Resume & Cover Letter Writing Handout 3

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Resume and Cover Letter Writing Module

Learning Outcomes:
Craft an impactful resume
Write an engaging cover letter
Create a video CV
Use all these effectively
Understand gaps in your resume so that you can plan how to build up your strengths and experiences
during your time at NTU

Objectives for Resumes and Cover Letters in Job Applications

Preparing your resume ready early will:

allow you to identify gaps in your present skills and experiences

help you chart your next 3 to 4 years to gain relevant experiences and improve relevant skills

Poor Resume Example:

Little Johnny Tan
+ 65 9996 6699
Smithfield College: Appleton, KS
BS Chemistry; 2014; G.P.A: 2.1/5.0

ABC Incorporated, Sales/Support Associate, Marconia, VT
June 2010 - Present

Recruited new clients.

Managed all facets of client support
Performed financial analyses and reports and advised clients accordingly.

BDE Safety Supplies, Administrative Assistant, Merrifield, NH

June 2007 - June 2010 (term breaks)

Answered phone calls, greeting clients, and scheduled appointments

Assisted with purchasing of safety supplies and processed client orders.
Managed financial bookkeeping for the company using QuickBooks.

Computer Skills
Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft
Access, Microsoft Outlook.
Smithfield College Varsity Hockey Team

Good Resume Example:

Block 317B Anchorvale Link #03-157, Singapore 544317
+65-9805-0555 |
An enthusiastic team player interested in the development and application of computational fluid
dynamics and thermal system modeling. Seeking an assistant research position in a major internal
combustion engine manufacturing company in the areas of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 4.1/5.0 (Top 10% of Class)
Graduated with Honors

Aug 2010-May 2014

Victoria Junior College

GPA: 4.2/5.0 (Top 10% of Class)
Winner of Michael Curtis Design & Technology Award

Jan 2008-Nov 2009

Nanyang Technological University, Multiphase Flow Visualization and Analysis Laboratory, Engine
Research Center
Research Assistant
Nov 2013-present
Awarded competitive 20,000 SGD grant to continue research, based on exceptional
outcomes and performance.
Developed numerical model of carburetors for small utility engines, incorporating: dynamic
effects, two-phase flow, compressible flow and losses across metering orifices.
Implemented carburetor model in one-dimensional engine simulation software to study the
effect of carburetor elements on power and emissions.
Studied single-phase flow through complex geometries inside carburetors with numerical
simulations in a commercial CFD package.
Designed and built experimental setups to characterize single-phase and two-phase flow in
carburetor parts, as well as to validate numerical simulations.
Nanyang Technological University, Student Engineering Club
Aug 2012- May 2014
Conducted weekly meetings, delegated responsibilities to 12 board members, coordinated
communications, as well as organized guest speakers and holiday events for 200 people.

Programming Languages: Assembly and C++ (Advanced), Visual Basic and Avenue (Intermediate)
Software: Matlab (Advanced), AutoCAD (Advanced), Arcview (Basic)
Languages: English (native speaker), Mandarin (fluent), Spanish (proficient)

Preparing an attractive resume that highlights your personal brand and clarifies why YOU should be hired, is
absolutely essential to career success.
Remember that recruiters spend just 6 seconds per resume before deciding whether to keep reading or put it
in the no pile. If the formatting is distracting or theres a typo, if you fail to convey what makes you a
uniquely strong candidate, then youve missed your chance.

Identifying Own Competencies and Strengths

The best way to get started is to make a list of your experiences. What were some of the things you listed
during the Personal Branding module? How could you express those in a resume?
Dont worry if you dont have any professional experience yet. There are many things besides just paid work
that you can include, such as:

relevant courses youre taking

research, lab work, or projects
co-curricular accomplishments
membership or leadership of any student clubs or organizations
awards and certifications
personal attributes

Think about your contributions, what skills you used and developed, and your significant

Understanding What Employers Look Out for When Reviewing Resumes and Cover Letters
No matter what industry you would like to work in, there are a few qualities in resumes and cover letters that
all employers look for. Keep in mind the following points as you craft or revise your resume.
1. Relevance and Fit
Ask yourself:

Is the information relevant to the hiring manager or review committees needs?

Does my resume or cover letters content reflect that of my career goal?
Does my resume or cover letter contain keyword-rich language pertinent to the goal and position being
applied for?
Does my resume or cover letter clearly express what I can contribute to the organization?

2. Writing Style
Ask yourself:

Does the content flow and is it easy to understand?

Has my resume or cover letter been proofread for careless typos, spelling and grammar?
Are personal pronouns such as I, me and my avoided? For example: Lead is correct, while I
lead is not.
Is my cover letter written in simple, straightforward language?
Does my resume or cover letter utilize powerful action verbs (verbs that denote doing something)?

3. Appearance
Ask yourself:

Does my resume look original and not like a template?

If my resume is more than 1 piece of paper, is my name clearly visible on each page?
Is each page of my resume printed on a separate sheet of paper?
Is my resume or cover letter presentation visually pleasing and professional? Does it facilitate rapid
reading? Do highlights pop out to the eye?
Is my resume or cover letter presentation appropriate for the industry and position?
Is the font consistent and appropriate? Is the text easily legible?
Is there a balance between text and white space?

4. The Overall Picture

Ask yourself:


Does my resume or cover letter give a good feel for me?

Is there an appropriate level of personal touch? Do I brand myself before the reader can?
Is the tone of my cover letter respectful?

Content & Format

a. Resumes
The best resumes are divided into organized, clearly labeled sections and include information that is relevant
to a hiring managers needs.
You must include:
1. Contact Information
Include: your name, present and/or permanent physical address, a telephone number you can be reached at,
and your email address. If using a personal email, make sure its simple and professional.
2. Educational History

List all institutions of higher education that you have attended or are currently attending in reversechronological order, meaning put the current or most recent first. Include: the degree you earned / are
seeking, the university name, the location of the university, and your graduation date / expected graduation
You can also include any thesis or dissertation titles, minors, academic awards, and study abroad programs
3. Professional Experience
Include your co-curricular activities, academic projects, and volunteering experiences. If you have a variety,
make sure your experiences are in reverse chronological order within each section.
Put the most important bullets first. For each experience (both paid and unpaid) include your position title, the
organization name and location, and your dates of employment. Then create a bulleted list of responsibilities
and duties to describe your experience. The formula for these bullets should be:
Action Verb + Details + Result
For example: Restructured the process and execution of the Computer Societys annual fundraising event,
increasing donations by 15% over last year.
Include quantifiable results where appropriate.
4. Skills
Include tangible skills, such as language, technical, and laboratory skills, along with your level of proficiency.
Optional Resume Sections You Can Include:

Strengths Summary and Career Objective

Relevant Coursework
Co-curricular Activities
Research Experience
Awards and Certifications

Basic Format for Placement of Resume Sections:


Your contact information

Your career objective
Your educational history
Your professional experience
Your skills

Remember: Keep it simple!

b. Cover Letters
A cover letter is a written introduction to you, what youve done, and what you want to do. It should introduce
your resume and entice employers to read more about you.
A cover letter should:

Be one page
Be to-the-point, candid, and show genuine passion
State why youre applying to this specific position and why you would be valuable to the organization
Be written in straightforward but descriptive language
Good Cover Letter Example:

Rosalind Chan
8 Newton Road
Singapore 178893
7th August 2014
Mr. Matthew Jenkins
Personnel Manager
Singapore General Hospital
Outram Road, Singapore 169608

Dear Mr. Jenkins:

I am looking for an internship within a hospital environment from September to December of this year.
I am writing to you as I understand that Singapore General Hospital may have appropriate vacancies
available. I have a strong interest in laboratory procedures and clinical diagnostics, which I
understand are predominantly carried out at this hospital.
I first became interested in the hospital environment after a school visit to your site. I was taken on a
tour around the laboratories where the differing techniques used in testing clinical samples for
patients were demonstrated. Since then, discussion with my careers adviser has confirmed my
decision to enter a career in this field.
While pursuing my undergraduate studies at Nanyang Technological University, I have developed my
interest in biochemistry, whilst improving my laboratory skills along with my numeracy skills. I have
gained some experience in HPLC and have good computing skills, having used several scientific
databases. I achieved a Grade Point Average of 4.5 out of 5 for my first year of coursework at NTU.
While at university, I have also been able to utilize my skills in working with people through a variety
of part-time jobs. My work at a busy insurance office was valuable in teaching me the importance of
ascertaining customers needs and providing clear and accurate information.
I would be most grateful if you could consider me for any suitable positions, and I am available for an
interview. Please find enclosed my resume, where you will find further information.
Yours sincerely,
Rosalind Chan

Basic Format for Placement of Cover Letter Sections:


Your contact information and the date

The employers contact information
Respectful salutation
First paragraph (which should state the position you are applying for and where you found the job
Middle paragraph (which should describe what you have to offer the company / organization and how
your qualifications match the job you are applying for)
Final paragraph (conclude by thanking the reader for considering you and indicate how / by when you
intend to follow up)
Complimentary closing
Good Email Cover Letter Example:


Ethics of Resume & Cover Letter Writing

If you are caught lying or exaggerating about just one thing on your resume, then every other
accomplishment you have is thrown into question.
There is no point in obtaining a position based on exaggerated abilities because youll be found out as soon
as youre put to work. Chief executives of top companies have lost their jobs and even landed in jail due to
being caught lying on their resumes years ago.
Dont take your integrity for granted!
If youre worried that your resume isnt impressive enough, then take action! Join a student club or take a
more challenging course or start volunteering so that you can update your resume regularly with new

How to Craft a Video CV

Tips for Effective Video CVs:
1. First, greet your viewers and introduce yourself. Mention your name (first and last), then talk
about what youre studying at NTU and what type of career you might like someday.
2. Focus on your professional endeavours, not your personal ones. Talk about what youre
passionate about and what your goals are.
3. Discuss why you would be a good employee and what you can do for the company that hires
you. Present your key attributes but dont go into too much detail.
4. End with a Thank You to the viewer for considering you for employment. Dont forget to smile!
5. Dress professionally in business attire, just as if you were going to an in-person interview.
Make sure your hair is clean and away from your face. Check that theres nothing stuck in your teeth.
Ladies, put a bit of make-up on (but not too much).
6. Make sure there isn't any background noise, that the camera isnt facing a light source (as that will
place you in shadow), and that the wall behind you isn't busy or distracting. Choose a neat, clean
7. Practice what youre going to say beforehand, but dont follow a script. You want to sound
natural as you speak.
8. Look at the camera. Not looking into the camera is like not looking an interviewer in the eye.
9. Don't speak too fast and dont mumble. Speak clearly and loudly.
10. Speak for 1 - 3 minutes.
If its not perfect, start over.

Remember, your personality and passion is what will make a video CV engaging. If you do it right,
you should have time later to go into all the details.

Job Application Strategies

A quality resume alone wont get you an internship or a job; it needs to be used with a proactive job search
a. Application strategies to internships and full-time jobs using resume and cover letter
When applying for an internship or job, keep in mind:

You have a better chance of getting a response if you send out 5 highly customized applications rather
than 50 generic ones.
Use the details and language used in the job description as guides for customized your application.
Take key words from the advertisement and pepper them throughout your cover letter and resume.
Demonstrate where the companys values and goals overlap with yours.

Identify the key skills, competencies and qualities the employer is looking for and customize your language
to show you have them. Make it as clear as possible why YOU should get this internship or this position.
b. Search strategies for internships and full-time jobs
Practical Job Search Tips:
1. Build your network. Let friends, your seniors, and even relatives that you are actively looking for a job.
Be active in professional organizations and on LinkedIn. Sign up for job search newsletters and e-mail
2. Attend career fairs, like those organized by NTU. You be able to meet employers, get a feel for the
opportunities out there, and have a chance to practice your interview or professional communication skills.
3. You can find job opportunities in the Saturday Classifieds, NTU Talent Site, and job search portals
such as Jobstreet, JobsDB, Monster, and STJobs.
4. Utilize your Career & Attachment Office, Student & Academic Services Department! It offers
private career advising sessions that will help you perfect your resume even further.

Further Readings and Resources

Beshara, T. (2011). Unbeatable rsums: America's top recruiter reveals what really gets you hired.
New York, NY: AMACOM.
Enelow, W.& Kursmark, L. (2010). Cover letter magic: Trade secrets of professional resume writers.
Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works.
Greene, B. (2004). Get the interview every time: Fortune 500 hiring professionals' tips for writing
winning resumes and cover letters. Chicago, IL: Dearborn Trade.
Hansen, K. and Hansen, R. (2001). Dynamic cover letters: How to write the letter that gets you the
job (2nd ed.). Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.
Extention Blog. (2012, July 17). How to write a great resume and cover letter. [Web log comment].
Retrieved from
Rosenberg, A. (2003). Resume handbook: How to write outstanding resumes and cover letters for
every situation (4th ed.). Avon, MA: Adams Media Corporation.
Ryan, R. (2003). Winning resumes. New York, NY: Wiley.

Updated August 2014

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