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what is the trigger of risk ?

| it is the condition when the risk occurs

which of the following tools is used to identify problem causes ? | Cause & effe
ct diagram
What is True about Checklist-based testing and Partition-based testing ? | Parti
tion-based testing is special type of checklist-based testing.
On how many quality management principles is ISO 9001:2000 based ? | 8
Which does belong to Descriptive specifications ? | Finitie-state machines(FSMs)
Which is not true about FSMs and their graphical elements ? | It uses only White
-box view
What is Correct about the collection of defect data ? | All other items
The expert has not much effort and wants to focus on logical and conceptual prob
lem of detailed design in short time. Which type of inspection is applied effect
ively ? | Desk check
What is the different between segment and path ? | Path includes initial and exi
st nodes.
What testing technique is better applied in Spiral process ? | Usage-based stati
stical testing.
Which are the most common loop in various programming languages ? | "While" and
"For" loops
Which of the following tools is used to study how a process changes over time ?
| Control Chart
How many top-level characteristics are identified in ISO-9126 ? | 6
Fault Tolerance implementation using recovery blocks slows down normal processin
g. Which cost is it ? | Operational cost
Which item is Not true ? | Software quality engineering is testing
Which generic category does include inspection ? | Defect Reduction
Which of following is a node in DFG ? | all other items.
Which defect attribute can answer the question " Which QA activity has detected
the defect " ? | Defect trigger
What is the Equivalent class ? | Subsets in a partition
Why is the testing divided into various sub-phases? | Each test sub-phases has a
different purpose and techniques
Which technique are Error source removal and Fault prevention ? | Defect Prevent
Which is not defined in Testing planning ? | Test result analysis
Test leader conducts a meeting to select testing model and assign member for tes
t design. In which activity of generic testing process is it ? | Test planning a
nd preparation
What does the clicking of a link in a web page correspond in FSMs ? | An input
What is the difference between re-testing and regresstion testing ? | Re-testing
ensures the original fault has been removed; regresstion testing looks for unex
pected side-effects.
Which property can be assured with Formal specifications ? | All other items
Testing process forcuses on which type of defect handing ? | Defect Reduction
Which is a key practice of Cleanroom ? | Statistical-based testing to evaluate s
oftware reliability
Whick representation type(s) is/are commonly used in FSM-based testing ? | Graph
Why is CMMI useful for a software company ? | All other items.
Which activity is Not Verification ? | Beta test
What are focus areas of new test cases in regression test ? | All other items
In which test phases is Operation profile (OP) used Not effectively ? | Unit tes
what is called a deviation from the specified or expected behaviour that is visi
ble to end-users ? | A failure
Which statements is True about OFF point of Boundary testing ? | All other state
Which QA alternative is not implemented in coding phase ? | fault tolerance
Which does belong the informal testing ? | "Plug and play" testing by users
Which is NOT included in Defect prevention (DP) plan ? | DP level
What is not a basic concept of Partition Testing ? | Operational Profiles

Which can be reduced to minimize Quality cost ? | Failure probability

What is another name of Black-box testing ? | Functional testing
Which parameters can be specified for queuing testing ? | All other items
What is the relationship between testing and quality assurance ? | QA is part of
a complete testing process.
Which roles is NOT mandatory for Causal analysis & Resolution meeting ? | Custom
What is failure ? | it is a behavioral deviation from the user requirement or th
e product specification.
What is a risk ? | it is negative consequences that could occur
Which is a defect detection technique of the inspection ? | Checklist-based insp
What is the purpose of CAR meeting ? | To determine root causes of the problems
Which Model is used to measure the stability over time ? | SRGM
What is the focus of defect detection and removal through testing ? | To set qua
lity goals in the product development
What kind of analyses can be performed on the defect data ? | Tree-based analysi
What is not true about Effort distribution of QA activities ? | It is constant
From which item can defects NOT detected directly by the inspection ? | Program
which of the following will be the best definition for Testing ? | The purpose o
f testing is to demostrate that the program is defect free.
What is considered to decide checkpoint frequency of Recovery blocks ? | safety
and cost
Which software products can be inspected ? | All other items
which basic quality tool can satisfy all 3 needs of collection, analysis and pre
sentation ? | Non of other items
What should the accidence analysis focus on ? | Accident scenario and damage are
Which testing type is used to test the layout of web site's screen ? | Interface
Which QA alternative is applied to find dynamic problems ? | Formal verification
Which is NOT best way for FSM testing ? | Buid separate state
Which is NOT an Orthogonal defect classification (ODC) attribute for web-based a
pplications ? | Defect model
Which is/are included in Quality engineering process ? | All other items
What is boundary value testing ? | it is to test the boundaries that separate va
lid and invalid conditions
when reporting defects found to developer, testers | request project manager to
conduct a meeting for analysis
what is Producer's viewpoint about the quality ? | The quality of the products m
eets the process
In which part of the book " Software Quality Engineering " are concept of Testin
g and Quality described ? | Part II
what is the purpose of a test coverage criterion ? | to determine when to stop t
Which model for FSMs is used in book "Software Quality Engineering"? | Meanly mo
Which of following is a node in DFG ? | a variable, a compound data structure, a
Which property can be assured with Formal specifications ? | a. Completeness b.
Clarity c. Consistency
On how many quality management principles is ISO 9001:2000 based ? | 8
In CMM ,level .....said about project management processes | 2
In... there is always a unique path from the root to each leaf node | hierachica
l list
In... each individual choice can ve represented as a point in the multi-dimensio
nal space | multi-dimensional lists
If sub-domain whose boundaries are all linear ones ,it is called a nonlinear sub

-domain | False
Better coverage because a partition is collectively exhausitive, and better effi
ciency because of the use of mutually exclusive partitions | True
The more likely that the analysis results can be used more effectively to drive
defect prevention actions | True
...from some special types of equivalence classes | Dynamic elements
The assignment of individual pieces for inspection among the inspectors needs to
take to take two issue into consideration overall coverage and steps execute |
the data flow is the mechanism that data are carried along during program execut
ion | True
....are not allowing duplicate transitions from one state to another | Static el
The technique can be classifiled either as white-box,depending on whether the ..
.is used in analysis and modeling | implementation information
There must be some loop control to make the looping | decision
....represents the relation "is followed by" | Links
When there are multiple inlinks to a node ,the actual execution will follow ine
of these | False
Advantages of such integrations are.... | A.benefit enhancement ,Increased flexi
bility C.Cost reduction,benefit enhancement D.Cost redution, Increased flexibili
In CMM,level...said about product and process quality | 4
Individual inspection is performed by each inspector ,with attention focused in
possible defects and question areas, is step... of Fagan inspection | 2
A point on a boundary is called a... | boundary point
This analysis is human intensive, and should be performed by experts with thorou
gh knowledge about | Logical analysis
A node that is neither a decision node nor a junction node is called a inlink |
Better coverage because a partition is collectively exhaustive, and better effic
iency because of the use of mutually exclusive..... | partitions
These empirical data can be fed to various models to establish probable predicti
ve relations between causes and effects is about | Statistical analysis
We can sample one test case from inside each the parition | subnet
In the ....,earlier arrivals receive higher priorities in the priority scheme co
mmonly referred to as FCFS (first come, first served) or FIFO (first in, first o
ut) | classical queues
In CMM, level....said about engineering process and organizational supprot | 3
Even for this fairly simple program, the number of test cases to cover all the i
nput value combinations is beyond the testing resource for any organization. | T
....possess some flexibility in the level of details that can be modeled by the
number of states | FSMS
One common pratice is to wait until a batch is full before all the items is the
batch are processed ,can be found is.... | Batching
if operations associated with one particular sub-domain are used .....often than
others, each underlying defect related to this sub-domain is also ....likely to
cause .....problems to users thain problems associated with other sub-domains |
more, more,more
....testing verifies the correct handling of the external functions provided by
the software, or whether the observed behavior conforms to user expectations or
product specifications | Black Box
....can be used as a more objective criterion to stop testing | product reliabil
ity goals
....includes constructing new test cases or generating them automati- cally, sel
ecting from existing ones for legacy products | test case preparation
Various defect prevention activities are typically concentrated in the..... of s
oftware developmen | earlier phases
... is used more in early sub-phases of testing for large software systems, such

as unit and component testing, while...... is used more in late sub-phases, suc
h as system and acceptance testing. | WBT,BBT
The basic quality expectations of a ...are that a software system performs usefu
l functions as it is specified. | consumer side
various program elements or program components may be treated as an interconnect
ed group, and tested accordingly. canbe found in | intermediate coding level
The execution of a specific test case, or a sub-division of the overall test exe
cution sequence for some systems that require continuous operation, is often ref
erred..... | test run
in embedded software for safety critical systems, one does not want to start tes
ting safety features after testing other related functions first | False
Time behavior,Resource behavior ,can be found in ... of ISO 9126 | Efficiency
me execution problems observed during testing may involve complicated scenarios
and many possible sources of problems. | true
the ones to ensure the correct or reliable performance of these specified functi
ons are typically grouped as validation activities | False
In general, test cases cost time, effort, and expertise to be obtained, and are
too wasted to be thrown away. | false
They are also interested in managing and satisfying user's quality expectations,
by translating such ...into realistic quality goals | quality expectations
Once we obtained qualitative knowledge about customers' quality expectations, we
need to quantify these quality expectations to set appropriate quality goals in
two steps | 2
There is a gradual build-up process for individual QA activities, and for them c
ollectively. is one of..... | QA activities pattern
Expertise and familiarity with the specific testing techniques and models are re
quired for people who perform this task.can be found in.... | Analysis and initi
al model construction
.... measures are those which can be used in various quality models to assess an
d predict quality, through their established relations | The Indirect quality
because the specific test is an activity associated with finite time for practic
al purposes, the starting and finishing points need to be artificially inserted,
resulting in a subsection of the system execution as a test run | True
Suitability,Accuracy ,can be found in ... of ISO 9126 | none of all
A set of formal conditions describing the program state after the execution of a
program is called its.... | post-condition
fault tolerance using.....can keep systems operational even in face of problems
caused by environmental disturbances | recovery blocks
.... measures need to be defined as part of the activities to set quality goals,
when such goals are quantified | The direct quality
A set of formal conditions describing the program state before the execution of
a program is called its.... | pre-condition
the ones to ensure the correct or reliable performance of these specified functi
ons are typically grouped as ... | verification activities.
Inspection directly detects and removes faults from the software code,can be fou
nd in ... | Defect reduction through fault detection and removal
Relevant quality views and... need to be identified first | atributes
...define the"meaning" of a program element or the formal interpretation of the
effect of its execution is abstracted into an axiom | branche-condition
Specific QA al-ternatives need to be selected to fulfill specific quality goals
based on the quality perspectives and attributes of concern to the customers and
users. | perspectives
... activity can be event driven as well, such as when triggered by some system
anomalies | Periodic checkpointing
Product-Specific models provide rough quality estimates based on empirical data
from in-dustry | False
Process quality improvement defines... | The former can be based on the experien
ce with carrying out the current quality engineering process, while the latter w
ould also benefit greatly from alternative experience using other development pr
ocesses to develop similar products.

The most commonly verified or analyzed objects are ... | program code
The lmited capability for fault tolerance is achieved through fault avoidance du
e to ... | a different execution path
Accuracy of analysis results can be measured by the difference (error) between p
redicted and actual results | True
Problem like operational failures in small areas, can be dealed by ... | fault
... define, sometimes, the correctness aspect of quality can be measured and der
ived directly from its definations | Kan, 2002
Problem like dynamic failtures and related faults, can be dealed by ... | testin
Sometimes formal removal activity can be associated with the completion of somew
major tasks or occurrence of some signficants events | False
An important extension to the "when" question of defect definition | Pre or post
Formal verification and analysis techniques are ussually used ... instead of uni
form on all system components | selectively
The limited capability for fault tolerance is achieved through fault avoidance d
ue to ... | execution path or execution condition that does not involve the fau
lty code triggered in the first place.
Problem like forgot PC password, can be dealed by ... | A. inspection B. testin
g D. defect prevention
People quality improvement defines ... | Domain knowledge of the specific produc
t, software process and technology experience, and quality engineering knowledge
Keys onformation from the fault view from ODC, by IBM 1992 are ... | Defect type
, Number of lines changed for the fixing
In most of these formal methods, software development and verification work ...
in developing high-quality software products or components. | side-by-side
Generalization of product-specific models when enough empirical evidence when pr
oduct-specific information is available. from different products or projects is
accumulated. | True
Sometimes ... activity can be associated with the completion of some major tasks
or occurrence of some significant events. | Periodic check pointing
Future product quality improvement defines ... | Better quality planning can b
e formulated based on the experience of the current project, both in terms of go
al setting and the selection of the overall QA strategies.
Problem like accident and related hazards, can be dealed by... | failure contain
Customizution of generalized quality models to provide better quality estimates
when product-specific information is available | True
Different quality analyses and models might require data at ... | different lev
el of granularity
Problem like logical faults, indirectly, can be dealed by ... | formal verificat
Problem like static & localized faults, indirectly, can be dealed by ... | inspe
The specific problem need to be counted and tracked ... | consistenly
How? is an important extension to the "when" question of defect definiton. | Fa
Key defect attributes from the failure view from ODC, by IBM 1992 are | Defect i
mpact, Defect trigger, Defect sererity
Problem like systematic errors or conceptual mistakes, indirectly, can be dealed
by ... | defect prevention
Generalized models procide more precise quality assessments using product-specif
ic measurements | False
Accuracy of analysis results can be measured by the difference (error) between p
redicted and actual results. | True
what is a boundary| it is where two sub-domains meet

what is not correct about weak n X 1 strategy| it is based on simple domain anal
When what is visible to end-users is a deviation from the specific or expected b
ehavior, this is called|a failure
Regression testing should be performed|w & y are true, v, x & z are false
IEEE 829 test plan documentation standard contains all of the following except|t
est specification
Testing should be stopped when|it depends on the risks for the system being test
Order numbers on a stock control system can range between 10000 and 99999 inclus
ive. Which of the following inputs might be a result of designing tests for only
valid equivalence classes and valid boundaries|10000, 50000, 99999
Consider the following statements about early test design|i, iii & iv are true.
Ii & v are false
Non-functional system testing includes|testing quality attributes of the system
including performance and usability
Which of the following is NOT part of configuration management|auditing conforma
nce to ISO9001
Which of the following is the main purpose of the integration strategy for integ
ration testing in the small?|to specify which modules to combine when and how ma
ny at once
What is the purpose of test completion criteria in a test plan:|to plan when to
stop testing
Consider the following statements|i and v are true, ii, iii and iv are false
Given the following code, which is true about the minimum number of test cases r
equired for full statement and branch coverage:|1 test for statement coverage, 2
for branch coverage
Given the following:|1 test for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage
Given the following code, which is true:|2 tests for statement coverage, 2 for b
ranch coverage
Consider the following:|SC = 2 and DC = 3
When a new testing tool is purchased, it should be used first by:|Everyone who m
ay eventually have some use for the tool
What can static analysis NOT find?|Whether the value stored in a variable is cor
Which of the following is NOT a black box technique:|LCSAJ
Beta testing is:|Performed by customers at their own site
Given the following types of tool, which tools would typically be used by develo
pers and which by an independent test team:|developers would typically use i and
iv; test team ii, iii, v and vi
The main focus of acceptance testing is|testing for a business perspective
Which of the following statements about the component testing standard is false:
|black box design techniques all have an associated measurement technique
Which of the following statements is NOT true|inspection is appropriate even whe
n there are no written documents
Expected results are|most useful when specified in advance
Test managers should not|re-allocate resource to meet original plans
Unreachable code would best be found using|code reviews
A tool that supports traceability, recording of incidents or scheduling of tests
is called|a configuration management tool
What information need not be included in a test incident report|the actual and e
xpected outcomes
Which expression best matches the following characteristics or review processes|
s = 4 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 1
Which of the following is NOT part of system testing|top-down integration testin
What statement about expected outcomes is FALSE|expected outcomes are defined by
the software s behavior
The standard that gives definitions of testing terms is|BS7925-1
The cost of fixing a fault|Increases as we move the product towards live use

Which of the following is NOT included in the Test Plan document of the Test Doc
umentation Standard|Quality plans
Could reviews or inspections be considered part of testing:|Yes, because both he
lp detect faults and improve quality
Which of the following is not part of performance testing:|Recovery testing
Error guessing is best used|After more formal techniques have been applied
Which of the following is true? |Testing is a part of quality assurance
Why is testing necessary?|Because testing measures the quality of the software s
ystem and helps to increase the quality
Integration testing has following characteristics|I, III and IV are correct
A number of critical bugs are fixed in software. All the bugs are in one module,
related to reports. The test manager decides to do regression testing only on t
he reports module|Regression testing should be done on other modules as well bec
ause fixing one module may affect other modules
Which of the following is correct about static analysis tools?|Compilers may off
er some support for static analysis
In a flight reservation system, the number of available seats in each plane mode
l is an input. A plane may have any positive number of available seats, up to th
e given capacity of the plane. Using Boundary Value analysis, a list of availabl
e seat values were generated. Which of the following lists is correct?|0, 1, cap
acity, capacity plus 1
Which of the following is correct about static analysis tools|They help you find
defects rather than failures
In foundation level syllabus you will find the main basic principles of testing.
Which of the following sentences describes one of these basic principles|For a
software system, it is not possible, under normal conditions, to test all input
and preconditions
Which of the following statements contains a valid goal for a functional test se
t?| A goal is to find as many failures as possible so that the cause of the fail
ures can be identified and fixed
In system testing|Both functional and non-functional requirements are to be test
Which of the following activities differentiate a walkthrough from a formal revi
ew?|For a walkthrough individual preparation by the reviewers is optional
Why does the boundary value analysis provide good test cases?|Because errors are
frequently made during programming of the different cases near the edges of the r
ange of values
Which of the following list contains only non-functional tests|Interoperability
(compatibility) testing, reliability testing, performance testing
The following list contains risks that have been identified for a software produ
ct to be developed. Which of these risks is an example of a product risk|Threat
to a patient s life
Which set of metrics can be used for monitoring of the test execution?|Number of
test cases run / not run; test cases passed / failed
Which of the following statements is correct?|Stress testing tools examine the b
ehaviour of the test object at or beyond full load
What makes an inspection different from other review types?|It is led by a train
ed leader, uses formal entry and exit criteria and checklists
Which of the following is a valid collection of equivalence classes for the foll
owing problem: An integer field shall contain values from and including 1 to and
including 15|Less than 1, 1 through 15, more than 15
Which of the following is a valid collection of equivalence classes for the foll
owing problem: Paying with credit cards shall be possible with Visa, Master and
Amex cards only.|No card, other cards, any of Visa Master
Which of the following techniques are black box techniques?|Equivalence partitio
ning, state transition testing, decision table testing
A defect management system shall keep track of the status of every defect regist
ered and enforce the rules about changing these states. If your task is to test
the status tracking, which method would be best?|State transition testing
This part of a program is given:-

WHILE (condition A) Do B END WHILE How many decisions should be tested in this c
ode in order to achieve 100% decision coverage|2
Why can be tester dependent on configuration management?|Because configuration m
anagement assures that we know the exact version of the
What test items should be put under configuration management?|The test object, t
he test material and the test environment
Which of the following can be root cause of a bug in a software product?|(I) thr
ough (IV) are correct
Which of the following is most often considered as components interface bug|For
two components exchanging data, one component used metric units; the other one u
sed British units
Which of the following project inputs influence testing? |All alternatives are c
What is the purpose of test exit criteria in the test plan?|To specify when to s
top the testing activity
Which of the following items need not to be given in an incident report?|The ins
tructions on how to correct the fault
V-Model is:|A software development model that illustrates how testing activities
integrate with
Why is incremental integration preferred over big bang integration?|Because increm
ental integration has better early defects screening and isolation ability
Maintenance testing is|Triggered by modifications, migration or retirement of ex
isting software
Why is it necessary to define a Test Strategy|As there are many different ways t
o test software, thought must be given to decide what will be the most effective
way to test the project on hand
Which one of the following are non-functional testing methods|b & c both
Which of the following tools would be involved in the automation of regression t
Incorrect form of Logic coverage is|Pole Coverage
Which of the following is not a quality characteristic listed in ISO 9126 Standa
To test a function, the programmer has to write a _________, which calls the fun
ction to be tested and passes it test data.|Driver
Boundary value testing|Test boundary conditions on, below and above the edges of
input and output equivalence classes
Pick the best definition of quality|Conformance to requirements
Fault Masking is|Error condition hiding another error condition
One Key reason why developers have difficulty testing their own work is: |Lack o
f Objectivity
During the software development process, at what point can the test process star
t?|When the software requirements have been approved
In a review meeting a moderator is a person who|Mediates between people
Acceptance test cases are based on what?|Requirement
How much testing is enough?|The answer depends on the risk for your industry, co
ntract and special requirements
A common test technique during component test is|Statement and branch testing
Independent Verification & Validation is|done by an Entity outside the Project s s
phere of influence
Code Coverage is used as a measure of what|Test Effectiveness
We split testing into distinct stages primarily because:|Each test stage has a d
ifferent purpose
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools prov
iding test capture and replay facilities?|Regression testing
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?|A minimal test set that achiev
es 100% statement coverage will generally detect more faults than one that achie
ves 100% branch coverage.
Which of the following requirements is testable?|The response time shall be less
than one second for the specified design load.

Analyze the following highly simplified procedure|3

Error guessing|supplements formal test design techniques
Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria|A measure of test c
overage criteria is the percentage of faults found
In prioritizing what to test, the most important objective is to:|Test high risk
Given the following sets of test management terms (v-z), and activity descriptio
ns (1-5), which one of the following best pairs the two sets|v-3,w-4,x-1,y-5,z-2
Which one of the following statements about system testing is NOT true|End-users
should be involved in system tests
Which of the following is false?|Incidents should always be fixed
Enough testing has been performed when|The required level of confidence has been
Which of the following is NOT true of incidents?|Incident resolution is the resp
onsibility of the author of the software under test.
Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard?|stress testing
which of the following is false?|A system is necessarily more reliable after deb
ugging for the removal of a fault
Which one of the following statements, about capture-replay tools, is NOT correc
t|They are used to capture and animate user requirements
How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required?|a & b
Which of the following is true of the V-model|It includes the verification of de
The oracle assumption|Is that the tester can routinely identify the correct outc
ome of a test
Which of the following characterizes the cost of faults?|They are cheapest to fi
nd in the early development phases and the most expensive to fix in the latest t
est phases
Which of the following should NOT normally be an objective for a test?|To prove
that the software is correct
Which of the following is a form of functional testing?|Boundary value analysis
Which of the following would NOT normally form part of a test plan|Incident repo
which of these activities provides the biggest potential cost saving from the us
e of CAST|Test execution
which of the following is NOT a white box technique?|State transition testing
Data flow analysis studies:|The use of data on paths through the code
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid|33501
An important benefit of code inspections is that they:|enable the code to be tes
ted before the execution environment is ready.
Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User Acceptan
ce Test scripts?|User requirements
what is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection?|A walkthrou
gh is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by a trained moderator
Which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification early in
the life cycle|It reduces defect multiplication
Integration testing in the small|Tests interactions between modules or subsystem
Static analysis is best described as|The analysis of program code
Alpha testing is|Pre-release testing by end user representatives at the develope
r s site
A failure is|Departure from specified behavior
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid|5800; 28000; 32000
The most important thing about early test design is that it|The most important t
hing about early test design is that it
Which of the following statements about reviews is true|Reviews should be perfor
med on specifications, code, and test plans
Test cases are designed during|Test specification
A configuration management system would NOT normally provide|Facilities to compa
re test results with expected results.

Software testing activities should start|as soon as possible in the development

life cycle
Faults found by users are due to|Poor software and poor testing
What is the main reason for testing software before releasing it|to give informa
tion for a risk based decision about release
Which of the following statements is not true|Verification activities should not
involve testers (reviews, inspections etc)
When reporting faults found to developers, testers should be|All of the above
In which order should tests be run?|the most important tests first
The later in the development life cycle a fault is discovered, the more expensiv
e it is to fix. why?|the fault has been built into more documentation, code, tes
ts, etc
Which is not true-The black box tester|should be able to understand the source c
A test design technique is|a process for selecting test cases
Test-ware (test cases, test dataset)|needs configuration management just like re
quirements, design and code
An incident logging system|is a valuable source of project information during te
sting if it contains all incidents
Increasing the quality of the software, by better development methods, will affe
ct the time needed for testing (the test phases) by:|reducing test time
Coverage measurement|is a partial measure of test thoroughness
When should you stop testing?|when the test completion criteria have been met
Which of the following is true?|if u find a lot of bugs in testing, you should n
ot be very confident about the quality of software
What is the important criterion in deciding what testing technique to use?|the o
bjective of the test
If the pseudo code below were a programming language, how many tests are require
d to achieve 100% statement coverage?|3
Using the same code example as question 17, how many tests are required to achie
ve 100% branch/decision coverage|3
which of the following is NOT a type of non-functional test?|State-Transition
Which of the following tools would you use to detect a memory leak?|Dynamic anal
Which of the following is NOT a standard related to testing?|IEEE610
which of the following is the component test standard?|BS7925-2
which of the following statements are true?|Faults in requirements are the most
expensive to fix
Which of the following is not the integration strategy?|Design based
Which of the following is a black box design technique?|equivalence partitioning
A program with high Cyclo-metric complexity is almost likely to be:|Difficult to
Which of the following is a static test?|code inspection
Which of the following is the odd one out?|functional
A program validates a numeric field as follows|3,10,22
Using the same specifications as question 29, which of the following covers the
MOST boundary values?|9,10,21,22
COTS is known as|Commercial off the shelf software
From the below given choices, which one is the Confidence testing |Smoke testing
Defect Density calculated in terms of|The number of defects identified in a comp
onent or system divided by the size of the component or system
Be bugging is known as|Adding known defects by seeding
Expert based test estimation is also known as|Wide band Delphi
When testing a grade calculation system, a tester determines that all scores fro
m 90 to 100 will yield a grade of A, but scores below 90 will not. This analysis
is known as:|Equivalence partitioning
All of the following might be done during unit testing except|Manual support tes
Which of the following characteristics is primarily associated with software reu
sability?|The extent to which the software can be used in other applications

Which of the following software change management activities is most vital to as

sessing the impact of proposed software modifications?|Change control
Which of the following statements is true about a software verification and vali
dation program|I, II&IV
Which of the following is a requirement of an effective software environment|I,
A project manager has been transferred to a major software development project t
hat is in the implementation phase. The highest priority for this project manage
r should be to|Learn the project objectives and the existing project plan
Which of the following functions is typically supported by a software quality in
formation system?|I, III &IV
During the testing of a module tester X finds a bug and assigned it to developer.
But developer rejects the same, saying that it s not a bug. What X should do?|Send t
o the detailed information of the bug encountered and check the reproducibility
The primary goal of comparing a user manual with the actual behavior of the runn
ing program during system testing is to|Check the technical accuracy of the docu
A type of integration testing in which software elements, hardware elements, or
both are combined all at once into a component or an overall system, rather than
in stages|Big-Bang Testing
Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage? It can be appl
ied to human input, input via interfaces to a system, or interface parameters in
integration testing|Equivalence partitioning
There is one application, which runs on a single terminal. There is another appl
ication that works on multiple terminals. What are the test techniques you will
use on the second application that you would not do on the first application|Upd
ate & Rollback, Response time
You are the test manager and you are about the start the system testing. The dev
eloper team says that due to change in requirements they will be able to deliver
the system to you for testing 5 working days after the due date. You can not ch
ange the resources(work hours, test tools, etc.) What steps you will take to be
able to finish the testing in time|Rank the functionality as per risk and concen
trate more on critical functionality testing
Item transmittal report is also known as|Release note
Testing of software used to convert data from existing systems for use in replac
ement systems|Migration testing
Big bang approach is related to|Integration testing
The tracing of requirements for a test level through the layers of a test docume
ntation done by|Horizontal traceability
A test harness is a|A test environment comprised of stubs and drives needed to c
onduct a test
Entry criteria should address questions such as|I, II and IV
This life cycle model is basically driven by schedule and budget risks This state
ment is best suited for|V-Model
Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage|Control Flow Te
A branching node is |A node associated with multiple outlink
What is the problems of testing for loop ?|Execute too many test case
What is NOT focus of defect prevention |Person who made the defect
Which relation is used mostly in DDA|D-U
Which one is more meaningful to customer and user:|Reliability
A typical commercial test execution tool could be able to perform all of the fol
lowing EXCEPT |Generating expected output
We split testing into distinct stages primarily because:|Each test stage has a d
ifferent purpose.
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools prov
iding test capture and replay facilities? |Regression testing
Which of the following statements is NOT correct? |A minimal test set that achie
ves 100% statement coverage will generally detect more faults than one that achi
eves 100% branch coverage.

Which of the following requirements is testable?|he response time shall be less

than one second for the specified design load.
Analyse the following highly simplified procedure:|3
Error guessing:|supplements formal test design techniques.
Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria?|)A measure of test
coverage criteria is the percentage of faults found.
In prioritising what to test, the most important objective is to:|test high risk
Given the following sets of test management terms (v-z), and activity |v-3,w-4,x
Which one of the following statements about system testing is NOT true?|End-user
s should be involved in system tests.
Which of the following is false?|Incidents should always be fixed.
Enough testing has been performed when:|the required level of confidence has bee
n achieved.
Which of the following is NOT true of incidents?|Incident resolution is the resp
onsibility of the author of the software under test.
Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard?|stress testing
Which of the following is false?|A system is necessarily more reliable after deb
ugging for the removal of a fault.
Which one of the following statements, about capture-replay tools, is NOT correc
t?|They are used to capture and animate user requirements.
How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required?|a & b
Which of the following is true of the V-model?|It includes the verification of d
The oracle assumption:|is that the tester can routinely identify the correct out
come of a test.
Which of the following characterises the cost of faults?|They are cheapest to fi
nd in the early development phases and the most expensive to fix in the latest t
est phases.
Which of the following should NOT normally be an objective for a test?|To prove
that the software is correct.
Which of the following is a form of functional testing?|Boundary value analysis
Which of the following would NOT normally form part of a test plan?|Incident rep
Which of these activities provides the biggest potential cost saving from the us
e of CAST?|Test execution
Which of the following is NOT a white box technique? a)Statement testing|State t
ransition testing
Data flow analysis studies:|the use of data on paths through the code.
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid:|33501
An important benefit of code inspections is that they:|enable the code to be tes
ted before the execution environment is ready.
Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User Acceptan
ce Test scripts?|User requirements
What is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection?|A walkthrou
gh is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by a trained moderator.
Which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification early in
the life cycle?|It reduces defect multiplication.
Integration testing in the small:|tests interactions between modules or subsyste
Static analysis is best described as:|the analysis of program code.
Alpha testing is:|pre-release testing by end user representatives at the develop
er?s site.
A failure is:|departure from specified behaviour.
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid:|5200; 5500; 28000
The most important thing about early test design is that it:|can prevent fault m
Which of the following statements about reviews is true?|Reviews should be perfo

rmed on specifications, code, and test plans.

Test cases are designed during:|test specification.
A configuration management system would NOT normally provide:|facilities to comp
are test results with expected results.
Chap 8
To know what the customer needs, wants, and expects, you should:|Ask the custome
Quality is:|Whatever the customer says it is
Lost profits are:|The number of customers lost, times their average revenue valu
e, times your profit margin
It is often possible to improve customer service quality:|While also realizing c
ost savings and increased profitability
A non-measurable aspect of customer service is:|A customer?s anxiety level
Customers can help to implement your customer service program by:|All of the abo
Gaps between customers and providers are based primarily on:|Provider and custom
er perception differences
A measurement tool that is a vertical bar graph based on numerical information i
s a:|Histogram
The easiest technique for measuring the frequency of poor quality events is:|Che
ck sheet
A measurement tool that is based on characteristics of a product, process, or se
rvice is a: |Pareto chart
A measurement tool that studies the potential relationship between two variables
is a: |Scatter diagram
A measurement tool that breaks up data into discrete categories, which can be dr
awn |Stratification
A measurement tool that looks like a skeleton of a fish is:|A cause-and-effect d
A measurement tool that shows statistically-determined upper and lower limits is
:|A control chart
A measurement tool that is a collection of data points, plotted on a graph accor
ding to time is:| A run chart
Force field analysis can be defined as a way to:|Compare forces going with you a
nd forces going against you
If your product or service meets all your internal requirements, you can be conf
ident that your customer will be satisfied.|False
Secondary data differs from primary data in that it is more expensive.|False
Qualitative research differs from quantitative research in that:|Quantitative re
search uses a predetermined standard
In constructing questions for a survey:|Address each question to only one though
The value of focus groups improves if run by an outside facilitator.|True
Finding a company that is best at something and comparing your efforts in the sa
me area to theirs defines:| A customer satisfaction index
In statistical analysis, the median is:|The average of all scores
Demographic information:|Should always include customers? income level
Regarding statistical analysis:| Applying the analysis is the final step

An itput field takes the year of birth between 1990 and 2010. The boundary value
s for testing this field are | 1899, 1900, 1901, 2009, 2010, 2011
What are Dynamic elements? | Input adn Output
Which elements is FSM composed of? | States, transition and actions
What is the focus of CFT? | Execution path
What is boundary value testing? | It is to test the boundaries that separate val
id and invalid conditions

What is NOT a relation of Partition-based testing? | Coverage

What is boundary value testing? | to test the boundaries that separate valid and
invalid conditions
What is a finite state machine? | It is a model of behavior
What is an Interior point? | It is a point belonging to a sub-domain but not on
the boundary
What are the test points according the EPC for an integer input sub-domain, 0<<=
x<200? | -1,0, 100, 199, 200
What is Equivalent class in Partition-based testing? | black-box-view
What is a point not in domain and not on boundary called as? | Exterior point
Which is NOT the way for FSM testing? | Build separate state
What is a branching node? | It is a node associated with multiple outlinks
What is Date flow testing? | It is the verification of correct handling of date
relations during program execution
Which is NOT reason that testing with checklists ... system? | It is tracked wha
t has been done
What is true for"Equivalence partitioning" technique in Unit test? | It divides
the test data into the equal parts
What is NOT a generic method for information gathering and OP construction? | Te
Which of following testing is used to ensure product reliability? | Usage-based
statistical testing
WHat are static elements? | States and state transitions
Why is the testing divided into various sub-phases? | Each test sub=phase has a
different purpose and techniques
WHen cen checklist-based testing be stopped? | Every item on the checklist is te
sted and passed
What is an action in FSM's concept? | It is an activity that be performed at a g
iven momemt
WHich is NOT an action type in FSM's concept? | Information storing action
Who is/are NOT required to participate to Operational profile? | Supporter
In which phase is performance testing executed? | System test
What is Equivalent class? | Black-box view
WHich is performed depending on present state and input condition? | Input actio
What are based to create test case in FSM Testing? | State transition diagram an
d state table
WHat is limitation of checklist-based testing? | It need addtional information f
or re-test
A program validates a numeric field as follows: "values less than 20 are rejecte
d, values between 20 and 30 are accepted, values greater than or equal to 31 are
rejected" | 20, 25, 30
Why is the testing with checklists NOT applied for large system? | There are too
many items to be tested
WHat is NOT correct about DFT construction? | DFT is process-oriented
What is NOT mandatory of a path? | Segment
Which testing is used to find the exact location of the defects in the program?
| Diagnosis testing
WHat can FSM be classified by? | Input/output or state
What is Alpha testing? | It is performed by customers at the sofware developer's

which elements is fsm composed of | states, transitions and actions

what is alpha testing| it is performed by customers at the software developer's
what can fsm be classified by | input/output or state

which testing is used to find the exact location of the defects in the program|
diagnosis testing
what is not mandatory of a path| segment
what is not correct about dft construction| dft is process-oriented
why is the testing with checklists not applied for large system| there are too m
any items to be tested
a program validates a numeric field as follows: "values less than 20 are rejecte
d, values beween 20 and 30 are accepted" | 20, 25, 30
what is limitation of checklist-based testing| it needs additional information f
or re-test
what are based to create test cases in fsm testing| state transition diagram and
state table
which is performed depending on present state and input conditions| input action
what is equivalent class | black-box view
in which phase is performance testing executed| system test
who is/are not required to participate to operational profile|supporter
which is not an action type in fsms concept| information storing action
what is an action in fsm's concept| it is an activity that be performed at a giv
en moment
when can checklist-based testing be stopped| every item on the checklist is test
ed and passed
why is the testing divided into various sub-phases| each test sub-phase has a di
fferent purpose and techniques
what are static elements| states and state transitions
which of following testing is used to ensure product reliability | usage-based s
tatistical testing
what is not a generic method for information gathering and op construction | tes
An input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2010 the boundary values
for testing this field are | dai nhat
what are dynamic elements | input and output
which elements in fsm compose of| states, transitions and actions
what is the focus of cft| execution path
What is boundary value testing?| it is to test the boundaries that separate vali
what is not a relation of partition-base testing| coverage
what is a finite state machine| it is a model of behavior
what is an interior point | it is a point belonging to a sub-domain but not on t
he boundary
which testing technique can be represented adequately for program execution deta
ils, interactions among different parts of programs?|finite-state machines
what are the test points according the epc for an integer input sub-domain, 0<=x
<200|-1,0, 100, 199, 200
what is equivalent class in partition-based testing|black-box view
what is a point not in domain and not on boundary called as | exterior point
which is not the way for fsm testing | build separate state
what is a branching node | it is a node associated with multiple outlinks
what is data flow testing | it is the verification of correct handling of data r
elations during program execution
which is not reason that testing with cheklists is not effectively for large sys
tem | it is tracked what has been done
what is true for "equivalence partitioning" technique in unit test| it divides t
he test data into the equal parts
The basic idea of domain testing | to generate test cases by assigning specific
values to input variables based on some analyses of the input domain
to generate test cases by assigning specific values to input variables based on
some analyses of the input domain | called domain analysis, or input domain ana
There are several important characteristics for this testing technique | It test

s UO (inputloutput) relations by providing input values associated with all th

e individual input variables.The output variable values are not explicitly speci
fied. But, we assume that there are ways to check if the expected output is obt
ained for any given input.
The input domain consists of all the points representing all the allowable | in
put com-binations specified for the program in the product specification.
An input sub-domain is a subset of the input domain. In general, a sub-domain
can be defined by a set of inequalities in the form of | f(x1,x2,...xn)< K ,
A domain partition, or input domain partition, is a partition of the input dom
ain into a number of sub-domains | A domain partition, or input domain partitio
n, is a partition of the input domain into a number of sub-domains
A boundary is where two sub-domains meet. When inequalities are used to def
ine sub-domains as above, the following equation would give us a specific bounda
ry: | f(x1,x2,...xn) = K ,
A boundary is a linear boundary if it is defined by | a1x1+ a2x2+...+anxn = K
If a sub-domain whose boundaries are all linear one | it is called a line
ar sub-domain
A point on a boundary is called | a boundary point
if all the boundary points belong to the sub-domain | A boundary is a closed on
e with respect to a specific sub-domain
if none of the boundary points belong to the sub-domain | A boundary is an
open one with respect to a specific sub-domain
the specific variations of domain testing depend on | how this third step is ca
rried out
The simplest strategy is | to sample one test point from inside each sub-domai
n in the partition, thus achieving complete coverage of all the sub-domain
Most of such cases indicate problems in the product pecification or in the imple
mentation | which result in different output for the same input or the system b
ehaves incorrectly
The most common situations for this kind of problems to occur is | when computat
ional procedures are defined for individual sub-domains
the problem with whether the boundary points belong to this sub-domain under con
sideration | Closureproblem
problem refers to the disagreement with where exactly a boundary is between the
intended and the actual boundary | Boundary shift
If a boundary is missing, that means the two neighboring sub-domains will coll
apse into one subdomain | Missing boundary
Extreme-point combination | one of the oldest domain testing strategies that ar
e still used by people and supported by some testing tools
uses n ON points and 1 OFF points to be defined below for each boundary | Wea
k N X 1 strategy
In an n-dimensional space, a boundary defined by an equation in the form of | f
(x~,xi!, *. .yxn) = K
If the boundary is a closed boundary with respect to the sub-domain un
der consideration | the OFF point will be outside the sub-domain or be an exteri
or point.
If the boundary is an open boundary with respect to the sub-domain un
der consideration | the OFF point will be inside the sub-domain or be an int
erior point
An extra boundary would likely | to cause some of these IN points to receive di
fferent processing if it separates them apart
in the two-dimensional space, it should be chosen by | Choosing the midpoint be
tween the two ON points, Then moving 6 distance off the boundary, outward
or inward for
boundary problems are considered below | Extra boundaly,Boundaly tilt and other
boundary changes
With extra boundary, more ON points would enhance the possibility that the extra
boundary | Extra boundaly
When boundary tilt or general boundary change is concerned | Boundaly tilt and

other boundary changes

For nonlinear boundaries | n points are not enough to define the boundary
Other types of boundaries and extensions | Limits or boundaries associated ,Th
e ideas can be used for capacity testing
parameters can be specified for queues, including | Pre-emptive or not,Butchin
the following sub-cases are tested | When the queue is empty,he cases with 1 o
r 2 elements already in...
One significant different between queuing testing and input domain boundary test
ing | the dynamic and continuous nature of the former as compared with...
the most important areas where partition-based testing has made a strong
impact | input domain testing
The basic testing models | constructed based on the simple assumption that t
information processing model | assumed to be a simple classify-and-process on
Weak 1 x 1 uses few test points and can detect most of the boundary problems m
ost of the time | Therefore, it should be a primary candidate for boundary testi
When high quality requirements need | to be met or specific types of problems t
hat weak 1 x 1 cannot address are suspected
The basic idea of FSMs | use an intermediate formalism to model the program
exe-cution or behavior that strikes
Some of the basic assumptions in those extensions include: | here is a finite
number of stages or lists,Each stage or list is unique, that is, no stage or lis
t ,The final choices made through multiple stages or lists are uni
four basic elements for FSMs | Static elements,Dynamic elements
The subset of static elements includes states and state transitions. | Static e
The subset of dynamic elements includes the input provided to the FSMs and the
output generated | Dynamic elements
consider the following execution sequence | When a program starts,After performi
ng a user-oriented function,the above step can be repeated a number,the state wh
ere program execution,In each of the transitions
Figure 10.1 | The states are listed as both,The rows represent originating,f a
transition from state X,If a cell is marked with na
State problems | missing, extra, or incorrect states
State problems: missing, extra, or incorrect states: | An incorrect state is o
ne,A missing state,Extra state may be related
Transition problems | missing, extra, or incorrect transitions;
Transition problems : missing, extra, or incorrect transitions | A missing trans
ition is one,An extra transition is associated,An incorrect transition is a tr
Input problems | In FSM-based testihg, we typically treat
construct FSMs and validate them in the following steps | 1.Information source ,
2.Construction of initial FSMs
State identification and enumeration | We need to keep the number of states to a
manageable level
Transition identification with the help of input values | For each state, we can
consider all the possible transitions in connection with
The basic idea for identifying missing states or transitions is | similar to ch
ecklist- and partition-based testing. For example, a checklist based on produ
Checking for extra states and transitions can follow | essentially the same proc
edure by cross-validating them with the information sources
In trying to reach a specific state, each test case is | essentially a series o
f input values that enables us to make
From the current state, the next state to visit | determined by the input.
Test case sensitization for FSM-based testing is | fairly easy and straightforwa
Since each transition is | associated with specific input values, we can simply

select such input values to sensitize the test case.

FSM-modeled systems | input and output are associated with individual transitio
ns instead of as an indistinguishable lump of initial input for many other syst
FSM-based testing | generally suitable for systems with clearly identifiable
states and state transitions.
FSM-based testing has | received significant attention is the testing of object
-oriented software and systems
The primary limitation of FSM-based testing is | its inability to handle lar
ge number of states.
Client - Web Browsers
Multi-layered web applications | Web Server >Middleware> Database - Backend
Traditional menu-driven software usually | separates its navigation from its com
putation; while the two are tightly mingled for web-based applications
in traditional menu-driven software | usually a single top menu that serves as t
he entry point;
Another significant difference | the qualitative difference in the huge numb
er of navigational pages
Web-based applications typically | involve much more diverse support facilities
than traditional menu-driven software
state transitions in FSMs: | From the point of view of Internet- and web-based,
There is empirical evidence to show that
obvious drawback to web testing using such FSMs | the number of web pages for e
ven a moderate-sized web site can be thousands or much more
information for the FSMs is | the probabilities associated with different state
transitions that satisfy
two distinct sub-steps in model construction | Constructing the basic FSMs,comp
lete the usage model by assigning tran
The hierarchical structure of UMMs | Not every higher-level state needs to be ex
panded into lower-level models
Overallprobability threshold for complete end-to-end operations | to ensure that
commonly used complete operation sequences
Stationary probability threshold to | ensure that frequently visited states are
covered and adequately tested.
Transition probability threshold to | ensure commonly used operation pairs, thei
r in-terconnections and
all implemented functions or sub-functions should | at least be covered once and
found to be satisfactory before product release
The hierarchical structure of UMMs gives us | the flexibility to improve tes
t efficienc
ue to the size and other factors, as follows | Massive user population,
UMM hierarchies and to group pages or links, as follows | For traditional organi
zations,For links associated with very small
Control flow graphs (CFGs) can be considered as special cases of the latter
type | Nodes,Links,Initial/entry and final/exit nodes,Outlinks,Inlinks,Path
A complete path, or simply a path is | one that starts from an entry node, follo
ws a number of links and visits a number
A path segment, or simphy a segment, is | a subpart of a complete path where the
first node may not be an entry node and
For CFT, the test preparation includes the following sub-steps | build and verif
y the CFG>Define and select paths to>sensitize the paths or the test,Plan for re
sult checking.
The CFGs constructed in this way | white-box testing models
The CFGs constructed in this way are white-box testing models as follows | Proc
essing nodes typically,Decision or branching nodes ,Loop statements correspon,Th
e entry and exit nodes are usuall
CFGs can | also be derived from external functional specification or description
s of customer usage scenarios
information from these specifications and descriptions | Processing nodes typica
lly,Branching nodes are typically

structured CFGs strategy consists of two basic steps | CFG decomposition>Bottomup path definition
the bottom-up use of concatenation and nesting to select | We first define the
two paths in>We next nest G3 paths into G2>We finally concatenate G2(G3) with
G1 to form 6 paths: TT-, TFT, TFF, FT-, FT-, FFF
The key to path sensitization | is the decision or branching nodes and the assoc
iated conditions
For test oracles, we can take advantage | of the internal or intermediate steps
in CFT to sample intermediate states for some consistency conditions.
Execution can be helped | by debugger and other testing tools, particularly for
white-box CFT because it focuses on statement-oriented path definitions and exe
Some specific follow-up activities include | verification of the intended paths
against coverage target a
Loops are | associated with repetitive or iterative procedures of information p
Two or more loops can be | combined through nesting (one inside another) and con
- catenation
The total number of possible control flow paths can be calculated as | Xich ma N
Going through the loop once: | This test case can often reveal loop initializati
Going through the loop twice: | This test case can often reveal problems that pr
after testing the inner loop independently | we can fix the inner loop with a si
ngle test case when we test the outer loop
If such a strategy sounds too restrictive | we may combine it with a randomly s
elected inner loop test
CFT is | typically applicable as a white-box testing technique to small program
Data dejinition through | data creation, initialization, assignment, all
explicitly, or sometimes through side effects
Data use in general computation or in predicate, | commonly referred to as C-use
or P-use
D-U relation: | This is the normal usage case. When a data item is used, we nee
d to obtain (or fetch )
D-D relation: | This represents the overloading or masking situation, where the
later D-operation
U-D relation: | This is called anti-usage. The only interesting situation with i
t is that a data item is used
The basic idea of data flow testing (DFT) is | to test the correct handling of d
The links in DDGs represent the D-U relation, or is used by
For DFT, test preparation includes the following steps: | Build and verify the D
DGs>Define and select data slices to cover>Sensitize the data slices or the tes
t>Plan for result checking
the DDGs typically show the following characteristics | here is usually one outp
ut data item,There are typically more input variables and constants,Multiple inl
inks are common,Since the DDG is typically shown
DFT is | more often white-box than black-box
such constructed DDGs is | the identification of variables in specifications or
The use of loops | would significantly complicate the DDGs
The situation is much worse than in CFT | where only execution path is analy
zed but not the detail
The main advantages of such integrations include: | Benefit enhancement,increase
d flexibility
Benefit enhancement | By taking advantage of the different techniques, the integ
rated strategies can be used to perform not only the original
increased flexibility | Such integrated strategies also offers more flexibility

in overall QA and in deriving results that can be extrapolated to different

Specific types of functionality testing include | HTML syntax checking,link che
cking,Form testing,Verification of end-to-endtransaction,java component testing
testing techniques have been used for web testing and evaluation | Load testing,
Usability testing focuses
Load testing | a subset of stress (or performance) testing.
Usability testing | focuses on the ease-of-use issues of different web designs,
analyzing the web access logs kept at the web servers | Top access report (TAR)
,Call pair report (CPR)
Top access report (TAR) | that lists frequently accessed (individual) services
or web pages together with their access counts
Call pair report (CPR) | which lists call pairs (transition from one individual
service to another) and the associated frequency.
TAR is | important because many of the individual services can be viewed as stan
d-alone ones in web-based applications
CPR | connects individual services and provides the basic state transitions
and transition probabilities for our UMMs
usually result for a single set of web-based applications using the above approa
ch | At the top level, TAR can be used directly as our, Entries in TAR can be g
rouped according , The hierarchical nature of our UMMs will allow
The hierarchical nature of our UMMs | Top Level: Top Access Report (TAR) >Midd
le Level: Unified Markov Models (UMMs) >Bottom Level: Detailed UMMs or other M
testing techniques were also described in this chapter, including | problem diag
nosis testing, defect-based testing,regression testing for product maintenance,t
esting to achieve other objectives,other execution and dynamic alternatives to t
We organize these inspection techniques and processes along two dimensions | siz
e and scope of the inspection,formality of the inspection.
several special features to Gilb inspection | he input to the overall inspection
,The output from the overall inspection,The inspection process forms
The inner inspection steps | planning (same),kickoff (overview), individual ch
ecking (preparation),logging meeting (inspection),edit (rework),process brainsto
rming (),edit audit (follow-up)
The team size | typically about four to six.
Checklists | extensively used, particularly for step 3, individual checking
In CMM, level... said about project management processes|2
Each stage or list or unique, that is, no stage or list is a repetition of anoth
In... there is always a unique path from the root to each leaf node|hierarchical
In... each individual choice can be represented as a point in the multi- dimensi
onal space|multi-dimensional list
If a sub-domain whose boundaries are all linear ones, it is called a nonlinear s
Better coverage because a partition is collectively exhaustive, and better effic
iency because of the use of mutually exclusive partitions|true
the more likely that the analynis results can be used more effectively to drive
defect prevention actions|true
...form some special types of equivalence classes|dynamic elements
The assignment of individual pieces for inspection among the inspectors needs to
take two issues into consideration: overall coverage and steps execute|false
the data flow is the mechanism that data are carried along during program excuti
...are not allowing duplicate transitions from one state to another|Static eleme
the technique can be classified either as white-box or black-box , depending on
whether the... is used in analysis and modelling| implementation information

there must be some loop control to make the looping... | decision

...represents the relation "is followed by" | links
when there are multiple inlinks to a node, the actual execution will follow one
of these|false
advantages of such integrations are...|all the answer
in CMM, level... said about product and process quality|4
Individual inspection is performed by each inspector, with attention focused on
possible defects and question areas, is step.. of Fagan inspection|3
A point on a boundary is called a...| boundary point
This is analysis is human intensive, and should be performed by expects with tho
rough knowledge about the product is about|Logical analysis
A node that is neither a decision node nor a junction node is called a inlink|fa
Better coverage because a partition is collectively exhausitive, and better effi
ciency because of the use of mutually exclusive...|partitions
these empirical data can be fed to various models to establish probable predicti
ve relations between causes and effects is about | statistical analysis
we can sample one test case from inside each... in the partition|subset
In the... earlier arrivals receive higher priorities in the priority scheme comm
only rederred to as FCFS(first come, first served) ir FIFO(first in, first ount)
|classical queues
In CMM, level... said about engineering process and organizational support|3
competent people(and heroics)|1 initial(ad-hoc)
continual process omprovement|5 optimized
prokect management processes | 2 repeatable
even for this fairly simple program, the number of test cases to cover all the i
nput value combinations is beyond the testing resource for any organization|true
...possess some flexibility in the level of details that can be modeled by the n
umber of states|FSMS
One common practice is to wait until a batch is full before all the items in the
batch are processed can be found in... |Pre-emptive or not
if operations associated with one particular sub-domain are used... often than o
thers, each underlying defect related to this sub-domain is also... likely to ca
use.. problems to users than problems associated with other sub-domain|more more
/*Chap 5*/
Quality planning. These are the activities that should be carried out before car
rying out the regular QA activities | Pre-QA activities
There are two major types of pre-QA activities in quality planning | Set specifi
c quality goals && Form an overall QA strategy, which includes two sub-activitie
Executing planned QA activities and handling discovered defects. In addition to
performing selected QA activities, an important part of this normal execution is
to deal with the discovered problems | In-QA activities
Quality measurement, assessment and improvement These are the activities that ar
e carried out after normal QA activities have started but not as part of these n
ormal activities. The primary purpose of these activities is to provide quality
assessment and feedback so that various management decisions can be made and pos
sible quality improvement initiatives can be carried out. | Post-QA activities
The long-term feedback to the overall quality engineering process comes in two f
orm | Feedback to quality planning && Feedback to the quality assessment
QIP includes three interconnected steps | understanding, assessing, and packagin
pre-QA quality planning includes setting quality goals and forming a QA strategy
| Setting quality goals & In forming a QA strategy
... activity can be event driven as well, such as when triggered by some system
anomalies|Failure detection
Product-specific models provide rough quality estimates based on empirical data
from in-dustry|false

Process quality improvement defines... | the former can be based on the experien
ce with carrying out the current quality engineering process, while the latter w
ould also benefit greatly from alternative ex-perience using other development p
rocesses to develop similar products
the most commonly verified or analyzed object are...|program code
The limited cappability for fault tolerance is achieved through fault avoidance
due to...|a different execution path
accuracy of analysis results can be measured by the difference(error) between pr
e-dict and actual results|true
problem like aperational failures in small areas, can be dealed by...|fault tole
..., defined, sometimes, the correctness aspect of quality can be measured and d
erived directly from its definitions|Kan,2002
Problem like dynamic failures & related faults, can be dealed by...|testing
Sometimes formal removal activity can be associated with the completion of some
major tasks or occurrence of some significant events|false
an important extension to the "when" question of defect definition|pre-or post-r
formal verification and analysis techniques are usu-ally used...instead of unifo
rmly on all system components|selectively
the limited capability for fault tolerance is achieved through fault avoidance a
lso due to...|execution condition that does not involve the faulty code triggere
d in the first place
problem like forgot PC password, can be dealed by... | none of above
people quality improvement defines...|domain knowledge of the specific product,
software process and technology experience, and quality engineering knowledge
keys information from the fault view from ODC, by IDM 1992 are..|defect impact,
defect trigger, defect severity
In most of these formal methods, software development and verification work... i
n developing high-quality software products or component|side-by-side
Generalization of product-specific models when enough empirical evidence from di
fferent products or projects is accumulated|true
sometimes... activity can be associated with the completion of some major tasks
or occurrence of some significant events|periodic checkpointing
future product quality improvement defines...|better quality planning can be for
mulated based on the experience of the current project, both in terms of goal se
tting and the selection of the overall QA strategies
problem like accidents and related hazards, can be dealed by...|failure containm
customizution of generalized quality models to provide better quality estimates
when product-specific information is availble|true
different quality analyses and models might require data at|different levels of
problem like logical faults, indirectly, can be dealed by... |formal verificatio
problem like static & localized faults, can be dealed by...|inspection
the specific problems need to be counted and tracked...|consistenly
How? is an important extension to the "when" question, of defect definition|fals
key defect attributes from the failure view from ODC, by IDM 1992 are..|defect i
mpact, defect trigger, defect severity
problem like system errors or conceptual mistakes, can be dealded by...|defect p
generalized models provide more precise quality assessments using product-specif
ic measurements|false
...can be defined as the probability of a software system to perform its specifi
ed functions correctly over a long period of time or for different input sets un
der the usage environments similar to that of its target customers|reliability
Two general approaches are commonly used to analyze reliability|time domain appr
oach, Input domain approach

we characterize the typical testing environment for large software systems, sele
ct appropriate measurementsto assess product reliability using|IDRMs and SRGMs.
reliability models. Tian, 1995
is mainly used to assess the overall quality from a customer s perspective, and is
executed in an environmentthat attempts to resemble the actual usage environmen
tby target customers|system testing
The software usage resembles that of its target customers|Satisfiability of gene
ral assumptions for SRE
Failure intervals or observations are independent|Satisfiability of general assu
mptions for SRE
Probability offailure in SRGMs is a function of the number of faults existing in
the softw are sytem|
Satisfiability of general assumptions for SRE
Time is used as the basis to definefailure rates in SRGMs|Satisfiability of gene
ral assumptions for SRE
Usage-independenttime measurement|Time is used as the basis to definefailure rat
es in SRGMs
Usage-dependenttime measurement|Time is used as the basis to definefailure rates
in SRGMs
use data from repeated random sampling to analyze product reliability|IDRMs
both failure and input state measurement|reliability modeling
the product release criterion based on results from acceptance testing|one ofthe
primary use ofIDRMs
all detected defects will be removed|The implicit assumptions here are twofold
higher coverage leads to higher reliability|The implicit assumptions here are tw
defined to be the probabilityof its failure-free operations for a specificdurati
onunder a specific environment|the reliability of a software system
easy to interpret and directly meaningful to customersas well as software manage
rs, developers, and testers|MTBF
In the Jelinski-Moranda model(Jelinski and Moranda, 1972), one of the earliest a
nd most widely used models, chance of failure for unit time|proportional
This model also includes a predictive element, enabling the user of this model t
o estimate model parameters from product and process characteristics even before
actual failures are|observed
can be estimated by the slope ofthe fitted SRGMs, and overall reliability change
(or reliability growth due to failure observations and fault removals) can be c
haracterized by the slope change from the beginning of testing to the current ti
me|Using SRGMs, product reliability at a given time
Test run data over time can be easily collected (Section 22.6), consistently use
d to track testing progress, and can lead to accurate reliability assessments wi
th SRGMs if runs are homogeneous|Many uses oftest run counts
For large software systems studied here, becausemany test runs involve little ex
ecution and much setup and manual operations, SRGMs fitted to execution time dat
a do not perform well|Limited applicability of execution time
When run homogeneity cannot be assured, detailed usage measurements, such as mea
sured by transactions, can be used effectively for reliability analyses with SRG
Ms|Using transactions
These results and related studies of other products or systems (Tian et al., 199
5; Tian, 1995; Tian and Palma, 1997; Tian et al., 2004) point to several importa
nt conclusions, including|Many uses oftest run counts,Limited applicability of e
xecution time,Using transactions
generally refers to a problem in the software, which may lead to undesirable con
sequences for both the software developmentlmaintenance organizations and the so
ftware users|defect
can be used to capture information about software design, code, size, change his
tory, etc|high-risk or potentially high-defect modules, various software metrics
First, we need to establisha predictive relationship between project metrics and
actual product defects based on historical data|identification is to use predic
tive modeling to focus on the high-risk areas

this established predictive relation is used to predict potential defects for th

e new project or new product release once the project metrics data become availa
ble, but before actual defects are observed in the new project or product releas
e|identification is to use predictive modeling to focus on the high-risk areas
In the above prediction, the focus is on the high-risk or the potentially high-d
efect modules or components|identification is to use predictive modeling to focu
s on the high-risk areas
traditional statistical analysis techniques|A preliminary survey ofthese risk id
entification techniques and their comparison can be found in Tian (2000)
rincipal component analysis and discriminant analysis|A preliminary survey ofthe
se risk identification techniques and their comparison can be found in Tian (200
accuracy, simplicity, early availability and stability,ease of result interpreta
tion, constructive information and guidance for quality improvement, and availab
ility of tool support|we compare these risk identification techniques according
to several criteria
can be used to understand the general relations between defects and various othe
r software measurement data|Various traditional statistical analysis techniques(
Venables and Ripley, 1994)
including classification and analysis techniques based on statistical analysis,
learning, and pattern matching| various new techniques have been developed or ad
apted for risk identification purposes useful statistical techniques for multiva
riate data (Venables and Ripley, 1994)|Principal component analysis and discrimi
nant analysis
based on learning algorithms inspired by biological neural networks |Artificial
neural networks
of analysis results can be measured by the difference (error) between predicted
and actual results|Accuracy
There is a strong need for early modeling results, because problems found late i
n development are much harder and cost significantly more to fix|Early availabil
ity and stability|Early availability and stability
Tree-based models andoptimal set reduction can characterizeidentifiedhigh-defect
modulesby theirsplit conditions or patterns defined by certain metrics values o
r ranges|Constructive information and guidancefor quality improvement
Constructive information and guidancefor quality improvement, Early availability
and stability,Accuracy|the primary criteria
of the analysis technique has many ramifications. A simple technique is generall
y easy to understand, easy to use, easy (and lesscostly) to performon a given se
t of data, and is more likely to be supported by existing tools|Simplicity
plays an important role in model applications. A good understanding of the analy
sis results is a precondition to follow-up actions|Ease of result interpretation
also has a significant influence on the practical applications of specific techn
iques|Availability of tool support
the questionsasked during the analyses are similar|What?,Where?,When?,Pre- or po
st-release?,How and Why?
The identification and classification of the discovered defects can be performed
to identify what they are and classify them by some consistent scheme. This top
ic is the focus of this chapter, which is discussed in all subsequent sections|W
Where was the defect found or discovered? This information can be used to provid
e valuable feedback to the development process through defect distribution analy
The identificationof the exact time or associated development phase or subphase
when a defect is injected and when it is discovered is important, because it pro
vides information to analyze the overall defect trend and serves as the basis fo
r quality prediction into the future|When?
An important extension to the when question is whether a defect is a pre-release d
efect or a post-release defect, sometimes labeled as an indevelopment(or in-proc
ess)or an in-field defect, respectively|Pre- or post-release?
How was the defect injected into the software,and why? These two questions are c

losely related, both pertaining to the cause of the discovered defects|How and W
permission denied|A
no such file or directory|B
stale NFS file handle|C
client denied by server configuration|D
file does not exist|E
invalid method in request|F
invalid URL in request connection|G
request failed|I
script not found or unable to start|J
connection reset by peer|K
If the information about defect injection time is available,it can be used to au
gmentthe defect removal models into the so called|defect dynamics model
Defect causal analysis can usually take two forms|logical analysis and statistic
al analysis.
a deterministic analysis that examinesthe logical link between the effects and t
he corresponding causes, and establishes general causal relations|Logical analys
a probabilistic analysis that examines the statistical link between causes and e
ffects and deduces the probable causal relations between the two|Statistical ana
can be either the observed failures or discovered (or fixed) faults, and the cor
responding causes are the faults that caused the failures or the errors that cau
sed the injection of the faults, respectively|The effects in the defect causal a
human intensive, and should be performed by experts with thorough knowledge abou
t the product, the development process, the application domain, and the general
environment|Root cause analysis
ased on empirical evidence collected either locally or from other similar projec
ts|Statistical analysis
a rich and extensive category ofdefect attributes, stemming from both the failur
e view and the fault view|ODC
Defect impact, with attribute values covering functionality, reliability, etc, D
efecttrigger, with attributevaluescorrespondingtothe specifictypesoftesting or i
nspection activitiesor scenarios that triggered the defect detection Defect seve
rity, with commonlyused attributevalues: critical, major, minor, or some numeric
al scale| defect discovery
Defect type, with attribute values: function, interface, algorithm, timing, etc.
Number of lines changed for the fixing.|at defect fixing
Defect source, with attribute values: vendor code, new code, base code, etc. Whe
re thedefect was injected, located to subsystems, modules,orcomponents. When the
defect was injected, typically identified with the development phase.|yield def
ect informationand related attributes
The information, providedby testers at defect discovery, includes|impact,trigger
, severity,week
based on the answers to the question: If this defect is not fixed, how will it im
pact the customer? Pre-defined impact categories (possible answers) include perfo
rmance, reliability,etc.|Defect impact
categories closely resemble test scenario classes used for managing the testing
process for this product. |Defect trigger
can be 1 (critical problem), 2 (major problem), 3 (minor problem), and 4 (minor
inconvenience).|Defect severity
when the defect is detected, counted from the start of the project.|The week
fix to design, code, etc.|Fix type
adding, deleting, or changing to design or code.|Fix action
vendor code, new code, base code, etc.|Defect source
previous release or waterfalllike development phases in the current release.|The
development phase when the defect was injected

corresponds to web error type, which indicates what problem was experiencedby we
b users. It can be analyzed directlybased on information extracted|Defect impact
corresponds to specific usage sequences or referrals that lead to problems recor
ded in the error logs. It can be analyzed by examining the referral pair informa
tion that can be extracted from the access logs (Ma and Tian, 2003).|Defect trig
corresponds to specific files or file types that need to be changed, added, or r
emoved to fix problems recorded in the error logs. It can be analyzed by examini
ng both the specific errors and referral pairs.| Defect source
For each defect attribute,theoverall distributionofits values can be|examined
Two-way analysis examines the interaction between two attributes|applied to all
the attributes in pair-wise fashion
help both developers and testers to detect and remove potential defects, and hel
p other project personnel to improve the development process, to prevent injecti
on of similar defects, and to manage risk better by planning early for product s
upport and services|Analyses ofdiscovered defects and related information
can help us obtain an objective assessment of our current product quality, in co
ntrast to the often unreliable subjective assessment based on personal judgment
or imprecise qualitative assessment|MODELS FOR QUALITY ASSESSMENT
We define quality assessment models as analytical models that provide quantitati
ve assessment of selected quality characteristics or sub-characteristics based o
n|measurement data from software projects
the correctness aspect of quality can be measured and derived ___ from its defin
we also need to monitor these ____ quality measurements and analyze them using v
arious quality assessment models, so that we can assure and improve quality by c
ontrolling these indirect entities, particularly in the early part of software d
evelopment process|indirect
Depending on whether product-specific measurements and results are used and prov
ided, we can classify existing quality assessment models into two broad categori
es|generalized models and product-speciJicmodels
compared by looking at their ability to provide useful information, their applic
ability to different project environments, and their inter-connections|Different
types of quality assessment models and their relations
_____of the modeling results, in terms of how _____ the quality estimates
are and the _______ of the models to different environments.|Usefulness,accurate
Model inter-connections,which can be examined in two opposite directions|Customi
of generalized quality models to provide better quality estimates when product-s
pecific information is available.|Customizution
of product-specific models when enough empirical evidence from different product
s or projects is accumulated.|Generalization
Decisions without explicit quality assessment|Implicit,Indirect,Otherfactors
such as completion of planned test activities, can be used as exit criteria, whi
ch implicitly assumes the effectiveness of the testing activities|Implicit quali
ty assessments
such as achieving certain test coverage goals, can be used as exit criteria, whi
ch implicitly equates coverage levels to reliability levels.|Indirect quality as
such asproject schedule, cost, and resource utilization, can sometimes be used a
s exit criteria.|Otherfactors
Decisions based on explicit quality assessments|Failure-related, Fault-related
from a customer sor external perspective, such as various reliability measures and
impact assessments|Failure-related quality assessments
from a developer s or internal perspective,such as defect density and count estima
tes for latent defects.|Fault-related quality assessments
This decision is probably the one most closely identified with product release o
r phasehb-phase termination decisions. When there is a mismatch between a produc

t s quality progress and project schedule, adjustment is called for. The quality a
ssessment results typically will indicate when the quality goal will be satisfie
d. This input can be used to delay (more often) or speed up (less often) the pro
ject schedule.|Schedule adjustment
Similar to the above, if a project is behind schedule or ahead of schedule, reso
urce allocation decisions may be made to try to compensate for it by adding or r
emoving certain resources, although the impact of this is limited (Brooks, 1995)
. | Resource allocation and adjustment
Sometimes, product release decisions are made regardless of the current quality
level.|Planning for post-release product support
can be based on an assessment of quality strength and weakness of the current pr
oduct, or a comparison between this and othercompetitive products| Planning forf
uture products
The follow-upand improvement can be concentratedin three major areas|Futureprodu
ct, Process,people quality improvement
This is similar to the above feedbackand followup activities,but with the added
hindsight. Better quality planning can be formulated based on the experience of
the current project, both in terms of goal setting and the selectionof the overa
ll QA strategies. |Futureproduct quality improvement
This improvement can be achievedin two generalareas, the quality engineering pro
cess itself and the general software engineering process. The former can be base
d on the experience with carrying out the current quality engineering process, w
hile the latter would also benefit greatly from alternativeexperience using othe
r development processes to develop similar products|Processquality improvement
A more intangible benefit is the experience gained by
people in many areas, including domain knowledgeof the specific product, softwar
e process and technology experience, and quality engineering knowledge. Their ex
perience can be packaged to ensure effective transfer of the collective knowledg
e and experience, or the so-called institutional memory, to new project personne
l.|People quality improvement
the correctness aspect of quality can often be ____ derived from its definition
or related to various defect measurements. |directly
To ensure proper collection and usage of various measurement data, we need to pa
y special attention to the following| Consistent interpretation and tracking,Tim
ely defect and data reporting,Proper data granularity
For defects, we need to distinguish execution failures, internal faults, and err
ors in human actions. The specific problems need to be counted and tracked consi
stently. Similarly, other measurements also require us to maintain consistent in
terpretation.|Consistent interpretation and tracking
Because these measurements are used to monitor and control software projects, we
must ensure timely reporting of defects and other dynamic measurements to keep
the information current.|Timely defect and data reporting
Different quality analyses and models might require data at different levels of
granularity. We will examine this aspect further in connection with models for q
uality assessment and improvement in Chapter 19|Proper data granularity
the process used|Theprocess characteristicsinclude
activities and their relationships|Theprocess characteristicsinclude
specific development techniques used|Theprocess characteristicsinclude
skills and experience,roles and responsibilities,organizational and team structu
re, etc |People characteristics
general expectations of the target users,high-level product functionality,market
environment for the product,specific hardwarelsoftware configuration, etc.| Pro
duct characteristics
being measured, including software requirement specifications, designs, program
code, test cases, related documents, and other softwareartifacts.|Sofhyare artif
being measured, including control (for example, control flow paths), data (for e
xample, operand count), and presentation (for example,different indentation rule
s used).|Product (internal)attributes
Different attributes of the software artifacts may be treated as an unstructured

heap of symbols (for example, raw count such as LOCline of code), or as syntact
ical structures (for example, various control flow path measurements (Fenton and
Pfleeger, 1996)), or even as interconnected semantic entities (for example, con
text-sensitive measures such as live data definitions (Tai, 1984)).|Measurement
of structures
_____ directly measure specific software development and maintenance activities
and the associated effort, time, and other resources. |Activity measurements
activity measurements for the whole project. For example, total effort and cycle
-time can be used in various models for overall quality assessment and project r
elease decisions.|Coarse-grain
activity measurements for individual development phases, sub-phases, or time per
iods such as weeks or months. For example, defect profiles over development phas
es are commonly used in various models for quality assessment, resource allocati
on, and project managment.|Medium-grain
activity measurements for individual activities|Fine-grain
Functional (black-box) checklists at different levels of abstraction and granula
rity,| ranging from major high-level functions ...
Checklists of system elements (white-box) at different levels of granularity, |
ranging from sub-systems and modules at the high level to individual
Checklists about certain properties, such as coding standard, specific specifica
tion items, etc., which can be either black-box or white-box
A common way to obtain usable checklists is to | select items from several exhau
stive checklists based on some criteria and to combine them
The most commonly used form of multiple checklists is | the hierarchical checkli
each item in a higher-level checklist expandable to a full checklist | at a lowe
r level until we stop at a level of detail deemed enough by some criteria
One of the important characteristics of these checklists is that |they are typic
ally not veryspecific, particularly those high-level ones
the increased demand for more automation, service, and functionality, modern sof
tware systems | also become larger and more complex
It would be hard to come up with checklists that cover all the functional (black
-box) or structural (white-box) components| from different perspectives and at d
ifferent levels
a lot of overlaps between different items in the checklists may be introduced, r
esulting in redundant testing effort when such checklists are used.
Some complex interactions of different system components or among major system f
unctions are | hard or impossible to describe using checklists
this testing strategy directly corresponds to the checklist-based testing, with
the domain partition as the checklist, and each sub-domain corresponding to a si
ngle element in the checklis
The subsets are mutually exclusive, that is,| no two subsets share any common me
The subsets are collectively exhaustive, that is, they collectively cover or inc
lude | all the elements in the original set
we simply select one item for testing at a time from the subset as a representat
ive of the corresponding | equivalent class until we have exhausted all the subs
if operations associated with one particular sub-domain are used more often than
others, each underlying defect related to this sub-domain is also more likely t
o cause
The information related to usage scenarios, patterns, and related usage frequenc
y| by target customers and users needs to be collected
Testing needs to be performed | in accordance with the OPs
Testing results can be analyzed to assess product reliability and provide feedba
ck | to the testing and the general software development process
the actual testing is typically performed late in the overall product developmen
t process,| and the model construction could be and should be started much earli
the operational profiles (OPs) need to be | constructed with customer and user i

testing according to customer usage scenarios and frequencies captured in OPs ca
nnot be | performed until most of the product components have been implemented
each operation corresponds to an individual sub-domain | in domain partitions, t
hus representing a whole equivalence class
It is customary to sort the operations by descending | probabilities of usage an
d present the results in that order
It is common to have quite uneven distribution of usage probabilities, with a |
few frequently used ones account for most of the usage frequencies
if some operations have very low probability of usage,| we could omit them in th
e OP
it can be used to support statistical testing by some random sampling procedure
to | select test cases according to the probability distribution and execute the
each operation in the OP corresponds to certain test cases specifically construc
ted or| selected from existing ones to specifically test this system operation
Productivity improvement and schedule gains could be achieved because of | the f
ocus on high-leverage parts with the use of OPs
Introducing new products by implementing highly used features quickly to capture
market share | and then gradually adding lesser-used features in subsequent rel
eases or product updates
The use of OPs can foster better communications with | target customers and help
establish and maintain better customer relations
The use of OPs can help develop more precise product requirements and specificat
ions, | which are more likely to satisfy customers needs
Customer and user training can be better focused on those features that the cust
omers | use the most instead of esoteric ones more likely to be used by internal
The exact way used to handle defects is also influenced by | the specific QA act
ivities that led to their initial discovery, the project environment, and other
The most important activity associated with defect handling is defect resolution
, which ensures that each discovered defect is |corrected or taken care of throu
gh appropriate actions.
Each corrected or fixed defect needs to be re-verified to ensure failure-free ex
ecutions | under the same execution conditions
Defect logging | or the initial reporting and recording of a discovered defect T
his ensures that a record will be kept for every discovered defect
Defect tracking | which monitors and records what happened to each defect after
its initial discovery, up until its final resolution
Consistent defect interpretation and tracking | We need to distinguish execution
failures,internal faults, and human errors. The specific problems need to be co
unted andtracked consistently
Timely defect reporting | Because defect measurements are used to monitor and co
ntrol software projects, we must ensure timely defect reporting to keep the info
rmation current
The exception is | unit testing, which is usually carried out parallel to coding
by the same person
Most defects from unit testing are not | formally tracked because they are consi
dered as part of the implementation activities
Defect handling is implicitly assumed to be part of the project | management ac
tivities, which is handled in similar ways as configuration management.
A formalized defect handling process highlights important | activities and assoc
iated rules,parties involved, and their responsibilities.
It is typically defined by the differentstates | associated with individual def
ect status and transitions among these states due to status changes
Different defect handling processes may include | different collections of defec
t status and other possible attributes.
Defect handling is not closely associated with | defect prevention.
The focus is not on the discovery of underlying faults that cause | failures and

possible accidents
Defect information can be used | as additional input
Among the different QA activities, defect containment activities play | an impor
tant role in post-release product operations and maintenance support
Repeated use of recovery blocks for the same situations may be an | indication o
f software problems instead of
Most of the implementation activities need to be carried out | during software d
evelopment, not after product release...
including defect prevention and defect reduction, are performed | during softwar
e development instead of during in-field software support after
A typical sequence includes, in chronological order: | product planning, require
ment analysis,specification, design, coding, testing, release...
The error sources are typically associated with activities in these early phases
, such as | conceptual mistakes by designers and programmers,unfamiliarity with
the product domain...
The vast majority of faults are | injected in the early development phases, par
ticularly in detailed design and implementation phases
failure prevention and containment activities, such as fault tolerance and safet
y assurance, | are typically the focus of operational phases
QA activities, typically inspections and reviews, carried out at the transitions
| from one phase to the next are shown as barriers or gates to pass.
The exception to this is between testing and release, where | the reviews are ty
pically accompanied by acceptance testing
The general distribution scope is |shown by the dotted bracket, with a focus on
defect prevention in the early phases, a focus on defect removal during coding a
nd testing phases...
the overall process can be viewed as consisting of several | increments or itera
integration testing plays a very important role, to make sure that | different p
arts can inter-operate seamlessly to fulfill the intended functionalities correc
tly together
System testing, where the focus is | the overall set of system functions to be p
rovided to users
Usage-based statistical testing, where | the operational environment by target u
sers is simulated during software testing before product release
Software fault tolerance, which focuses on | providing continued service expecte
d by customers even when local problems exist
Software safety assurance activities, which focus on | providing the expected ac
cidentfree operations or reducing accident damage when an accident is unavoidabl
Software verification activities check | the conformance of a software system to
its specifications
A deviation from the specification is either a fault or a failure, depending on
| whether the behavior is specified or other software related entities are speci
failures are involved in verification activities, we are typically dealing with
| internal system failures and overall system failures in the form of incorrect
When a function or feature expected by the customers is present, the activity to
determine | whether it performs or behaves expectedly is then a verification ac
When we are checking non-behavioral specifications, non-conformance indicates |
the presence of faults or errors
Validation checks the conformance to quality expectations of customers and users
in | the form of whether the expected functions or features are present or not
verification checks the conformance of software product implementation | against
its specifications to see if it is implemented correctly
validation deals directly with users and their requirements while | verificatio
n deals with internal product specifications
verification and validation activities may be distributed in | these different p

rocesses differently
A set of internal specifications needs to be | followed or other rules or criter
ia need to be satisfied
The satisfactory conformance of these specifications, designs, and rules is | th
e focus of various verification activities
various defect prevention activities are typically | concentrated in the earlier
phases of software developmen
defect reduction is typically concentrated in | the middle to late phases of sof
tware developmen
defect containment activities are typically the focus of | operational phases, w
ith its planning, design, and implementation carried out earlier during software
Many specific QA activities deal with both |the verification and the validation
Defect prevention deals with error source elimination and error blocking, | whil
e both verification and validation deal with failures and faults
The formal verification part naturally falls into verification activities, |veri
fying the program or design correctness with respect to its formal specification
fault tolerance and safety assurance, are more closely related to | validation a
ctivities than verification ...
Be bugging is known as | Adding known defects by seeding
Defect Density calculated in terms of | defects identified,divided by the size
How much testing is enough? | The answer depends on the risk for your industry
The tracing of requirements for a test level through the layers of a test documen
tation done by | Horizontal traceability
This life cycle model is basically driven by schedule and budget risks This statem
ent is best suited for | V-model
A branching node is : | A node associated with multiple outlink
A branching node is | a node associated with multiple outlinks
A common test technique during component test is | Statement and branch testing
A configuration management system would NOT normally provide: | Facilities to co
mpare test results with expected results.
A defect management system shall keep track of the status of every defect regist
ered and enforce the rules about changing these states. If your task is to test
the status tracking, which method would be best? | State transition testing
A failure is: | Departure from specified behavior.
A junction node is : | A node associated with multiple inlink
A number of critical bugs are fixed in software. All the bugs are in one module,
related to reports. The test manager decides to do regression testing only on t
he reports module. | Regression testing should be done
A program validates a numeric field as follows: values less than 10 are rejected
, values between 10 and 21 are accepted, values greater than or equal to 22 are
rejected | 3,10,22
A program with high Cyclo-metric complexity is almost likely to be: | Difficult
to test
A project manager has been transferred to a major software development project t
hat is in the implementation phase. The highest priority for this project manage
r should be to | Learn the project objectives and the existing project plan
A risk relates to which of the following? | Negative consequences that could occ
A test design technique is | a process for selecting test cases
A test harness is a | A test environment comprised of stubs and drives needed to
conduct a test
A tool that supports traceability, recording of incidents or scheduling of tests
is called: | a configuration management tool
A type of integration testing in which software elements, hardware elements, or
both are combined all at once into a component or an overall system, rather than
in stages. | Big-Bang Testing
A typical commercial test execution tool could be able to perform all of the fol

lowing EXCEPT : | Generating expected output

A typical commercial test execution tool would be able to perform all of thefoll
owing Except | Generating expected outputs
Acceptance test cases are based on what? | Requirement
Acceptance testing is | None
All of the following might be done during unit testing except | Manual support t
Alpha testing is: | Pre-release testing by end user representatives at the devel
oper s site.
An important benefit of code inspections is that they: | Can be performed by the
person who wrote the code.
An important benefit of code inspections is that they: | enable the code to be t
ested before the execution environment is ready.
An incident logging system | is a valuable source of project information during
testing if it contains all incidents
An input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2004. The boundary value
s for testing this field | 1900,2004
An input field takes the years of birth between 1900 and 2009. The boundary valu
e for testing this field are : | 1900,2009
Analyze the following highly simplified procedure: Ask: What type of ticket do yo
u require, single or return? | 3
Basic quality tool (NOT): | Check list
Beta testing is: | Performed by customers at their own site
Beta testing is: | performed by customers at their own site
Big bang approach is related to | Integration testing
Boundary value testing | Test boundary conditions on, below and above the edges
Boundary value testing | Tests boundary conditions on, below and above the edges
of input and output equivalence classes
Branching nude is | Multiple outlink
Cleanroom process is developed base on | Combines math reasoning during specifi
cation and design
Code Coverage is used as a measure of what? | Test Effectiveness
Consider the following statements about early test design: | i, iii & iv are tru
e. Ii & v are false
Consider the following statements | i and v are true, ii, iii and iv are false
Consider the following: | SC = 2 and DC = 3
COTS is known as | Commercial off the shelf software
Could reviews or inspections be considered part of testing: | Yes, because both
Coverage measurement | is a partial measure of test thoroughness
Customer complains more than one time that the date in weekly is not correct pro
cess leader did not check the date carefully . In which cause category can the a
bove problem class . ? | Oversight
Customer complains more than one time that the date in weekly reports in the dat
e carefully. | Oversight
Data flow analysis studies: | The use of data on paths through the code.
Data of a project shows that defects of the type "standard convention" are dupli
cated in comparing with normal measurement.The cause is that customer has provid
ed new coding convention but project manager did not plan to explain it for the
team.To which cause category can the above problem be classified? | Oversight
Defect prevention is request by which level of CMM | 3
Defect prevention is requested by which level of CMM? | 5
During the software development process, at what point can the test process star
t? | When the software requirements have been approved.
During the testing of a module tester X finds a bug and assigned it to developer.
But developer rejects the same, saying that it s not a bug. What X should do? | Send
to the detailed information
Enough testing has been performed when: | The required level of confidence has b
een achieved.
Error guessing is best used | After more formal techniques have been applied

Error guessing: | supplements formal test design techniques.

Expected results are: | most useful when specified in advance
Expected results described in test cases are | used for input-output relation
Expert based test estimation is also known as | Wide band Delphi
Fault Masking is | Error condition hiding another error condition
Faults found by users are due to: | Poor software and poor testing
Focus of CFT: | execution path
Following tools show trends of event | Check sheet
From the below given choices, which one is the Confidence testing | Smoke testing
FSM can be represented by? | Graph or List or table/matrix
FSM can classify by? | Input/Output or State
Given the following code, which is true about the minimum number of test cases r
equired for full statement and branch coverage: | 1 test for statement coverage,
2 for branch coverage
Given the following code, which is true: | 2 tests for statement coverage, 2 for
branch coverage
Given the following sets of test management terms (v-z), and activity descriptio
ns (1-5), which one of the following best pairs the two sets? | v-3,w-4,x-1,y-5,
Given the following types of tool, which tools would typically be used by develo
pers and which by an independent test team: | developers would typically use i a
nd iv; test team ii, iii, v and vi
Given the following: | 1 test for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage
How many decisions should be tested in this code in order to achieve 100% decisi
on coverage? | 2
How many steps are there in Fagan inspection model? | 6
How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required? | Discuss
ions with the development team,Time allocated for regression testing
I. Are the necessary documentation, design and requirements information availabl
e that will allow testers to operate the system and judge correct behavior. | I,
II and IV
IEEE 829 test plan documentation standard contains all of the following except:
| test specification
If testing time is limited, we should | Only test high risk areas
If the pseudo code below were a programming language, how many tests are require
d to achieve 100% statement coverage? 1. If x=3 then | 3
In a flight reservation system, the number of available seats in each plane mode
l is an input. A plane may have any positive number of available seats, up to th
e given capacity of the plane. Using Boundary Value analysis, a list of availabl
e seat values were generated. Which of the following lists is correct? | 0, 1, c
apacity, capacity plus 1
In a inspection meeting a moderator is a person who | Mediates between people
In a review meeting a moderator is a person who | Mediates between people
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: | 33501
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: | 5800; 28000; 32000
In foundation level syllabus you will find the main basic principles of testing.
Which of the following sentences describes one of these basic principles? | For
a software system, it is not possible,
In prioritizing what to test, the most important objective is to: | Test high ri
sk areas.
In system testing... | Both functional and non-functional
In which order should tests be run? | the most important tests first
Incorrect form of Logic coverage is: | Pole Coverage
Increasing the quality of the software, by better development methods, will affe
ct the time needed for testing (the test phases) by: | reducing test time
Independent Verification & Validation is | done by an Entity outside the Project s
sphere of influence
Integration testing has following characteristics | I, III and IV are correct
Integration testing in the small: | Tests interactions between modules or subsys

It identities the objects to be tested. | It is a set of steps, execution precon

ditions, and expected results
Item transmittal report is also known as | Release note
Junction nude is | Multiple inlink
Likely to benefit most from user of auto test tool | Unit,System
Maintenance testing is: | Triggered by modifications, migration or retirement of
Minimal number of test case to test determine loop | 7
Mitigating of a risk is planned to | Avoid the occurrence of the risk
Node for conditional definition of certain data: | Selector
Non-functional system testing includes: | testing quality attributes of the syst
em including performance and usability
Not a focus of defect prevention | Person who...
Not a white box technique | Data flow
Not characteristic of DDGs | Multiple out link
Not correct about DFT construction | Black box is used more
Not define in Iso 9000 | How to manage quality
Not parameter of queuing test | Batching
Not sub-type of Product specific models | Dynamic model
Not the responsibility of the leader in causal analysis meeting | Record
One Key reason why developers have difficulty testing their own work is: | Lack
of Objectivity
Order numbers on a stock control system can range between 10000 and 99999 inclus
ive. Which of the following inputs might be a result of designing tests for only
valid equivalence classes and valid boundaries: | 10000, 50000, 99999
Pick the best definition of quality | Conformance to requirements
Place to start if to want to test tool | Your requirement
Problem of testing for a loop | Too much execution
Purpose of Cause-Effect diagram is not | Determine what are problem
Regression testing should be performed: | w & y are true, v, x & z are false
Relation is used in DDA | D-U
Risk relates to which of the follow | Negative consequences could occur
Software testing activities should start | as soon as possible in the developmen
t life cycle
Static test: | Walk through
Static analysis is best described as: | The analysis of program code.
Static test is another name for : | Walk through
Static test is another name for | Walk-through inspection
Static test is another name for? | Walk-through inspection
Test cases are designed during: | Test specification.
Test managers should not: | re-allocate resource to meet original plans
Test-ware (test cases, test dataset) | needs configuration management just like
requirements, design and code
Testing of software used to convert data from existing systems for use in replac
ement systems | Migration testing
Testing should be stopped when: | it depends on the risks for the system being
The cost of fixing a fault | Increases as we move the product towards live use
The cost of fixing a fault: | Increases as we move the product towards live use
The difference between re-testing and regression testing is | re-testing ensures
the original fault has been removed; regression testing looks for unexpected si
The difference between re-testing and regression testing is | re-testing is runn
ing a test again
The following list contains risks that have been identified for a software produ
ct to be developed. Which of these risks is an example of a product risk? | Thre
at to a patient s life
The later in the development life cycle a fault is discovered, the more expensiv
e it is to fix. why? | the fault has been built into more documentation, code, t
ests, etc

The main focus of acceptance testing is: | testing for a business perspective
The main purpose of recording defects of inspection is: | To collect defect dat
a for future using
The most important thing about early test design is that it, | Can prevent fault
The node for conditional definition of certain are called as : | Selector node
The nodes for conditional definitions of certain data are called as | Storage no
The nodes for conditional of certain date are called as | Selector nodes
The oracle assumption: | Is that the tester can routinely identify the correct o
utcome of a test.
The place to start if you want a (new) test tool is: | Analyze your needs and re
The place to start if you want a test tool is | Analyse your needs and requireme
The primary goal of comparing a user manual with the actual behavior of the runn
ing program during system testing is to | Check the technical accuracy of the do
The puipose of Cause-Effect diagram using is NOT to | group the root causes of a
The purpose of cause effect diagram using is | Determine possible cause of a pr
The purpose of cause effect diagram using is not to | Determine what are the pro
The purpose of Cause-Effect diagram using is NOT to | determine what are the pro
The standard that gives definitions of testing terms is: | BS7925-1
There is one application, which runs on a single terminal. There is another appl
ication that works on multiple terminals. What are the test techniques you will
use on the second application that you would not do on the first application? |
Update & Rollback, Response time
To test a function, the programmer has to write a _________, which calls the fun
ction to be tested and passes it test data. | Driver
Typical commercial test execution tool would be able to perform | Generating exp
ected output
Unreachable code would best be found using: | code reviews
V-Model is: | A software development model that illustrates how testing activiti
es integrate with
We split testing into distinct stages primarily because: | Each test stage has a
different purpose.
We split testing into distinct sub-phases because | Each test stage has a differ
ent purpose
What are the potential benefit from using tools in general to support testing |
Greater repeatability of tests, reduction in respective work, objective assessm
What can static analysis NOT find? | Whether the value stored in a variable is c
What do you NOT need to create Test plan? | Test plan template
What information need not be included in a test incident report: | the actual an
d expected outcomes
What is focus of CFT ? | Execution path
What is FSMs stand for? | Finite State Machines
What is key feature of Cleanroom? | The Cleanroom approach combines math
What is NOT a focus of defect prevention? | Person who made the defect
What is not a fours of defect prevention ? | Person who made the defect
What is NOT a risk of automation testing? | The test result is not collected
What is NOT an activity cause analysis : | Identify the common defect
What is not defined in ISO 9000 | How to manage the quality
What is NOT focus of defect prevention : | Person who made the defect
What is NOT requested in a test case? | Acceptance criteria

What is NOT the responsibility of the leader in a CAR meeting? | Summary the dis
cussion and plan preventive actions
What is the focus of CFT? | Data dependencies
What is the form of CFT | Data dependencies
What is the important criterion in deciding what testing technique to use? | the
objective of the test
What is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection | A walk-thr
ough is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by trained moderator
What is the main reason for testing software before releasing it? | to give info
rmation for a risk based decision about release
What is the minimal number of test case to test a deterministic loop? | 7
What is the problems of testing for loop ? | Execute too many test case
What is the purpose of test completion criteria in a test plan: | to plan when t
o stop testing
What is the purpose of test exit criteria in the test plan? | To specify when to
stop the testing activity
What makes an inspection different from other review types? | It is led by a tr
ained leader, uses formal
What statement about expected outcomes is FALSE: | are defined by the software s b
What test items should be put under configuration management? | The test object,
the test material and the test environment
When a new testing tool is purchased, it should be used first by: | Everyone who
may eventually have some use for the tool
When reporting faults found to developers, testers should be: | All of the above
When should you stop testing? | when the test completion criteria have been met
When testing a grade calculation system, a tester determines that all scores fro
m 90 to 100 will yield a grade of A, but scores below 90 will not. This analysis
is known as: | Equivalence partitioning
When what is visible to end-users is a deviation from the specific or expected b
ehavior, this is called: | a failure
Which activity is not performed in cleanroom lifecycle? | Statistical testing
Which expression best matches the following characteristics or review processes:
| s = 4 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 1
Which is not a basic quality tool? | Checklist
Which is NOT a characteristic of DDGs? | Multiple out links
Which is NOT a key attribute of defects? | Defect owner
Which is NOT a model for reliability assessment | ODC
Which is not parameter of queuing testing? | Batching
Which is not sub-type of product-specific models | Dynamic model
Which is not sub-type of Product-specific models? | Dynamic model
Which is not true-The black box tester | should be able to understand the source
Which likely benefit most of the use of automation test tool ? | System test
Which model is used to analyze and estimate input domain data for reliability te
sting? | TBRM
Which Model is used to measure the stability over time? | SRGM
Which of the following activities differentiate a walkthrough from a formal revi
ew? | For a walkthrough individual
Which of the following can be root cause of a bug in a software product? | (I) t
hrough (IV) are correct
Which of the following characteristics is primarily associated with software reu
sability? | The extent to which the software can be used in other applications
Which of the following characterizes the cost of faults? | They are cheapest to
find in the early development
Which of the following does not belong to 7 basic quality tools? | Pie chart
Which of the following functions is typically supported by a software quality in
formation system? I. Record keeping | I, III &IV
Which of the following is a black box design technique? | equivalence partitioni

Which of the following is a form of functional testing? | Boundary value analysi

Which of the following is a requirement of an effective software environment? I.
Ease of use | I, II &III
Which of the following is a static test? | code inspection
Which of the following is a valid collection of equivalence classes for the foll
owing problem: An integer field shall contain values from and including 1 to and
including 15 | Less than 1, 1 through 15, more than 15
Which of the following is correct about static analysis tools | They help you fi
nd defects rather than failures
Which of the following is correct about static analysis tools? | Compilers may o
ffer some support for static analysis
which of the following is false? | A system is necessarily more reliable after d
Which of the following is false? | Incidents should always be fixed.
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of automation test
tools? | System testing
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools prov
iding test capture and replay facilities? | Regression testing
Which of the following is most often considered as components interface bug? | F
or two components exchanging data, one
Which of the following is NOT a black box technique: | LCSAJ
Which of the following is not a quality characteristic listed in ISO 9126 Standa
rd? | Supportability
Which of the following is NOT a standard related to testing? | IEEE610
which of the following is NOT a type of non-functional test? | State-Transition
which of the following is NOT a white box technique? | State transition testing
Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard? | stress testin
Which of the following is NOT included in the Test Plan document of the Test Doc
umentation Standard: | Quality plans
Which of the following is NOT part of configuration management: | auditing confo
rmance to ISO9001
Which of the following is not part of performance testing: | Recovery testing
Which of the following is NOT part of system testing: | top-down integration tes
Which of the following is not the integration strategy? | Design based
Which of the following is NOT true of incidents? | Incident resolution is the re
sponsibility of the author of the software under test.
Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria? | is the percentag
e of faults found.
Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User Acceptan
ce Test scripts? | User requirements
which of the following is the component test standard? | BS7925-2
Which of the following is the main purpose of the integration strategy for integ
ration testing in the small? | to specify which modules to combine when and how
many at once
Which of the following is the odd one out? | functional
Which of the following is true of the V-model? | It includes the verification of
Which of the following is true? | if u find a lot of bugs in testing, you should
not be
Which of the following is true? | Testing is a part of quality assurance
Which of the following items need not to be given in an incident report? | The i
nstructions on how to correct the fault
Which of the following list contains only non-functional tests? | Interoperabili
ty (compatibility) testing, reliability testing, performance testing
Which of the following project inputs influence testing? | All alternatives are
Which of the following requirements is testable? | The response time shall be le

ss than one second for the specified design load.

Which of the following should NOT normally be an objective for a test? | To prov
e that the software is correct.
Which of the following software change management activities is most vital to as
sessing the impact of proposed software modifications? | Change control
Which of the following statements about reviews is true? | Reviews should be per
formed on specifications, code, and test plans.
Which of the following statements about the component testing standard is false:
| black box design techniques
which of the following statements are true? | Faults in requirements are the mos
t expensive to fix
Which of the following statements contains a valid goal for a functional test se
t? | A goal is to find as many failures as possible
Which of the following statements is correct? | Stress testing tools examine the
Which of the following statements is NOT correct? | A minimal test set that achi
eves 100% statement coverage
Which of the following statements is not true, | Verification activities should
not involve testers (reviews, inspections etc)
Which of the following statements is NOT true: | inspection is appropriate even
Which of the following statements is true about a software verification and vali
dation program? I. It strives to ensure that quality is built into software. |
Which of the following techniques are black box techniques? | Equivalence partit
ioning, state transition testing, decision table testing
Which of the following tools show trends of events : | Check sheet
Which of the following tools shows trends of events? | Control chart
Which of the following tools would be involved in the automation of regression t
est? | Capture/Playback
Which of the following tools would you use to detect a memory leak? | Dynamic an
Which of the following use Scatter diagram : | All of above
Which of the following use Scatter diagram | All
Which of the following would NOT normally form part of a test plan? | Incident r
Which of the following would NOT normally form part of a test plan? | Incident r
which of these activities provides the biggest potential cost saving from the us
e of CAST? | Test execution
Which one is more meaningful to customer and user | Reliability
Which one is more meaningful to customer and user: | Reliability // randomly.
Which one is more meaningful to | Reliability
Which one of the following are non-functional testing methods? | Usability testi
ng, Performance testing
Which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification early in
the life cycle? | It reduces defect multiplication.
Which one of the following statements about system testing is NOT true? | End-us
ers should be involved in system tests.
Which one of the following statements, about capture-replay tools, is NOT correc
t? | They are used to capture and animate user requirements.
Which relation is used mostly in DDA | D-U
Which set of metrics can be used for monitoring of the test execution? | Number
of test cases run / not run; test cases passed / failed
Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage | Control Flow
Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage? It can be appl
ied to human input, input via interfaces to a system, or interface parameters in
integration testing. | Equivalence partitioning
which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage? | Equivalence

Which the following is NOT a white box : | Dataflow testing

Who should be involved in determining risk management | All
Who should involved in determining risk management: | Customer,Developer,Manager
Why can be tester dependent on configuration management? | assures that we know
the exact version of the Test-ware
Why does the boundary value analysis provide good test cases? | errors are frequ
ently made
Why is incremental integration preferred over big bang integration? | incremental
integration has better early
Why is it necessary to define a Test Strategy? | As there are many different w
ays to test software, thought
Why is testing necessary? | testing measures the quality of
You are the test manager and you are about the start the system testing. The dev
eloper team says that due to change in requirements they will be able to deliver
the system to you for testing 5 working days after the due date. You can not ch
ange the resources(work hours, test tools, etc.) What steps you will take to be
able to finish the testing in time. | Rank the functionality as per risk and con
Be bugging? is known as | Adding known defects by seeding
Defect Density? calculated in terms of | The number of defects identified in a co
mponent or system divided by the size of the component or system
Entry criteria? should address questions such as | I, II and IV
How much testing is enough? | The answer depends on the risk for your industry, co
ntract and special requirements
The tracing of requirements for a test level through the layers of a test documen
tation done by | Horizontal traceability
This life cycle model is basically driven by schedule and budget risks This statem
ent is best suited for | V-Model
A measurement tool that is a vertical bar graph based on numerical information
is a | Histogram
Alpha testing is | pre-release testing by end user representatives at the devel
oper?s site
In statistical analysis, the median is | The score in the middle of the respons
It is often possible to improve customer service quality | While also realizing
cost savings and increased profitability
Lost profits are | The number of customers lost, times their average revenue va
lue, times your profit margin
Quality is | Whatever the customer says it is
To know what the customer needs, wants, and expects, you should | Ask the custo
1 We split testing into distinct stages primarily because: | Each test stage has
a different purpose.
1 When what is visible to end-users is a deviation from the specific or | a fail
1. ___________ Testing will be performed by the people at client own locations (
1M) | Field testing
1.Software testing activities should start | as soon as possible in the developm
ent life cycle
10 What is the purpose of test completion criteria in a test plan: | to plan whe
n to stop testing
10 Which one of the following statements about system testing is NOT true? | End
-users should be involved in system tests.
10. Testware(test cases, test dataset) |needs configuration management just like
requirements, design and code
10. The purpose of exit criteria is (2M) | All of the above
10. Which of the following software change management activities is most vital t
o assessing the impact of proposed software modifications | Change control
11 Consider the following statements | i and v are true, ii, iii and iv are fals

11 Which of the following is false? | Incidents should always be fixed.

11. An incident logging system |is a valuable source of project information duri
ng testing if it contains all incidents
11. Which is not the project risks (2M) | Error-prone software delivered
12 Enough testing has been performed when: | the required level of confidence ha
s been achieved.
12 Given the following code, which is true about the minimum number of test | 1
test for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage
12. Increasing the quality of the software, by better development methods, will
affect the |reducing test time
12. Poor software characteristics are (3M) | Only Product risks
12. Which of the following is a requirement of an effective software environment
| Ease of use, Capacity for incremental implementation, Capability of evolving
with the needs of a project
13 Given the following: | 1 test for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage
13 Which of the following is NOT true of incidents? |
13. A test manager wants to use the resources available for the automated testin
g of a web application. The best choice is | Tester, test automater, web special
ist, DBA
13. Coverage measurement |is a partial measure of test thoroughness
13. ________ and ________ are used within individual workbenches to produce the
| Procedures and standards
14 Given the following code, which is true: | 2 tests for statement coverage, 2
for branch coverage
14 Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard? | syntax tes
14. The software engineer's role in tool selection is (3M) | To identify, evalua
te, and rank tools, and recommend tools to management
14. When should you stop testing? |when the test completion criteria have been m
15 Consider the following: | SC = 2 and DC = 3
15 Which of the following is false? | A fault need not affect the reliability of
a system.
15. A _____ is the step-by-step method followed to ensure that standards are met
| Procedure
15. Which of the following is true? | if u find a lot of bugs in testing, you sh
ould not be very confident about the quality of
16 The place to start if you want a (new) test tool is: | Analyse your needs and
16 Which one of the following statements, about capture-replay tools, is NOT | T
hey are used to capture and animate user requirements.
16. What is the important criterion in deciding what testing technique to use? |
the objective of the test
16. Which of the following is the standard for the Software product quality (1M)
| ISO 1926 B. ISO 829 C. ISO 1012 D. ISO 1028
17 How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required? | a &
17 When a new testing tool is purchased, it should be used first by: | Everyone
who may eventually have some use for the tool
17. If the pseudocode below were a programming language ,how many tests are requ
ired to |3
17. Which is not the testing objectives (1M) | Debugging defects
18 What can static analysis NOT find? | Unreachable ( dead ) code
18 Which of the following is true of the V-model? | It includes the verification
of designs.
18. Bug life cycle (1M) | Open, Assigned, Fixed, Closed
18. Using the same code example as question 17,how many tests are required to ac
hieve |3
19 The oracle assumption: | is that the tester can routinely identify the correc
t outcome of a test.

19 Which of the following is NOT a black box technique: | LCSAJ

19 Which of the following is NOT a type of non-functional test? |State-Transitio
19. Which is not the software characteristics (1M) | Scalability
2 Regression testing should be performed: | w & y are true, v, x & z are false
2 Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools |R
egression testing
2. From the below given choices, which A. Sanity testing | Smoke testing
2. System testing should investigate (2M) |Non-functional requirements and Funct
ional requirements
2.Faults found by users are due to: | Poor software and poor testing
20 Beta testing is: | Performed by customers at their own site
20 Which of the following characterises the cost of faults? | They are cheapest
to find in the early development phases and the most
20. Which is not a testing principle (2M) | Exhaustive testing
20. Which of the following tools would you use to detect a memory leak? |Dynamic
21 Given the following types of tool, which tools would typically be used by | d
evelopers would typically use i, iv and vi; test team ii, iii and v
21 Which of the following should NOT normally be an objective for a test? | To f
ind faults in the software.
21. X? has given a data on a person age, which should be between 1 to 99. Using |
0, 1, 99, 100
21. Which of the following is NOT a standard related to testing? |IEEE610
22 The main focus of acceptance testing is: | testing for a business perspective
22 Which of the following is a form of functional testing? | Boundary value anal
22. Which is not the fundamental test process (1M) | None
22.which of the following is the component test standard? |BS7925-2
23 Which of the following statements about the component testing standard is | b
lack box design techniques all have an associated measurement technique
23 which of the following statements are true? |Faults in requirements are the m
ost expensive to fix
23 Which of the following would NOT normally form part of a test plan? | Inciden
t reports
23. Which is not a Component testing (2M) | Check the decision tables
24 Which of the following statements is NOT true: | inspection is appropriate ev
en when there are no written documents
24 Which of these activities provides the biggest potential cost saving from | T
est execution
24. Item transmittal report is also known as | Release note
24. PDCA is known as (1M) | Plan, Do, Check, Act B. Plan, Do, Correct, Act
24. Which of the following is not the integration strategy? |Design based
25 A typical commercial test execution tool would be able to perform all of the
| generating expected outputs
25 Which of the following is NOT a white box technique? | State transition testi
25. Contract and regulation testing is a part of (2M) | Acceptance testing
25. Which of the following is a black box design technique? |equivalence partiti
26 The difference between re-testing and regression testing is | re-testing is r
unning a test again; regression testing looks for unexpected side
26. A program with high cyclometic complexity is almost likely to be: | Difficul
t to test
26. Big bang approach is related to | Integration testing
26. Which is not a black box testing technique (1M) | Decision testing
27 Expected results are: | most useful when specified in advance
27 In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: | 33501
27. Arc testing is known as (2M) | Branch testing B. Agile testing

27. Cause effect graphing is related to the standard | BS 7925/2

27. Which of the following is a static test? |code inspection
28 An important benefit of code inspections is that they: | enable the code to b
e tested before the execution environment is read
28 Test managers should not: | re-allocate resource to meet original plans
28. A software model that can?t be used in functional testing (2M) | Menu struct
ure model
28. Which of the following is the odd one out? |functional
29 Unreachable code would best be found using: | code reviews
29 Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User | Use
r requirements
29. A program validates a numeric field as follows: |3,10,22
29. A test harness is a | A test environment comprised of stubs and drives neede
d to conduct a test
29. Find the mismatch (2M) | Configuration management tools
Check for consistenc
3 IEEE 829 test plan documentation standard contains all of the following | test
3 Which of the following statements is NOT correct? |A minimal test set that ach
ieves 100% statement coverage will generally
3. Which is the non-functional testing (1M) |Performance testing
3.What is the main reason for testing software before releasing it? | to give in
formation for a risk based decision about release
30 A tool that supports traceability, recording of incidents or scheduling of te
sts | a configuration management tool
30 What is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection? | A walk
through is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by a
30. The principle of Cyclomatic complexity, considering L as edges or links, N a
s | L-N +2P
30. Using the same specifications as question 29, which of the following covers
the MOST |9,10,21,22
31 What information need not be included in a test incident report: | the actual
and expected outcomes
31 Which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification | It r
educes defect multiplication.
31. FPA is used to (2M) | To measure the size of the functionality of an Informa
tion system
32 Integration testing in the small: | tests interactions between modules or sub
32 Which expression best matches the following characteristics or review | s = 4
and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v =
32. Which is not a test Oracle (2M) | The code
33 Static analysis is best described as: | the analysis of program code.
33 Which of the following is NOT part of system testing: | top-down integration
33. Find the correct flow of the phases of a formal review (3M) | Planning, Revi
ew meeting, Rework, Follow up
34 Alpha testing is: | pre-release testing by end user representatives at the de
veloper?s site.
34 What statement about expected outcomes is FALSE: | expected outcomes are def
ined by the software?s behaviour
34. Stochastic testing using statistical information or operational profiles use
s the | Model based testing approach
35 A failure is: | departure from specified behaviour.
35 The standard that gives definitions of testing terms is: | BS7925-1
35. A project that is in the implementation phase is six weeks behind schedule.
The | Eliminate some of the requirements that have not yet been implemented.
36 In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: | 5800; 28000; 32000
36 The cost of fixing a fault: | Increases as we move the product towards live u

36. One person has been dominating the current software process improvement | Wa
it for the person to pause, acknowledge the person? s opinion, and ask for
37 The most important thing about early test design is that it: | can prevent fa
ult multiplication.
37 Which of the following is NOT included in the Test Plan document of the Test
| Quality plans
37. Maintenance releases and technical assistance centers are examples of which
of | External failure
38 Could reviews or inspections be considered part of testing: | Yes, because bo
th help detect faults and improve quality
38 Which of the following statements about reviews is true? | Reviews should be
performed on specifications, code, and test plans.
39 Test cases are designed during: | test specification.
39 Which of the following is not part of performance testing: | Recovery testing
4 Testing should be stopped when: | it depends on the risks for the system being
4 Which of the following requirements is testable? |The response time shall be l
ess than one second for the specified design
4. Be bugging? is known as | Adding known defects by seeding
4. which of the following statements is not true | Verification activities shoul
d not involve testers (reviews, inspections etc)
4. Who is responsible for document all the issues, problems and open point that
were | Performance testing
40 A configuration management system would NOT normally provide: | facilities to
compare test results with expected results.
40 Error guessing is best used | After more formal techniques have been applied
5 Analyse the following highly simplified procedure: |The response time shall be
less than one second for the specified design
5 Order numbers on a stock control system can range between 10000 and | 10000, 5
0000, 9999
5. What is the main purpose of Informal review (2M) |Inexpensive way to get some
5. When reporting faults found to developers, testers should be | All of the ab
6 Consider the following statements about early test design: | i, iii & iv are t
rue. Ii & v are false
6 Error guessing: | supplements formal test design techniques.
6. Purpose of test design technique is (1M) | Not Identifying test conditions, I
dentifying test cases only
6. When testing a grade calculation syst90 to 100 will yield a grade of A, but s
coas | Equivalence partitioning
6.In which order should tests be run? | the most important tests first
7 Non-functional system testing includes: | testing quality attributes of the sy
stem including performance and usability
7 Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria? | A measure of t
est coverage criteria is the percentage of faults found.
7. All of the following might be done dur | Manual support testing
7. The later in the development life cycle a fault is discovered, the more expen
sive it is to | the fault has been built into more documentation,code,tests, etc
7. ___________ technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage (1M) |
Equivalence partitioning
8 Test coverage criteria can be measured in terms of items exercised by a priori
tising what to test, the most important objective is to: | test high risk areas.
8 Which of the following is NOT part of configuration management: | auditing con
formance to ISO9001
8. Find the Min number of tests to ensure that each statement is executed at lea
st | 6

8. Use cases can be performed to test (2M) | Business scenarios

8. Which is not true-The black box tester |should be able to understand the sour
ce code.
9 Given the following sets of test management terms (v-z), and activity |v-3,w-4
9 Which of the following is the main purpose of the integration strategy for | t
o specify which modules to combine when and how many at once
9. A test design technique is | a process for selecting test cases
9. Which of the following characteristics is primarily associated with software
reusability | The extent to which the software can be used in other applications
9. ________________ testing is performed at the developing organization?s site |
Alpha testing
A branching node is : | A node associated with multiple outlink
A common test technique during component test is | Statement and branch testing
A common test technique during component test is | Statement and branch testing
A configuration management system would NOT normally provide | facilities to com
pare test results with expected results
A configuration management system would NOT normally provide: | Facilities to co
mpare test results with expected results.
A failure is | departure from specified behaviour
A failure is: | Departure from specified behavior.
A junction node is : | A node associated with multiple inlink
A measurement tool that is a collection of data points, plotted on a graph accor
ding to time is | A run chart
A measurement tool that is based on characteristics of a product, process, or se
rvice is a | Pareto chart
A measurement tool that looks like a skeleton of a fish is | A cause-and-effect
A measurement tool that shows statistically-determined upper and lower limits is
| A control chart
A measurement tool that studies the potential relationship between two variables
is a | Scatter diagram
A non-measurable aspect of customer service is | A customer?s anxiet y level
A number of critical bugs are fixed in software. All the bugs are in one module,
related to reports. The test manager decides to do regression testing only on t
he reports module. | Regression testing should be done on other modules as well
because fixing one module may affect other modules
A program validates a numeric field as follows values less than 10 are rejected,
values between 10 and 21 are accepted, values greater than or equal to 22 are r
ejected | 3,10,22
A program validates a numeric field as follows: | 3,10,22
A program with high Cyclo-metric complexity is almost likely to be: | Difficult
to test
A program with high cyclometic complexity is almost likely to be | Difficult to
A project manager has been transferred to a major software development project t
hat is in the implementation phase. The highest priority for this project manage
r should be to | Learn the project objectives and the existing project plan
A test design technique is | a process for selecting test cases
A test design technique is | a process for selecting test cases
A test harness is a | A test environment comprised of stubs and drives needed to
conduct a test
A tool that supports traceability, recording of incidents or scheduling of tests
is called: | a configuration management tool
A type of integration testing in which software elements, hardware elements, or
both are combined all at once into a component or an overall system, rather than
in stages. | Big-Bang Testing
A typical commercial test execution tool could be able to perform all of the fol
lowing EXCEPT : | Generating expected output
A typical commercial test execution tool would be able to perform all of the fol

lowing Except | Generating expected outputs

Acceptance test cases are based on what | Requirements
Acceptance test cases are based on what? | Requirement
All of the following might be done during unit testing except | Manual support t
Alpha testing is | pre-release testing by end user representatives at the develo
per?s site
Alpha testing is: | Pre-release testing by end user representatives at the devel
oper?s site.
An important benefit of code inspections is that they | enable the code to be te
sted before the execution environment is ready
An important benefit of code inspections is that they: | Can be performed by the
person who wrote the code.
An important benefit of code inspections is that they: | enable the code to be t
ested before the execution environment is ready.
An incident logging system | is a valuable source of project information during
testing if it contains all incidents
An incident logging system | is a valuable source of project information during
testing if it contains all incidents d. should be used only by the test team.
An input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2004 | 1899,1900,2004,20
An input field takes the years of birth between 1900 and 2009. The boundary valu
e for testing this field are : | 1900,2009
Analyse the following highly simplified procedure | 3
Analyze the following highly simplified procedure: | 3
Any further amount is taxed at 40% | 33501
as a Pareto chart, a histogram, or a run chart is | Stratification
Basic quality tool (NOT): | Check list
Beta testing is: | Performed by customers at their own site
Big bang approach is related to | Integration testing
Boundary value testing | Test boundary conditions on, below and above the edges
of input and output
Boundary value testing | Test boundary conditions on, below and above the edges
of input and output equivalence classes
Branching nude is | Multiple outlink
But developer rejects the same, saying that it?s not a bug. What X? should do |
Send to the detailed information of the bug encountered and check the
Cleanroom process is developed base on | Combines math reasoning during specific
ation and design
Code Coverage is used as a measure of what | Test Effectiveness
Code Coverage is used as a measure of what? | Test Effectiveness
Consider the following statements about early test design | i, iii & iv are true
. Ii & v are false
Consider the following statements | i and v are true, ii, iii and iv are false
Consider the following: | SC = 2 and DC = 3
COTS is known as | Commercial off the shelf software
Could reviews or inspections be considered part of testing: | Yes, because both
help detect faults and improve quality
Coverage measurement | is a partial measure of test thoroughness
Customer complains more than one time that the date in weekly reports in the dat
e carefully.To which cause category can the above problem be classified? | Overs
Customers can help to implement your customer service program by | All of the ab
Data flow analysis studies | the use of data on paths through the code
Data flow analysis studies: | The use of data on paths through the code.
Defect prevention is request by which level of CMM | 3
Defect prevention is requested by which level of CMM? | 5
Demographic information | Is a way to classify individual
documentation done by | Horizontal tracebility B. Depth tracebility

During the software development process, at what point can the test process star
t | When the software requirements have been approved
During the software development process, at what point can the test process star
t? | When the software requirements have been approved.
During the testing of a module tester X? finds a bug and assigned it to developer
. But developer rejects the same, saying that it?s not a bug. What X? should do?
| Send to the detailed information of the bug encountered and check the reproduc
Enough testing has been performed when | the required level of confidence has be
en achieved
Enough testing has been performed when: | The required level of confidence has b
een achieved.
Error guessing is best used | After more formal techniques have been applied
Error guessing | supplements formal test design techniques
Error guessing: | supplements formal test design techniques.
Expected results are: | most useful when specified in advance
Expert based test estimation is also known as | Wide band Delphi
Fault Masking is | Error condition hiding another error condition
Fault Masking is | Error condition hiding another error condition
Faults found by users are due to: | Poor software and poor testing
Finding a company that is best at something and comparing your efforts in the sa
me area to theirs defines | Benchmarking
finish the testing in time | Rank the functionality as per risk and concentrate
more on critical functionality
Focus of CFT: | Execution path
following pairs | A product distributed to several sites A product with a single
Following tools show trends of event | Check sheet
Force field analysis can be defined as a way to | Compare forces going with you
and forces going against you
From the below given choices, which one is the Confidence testing? | Smoke testin
Gaps between customers and providers are based primarily on |Provider and custom
er perception differences
Given the code which is true about the minimum Huber of test cases requirement f
or full statement and branch coverage? | 1 test for statement coverage, 2 for br
anch coverage
Given the following code, which is true about the minimum number of test cases r
equired for full statement and branch coverage: | 1 test for statement coverage,
2 for branch coverage
Given the Following program IF X < Y THEN Statement 1; ELSE IF Y >= Z THEN State
ment 2; END | 3
Given the following sets of test management terms (v-z), and activity descriptio
ns (1-5), which one of the following best pairs the two sets | v-3,w-4,x-1,y-5,z
Given the following sets of test management terms (v-z), and activity descriptio
ns (1-5), which one of the following best pairs the two sets? | v-3,w-4,x-1,y-5,
Given the following types of tool, which tools would typically be used by develo
pers and which by an independent test team: | developers would typically use i a
nd iv; test team ii, iii, v and vi
How many decisions should be tested in this code in order to achieve 100% decisi
on coverage? | 2
How many steps are there in Fagan inspection model? | 6
How many test cases are necessary to cover all the possible sequences of stateme
nts (paths) for the following program fragment? Assume that the two conditions a
re independent of each other | 4 Test Cases
How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required | a & b
How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required | a & b
How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required? | a & b

IEEE 829 test plan documentation standard contains all of the following except:
| test specification
If the pseudo code below were a programming language, how many tests are require
d to achieve 100% statement coverage? | 3
If the pseudocode below were a programming language ,how many tests are required
to achieve 100% statement coverage | 3
If your product or service meets all your internal requirements, you can be conf
ident that your customer will be satisfied | False
If your task is to test the status tracking, which method would be best? | State
transition testing
In a flight reservation system, the number of available seats in each plane mode
l is an input. | 0, 1, capacity, capacity plus 1
In a inspection meeting a moderator is a person who | Mediates between people
In a review meeting a moderator is a person who | Mediates between people
In a review meeting a moderator is a person who | Mediates between people
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid An employee has 4000 of salar
y tax free. The next 1500 is taxed at 10% The next 28000 is taxed at 22% Any furth
er amount is taxed at 40% To the nearest whole pound, which of these is a valid
Boundary Value Analysis test case | 33501
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: | 33501
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: | 5800; 28000; 32000
In constructing questions for a survey | Address each question to only one thoug
In foundation level syllabus you will find the main basic principles of testing.
Which of the following sentences describes one of these basic principles? | For
a software system, it is not possible, under normal conditions, to test all inp
ut and preconditions
In prioritising what to test, the most important objective is to | test high ris
k areas
In prioritising what to test, the most important objective is to | test high ris
k areasWhich one of the following statements about system testing is NOT true |
End-users should be involved in system tests
In prioritizing what to test, the most important objective is to: | Test high ri
sk areas.
In system testing... | .. Both functional and non-functional requirements are t
o be tested
In which order should tests be run | the most important tests first
In which order should tests be run? | the most important tests first
Incorrect form of Logic coverage is | Pole Coverage
Incorrect form of Logic coverage is: | Pole Coverage
Increasing the quality of the software, by better development methods, will affe
ct the time needed for testing (the test phases) by: | reducing test time
Increasing the quality of the software, by better development methods, will affe
ct the time needed for testing (the test phases) | reducing test time
Independent Verification & Validation is | Done by an Entity Outside the Project s
sphere of influence
Independent Verification & Validation is | done by an Entity outside the Project
?s sphere of influence
information system | I, III &IV
Integration testing has following characteristics | I, III and IV are correct
Integration testing in the small | tests interactions between modules or subsyst
Integration testing in the small: | Tests interactions between modules or subsys
integration testing | Equivalence partitioning
Item transmittal report is also known as | Release note
Junction nude is | Multiple inlink
Likely to benefit most from user of auto test tool | Unit and System
Maintenance testing is: | Triggered by modifications, migration or retirement of
existing software

Minimal number of test case to test determine loop | 7

Mitigating of a risk is planned to | Avoid the occurrence of the risk
Node for conditional definition of certain data: | Selector
Non-functional system testing includes: | testing quality attributes of the syst
em including performance and usability
Not a focus of defect prevention | Person who : >
Not a white box technique | Data flow
Not characteristic of DDGs | Multiple out link
Not correct about DFT construction | Black box is used more
Not define in Iso 9000 | How to manage quality
Not parameter of queuing test | Batching
Not sub-type of Product specific models | Dynamic model
Not the responsibility of the leader in causal analysis meeting | Record
One Key reason why developers have difficulty testing their own work is | Lack o
f Objectivity
One Key reason why developers have difficulty testing their own work is: | Lack
of Objectivity
Order numbers on a stock control system can range between 10000 and 99999 inclus
ive. | 10000, 50000, 99999
Pick the best definition of quality | Conformance to requirements
Pick the best definition of quality | Conformance to requirements
Place to start if to want to test tool | Your requirement
platoon of testers sitting around for days | Test managers faults only
Poor quality software | Poor software and poor testing
Poor software and poor testing | to give information for a risk based decision
about release
Problem of testing for a lop | Too much execution
providing test capture and replay facilities | Regression testing
Purpose of Cause-Effect diagram is not | Determine what are problem
Qualitative research differs from quantitative research in that | Quantitative r
esearch uses a predetermined standard
Regression testing should be performed: | w & y are true, v, x & z are false
Relation is used in DDA | D-U
replacement systems | Migration testing
respondentsRegarding statistical analysis | Applying the analysis is the final s
Risk relates to which of the follow | Negative consequences could occur
running program during system testing is to | Check the technical accuracy of th
e document
Secondary data differs from primary data in that it is more expensive | False
should be to | Establish a relationship with the customer
Software testing activities should start | as soon as possible in the developme
nt life cycle
Software testing activities should start | as soon as possible in the developmen
t life cycle
stages | Big-Bang Testing
Statement Coverage will not check for the following | Missing Statements
statement is best suited for | V-Model
Static test: | Walk through
Static analysis is best described as | the analysis of program code
Static analysis is best described as: | The analysis of program code.
Static test is another name for : | Walk through
Static test is another name for | Walk-through inspection
Static test is another name for? | Walk-through inspection
system integration testing after system testing | V-Model
Test cases are designed during | test specification
Test cases are designed during: | Test specification.
Test charters are used in ________ testing | Exploratory testing B. Usability t
Test managers should not: | re-allocate resource to meet original plans

Test-ware (test cases, test dataset) | needs configuration management just like
requirements, design and code
Testing of software used to convert data from existing systems for use in replac
ement systems | Migration testing
Testing should be stopped when: | it depends on the risks for the system being
Testware(test cases, test dataset) | needs configuration management just like r
equirements, design and code
The cost of fixing a fault | Increases as we move the product towards live use
The cost of fixing a fault: | Increases as we move the product towards live use
The difference between re-testing and regression testing is | re-testing is runn
ing a test again; regression testing looks for unexpected side effects
The easiest technique for measuring the frequency of poor quality events is | Ch
eck sheet
The following list contains risks that have been identified for a software produ
ct to be developed. Which of these risks is an example of a product risk? | Thre
at to a patient?s life
The later in the development life cycle a fault is discovered, the more expensiv
e it is to fix. why | the fault has been built into more documentation,code,tes
ts, etc
The later in the development life cycle a fault is discovered, the more expensiv
e it is to fix. why? | the fault has been built into more documentation, code, t
ests, etc
The main focus of acceptance testing is: | testing for a business perspective
The main purpose of recording defects of inspection is: | To collect defect data
for future using
The most important thing about early test design is that it | can prevent fault
The most important thing about early test design is that it, | Can prevent fault
The node for conditional definition of certain are called as : | Selector node
The nodes for conditional of certain date are called as | Selector nodes
The oracle assumption | is that the tester can routinely identify the correct ou
tcome of a tes
The oracle assumption | is that the tester can routinely identify the correct ou
tcome of a test
The oracle assumption: | Is that the tester can routinely identify the correct o
utcome of a test.
The place to start if you want a (new) test tool is: | Analyze your needs and re
The primary goal of comparing a user manual with the actual behavior of the runn
ing program during system testing is to | Check the technical accuracy of the do
The purpose of cause effect diagram using is : | Determine possible cause of a p
The purpose of cause effect diagram using is not to | Determine what are the pro
The standard that gives definitions of testing terms is: | BS7925-1
The value of focus groups improves if run by an outside facilitator | True
There is one application, which runs on a single terminal. There is another appl
ication that works on multiple terminals. What are the test techniques you will
use on the second application that you would not do on the first application? |
Update & Rollback, Response time
To test a function, the programmer has to write a
, which cal
ls the function to be tested and passes it test data. | Driver
To test a function, the programmer has to write a _________, which calls the fun
ction to be tested and passes it test data | Driver
Typical commercial test execution tool would be able to perform | Generating exp
ected output
Unreachable code would best be found using: | code reviews

use on the second application that you would not do on the first application |
Update & Rollback, Response time
Using the same code example as question 17,how many tests are required to achiev
e 100% branch/decision coverage | 3
Using the same specifications as question 29, which of the following covers the
MOST boundary values | 9,10,21,22
Using the same specifications as question 29, which of the following covers the
MOST boundary values? | 9,10,21,22
V-Model is: | A software development model that illustrates how testing activiti
es integrate with
We split testing into distinct stages primarily because | Each test stage has a
different purpose
We split testing into distinct stages primarily because | Each test stage has a
different purpose.
We split testing into distinct stages primarily because: | Each test stage has a
different purpose.
What are the potential benefit from using tools in general to support testing |
Greater repeatability of tests, reduction in respective work, objective assessme
What can static analysis NOT find? | Whether the value stored in a variable is c
What information need not be included in a test incident report: | the actual an
d expected outcomes
What is focus of CFT ? | Execution path
What is key feature of Cleanroom? | The Cleanroom approach combines math reasoni
ng during specification and design
What is not a fours of defect prevention ? | Person who made the defect
What is NOT an activity cause analysis : | Identify the common defect
What is not defined in ISO 9000 | How to manage the quality
What is NOT focus of defect prevention : | Person who made the defect
What is the form of CFT | Data dependencies
What is the important criterion in deciding what testing technique to use | the
objective of the test
What is the important criterion in deciding what testing technique to use? | the
objective of the test
What is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection | A walk-thr
ough is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by trained moderator
What is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection | A walkthro
ugh is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by a trained moderator
what is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection? | A walkthr
ough is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by a trained moderator.
What is the main reason for testing software before releasing it | to give infor
mation for a risk based decision about release
What is the minimal number of test case to test a deterministic loop? | 7
What is the minimal number of test cases to test a deterministic loop? | 7
What is the problems of testing for loop ? | Execute too many test case
What is the purpose of test completion criteria in a test plan: | to plan when t
o stop testing
What is the purpose of test exit criteria in the test plan? | To specify when to
stop the testing activity
What makes an inspection different from other review types? | It is led by a tra
ined leader, uses formal entry and exit criteria and checklists
What statement about expected outcomes is FALSE: | expected outcomes are defined
by the software?s behavior
What steps you will take to be able to finish the testing in time. | Rank the fu
nctionality as per risk and concentrate more on critical functionality testing
What test items should be put under configuration management? | The test object,
the test material and the test environment
When a new testing tool is purchased, it should be used first by: | Everyone who
may eventually have some use for the tool

When reporting faults found to developers, testers should be | All of the above
When reporting faults found to developers, testers should be: | All of the above
When should you stop testing | when the test completion criteria have been met
When should you stop testing? | when the test completion criteria have been met
When testing a grade calculation system, a tester determines that all scores fro
m 90 to 100 will yield a grade of A, but scores below 90 will not. This analysis
is known as: | Equivalence partitioning
When what is visible to end-users is a deviation from the specific or expected b
ehavior, this is called: | a failure
Which activity is not performed in cleanroom lifecycle? | Statistical testing
Which expression best matches the following characteristics or review processes:
| s = 4 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 1
Which is not a basic quality tool? | Checklist
Which is NOT a characteristic of DDGs? | Multiple out links
Which is not sub-type of product-specific models | Dynamic model
Which is not sub-type of Product-specific models? | Dynamic model
Which is not true-The black box tester | should be able to understand the source
Which is not true-The black box tester | should be able to understand the source
Which likely benefit most of the use of automation test tool ? | System test
Which more meaning full to customer and user | Reliability
Which of the following activities differentiate a walkthrough from a formal revi
ew? | For a walkthrough individual preparation by the reviewers is optional
Which of the following can be root cause of a bug in a software product? | (I)
through (IV) are correct
Which of the following characterises the cost of faults | They are cheapest to f
ind in the early development phases and the most expensive to fix in the latest
test phases
Which of the following characterises the cost of faults | They are cheapest to f
ind in the early development phases and the most expensive to fix in the |
Which of the following characteristics is primarily associated with software reu
sability? | The extent to which the software can be used in other applications
Which of the following characterizes the cost of faults? | They are cheapest to
find in the early development phases and the most expensive to fix in the latest
test phases.
Which of the following does not belong to 7 basic quality tools? | Pie chart
Which of the following functions is typically supported by a software quality in
formation system? | I, III &IV
Which of the following is a black box design technique | equivalence partitionin
Which of the following is a black box design technique? | equivalence partitioni
Which of the following is a form of functional testing | Boundary value analysis
Which of the following is a form of functional testing? | Boundary value analysi
Which of the following is a requirement of an effective software environment? |
Which of the following is a static test | code inspection
Which of the following is a static test? | code inspection
Which of the following is a valid collection of equivalence classes for the foll
owing problem: An integer field shall contain values from and including 1 to and
including 15 | Less than 1, 1 through 15, more than 15
Which of the following is correct about static analysis tools | They help you f
ind defects rather than failures
Which of the following is correct about static analysis tools? | Compilers may o
ffer some support for static analysis
Which of the following is false | A system is necessarily more reliable after de
bugging for the removal of a fault
Which of the following is false | Incidents should always be fixe

Which of the following is false | Incidents should always be fixed

which of the following is false? | A system is necessarily more reliable after d
ebugging for the removal of a fault.
Which of the following is false? | Incidents should always be fixed.
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools prov
iding test capture and replay facilities | Regression testing
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools prov
iding test capture and replay facilities? | Regression testing
Which of the following is most often considered as components interface bug? | F
or two components exchanging data, one component used metric units; the other on
e used British units
Which of the following is NOT a black box technique: | LCSAJ
Which of the following is not a quality characteristic listed in ISO 9126 Standa
rd | Supportability
Which of the following is not a quality characteristic listed in ISO 9126 Standa
rd? | Supportability
Which of the following is NOT a standard related to testing | IEEE610
Which of the following is NOT a standard related to testing? | IEEE610
Which of the following is NOT a type of non-functional test | State-Transition
which of the following is NOT a type of non-functional test? | State-Transition
Which of the following is NOT a white box technique | State transition testing
Which of the following is NOT a white box technique | State transition testing
which of the following is NOT a white box technique? | State transition testing
Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard | stress testing
Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard | stress testing
Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard? | stress testin
Which of the following is NOT included in the Test Plan document of the Test Doc
umentation Standard: | Quality plans
Which of the following is NOT part of configuration management: | auditing confo
rmance to ISO9001
Which of the following is not part of performance testing: | Recovery testing
Which of the following is NOT part of system testing: | top-down integration tes
Which of the following is not the integration strategy | Design based
Which of the following is not the integration strategy? | Design based
Which of the following is NOT true of incidents | Incident resolution is the res
ponsibility of the author of the software under test
Which of the following is NOT true of incidents | Incident resolution is the res
ponsibility of the author of the software under test.
Which of the following is NOT true of incidents? | Incident resolution is the re
sponsibility of the author of the software under test.
Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria | A measure of test
coverage criteria is the percentage of faults found
Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria? | A measure of tes
t coverage criteria is the percentage of faults found.
Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User Acceptan
ce Test scripts | User requirements
Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User Acceptan
ce Test scripts? | User requirements
which of the following is the component test standard | BS7925-2
which of the following is the component test standard? | BS7925-2
Which of the following is the main purpose of the integration strategy for integ
ration testing in the small? | to specify which modules to combine when and how
many at once
Which of the following is the odd one out | functiona
Which of the following is the odd one out? | functional
Which of the following is true of the V-model | It includes the verification of

Which of the following is true of the V-model? | It includes the verification of

Which of the following is true | if u find a lot of bugs in testing, you should
not be very confident about the quality of software
Which of the following is true? | if u find a lot of bugs in testing, you should
not be very confident about the quality of software
Which of the following is true? | Testing is a part of quality assurance
Which of the following items need not to be given in an incident report? | The i
nstructions on how to correct the fault
Which of the following list contains only non-functional tests? | Interoperabili
ty (compatibility) testing, reliability testing, performance testing
Which of the following project inputs influence testing? | All alternatives are
Which of the following requirements is testable | The response time shall be les
s than one second for the specified design load
Which of the following requirements is testable? | response time shall be less t
han one second for the specified design load.
Which of the following should NOT normally be an objective for a test | To prove
that the software is correct
Which of the following should NOT normally be an objective for a test? | To prov
e that the software is correct.
Which of the following software change management activities is most vital to as
sessing the impact of proposed software modifications? | Change control
Which of the following statements about reviews is true | Reviews should be perf
ormed on specifications, code, and test plans
Which of the following statements about reviews is true? | Reviews should be per
formed on specifications, code, and test plans.
Which of the following statements about the component testing standard is false:
| black box design techniques all have an associated measurement technique
which of the following statements are true | Faults in requirements are the most
expensive to fix
which of the following statements are true? | Faults in requirements are the mos
t expensive to fix
Which of the following statements contains a valid goal for a functional test se
t? | A goal is to find as many failures as possible so that the cause of the fai
lures can be identified and fixed
Which of the following statements is correct? | Stress testing tools examine the
behaviour of the test object at or beyond full load
Which of the following statements is NOT correct | A minimal test set that achie
ves 100% statement coverage will generally detect more faults than one that achi
eves 100% branch coverage
Which of the following statements is NOT correct? | A minimal test set that achi
eves 100% statement coverage will generally detect more faults than one that ach
ieves 100% branch coverage.
which of the following statements is not true | Verification activities should n
ot involve testers (reviews, inspections etc)
Which of the following statements is not true, | Verification activities should
not involve testers (reviews, inspections etc)
Which of the following statements is NOT true: | inspection is appropriate even
when there are no written documents
Which of the following statements is true about a software verification and vali
dation program? | I, II&IV
Which of the following techniques are black box techniques? | Equivalence partit
ioning, state transition testing, decision table testing
Which of the following tools show trends of events : | Check sheet
Which of the following tools would be involved in the automation of regression t
est | Capture/Playback
Which of the following tools would you use to detect a memory leak | Dynamic ana
Which of the following use Scatter diagram | All

Which of the following would NOT normally form part of a test plan | Incident re
which of these activities provides the biggest potential cost saving from the us
e of CAST? | Test execution
Which one is more meaningful to customer and user | Reliability
Which one of the following are non-functional testing methods | Both b & c
Which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification early in
the life cycle? | It reduces defect multiplication.
Which one of the following statements about system testing is NOT true | End-use
rs should be involved in system tests
Which one of the following statements, about capture-replay tools, is NOT correc
t? | They are used to capture and animate user requirements.
Which relation is used mostly in DDA | D-U
Which set of metrics can be used for monitoring of the test execution? | Number
of test cases run / not run; test cases passed / failed
Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage | Control Flow
Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage? It can be appl
ied to human input, input via interfaces to a system, or interface parameters in
integration testing. | Equivalence partitioning
which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage? | Equivalence
Which the following is NOT a white box : | Dataflow testing
Who should involved in determining risk management: | All
Why can be tester dependent on configuration management? | Because configuration
management assures that we know the exact version of the
Why does the boundary value analysis provide good test cases? | Because errors a
re frequently made during programming of the different cases near the edges? of t
he range of values
Why is incremental integration preferred over big bang integration? | Because incr
emental integration has better early defects screening and isolation ability
Why is it necessary to define a Test Strategy? | As there are many different way
s to test software, thought must be given to decide what will be the most effect
ive way to test the project on hand.
Why is testing necessary? | Because testing measures the quality of the software
system and helps to increase the quality
you have taken on the test plan | Improve super vision, More reviews of artifact
s or program means stage
what is the ability of software to be transferred from one enviromment to anothe
in which step of quality improvenment paradigm is not pilot implemented...|asses
which order of the scope and content hierarchy is correct?|testing, quality assu
rance, and software quality engineering
what is a defect?|all other items
fault tolerance implementation using recovery blocks slows down normal processin
g|operational cost
when is effort of QA activities peak?|before releases
which is not a generic step of test model construction?|generate test cases
from which item can defects not detected directly by the inspection?|program exe
which is the preferred approach to quality planning?|develop a quality plan - up
dating may be needed during excution
what is the focus of the education and traning for developers familiar with form
al verification and statistical testing?|product and domain specific knowledge
what is the capability of software to maintain its performance under stated cond
itions for a stated time period?|reliability
which model for FSMs is used in book "software quality engineering"?|mealy model
what is the focus of descriptive specifications?|the properties associated with

sofware prodcuts and their components

which tool supports testing of multi-network types strongly?|jmetter
what is the strategy error source removal for defect prevention?|it identifies c
ommon error sources and removing them
which of the following tools is used for data collection?|check sheet
what are intermediate nodes in DDG|neither input nor output nodes
which is not an orthogonal defect classification (ODC)|defect model
what is the different between segment and path?|path includes initial and exit n
what is an operation profile|it is white-box testing
what is the focus of failure containment techniques?|prevention before accidents
which one is not generic method for information gathering and OP construcion?|in
which organization has iniially developed the model orthogonal defect classifica
tion (ODC)?|IBM
which QA alternative is selected for defect containment?|fault tolerance
which test technique is used to verifi that a web site can...|load testing
which property can be ussured with formal specifications?|all other items
what is correct about the collection of defect data?|all other items
which is not correct about verification and validation in software processes?|te
am can only focus on validation and ignore verification
what is not a basic element of FSMs mapping to web-based applications?|each stat
e or transition represents an individual operation
which background knowledge is not requested to start the SQAT lectures?|product
and domain specific knowledge
what is logical analysis in defect prevention?|all other items
what is/are general approach(es) commonly used to analyze reliability?|time doma
in approach and input domain approach
what is the purpose of risk if it occurs|to avoid the occurrence of the risk
which QA alternative is better at detecting interaction problems involving multi
ple comonents?|testing
which is a step of extreme point combination (EPC) stragety?|all other steps
what is the deinition of a linear boundary?|a1.x1 + a2.x2 +...+ an.xn = K
which is not a product segment of segmented models?|customized software
what is the purpose of regression test?|to ensure the dect has been removed
what is duplication technique of fault tolerance?|parallel running of multiple p
what is not a key feature of cleanroom?|all other items
what is data flow testing?|the verification of correct handling of data..
what is used to measure the effectiveness of inspections|the number and severity
of defects found by ispection
what is another name of black-box-testing?|functional testing
what is the rule of usage-based statistical testing?|products should....time
what is not correct about testing and inspection?|testing and inspection...alter
what does it correspond in FSMs when we start a web browser?|final state
what is the focus of system test?|how the system works as a whole under the oper
ational environment
what is the limitation of boundary testing?|how to check the output
in how many generic ways can defect containment be done?|3
the leader indentifies documents to inspect...|planning
what is the purpose of level 4 in cmmi?|process quantitatively...
in which phases of waterfall process in defect..|requirement analysis and design
what is not an activity of analysis and follow-up for failed run|criticize the o
wner of the defect
what is the ability of software to be transferred from one|portability input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2004 the boundary valu
es for testing this field are | c.1899,1900,2004,2005
2.which one of the following are non-functional testing methods? | d.both b & c

3.which of the following tools would be involved in the automation of regression

test? | c.capture/playback
4.incorrect form of logic coverage is: | b.pole coverage
5.which of the following is not a quality characteristic listed in iso 9126 stan
dard? | c.supportability test a function, the programmer has to write a function to be tested and pa
sses it test data. | b.driver
7.boundary value testing | b.test boundary conditions on, below and above the ed
ges of input and output
8.pick the best definition of quality | c.conformance to requirements
9.fault masking is | a.error condition hiding another error condition key reason why developers have difficulty testing their own work is : | d
.lack of objectivity
11.during the software development process, at what point can the test process s
tart? | c.when the software requirements have been approved. a review meeting a moderator is a person who | b.mediates between people
13.given the following program if x < y then statement 1; else if y >= z then st
atement 2; end mccabe s cyclomatic complexity is : | b.3 many test cases are necessary to cover all the possible sequences of stat
ements (paths) for the following program fragment? assume that the two condition
s are independent of each other : if (condition 1) then statement 1 else statemen
t 2 fi if (condition 2) then statement 3 fi
| c.4 test cases
15. acceptance test cases are based on what? | a.requirements
16. how much testing is enough? | c.the answer depends on the risk for your indust
ry, contract and special requirements
17. a common test technique during component test is | a.statement and branch te
18.statement coverage will not check for the following. | a.missing statements
19.independent verification & validation is | d.done by an entity outside the pr
oject s sphere of influence
20.code coverage is used as a measure of what ? | c.test effectiveness testing activities should start | d. as soon as possible in the devel
opment life cycle
2.faults found by users are due to: | b. poor software and poor testing
3.what is the main reason for testing software before releasing it? | d. to give
information for a risk based decision about release
4. which of the following statements is not true | c. verification activities sh
ould not involve testers (reviews, inspections etc)
5. when reporting faults found to developers, testers should be: | d. all of the
above which order should tests be run? | a. the most important tests first
7. the later in the development life cycle a fault is discovered, the more expen
sive it is to fix. why? | c. the fault has been built into more documentation,co
de,tests, etc
8. which is not true-the black box tester | b. should be able to understand the
source code.
9. a test design technique is | a. a process for selecting test cases
10. testware(test cases, test dataset) | a. needs configuration management just
like requirements, design and code
11. an incident logging system | c. is a valuable source of project information
during testing if it contains all incidents
12. increasing the quality of the software, by better development methods, will
affect the time needed for testing (the test phases) by: | a. reducing test time
13. coverage measurement | b. is a partial measure of test thoroughness
14. when should you stop testing? | c. when the test completion criteria have be
en met
15. which of the following is true? | b. if u find a lot of bugs in testing, you
should not be very confident about the quality of software
16. what is the important criterion in deciding what testing technique to use? |
b. the objective of the test

17. if the pseudocode below were a programming language ,how many tests are requ
ired to achieve 100% statement coverage? 1. if x=3 then 2. display_messagex; 3.
if y=2 then 4. display_messagey; 5. else 6. display_messagez; 7. else 8. display
_messagez; | c. 3
18. using the same code example as question 17,how many tests are required to ac
hieve 100% branch/decision coverage? | c. 3
19. which of the following is not a type of non-functional test? | a. state-tran
20. which of the following tools would you use to detect a memory leak? | c. dyn
amic analysis
21. which of the following is not a standard related to testing? | b. ieee610
22.which of the following is the component test standard? | d. bs7925-2
23. which of the following statements are true? | c. faults in requirements are
the most expensive to fix
24. which of the following is not the integration strategy? | a. design based
25. which of the following is a black box design technique? | b. equivalence par
26. a program with high cyclometic complexity is almost likely to be: | d. diffi
cult to test
27. which of the following is a static test? | a. code inspection
28. which of the following is the odd one out? | d. functional
29. a program validates a numeric field as follows:values less than 10 are rejec
ted, values between 10 and 21 are acepted, values greater than or equal to 22 ar
e rejected which of the following input values cover all of the equivalence part
itions? | c. 3,10,22
30. using the same specifications as question 29, which of the following covers
the most boundary values? | b. 9,10,21,22
1) we split testing into distinct stages primarily because: | each test stage ha
s a different purpose.
2) which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools p
roviding test capture and replay facilities? | regression testing
3) which of the following statements is not correct? | a minimal test set that a
chieves 100% statement coverage will generally detect more faults than one that
achieves 100% branch coverage.
4) which of the following requirements is testable? | the response time shall be
less than one second for the specified design load.
5) analyse the following highly simplified procedure: ask: what type of ticket do
you require, single or return? if the customer wants return? ask: what rate, stand
ard or cheap-day? if the customer replies cheap-day? say: that will be 11:20 else say
: that will be 19:50 endif else say: that will be 9:75 endif now decide the minimum nu
mber of tests that are needed to ensure that all the questions have been asked,
all combinations have occurred and all replies given. | 3
6) error guessing: | supplements formal test design techniques.
7) which of the following is not true of test coverage criteria? | a measure of
test coverage criteria is the percentage of faults found.
8) in prioritising what to test, the most important objective is to: | test high
risk areas.
9) given the following sets of test management terms (v-z), and activity descrip
tions (1-5), which one of the following best pairs the two sets? v
test control
w test monitoring x - test estimation y - incident management z - configuration
control | v-3,w-4,x-1,y-5,z-2
10) which one of the following statements about system testing is not true? | en
d-users should be involved in system tests.
11) which of the following is false? | incidents should always be fixed.
12) enough testing has been performed when: | the required level of confidence h
as been achieved.
13) which of the following is not true of incidents? | incident resolution is th
e responsibility of the author of the software under test.
14) which of the following is not described in a unit test standard? | stress te

15) which of the following is false? | a system is necessarily more reliable aft
er debugging for the removal of a fault.
16) which one of the following statements, about capture-replay tools, is not co
rrect? | they are used to capture and animate user requirements.
17) how would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required? | a &
18) which of the following is true of the v-model? | it includes the verificatio
n of designs.
19) the oracle assumption: | is that the tester can routinely identify the corre
ct outcome of a test.
20) which of the following characterises the cost of faults? | they are cheapest
to find in the early development phases and the most expensive to fix in the
21) which of the following should not normally be an objective for a test? | to
prove that the software is correct.
22) which of the following is a form of functional testing? | boundary value ana
23) which of the following would not normally form part of a test plan? | incide
nt reports
24) which of these activities provides the biggest potential cost saving from th
e use of cast? | test execution
25) which of the following is not a white box technique? | state transition test
26) data flow analysis studies: | the use of data on paths through the code.
27) in a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: an employee has 4000 of
salary tax free. the next 1500 is taxed at 10% the next 28000 is taxed at 22% any
further amount is taxed at 40% to the nearest whole pound, which of these is a v
alid boundary value analysis test case? | 33501
28) An important benefit of code inspections is that they: | enable the code to
be tested before the execution environment is ready.
29) which of the following is the best source of expected outcomes for user acce
ptance test scripts? | user requirements
30) what is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection? | a wa
lkthrough is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by a trained moder
31) which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification early
in the life cycle? | it reduces defect multiplication.
32) integration testing in the small: | tests interactions between modules or su
33) static analysis is best described as: | the analysis of program code.
34) alpha testing is: | pre-release testing by end user representatives at the d
eveloper?s site.
35) a failure is: | departure from specified behaviour.
36) in a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: an employee has 4000 of
salary tax free. the next 1500 is taxed at 10% the next 28000 is taxed at 22% any
further amount is taxed at 40% which of these groups of numbers would fall into
the same equivalence class? | 5800; 28000; 32000
37) the most important thing about early test design is that it: | can prevent f
ault multiplication.
38) which of the following statements about reviews is true? | reviews should be
performed on specifications, code, and test plans.
39) test cases are designed during: | test specification.
40) a configuration management system would not normally provide: | facilities t
o compare test results with expected results. testing activities should start | as soon as possible in the develop
ment life cycle
2.faults found by users are due to: | poor software and poor testing
3.what is the main reason for testing software before releasing it? | to give i
nformation for a risk based decision about release
4. which of the following statements is not true | verification activities shou
ld not involve testers (reviews, inspections etc)

5. when reporting faults found to developers, testers should be: | all of the a
bove which order should tests be run? | the most important tests first
7. the later in the development life cycle a fault is discovered, the more expen
sive it is to fix. why? | the fault has been built into more documentation,code
,tests, etc
8. which is not true-the black box tester | should be able to understand the so
urce code.
9. a test design technique is | a process for selecting test cases
10. testware(test cases, test dataset) | needs configuration management just li
ke requirements, design and code b. should be newly constructed for each new ver
sion of the software
11. an incident logging system | is a valuable source of project information du
ring testing if it contains all incidents
12. increasing the quality of the software, by better development methods, will
affect the time needed for testing (the test phases) by: | reducing test time
13. coverage measurement | is a partial measure of test thoroughness
14. when should you stop testing? | when the test completion criteria have been
15. which of the following is true? | if u find a lot of bugs in testing, you s
hould not be very confident about the quality of software
16. what is the important criterion in deciding what testing technique to use? |
the objective of the test
17. if the pseudocode below were a programming language ,how many tests are requ
ired to achieve 100% statement coverage? 1. if x=3 then 2. display_messagex; 3.
if y=2 then 4. display_messagey; 5. else 6. display_messagez; 7. else 8. display
_messagez; | 3
19 Which of the following is NOT a type of non-functional test? | a. State-Trans
18. using the same code example as question 17,how many tests are required to ac
hieve 100% branch/decision coverage? | 3
20. which of the following tools would you use to detect a memory leak? | dynam
ic analysis
21. which of the following is not a standard related to testing? | ieee610
22.which of the following is the component test standard? | bs7925-2
23 which of the following statements are true? | Faults in requirements are the
most expensive to fix
24. which of the following is not the integration strategy? | design based
25. which of the following is a black box design technique? | equivalence parti
26. a program with high cyclometic complexity is almost likely to be: | difficu
lt to test
27. which of the following is a static test? | code inspection
28. which of the following is the odd one out? | functional
29. a program validates a numeric field as follows: values less than 10 are reje
cted, values between 10 and 21 are accepted, values greater than or equal to 22
are rejected which of the following input values cover all of the equivalence pa
rtitions? | 3,10,22
30. using the same specifications as question 29, which of the following covers
the most boundary values? | 9,10,21,22
1. testing will be performed by the people at client own locations (1m) | field
system testing should investigate (2m) | non-functional requirements and functio
nal requirements
3. which is the non-functional testing (1m) | performance testing
4. who is responsible for document all the issues, problems and open point that
were identified during the review meeting (2m) | scribe
5. what is the main purpose of informal review (2m) | inexpensive way to get so
me benefit
6. purpose of test design technique is (1m) | identifying test conditions and i

dentifying test cases

7. technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage (1m) | equivalenc
e partitioning
9. testing is performed at the developing organization's sit | alpha testing
10. the purpose of exit criteria is (2m) | all of the above
11. which is not the project risks (2m) | error-prone software deliverer
12. poor software characteristics are (3m) | only product risks
13. and are used within individual workbenches to produce the right output produ
cts (2m) | procedures and standards
14. the software engineer's role in tool selection is (3m) | to identify, evalu
ate, and rank tools, and recommend tools to management
15. a is the step-by-step method followed to ensure that standards are met | pr
16. which of the following is the standard for the software product quality (1m)
| iso 1926
17. which is not the testing objectives (1m) | debugging defects
18. bug life cycle (1m) | open, assigned, fixed, close
19. which is not the software characteristics (1m) | scalability
20. which is not a testing principle (2m) | exhaustive testing
21. "x? has given a data on a person age, which should be between 1 to 99 using
| 0, 1, 99, 100
22. which is not the fundamental test process (1m) | non
23. which is not a component testing (2m) | check the decision tables
24. pdca is known as (1m) | plan, do, check, act
25. contract and regulation testing is a part of (2m) | acceptance testing
26. which is not a black box testing technique (1m) | decision testing
27. arc testing is known as (2m) | branch testing
28. a software model that can?t be used in functional testing (2m) | menu struc
ture model
check for consisten
29. find the mismatch (2m) | configuration management tools
30. the principle of cyclomatic complexity, considering l as edges or links, n a
s nodes, p as independent paths (2m) | l-n +2p
31. fpa is used to (2m) | to measure the size of the functionality of an inform
ation system
32. which is not a test oracle (2m) | the cod
33. find the correct flow of the phases of a formal review (3m) | planning, rev
iew meeting, rework, follow up
34. stochastic testing using statistical information or operational profiles use
s the following method (3m) | model based testing approach
35. a project that is in the implementation phase is six weeks behind schedule |
eliminate some of the requirements that have not yet been implemente
36. one person has been dominating the current software process improvement meet
ing which of the following techniques should the facilitator use to bring other
team members into the discussion? (3m) | wait for the person to pause, acknowle
dge the person? s opinion, and ask for someone else? s opinion
maintenance releases and technical assistance centers are examples of which of t
he following costs of quality? (3m) | external failure
1. cots is known as | commercial off the shelf software
2. from the below given choices, which one is the confidence testing? | smoke te
3. defect density? calculated in terms of | the number of defects identified in
a component or system divided by the size of the component or the system
4. be bugging? is known as | adding known defects by seeding
5. an expert based test estimation is also known as | wide band delphi
6. when testing a grade calculation system, a tester determines that all scores
from | equivalence partitioning
7. all of the following might be done during unit testing except | manual suppo
rt testing
8. find the min number of tests to ensure that each statement is executed at lea

st once | 6
9. which of the following characteristics is primarily associated with software
reusability? | the extent to which the software can be used in other applicatio
10. which of the following software change management activities is most vital t
o assessing the impact of proposed software modifications? | change control
11. which of the following statements is true about a software verification and
validation program? | i, ii&iv
12. which of the following is a requirement of an effective software environment
? i. ease of use | i, ii &iii
13. a test manager wants to use the resources available for the automated testin
g of a web application. the best choice is | tester, test automater, web specia
list, dba
14. a project manager has been transferred to a major software development proje
ct that is in the implementation phas | establish a relationship with the custo
15. change x requires a higher level of authority than change y in which of the
following pairs? | a product distributed to several sites a product with a sing
le user
16. which of the following functions is typically supported by a software qualit
y information system? | i, iii &iv
17. during the testing of a module tester x? finds a bug and assigned it to devel
oper. but developer rejects the same, saying that it?s not a bug. what x? should
do? | send to the detailed information of the bug encountered and check the rep
18. the primary goal of comparing a user manual with the actual behavior of the
running program during system testing is to | check the technical accuracy of t
he document
19. a type of integration testing in which software elements, hardware elements,
or both are combined all at once into a component or an overall system, rather
than in stages. | big-bang testing
20. in practice, which life cycle model may have more, fewer or different levels
of development and testing, depending on the project and the software product.
for example, there may be component integration testing after component testing,
and system integration testing after system testing. | v-model
21. which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage? it can be
applied to human input, input via interfaces to a system, or interface parameter
s in integration testing. | equivalence partitioning
22. there is one application, which runs on a single terminal. there is another
application that works on multiple terminals. what are the test techniques you w
ill use on the second application that you would not do on the first application
? | update & rollback, response time
23. you are the test manager and you are about the start the system testing. the
developer team says that due to change in requirements they will be able to del
iver the system to you for testing 5 working days after the due dat | ) what ste
ps you will take to be able to finish the testing in tim
24. item transmittal report is also known as | release note
25. testing of software used to convert data from existing systems for use in re
placement systems | migration testing
26. big bang approach is related to | integration testing
27. cause effect graphing is related to the standard | bs 7925/2
28. the tracing of requirements for a test level through the layers of a test doc
umentation done by | horizontal tracebility
29. a test harness is a | a test environment comprised of stubs and drives need
ed to conduct a test
30. you are a tester for testing a large system. the system data model is very l
arge with many attributes and there are a lot of inter dependencies with in the
fields. | improve super vision, more reviews of artifacts or program means stag
e containment of the defects.
31. change request should be submitted through development or program management

. a change request must be written and should include the following criteri | i
, ii and iv
32. entry criteria? should address questions such as | i, ii and iv
33. this life cycle model is basically driven by schedule and budget risks this |
34. the bug tracking system will need to capture these phases for each bug. i. p
hase injected | i, ii and iv
35. one of the more daunting challenges of managing a test project is that so ma
ny dependencies converge at test execution. one missing configuration file or ha
rd ware device can render all your test results meaning less. you can end up wit
h an entire platoon of testers sitting around for days. | test managers faults
36. system test can begin when? | i, ii and iii
37. test charters are used in testing | exploratory testing
1. we split testing into distinct stages primarily because: | each test stage ha
s a different purpose.
2. which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools p
roviding test capture and replay facilities? | regression testing
3. which of the following statements is not correct? | a minimal test set that a
chieves 100% statement coverage will generally detect more faults than one that
achieves 100% branch coverage.
4. which of the following requirements is testable? | the response time shall be
less than one second for the specified design load.
5. analyse the following highly simplified procedure: ask: what type of ticket do
you require, single or return? if the customer wants return? ask: what rate, stand
ard or cheap-day? if the customer replies cheap-day? say: that will be 11:20 else say
: that will be 19:50 endif else say: that will be 9:75 endif now decide the minimum num
ber of tests that are needed to ensure that all the questions have been asked, a
ll combinations have occurred and all replies given. | 3
6. error guessing: | supplements formal test design techniques.
7. which of the following is not true of test coverage criteria? | a measure of
test coverage criteria is the percentage of faults found.
8. in prioritising what to test, the most important objective is to: | test high
risk areas.
9. given the following sets of test management terms (v-z., and activity descrip
tions (1-5., which one of the following best pairs the two sets? v
test control
w test monitoring x - test estimation y - incident management z - configuration
control 1 - calculation of required test resources 2 - maintenance of record of
test results 3 - re-allocation of resources when tests verrun 4 - report on devi
ation from test plan 5 - tracking of anomalous test results | v-3,w-4,x-1,y-5,z2
10. which one of the following statements about system testing is not true? | en
d-users should be involved in system tests.
11. which of the following is false? | incidents should always be fixed.
12. enough testing has been performed when: | the required level of confidence h
as been achieved.
13. which of the following is not true of incidents? | incident resolution is th
e responsibility of the author of the software under test.
14. which of the following is not described in a unit test standard? | stress te
15. which of the following is false? | a system is necessarily more reliable aft
er debugging for the removal of a fault.
16. which one of the following statements, about capture-replay tools, is not |
they are used to capture and animate user requirements.
17. how would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required? | a &
18. which of the following is true of the v-model? | it includes the verificatio
n of designs.
19. the oracle assumption: | is that the tester can routinely identify the corre
ct outcome of a test.

20. which of the following characterises the cost of faults? | they are cheapest
to find in the early development phases and the most expensive to fix in the la
test test phases.
21. which of the following should not normally be an objective for a test? | to
prove that the software is correct.
22. which of the following is a form of functional testing? | boundary value ana
23. which of the following would not normally form part of a test plan? | incide
nt reports
24. which of these activities provides the biggest potential cost saving from th
e use of cast? | test execution
25. which of the following is not a white box technique? | state transition test
26. data flow analysis studies: | the use of data on paths through the code.
27. in a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: an employee has 4000 of
salary tax free. the next 1500 is taxed at 10% the next 28000 is taxed at 22% any
further amount is taxed at 40% to the nearest whole pound, which of these is a v
alid boundary value analysis test case? | 33501
28. an important benefit of code inspections is that they: | enable the code to
be tested before the execution environment is ready.
29. which of the following is the best source of expected outcomes for user acce
ptance test scripts? | user requirements
30. what is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection? | a wa
lkthrough is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by a trained moder
31. which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification early
in the life cycle? | it reduces defect multiplication.
32. integration testing in the small: | tests interactions between modules or su
33. static analysis is best described as: | the analysis of program code.
34. alpha testing is: | pre-release testing by end user representatives at the d
eveloper?s site.
35. a failure is: | departure from specified behaviour.
36. in a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: an employee has 4000 of
salary tax free. the next 1500 is taxed at 10% the next 28000 is taxed at 22% any
further amount is taxed at 40% which of these groups of numbers would fall into
the same equivalence class? | 5800; 28000; 32000
37. the most important thing about early test design is that it: | can prevent f
ault multiplication.
38. which of the following statements about reviews is true? | reviews should be
performed on specifications, code, and test plans.
39. test cases are designed during: | test specification.
40. a configuration management system would not normally provide: | facilities t
o compare test results with expected results.
1. to know what the customer needs, wants, and expects, you should: | ask the c
2. quality is: | whatever the customer says it is
3. lost profits are: | the number of customers lost, times their average revenu
e value, times your profit margin
4. it is often possible to improve customer service quality: | while also reali
zing cost savings and increased profitability
5. a non-measurable aspect of customer service is: | a customer?s anxiety level
6. customers can help to implement your customer service program by: | all of t
he above
7. gaps between customers and providers are based primarily on: | provider and
customer perception differences
8. a measurement tool that is a vertical bar graph based on numerical informatio
n is a: | histogram
9. the easiest technique for measuring the frequency of poor quality events is:
| check sheet

10. a measurement tool that is based on characteristics of a product, process, o

r service is a: | pareto chart
11. a measurement tool that studies the potential relationship between two varia
bles is a: | scatter diagram
12. a measurement tool that breaks up data into discrete categories, which can b
e drawn as a pareto chart, a histogram, or a run chart is: | stratification
13. a measurement tool that looks like a skeleton of a fish is: | a cause-and-e
ffect diagram
14. a measurement tool that shows statistically-determined upper and lower limit
s is: | a control chart
15. a measurement tool that is a collection of data points, plotted on a graph a
ccording to time is: | a run chart
16. force field analysis can be defined as a way to: | compare forces going wit
h you and forces going against you
17. if your product or service meets all your internal requirements, you can be
confident | false
18. secondary data differs from primary data in that it is more expensive. | fa
19. qualitative research differs from quantitative research in that: | quantita
tive research uses a predetermined standard
20. in constructing questions for a survey: | address each question to only one
21. the value of focus groups improves if run by an outside facilitator. | true
22. finding a company that is best at something and comparing your efforts in th
e same area to theirs defines: | benchmarking
23. in statistical analysis, the median is: | the score in the middle of the re
24. demographic information: | is a way to classify individual respondents
25. regarding statistical analysis: | applying the analysis is the final step
which software products can be inspected | all other items
which is a common cause category | all other items
if testing time is limited, we should | only test high risk areas
fault tolerance focuses on | all other items
what is a risk | it is negative consequences that could occur
defect prevention is requested by which level of CMM | 3
which of following items is counted to indirect cost for QA activities | budget
of technical training
mitigation actions of a risk are planned to | avoid the occurrence of the risk
which is not sub-type of product-specific models | dynamic model
which models are used for better estimation | semi-customized models
what can be leaded if the basic knowledge is lacked | all other items
which is not included in defect prevention plan (DP plan) | DP technique
which factors are to determine the quality & success of software projects | all
other items
which technique is snot applied in faualt toleerance for timely decision | N-Ver
sion programming
what is not an analysis technique for defect prevention | fault tolerance
which of the following tools is not used to analyze the problems | Pareto Chart
what is purpose of brainstorming using | all other cases
what is not a step of formal inspections | Testing execution
what is used to measure the effectiveness of inspections | the number and severi
ty of defect found by inspection
which model is used to measure the stability over time | SRGM
how many steps does the process of formal verification include | 2
what is not a part of the cost of fault tolerance | defect fixing cost
distribution over defect location is to answer the question | where are the defe
cts found
the leader select review to join the inspection in which step is this activity |
duplication technique of fault tolerance is | parallel running of multiple progr

root cause analysses can be performed on the product under development to identi
fy the common defect and | logical & statistical lanalysis
which of the following is not key attribute of defects | defect type
what is ODC in process measurements concepts | orthogonal defect classification
what is not defect handling rule | defects are used to punish owners
what is the issue of the testing | only show the presence of defects, not their
pareto chart is a sample of | one-way analysis
which of the following is not one of 7 basic quality tools | pie chart
what is the trigger of a risk | it is the condition when the risk occurs
which is not a model for reliability assessment | ODC
when is defect prevention effectively | right at the beginning of the product de
which model is used to analyze the combined time & input domain data for reliabi
lity testing | TBRM
which QA alternative is better to identify conceptual problems | inspection
which are not subcate gories of generalized models | semi-customized models
Q1: A key concept of quality control is that all work products | [A] are thoroug
hly tested/reviewed before delivered to the customer***
Q2: What is NOT the reason why we test software? | [D] To check performance of d
Q3: Which is not software quality characteristic? | [B] Specific***
Q4: Elimination the impacts of defects is the way of | [A] Defect Containment***
Q5: Inspection and Testing are 2 types of | [C] Defect Detection & Removal***
Q6: The customer's view of quality means: | [C] Fit for use***
Q7: How many major parts and chapters are organized in the book "Software Qualit
y | [C] 4 and 22***
Q8: Please order the scope and content hierarchy | [D] Testing, quality assuranc
e, and software quality engineering***
Q9: An error is | [A] a human action that produces an incorrect result.***
Q10: Which catches errors earlier? | [B] Verification***
Q1: What is the relationship between testing and quality assurance | [C] Testing
is part of a complete QA process***
Q2: What is NOT a step of Quality Improvement Paradigm (QIP)? | [B] Strategy for
Q3: Which activity is Validation? | [A] Code review***
Q4: Which of the following is true of the V-model? | [B] It includes the verific
ation and validation***
Q5: Testing process focuses on which type of defect handing? | [B] Defect reduct
Q6: The defect attribute that would help management determine the impact of the
defect is called | [B] Defect severity***
Q7: What is defect logging? | [C] It is the initial reporting and recording of a
discovered defect***
Q8: Integration testing in the small: | [B] tests interactions between modules o
r subsystems.***
Q9: Which activity is NOT Verification? | [A] System test***
Q10: What is NOT an activity of Quality assessment and Improvement? | [C] Produc
t release***
Q1: An input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2010. The boundary v
alues for testing this field are | [D] 1899, 1900, 1901,2009,2010,2011***
Q2: The list of items to test is called as | [B] Checklist---[ANS]
Q3: Which is NOT reason that testing with checklists is not effectively | [D] It
is tracked what has been done---[ANS]
Q4: What is NOT a relation of Partition-based testing? | [A] Coverage---[ANS]
Q5: What is limitation of checklist-based testing? | [A] It is not enough inform
ation for re-test---[ANS]
Q6: What is NOT a generic method for information gathering and OP construction?
| [C] Test---[ANS]

Q7: Which is NOT the benefit of Partition-based testing? | [D] Ensure product re
Q8: Checklist-based testing can be stop if | [B] Every item on the checklist is
tested and passed---[ANS]
Q9: What is boundary value testing? | [D] to test the boundaries that separate v
alid and invalid conditions.---[ANS]
Q10: A program validates a numeric field as follows: | [C] 20, 25, 30---[ANS]
Q1: FSM can classify by | [C] Input/Output or State***
Q2: FSMs is a model of behavior composed of a finite number of | [D] states, tra
nsitions and actions***
Q3: What is the focus of CFT? | [C] Execution path***
Q4: What is NOT mandatory of a path? | [C] Segment***
Q5: What is an action in FSM's concept? | [B] It is an activity that be performe
d at a given moment***
Q6: A branching node is | [C] a node associated with multiple outlinks***
Q7: Regression test is | [A] to ensure the quality of product releases based on
previous version***
Q8: What is NOT correct about DFT construction? | [B] DFT is process-oriented***
Q9: Which is NOT best way for FSM testing? | [D] Build separate state***
Q10: What is Alpha testing? | [A] It is performed by customers at the software d
eveloper's site***
Q1: Which software products can be inspected? | [D] All other items***
Q2: What is used to measure the effectiveness of inspections? | [B] The number a
nd severity of defects found by inspection***
Q3: How many steps does the process of Formal verification include? | [A] 2***
Q4: What is NOT an analysis technique for Defect prevention? | [B] Fault toleran
Q5: The leader selects reviewers to join the inspection. In which step is the ac
tivity? | [A] Planning***
Q6: When is Defect prevention effectively? | [B] Right at the beginning of the p
roduct development***
Q7: Which role is NOT mandatory for a Causal analysis resolution meeting? | [C]
Problem owner***
Q8: Who of project team is responsible for defect prevention at project level? |
[D] All members***
Q9: What is the issue of the testing? | [B] Only show the presence of defects, n
ot their absence***
Q10: What is NOT a step of Formal inspections? | [C] Testing execution***
A test run is also called as | [D] ****An attempt
Which of the following is NOT a white box technique? | [A]****Interaction \/
Select conditions that you would recommend to stop testing: | [B] ***All other c
Which of the following should NOT normally be an objective for a test? | [B]****
To prove the low quality of development team
Expected results described in test cases are | [A] ***used for input-output rela
What is benefit of independent testing' | [D] ****Independent testers see other
and different defects and are unbiased
Acceptance Testing is the responsibility of the | [B]****User/Customer
Which of the following would NOT normally form part of a test plan? | [D]****Inc
ident reports
Which set of metrics can be used to monitor the test execution? | [B]*****Number
of test cases run & not run; test cases passed & failed
What is the purpose of a test coverage criterion? | [A] ***to determine when to
stop testing
Which of the following tools is used to rate the problems? | [C]****** Pareto Ch
Which QA alternative is better to identify conceptual problems? | [B]**** Inspec
Fault tolerance focuses on | [D]*******All other items

Which technique is NOT applied in Fault tolerance for timely decision? | [D]****
N-Version programming
Which of the following does not belong to 7 basic quality tools? | [C]****Pie ch
Duplication technique of Fault tolerance is | [B]*****Parallel running of multip
le programs
What is NOT Defect handling rule? | [D]*******Defects are used to punish owners
What is considered to decide checkpoint frequency of Recovery blocks? | [A]*****
Safety and cost
What is not a part of the cost of Fault tolerance? | [D]*****Defect fixing cost

1. Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage|C. Control Fl
ow Testing
10. What is NOT an activity cause analysis :|A. Identify the common defect
12. A junction node is|D. A node associated with multiple inlink
2. A branching node is :|A. A node associated with multiple outlink
3. What is the problems of testing for loop ?|C. Execute too many test case
5. What is NOT focus of defect prevention :|D. Person who made the defect
6. Which relation is used mostly in DDA|A. D-U
7. Which one is more meaningful to customer and user:|B. Reliability
9. Which of the following use Scatter diagram :|D. All of above
1. An input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2010 ... | 1899, 1900
, 1901, 2009, 2010, 2011.
1. What is the focus of Descriptive specifications? | the properties as
sociated with software products and their components
1. What is NOT a type of informal inspection? | brainstorming
1. what should be involed in Test suite pre | Contructing
10. How many major part and chapters are | 4 and 22
10. What are the test points according the EPC for integer input sub|domain, 0 <
=x<200? | |1, 0, 100, 199, 200
10. What is not correct about Formal verification? | formal verification is to s
how the presence of defects/ formal verification is to verify the absence of fau
lts of code
10. Which one is more meaningful to users? | reliability
11. NOT a part of Test plan? | Defect report
11. Tools for support QA alternatives are classified into 3 groups. Defect Manag
ement System (DMS) is the system for recording and tracking defects of the proj
ects. To which group is DMS? | Data gathering tools
11. What is Equivalent class in Partition|based testing? | subsets in a partitio
11. Which quality assessment model is used to measure product reliabili
ty? | Observation|based models
12. Purpose of software testing? | Ensure that the software system would ..
12. What does is correspond in FSMs when we start a web browser? | initial state
12. What is a point not in domain and not on boundary called as? | Exterior poin
12. What is CUPRIMDS framework? | It is the framework to characterize and measu
re quality for IBM s software products
13. In which part of the book Software Quality Engineering are quality assessment
and feedback described? | Part I
13. Include in quality planing?| Setting qualit goals and forming a QA strategy
13. What is not an output of Unit test activity? | Unit test defect
13. Which is NOT the way for FSM testing? | Build separate state
14. Item can apply the inspection directly to detect and remove faults?| Softwar
e code,

14. What is a branching node? | It is a node associated with multiple outlinks

14. Which is not correct about Unit test? | unit test ensures each unit acts rig
ht as its design
14. Why is defect measurement important in quality assurance? | All other items
15. Focus of testing?| Defect Removal
15. PM has to collect efforts of all member to fill weekly report. At which leve
l in this measurement? | medium|gain
15. There is a defect: the web system cannot run in PC of average c
onfiguration. Which characteristic is this defect? | efficiency
15. What is Data flow testing? | It is the verification of correct handling of d
ata relations during program execution
16. Some execution problems observed during testing may invole complicated scena
rios and may possible sources of problems.| Problems diagnosis related
16. What does belong the formal testing? | execution following test cases by pro
fessional tester
16. Which is NOT a model for reliability assessment? | ODC
16. Which is NOT reason that testing which checklists is not effectively for lar
ge system? | It is tracked what has been done
17. NOT normally be an objective for a test?| Prove the low quality
17. What is a step of domain testing? | All other items
17. What is true for Equivalence partitioning technique in Unit test? | It divides
the test data into the equal parts / It helps to reduce the number of test case
17. Which one is indirect measurement for Quality? | productivity of testing exe
cution(number of test cases/test effort)
18. Relationship between testing and quality assurance?| Testing is a part of QA
18. What is not correct about Effort profile in Waterfall development
process? | dominance of quality planning before product release
18. What is NOT a generic method for information gathering and OP construction?
| Test
18. What is the main advantage of testing techniques based on checklists or part
itions? | to make testing easy to perform under practical situations
19. Benefit of independent testing?| Independent testers have different view tha
n developer and representative for users
19. The execution of a test case sequence for a system requires continuous opera
tion. What is it called as? | test run
19. What is Ad hoc testing called as? | Random testing
19. Which of following testing is used to ensure product reliability? | Usage|ba
sed statistical testing
2. Attribute determine the impact | Severity
2. What are Dynamic elements? | Input and Output.
2. What should the accidence analysis focus on? | accident scenario and damage a
2. Which special testing is applied for maintenance activities of the project? |
Regression testing
20. Correct order for the scope and content hierarchy?| Testing, qualiti assuran
ce, software quality engineering
20. What are Static elements? | States and state transitions
20. What is Formal specification? | It is concerned with producing an unambiguou
s set of product specifications so that customer requirements
20. Which is another name for Static test? | Validation
21. Defect found by customer is called as| Bug
21. How should the testers handle to report found defects to developer
s? | show be polite, constructive and helpful possible
21. What is the target of Defect distribution analysis? | all other items
21. Why is the testing divided into various sub|phases? | Each test sub|phase ha
s a different purpose and techniques
22. Responsible to identify the weakness in process and improment actions?| QA
22. What do accident analyses NOT focus on? | System reliability

22. When can Checklist|based testing be stopped? | Every item on the checklist t
ested and passed
22. Which of the following is not true about Automation Testing? | Aut
omation Testing five feedback lately
23. NOT reson why we test software| To violate development team
23. What is an action in FSM s concept? | It is an activity that be performed at a
given moment
23. Which level of CMM does request Defect prevention? | 5
23. Which testing is used to ensure to reliability for large systems? | OP|based
statistical testing
24. What is defect logging?| Initial reporting and recoding of a discovered defe
24. What is NOT true about Quality cost? | the cost for Fault tolerance is low
24. Which is NOT an action type in FSMs concept? | Information storing action
24. Which of the following do NOT use Scatter diagram? | Defect number vs. Reaso
25. Ways is the testing?| Defect measurement
25. What is the correct match of each model with the one purpose? | Overall mode
ls | provide a single estimate of overall product quality; dynamic models
| provide quality trend or distribution over time or development phases
; segmented models | provide different quality estimates for different indu
strial segments
25. Which is not a model for reliability assessment? | ODC
25. Who is/are NOT required participate to Operational profile? | Supporter
26. Data of a project show that defects of the type
standard conventio
n are duplicated in comparing with normal measurement. The cause is tha
t customer has provided new codingconvention but project manager did not
plan to explain it for the team. To which cause category can the abov
e problem be classified? | communication
26. In which phase is performance testing executed? | System test
26. NOT a condition stop testing?| It is time to deliver the source code to cust
26. When is the model Project oriented applied for test team organization? | test
team can perform many different types of testing
27. NOT an activity of Quaility assessment and improvement?| Product release.
27. What is Equivalent class? | xx
27. What is the primary concern of commercial software systems? | Reliability
27. Which order of the scope and content hierarchy correct? | Testing, quality a
ssurance, and software quality engineering
28. How many test cases are needed for n|dimensional Extreme point combinations
(EPC)? | 4n1
28. What testing model is most applied in late sub|phase of testing?| UBST
28. Which is not a technique of Defect Reduction? | Fault Tolerance
28. Which is performed depending on present state and input conditions? | Input
29. Expected result described in test case are| Used for input|ouput relation
29. What are based to create cases in FSM Testing? | State transition diagram an
d State table
29. What is not correct about Branching nodes of CFG? | processing nodes typical
ly associated with phrases such as "do/enter" something
29. What is the Equivalent class? | Subsets in a partition
3. NOT white box test | Fuctional behavior
3. What is an OFF point of boundary? | All other items
3. Which elements is FSM composed of ? | States, transitions and actions.
3. Which is a step of Extreme Point Combination (EPC) strategy? | All other step
30. What is limitation of checklist|based testing? | It needs additional informa
tion for re|test
30. What is the purpose of risk plan for contingency actions? | to minimize the
impact of the risk if it occurs

30. When will the oracle problem happen?| Regression testing

30. Which defect detection technique is used for object|oriented systems
? | use case based inspection
31. A program validates a numeric field as follows: values less than 20 are rejec
ted, ... | 20, 25, 30
31. Set of metrics can be used to monitor the test execution?| Number of test ca
se run & not runl test cases passed & failed
31. What is not mandatory in a path of CFG? |Exit node
31. Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage? | Control
flow testing
32. By limiting transactions across boundaries of different FSMs in the hierarch
y, what is alleviated by the using of hierarchical FSMs? | Node
32. Error is a human
32. What is the focus of CFT? | Execution path
32. Why is the testing with checklists NOT applied for large system? | There are
too many items to be tested / The checklist cannot describe complex functions o
f the system detailed
33. Itemt can catche errors earlier?| Verification
33. What is NOT correct about DFT construction? | DFT is process|oriented
33. Which element of FSMs is each web page in Web testing? | A state
33. Which test technique is used to focus on the correctness of web screens? | L
ink checking
34. In which part of the book Software Quality Testing are Testing techniques cove
red? | Part II
34. Purpose of a test coverage criterion?| To monitor and control testing progre
34. What is NOT mandatory of a path? | Segment
34. Which subcategories do CMM and CMMI belong to? | Overall models
35. Acceptance testing is the responsibility of| User
35. What is the limitation of Boundary testing? | how to check the ouput
35. Which of the following items is counted to indirect cost for QA activities?
| All other items
35. Which testing is used to find the exact location of the defects in the progr
am? | Diagnosis testing
36. Activity is verification?| Peer review
36. What can FSM be classified by? | Input/Output or State
36. What does it correspond in FSMs when we stop a web browser? | final state
36. What is the purpose of Pareto charts? | to identify what most important prob
lem are
37. Assess current product reliabiility and to determine if determine if the pre
|set reliability goal has| Reliability analysis
37. How many steps does the process of formal verification include? | 2
37. What is Alpha testing? | It is performed by customers at the software develo
per s site
38. After extensive test activities have stopped. Which activity should be done?
| Analyse and follow|up
38. What is a Boundary? | It is where two sub|domains meet
38. What is not an obstacle to formal methods? | the popularity
38. Which activity is not verification? | beta test
39. Project team has some mis|understandings about the requirements. It leads to
many problems and rework in design, coding, and testing activities. Which area
can be the problem addressed? | development processes knowledge
39. The following is true of the V|model?| It includes the verification and vali
39. What is NOT correct about Weak N X 1 strategy? | It uses n ON points and 1 O
FF points
39. What is the trigger of a risk? | it is the condition when the risk occurs
4. Test run call as | An attempt
4. What is the definition of Beta testing? | it is performed by customer at thei
r own site

4. What is the focus of CFT? | Execution path

4. What is the meaning of called post|QA activities in software quality testing?
| these activities need to be carried out after the finish of QA activities
40. NOT a step of Quality improvement paradigm (QIP)?| Strategy forming
40. What is the capability of software to maintain its performance und
er stated conditions for a stated time period? | Reliability
40. Who should be involved in determining risk management? | Project team, custo
mer, manager
41. Which is not a component of development process? | Inspection
41. Which is not parameter of queuing testing? | extreme|point combination
42. What is the basis of construction for CFT? | Control flow graphs (CFGs)
42. Which technique is the Recovery? | Fault Tolerance
43. Which activities need more effort right after product release? | quality ass
43. Which is not a product segment of segmented models? | customized software
44. What is the focus of the education and training for developers familiar with
embedded software to avoid wrong solutions? | product and domain specific knowl
44. Which is not true about CFT and DFT? | CFT and DFT are applicable for large
45. What is the purpose of risk plan for mitigation actions? | to avoid the occu
rrence the risk
45. Which quality assessment models are ISO 9000 models? | product|specific mode
46. What is the most important part of Quality Control (QC) activity? | Testing
46. Which is a termination criterion of sofrware development sub|phases? | Plann
ed objectives of the sub|phases
47. QA lead requests the inspector to focus on critical parts of a product for F
agal inspection. Which step is it? | Follow|up
47. Which of the following do NOT use Scatter diagram? |48. What is not a risk o
f automation testing? | the test result is not correct
48. What is not the strategy of defect|based testing? | Execution|based testing
49. What is not an activity after releases? | only fix the defects if it is paid
by the customer
49. Which is not true about Acceptance testing? | Acceptance testing is
only performed by customers
5. Tested by integration testing in the small? | Between modules or subsystem
5. What is boundary value testing? | It is to test the boundaries that separate
valid and invalid conditions.
5. What is Duplication technique of Fault Tolerance? | Parallel running of multi
ple programs
5. Which question can Defect distribution analysis help to answer? | wh
at are the defects and when were the defect found
50. Which of the following requirements is testable? | the response time shall b
e less than one second for the specified design load
51. Which defect attribute can answer the question: In which file is the defect a
llocated? ? | Defect source
51. Which of the following tools is used to study how a process changes over tim
e? | control chart
52. How many major parts and chapters are organized in the book Software Quality
Testing ? | 4 and 22
53. When is Usage|based statistical testing applied? | Large systems
54. Which set of metrics can be used to monitor the test execution? | number of
test cases run & not run; test cases passed & failed
55. What should be included in the minutes of Casual analysis & Resolution me
eting? | All other items (preventive actions, the description of problems, root
causes of the problems)
56. What is basic assumption of Backup technique of Fault tolerance? | Rare even
57. On how many quality assessment management principles is ISO 9001:2000 based?

| 8
58. Which tool can be used to reduce syntactical problems in programs? | syntax|
directed editor
59. What is not to identify in Defect causal analysis? | validation
6. Activity is validation? | Code review
6. What is not a kind of defect analyses? | requirement analysis
6. What is NOT a relation of Partition|based testing? | Coverage
6. Which analysis type is the report of defect data by types and severity? | two
|way analysis
60. Which defect attribute can answer the question: which QA activity has detecte
d the defect? ? | Defect trigger
7. Project team is using a diagnostic tool to examine what kind of problem the d
etected defect is. In which activity of generic testing process is it? | Test pl
anning and preparation
7. What is finite state machine? | It is an abstract model of a machine with a p
rimitive internal memory.
7. What is NOT a step of defect handling? | criticize the person who made the de
7. What type is testing to observe the external behaviors? | Interface test
8. NOT software quality characteristic? | Environment
8. The leader identifies documents to inspect, inspectors and inspection schedul
e. In which step is the activity? | planning
8. What is an Interior point? | It is a point belonging to a sub|domain but not
on the boundary
8. Which technique are Error source removal and Fault prevention? | Defect preve
9. Collection of entities and related information that alows a test to be execut
ed? | Test case
9. There is a defect: the system design does not allow to enhance a function. Wh
ich characteristic is this defect? | functionality
9. What does the clicking of a link in an web page correspond in FSMs? | An inpu
9. Which testing technique can be represented adequately for program execution d
etails, interactions among different parts of programs? | Finite|state machines
(FSMs) ???
A key practice of Cleanroom is | Statistical based testing to evaluate software
CMM and CMMI are samples of sub categories? | Overall models
CMMI is useful for a software company to identify | All other items
Defect prevention is requested by which level of CMM? | 3
defects and their causes. Which forms are Root cause analyses usually taken? | L
ogical & Statistical analysis
Distribution over defect location is to answer the question | Where are the defe
cts found?
Duplication technique of Fault tolerance is | Parallel running of multiple progr
Fault tolerance focuses on | All other items
How many steps does the process of Formal verification include? | 2
If testing time is limited, we should | Only test high risk areas
Mitigation actions of a risk are planned to | Avoid the occurrence of the risk
On how many quality management principles is ISO 9001-2000 based | 8
Pareto chart is a sample of | One|way analysis
Quality assessment models are used to | All other items
Root cause analyses can be performed on the product under development to identif
y the common
The leader selects reviewers to join the inspection. In which step is this activ
ity? | Planning
What can be leaded if the Basic knowledge is lacked? | All other items
What is a NOT key feature of Cleanroom? | None of other items
What is a risk? | It is negative consequences that could occur

What is considered to decide checkpoint frequency of Recovery blocks? | Safety a

nd cost
What is not a part of the cost of Fault tolerance? | Defect fixing cost
What is NOT a quality management principle of ISO 9001|2000? | Product standard
What is NOT a step of Formal inspections? | Testing execution
What is NOT an analysis technique for Defect prevention? | Fault tolerance
What is NOT Defect handling rule? | Defects are used to punish owners
What is ODC in Process Measurements concepts? | Orthogonal Defect Classification
What is the issue of testing? | Only show the presence of defects, not their abs
What is the purpose of Brainstorming using? | All other cases
What is the trigger of a risk? | It is the condition when the risk occurs
What is used to measure the effectiveness of inspections? | The number and sever
ity of defects found by inspection
What is/are main components of Cleanroom development process | All other items
When is Defect prevention effectively? | Right at the beginning of the product d
Which are NOT subcategories of generalized models? | Semi|customized models
Which are NOT sub|categories of Gen... | Semi customized models
Which factors are to determine the quality & success of software projects? | All
other items
Which is a common Cause category? | All other items
Which is NOT a model for reliability assessment | ODC
Which is NOT defined in ISO 9000? | How to manage the quality
Which is NOT included in Defect prevention plan (DP Plan)? | DP Technique
Which is NOT sub|type of Product|specific models? | Dynamic model
Which is/are the factors for QA cost? Simplicity availability
Which model is used to analyze the combined time & input domain data for reliabi
lity testing? | TBRM
Which Model is used to measure the stability over time? | SRGM
Which models are more widely applicable and less cost? | generalized models
Which models are used for better estimation? Semi customized models
Which models are used for better estimation? | Semi|customized models
Which of following items is counted to indirect cost for QA activities? | Budget
of technique training
Which of the following analysis techniques to determine the priorities of the pr
oblem to be analyzed? |Pareto Chart
Which of the following is NOT Key attribute of defects? | Defect type
Which of the following is NOT one of 7 basic quality tools? | Pie chart
Which of the following tools is NOT used to analyze the problems? | Pareto Chart
Which QA alternative is better at detecting interaction problem involving ... |
Which QA alternative is better for maintenance processes? Inspection
Which QA alternative is better to identify conceptual problems? | Inspection
Which QA alternative is not effectively for software code? | Fault tolerance
Which software products can be inspected? | All other items
Which technique is NOT applied in Fault tolerance for timely decision? | N|Versi
on programming
When what is visible to end-users is a deviation from the specific or expected b
ehavior, this is called: | a failure
Regression testing should be performed: | w & y are true, v, x & z are false
IEEE 829 test plan documentation standard contains all of the following except:
| test specification
Testing should be stopped when: | it depends on the risks for the system being
Order numbers on a stock control system can range between 10000 and 99999 inclus
ive. Which of the following inputs might be a result of designing tests for only
valid equivalence classes and valid boundaries: | 10000, 50000, 99999
Consider the following statements about early test design: | i, iii & iv are tru
e. Ii & v are false

Non-functional system testing includes: | testing quality attributes of the syst

em including performance and usability
Which of the following is NOT part of configuration management: | auditing confo
rmance to ISO9001
Which of the following is the main purpose of the integration strategy for integ
ration testing in the small? | to specify which modules to combine when and how
many at once
What is the purpose of test completion criteria in a test plan: | to plan when t
o stop testing
Consider the following statements | i and v are true, ii, iii and iv are false
Given the following code, which is true about the minimum number of test cases r
equired for full statement and branch coverage: | 1 test for statement coverage,
2 for branch coverage
Given the following: | 1 test for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage
Given the following code, which is true: | 2 tests for statement coverage, 2 for
branch coverage
Consider the following: | SC = 2 and DC = 3
When a new testing tool is purchased, it should be used first by: | Everyone who
may eventually have some use for the tool
What can static analysis NOT find? | Whether the value stored in a variable is c
Which of the following is NOT a black box technique: | LCSAJ
Beta testing is: | Performed by customers at their own site
Given the following types of tool, which tools would typically be used by develo
pers and which by an independent test team: | developers would typically use i a
nd iv; test team ii, iii, v and vi
The main focus of acceptance testing is: | testing for a business perspective
Which of the following statements about the component testing standard is false:
| black box design techniques
Which of the following statements is NOT true: | inspection is appropriate even
Expected results are: | most useful when specified in advance
Test managers should not: | re-allocate resource to meet original plans
Unreachable code would best be found using: | code reviews
A tool that supports traceability, recording of incidents or scheduling of tests
is called: | a configuration management tool
What information need not be included in a test incident report: | the actual an
d expected outcomes
Which expression best matches the following characteristics or review processes:
| s = 4 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 1
Which of the following is NOT part of system testing: | top-down integration tes
What statement about expected outcomes is FALSE: | are defined by the software s b
The standard that gives definitions of testing terms is: | BS7925-1
The cost of fixing a fault: | Increases as we move the product towards live use
Which of the following is NOT included in the Test Plan document of the Test Doc
umentation Standard: | Quality plans
Could reviews or inspections be considered part of testing: | Yes, because both
Which of the following is not part of performance testing: | Recovery testing
Error guessing is best used | After more formal techniques have been applied
Which of the following is true? | Testing is a part of quality assurance
Why is testing necessary? | testing measures the quality of
Integration testing has following characteristics | I, III and IV are correct
A number of critical bugs are fixed in software. All the bugs are in one module,
related to reports. The test manager decides to do regression testing only on t
he reports module. | Regression testing should be done
Which of the following is correct about static analysis tools? | Compilers may o
ffer some support for static analysis
In a flight reservation system, the number of available seats in each plane mode

l is an input. A plane may have any positive number of available seats, up to th

e given capacity of the plane. Using Boundary Value analysis, a list of availabl
e seat values were generated. Which of the following lists is correct? | 0, 1, c
apacity, capacity plus 1
Which of the following is correct about static analysis tools | They help you fi
nd defects rather than failures
In foundation level syllabus you will find the main basic principles of testing.
Which of the following sentences describes one of these basic principles? | For
a software system, it is not possible,
Which of the following statements contains a valid goal for a functional test se
t? | A goal is to find as many failures as possible
In system testing... | Both functional and non-functional
Which of the following activities differentiate a walkthrough from a formal revi
ew? | For a walkthrough individual
Why does the boundary value analysis provide good test cases? | errors are frequ
ently made
Which of the following list contains only non-functional tests? | Interoperabili
ty (compatibility) testing, reliability testing, performance testing
The following list contains risks that have been identified for a software produ
ct to be developed. Which of these risks is an example of a product risk? | Thre
at to a patient s life
Which set of metrics can be used for monitoring of the test execution? | Number
of test cases run / not run; test cases passed / failed
Which of the following statements is correct? | Stress testing tools examine the
What makes an inspection different from other review types? | It is led by a tr
ained leader, uses formal
Which of the following is a valid collection of equivalence classes for the foll
owing problem: An integer field shall contain values from and including 1 to and
including 15 | Less than 1, 1 through 15, more than 15
Which of the following techniques are black box techniques? | Equivalence partit
ioning, state transition testing, decision table testing
A defect management system shall keep track of the status of every defect regist
ered and enforce the rules about changing these states. If your task is to test
the status tracking, which method would be best? | State transition testing
How many decisions should be tested in this code in order to achieve 100% decisi
on coverage? | 2
Why can be tester dependent on configuration management? | assures that we know
the exact version of the Test-ware
What test items should be put under configuration management? | The test object,
the test material and the test environment
Which of the following can be root cause of a bug in a software product? | (I) t
hrough (IV) are correct
Which of the following is most often considered as components interface bug? | F
or two components exchanging data, one
Which of the following project inputs influence testing? | All alternatives are
What is the purpose of test exit criteria in the test plan? | To specify when to
stop the testing activity
Which of the following items need not to be given in an incident report? | The i
nstructions on how to correct the fault
V-Model is: | A software development model that illustrates how testing activiti
es integrate with
Why is incremental integration preferred over big bang integration? | incremental
integration has better early
Maintenance testing is: | Triggered by modifications, migration or retirement of
Why is it necessary to define a Test Strategy? | As there are many different w
ays to test software, thought
Which one of the following are non-functional testing methods? | Usability testi

ng, Performance testing

Which of the following tools would be involved in the automation of regression t
est? | Capture/Playback
Incorrect form of Logic coverage is: | Pole Coverage
Which of the following is not a quality characteristic listed in ISO 9126 Standa
rd? | Supportability
To test a function, the programmer has to write a _________, which calls the fun
ction to be tested and passes it test data. | Driver
Boundary value testing | Test boundary conditions on, below and above the edges
Pick the best definition of quality | Conformance to requirements
Fault Masking is | Error condition hiding another error condition
One Key reason why developers have difficulty testing their own work is: | Lack
of Objectivity
During the software development process, at what point can the test process star
t? | When the software requirements have been approved.
In a review meeting a moderator is a person who | Mediates between people
Acceptance test cases are based on what? | Requirement
How much testing is enough? | The answer depends on the risk for your industry
A common test technique during component test is | Statement and branch testing
Independent Verification & Validation is | done by an Entity outside the Project s
sphere of influence
Code Coverage is used as a measure of what? | Test Effectiveness
We split testing into distinct stages primarily because: | Each test stage has a
different purpose.
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools prov
iding test capture and replay facilities? | Regression testing
Which of the following statements is NOT correct? | A minimal test set that achi
eves 100% statement coverage
Which of the following requirements is testable? | The response time shall be le
ss than one second for the specified design load.
Analyze the following highly simplified procedure: Ask: What type of ticket do yo
u require, single or return? | 3
Error guessing: | supplements formal test design techniques.
Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria? | is the percentag
e of faults found.
In prioritizing what to test, the most important objective is to: | Test high ri
sk areas.
Given the following sets of test management terms (v-z), and activity descriptio
ns (1-5), which one of the following best pairs the two sets? | v-3,w-4,x-1,y-5,
Which one of the following statements about system testing is NOT true? | End-us
ers should be involved in system tests.
Which of the following is false? | Incidents should always be fixed.
Enough testing has been performed when: | The required level of confidence has b
een achieved.
Which of the following is NOT true of incidents? | Incident resolution is the re
sponsibility of the author of the software under test.
Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard? | stress testin
which of the following is false? | A system is necessarily more reliable after d
Which one of the following statements, about capture-replay tools, is NOT correc
t? | They are used to capture and animate user requirements.
How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required? | Discuss
ions with the development team,Time allocated for regression testing
Which of the following is true of the V-model? | It includes the verification of
The oracle assumption: | Is that the tester can routinely identify the correct o
utcome of a test.
Which of the following characterizes the cost of faults? | They are cheapest to

find in the early development

Which of the following should NOT normally be an objective for a test? | To prov
e that the software is correct.
Which of the following is a form of functional testing? | Boundary value analysi
Which of the following would NOT normally form part of a test plan? | Incident r
which of these activities provides the biggest potential cost saving from the us
e of CAST? | Test execution
which of the following is NOT a white box technique? | State transition testing
Data flow analysis studies: | The use of data on paths through the code.
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: | 33501
An important benefit of code inspections is that they: | enable the code to be t
ested before the execution environment is ready.
Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User Acceptan
ce Test scripts? | User requirements
what is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection? | A walkthr
ough is lead by the author, whilst an inspection
Which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification early in
the life cycle? | It reduces defect multiplication.
Integration testing in the small: | Tests interactions between modules or subsys
Static analysis is best described as: | The analysis of program code.
Alpha testing is: | Pre-release testing by end user representatives at the devel
oper s site.
A failure is: | Departure from specified behavior.
In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: | 5800; 28000; 32000
The most important thing about early test design is that it, | Can prevent fault
Which of the following statements about reviews is true? | Reviews should be per
formed on specifications, code, and test plans.
Test cases are designed during: | Test specification.
A configuration management system would NOT normally provide: | Facilities to co
mpare test results with expected results.
Software testing activities should start | as soon as possible in the developmen
t life cycle
Faults found by users are due to: | Poor software and poor testing
What is the main reason for testing software before releasing it? | to give info
rmation for a risk based decision about release
Which of the following statements is not true, | Verification activities should
not involve testers (reviews, inspections etc)
When reporting faults found to developers, testers should be: | All of the above
In which order should tests be run? | the most important tests first
The later in the development life cycle a fault is discovered, the more expensiv
e it is to fix. why? | the fault has been built into more documentation, code, t
ests, etc
Which is not true-The black box tester | should be able to understand the source
A test design technique is | a process for selecting test cases
Test-ware (test cases, test dataset) | needs configuration management just like
requirements, design and code
An incident logging system | is a valuable source of project information during
testing if it contains all incidents
Increasing the quality of the software, by better development methods, will affe
ct the time needed for testing (the test phases) by: | reducing test time
Coverage measurement | is a partial measure of test thoroughness
When should you stop testing? | when the test completion criteria have been met
Which of the following is true? | if u find a lot of bugs in testing, you should
not be
What is the important criterion in deciding what testing technique to use? | the

objective of the test

If the pseudo code below were a programming language, how many tests are require
d to achieve 100% statement coverage? 1. If x=3 then | 3
which of the following is NOT a type of non-functional test? | State-Transition
Which of the following tools would you use to detect a memory leak? | Dynamic an
Which of the following is NOT a standard related to testing? | IEEE610
which of the following is the component test standard? | BS7925-2
which of the following statements are true? | Faults in requirements are the mos
t expensive to fix
Which of the following is not the integration strategy? | Design based
Which of the following is a black box design technique? | equivalence partitioni
A program with high Cyclo-metric complexity is almost likely to be: | Difficult
to test
Which of the following is a static test? | code inspection
Which of the following is the odd one out? | functional
A program validates a numeric field as follows: values less than 10 are rejected
, values between 10 and 21 are accepted, values greater than or equal to 22 are
rejected | 3,10,22
COTS is known as | Commercial off the shelf software
From the below given choices, which one is the Confidence testing | Smoke testing
Defect Density calculated in terms of | defects identified,divided by the size
Be bugging is known as | Adding known defects by seeding
Expert based test estimation is also known as | Wide band Delphi
When testing a grade calculation system, a tester determines that all scores fro
m 90 to 100 will yield a grade of A, but scores below 90 will not. This analysis
is known as: | Equivalence partitioning
All of the following might be done during unit testing except | Manual support t
Which of the following characteristics is primarily associated with software reu
sability? | The extent to which the software can be used in other applications
Which of the following software change management activities is most vital to as
sessing the impact of proposed software modifications? | Change control
Which of the following statements is true about a software verification and vali
dation program? I. It strives to ensure that quality is built into software. |
Which of the following is a requirement of an effective software environment? I.
Ease of use | I, II &III
A project manager has been transferred to a major software development project t
hat is in the implementation phase. The highest priority for this project manage
r should be to | Learn the project objectives and the existing project plan
Which of the following functions is typically supported by a software quality in
formation system? I. Record keeping | I, III &IV
During the testing of a module tester X finds a bug and assigned it to developer.
But developer rejects the same, saying that it s not a bug. What X should do? | Send
to the detailed information
The primary goal of comparing a user manual with the actual behavior of the runn
ing program during system testing is to | Check the technical accuracy of the do
A type of integration testing in which software elements, hardware elements, or
both are combined all at once into a component or an overall system, rather than
in stages. | Big-Bang Testing
Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage? It can be appl
ied to human input, input via interfaces to a system, or interface parameters in
integration testing. | Equivalence partitioning
There is one application, which runs on a single terminal. There is another appl
ication that works on multiple terminals. What are the test techniques you will
use on the second application that you would not do on the first application? |
Update & Rollback, Response time

You are the test manager and you are about the start the system testing. The dev
eloper team says that due to change in requirements they will be able to deliver
the system to you for testing 5 working days after the due date. You can not ch
ange the resources(work hours, test tools, etc.) What steps you will take to be
able to finish the testing in time. | Rank the functionality as per risk and con
Item transmittal report is also known as | Release note
Testing of software used to convert data from existing systems for use in replac
ement systems | Migration testing
Big bang approach is related to | Integration testing
The tracing of requirements for a test level through the layers of a test documen
tation done by | Horizontal traceability
A test harness is a | A test environment comprised of stubs and drives needed to
conduct a test
I. Are the necessary documentation, design and requirements information availabl
e that will allow testers to operate the system and judge correct behavior. | I,
II and IV
This life cycle model is basically driven by schedule and budget risks This statem
ent is best suited for | V-model
Which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage | Control Flow
A branching node is : | A node associated with multiple outlink
What is the problems of testing for loop ? | Execute too many test case
The purpose of cause effect diagram using is | Determine possible cause of a pr
What is NOT focus of defect prevention : | Person who made the defect
Which relation is used mostly in DDA | D-U
Which one is more meaningful to customer and user: | Reliability // randomly.
A typical commercial test execution tool could be able to perform all of the fol
lowing EXCEPT : | Generating expected output
Which of the following use Scatter diagram : | All of above
What is NOT an activity cause analysis : | Identify the common defect
A junction node is : | A node associated with multiple inlink
Static test is another name for : | Walk through
What is focus of CFT ? | Execution path
What is the minimal number of test case to test a deterministic loop? | 7
Which of the following tools show trends of events : | Check sheet
Which the following is NOT a white box : | Dataflow testing
The node for conditional definition of certain are called as : | Selector node
Which likely benefit most of the use of automation test tool ? | System test
Static test: | Walk through
Basic quality tool (NOT): | Check list
Following tools show trends of event | Check sheet
Who should involved in determining risk management: | Customer,Developer,Manager
Not a focus of defect prevention | Person who...
Focus of CFT: | execution path
which technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage? | Equivalence
Not define in Iso 9000 | How to manage quality
Not the responsibility of the leader in causal analysis meeting | Record
Minimal number of test case to test determine loop | 7
Risk relates to which of the follow | Negative consequences could occur
Not a white box technique | Data flow
Relation is used in DDA | D-U
Node for conditional definition of certain data: | Selector
Not parameter of queuing test | Batching
Defect prevention is request by which level of CMM | 3
Typical commercial test execution tool would be able to perform | Generating exp
ected output
Junction nude is | Multiple inlink

Which more meaning full to customer and user

Purpose of Cause-Effect diagram is not | Determine what are problem
Branching nude is | Multiple outlink
Likely to benefit most from user of auto test tool | Unit,System
Problem of testing for a loop | Too much execution
Not correct about DFT construction | Black box is used more
Not characteristic of DDGs | Multiple out link
Place to start if to want to test tool | Your requirement
Not sub-type of Product specific models | Dynamic model
What is not a fours of defect prevention ? | Person who made the defect
A typical commercial test execution tool would be able to perform all of thefoll
owing Except | Generating expected outputs
Which is not a basic quality tool? | Checklist
Customer complains more than one time that the date in weekly is not correct pro
cess leader did not check the date carefully . In which cause category can the a
bove problem class . ? | Oversight
Which is not sub-type of product-specific models | Dynamic model
Which of the following use Scatter diagram | All
Mitigating of a risk is planned to | Avoid the occurrence of the risk
Who should be involved in determining risk management | All
Static test is another name for | Walk-through inspection
The purpose of cause effect diagram using is not to | Determine what are the pro
Which one is more meaningful to customer and user | Reliability
What is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection | A walk-thr
ough is lead by the author, whilst an inspection is lead by trained moderator
What is the form of CFT | Data dependencies
An input field takes the years of birth between 1900 and 2009. The boundary valu
e for testing this field are : | 1900,2009
What are the potential benefit from using tools in general to support testing |
Greater repeatability of tests, reduction in respective work, objective assessm
Defect prevention is requested by which level of CMM? | 5
What is the minimal number of test cases to test a deterministic loop? 7
The nodes for conditional of certain date are called as | Selector nodes
Which is NOT a characteristic of DDGs? | Multiple out links
Customer complains more than one time that the date in weekly reports in the dat
e carefully. | Oversight
The place to start if you want a (new) test tool is: | Analyze your needs and re
The difference between re-testing and regression testing is | re-testing is runn
ing a test again
what is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection? | A walkthr
ough is lead by the author, whilst an inspectio
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools prov
iding test capture and replay facilities? | Regression testing
An important benefit of code inspections is that they: | Can be performed by the
person who wrote the code.
In a inspection meeting a moderator is a person who | Mediates between people
Static test is another name for? | Walk-through inspection
The main purpose of recording defects of inspection is: | To collect defect dat
a for future using
How many steps are there in Fagan inspection model? | 6
What is not defined in ISO 9000 | How to manage the quality
Which is not sub-type of Product-specific models? | Dynamic model
Which of the following does not belong to 7 basic quality tools? | Pie chart
Which is not a basic quality tool? | Checklist
Cleanroom process is developed base on | Combines math reasoning during specifi
cation and design
What is key feature of Cleanroom? | The Cleanroom approach combines math

Which activity is not performed in cleanroom lifecycle? | Statistical testing

The cost of fixing a fault | Increases as we move the product towards live use
FSM can classify by? | Input/Output or State
FSM can be represented by? | Graph or List or table/matrix
What is FSMs stand for? | Finite State Machines
An input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2004. The boundary value
s for testing this field | 1900,2004
Which one is more meaningful to | Reliability
The place to start if you want a test tool is | Analyse your needs and requireme
Data of a project shows that defects of the type "standard convention" are dupli
cated in comparing with normal measurement.The cause is that customer has provid
ed new coding convention but project manager did not plan to explain it for the
team.To which cause category can the above problem be classified? | Oversight
Which is not sub-type of Product-specific models? | Dynamic model
Which is not parameter of queuing testing? | Batching
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of automation test
tools? | System testing
Expected results described in test cases are | used for input-output relation
We split testing into distinct sub-phases because | Each test stage has a differ
ent purpose
What is NOT the responsibility of the leader in a CAR meeting? | Summary the dis
cussion and plan preventive actions
Which is NOT a key attribute of defects? | Defect owner
The purpose of Cause-Effect diagram using is NOT to | determine what are the pro
Which of the following is NOT a white box technique? | State transition testing
What is the focus of CFT? | Data dependencies
In a inspection meeting a moderator is a person who | Mediates between people
What is NOT a focus of defect prevention? | Person who made the defect
Which model is used to analyze and estimate input domain data for reliability te
sting? | TBRM
Static test is another name for? | Walk-through inspection
A risk relates to which of the following? | Negative consequences that could occ
The difference between re-testing and regression testing is | re-testing ensures
the original fault has been removed; regression testing looks for unexpected si
Which of the following would NOT normally form part of a test plan? | Incident r
Which is NOT a model for reliability assessment | ODC
The nodes for conditional definitions of certain data are called as | Storage no
Which of the following tools shows trends of events? | Control chart
A branching node is | a node associated with multiple outlinks
What is the minimal number of test cases to test a deterministic loop? | 7
Boundary value testing | Tests boundary conditions on, below and above the edges
of input and output equivalence classes
Which Model is used to measure the stability over time? | SRGM
Mitigating of a risk is planned to | Avoid the occurrence of the risk
Beta testing is: | performed by customers at their own site
Acceptance testing is | None
What is NOT requested in a test case? | Acceptance criteria
If testing time is limited, we should | Only test high risk areas
What is NOT a risk of automation testing? | The test result is not collected
It identities the objects to be tested. | It is a set of steps, execution precon
ditions, and expected results
The puipose of Cause-Effect diagram using is NOT to | group the root causes of a
What do you NOT need to create Test plan? | Test plan template

expertise and familiarity width the specific testing | Analysis and initial mode
l construction
Fault tolerance using ... can keep systems poerational | recovery block
Relevant quality views and ... need to be identified first. | attributes
Various program elements or program components may be treated as an | intermedia
te coding level
The ones to ensure the correct or reliable performance of these specifiec | True
In embedded software for safety critical system, one does not want to start test
ing safety | False
A set of formal conditions describing the program state befor the excution | pre
Time behavior, Resource behavior, canbe found in_of ISO 9126 | Efficiency
There is a gradual build-up process for individual QA activities, and for them c
ollectively | QA activities pattern
Inspection directly detects and removes faults from the software | Defect reduct
ion through fault derection and removal
For different kinds of customers, users, and market segments, same QA | True
Various defect prevention activities are typically concentrated in the ... of so
ftware developement | earlier phases
...measures are those which can be used in variuos quality models to assess and
predict quality | the indirect quality
the execution of a specific tescase, or a sub-division of the overall test execu
tion sequence for some systems | test run
some execution problems observed during testing may involve complicated scenario
us and many possible sources | true
in general, test case cost time, effort, and expertise to be obtained, and are t
oo wasted | false
... includes constructing new test cases or generating them automati-cally. | te
st case preparation
the basic quality exoectations of a ... are that a software | consumer side
... defines the "meaning" of a program element pr the formal interoretation of t
he effect | pre-conditon
the ones to ensure the correct of reliable performance of these specified functi
ons are typically grouped as _ | verification activities
Suitability, Accuracy, can be found in_of ISO 9126 | None of all
A set of formal conditons describing the program state after the excution of a p
rogram is called its... | post-condition used more in early sub-phases of testing for large sotware systems, such a
s unit and component testing | WBT,BBT
... can be used as a more objective criterion to stop testing | product reliabil
ity goals
Beacuse the specific test is an activity associated with finite time for practic
al purposes | true
Once we obtained qualitative knowledge about customers' quality expectations, we
need to qualify | 2
... testing verifies the correct handling of the external functions provided or
supported by the software | black box
the purpose of software testing is to ensure that the software systems|would wor
k as expected when they are used by their target customers and users
"demonstration of proper behavior" is a primary purpose of testing|which can als
o be interpreted as providing evidence of quality in the context of software QA,
or as meeting certain quality goals
testing fulfills two primarypurposes|to demonstrate quality or proper behavior,
to detect and fix problems
the major test activities include the following in roughly chronological order|T
estplanning andpreparation,Test execution, Analysis and follow-up
Testplanning and preparation|which set the goals for testing, select an overall
testing strategy, and prepare specific test cases and the general test procedure
Test execution|and related activities, which also include related observation an
d measurement of product behavior

Analysis and follow-up, which include result checking and analysis to determine
if a failure has been observed|and if so, follow-up activities are initiated and
monitored to ensure removal of the underlying causes, or faults, that led to th
e observed failures in the first place
The major test activities are centered around test execution|performing the actu
al tests. At a minimum, testing involves executing the software and communicatin
g the related
One of the key component to effective test execution is the handling of problems
ensure that failed runs will not block|the executions of other test cases. This
is particularly important for systems that require continuous operation
defect fixing is not considered to be a part of testing|but rather a part of the
development activities
re-verification of problem fixes is considered as a part of testing|In this book
, we consider all of these activities as a part of testing
Data captured during execution and other related measurements can be|used to loc
ate and fix the underlying faults that led to the observed failure
After we have determined if a test run is a success|or failure, appropriate acti
ons can be initiated for failed runs to locate and fix the underlying faults
Test planning and preparation include the following sub-activities:Goal setting,
Test case preparation, Test procedure preparation
there is a strong need for planned, monitored, managed and optimized testing s
trategies|based on1 systematic considerations for quality, formal models, and r
elated techniques
Test case preparation|It includes constructing new test cases or generating them
automatically, selecting from existing ones for legacy products
Test procedure preparation|For systematic testing on a large scale for most of t
oday s software products and software- intensive systems
Test procedure preparation| a formal procedure is more of a necessity than a lux
ury, It can be defined and followed to ensure effective test execution, problem
handling and resolution, and the overall test process management
What artifacts are tested?|The primary types of objects or software artifacts to
be tested are software programs or code written in different programming langua
What artifacts are tested|Program code is the focus of our testing effort and re
lated testing techniques and activities
What to test, and what kind of faults is found?|Black-box (or functional) testi
ng verifies the correct handling of the external functions provided or supported
by the software, or whether the observed behavior conforms to user expectations
or product specifications
What to test, and what kind of faults is found|White-box (or structural) testin
g verifies the correct implementation of internal units, structures, and relatio
ns among them
When black-box testing is performed|failures related to specific external functi
ons can be observed, leading to corresponding faults being detected and removed
The emphasis is on reducing the chances of encountering|functional problems by t
arget customers
when white-box testing is performed|ailures related to internal implementations
can be observed, leading to corresponding faults being detected and removed
When, or at what defect level, to stop testing?|Most of the traditional testing
techniques and testing sub-phases use some coverage information as the stopping
When, or at what defect level, to stop testing|with the implicit assumption that
higher coverage means higher quality or lower levels of defects
What is the spec$c testing technique used|what-to-test and stopping-criteria
There are two basic types of models|hose based on simple structures such as chec
klists and partitions,and those based on finite-state machines(FSMs).
Some specialized extensions to the two basic models can be used to support sever
al commonly|used testing techniques, such as input domain testing that extends p
artition ideas to input sub-domains and focuses on testing related boundary con

ditions and control flow and data flow testing (CFT & DFT) that extends FSMs
Who performs which specific activities?|Different people may be involved in diff
erent roles
When can specific test activities be performed?|Because testing is an executionbased QA activity, a prerequisite to actual testing is the existence of the impl
emented software units
actual testing of large software systems is typically organized|and divided into
various sub-phases starting from the coding phase up to post-release
What is the product type or market segment for the product under testing|Most of
the testing techniques we describe are generally applicable to most application
The main difference between functional and structural testing is the perspective
and the related focus|Functional testing focus on the external behavior of a so
ftware system or its various components
Functional testing focus on the external behavior of a software system or its va
rious components|while viewing the object to be tested as a black-box that preve
nts us from seeing the contents inside
structural testing focus on the internal implementation|while viewing the object
to be tested as a white-box that allows us to see the contents inside
actual testing for large software systems is typically organized and divided int
o|various sub-phases starting from the coding phase up to post-release product s
upport, including unit testing, component testing, integration testing, system t
esting, acceptance testing, beta testing
Unit testing and component testing typically focus on|individual program element
s that are present in the unit or component
Functional testing verifies the correct handling of the external functions provi
ded by the|software, through the observation of the program external behavior du
ring execution
Perspective|BBT views the objects of testing as a black-box while focusing on
testing the input-output relations or external functional behavior; while WBT v
iews the objects as a glass-box where internal implementation details are visibl
e and tested
Objects|WBT is generally used to test small objects, such as small software prod
ucts or small units of large software products
Timeline|WBT is used more in early sub-phases of testing for large software syst
ems, such as unit and component testing
Defect focus|In BBT, failures related to specific external functions can be obse
rved, leading to corresponding faults being detected and removed
Defect detection and fixing|Defects detected through WBT are easier to fix than
those through BBT because of the direct connection between the observed failures
and program units and implementation details in WBT
Techniques|Various techniques can be used to build models and generate test case
s to perform systematic BBT
Resource-based criteria,The most commonly used such stopping criteria are|Stop w
hen you run out of time.Stop when you run out of money
Activity-based criteria, commonly in the form|Stop when you complete planned tes
t activities
Two primary types of usage models or OPs are|Flat OPs, or Musa OPs,Markov chain
based usage models
Flat OPs, or Musa OPs|which present commonly used operations in a list, a histog
ram, or a tree-structure
Markov chain based usage models|which present commonly used operational units in
Markov chains, where the state transition probabilities are history independent
The generic steps and major sub-activities for CBT model|Defining the model,Chec
king individual model elements,Dejning coverage criteria,Derive test cases
Defining the model|These models are often represented by some graphs, with indiv
idual nodes representing the basic model elements and links representing the i
Checking individual model elements|to make sure the individual elements, such as
links, nodes, and related properties, have been tested individually, typically

in isolation
Defining coverage criteria|Besides covering the basic model elements above, some
other coverage criteria are typically used to cover the overall execution and i
Derive test cases|Once the coverage criteria are defined, we can design our test
cases to achieve them
Perspective: UBST views the objects of testing|from a user s perspective and focus
on the usage scenarios, sequences, patterns, and associated frequencies or proba
bilities,while CBT views the objects from a developer s
Stopping criteria: UBST use product reliability|goals as the exit criterion; and
CBT using coverage goals - surrogates or approximations of reliability goals
Usage-based vs. coverage-based stopping criteria and corresponding|testing techn
iques, with the former attempting to reach certain reliability goals by focusing
on functions and feature frequently
Overall objectives and goals, which can be refined into specific|goals for speci
fic testing. Some specific goals include reliability for usage-based statistical
testing or coverage for various traditional testing techniques
Objects to be tested and the specific focus|Functional testing views the softwar
e product as a black-box and focuses on testing the external functional behavior
Information source identification and data collection| The information and data
are generally affected by both what is required by specific models and what is a
vailable in the project environment
Analysis and initial model construction: The information|and data collected abov
e are analyzed to construct testing models
Model validation and incremental improvement|This is an important step, particul
arly for large objects or for functions or usages associated with external custo
A test case|is a collection of entities and related information that allows a te
st to be executed or a test run to be performed
A test run|is a dynamic unit of specific test activities in the overall testing
sequence on a selected testing object
Dependencies among individual test cases|Some test cases can only be run after o
thers because one is used to set up another
Defect detection related sequencing|Many problems can only be effectively detect
ed after others have been discovered and fixed
Sequences to avoid accidents|For some systems, possibly severe problems and d
amages may incur during testing if certain areas were not checked through relate
d test
Problem diagnosis related sequencing|Some execution problems observed during tes
ting may involve complicated scenarios and many
Natural grouping of test cases|such as by functional and structural areas or by
usage frequencies, can also be used for test sequencing and to manage parallel t
General steps in test execution include|Allocating test time and resources,nvoki
ng and running tests, and collecting execution information and measurements;Chec
king testing results and identifying system failures
Result checking, or the oracle problem|and the related failure identification is
a difficult task, because of both the theoretical difficulties and practical li
Analysis of individual test runs includes|result checking and failure identifica
tion we covered in the previous section as part of the test execution activities
Problem diagnosis to examine|what kind of problem it is, where, when, and possib
le causes. This may involve analyzing the above records and using some diagnosti
Fault locating, to identify the exact location(s)|of fault(s) based on informati
on from the previous steps and product knowledge
Defect Jixing, to fix the located fault(s) by adding|removing, or correcting cer
tain parts of the code
Reliability analysis for usage-based testing|which can be used to assess curr

ent product reliability and as input to determine if the pre-set reliability goa
l has been achieved
Coverage analysis for coverage-based testing|which can be used as a surrogate fo
r reliability and used as the stopping criterion or as input to various decision
s related to testing management
Overall defect analysis|which can be used to examine defect distribution and to
identify high-defect areas for focused remedial actions
vertical model would organize around a product|where dedicated people perform on
e or more testing tasks for the product.
horizontal model is used in some large organizations|so that a testing team onl
y performs one kind of testing for many different products within the organizati
Various issues related to test automation include|specific needs and potential f
or autornation; selection of existing testing tools if available;possibility and
cost of constructing specific test automation tools; availability of user train
ing for these tools and time/effort needed;
McCabe Test from McCabe|and Associates provides control flow coverage related in
formation and analysis.
S-TCAT (System Test Coverage Analysis Tool) from SRI|provides function-level cov
erage and call-pair information
ATAC|from Telecodia is a data flow coverage analysis tool for white-box testing.
Test planning and preparation|setting goal, sellecting overall strategies and te
chniques gathering information constructing testing modelspreparing individual t
est cases
Test execution and measurement|allocating and adjusting test time and resources,
invoking and running tests, and taking appropriate measurements,checking testing
results and identifying system failures.
Pre-QA activities| Quality planning:These are the activities that should be carr
ied out before carrying out the regular QA activities
quantify these quality expectations to set appropriate quality goals in two step
s|We need to select or define the quality measurements and models,We need to fin
d out the expected values or ranges of the corresponding quality
The influence of quality perspectives and attributes|For different kinds of cust
omers, users, and market segments, different QA alternatives might be appropriat
The influence of different quality Levels|Quantitative quality levels as specifi
ed in the quality goals may also affect the choice of appropriate QA techniques
Measurement: Besides defect measurements|collected during defect handling, which
is typically carried out as part of the normal QA activities, various other mea
Analysis and modeling|These activities analyze measurement data from software pr
ojects and fit them to analytical models that provide quantitative assessment o
f selected quality characteristics or sub-characteristics
Providing feedback and identifying improvement potentials|Results from the above
analysis and modeling activities can provide feedback to the quality engineerin
g process
Follow-up activities|Besides the immediate use of analysis and modeling results
described above,various follow-up activities can be carried out to affect the lo
ng-term quality and organizational performance
The quality engineering process|forms an integral part of the overall software e
ngineering process, where other concerns, such as cost and schedule, are also co
nsidered and managed
In alternative software processes other than waterfall|such as in incremental, i
terative, spiral, and extreme programming processes
For normal project monitoring and management under any process|appropriate measu
rement activities need to be carried out to collect or extract data from the sof
tware process
Minor modifications|are needed to integrate quality engineering activities into
other development processes

Quality planning drives|and should precede the other two groups of activities
The collective effort of selected QA activities|generally demonstrated the follo
wing pattern|gradual build-up process for individual QA activities
Quality Planning before specific QA activities are carried out|in the so-called
pre-QA activities in software quality engineering
Quality quantization|and improvement through measurement, analysis, feedback,and
follow-up activities
the biggest obstacle to formal methods|is the high cost associated with the diff
icult task of performing these human intensive activities correctly without adeq
uate automated support
The question of applicability can be answered in two steps|The type of products
or application domains that would benefit,..The type of software artifacts in th
e above products
The most commonly verified or analyzed objects| are the program code
The basic reason behind this is the shared formalism and formal language|that ca
n be used to describe, model, and analyze different type of systems, not just li
In terms of the software artifacts from different development phases being verif
ied and analyze| these techniques are closely related to and depend upon the ava
ilability of formal system specifications, either as formal descriptions
Formal verification and analysis|is most closely related to formal inspection,
review, and static analysis
formal methods belong to the defect prevention category|with formal specificatio
ns eliminating certain error sources due to poor understanding of product requir
ements and formal verification confirming the absence of certain defects.
The use of recovery blocks|occasional failures only cause loss of partial comput
ational results but not complete execution failures
Periodic checkpointing and refreshing to save the dynamic contents of software e
xecutions|Sometimes this activity can be associated with the completion of some
major tasks or occurrence of some significant events, in addition to at the predeterminedtime instances
Failure detection|This activity is typically associated with the checkpointing a
ctivity above
before a new checkpoint can be established|some consistency check is carried out
to see if there is an execution failure or other suspected
If a failure is detected|1. Rollback by restoring the saved dynamic contents2. R
erun the lost computation.
In using recovery blocks, failures are detected|but the underlying faults are no
t removed
The limited capability for fault tolerance is achieved through fault avoidance|d
ue to different execution path or execution condition that does not involve the
fault code
Another issue is the maintenance and follow-up activities to normal operations|r
epeated failures need to be dealt with by taking the system off-line for defect
analysis and fixing
Analysis of actual or potential accident scenarios|with a focus on preconditions
, or hazards, for these scenarios This type of analysis is called hazard analysi
Preventive and remedial actions for accident prevention|referred to as hazard re
solution, to deal with the hazards identified in the above analysis
Generic ways include hazard elimination|hazard reduction, and hazard control.
The basic analysis tool is logical diagrams called fault-trees|which also repres
ent the analysis results
The analysis follows a top-down procedure|starting with the top event and recurs
ively analyzing each event or condition to find out its logical conditions or su
An event tree|is a temporal cause-effect diagram We start with the primary event
and follow through its subsequent events and consequences over time or stages
Each branch of the event tree|represents a specific consequence of a decision, w
hich in turn can be associated with their own subsequent decisions and consequen

The main usage of ETA is to recreate accident sequences and/or scenarios|the cri
tical paths that lead from the primary events through a sequence of decisions
Hazard elimination through substitution|simplification, decoupling, elimination
of specific human errors, and reduction of hazardous materials or conditions
Hazard reduction through design for controllability|use of locking devices and f
ailure probability minimization using safety margins and redundancy
Hazard control|through reducing exposure, isolation and containment protection s
damage control|also involves accident analysis that guide planned and actual str
ategies for damage control in the unfortunate event that accidents do happen
Detection or observation|of specific problems from specific defect perspectives
during the performance of specific QA activities
Types of follow-up actions|that deal with the observed or detected problems in s
pecific ways as examined from the defect perspectives
Defect prevention|works to block some errors or to remove error sources to prev
ent the injection of related faults
One key difference between inspection and testing|is the way faults are identifi
Inspection involves static examination| while testing involves dynamic execution
It is hard for human inspectors to keep track of multiple components and complic
ated interactions over time|while the same task may not be such a difficult one
for computers
Human inspectors can focus on a small area and perform|in-depth analysis, leadin
g to effective detection of localized faults
Formal verification|deals with logical (or mathematical) correctness, and can be
interpreted as extremely formalized inspection
Fault tolerance and failure|containment are designed to work with dynamic operat
ional problems that may lead to global failures and accidents
For existing products with relatively high defect levels or with many common fau
lts|inspection is most likely to be more effective than testing
A proof of correctness of a formal verification|can only be produced if the prog
ram is fault-free with respect to its formal specification
When verification cannot be successfully|further analysis can often reveal accid
ental logical or functional faults
Fault tolerance techniques|generally involve the observations of dynamic local f
ailures failures and the tolerance of the related faults but not the identificat
ion and removal of these faults
Most traditional QA activities|such as testing and inspection, focus on defect d
etection and removal
Operational cost of having specific mechanisms|in the operational systems, which
may slow down the overall system, reduce the system capacity, or negatively aff
ect other performance measures
Implementation cost to design|implement, and ensure selected features and mechan
isms, such as backups and redundancies
Failure or accident cost|which is similar to the dormant defect cost considered
above for defect prevention and defect reduction techniques
Among the three, failure/accident|cost need to be balanced against the other two
to justify spending valuable resources to implement and operate these fault to
active design reviews (ADR) to ensure inspectors active participation, | the auth
or prepares questionnaires to focus on specific scenarios or areas
these analyses can be used in testing or other QA activities | Decision table a
nd decision tree analyses,Boundary value analysis is related to testing,Finite-s
tate machine analysis is most closely related,ontrol flow and data dependency an

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