary for the students. Then, presenting new word is a
following technique teachers should consider. Peter Hubbard in his book A Training course for
TEFL (1983:50), states that there are many books writing various ways for presenting new words.
Hubbard presents some points teachers must bear in mind when introducing new words. The first
point is to teach spoken form words and practice them in advance. Then, contextualize them and
get the students to practice by using revision so that they will not forget them. After that, they
should check students understanding of those words. Finally, use a memorable way to revise the
words the students have learned. It could be a good idea to revise the language structure and
pronunciation when the students are practicing new vocabulary. Teachers need to teach
pronunciation when they change from passive to active words and when they correctly use them
in context. They should teach phrases, idioms and colloquial expressions because they appear in
conversation or comprehension texts and take some appropriate time to revise them.

Teaching Grammar:

According to website http:// www .esl about.com/cs/teaching

technique/a/ateachinggrammar.htm, teaching grammar is an important task of each. In order to

teach grammar effectively, teachers should know the goals of grammar teaching, the background
students have about grammar, various materials or resource about grammar and students learning
Teaching Pronunciation: John Haycraft in an Introduction to English Language
Teaching (1978:56-65) believes that pronunciation teaching is an essential part of the class in
which static and expressive forms and classroom application are basic elements for effective
teaching. Moreover, Harmer (1991:22) states that pronunciation teaching provides efficiency in
communication. Therefore, Peter Hbbard (1983:209) divides the strategy of teaching
pronunciation into four areas; imitation, demonstration, association, and explanation.
Teaching Speaking: It is important to get students to practice speaking about what they
have been taught. John Haycraft (1978:82) says that this can be done by putting them in pair or
group work and getting them to take as mush as possible through telling stories, dialogues
conversation, and lectures in class.
Teaching Listening: Because listening is important for communication, students need to
regularly practice in aural comprehension which is necessary for teaching. Therefore, Haycraft
(1978:76) suggests that the following specific listening activities be put in the syllabus:
distinguishing between key sound, stress and intonation, quick questions, comprehension
passages, broadcast, lectures, and dictation.
Teaching Reading: Moreover, effective comprehension in vocabulary and structure can
be achieved through reading. Thus, teachers must push their students as much as possible to read
by using any kind of sources like books, newspapers, stories, etc.
Teaching writing : Finally, an effective way to teach writing skill, is to familiarize
students in writing should sentences and join them by using transition signals, but spelling and
punctuation are also important.
Lesson plan
Perspective of lesson plan. According to Ornstein (1995:131), a lesson is defined as
suggested program or daily instructional activities. He believes that the decision being made
while planning a lesson has a serious impact on teaching. He also states that the first teacher may
gain benefit from collaborative planning in which activities of content, pedagogy, and group work

appear to be considered. Many teachers think that planning is like a memory jogger that means a
set of things to achieve.
Objective of lesson plan: The objective of lesson plan refers to what the students can do
after they have learned a lesson. According Julia Edge in Essential of English language teaching
(1993:63), the teachers need to know about the students purpose although it is not always
absolutely right. A good lesson plan should include a good human relationship regardless of
whatever purpose of the lesson. Moreover, in any kind of situation in classroom, warm up should
be use in order to begin the lesson properly optionally, the warm up should connect to the lesson
goal, and it is useful to review the previous lesson. He also mention the to reasons which
experienced teachers may write out as clearly as a plan. First, this plan is made in order to
communicate with other people while a practical lesson plan is for the writer use. Second, more
experienced teachers writ the short note to mean more.
Effective way for planning lesson. In other to plan a lesson effectively, teachers should
have fundamental knowledge about schools goal, courses adjectives, students competency and
behavior, contents, good organized units, techniques of lesson planning. They could turn the plan
made in group into their own plan for their classroom use. There are five stages of planning:
yearly, term, week, and daily plan, each of which includes goal, sources, forms, and criteria in
order to judge effective planning.
Julia Edge (1993:61) explains that lesson plans should be used not only for the previous
class, but also for the next class. Teachers should find time to learn in advance the handouts they
have produced. They may also need to stop and check their work again if they know they are
teaching an inappropriate lesson plan. Teachers should learn about the background an
inappropriate lesson plan. Teachers should learn about the background and motivation of
students, as it is useful for their planning. He also states that a good lesson plan should contain
various interactions during its process and realistic timing. Thus, teachers should time the lesson
steps first and then write them in the real timing. Additionally, he says that lesson plans should be
considered as practical and work document. The teachers must know what should be the contents,
how to organize, and how to evaluate them.
Moreover, Orstein (1995:118) believes that planning is viewed as making decisions that
involves in two areas: knowledge of the subject matter engaged in organization and presentation
of the content, the students understanding of the content, and how to teach the content, and
knowledge of action system engaged in teaching and implementing instructional activities and
learning experiences. He believes that reflective thinking before making a lesson plan is useful

form teachers should use for their teaching because they are the only persons who are responsible
for monitoring and organizing the classroom to be effective. They would fail in some situations if
they cannot use it in a proper way.
Furthermore, various and flexible planning including structure and routine need and
interest. When planning a map, teachers need to take into account the following aspects: need
assessment data, school goals, student reassessment data, teaching objectives of the course and
grade levels. Teachers can gain some benefits from their collaborative planning, as it will help
them plan a good lesson and share their experience with each other. The teachers planning is a
great help for students in learning content and process of information. In order to develop their
planning, teachers try to learn how to improve schedules, supplementary activities and material to
keep the teaching pace.
In addition, Mary Underwood, the author in Effective Class Management (1987:61-65)
states that in some countries teachers need to make lesson plans following an official format. A
well designed lesson plan is necessary for new teachers. It should be short and simple. Teachers
should plan the lesson that suit and their time and use the format they are familiar with so that it
can help them when they are teaching. They should not discard the old lesson plans because these
lesson plans will be useful in the future. So, those old lesson plans should be kept in a folder of a
loose-leaf file. She also adds that teachers should write a comment after each lesson, as it is a
good reminder for them for the next lesson.
Generally, people believe that evaluation is testing that happens when teachers test the
students. Actually, testing Evaluation (1992:3) states that evaluation is something that relates to a
daily activity, it can be very formal or informal. It is used to identify effectiveness of something,
especially students or teachers performance. Furthermore, Lesley Wing Jan on website
www.herts.ac.uk/fhle/faculty/humanities/web%20pages/hu, believes that it is a constant
procedure of judgment about a program to know whether it is relevant and effective, using this
evaluation data and future trend.
Purpose of evaluation. Candlin (1992:24) identifies a few purposes of evaluation. The
first purpose is accountability that focuses on the determination of value for money. Its chief
objective is to give report and provide judgment on a product. The second purpose is curriculum
development which aims to improve the curriculum through data collection from different people
involving in ELT. It is called a formative evaluation that is produced for future use in planning.
The third purpose is teacher self-development that involves the improvement of teaching and

learning process. This kind lf evaluation the improvement of teaching and learning process. This
kind of evaluation puts greater focus on the process rather than the product.
Evaluating learning outcomes. When testing students, the teachers need to make
decisions on time, type of a test, and way to mark it. A good decision on classroom test can be
done effectively through evaluation in various stages. This decision can be done by using
feedback of the test and using it as a source in doing evaluation. In Language Teaching
Evaluation book by Candling and Widdowson (1992:55), there are six stages in the testing
process teachers should know to make a good decision on testing First of all; teachers have to
know to make a good decision on testing. First of all, teachers have to know the purpose of the
test. Next, they have to know the type of the test. Then, they may find a suitable strategy to test
students that involves test procedure and who is responsible for it. This procedure refers to
transferring responsibility from teachers to students, including student reports, diary keeping,
building profile of abilities of teachers and students, technology aid interaction, and peer
appraisal. After that, teachers have to find the test content. Next, they can consider appropriate
marking criteria. The last stage is determining the most suitable test after teachers have evaluated
all the requirements in previous stages.
Teaching Resources
Published Materials
Julian Edge in Essentials of English Language Teaching (1993:44) mentions that there
three categories of published materials: textbooks, course books, dictionary and other reference
Textbook. Longman Dictionary (1998:1002) defines a textbook as a book that includes
information of a subject area which people learn. Also, in How to teach English by Barry Sesnan
(1997:202) says that textbooks are necessary in education because they grant teacher
supplementary power and grant students different sources of knowledge.
Course books. Longman Dictionary (1998:98) states that a course book is a book that
teachers usually use while teaching a lesson on a specific subject. Colin Campbell and
Kryszewska Hanna in Learner-Based Teaching (1995:78) mention that the benefit of course book
as an essential learning instrument is always accepted. Student-based teaching can co-exist
cheerfully by course books. Generally, students use it at home for self-study, while in class
teacher focus on stimulating the language the students get from different sources such as TV,
newspaper, or their course book.

Dictionaries and other reference books. In How to Teach English (1997:205-26) Barry
Sesnan mentions that teaching of English needs a good dictionary. English teachers should have a
dictionary that can be used at home as well as at school. An atlas atlas and encyclopedia would be
helpful because frequently have so helpful appendices.
Materials Produced by Teachers
Julian Edge in his book Essentials of English Language Teaching (1993:46) expresses that
the first main purpose of using teacher-produced material is to connect the gap between the
classroom and the world outside. As long as the teachers are good at materials production, the
materials they procured should be related to the students own place, time their imagination, their
intelligence, and their sense of humor.
Writing and producing own materials. Barry Sesnan the author of How to Teach
English (1997:208) cites that teachers usually produce their own teaching resources. That is
probably because there is no available material, or partly because teachers think that their own
material is better than the existing one. However, that material must be excellent or must contain
necessary information that is not mentioned in the professionals publishers books.
Developing Materials. Allan C. Ornstein in his book Strategies for Effective Teaching
(1995:202) demonstrates that adjustment to published materials will sometimes make them nore
relevant. Other times the completely different materials are needed. Teachers must create their
own materials when there is no printed material available. If so, consider the time and cost.
Generally, it is accepted that a 40-50 minute lesson requires 1-1 hour to produce the materials
for that lesson. Normally, teachers own materials cost a lot for themselves and their school.
Students Material
In Essentials of English Language Teaching by Julian Edge (1993:47) states that there are
two kinds of student materials materials: student-produced materials and the students themselves
as materials.
Student-produced Materials. Julian Edge (1993:48) Mentions that teachers can ask their
students to make simple maps about the area where they are familiar with or, by using their own
background knowledge, to create materials for their students to learn. By so doing, the students
will have put their background knowledge and creativity, as a personal investment, into their
materials. Consequently, they will be impressed with the results.

Students as Materials. Edge (1993:48) expresses that the uniforms students wear can be
used as a basis for more learning practice. Teachers should teach words that are directly related to
the studensreal lives such as sandals, sneakers, trainers, and thongs that the students usually
wear. It is the teachers role to connect these things to the real lives, not the textbook writers
when the students are materials, the teaching methods will be enjoyable. It is easier to personalize
the learning process if the class size is small. If the teachers are teaching on a one-to-one basis,
they can easily use the students personal and professional environment as the content material.
Visual aids and Audio-visual aids
Visual aid Julia M. Dobson in Effective Technique for English Conversation Groups
(1974:67) says that visual aids include blackboards, pictures, charts flash cards, calendars,
cartoons, slides, etc. These visual aids are needed in EFL/DSL communication session because
they can greatly stimulate the communication and make it effective. These visual aids are
clarified into two categories: classroom visual aids and supplementary visual aids.
Classroom visual aids
The blackboard/ whiteboard. Mary Underwood in Effective class Management
(1987:81) reveals that effective use of a board is a skill that all teachers need to develop.
Underwood provides some suggestions on how to use the board effectively. First, write clearly in
large enough letters that can be seen clearly from any part of the classroom. Second, do not just
write any word or phrases randomly. Third, do not speak to long sentences while writing on the
board. Fourth, stay away from the board and wait quietly while the students are copying. Finally,
do not use any color that cannot be seen clearly.
The notice boards and classroom walls. In How to Teach English by Barry Sesnan
(1997:213), says that normally, students cannot remember all the things they have learned.
Sesnan asserts that forgetting is part of human nature. So, in order to keep the information should
be written on walls and notice boards. He adds that teachers can create a system of writing the
things recently taught on cards or sheets of paper. This system can be very helpful if the teacher
has his own permanent classroom. However, he suggests that the information should be up dated
so as to keep students interest. Because students are naturally so curious, they should sometimes
be allowed to take a look at the notice board in their spare time.
Picture. In Effective Techniques For English Conversation Group by Julia M. Dobson
(1974:69) expresses that in communication sessions, pictures can taken from books, magazines,
newspapers, and teacher or students own drawings. Photographs, color prints, painting, line

drawing, or halftones are best for starting communication. Big pictures can be shown to the
whole class but small pictures should be distributed to each student for individual look. However,
these materials should not be sent around the classroom when the teacher is talking because they
may distract, the teacher should monitor well while the students are looking at the materials.
Supplementary visual aids
Charts, flash cards, calendars, and cartoons. Julia M. Dobson (1974:71-73) suggests
the same way of using charts as that of using pictures to make communication effective. The
chats should be large enough to be seen form any part of the classroom, and the students be given
in dividable charts that need clear thought and interpretation. After that, ask some questions about
the charts or ask the students to make a brief description of the charts. If the flash cards describe
different activities, tell the students to sequence the flash cards describe different activities,
activities, tell the students to circle their birthdays, holiday or other important dates. According to
him many teachers use cartoons as teaching visual aids. That is because the cartoon figures show
interesting facial expressions that can be described and narrated. He suggests not writing captions
or strips under cartoons or dialogs, so that the students can give their own interpretation. Then,
give the ditto master of cartoon to the students to inspect and describe.
Audio-visual aids or real objects. In Effective Class Management by Mary Underwood
(1987:80) mention that audio visual aids include: radio, tape, cassette recorder, video system,
slide and filmstrip and overhead projector.
Radio. According to Julia M. Dobson (1974:76), there are radio programs in English in
English around the world that are especially prepared for non-native speakers. He suggests that
teachers should use the program as topic for discussion or asking questions about the program.
Clock. Julia M. Dobson (1974:72) also says that teachers may use clocks to teach the
students about time. They can organize the hands of the clock to specify particular time and ask
students to say the time according to the clock.
Tapes and Cassette Recorders. Julia M. Dobson (1974:77) expresses that it is very
useful for students to hear themselves speaking English. Teachers should put students in
dialogues, improvisations, skits, plays, debates, and record their speaking. Then, get the students
to listen to their own speaking so that they will identify points for improvement.
Video systems, slides and filmstrip. In An Introduction to English Language Teaching
by John Haycraft (1978:111) emphasizes that teachers have to include the video technology into
the program of studies. Teacher need to teacher the students how to use video effectively and how

visual aids are important for individuals and society. Filmstrips are the same as slides but it is
easier to use them than slide, and the pictures that teachers use to show cannot be in the wrong
For oral composition, slides and filmstrips have the same role as wall charts, flash cards, or
pictures. It is easy to move from one place to another place. They are useful in all cases.
Overhead Projector. Ornstein (1995:242) demonstrates that that the overhead projectors
are convenient to use in many classrooms instead of blackboard in many ways. The teachers can
prepare the transparencies before the class or during the discussions. They can show some
different important points on the projected image with a pencil.
Motivational Strategies
/According to Allan C Ornstein in Strategies for Effective Teaching (1995:121),
motivation is a general idea related to attitude, aspiration, interest and effort. It influences the
students performance in school and outside school, in acadernic and non academic fields and in
almost all phases of human growth and development. Motivation is a driving force for most
people who want to achieve something. In addition, Mark Fox who wrote Introduction to
Education to Psychological Perspective defines that motivation is the ways of encouraging
persons to achieve their aim
Importance of motivation
In foundation of Education by Dori D. Tulio (2000:60) states that there are four points of
the important of motivation in teaching English. First point is direct activities towards the
achievement of goal. This means that if the goal is to be good at speaking, the students directly
learn the rules of grammar of language. Then goal is the motivation. Second point refers to the
controlling and direction human behavior that means motivation can move the young people
living in unworthy, anti-social activities to worthwhile and social approved activities. The third
point is inculcating spiritual and moral values in the mind of the young. This means that with
proper motivation the pupil may be persuaded to create good ideas and moral values as their
lifelong assets. The last point is giving satisfaction and happiness to individual. The students
normally hope to get a good job when they graduate at university. They do their best to achieve
this goal. After graduation, the students experience satisfaction and happiness.
Techniques of motivation

Use verbal praise. According to Julia M. Dobson in Effective Teaching for English
Conversation Group (1974) say that if you really pay attention to the students and their
advantages, if you are smiling and frequently admire them, if you take care of the students
problems, and if you trust their abilities, they will work harder in speaking English. According to
Education in Action Series: Research Information for Teachers (1996), it is easy to give praise to
the students because it is one of the most natural effective techniques available to all teachers.
Simple statements like a fine answer, good, and a great piece of work indicate teachers
approval and social approval. They can stimulate student activities.
Use test and grade judiciously. According to Education in Action Series: Research
Information for Teacher (1996), grades are a form of written comment; they signify the social
reward, indicate approval; and there is motivational power. On the other hand, Sesnan Barry
(1997:88) expresses that tests have motivational power for many reasons. They make students try
harder. They are considered as something very serious which makes them do their, best it is much
better to consider them as a pleasant exercise, a bit of fun. Pupils expect their work to be
evaluated, and they will work hard to get good grades. In addition, good grades, certificates of
merit, praise, and active letters indicate reward used by teachers to make students do better and
behave in desirable ways.
Use familiar material. As mentioned in Teaching Methodology Year 4 book, using texts
with topics familiar or grammar that students are familiar with can accelerate the comprehension
Use what has been previously learned. In Teaching Metho-dology-Year 4 book it is
stated that the same text can be used many times for different purposes with different techniques.
It is especially important for the class with a course book.
Understand the relationship between teachers and students.
Mark Fox in Introduction to Education Psychological Perspective (1988:52) says that when the
more the teacher understands about the students perspective, the more he will be able to help the
students. Furthermore. Ornstein (1995:50) mentions that many of motivating theories and ideas
related to teacher-student

interactions put a stress on encouraging students and taking

responsibility for their own performance.

Occasionally do the unexpected. In Education in Action Series (1996:86) the author states
that the basic motive is needed to satisfy ones own curiosity. Stimuli that are imaginative,
puzzling, inconsistent, or surprising give rise to a type of conceptual arousal, placing the

individual in motivating state. As a result, the individual is stimulated to sole the problem and
find out ways to move the obstacles off the situation being faced. There are many ways in which
pupils curiosity can be aroused. Showing them the unusual or surprising situation is one way.
Doing something unexpected is another.

Classroom. In Essential of English Language Teaching by Julian Edge (1993:50)
states that teachers make physical environment in the fixed classrooms very well. As a result, the
students will be particular interested. Great majority of classrooms have furniture which shows
the physical and psychological environment in which the students show the physical and
psychological environment in which the students and teachers work.
Library. In UNISCO CONATEA by Hamburger (1997:10) expresses that it is necessary
to make libraries widely available for a large number of people and they should be situated in the
place where the prospective users ate living. If there is no local library in remote areas, there
should be a mobile library, which is connected to the central library. The purpose of having a
library is to provide natural resources to those who search for knowledge and fun of reading.
Technology equipment. As mentioned on the website www.cdtl.nus.sg,technology
equipment is important for the students who study a languages teaching a language using
computers will need materials like games and other rise to a type of conceptual arousal, placing
the individual in motivating state. As a result, the individual to solve the problem and to find out
way to move the obstacles off the situation being faced. There are many ways in which pupils
curiosity can be aroused. Showing them the unseal or surprising situation is one way. Doing
something unexpected is another.
Classroom. In Essential of English Language Teaching by Julian Edge (1993:50)
states that teachers make physical environment in the fixed classrooms very well. As a result, the
student will be particular interested. Great majority of classrooms have furniture which shows the
physical and psychological environment in which the students and teachers work.

Library. In UNISCO CONANTEA by Hamburge (1997:10) expresses that it is necessary

to make libraries widely available for a large number of people, and they should be situated in the
prospective users are living. If there is no local library in remote areas, there should be a mobile
library, which is connected to the central library. The purpose of having a library is to provide
natural resources to those who search for knowledge and fun of reading.
Technology equipment. As mentioned on the website www.cdtl.nus.sg, technology
equipment is important for the students who study languages. Teaching a language using
computers will need materials like games and other fun activities online. It also needs word
processor their own language-learning website so they could gain the advantages of using
computer skills and the efficiency, accessibility and quality of education.
Laboratory. Rao V K, Effective Teacher and Teaching (1992:15-18), mentions that
students can concentrate on their lessons in a language laboratory better than outside because
they do not fell threatened, and they can control their machine by themselves.

Chapter III
Conclusions and Recommendations
In conclusion, effective English Language teaching needs several factors. Those factors
are engaged closely with teachers knowledge and talent. First of all, teachers ability is a
necessary factor in English language teaching. Teachers are required special ability in language
teaching in order to become a good teacher. They are the person who responsible for conducting
teaching in classroom. Therefore, in order to teach English Effectively, teachers must know their
subject well, know students abitility, encourage students, make lesson enjoyable, and have high
Moreover, methodology is another factor in effective ELT. It contains key method that can
make the teaching process become more effectively. We can say that methodology is a leading
way to direct students to a right destination. Good methodology depends on the style and
technique teacher use, lesson plan, and evaluation.
Teaching style is the way teacher choose to teach in classroom. In order to develop
teaching style, teachers must think about their physical and mental characteristic, know how to
control felling, adjusts learning theories with expert methods, know students capability and
enthusiasm, and the environment round them.
Effective teaching is primarily based on technique use in which some basic principle are
raised. These principles include engagement between teachers and students, language mastery,
course content content, teaching sequence. Moreover, teaching some skills in English is required
special technique teacher may use. Present new words technique is chosen to teach vocabulary.
Teachers teach spoken form word and contextualize them. Then, revise those words with
structure and pronunciation. Furthermore, to teach grammar teachers must know the goal of
teaching grammar, students knowledge about grammar and their learning style, and material use
for teaching. Moreover, teachers use imitation, demonstration, association, association, and
explanation to teach pronunciation. Get student to practice speaking by group or pair work

through telling stories, dialogues conversation, improvisation, and lecture is and effective
technique use for teaching speaking. In addition, aural comprehension is a good practice teachers
use in teaching listening, Encourage student as much as possible to read is a good technique use
in teaching reading to improve student vocabulary and structures. Finally, technique in teaching
writing is to get student to write short sentence and combine them by using transition signals.
Lesson plan is core element that is useful for teacher to organize in classroom. There are
many perspectives of lesson plan that set only one objective is to know what students can do after
lesson. Effective planning is based on teachers fundamental knowledge about school\s goals,
courses objective, students competency and behavior, content, good organized units, and
techniques of lesson planning.
Effective English Language teaching teaching English more effectively depends on
enough teaching resources which include published materials, materials produced by teachers,
students material, visual aids, and audio-visual aids. These resources are important because
published materials grant the teachers extra strategies to teach their students, and it also provides
good benefit of knowledge to the students. Moreover, the extra material produced by teachers
help them to engage students thinking. Furthermore, the students materials can make students
easy to understand and interest what they have produced. Visual aids including classroom
equipments and supplementary visual aids are useful for showing other information. Audio-visual
aids or real object and that includes radio, clock, tape and cassette recorder, video system, slides
and filmstrips, and overhead projector are good technologies equipment provided definite voice,
clear pictures and sitters to teach the students. Also, effective ELT requires good facility such as
classroom, laboratory, and technology equipment to facilitate teaching process.
Finally, to teach English effectively requires strong motivation from teacher to encourage
students learning. Motivation is a great force to encourage students to achieve their learning
outcome. Since motivation is useful for directing activities to the achievement of goal, controlling
students behavior, inculcating felling and moral values in students mind, giving satisfaction and
happiness to individual students. Therefore, teachers need to know technique of motivation in
order to motivate their students to learn. Using verbal praise, test and grade wisely, familiar
material; understanding the relationship between teacher and students are good techniques for
motivating students.

This term paper has presented some general ideas and finding about effective English
Language Teaching, especially this focused on teachers ability, teaching methodology, teaching

resources, motivation, and facilities However, there are wider aspects of issues involving
effective English Language Teaching which can be explored.
There are some suggestions and recommendations based on what the group members
have found in researching this paper.
First of all, effective English teaching can be done through good teaching methodology.
The trainers or teacher must find out about teaching style to suit their students. Then, they should
consider on how to teach language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing,
pronunciation, and vocabulary. Moreover, they must make their lesson plans much more
enjoyable to get students interest.
In addition, teacher or trainer have to know their own ability of language skills and their
students to make their teaching more effective because if they do not know what level the
students are, they will fail in their teaching.
Furthermore, there must be enough teaching resources used for teaching students in order
to make teaching much more effective. Not only resources, but also the facilities that need to
establish more to facilitate teaching progress. \
Finally, teachers or trainers must find some techniques to encourage students to push their
learning harder.


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