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Kerala Kadala Curry Recipe

Preparation Time : 15 mins | Cook Time : 30 Mins | Serves : 4

Ingredients needed
Brown Kondaikadalai/Kala channa -2 cups (cooked)
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tbsp
Onion - 2 medium/1 cup chopped
Green chilli -1 slit
Tomato -1
Grated coconut - 3/4 cup
Spice Powder
Turmeric powder -1/4 tsp
Chilli powder -3/4 -1 tbsp
Coriander powder -4 tsp
Kerala Garam Masala Powder-1 tsp
Salt needed
For the seasoning
Oil - 2 tbsp
Mustard seeds -1 tsp
Hing -a pinch
Top up seasoning
Oil-1 tsp
Red Chillies-2
Curry leaves- few

Soak channa overnight or for 5-6 hours. Pressure cook for 3 whistles or until soft with a little salt and just enough water.(If you soak 1 cup konda kadala, you will get 2 cups of cooked kadala)

Heat 1/2 tsp of oil and saute coconut on medium flame until it turns golden brown. Grind it to a smooth paste.
Chop onions and tomatoes to medium size pieces. Keep everything ready.
Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, hing, when mustard splutters, add ginger garlic paste and saute until the raw flavor goes.

Then add onions, green chilli and saute until onions turn light brown. Add a little salt to the onions to speed up the process.
Add tomatoes and cook until tomatoes become mushy.

Once the tomato is cooked, add turmeric powder, chilli powder, coriander powder, salt needed and saute until the raw flavor of the masala powder goes. If it becomes too dry, add a tbsp of water and cook.

Then add the cooked kadala along with the water. Add the ground coconut paste and cook for a few minutes.

Take a ladle of cooked channa, grind it to a coarse paste and add it to the gravy along with Kerala Garam masala powder. Add more water and cook on medium flame until everything gets blended well.
Heat 2 tsp of oil, saute red chillies and curry leaves and add to the gravy. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with puttu or appam or even with chapati or dosa.

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