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The MM MM IV and V-Module of Mephisto were (and are very popular
chess?) modules, which certainly their time to tens of thousands of
times and have been sold on eBay even today very actively traded
and both solo, as well as the modular and exclusive board. How
would it be with a MM IV/MM V-changeover including opening
modules HG440/HG550 in a module? After the "Eprom excursion" in
the TASC R30 chapter is no longer a problem, but always assuming
that you are in possession of the original eproms are.
We start with the first of 3 variants. You want the opening module
HG440 or HG550 in the game module MM IV or MM V integrated.
The chess program and also the opening of enlargement are each
located on a 256Kb-Eprom of type 27C256. You bescha ffst thee a
256Kb-Eprom, copy the contents of the Eproms in the opening
module in this new eprom and carefully biegst the connection legs
20 (CE/) horizontally. Now you This Eprom "piggyback" with the
polarity at the right side on the chess program eprom. All Pins must
be with the chess program eprom securely connected, except pin
20. If this is not the case, then biegst you the pins of the freshly
burned opening eproms where together until this safe contact to the
pins of the program eproms. The horizontal bent pin 20 of the piggyback opening eproms do you associate with 0 V, you e.g. from pin
14 of the eproms can take. After switching on the display now
reports good "HG44" or "HG55".
Module from below - open
module from the top - open
the Version 2 describes the use of the MM MM IV or V-chess program
in a module; via a switch is used to select the desired program
variant can be selected. You open your MM IV/MM V-module and
carefully the 256Kb-Programm hebelst EPROM from the socket. You
bescha ffst thee a twice as large Eprom, namely a 512Kb-Eprom
(27C512) and only a chess program I program in the lower half and
the other chess program in the upper half of the eproms. You biegst
pin 1 (A15) horizontally and put the Eprom to correct poles in the
socket. Pin 1 must not make contact with the base. Now do you
associate Pin 1 with the middle contact of a single-pole, single-throw
switch and the external switch contacts with 0 V or 5 V from pin 14
of the eproms you get 0 V and from pin 28 the required 5 V. You can
use these voltages are also of pin 14 (0 V) and pin 28 (5 V) of the
module terminal strip or from the electrolytic capacitor. You can now
using the switch in the off state the program version.
For the third variant i am being brief; it is a combination of the
variants one and two! This variant I have built and will be seen in
the photos.

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