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Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Chapter I

Speaking is one of the most demanding skills in the daily life every person needs to
communicate with others through speaking. Speaking plays an important role in making a social
interaction with another people in order to gain information. thus, it is necessary for every people to
have a good speaking skill, as the need of English Increase over the year .
People do not only communicate with those who come from The same country. but also with
those who come from different country in order to be able to convey meaning and talk to people around
the world they must be able to speak English since it is an international language, due to its
importance, it is very reasonable English as a foreign language is taught as a compulsory subject from
the Elementary level to the university level .
In Indonesia the teaching of English is based on the school based curriculum,
in reference to this curriculum proposed by the department of national education in
2006 the objective of the English teaching as a compulsory subject at the junior high .School level is to
enable students to communicate in both oral and written forms as the language is a means of
communicate, students have to be accustomed to speak utterances orally in the classroom even in the
very simplest way such as greeting .
Answering expressing ideas, giving responses, and the thus, the students need to have a good
speaking ability in order to achieve the objective of English teaching And learning process there are
some .Components to make the instruction successful they are teacher, student, material, media, and
the like those components are essential and should be inter correlated. The results of the study gives
new experience and knowledge for English teacher to use media which can enhance the quality of the
Teaching and learning process, especially in speaking class.

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Background of study
The research of learner problems in speaking English has brought understanding of the
problems that make students difficult to communication and
other activities student are supposed to use English in their class, however as the students study in a
local university, they tend to largely use their own mother
longue in solving other issues largely use their classmates, the reason being that they want to practice
their English as much as they can, the main goal of the students who attend the B.Ed.
Program is to obtain a bachelor degree in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), and
when they graduate can become qualified teacher of English
in other words, the students themselves should realize how much English is
required to meet the current need in the society .

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Statement of the problems

According to doing a research for several months. We faced many problems daring the progress
for the students at intermediate and secondary school level in rural areas of Cambodia do not speak
English as second language more importantly, it will answer the following questions below.
1. Why learner have problem with listening comprehension?
2. What are problems for uses pronunciation intonation?
3. What are problem with speaking English?

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Significance of the study

This research is a part of a requirement for a bachelor of arts in English the research team
comprises of 2 students and a research supervisor, the objective of
These researches are to examine the learner problems in speaking English language.

Score and limitation of the Study

Due to little time we have and materials available this research on learner problems in speaking
English this research is from CUS library American corner library newspaper, internet, and teachers
magazines and other books.

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Chapter II


According to harmer (1991) states that when the two people are engaged in
Talking to each other we can be sure that they in general way to suggest that a speaking maybe for led
on him in the way but we still say that he wants or intends to speak, otherwise he would keep silent .
According to maybe (1992) say that communication is an exchange between people,
knowledge, information ideas option feeling so there must be concept ideas,
In the fellow speaker of what they are going to say , the speaker have a basic competence in
communication their ideas the able to communicate their ideas , the students will be given opportunity
to practice their English Michael (1998) languages .
Is a symbolic system used by communicator to construct convey information good languages
developed by a system, set of rules followed by the wearer, Nunan (1991) speaking is one of four
skills of English it can help people to understand Something from other interlocutors of language.
Speaking will be focus for the first section on speaking it involves fluent and accuracy
expression meaning, the exercising of pragmatic or communicative, the exercising of pragmatic, or
communicative competence and the observance of the rules of appropriate .
Communication is a collaboration in which the interlocutors negotiate meaning in order to
achieve their communication widow son (1985) that speaking is an oral communication that gives
information two elements,
they are speaking who gives the messages and the listener who receives the messages in the
world the communication involves the productive skill of listening and he also state that an act
of communication through .
Speaking is commonly perform in face to face interaction and occur as a part of dialogue or
rather than form or verbal exchange from review literature above,
the writer concludes that speaking is a form to say talk something with expressing

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

of ideas , opinions , views and description to other getting response or way of conveying message in
order to make understanding of wishes to other and to contribute to the other to do speaking activities,
it must involves the speaker and the listener or only speaker involved .

Chapter III

The research for relevant materials started July August, 2014 for this report, our group
brainstormed on the issues related to learner problems in speaking English In Cambodia, there are two
people in the group .

Mr. Chenh Sokun

Mr. Reth Chanly

Before going to collect the data, the members of the group decided to look for
Source individually, the statement of the problems was greed up collectively and topic was given to
other members afterward. All the group members involved in the Researching this paper have acquired
information from CUS library, internet, American Corner library at UME .
Cultural studies foundation of education and other books, another person went
to internet caf to search for the information related the little although the members of the group went
to find the sources individually, they still assisted each other when the relevant collected sources .

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Chapter IV


+The problems with listening Comprehension

Modern textbooks are awfully clever in the way they slip seamlessly from an interesting
listening text into explanation and practice of a grammar point, it is hard to see how such as system
could possibly be worse that just launching in to a grammar point. until that is your students have
listened three times and still havent under stood enough to answer the first question, let alone move
on to the final language point you can only imagine that none of the teachers who reviewed the ted
book be for publication had that problem, and indeed listening comprehension skills vary a lot from
country to country and from person to person. The reasons why some people find listening in a foreign
language difficult vary just as much, so eleven possible reasons why it might be so are given below,
along with some ideas on how to tackle each point.

Why some learners find listening difficult

1.They are trying to understand every word
Despite the fact that we can cope with missing whole chunk of speech having
a conversation on a noisy street in are language, many people dont seem to be able
to transfer that skill easily to a second language , one method of tacking this is to show them how to
identity the important words that they need to listen out for . in English this is show in an easy to sport
way by which words in the sentence are stressed ( Spoken louder and longer) , another is to give them
one very easy task that you know they can do even if they dont get 90% of what is being said to build
up their confidence , such as identifying the name of a famous person or sporting something that as
mentioned many times .

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

2.They get left behind trying to work out what a pervious word meant
This is one aspect of the problem above that all people speaking a foreign
Language have experienced at one time or another, this often happens when you hare a word you half
remember and find you have completely lost the thread
of what was being said by the time you remember what it means, but can also happen with words you
are trying to work out that sound similar to something in your language, words you are trying to work
out from the context or words you have heard many time before and are trying to guess the meaning of
the once and for all.
in individual listening you can cut down on the problems with same topic first to bring the
relevant vocabulary for that topic area nearer the front of their brain , you could also use a listening that
is in shorter segments or use the pause button to give their brains a chance to catch up , but teaching
them the skill of coping with words mean in not so easy , one training method is to use a listening or
two get them to concentrate just one guessing words from context , another is to load up the task even
more by adding a logic puzzle or listening and writing task .so that just listening and trying to
remember words seem like an easier option , finally use it , and show student how to do the same in
their own time , so that the amount of halt remembered vocab is much less .

They just dont know the most important words again ,doing

Vocabulary pre- teaching before each listening as a short term solution and working on the skill of
guessing vocab from context can help, but please make sure that your practice this with words that can
Be guessed from context (a weakness of many text books) and that you work on that with
reading text for a while to build up to the much more difficult skill of guessing vocab and listening at
the sometime, the other solution is simply to build up their vocabulary and teach them how they can do
the same in their own time with vocabulary lists, graded readers, monolingual dictionary use etc.

4.They dont recognize the words that they know

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

If you have a welt, graded text book for your class, this is probably a more
Common (and more tragic) problem than not knowing the vocabulary at all, a part from just being too
busy thinking about other things and missing a word, common reasons why students might not
recognize a word in clued not distinguishing between different sounds in English (Ex, L) and (r) in
led and for many Asians) or conversely trying to listen for differences that do not exist Ex not
knowing words like there their and theyre are homophones , other reasons are problems with
word stress , sentence stress , and sound changers when words are spoken together in natural speech
such as weak forms , what all this comprehension skill building .

5.They have problems with different accents

In a modern text book, students have to not only deal with variety of British,
American and Australian accents, but might also have Indian or French thrown in, with this is
theoretically useful it or when they get a job in a multinational company, it might not be the additional
challenge they need right now especially if they studied exclusively American English at school,
possibilities for making a particular listening with a tricky accent easier include rerecording .
It with some other teachers before class, reading all or part of the typescript out in your
(hopefully more familiar and therefore easier) accent, and giving them a listening task where the
written questions help out like gap fills. It is an accent they particularly need to understand, Example if
they sorting out the out sourcing to India, you could actually spend part of a lesson on the
characteristics of that accent, in order to build up their ability to deal with different accent in the longer
term .
the best way is just to get them listening to a lot of English. Example TV without dubbing or
BCC world service radio, you might also want to think about concentrating your pronunciation work
on sound that they need to understand many different accents rather than one, and on concentrating on
listening with accent that are relevant for that particular group of students. Example the nationality of
their head office.
6.They lack listening stamina/ they get tired.
This is again one that anyone who has lived in a foreign country knows well you are doing fine

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

with the conversation or movies until your brain seems to reach saturation point and from them on
nothing goes in until you escape to the toilet for two minutes the first thing you need to bear in mind
is to build up the length of the text you use (or the length between pauses ) over the course in exactly
the same way as you build up the difficulty of the texts and tacks , you can make the first time they
listen to the longer text a success and there for a confidence booster by doing it in a part of the lesson
and part of the day when they are most alert , by not overloading their brains with new language
beforehand , and by giving them a break or easy activity before they start , you can build up their
stamina by also making the speaking tasks longer and .
And longer during the term , and they can practice the same thing outside class by watching an
English movie with subtitles and taking the subtitles off longer and longer periods each time .

7.They have a mental block

Being could be not just a case of a student having struggled with badly graded
Listening text in school exams or self-study mattered but even of a whole national myth that people
from their country find listening to English difficult , whatever the reason , before you can build up
their skills they need their confidence back .
the easiest solution is just to use much easier texts , perhaps using them mainly as a prompt to
discussion or grammar presentation to stop them feeling patronized you can disguises other easy
listening comprehension task as pronunciation work on linked speech etc, in the same way .

8.They are distracted by background noise

Being able to cope with background noise is another skill that dose easily
transfer from L1 and build up along with students listening and general language skills as well as
making sure the doesnt have lots of hiss or worse (Ex by according to tape to tape at normal speed not
double speed by using the original or by adjusting the bass and treble) and choosing a recording with
no street noise etc.
9.They cant cope with not having images

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Younger people nowadays the just cant cope with out multimedia although
having students who are not used to listening to the radio in their own language cant help, most
student find not having body language and other .
Cues to help a particular difficulty in a foreign language, salting the scene with some photos of
the people speaking can help, especially tasks where they put pictures in order as they listen and using
video instead makes an ice change and is a good way of making skills such as guessing vocab from
context easier and more natural.
10.They have hearing problems
As well as people such as older students who have general difficulty in Hearing and need to sat
close to the cassette, you might also have students who have problems hearing particular frequencies
or who have particular problems with background noise as well as playing around with the graphic
equalizer and doing the other tips above for background noise .
you could also try setting most listening tasks as homework and / or letting one or more
students read from the tape scripts as they listen.
11.They cant tell difference between the different voices
This was the problem that took me longest to twig, but voices that are clearly
Distinct to a native speaker can be completely confusing for a non-native speaker .
I havent quite worked out why those problems occur on some occasions and not on others but
the native speaker could be identifying a lisp an accent or a difference in range of tone that escapes a
student you can avoid these problems by using texts with one woman and one man or you can practice
them with tasks where the students only have to count how many time the speaker changes .

-low or uneven participation

Only one participation can talk at a time if he or she is to be heard, and in

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

large group this means the each one will have only very little talking time this problem is compounded
of some learners to dominate, while other speaks very little or not a talk.

-Mother tongue use

It is easier for the student to use their mother tongue in their class because it
books naturally; therefore, most of the students are not disciplined in using the target
language in the learning process.

-What to do when we have these kinds of problems ?

Try to use English every day in our class, and outside the classroom, this can
stimulate our behavior to always use English as habitual even daily conversation, keep in touch with
someone who like English too, because they have much more attention than to those who dont create
a small group to train our English .
whether in class or outside class, learning by doing is really important in learning to speak
English. We can share information through the group, to make small conversation, and check
others error .this also can give extra additional vocabulary to the persons while we have problems in
our dialect, the solution is train our pronunciation to be better find some video, music, or authentic
conversation in English, see or hear, then practice the sounds that weve heard in the source .

The problems in speaking English as foreign language.

There are many experts that suggest about problem, one of them says that
problem will appear if there is inappropriate between exception and reality. Another defines that a
problem will happen if someones necessity does not fulfill .a problem is something that if it appears
many people will get dissatisfaction,
it can make trouble and difficulty for him/herself or other people, and people if people procure a
problem, they always want to lose it. Problem is perceived gap between the existing state and a desire

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

state, or a deviation from a norm .standard or status quo, although most problems turn out to have
several solution, problem is a question proposed for solution, anything which is required to be solved
or done or a source of difficulty. The learner have their own difficulties in learning the language
particularly in improving speaking skill is not easy for the students the following are the problems of
speaking skill(Munjayanah 2004).

Unlike reading, writing, or listening activities, speaking requires some degree
of real time exposure to an audience learners are often inhibited about trying to say thing in foreign
language in the classroom worried about mistakes or simply shy of the attention that their speech

-Nothing to say
Even they are not inhibited, you often hear learners complain that they cannot
think of anything to say. They have no motive to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they
should be speaking.

-low or uneven participation

Only one participation can talk at a time if he or she is to be heard, and in
large group this means the each one will have only very little talking time this problem is compounded
of some learners to dominate, while other speaks very little or not a talk.

-Mother tongue use

It is easier for the student to use their mother tongue in their class because it
books naturally; therefore, most of the students are not disciplined in using the
target language in the learning process.

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

-What to do when we have these kinds of problems ?

Try to use English every day in our class, and outside the classroom, this can
stimulate our behavior to always use English as habitual even daily conversation, keep in touch with
someone who like English too, because they have much more attention than to those who dont create
a small group to train our English, whether in class or outside class .learning by doing is really
important in learning to speak English. We can share information through the group, to make small
conversation, and check others error, this also can give extra additional vocabulary to the persons while
we have problems in our dialect, the solution is train our pronunciation to be better find some video,
music, or authentic conversation in English, see or hear, then practice the sounds that weve heard in
the source .

Confidence problems speaking English

Many people lack confidence when speaking English gaining confidence
when speak English requires a lot of hard work its practical work too, you need to challenge yourself to
speak in different situations, in this point I discuss the reasons for confidence issues when speaking
and exercises you can use to program your mind with increased confidence, it takes time and effort, but
it you want to change, to build your confidence speaking English, then my practical advice will help

- reasons for lack of confidence

You may presume that beginner, people who are just starting to learn English language ,may
have greater confidence issues when speaking English ,you may expect beginners to more shy and
awkward when speaking English than somebody who has many years of English education , and is at
an advanced level the truth is that confidence speaking English is not direly related to how many
words you know or how good your grammar is confidence communication for people all levels of
English is actually related to how you feel about yourself , when you back confidence speaking
English .the problem is in your head , the good new is that you can change this you can become more

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

confidence .

- Introverted or extroverted ?
In my experience the people who learn English the quickest have a
Particular Personality type, they are very curious and sociable people, most importantly, they love to be
included in whatever conversation is happening, they are extroverts, and They are focused on the
world around them, the key thing is not that these people are better at learning English language than
other people, its just that they take each and every opportunity to speak English .in the canteen, at a
networking event, or even at the gym, their need to communication, to be talking with other, is much
stronger than any fears they have about saying something wrong and appearing stupid public.

- perfectionism limits your achievement

Being a perfection is also a huge barrier to succeeding with your English, if
you are a perfectionist , you want to give your best performances in every situation you place
unrealistic expectations on yourself , you constantly feel that your vocabulary is not wide enough , or

that you arent saying words that are clever or impressive enough you will also over analyze your
speech .sometime after making a mistake you think about it over and over again

(which is irrational

because most of the time other people dont notice your mistakes) , in other situations you may hold
back from talking even though you have something important and relevant to say , due to a fear of
saying something wrong .

- memory of failure
For other people a confidence problem exists because of abed experience
in an English speaking environment, perhaps you had a teacher at school who looked down on you a
teacher who made you feel stupid in relation to your classmates, a though your experience was a long
time ago . in the back of your mind its still there and you havent really for gotten it you now think of

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

yourself as not good at speaking English are perhaps you confidence issues started later in life, once
your professional .Career had already begun, I once coached a woman who had completely lost
confidence speaking English after a disastrous presentation in English at a sales conference .

The problems for students in speaking English

Since English in a foreign language in our country , most students especially senior high school
students are not familiar with it (hetrakul 1995 ) kavin hetrakul also said that they use English more
frequent only inside the class and less frequent outside the class , whereas students have limited time
to Lear English in class and they still do not have enough encouragement to practice English outside
the class in order to get familiar with English .this case brings a problem that make senior high school
students have difficulties to communicate in English , this article will analyze the cause that make the
students difficult to communicate .
- the first cause that makes the students difficult in speaking English is that
the environment does not support the students to speak English frequently ,the
environment here means the people outside the class , those people may think that the students just
want to show off when they speak English for daily conversation the response that the students get
make them loose their self-confidence to improve their speaking .

Since the students do not want to be rejected by the people around them , so they use their
native language in daily conversation , that make the students unable to communicate in English
fluently outside the class .
- the second cause is problem with grammar English always deals with reference of time while
Indonesia does not have one moreover there are singular and plural forms that students have to
distinguish and still many forms that have to be learned , most students are very easy to confused with
English grammar while grammar is very needed to form a right sentence . it the students do not have
grammar mastery , of Couse they will not be able to produce sentence that grammatically right ,
realizing that the grammar students have is very weak , so they feel embarrassed when they want to
produce English sentences orally .

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

- now , English is an international language , even technology and working

world English, it is believed that the students want to be the winner in working world competition that
is getting tight day by day, one of the conditions that the student must require is having ability to speak
English fluently .this skill will be their plus point in facing the working world from now on, the
students have to try hard to their difficulties to speak English fluently .

the problems for uses pronunciation

Non native English speaker often use the pronunciation and communication enations style of
their native language when speaking in English , resulting in accented speech below are 5 , common
problem areas that can interfere with intelligibility when speaking English accent modification training
can be a great help in addressing these problems .

1 Intonation
Intonation refers to the paralinguistic vocal features such as pitch, loudness,
Resonance, quality and flexibility, speaking very these to show intent an mutton .

2 Stress
Stress is extremely important in English and carries a great deal of
Information, their stress on both word and sentence levels, stress can show contrast, if the information
is old or new, the focus of the message and other information about the speakers intent .

3 Thought group
This is how clear speakers group words in to phrases to make their ideas
Clear, though group put information in understand able chunks to help lead the listener through the
speakers message .

4- Linking

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Linking is how we transition from word to word, it is based on the last sound of the first word
and the first of the next word without linking, speech sounds choppy and dis connected.

5- Vowels / consonants
English is not a phonetic language , so it is often hard to know how to pronounce a word by its
spelling pronunciation in English is based on sounds , not spelling some sound in English (for
example) dont exist in other languages .

- The problems of using English in class

As we know English is not an easy subject to teach and to learn, its a
Foreign language, so speaking English is more difficult to understand than speaking mother tongue in
English class .the students have some problems when they speaking English and they are difficult to
understand when the teacher uses English, (teaching methodology year 4 CUS) .

Statement below are some problems

-It takes longer time for students to understand than translate in to their own
Language , by the way when the students finally understand what the teacher is saying , they do not
what to say anything to the teacher in English , theyre so afraid of Making mistakes , this makes the
teacher feel giving up .

When the students speak in English, they make a lot of mistakes.

The teachers speak in English in the class more than students.The teachers English is not

good enough either , that is why he/she prefers

to translate everything in to their own language, him /her always afraid of one of
his/her students will make fun of him/her English .

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Some other teachers

Will still make fun of him/her, sometime they say, why do you use English all the time ?
- while the teacher is trying to teach, students are busy doing other things or talking to each
other. this problem usually happens because teacher did not make the lesson to be interesting. He/she
Only asks his/her students to open their books and follow him/her. Sometime she/he does not draw
students attention before she/he starts teaching his/her students. Students often feel so bored when
their teacher uses the same technique many times, and she/he tries to speak or explain so much. Some
students think that the lesson which their teacher is trying to teach them is not important to them, or
they do not know what they are studying this lesson for. Teacher has to encourage his/her students to
pay their attention on what they are going to study and tell them what benefit they will get from the
lesson. Teacher , on the other hand, should not do a lot of presentation in teaching activities. He/she
To make the students do many practices about what they have just learnt from their teacher.
- teacher wants to organize group work, so he asks students to move their chairs and desks. The
students waste a lot of time moving the furniture. They make so much noise that other teacher
complain. (Teaching Methodology for Bachelors Degree)
- this is one more problem in teaching and learning process because teacher cannot control
his/her students and he/she does not know how to avoid this problem. some teachers are so careless
with this important task. Therefore, if teacher still ignores and does not find a good solution, she/he
will difficult to reach the aims of the lesson easily and the students have not got enough time to do their
tasks in groups. Teacher has to ask his/her students to move their furniture during break time when
he/she wants students to organize group discussion in order to stop them causing problem to the other
classes which are nearby their classroom. It is not necessary to move the desks or chairs, on the other
Hand, if teacher make his/her lesson be interesting, students will move themselves to sit the other way
And study cheerfully.
- teacher wants students to practice speaking with and information gap technique like find the
Differences. For this technique the teacher needs to photocopy worksheets for every student. The
teacher cannot provide the worksheets, so he give up the idea. (Teaching Methodology for Bachelors

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Degree )
- some teachers do not want to teach in large class because they think they will prepare the
documents a lot and they feel so bored. They also have to provide a lot of worksheets to their students
Sometimes. They will spend much money, so they give up this idea and go through the students books
Without adding more information or the details of the lesson to their students. This can make the
problem in class too because students do not have enough information, practice and confident about
what they have learnt.
- sometimes when a teacher gives up his/her idea, she/he cannot reach the aims or objectives of
The technique. Instead of this, teacher can asks the class monitor to copy by sharing money themselves.
If the technique needs the picture to copy, teacher can asks students to look at the particular picture
around them instead of the picture in the worksheets.
- the teacher decides to make lessons more interesting for his students. He thinks that his
lessons should be more learner-centered so in every lesson he introduce a new technique to his
students To do. But this does not seem to work. Instead of thinking the lessons are interesting the
students just look confused and perform badly. (Teaching Methodology for Bachelors Degree )
- it is neither easy nor interesting for the students when teacher introduces his/her students a
new technique every lesson. Students will confused to do the techniques because they have learnt a lot
of techniques and those are seemed to be the same or similar to each other. Some students cannot
understand how to do the new technique, so teacher needs more time to explain those students until
they understand the new technique. Because of this, teacher waste a lot of time in his/her teaching. As a
Result the teacher is difficult to get/reach the objectives of his/her new technique.
- the teacher seems to spend so much time checking attendance, collecting and handing out
students books, making announcements about the school and writing things on the board that he does
not have much time left in the lesson for actual leaching. (Teaching Methodology for Bachelors
Degree )

- some teachers spend so much time in the first step of their teaching. For instance, after he/she
Lets the students sitting down, she/he start to check students attendance by calling the students names

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

List from the first student until the last one. Then she/he starts handing out students work books or
worksheets by calling their names, too, one by one until the last sheets. sometime teacher spend more
time to write down their students score into the book by calling students names. These activities
waste a lot of time. Both teacher and student will face the problems when they start teaching and
learning because the time is so short for them and teacher cannot get successful with everything which
She/he has already planned for one or two hours of his/her teaching. Some teachers when they faced
this problem, in order to finish what they have planned on time, they start to teach their students
through the books quickly without letting his/her students ask questions, doing practice, or producing
Something about what they have just learnt because of the time, or if she/he let the students to do the
practice, the activities seem to be in a hurry. The students will be disappointed with their teacher.
Sometime the students cannot understand what the teacher are teaching them, or they feel doubtful or
not sure about what they studied with their teacher.
- students prefer grammar and exam practice and when the teacher gives them group work or
pair work they explain because they think the teacher is not teaching them. (Teaching Methodology for
Bachelors Degree ) this is also a problem for the classroom because some students think like what
mentioned above when they face this situation. As a result, students do not want to do the tasks which
Their teacher provides them. Sometimes a number of students do not join with their group in doing the
Teachers tasks. Further more, those students do not what their teacher wants them to do. Teacher has
to explain his/her students carefully and clearly about what she/he wants his students to do and tells
them the benefits or which skills they will improve by doing it,
- the teacher has managed to motivate the class with a fun technique, but now the students be
come over enthusiastic and difficult to control and they are not using English. (Teaching Methodology
For Bachelors Degree )
Its absolutely right that after students have learnt their lesson so long time, they feel tired. Teacher
sometime has to make fun in order to make them feel better. She/he also make fun in the class in order
To draw students attention to the lesson, or sometime to stop them talking something useless. But if
teacher usually does something like this, students will enjoy his fun and start to make so much noise
which is become more difficult for teacher to manage. Furthermore, it is not necessary for teacher to

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

manage students by making fun sometime. In order to stop them from making noise, teacher can use a
cool down signal or the other things because she/he spends time, when s/he makes fun in the class.
* when teacher asks students to do groups discussion, there are more than six or seven students
in each group. There are only three or four students who do their works and the rest of the students in
the groups spend their time talking to each others about the other things outside uselessly. In this
situation, the noise in the class increase and disturb the other students doing their works around them
and teaching and learning activities become terrible. It causes problem to the other class nearby as
Teacher, therefore, should divide students in the class in to small groups which consist of three or four
students only and make the all the students in the groups be busy with their works.
* teacher does not remember his/her students names when s/he teaches in large class. Students
name are very important for teacher in teaching and learning process because it is the time that teacher
and his/her students make a good relationship with each others, and students dare ask their teacher
some questions if they do not understand some important points of the lesson. If teacher asks one
student in the class to answer or do something by calling his/her name, s/he will feel proud because
she/he thinks that she/he is also an important student in the class not only for the clever students during
teaching and learning activities. This encourages students to learn harder and make them feel
confident. During teaching and learning process, on the other hand, if students make so much noise or
talking useless things, teacher can stop them by calling their names as well. Is it a good motivation to
the students in classroom. Contrastingly, students will feel disappointed with their teacher and think
that teachers do not care with them if teacher does not remember their names and calls them by the
using the words such as Mr, Miss, You or other. Many teachers do not care about this point and
cannot remember their students names. They think that it is difficult for them to learn students names.
Sometime they think it is not necessary to remember their names because they can point to the students
To answer the questions or do something if they want to call them.

Problems with speaking activitie

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Speaking, activities can fail miserable due to some very real problems in the ESL class. The
most common problem is students inhibition, speaking activities require a student to have all eyes on
him and exposure to an audience can often give students stage fright. They may also be worried about
making mistakes, being criticized or losing face in front of the rest of the class.
Another common problem is that students sometimes think they have nothing to say on a
particular topic. In reality, they may be bored or feel that the topic is unrelated to anything they know,
if this is the case, they will have no motivation to speak other than the fact that they know they should
be participating in the speaking activity, ESL students often lack confidence in their speaking ability
and feel they have insufficient language skills to express exactly what they want to say.
There will always be dominant students in an ESL class making it difficult for more reserved
students to express themselves freely, dominant students who interrupt frequently or who constantly
look for the teachers attention tend to create an environment in the ESL class where more timid
students are quite happy to sit back and watch the lesson unfolding instead of participating
Students who insist on using their mother tongue are students who are fearful of criticism and
need to be encouraged to speak English, students must understand that they cannot revert to their
mother tongue as this will take away precious speaking practice time during lessons and slow down
oral progress. (Porter, Patricia and Grant, Margaret, communicating effectively in English, oral
communication for non-native speaker, Heinle ELT 1992 )

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

Chapter V


Base on the researching my group has conducted , researched , and analyzed about learner
problems in speaking English , such as speaking listening how to use pronunciation spelling stress
intonation especially for grammar and nowadays .
English is an international language , even technology and working word use English , it is
believed that the students want to be the winner in working competition that is getting tight bay by
bay , one of the conditions that the students must require is having ability to speak English fluently .

this skill will be their plus in facing the working world , from now on , the students have to try
hard overcome their difficult to speaking English fluently .

The way for teacher to do , it is considered necessary for the teacher to

Force the students only to speak English airing the class , the teacher many fine
the students every time they speak their native language , the teacher himself must be able to convince
his students to be brave to speak English , does not matter if they have very bad grammar .

just say whatever the student want to say , and the teacher must convince his students that

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

making errors is a normal thing in learning , this way will raise students confidence to try to speak
English , it will be better if the teacher does not give correction every time .

his students make errors but he should give feedback and give explanation for every error after
the students finish their speech .

+ The way for the students themselves, they can have an English conversation
Club that consists of their own classmate they can share and talk about anything in English during that
time, in this club, they can learn together, students.
Correct each other without feeling embarrassed English will become students routine by doing
that activity (hetrakul 1995) .

Likewise the problem to speak English fluently that senior high school students have even
though the problem seems as students problem, but in fact teacher also play an important role in
solving this problem .
Students difficulties to communicate in English must be solved as soon as possible
considering their needs in facing the working world .

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

After the group has done the term paper the member can know clearly the current basic of
problem in speaking English. There are some main suggestions to be considered by the group.

For Teacher
-Each teacher has to work closely together, talk about their practice, learn from each other and
share their experiences to strange than their ability.
-Teacher has to understand each student and pick up any technique to motivate them in their
-Teacher speaks to students in simple ways and a void negative attitudes or relations.
-Teacher has to speak English all the time during his/her teaching.
-Teacher promotes students to be brave in speaking, questioning and
answering through admiration and tell them feel confident and happy .
-Teacher has to smile all the time to students because it can make students work suitably and
have more effort.
-Teacher has to speak clearly and more smoothly.
-Teacher has to use materials for teaching.
-Teacher has to help students in a part time in the case that they need.
-Teacher should let students show their opinion freely.
-Teacher teaching his students with lesson plan.
-Teacher should admiring on students success may help them feel happy in studying and
improve their learning effectively .

Students difficulties in Speaking English

A major Report for a bachelor degree

Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

For students
To make learning effective, each student has to try to practice, share experience and learn from each
There good relationship is important for their learning, each student has to show respect to their
friends ideas and not laugh at their friends. Good groups of students help their learning
effectively and help them advance their characteristics as well as thinking and invention . all
students have to think of these points.
But for bad students who bring difficulties to the classroom, we have to find the way to control
them. The following are some experiences that are extracted from the Teacher magazine.
- teacher have to be intimate but firm with the bad students and show the care for them on what
that they never receive before or their friends and society never provide them.
- if they have mistakes, we have to try to persuade them, but not punish because adolescence is
an age easy to get angry.
- teacher try to understand students but not get them to understand the teachers mind, and avoid
The equality of rank between the teachers and students.
- teacher keep their mind in the middle way, not be partial to any students.
-teacher motivate students for their lesson that they feel confident and truth themselves .

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Cambodian university for Specialties

Kampong Cham branch

Faculty of Humanity and Linguistics

-Hetrakul, Kavin. 1995 the second language http// 95/76.loog/ Kavin
Hetrakul.html. (Accessed on October 25, 2005) .

-http//www.using English. Com/ articles/ why.your.student.have problem.with . listening

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