111203BOAF Part2

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CAP: Possible for down ?

Lie down, fail

Boom: Lie down, fail!
Now, theres one fail
Now, please exchange the competitors
Because its too tired
CAP: For the last, Jump, changing competitors
Boom: Its Kokos turn
CAP: Koko In
Dubu Out
Fighting, Koko
Boom: Immediately starting from Koko!
Sungjong: Jump, jump!
CAP: Shaking
Give me the snack!
Challenging again
Sungjong: Jump, jump!
Koko, jump!
CAP: Success
As expected from the immortal Koko
Infinite 3 siblings, completed 4
Sungjong: Maybe its because Ive been staying at home recently,
CAP: Whats the reason behind becoming close in such a short while?
Sungjong: After ending the schedule,
When Im often at home recently
When I see that they know where to do their excrement,
I will praise them
CAP: When I see that theyve learnt where to do their excrement, praising them
Sungjong: And then, Ill give them something to eat
Then, our relationship improved a lot
CAP: Also often gave them food, also developed a strong relationship
Sungjong: So they tend to listen to me more
Boom: Then, like this
Excluding one, lying down,
Everything else was a success
Because the opponent did rather well,
So APINK is slightly worried
Over at APINK, theres also an ace waiting
Eunji: Hello
Im the cute one in APINK, Kwik
CAP: APINK Cautious Siblings
Eunji: Sit down
CAP: Sit down!
Boom: Sit down, success!
Eunji: Kwik, hand
Kwik, hand
CAP: Sit down, success
Eunji: Kwik, hand
Boom: Hand, success!
CAP: Hand, also a success!
Eunji: Lie down, lie down, lie down
CAP: Forcing
Boom: Lying down was actually by the hand, right?
CAP: You used your hand
Eunji: No, I didnt
CAP: Even though theres doubt, verification
Boom: But doing it to this standard, its an approval

Lying down, success

Wait, wait, wait
CAP: Challenging,[orange] wait
Eunji: Wah, youre the best, the best
CAP: Wait, success
Boom: There wasnt force, right?
APINK: Yes, there wasnt
Eunji: Kwik, look here
CAP: The key, Jump
Eunji: Do you see it? The smell, the smells here
In the middle of seducing with food
Boom: I dont have a good feeling
CAP: Maybe itd even eat the jumping barrier~
Not enough snacks?
Boom: Hes not too concerned about the snacks
CAP: Jiljiljil
Boom: Its a super strength show
CAP: Super strength show
Woohyun: Super strength show
Boom: Super strength show
You have to do it once more
Eunji: Kwik!
CAP: Challenging again
Boom: It might even eat the barrier
Eat more
CAP: Unmoving and ignoring
Please Jump over
Boom: Just, will this be a success? Well know the results in a while
Eunji: Can you do it?
Boom: It didnt jump over, eliminated, eliminated
Infinite, completed 4!
APINK, completed 3!
CAP: Training mission ended
Boom: Next, what were going to do is, for the sake of doing it even more perfectl
y, to give the dogs a surprise
Didnt we come out to have fun? Then, we have to enjoy
CAP: A bright and shining autumn day
An outdoor excursion enjoyed by all the members
Because they have a family, they are happy
Time to build a house
Sunggyu: The floor has to be more solid
Infinite: Thats right
Sungyeol: The floor? What about after the floor?
Sunggyu: After the floor, its the back wall
CAP: Infinite, who are building it well
Sungjong: Nail it on
Woohyun: Do it in
CAP: In the midst of doing it familiarly
Sunggyu: Sungyeollies really good at this
Woohyun: He can become a carpenter
Chorong: Eunji-ah, do you know how to do it?
CAP: On the other hand, APINK who are still
Myungsoo: Lets go, lets go
Eunji: Its okay, just put this on the top
Chorong: Eunji-ah! The nails for the wood!
Boom: Up to now, you guys havent advanced
CAP: Boom
You guys havent advanced
Chorong: Its not like that

Boom: How are you guys doing it?

Its not like this
CAP: Its not enough even with Boms help
APINK: Please help us
Boom: Something like this should be good
Eunji: It doesnt seem to be like this
CAP: How long is it until
Requesting for help
Eunji: Please help us!
CAP: Asking for help
Asking for our help?!
Please help us!!
Woohyun: I think you did it wrong
CAP: Glancing
Unknowingly, Woohyun who comes over to help
APINK: Can you help us to do it?
Woohyun: Whos the main character today?
CAP: Whats the reason behind going to the APINK team?
Woohyun: Arent they the kids of our family?
CAP: Tongue-tied
Woohyun: I did it so that the kids can feel warmth
CAP: A feeling of wanting them to feel warmth
Woohyun: So, I went over to help
CAP: So, I went over to help
Boom: The image of L concentrating
Its completely the feel of an American carpenter
CAP: L who is doing it well
Sunggyu: Hes a real man
Boom: Sungjong-ah!
You have to display it too, an image like Ls
Its completely like a foreigner building a house
CAP: A foreign man building a house!
Learnt it from his grandfather
Putting all the skills to use
Carpenter L
No matter what this side is doing
There is not a single joke
L Carpenter, who keeps building the house
A pretty space for our family members to live in
Putting all the heart into building it
INFINITE, who are on their way to somewhere
Hoya: Right now, were on our way to Incheon Airport
Because we have schedules in Japan
Myungsoo: So, we have to go to the airport
CAP: Because of Japanese schedules, they have to leave the country
Myungsoo: But if we arent here,
The kids will be by themselves
Then, what do we do?
CAP: [tilted] Quarantine standards
Because they are still young, they cant go along to Japan
Vet: Because the quarantine procedures in Japan are rather bothersome,
Vet: They have to be born for a certain amount of time before they can go over
Because they are still too small
If they were to sit on a plane,
For them, the pressure will be too immense
Sunggyu: Will the kids forget us?
Myungsoo: Im also slightly worried
CAP: Sunggyu
Will the kids forget us?
Myungsoo: Actually, Im really worried

CAP: Worried
Myungsoo: While were there, we still have to train them
Wait, sit, wait, sit, etcetera
CAP: According to the vets instructions, talking to them
Sunggyu: Today, we will also train them
CAP: Arrived at Gimpo Airport
??: Its a celebrity
CAP: Hurriedly, entering the airport
Infinite: Be careful of the dogs!
CAP: Be careful of the dogs!
Arrived in Japan
A big success, fanmeeting
Sungyeol: Where are we now?
Sungjong: Were atSungyeol: Is this our house?
CAP: When resting the hotel, also
Sungjong: Hotel
Sungyeol: Hotel?
Myungsoo: Im very worried that once we get back, will they treat us as strangers?
CAP: Worried about the 3 doggy siblings
Sunggyu: Now, lets take a look at our members
CAP: Finally, one day before returning back to Korea
Hoya: Really, we didnt forget about them for a single second, single minute
Our dogs, Koko, Dubu, Nurungie
Woohyun: Did you eat well?
Sungyeol: Were really worried!
Dongwoo: Well be back in a while
Before we came to Japan, I was number one
CAP: Dongwoo, who is arguing because he is worried of the positions
Dongwoo: I dont know if my spot got stolen
Sungjong: Maybe Koko stole it!
Sunggyu: No, it should be Dubu, whos 1st
CAP: But why are they so uneasy?
After performing in Japan, the days after Infinite returned to Korea
The fans who are waiting for Infinites return
[smaller] Dubu, Nurungie and Koko
The 3 siblings are waiting too
Just, what happened?
Arriving, unknowing of the situation
Woohyun: Whys the puppy like this?
CAP: Whys the puppy like this?!
Woohyun: What happened to Dubu?
Did it get injured?
CAP: Dubu and Nurungie, who fought and got injured
Sungjong: What happened?
Woohyun: Why are the kids injured?
During this time, just what happened?
Dongwoo: That instant when I walked out of the airport and saw the kids,
CAP: The 3 siblings got injured?
Dongwoo: No single claw was moving
When I saw it, really,
I already didnt know what to say
CAP: Due to the quarantine requirements, the 3 siblings, who they were unable to
bring over
Woohyun: Well go and discuss with the doctor first
And see just what happened
And we have to ask what do we do in the future
CAP: They were obviously doing well,

But why did the kids get injured on the day they came back
Going straight to the vet due to worry
Hoya: Why did they end up fighting?
Tell us
Vet: Did they wear this well?
CAP: In the middle of listening to the doctors explanation
Infinite: Whats the good point of wearing this?
Vet: Didnt the injury start to slowly get better?
When its recovering, itd be slightly itchy
Myungsoo: Its to prevent it from scratching it?
Vet: Yes
Yesterday, when they were sent over for check up,.
We discovered that they fought rather ahrd
CAP: Fighting due to the fierce arrangement
Sungjong: When they are play fighting together
CAP: Was the fight over arrangements really serious?
Sungjong: The kids dont really know about arrangements
Because theyre still young
CAP: Nurungie and Dubu, who didnt do the arrangements properly
Sungjong: Hence, they fought harder during the arrangements
CAP: At first, it was like a joke
But it became a situation of a fight
Sungjong: So, they got injured
Woohyun: They havent fought so hard before
Vet: But luckily, the kids are very healthy
So their recovery is good
CAP: Luckily, the kids who didnt get heavily injured
Sungyeol: if the process is set,
CAP: Sungyeol, who is very curious about the arrangement clean up
Sungyeol: Do we just need train the oldest well
And the rest will just follow after
Vet: There is a possibility
??: Who is it that doesnt know the arrangement well
Vet: From the exterior
Dubu is the strongest within them
CAP: Nurturing a few companion dogs to know the arrangement is important
Vet: But its not by who is the strongest
CAP: Puppies at the start may be naughty, and will suddenly start fights
Vet: The dogs were only making trouble at first but it could become a dangerous
??: They all know it now
Vet: Why not tell them the arrangement first so they wont fight again
CAP: Emergency arrangement situation
Woohyun: Let them rest first
Vet: It must keep wearing it
Sungyeol: It must wear for a week right
CAP: Right now, it must be quiet
Myungsoo: Taking care of a small life is not an easy job
CAP: Thoughts after seeing them hurt?
Myungsoo: We must treat them better, look after them at all times, the want to c
are for them.
CAP: Needs more love and care
??: Yes, got it. Thank you. Thank you.
CAP: That night
Woohyun: Its dancing, its dancing
Dongwoo ah, come out and see. Its dancing
CAP: Its swimming with the sound of the water
Dongwoo: First get some warm water, then put the puppy in the bathtub
Dongwoo: Slowly, slowly get it wet

CAP: Koko bath challenge!

Sunggyu: Ah, what happened, what happened
CAP: Struggling
Dongwoo: This is warm water, its okay Koko, its okay
Sunggyu: This is the dogs shampoo~ Doggie shampoo. Doggie shampoo
Sunggyu: Oh, what happened, what happened to you Koko, what happened
Dongwoo: Hold it in a little more Koko
CAP: Not cute...?
Myungsoo: Now we can shampoo it
Dongwoo: Remember not to get shampoo into its eyes
??: Its very aggressive ah. Oh, Koko what
CAP: Very alert
Where to look...
Dongwoo: Gently give the dog a massage
CAP: Mood became better because of the atmosphere
Sunggyu: Does he like it?
??: Yes
Dongwoo: Ah, its wagging its tail
Myungsoo: First the back, then its legs
CAP: Professor L sitting on the toilet bowl observing them
Sunggyu: Hurry wash, faster wash, washing off like crazy
??: Finished washing?
Myungsoo: Dont let it get a cold, hurry, hurry dry it.
CAP: Bathing end, drying the fur
Dongwoo: Ok, ok, very good
??: The back then?
CAP: Koko who is scared of the hairdryer sound
Myungsoo: The back then the stomach
??: Stomach
??: Because its still small, we cant let it remain wet, need to dry
CAP: Drying it because its still young
Dongwoo: Its cold, its shivering
CAP: Serious
??: Now its cold ah, we should hurry, hurry
??: Ah, Koko had finished bathing, so clean
CAP: Finished bathing, Koko is hurrying off to run
Woohyun: Koko, come
Its very happy
Sungyeol: It looks like its nervous
CAP: Sungyeol: Nervous~
Dongwoo finally giving a sigh
Woohyun: Actually its for the better of Koko, but it seems like we got into an a
Sunggyu: We did a good job right
Dongwoo: Yes, yes. Its the same, first time on the job
Sunggyu: Yes, because it is our first time
??:We must do it more, because without hard work, there is no success. We must b
e better to the dogs.
CAP: After finishing
Sunggyu: Yes, hard work, endure more hardships
CAP: Two men seeking to improve
Bomi: Give Kwik and Dari more healthy food
CAP: [purple]Apink self camera, [orange]Kwikie and Daris [indigo]health food maki
Bomi: These type of chicken breast is commonly seen, and its easy to make
CAP: Todays menu <Chicken breast meat>
Chicken breast meat is high in protein, low in fats and contains amino acids to
help prevent heart problems It is the best type of snack for small dogs
Bomi: First open it

Eunji: Ah, a little restless, Kwik and Dari are staring at it

CAP: cast: Yoon Bomi ; Camera Director: Jung Eunji, Yoon Bomi ; Starring: Kwik,
Dari, Yoon Bomi, Jung Eunji
Eunji: How long will it take ah
Bomi: Until the ice melts
CAP: No, just wait till it melts
Awaiting Awaiting
Bomi: Ah, its ready Take this out
This is very important, taking out is important because water may drip down
CAP: Taking out is the most important
Complicated secret, when taking it out the water may spray out
Bomi: Yah, wait, kids are waiting
CAP: Frightened Frightened
??: Chicken breast meat
Eunji: Thorwing, wait, wait, feel like throwing it down
CAP: Following what was said, throwing
Bomi: Throwing, throwing
Eunji: Ah, it was thrown down
They look restless
CAP: Restless Restless
Bomi: Wait
Eunji: Now its 1:49, Sunday
CAP: Its 2a.m. now
Bomi: Come here Dari ah
CAP: Namjoos problem pants
Bomi: Yo yo~~
CAP: Followed by Bomis supper celebration performance
Bomi: Kwikie Dari From they day they came our dorm
CAP: Kwikie Dari
From the first time they entered our dorm
Bomi: We got mesmerised by you, mesmerised, mesmerised
Yo yo yo
CAP: Bomi who felt embarrassed stopped.
Bomi: Dari ah Kwik
CAP: Hiding
Eunji: They dont even want to see you
Bomi: Dari ah changed, Dari ah changed
CAP: Touching lyrics and hip hop power
Bomi: Put your hands up
Put your hands up
CAP: Without knowing, the highlights of the performance
Bomi: Kwikie Dari Dari Kwik...
CAP: I am Yoon Bomi
Eunji: Dont be like this
CAP: Jung Eunji Director: Bomi this doesnt seem okay
Finally stopped the recording halfway
??: Chicken breast meat is done
CAP: Dancing chef, chicken breast meat dish is done
Eunji: Wait, train it, training
CAP: Eating it herself
CAP: Jung Eunji Director: Give them training, training, training
Eunji: Use food to train them
Bomi: Sit, sit
Good job, stand up, stand
Ah, theres blood after being bitten by Dari
CAP: When feeding small dogs, to minimise the amount of food give, the best is t
o place the food within their field of vision
Dont let this kind of situation happen...
Eunji: Does it hurt
CAP: Pain??

Floating in mid-air?
Eunji: Wa~~ Is it very hungry thats why it is like that
Kwikie sit, sit
CAP: The chicken breast meat is working
Dari who cant find the meat on the floor
Bomi: Ah, how depressing
Namjoo: Emergency report, emergency report
CAP: Emergency breaking news that is full of impact
Cast: Apink ; Camera Director: Apink ; Starring: Kwikie, Dari, Apink
Namjoo: Kwik and Dari went to search for the food and ate them all
CAP: Breaking news ; Kwikie, Dari took out the food and ate it
Namjoo: On-site impact, what is this
CAP: [Orange]Evidence ; The can food that Apink didnt take out
Namjoo: This is obviously something we didnt leave it for them to eat
Dari ah, are you the one who ate it
CAP: Suspect Dari-ssi
Chorong: Kwik and Dari opened it when we were out and ate it
CAP: Reporter Park Chorong (21) ; We feed Kwikie and Dari by our hands
??: Ah, is it like that? aigo, back hurts
CAP: Reporter Oh Hayoung (16) ; We were using our four legs to walk when, I beca
me angry and used two legs to stand up.
Hi speed reenactment team??
Chorong: Dari is acting innocent again
CAP: There is no doubt now
This is only a guess
Bomi: This is my guess that Dari ate the poop
CAP: Dari seemed to have eaten poop
Hayoung: How was it, is it nice to eat
CAP: Hayoung: Is it nice to eat??
??: Yesterday
CAP: Time: Yesterday ; Location: On the sofa
Bomi: I found dog poop
CAP: Evidence of dog poop!!
??: Ah, how is it done, there is nothing
Naeun: I also have something to say
CAP: Reporter Son Naeun (18)
Naeun: I found poop and went to clean it, but
CAP: Time: A few days ago ; Location: Living room floor
Naeun: I cleared it but I havent thrown it away, and now it is gone
CAP: The thing left behind will disappear on its own?
??: Dari ah, didnt unnie gave you food to eat
CAP: Professional suspects
??: Are you hungry
??: Kwikie, noona gave you food, why
Hayoung: unnie, I still have something to report
CAP: Continuous reports
Chorong: It drank everything
CAP: The kids really ate all this?!?!
??: It is really scary
CAP: Slowly suspecting its Kwikie and Dari
??: NO~~~
??: When they see us they go all quiet
CAP: After a few days, they can say so...
??: Better do the programme properly
CAP: Sending out seriousness
The questioning things that happened in the dorm
Suspect 1 ; Dari (6 months of age) ; Corner Dari act?
Special points ; Careful and scared easily ; Active when with Apink ; Is everyth

ing that happened an act?

Suspect 2 ; Kwikie (around 30 years old human age) ; Cute deceiver?
Special points ; Because people likes it ; Aegyo and hairy dance are speciality
; Separated from parents hence getting separation anxiety, on treatment
Suspect 3 ; Apink ; Who is deceiving?
Special points ; Although they are named as elves, ; but have members with crazy
Suspect 4 ; Infinite ; Neighbours crime?
Special points ; lives in the same condominium as Apink
Criminal is within these suspects
Namjoo: This is Kwikies and Daris crime scene after we left for our schedule
CAP: One week later... Revealing all of the secrets
Namjoo: Till now
CAP: Next week
[top] Next week
Case Number 1. Daris two faces
The shocking truth after the observed outcome!
Case Number 2. The mystery of the 100th day
Become a rich man!
Live longer!
Case Number 3. The case of the mini horse suddenly attacking
Its a big horse this time!
Birth of a Family

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