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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations ......................... 1-1
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Antenna and Feeder System for 3G Only ........................................................... 1-1
1.2.1 RRU + Antenna ................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2.2 RRU + RET Antenna + RCU ........................................................................ 1-2
1.2.3 RRU + RET Antenna + RCU + STMA ....................................................... 1-3
1.2.4 RRU + Antenna + TMA .................................................................................. 1-4
1.2.5 RRU + BT+ RET Antenna + RCU + SBT ................................................. 1-5
1.3 Antenna and Feeder System Shared by 2G and 3G ....................................... 1-6
1.3.1 GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna, Independent Feeder ................. 1-7
1.3.2 GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna and RCU, Independent Feeder1-7
1.3.3 GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna and Feeder ................................... 1-8
1.3.4 GSM1800+UMTS: Independent Antenna, Shared Feeder ................. 1-9
1.3.5 GSM1800+UMTS: Independent RET Antenna, Shared Feeder ..... 1-10
1.3.6 GSM900+GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna, Independent Feeder1-12
Chapter 2 Installation Procedure of Antenna and Feeder System ..................... 2-1
2.1 About This Chapter ..................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Installation Procedure of DBS3800 Antenna and Feeder System ............... 2-1
2.3 Procedure Description ............................................................................................... 2-3
Chapter 3 Installation Preparations ................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 About This Chapter ..................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Qualifying Personnel .................................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Preparing Personnel for Installation ...................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Preparing Tools and Instruments............................................................................ 3-2
3.5 Preparing Feeder Window ....................................................................................... 3-3
3.5.1 Structure of Feeder Window ......................................................................... 3-3
3.5.2 Installing Feeder Window .............................................................................. 3-4
3.6 Preparing Grounding Bar .......................................................................................... 3-6
3.7 Testing Devices for Antenna and Feeder System ............................................. 3-7
3.7.1 Testing Antenna ................................................................................................ 3-7
3.7.2 Testing TMA ....................................................................................................... 3-8
3.8 Making Feeder Connector ........................................................................................ 3-8
3.9 Assembling Omnidirectional Antenna ................................................................... 3-9
3.9.1 Omnidirectional Antenna Accessories ....................................................... 3-9
3.9.2 Assembling Procedure ................................................................................. 3-11
3.10 Assembling Directional Antenna ........................................................................ 3-12
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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Table of Contents

3.10.1 Directional Antenna Accessories ............................................................ 3-12

3.10.2 Assembling Procedure ............................................................................... 3-13
Chapter 4 Installing DBS3800 Antenna and Feeder System ................................. 4-1
4.1 About This Chapter ..................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Installing Antenna Support on Tower Platform ................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Structure of Antenna Support on Tower Platform ................................... 4-2
4.2.2 Installation Requirements .............................................................................. 4-2
4.2.3 Installing Antenna Support on Tower Platform ........................................ 4-3
4.3 Installing Antenna Support on Rooftop ................................................................. 4-4
4.3.1 Structure of Antenna Support on Rooftop ................................................ 4-5
4.3.2 Installation Requirements .............................................................................. 4-5
4.3.3 Installing Antenna Support on Rooftop without Walls ........................... 4-6
4.3.4 Installing Antenna support on Rooftop with Wall .................................... 4-8
4.4 Hoisting Antennas ..................................................................................................... 4-10
4.5 Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Tower Platform .................................. 4-11
4.5.1 Omnidirectional Antenna Mounted on Tower Platform ....................... 4-11
4.5.2 Installation Requirements ............................................................................ 4-12
4.5.3 Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Tower Platform ....................... 4-12
4.6 Installing Directional Antenna on Tower Platform ............................................ 4-14
4.6.1 Directional Antenna Mounted on Tower Platform ................................. 4-14
4.6.2 Installation Requirements ............................................................................ 4-15
4.6.3 Installing Directional Antenna on Tower Platform................................. 4-16
4.6.4 Adjusting Antenna Pitch Angle ................................................................... 4-18
4.7 Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Rooftop ................................................ 4-20
4.7.1 Omnidirectional Antenna Mounted on Rooftop ..................................... 4-20
4.7.2 Installation Requirements ............................................................................ 4-21
4.7.3 Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Rooftop ..................................... 4-21
4.8 Installing Directional Antenna on Rooftop ......................................................... 4-23
4.8.1 Directional Antenna Mounted on Rooftop .............................................. 4-23
4.8.2 Installation Requirements ............................................................................ 4-24
4.8.3 Installing Directional Antenna on Rooftop .............................................. 4-25
4.9 Installing TMA ............................................................................................................ 4-26
4.9.1 Structure of TMA ............................................................................................ 4-26
4.9.2 Installation Requirements ............................................................................ 4-28
4.9.3 Installing TMA on Fixed Post ...................................................................... 4-28
4.9.4 Installing TMA on Wall .................................................................................. 4-29
4.9.5 Installing Jumpers of TMA........................................................................... 4-30
4.10 Installing ALD ........................................................................................................... 4-32
4.10.1 Installing RCU............................................................................................... 4-32
4.10.2 Installing SBT................................................................................................ 4-36
4.10.3 Installing STMA ............................................................................................ 4-38
4.10.4 Installing BT .................................................................................................. 4-39
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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Table of Contents

4.11 Installing RET Signal Cables ............................................................................... 4-41

4.11.1 Installing AISG Control Cable Connecting RCU and SBT (or STMA)4-41
4.11.2 Installing AISG Multi-core Cable Connecting RCU and RRU ........ 4-42
4.11.3 Installing AISG Coaxial Cable Connecting RRU and BT ................. 4-44
4.12 Installing and Grounding Feeders ..................................................................... 4-47
4.12.1 Cutting Feeders ........................................................................................... 4-47
4.12.2 Hoisting Feeders ......................................................................................... 4-48
4.12.3 Laying Feeders ............................................................................................ 4-51
4.12.4 Install Feeder Grounding Clips ................................................................ 4-52
4.12.5 Grounding Locations of Feeder Grounding Clips .............................. 4-54
4.13 Leading Feeders into Equipment Room .......................................................... 4-57
4.13.1 Feeder Arrangement Principles .............................................................. 4-57
4.13.2 Leading Feeders into Equipment Room............................................... 4-58
4.14 Installing Jumpers .................................................................................................. 4-58
4.14.1 Installing Jumpers ....................................................................................... 4-58
4.14.2 Requirements for Laying Jumpers ......................................................... 4-59
4.15 Testing Antenna and Feeder System ............................................................... 4-59
4.16 Waterproofing and Encapsulating ..................................................................... 4-59
4.16.1 Waterproofing Outdoor Connectors ....................................................... 4-59
4.16.2 Waterproofing Feeder Window ............................................................... 4-61
Chapter 5 Checking Installation ........................................................................................ 5-1
5.1 About This Chapter ..................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Checking the feeder ................................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 Checking the grounding bar .................................................................................... 5-2
5.4 Checking the feeder encapsulation window ....................................................... 5-3
5.5 Checking Antenna....................................................................................................... 5-3
5.6 Checking the jumper and TMA ............................................................................... 5-4

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 1 Typical Antenna and Feeder System

1.1 Overview
This chapter presents typical antenna and feeder system configurations as follows:

Antenna and Feeder System for 3G Only

1.3 Antenna and Feeder System Shared by 2G and 3G

1.2 Antenna and Feeder System for 3G Only

The antenna and feeder system for 3G only means the antenna and feeder system is
independent of that for 2G. However, they might share the same pole. Typical
configurations in this case include:

RRU + Antenna

RRU + RET Antenna + RCU

RRU + RET Antenna + RCU + STMA

RRU + Antenna + TMA

RRU + BT+ RET Antenna + RCU + SBT

1.2.1 RRU + Antenna

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system only consists of the antenna and
feeders, as shown in Figure 1-1. The figure also shows the antenna and feeder system
of the 2G system.

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Figure 1-1 RRU + antenna

In this configuration,

The radio remote unit (RRU) is near the antenna. For example, both devices are
on the rooftop.

RRU connects to the antenna through 1/2 feeders or sometimes 5/4 or 7/8 ones.

1.2.2 RRU + RET Antenna + RCU

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system consists of the remote electrical tilt
(RET) antenna, the remote control unit (RCU) and feeders, as shown in Figure 1-2. The
figure also shows the antenna and feeder system of the 2G system.

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Figure 1-2 RRU + RET antenna + RCU

In this configuration,

The RRU is near the antenna. For example, both devices are on the rooftop.

RRU connects to the antenna through 1/2 feeders or sometimes 5/4 or 7/8 ones.

RRU connects to the RCU through a multi-core AISG cable.

1.2.3 RRU + RET Antenna + RCU + STMA

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system consists of the RET antenna, RCU,
the smart tower mounted amplifier (STMA), and feeders, as shown in Figure 1-3. The
figure also shows the antenna and feeder system of the 2G system.

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Figure 1-3 RRU + RET antenna + RCU + STMA

In this configuration,

Generally, the RRU is at the tower bottom, and the antenna is on the tower top.

RRU connects to the antenna through 5/4 or 7/8 feeders.

The RF port of RRU connects to the feeder by Bias-Tee (BT), and the RET
antenna of RRU connects to the two BTs through AISG feeders.

The AISG port of STMA connects to the RCU through an AISG extension cable.

1.2.4 RRU + Antenna + TMA

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system consists of the antenna, TMA, and
feeders, as shown in Figure 1-4. The figure also shows the antenna and feeder system
of the 2G system.

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Figure 1-4 RRU + Antenna + TMA

In this configuration,

Generally, the RRU is at the tower bottom, and the antenna is on the tower top.

RRU connects to the antenna through 5/4 or 7/8 feeders.

The RF port of RRU connects to the feeder through BT.

1.2.5 RRU + BT+ RET Antenna + RCU + SBT

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system consists of the RET antenna, RCU,
SBT, BT and feeders, as shown in Figure 1-5. The figure also shows the antenna and
feeder system of the 2G system.

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Figure 1-5 RRU + Antenna + TMA

In this configuration,

Generally, the RRU is at the tower bottom, and the antenna is on the tower top.

RRU connects to the antenna through 5/4 or 7/8 feeders.

BT and SBT must be installed on the RF transmit port of the RRU.

1.3 Antenna and Feeder System Shared by 2G and 3G

The antenna and feeder system shared by 2G and 3G means that 2G and 3G use the
same antenna and feeder system including such devices as antennas and feeders.
Typical configurations in this case include:

GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna, Independent Feeder

GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna and RCU, Independent Feeder

GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna and Feeder

GSM1800+UMTS: Independent Antenna, Shared Feeder

GSM1800+UMTS: Independent RET Antenna, Shared Feeder

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide


GSM900+GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna, Independent Feeder

1.3.1 GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna, Independent Feeder

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system contains the dual-band antenna
with four ports and feeders, as shown in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6 GSM1800+UMTS: shared antenna plus independent feeders

In this configuration,

Generally, the RRU is near the antenna, especially when both RRU and the
antenna are on the rooftop.

RRU connects to the antenna through 1/2 feeders, or sometimes 5/4 or 7/8

1.3.2 GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna and RCU, Independent Feeder

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system consists of the dual-band RET
antenna with four ports, RCU, and feeders, as shown in Figure 1-7.

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Figure 1-7 GSM1800+UMTS: shared antenna and RCU plus independent feeders
In this configuration,

Generally, the RRU is near the antenna, especially when both RRU and the
antenna are on the rooftop.

RRU connects to the antenna through 1/2 feeders, or sometimes 5/4 or 7/8

RRU connects to RCU through a multi-core AISG cable.

1.3.3 GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna and Feeder

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system contains the wideband antenna,
diplexer and feeders, as shown in Figure 1-8.

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Figure 1-8 GSM1800+UMTS: shared antenna and feeders

In this configuration,

Generally, the RRU is at the tower bottom, and the antenna is on the tower top.

To combine 2G and 3G signals, two diplexers are used by the 2G and 3G systems.

The RF ports on a 2G BTS connect to the GSM ports on the two diplexers.

The RF ports of RRU connect to the UMTS ports on diplexers.

1.3.4 GSM1800+UMTS: Independent Antenna, Shared Feeder

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system consists of the antenna, diplexers,
and feeders, as shown in Figure 1-9.

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

Figure 1-9 GSM1800+UMTS: independent antenna plus shared feeders

In this configuration,

Generally, the RRU is at the tower bottom, and the antenna is on the tower top.

To share feeders between 2G and 3G, both the NodeB and the antenna need two

The RF ports at the 2G NodeB connect to the GSM ports on diplexers at the
NodeB. The RF ports of RRU connect to the UMTS ports on diplexers at the

The 2G antenna connects to the GSM ports on the diplexers at the antenna side.
The 3G antenna connects to the UMTS ports on the diplexers at the antenna side.

1.3.5 GSM1800+UMTS: Independent RET Antenna, Shared Feeder

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system consists of the antenna, RET,
diplexers, and feeders, as shown in Figure 1-10.

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Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Figure 1-10 GSM1800+UMTS: independent RET antenna plus shared feeders

In this configuration,

Generally, the RRU is at the tower bottom, and the antenna is on the tower top.

BT and SBT must be installed on the RF transmit port of the RRU.

To share feeders between 2G and 3G, both the NodeB and the antenna need two
diplexers. And the diplexers must be able to feed current.

The RF ports at the 2G NodeB connect to the GSM ports on the diplexers at the

One of the RF ports on RRU connects to the UMTS port on the diplexer at the
NodeB. The other RF port connects to the UMTS port on the diplexer at the NodeB
side through BT.

The 2G antenna connects to the GSM ports on the diplexers at the antenna side.

One port on the 3G antenna connects to the UMTS port on the diplexer at the
antenna side. The other port connects to the UMTS port on the other diplexer
through Smart Bias-Tee (SBT).

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 1
Typical Antenna and Feeder System Configurations

1.3.6 GSM900+GSM1800+UMTS: Shared Antenna, Independent Feeder

In this configuration, the antenna and feeder system consists of the tri-band RET
antenna, RCU, diplexers, and feeders, as shown in Figure 1-11.

Figure 1-11 GSM900+GSM1800+UMTS: shared antenna plus independent feeders

When 2G GSM900 and GSM1800 share the same dual-band antenna and feeders,
you may adopt this configuration.
In the configuration,

Generally, the RRU is at the tower bottom, and the antenna and RET are on the
tower top.

The UMTS antenna needs a RCU. RRU connects to the UMTS ports on the
tri-band antenna through 1/2 feeders.

RRU connects to RCU through a multi-core AISG cable.

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 2
Installation Procedure of Antenna and Feeder System

Chapter 2 Installation Procedure of Antenna and

Feeder System
2.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes the installation procedure of antenna and feeder system,

Installation Procedure of DBS3800 Antenna and Feeder System

Procedure Description

2.2 Installation Procedure of DBS3800 Antenna and Feeder

Figure 2-1 is the suggested installation procedure of DBS3800 antenna & feeder
system. The installation method and procedure may differ according to the different
installation environment and the antenna adopted. Arrange the installation work
according to engineering documents, the number of the installing personnel,
installation environment and the type of the antenna.

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Chapter 2
Installation Procedure of Antenna and Feeder System

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide


Install antenna support

Hoist antenna
Install antenna

ALD configured?

Install ALD
Install RCU


TMA configured?


Install SBT or STMA

Install AISG control cable

BT configured?

Install TMA

Install jumper and BT
Install AISG coaxial cable

Install and ground feeders

Leed feeders into
equipment room

Test NodeB antenna and

feeder system

Pass the test ?

Find and handle the


outdoor connectors
and feeder window

Figure 2-1 Installation procedure of DBS3800 antenna and feeder system

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Chapter 2
Installation Procedure of Antenna and Feeder System

DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

2.3 Procedure Description

Table 2-1 shows the installation guide of antenna and feeder system of indoor installed
Table 2-1 Installation guide of antenna and feeder system of indoor installed RRU
antenna support

Refer to. . .
4.2 Installing Antenna
Support on Tower Platform
4.3 Installing Antenna
Support on Rooftop

Optional. If there are antenna

supports up to requirements, it
is no need installing the

4.4 Hoisting Antennas

4.5 Installing
Omnidirectional Antenna on
Tower Platform



4.6 Installing Directional

Antenna on Tower Platform

Refer to corresponding sections
according to the antenna type
and installation location.

4.7 Installing
Omnidirectional Antenna on
4.8 Installing Directional
Antenna on Rooftop

Installing TMA

4.9 Installing TMA

Optional. If the TMA is

configured, it needs to install
the TMA, the jumpers between
antenna and TMA and the
jumpers between feeder and

Installing ALD

4.10 Installing ALD

If choose the RET antenna &

feeder system, this step is

4.11 Installing RET Signal

Installing and

4.12 Installing and

Grounding Feeders


Leading feeders
into equipment

4.13 Leading Feeders into

Equipment Room

For RRU installed indoor:



4.14 Installing Jumpers

Install and ground the feeders

For RRU installed outdoor: not

Install the jumpers connected to

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide


Chapter 2
Installation Procedure of Antenna and Feeder System

Refer to. . .


Testing NodeB
antenna and
feeder system

4.15 Testing Antenna and

Feeder System


connectors and
feeder window

4.16 Waterproofing and


Waterproofing outdoor
connectors: compulsory

Test the VSWR of NodeB

antenna and feeder system to
confirm the installation quality
of the system.

Encapsulating feeder window:

for RRU installed indoor,
for RRU installed outdoor, not

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 3 Installation Preparations

Chapter 3 Installation Preparations

3.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes the installation preparations for the antenna and feeder system
as follows:

Qualifying Personnel

Preparing Personnel for Installation

Preparing Tools and Instruments

Preparing Feeder Window

Preparing Grounding Bar

Testing Devices for Antenna and Feeder System

Making Feeder Connector

Assembling Omnidirectional Antenna

Assembling Directional Antenna

3.2 Qualifying Personnel

A project supervisor is in charge of antenna and feeder system installation. Installers
carry out the installation.
Table 3-1 lists the requirements for the two roles.
Table 3-1 Requirements for installation personnel



Familiar with materials, tools, and methods related to the

installation of the antenna and feeder system;

Familiar with installation flow and methods of all the parts

Possessing relevant certificates after training;

Tower installer



In good health, free of alcohol, and under the coverage of

personal safety insurance;
Using safety tools correctly;
Wearing safety working suites and anti-slippery shoes during

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 3 Installation Preparations

3.3 Preparing Personnel for Installation

Table 3-2 lists preparations for different roles.
Table 3-2 Preparations for different roles



All persons on
the site

Persons on the

Preparing keys to the rooms or roof corridor through which the

feeders run;

Wearing safety helmets;

Each installation team must prepare a first-aid kit.

Persons under
the tower

Contacting customers on the site to prepare instruments and

tools required;


Keeping unrelated persons, especially children away from the

installation sit;
Taking care of installation parts and instruments to prevent
loss or damage
Fastening safety belts;
Carrying the tool kit and some simple bandages such as the
Woundplast handy


When multiple persons are to climb the tower, the person carrying the tool kit shall
climb up last and down first lest a fallen tool injures others.

Keep the tool kit closed during the installation and open it only when necessary.

3.4 Preparing Tools and Instruments

Table 3-3 lists special tools and instruments for installing the antenna and feeder
The tool list for installing the antenna and feeder system lists other common tools used
in RRU installation or NodeB installation, such as percussion drill and screwdrivers.

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 3 Installation Preparations

Table 3-3 Special tools and instruments for antenna and feeder system installation
Measuring tools

Tools for feeders

An angle display;

A compass

An assembly pulley;

Two ropes (1 thin and 1thick, both 150m long);

Feeder noose

A feeder nipper;

Cable cutter (applicable for the feeder specification);

Tools for making feeders (1/2", 7/8");

Protective tools

Tools from local



Test tools

Blast lamp (to warm and soften the waterproof and

sealing materials in cold environment)
Safety belts (for personnel operating out of the tower

Safety caps;

Safety ropes;

Thick union suits;

RF protective clothing

Double ladder;

Lifting tools for the main feeder wheel spindle

Canvas bag for tools;



Multi-purpose outlets


Test mobile phone (optional);

Radio analyzer

3.5 Preparing Feeder Window

If the RRU is installed indoor, the feeder window is needed.

3.5.1 Structure of Feeder Window

There are two types of feeder windows:

12-hole feeder window

27-hole feeder window

Generally, use the 12-hole feeder window. Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 respectively show
its dimensioning and structure.

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 3 Installation Preparations





Figure 3-1 Dimensioning of 12-hole feeder window (unit: mm)





(1) Encapsulating gasket

(2) Sealing sleeve

(3) Steel hoop

(4) Window plate

Figure 3-2 Structure of 12-hole feeder window

3.5.2 Installing Feeder Window

Before installing the feeder window, pay attention to the following points:

Install the feeder window outdoors above the cabling rack.

Install the feeder window as close as possible to the cabling rack.

If feeders are led into the equipment room through the rooftop, install the feeder
window on the rooftop.

The following describes how to install the 12-hole feeder window on the wall.

Determine the installation location of the feeder window in accordance with the
engineering design drawings as well as the size of the window.


Mark the hole position for the expansion bolts and the position of the window on
the wall.

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Make a 250 mm 250 mm opening in the wall and drill 8 holes for the expansion
bolts with a percussion drill, as shown in Figure 3-3.



Chapter 3 Installation Preparations


Figure 3-3 Mounting holes of feeder window (unit: mm)


Use the spring washers and flat washers for the expansion bolts, and place the flat
wash first and then the spring wash.

Mount the sealing gasket and gland of the feeder window when leading feeders into
the equipment room.


Fix the plate of the feeder window using expansion bolts as shown in Figure 3-4.

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 3 Installation Preparations



(1) Expansion bolt M8 80

(2) Feeder window plate

Figure 3-4 Installing feeder window plate

3.6 Preparing Grounding Bar

Figure 3-5 and Figure 3-6 show the structure of the grounding bar.






(1) M12 bolt

(4) Insulating washer a

(2) Spring washer 12

(5) Insulating washer b

(3) Flat washer

(6) Expansion tube and nut

Figure 3-5 Installing grounding bar

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DBS3800 Antenna & Feeder Installation Guide

Chapter 3 Installation Preparations


(1) M12 bolt

(2) Spring washer 12
(4) Insulating washer a (5) Grounding bar
(7) Expansion tube and nut

(3) Flat washer

(6) Insulating washer b

Figure 3-6 Sectional view of grounding bar

3.7 Testing Devices for Antenna and Feeder System

To guarantee installation quality of the antenna and feeder system, test related devices
before installation.

If the antenna is mounted on the tower, it is better to test the devices on the ground
or inside a room. In this case, you shall assemble the antenna and make feeder

If the antenna is mounted on the rooftop, you may test the devices there. If the
rooftop is not so convenient for you to test the devices, you may test them on the
ground or in a room. In this case, you also need to assemble the antenna and
make feeder connectors.

3.7.1 Testing Antenna

Before the installation, test the antenna as follows:

Unpack a new antenna.


Examine the antenna for any visible damage, crack or connector problem.

If any, do not use it any more and contact the personnel concerned immediately.
Go to step 1)

If there is no problem, go to the next step.


Connect the antenna with jumper.


Test the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) of the antenna using a radio
analyzer in different orientations.

If the VSWR is higher than 1.5 in all orientations, there may be problems with
the antenna or its connectors. Go to step 5).

If the VSWR is higher than 1.5 just in some orientations, it is not definite that
the antenna has problems. Install the antenna and test its VSWR, if it is still high
than 1.5, replace the antenna.
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If the VSWR is lower than 1.5, the antenna is normal and ready for installation.


Examine the connectors or replace the antenna and go to step 3).

3.7.2 Testing TMA

During the test, make sure that the port not under test is connected with a 50-ohm
matched terminal load. If not, error of the test result may be great.

To guarantee installation quality of the antenna and feeder system, test the TMA as
follows before installation.

Unpack a new TMA.


Examine the TMA for any obvious damage.


Test the VSWR on both ports.

If the test result is much different from the corresponding specification, the
TMA is abnormal, replace the TMA and go to step 1).

If the test result meets the specification, the TMA is normal and ready for

In above test, the TMA is not alive. If possible, you can also power on the TMA and test
its current. If the TMA current is within the range of 50 mA to 175 mA, the VSWR is
considered as normal.

3.8 Making Feeder Connector

You need to make feeder connectors on the installation site. The connector on the RRU
feeder is a DIN one. Make feeder connectors according to the instructions inside the
related connector packages. Keep the instructions for later use.

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When failing to add a connector to a feeder or connect the connector to the jumpers
in a day, waterproof the connecting point of the feeder in either manner below:

Wrap up the connecting point with waterproof tape, as shown in Figure 3-8.

If you mount the antenna on a tower, it is better to make feeder connectors on the
ground first. Wrap the connectors up using soft materials such as sponge for protection
purpose before hoisting them, as shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7 Simple protection treatment of a feeder connector

Figure 3-8 Simple waterproof treatment of feeder connector

3.9 Assembling Omnidirectional Antenna

3.9.1 Omnidirectional Antenna Accessories
Figure 3-9 shows the outline of the omnidirectional antenna.

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Figure 3-9 outline of omnidirectional antenna

The accessories of an omnidirectional antenna include:

Antenna fixing clips (shown in Figure 3-10 and Figure 3-11).


Figure 3-10 Fixing clip for omnidirectional antenna (1)




(1) Fixing piece

(2) U bolt M12580

(3) Nut M12

Figure 3-11 Fixing clip for omnidirectional antenna (2)

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There are many types of fixing clips for omnidirectional antenna. Figure 3-10 and
Figure 3-11 illustrate two of them. The antenna installation method varies from one
fixing clip to another.

3.9.2 Assembling Procedure

To simplify the operations on the tower, assemble the omnidirectional antenna on the
ground. For assembling method, refer to the instruction in the antenna packing box.
After assembling, keep the instruction for later reference.
The procedure of assembling the omnidirectional antenna using the fixing clip in Figure
3-10 is as follows:

Add the two fixing clips onto the omnidirectional antenna.


Tighten their connection at the contacting points as shown in Figure 3-12.




(1) Omnidirectional antenna

(2) Antenna jacket

(3) Fixing clip

Figure 3-12 Fixing of the omnidirectional antenna


Connect the jumper connector with the antenna connector.


Tighten the connection.


Waterproof the connectors joining the antenna and the feeder. See 4.16.1
Waterproofing Outdoor Connectors".

The assembling of omnidirectional antenna completes.

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You can perform steps 3), 4) and 5) on the tower.

3.10 Assembling Directional Antenna

3.10.1 Directional Antenna Accessories
Figure 3-13 shows the outline of the directional antenna.

Figure 3-13 outline of directional antenna

The accessories of directional antenna include:

Antenna fixing clip (shown in Figure 3-14)

Pitch angle adjuster (shown in Figure 3-15)


Figure 3-14 Fixing clip for the directional antenna

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Figure 3-15 Pitch angle adjuster

3.10.2 Assembling Procedure

To simplify the operations on the tower, assemble the directional antenna on the ground.
For assembling method, refer to the instruction in the antenna packing box. After
assembling, keep the instruction for later reference.
The procedure of assembling directional antenna is as follows:

Identify the top and bottom fixed adjusting points of the antenna according to the
labels on the back of the antenna.

The top is for the pitch angle adjuster and the bottom for fixing the antenna on the


Install the accessories to their proper places in strict accordance with the
accessory assembly drawings provided by the supplier.


Connect the jumper connector with the antenna connector.


Tighten the connection.


Waterproof and seal the connecting point. See "4.16.1 Waterproofing Outdoor

Figure 3-16 shows the waterproofed connection of the jumpers and the directional

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Figure 3-16 Finished connection of jumpers and directional antenna

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Chapter 4 Installing DBS3800 Antenna and Feeder

4.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to install the RRU antenna and feeder system as follows:

Installing Antenna Support on Tower Platform

Installing Antenna Support on Rooftop

Hoisting Antennas

Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Tower Platform

Installing Directional Antenna on Tower Platform

Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Rooftop

Installing Directional Antenna on Rooftop

Installing TMA

Installing ALD

Installing RET Signal Cables

Installing and Grounding Feeders

Leading Feeders into Equipment Room

Installing Jumpers

Testing Antenna and Feeder System

Waterproofing and Encapsulating

4.2 Installing Antenna Support on Tower Platform


Equipment supplier is usually in charge of antenna design. The network operator is

responsible for antenna installation.

If a satisfactory antenna support is available on the site, skip this section.

Requirements and methods of antenna support installation vary with antenna types and
installation environments. This chapter only describes antenna supports mounted on
the tower and on the rooftop respectively in sections 4.2 "Installing Antenna Support
on Tower Platform and 4.3 "Installing Antenna Support on Rooftop. For details about
how to mount other installation modes, see related engineering design documents and
support installation instructions.
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4.2.1 Structure of Antenna Support on Tower Platform

There are several types of antenna supports for tower platform installation. This section
takes the antenna support shown in Figure 4-1 as an example.

(1)Bolt M12 220

(5) Dead lever

(2) Connecting plate

(6) Rotating lever

(3) Bolt M12 45

(7) Stiffener

(4) Expansion lever

Figure 4-1 Structure of antenna support on tower platform (unit: mm)

4.2.2 Installation Requirements

Follow the requirements below when installing the antenna support on the tower

The installation plane of the antenna support is perpendicular to the level plane.

Install the mast for the tower lightning rod separately. Make sure that the lightning
rod is high enough to bring all antennas under its protection, as shown in Figure

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(1) Lightning rod

(2) Mast

(3) Antenna

Figure 4-2 Coverage of lightning rod


Be sure to install the antenna support in the correct direction to guarantee the Rx
and Tx performance and direction adjustment of the directional antenna.

If necessary, stay the antenna support to avoid deformation.

Reinforce the rotating lever using a stiffener. Trim the expansion lever and rotating
lever to meet actual needs. Seal the cross section by welding it with a plate for
waterproof purpose.

Eliminate the existence of dry and open welds. Select the support made of
galvanized steel. Coat the support with the antirust aluminum paint.

4.2.3 Installing Antenna Support on Tower Platform

Install the antenna support on the tower platform as follows:

Mount a fixed pulley on the tower top.


Use one or two ropes to hoist the support to the tower platform through the fixed
pulley. When the support is going up, use another rope to maintain the rising
direction of the support.


Determine the installation position of the antenna support on the tower platform
according to the antenna and feeder installation in the engineering design


Hang the support out of the tower platform.


Fix the support onto the tower using a U fixing clip (including the connecting piece
and the U bolt), as shown in Figure 4-3.

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Figure 4-3 Installing antenna support on tower platform


Connect the guardrails on the tower platform with the connecting plate using M12
45 bolts.

If it is difficult to connect the connecting plate with the guardrail, weld the two parts
securely. Make sure that there is no dry or open weld.


Coat all the welds and the support with anti-rusting paint.

4.3 Installing Antenna Support on Rooftop


Equipment supplier is usually in charge of antenna design. The network operator is

responsible for antenna installation.

If a satisfactory antenna support is available on the site, skip this section.

Requirements and methods of antenna support installation vary with antenna types and
installation environments. This chapter only describes antenna supports mounted on
the tower and on the rooftop respectively in sections 4.2 "Installing Antenna Support
on Tower Platform and 4.3 "Installing Antenna Support on Rooftop. For details about

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how to mount other installation modes, see related engineering design documents and
support installation instructions.

4.3.1 Structure of Antenna Support on Rooftop

There are several types of antenna supports for rooftop installation. This section takes
the antenna support shown in Figure 4-4 as an example.






(1) Antenna lightning rod

(4) M10 80 bolt
(7) Mat of supporting post

(2) Weld
(3) Main supporting post 2
(5) Stiffener
(6) Main supporting post 1
(8) Stiffener anchor

Figure 4-4 Structure of antenna support on the rooftop

4.3.2 Installation Requirements

Follow the requirements below when installing the antenna support on the rooftop:

Install the connecting pieces for the stiffener where they do not impede adjustment
of the antenna orientation and pitch angle.

The antenna support is perpendicular to the level plane.

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For the directional antenna mounted on the rooftop, equip the antenna support
with a lightning rod and connect it with the lightning net of the building.

For the omnidirectional antenna mounted on the rooftop, install the lightning rod on
a separate support instead of the antenna support.

To install the lightning rod on the support of the omnidirectional antennas, the
antennas shall hang out of the support about 1 m to 1.5 m.

Coat the antenna support and all welded parts with the anti-rusting paint. Connect
all welds securely. Eliminate the existence of dry and open welds.

4.3.3 Installing Antenna Support on Rooftop without Walls

Install the antenna support on the rooftop without walls as follows:

Hoist the antenna support to the rooftop.


Determine the installation location of the antenna support on the rooftop according
to the antenna and feeder installation in the engineering design drawings.


Weld the lightning rod onto the main supporting post of the antenna (with their
centerlines on the same straight line).

There is no lightning rod on the support to be installed with omnidirectional antennas.
The lightning rod is installed on a separate support.


Fix the base of the antenna support vertically onto the surface of the rooftop using
eight bolts M1045, as shown in Figure 4-5.

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(1) M10 50 hex. bolt

(3) Main supporting post 1 of antenna
(5) M10 50 expansion bolt

(2) Connecting piece of stiffener

(4) Mat of main supporting post of antenna

Figure 4-5 Structure and installation of antenna support base


Reinforce the main supporting post by using the stiffener.

a) Decide the length of the stiffener according to that of the main supporting post.
b) As shown in Figure 4-4, connect the stiffener with the main supporting post
securely using the connecting pieces of the stiffener.
c) Connect the anchor onto the stiffener.
d) Fix each anchor of the stiffener onto the surface of the rooftop using two M10
45 expansion bolts.
e) Ensure that no deformation may happen to the stiffener.


As shown in Figure 4-4, connect the main supporting posts 1 and 2 of the support
securely with six M10 80 bolts.


For the antenna support not welded with the outdoor cabling rack on the rooftop or
welded with the cabling rack not connected with the lightning net of the building,
connect its base with the lightning net of the building using the lightning connecting
bar. The lightning connecting bar serves as the mounting piece of the outdoor
cabling rack.


Coat the antenna support base and all welded parts with the anti-rusting paint.


Cover the base of the antenna support on the rooftop, the anchor of the stiffener as
well as their expansion bolts (used for their connection with the floor) with concrete
for protection.

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4.3.4 Installing Antenna support on Rooftop with Wall

If the rooftop is enclosed with walls, install the antenna support on a wall. Figure 4-6
shows how to mount the fixing clip of the antenna support onto the wall.





(1) M12 120 expansion bolt

(4) M12 140 bolt

(2) V connecting piece

(5) Fixing plate

(3) 180 connecting piece

Figure 4-6 Installing antenna support fixing clip on wall

When the wall is no shorter than 1200 mm, fix both fixing points of the support onto the
wall using expansion bolts, as shown in Figure 4-7.

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Figure 4-7 Fixing antenna support onto wall higher than 1200mm
When the wall is shorter than 1200mm, fix one fixing point of the main supporting post
onto the wall with expansion bolts and the other onto the surface of the rooftop, as
shown in Figure 4-8.

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Figure 4-8 Fixing antenna support onto wall less than 1200 mm high

4.4 Hoisting Antennas


When the personnel on the tower pull the rope, the personnel on the ground must
keep holding the rope to avoid collision between the antenna and the tower.

Make sure that no person stands right below the hoisted object.

The personnel working outside the tower platform must wear safety belts and

Pack the small metal articles such as fixing pieces and spanners in a tool bag and
then hoist the bag.

Secure the hoisted articles on the tower platform against falling.

Hoist the omnidirectional antenna and other articles as shown in Figure 4-9.

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Figure 4-9 Hoisting omnidirectional antenna


Mount a fixed pulley on the tower top.


Run a rope through the pulley, and knot the rope at each end of the antenna.


The personnel on the tower and on the ground work together to hoist the antenna
to the installation location on the tower platform.

4.5 Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Tower Platform


To ensure engineering quality and personnel safety, install the antenna on a fine day
without strong wind.

Take necessary measures to make the installation procedure more secure.

4.5.1 Omnidirectional Antenna Mounted on Tower Platform

Figure 4-10 shows the omnidirectional antenna mounted on the tower platform.

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(1) Tower
(3) Omnidirectional antenna
(5) Cable tie

(2) Antenna support at tower top

(4) Waterproof curve

Figure 4-10 Omnidirectional antenna mounted on tower platform

4.5.2 Installation Requirements

Follow the requirements below when installing the omnidirectional antenna on the
tower platform:

Make sure that all antennas are in the protection coverage of the lightning rod and
at least 2 m away from the tower body.

The antenna axis is perpendicular to the level plane with a permissible error of less
than 1o.

The isolation degree of the omnidirectional antenna is 30 dB. For details, refer to
Appendix A Interval Requirements for Antenna Installation.

Make waterproof curves for the antenna jumper.

4.5.3 Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Tower Platform

Install the omnidirectional antenna on the tower platform as follows:

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Decide the installation location of the antenna according to engineering design



Place the feeding point of the antenna facedown and the sheathing near the main
supporting post of the support.


Fix the antenna to the dead lever of the support, as shown in the left part of Figure

The sheathing top shall be at the same height as or slightly higher than the support top.
The transmission part of the antenna must be higher than the top of the dead lever. The
antenna shall not be installed too tight (bringing damages to antenna sheathing) or too
loose (making it easy to move and fall).

(7 )

(1) Omnidirectional antenna (2) Antenna fixing clip

(4) Connecting piece
(5) Tower crossbeam
(7) Waterproof curve of jumper

(3) Dead lever

(6) U bolt

Figure 4-11 Installing omnidirectional antenna on tower platform


Use an angular tester to check the perpendicular of the antenna axis.

If the error is equal to or greater than 1, adjust the antenna and go to step 2).

If the error is smaller than 1, go to the next step.


Fasten the antenna until the antenna cannot be moved by any hand pull or push.


Make a waterproof curve for the jumper at the end close to antenna.
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Lay and bind the jumper along the cross bar of the support using black cable ties,
and cut off the extra tail of the cable tie.


Bend the jumpers in a natural manner. The bending radius is 20 times longer than
the jumper diameter.

Bind the cable ties in the same direction. When cutting the cable ties, leave a slack
of 3 mm to 5 mm lest the cable ties fall off the jumper due to temperature change.


Hang the rotating lever of the support installed with the antenna out of the tower


Use bolts to fix the connecting plate.


If there is no guardrail on the tower platform, set up a stout wood access board
across the arms of two supports to form a working platform for the installation
personnel safety.

After installing the antenna, on one side, change the location of the wood board on
the support arms to fix other antennas.

4.6 Installing Directional Antenna on Tower Platform


To ensure engineering quality and personnel safety, install the antenna on a fine day
without strong wind.

Take necessary measures to make the installation procedure more secure.

4.6.1 Directional Antenna Mounted on Tower Platform

Figure 4-12 shows the directional antenna mounted on the tower platform.

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(1) Tower
(3) Directional antenna

(2) Antenna support on tower top

(4) Cable tie

Figure 4-12 Directional antenna mounted on tower platform

4.6.2 Installation Requirements

Follow the requirements below when installing the directional antenna on the tower

Make sure that all antennas stand in the protection coverage of the lightning rod.
No interference from the tower structure shall exist in the forward direction of the
antenna. The antenna must be more than 1 m away from the tower platform.

The isolation degree of the directional antenna is 30 dB. For details about antenna
interval, refer to Appendix A Interval Requirements for Antenna Installation.

Make waterproof curves for antenna jumpers.

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4.6.3 Installing Directional Antenna on Tower Platform


Be sure to protect the installed jumpers from damage when installing and adjusting
the antenna.

When using the compass, keep it away from the tower and other iron and steel
objects. Be careful of any geomagnetic abnormality that can interfere in the
accurate operation of the compass.

Bend the jumpers in a natural manner. The bending radius is 20 times longer than
the jumper diameter.

Bind the cable ties in the same direction. When cutting the cable ties, leave a slack
of 3 mm to 5 mm lest the cable ties fall off the jumper due to temperature change.

Install the directional antenna on the tower platform as follows:


Decide the installation direction of the antenna according to the project installation


Fix the antenna onto the main supporting post.

The antenna shall not be installed too tight (bringing damages to antenna sheathing) or
too loose (making it easy to move and fall).


Adjust the azimuth angle of the antenna.

Determine the azimuth angle using a compass according to the engineering

design documents.

Normally, sector 1 is in the north. Sector 2 lies in the clockwise 120 direction and
sector 3 in the next clockwise 120 direction, as shown in Figure 4-13.

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Sector 1

Sector 3

Sector 2

Figure 4-13 Relation between azimuth angle of directional antenna and sector

Adjust the azimuth angle until it satisfies the design specification. Usually, the error
of the azimuth angel is no greater than 5.


Fasten the lower fixing clip of the antenna until it cannot be moved by any hand
pull or push.


Adjust the pitch angle of the antenna.

For the antennas whose mounting holes have their related pitch angles, install the
antenna directly into the mounting hole as shown in Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15.

Make sure that the supporting post is perpendicular to the ground during the

For other antennas, refer to section 4.6.4 "Adjusting Antenna Pitch Angle.

Get the mounting hole

number according to the
antenna pitch angle.

Figure 4-14 Directional antenna with mounting holes corresponding to pitch angles -1

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Get the mounting hole

according to the mounting
hole number .

Figure 4-15 Directional antenna with mounting holes corresponding to pitch angles -2

Make a waterproof curve of the antenna jumper at the end close to antenna.


Lay and bind the jumpers along the cross bar of the support using black cable ties.


Cut extra tails off the cable ties.


Hang the rotating lever of the support installed with the antenna out of the tower

10) Use bolts to fix the connecting plate.

4.6.4 Adjusting Antenna Pitch Angle

I. Adjusting Antenna Pitch Angle with Angle Display

Decide the pitch angle of the antenna using the angle display, as shown in Figure
4-16, Figure 4-17, and Figure 4-18.

Figure 4-16 Angle display

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Figure 4-17 Angle display before adjusting antenna pitch angle

Figure 4-18 Angle display after adjusting antenna pitch angle


Adjust the pitch angle until it satisfies the engineering design specification, as
shown in Figure 4-18. Usually, the error of the pitch angle is required to be no
greater than 0.5.


Fasten the upper fixing clip of the antenna until it cannot be moved by any hand
pull or push.

II. Adjusting RET Antenna Pitch Angle

Figure 4-19 shows an enlarged port at the RET antenna bottom to connect RCU. When
you turn the black adjusting gear, the white gear below will glide along the marked axis.
In this way, the phase of related antenna elements is changed, which results in
modified antenna pitch angles.

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(1) Adjusting gear

(2) Tilt-marked axis

Figure 4-19 Adjusting RET antenna pitch angle

For detailed relation between scales and tilts, see related instructions provided by RET
antenna makers.

4.7 Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Rooftop


To ensure engineering quality and personnel safety, install the antenna on a fine day
without strong wind.

Take necessary measures to make the installation procedure more secure.

4.7.1 Omnidirectional Antenna Mounted on Rooftop

Figure 4-20 shows the omnidirectional antenna mounted on the rooftop.

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(1) Lightning rod

(3) Fixing clip
(5) Road surface
(7) Rooftop

(2) Antenna
(4) Main supporting post
(6) Stiffener

Figure 4-20 Omnidirectional antenna mounted on rooftop

4.7.2 Installation Requirements

Follow the requirements below when installing the omnidirectional antenna on the

The isolation degree and intervals between antennas shall meet the same
standards as required in section 4.5.2 "Installation Requirements.

Keep the antennas away from such barriers as high-rise buildings so that no signal
blind area is caused when installing the antennas.

If no lightning rod is mounted on a antenna support, install the lightning rod

separately on a pole. Make sure the horizontal distance between the
omnidirectional antenna and the lightning rod is longer than 2.5 m. All the antenna
shall lie under the protection area of the lightning rod with a 30 tilt.

If a lightning rod is mounted on the antenna support, the antenna shall hang out of
the support about 1 m to 1.5 m.

4.7.3 Installing Omnidirectional Antenna on Rooftop

Install the omnidirectional antenna on the rooftop as follows:
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Decide the installation location of the antenna according to engineering design



Place the feeding point of the antenna facedown and the sheathing near the main
supporting post of the support.


Fix the antenna to the main supporting post of the support.

The sheathing top shall be at the same height as or slightly higher than the support top.
The transmission part of the antenna must be higher than the top of the supporting post.
The antenna shall not be installed too tight (bringing damages to antenna sheathing) or
too loose (making it easy to move and fall).


Use an angular tester to check the perpendicular of the antenna axis.

If the error is equal to or greater than 1, adjust the antenna and go to step 2).

If the error is smaller than 1, go to the next step.


Fasten the antenna until the antenna cannot be moved by any hand pull or push.


Make a waterproof curve for the jumper at the end close to antenna.


Lay and bind the jumper along the cross bar of the support using black cable ties,
and cut off the extra tail of the cable tie.


Bend the jumpers in a natural manner. The bending radius is 20 times longer than
the jumper diameter.

Bind the cable ties in the same direction. When cutting the cable ties, leave a slack
of 3 mm to 5 mm lest the cable ties fall off the jumper due to temperature change.

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4.8 Installing Directional Antenna on Rooftop


To ensure engineering quality and personnel safety, install the antenna on a fine day
without strong wind.

Take necessary measures to make the installation procedure more secure.

4.8.1 Directional Antenna Mounted on Rooftop

Figure 4-21 and Figure 4-22 show the directional antenna mounted on the rooftop.

(1) Antenna

(2)Cable tie
(3) Feeder
(5) Mat of supporting post

Figure 4-21 Installing directional antenna on rooftop without walls

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(1) Antenna

(2) Cable tie

(3) Jumper

(4) Feeder

Figure 4-22 Installing directional antenna on rooftop with wall higher than 1200 mm

4.8.2 Installation Requirements

Follow the requirements below when installing the omnidirectional antenna on the

The isolation degree and intervals between antennas shall meet the same
standards as required in section 4.6.2 "Installation Requirements.

Keep the antennas away from such barriers as high-rise buildings so that no signal
blind area is caused when installing the antennas.

The support must be installed with the lightning rod.

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4.8.3 Installing Directional Antenna on Rooftop


Take care to protect the installed jumpers from damage when installing and
adjusting the antenna.

When using the compass, keep it away from the tower and other iron and steel
objects. Be careful of any geomagnetic abnormality that can interfere in the
accurate operation of the compass.

Bend the jumpers in a natural manner. The bending radius is 20 times longer than
the jumper diameter.

Bind the cable ties in the same direction. For the cuttings, there is a slack of 3 mm to
5 mm left lest the tape falls off the jumper due to temperature changes.

Install the directional antenna on the rooftop as follows:


Decide the installation direction of the antenna according to the project installation


Fix the antenna onto the support

Fix the antenna onto the main supporting post with appropriate tightness for
weight bearing and wind resistance, avoiding loose connection or damage to the
antenna sheathing.


Adjust the azimuth angle of the antenna.

Determine the azimuth angle using a compass according to the engineering

design documents. Normally, sector 1 is in the north. Sector 2 lies in the clockwise
120 direction and sector 3 in the next clockwise 120 direction, as shown in
Figure 4-13.

Adjust the azimuth angle until it satisfies the design specification.

Tighten up the lower fixing clip of the antenna until it cannot be moved by any hand
pull or push.


Adjust the pitch angle of the antenna.

Install directional antenna with corresponding installation holes and pitch angles
according to Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15. Make sure that the supporting post of
the antenna support is strictly perpendicular to the ground surface.

For details about how to adjust pitch angles of other antennas, see section 4.6.4
"Adjusting Antenna Pitch Angle.


Make a waterproof curve of the antenna jumper at the end close to antenna.


Lay and bind the jumpers along the support using the black cable tie.


Cut off the extra tail of the cable tie.

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4.9 Installing TMA

Skip this section if it is not necessary to install the TMA.

4.9.1 Structure of TMA

There are two types of optional TMA:

I. Single TMA
A single TMA is mainly applicable to single polarization antennas and omnidirectional
antennas. Figure 4-23 shows the appearance of a single TMA.

Figure 4-23 Single TMA profile

II. Dual TMA

A dual TMA is mainly applicable to the dual polarization antennas. Figure 4-24 shows
the appearance of a dual TMA.

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(1) Din-type female connector (to antenna)

(3) Din-type female connector (to RRU)

(2) Installation support

(4) Grounding terminal

Figure 4-24 Dual TMA profile

Table 4-1 introduces TMA ports.
Table 4-1 Introduction of the TMA ports


Port type

Connect to . . .

7/16 DIN female


Jumper of Rx antenna


7/16 DIN female


Rx RF interface (DIN
connector) on the
RRU through a jumper
and a feeder


7/16 DIN female


Jumpers of the dual

polarization antennas



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The two ports may be

located on different ends of
the TMA or on the same end.

Port ANT 0 corresponds to

the port NODEB 0, while
ANT 1 to NODE B 1. Do
not mismatch them.

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Port type


7/16 DIN female



7/16 DIN female



7/16 DIN female


Connect to . . .


Rx RF interface (DIN
connector) on the
RRU through a jumper
and a feeder

4.9.2 Installation Requirements

Follow the requirements below when installing the TMA:

Install the TMA near the antenna.

For tower installation, install the TMA onto the guardrail of the tower platform, as
shown in Figure 4-10.

For rooftop installation, install the TMA on the main supporting post and right
below the antenna, as shown in Figure 4-21. If it is not easy to install the TMA on
the main supporting post, install it on the wall surrounding the rooftop, as shown in
Figure 4-22.

For the TMA with connectors on both sides, install the TMA in a manner that the
connector to the antenna faces upward and the connector to RRU downward. The
ground pole of TMA must be grounded.

For the TMA with connectors on the same side, install the TMA in a manner that
both the connector to the antenna and the connector to RRU face downward.

4.9.3 Installing TMA on Fixed Post

You can use a steel fastening strap shown in Figure 4-25 to fix the TMA.

Figure 4-25 Steel fastening support

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The installation procedure of the single TMA is the same as that of the dual TMA. This
subsection only takes a single TMA as an example to describe the installation

Hoist the TMA with related accessories onto the tower platform or the rooftop.


Locate the positions for TMA installation.


Lead the end of the fastening strap without bolt through the holes on the
installation support of TMA.


Lead the support around the pole and get the end without bolt through the slit on
the other end beneath the bolt.


Fasten the bolt to fix the TMA on the tower or pole, as shown in Figure 4-26.



(1) Main supporting post or tower guardrail

(3) TMA

(2) RF interface: ANT

(4) RF interface: BTS

Figure 4-26 Installing TMA onto post


Connect the grounding pole of the TMA to the grounding point securely using
grounding cables.

4.9.4 Installing TMA on Wall

For wall installation, you only need to mount the TMA onto the wall with expansion bolts
as follows:

Move the TMA and related accessories to the rooftop.


Decide the installation positions of the TMA.


Fix the TMA on the wall with expansion bolts, as shown in Figure 4-27.

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(1) RF interface: ANT

(2) TMA

(3) Expansion bolt

Figure 4-27 Installing TMA on wall


Connect the grounding pole of the TMA to the grounding point securely using
grounding cables.

4.9.5 Installing Jumpers of TMA

TMA jumpers include:
The jumper between TMA and the antenna is usually 2.5 m long, as shown in

Figure 4-28.
The jumper between TMA and the feeder is usually 1.5 m long, as shown in Figure




(1) To TMA

(2) To antenna

Figure 4-28 Jumper between antenna and TMA

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(1) To TMA

(2) To feeder

Figure 4-29 Jumper between TMA and feeder

Install the two kinds of jumper as follows:

Connect the ANT port to the jumper of the antenna.


Make the waterproof curve of the jumper in a natural manner. The bending radius
is 20 times longer than the jumper diameter.


Bind the jumper with black cable ties, and attach related label 10 mm away from
one end of the jumper, as shown in Figure 4-30.


For each jumper, only one label is required, as the jumper is usually very short.

Bind the cable ties in the same direction. When cutting the cable ties, leave a slack
of 3 mm to 5 mm lest the cable ties fall off the jumper because of temperature

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(1) Guardrails on tower platform

(3) Jumper label

(2) TMA
(4) Waterproof curve of the jumper

Figure 4-30 Jumper between antenna and TMA


Screw the jumper connector of the feeder onto the NodeB port on the TMA, and
reserve the other connector for the feeder.

4.10 Installing ALD

The components of the ALD (Antenna Line Device) are:

Remote Control Unit (RCU)

Smart Bias-Tee (SBT)

Smart TMA (STMA)

Bias-Tee (BT)

This section introduces the installation of the components.

4.10.1 Installing RCU

I. Description of RCU
The RCU is used to drive the RET antenna. Receiving the control signals from the
NodeB, the RCU starts the step motor and adjusts the electrical downtilt angle of the
antenna by controlling the phase shifter through the gearing. RS485 is the control
interface of the RCU.
Two types of the RCU are used: the Kathrein RCU and the Powerwave RCU. Figure
4-31 shows the appearances of the two RCUs.

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Kathrein RCU

Powerwave RCU

(1) RCU attachment nut, jumper interface

(2) AISG standard female connector (8-pin interface), reserved for RET antenna connection
(3) AISG standard male connector (8-pin interface)

Figure 4-31 Kathrein RCU and Powerwave RCU

The RET antenna and the RCU made by different manufacturers are not compatible
with each other.

The RCU can be attached to the RET antenna after the antenna is installed.

II. Installing RCU

The RCU of the Powerwave is already combined with the RET antenna before delivery
and needs no on-site installation. The procedure of installing the Kathrein RCU is as

Remove the protective cap from the port connecting the RET antenna, as shown
in Figure 4-32.

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(1) Protective cap

Figure 4-32 Remove the protective cap

If RCU is not installed, the downtilt angle can be adjusted by the adjustment wheel and
adjustment spindle, as shown in Figure 4-33.
The scale on the adjustment spindle is the downtilt angle of the antenna, as shown in
Figure 4-34.



(1) Adjustment wheel

(2) Adjustment spindle

Figure 4-33 Adjust the downtilt angle

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(1) Adjustment spindle

Figure 4-34 Scale axis


Remove the black adjustment wheel, as shown in Figure 4-35.


(1) Adjustment wheel

Figure 4-35 Remove the black adjustment wheel


Place the RCU carefully over the adjustment spindle and push it up to the end, as
shown in Figure 4-36.

Do not twist the RCU in any way. Or else it may damage the adjustment spindle.

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(1) RCU attachment nut

(2) RCU

Figure 4-36 Place the RCU


Tighten the RCU attachment nut with a torque wrench.

4.10.2 Installing SBT

I. Description of the SBT
The SBT provides DC power and control signals for the RCU by an RF feeder cable. It
is mounted on the RET antenna.
The main functions of the SBT are:

Converting the On-Off-Keying (OOK) control signals from the RF feeder cable into
RS485 signals, and sending RS485 signals to the RCU

Converting RS485 signals from the RCU to OOK signals, and sending OOK
signals to the RF feeder cable

Transferring DC power from feeder line to RCU

Sending RF signals and control signals from the feeder cable respectively to the
antenna and the RCU.

Two types of the SBT are used: the Kathrein SBT and the Powerwave SBT. Figure 4-37
shows the appearances of the two SBTs.

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Kathrein SBT

Powerwave SBT

(1) 7/16 DIN female connector

(2) 7/16 DIN male connector

(3) PGND terminal

Figure 4-37 Kathrein SBT and Powerwave SBT

II. Installing SBT

The procedure of installing the SBT is as follows:

Connect the 7/16 DIN male connector of the SBT to the one connector of the
antenna, as shown in Figure 4-38.




(1) Antenna connector

(2) 7/16 DIN male connector

Figure 4-38 SBT installation


Screw the antenna jumper connector into the 7/16 DIN female connector of the
SBT. Note that the jumper must be connected to the RF transmit port
(ANT_TX/RXA) on RRU3801C, as shown in Figure 4-39.

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(1) 7/16 DIN female connector

(2) Antenna jumper, connected to female connector of SBT
(3) Antenna jumper, connected to port of RET antenna

Figure 4-39 SBT jumper installation


Complete the installation of the SBT.


Connect the PGND cable of SBT to the grounding bar nearby. For the PGND
terminal, see Figure 4-37.

4.10.3 Installing STMA

I. Description of STMA
The STMA provides the AISG interface. The main functions of the STMA are:

Converting the OOK signal from the feeder cable to the RS485 signal, and
sending the RS485 signal to the RCU.

Converting the RS485 signal from the RCU to the OOK signal, and sending the
OOK signal to the feeder cable.

Forwarding the DC power from the feeder cable to the RCU.

Figure 4-40 shows the appearance of the STMA.

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(1) interface marked as ANT0: 7/16 DIN female connector connecting the antenna jumper
(2) interface marked as ANT1: 7/16 DIN female connector connecting the antenna jumper
(3) interface marked as NODE B 0: 7/16 DIN female connector connecting the feeder cable of
the RRU or the BT.
(4) interface marked as NODE B 1: 7/16 DIN female connector connecting the feeder cable of
the RRU or the BT.
(5) 8-pin female connector of AISG

Figure 4-40 STMA appearance

"ANT 0" corresponds to "NODE B 1", and "ANT 1" corresponds to "NODE B 1". Do not
cross connect the interfaces.

II. Installing STMA

The requirements and procedures of installing the STMA are the same with that of
installing normal TMA. Please read 4.9 Installing TMA for information.

4.10.4 Installing BT
I. Description of BT
The BT is a passive component to couple the DC power or OOK signals into the feeder
cable. It is mounted on the RRU. Figure 4-41 shows the appearance of the BT.

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(1) SMA connector (2) 7/16 DIN female connector

(3) PGND terminal (4) 7/16 DIN male connector

Figure 4-41 BT

Install only one BT when configured without TMA or STMA. Install two BTs when
configured with TMA or STMA.

II. Installing BT
The BT is mounted on the RRU. It is installed after the installation of the RRU is

If the connectors of BT are connected incorrectly, DBS3800 may not communicate with

To install only one BT:


If install only one BT, connect the DIN male connector of the BT with the female
connector of the feeder (on the side of RRU).


Connect one end of the jumper (the DIN male connector) with the ANT_TX/RXA
interface of the RRU.
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If install two BTs, connect the DIN male connector of the other BT with the female
connector of another feeder (on the side of RRU).


Connect the DIN male connector of the second jumper with the ANT_RXB
interface of the RRU.


Connect the PGND cable of BT to the grounding bar nearby. For the PGND
terminal, see Figure 4-41.

4.11 Installing RET Signal Cables

4.11.1 Installing AISG Control Cable Connecting RCU and SBT (or STMA)
I. Description of Cable
The two ends of the AISG control cable that connects the RCU and the SBT (or the
STMA) are:

AISG standard male connector (8-pin interface)

AISG standard female connector (8-pin interface)

The cable connected with SBT is 0.5 m long. The cable connected with STMA is 2 m
long. Figure 4-42 shows the appearance of the AISG control cable.

(1) Male connector


(2) Female connector

Figure 4-42 AISG control cable connecting RCU and SBT

II. Installing Cable

Install the cables as follows:

Fit a protection tube onto the AISG control cable.

Make sure the AISG control cable extends from the protection tube with a proper
length according to the actual situation.


Connect the AISG control cable according to the different cable length:

For the 2-meter-long ASIG control cable, connect the standard AISG male
connector on the AISG control cable to the AISG female connector on smart TMA.

For the 0.5-meter-long ASIG control cable, connect the standard AISG female
connector on the AISG control cable to the AISG male connector on smart

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Connect the standard AISG female connector on the cable to the 8-core male
connector on RCU.

Figure 4-43 is based on the connection of the AISG control cable between the smart
Bias-Tee and the RCU.



(1) Standard AISG male connector

(3) Standard AISG female connector

(2) Standard AISG 8-core connector

Figure 4-43 Connecting AISG control cable


Waterproof both ends of the protection pipe.

4.11.2 Installing AISG Multi-core Cable Connecting RCU and RRU

I. Description of Cable
The two ends of the AISG multi-core cable are:

The DB15 connector

8-pin AISG standard female connector

Figure 4-44 shows the appearance of the AISG multi-core cable.

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(1) DB15 connector


(2) AISG standard female connector

Figure 4-44 AISG multi-core cable

II. Installing Cable

Install the cables as follows:

Fit a protection tube onto the AISG multi-core cable.

Make sure the AISG multi-core cable extends from the protection tube with a
proper length according to the actual situation.


Connect the DB15 connector to the ALD port on the RRU3801C cabling cavity.


Remove the waterproof block in the cabling trough of the cabling cavity. Lay out
the AISG multi-core cable along the fourth cabling trough from left of the cabling
cavity. Then bind the cable on the bundling slot on the lower baffle with a cable tie.
Figure 4-45 shows the routing of the AISG multi-core cable.

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(1) AISG multi-core cable

(2) Cabling trough

(3) Bundling slot on lower baffle

Figure 4-45 Routing AISG multi-core cable


You may also bind all the cables on the bundling slot with cable ties after connecting
them in the cabling cavity.

Cables in the cabling cavity include optical cable (or high-speed CPRI signal cable),
alarm cable and RET signal cable.


Connect the standard AISG female connector on the cable to the 8-core male
connector on RCU.

4.11.3 Installing AISG Coaxial Cable Connecting RRU and BT

I. Description of Cable
The two ends of the AISG coaxial cable are:
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The DB15 connector

A two-way coaxial cable connecting with two SMA elbow bends (male connector).

Figure 4-46 shows the appearance of the AISG coaxial cable.



(1) SMA elbow connector

(2) DB15 female connector

Figure 4-46 Appearance of AISG coaxial cable

II. Installing Cable

Connect the AISG coaxial cable as follows:

Fit a protection tube onto the AISG coaxial cable.

Make sure the AISG coaxial cable extends from the protection tube with a proper
length according to the actual situation.


Connect DB15 connector to the ALD port of the maintenance cavity.

Lay out the AISG multi-core cable along the fourth cabling trough from left of the
cabling cavity.
Then bind the cable on the bundling slot on the lower baffle with a cable tie. Figure
4-45 shows the routing of the AISG coaxial cable.


Connect the SMA elbow connector to the SMA terminal on one side of the BT.

When there is only one BT, the SMA terminal labeled ALD_A must be selected
while the other SMA terminal must be waterproofed. Figure 4-47 shows the
connection between the RRU3801C and the BT through the AISG coaxial cable.

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(1) SMA terminal on BT

(2) AISG coaxial cable

Figure 4-47 Connecting one BT to RRU3801C through AISG coaxial cable

When installing one BT, install the BT on the jumper connecting to the ANT_TX/RXA
port on RRU3801C.

Figure 4-48 shows the labels on the AISG coaxial cable.

Figure 4-48 Labels on AISG coaxial cable

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When there are two BTs, connect the two SMA elbow connectors of the AISG
coaxial cable to the SAM terminals of the two BTs respectively, as shown in Figure

Figure 4-49 Connecting AISG coaxial cable to two BTs


Waterproof both ends of the protection tube.

4.12 Installing and Grounding Feeders

4.12.1 Cutting Feeders
Cut the feeders prior to the hoisting or after they are hoisted and fixed in position. In the
latter case, reserve sufficient length for the feeders when they are being fixed in
Cut the feeder as follows:

When cutting the feeder, do not bend it to prevent it from being rolled or stepped on by
vehicles or pedestrians.


Determine the length of the feeders required in each sector according to the
engineering design drawings.
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Cut the feeder based on the determined length, and take a slack of 1 m to 2 m.


Attach corresponding temporary labels to both ends and the middle of the feeders
after cutting.

The content of the temporary label is the same as that of the formal engineering label.
Remove the temporary labels before binding the formal ones.

4.12.2 Hoisting Feeders

Be careful during the hoisting. No violent hoisting is allowed to avoid damage to the
feeder skin.

Hoist the feeders as follows:


Wrap the feeder end in a piece of gunny cloth (or antistatic bag) after the
corresponding connector is completed. Bind the cloth up using a rope or binding


Knot the lifting rope round the feeder at the point 0.4 m from the end and tie
another knot at the point 4.4 m from the feeder end to prepare for the hoisting, as
shown in Figure 4-50.

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(1) Feeder connector

(4) Knot of the rope

(2) Wrapped connector

(5) Feeder

(3) Lifting rope

Figure 4-50 Protecting feeder connector (unit: mm)


The person on the tower pulls up the rope and the person on the ground keeps
pulling the rope to avoid any damage to the antenna due to possible collision with
the building or with the tower.


Fix the upper end of the feeder in a proper position by multiple-point fixing lest that
the feeder falls from the tower.


Connect the jumper between the antenna and jumper. Attach the label 10 com
away from one end of the jumper.

Do not position it too close to the antenna or the TMA, as shown in Figure 4-51. Based
on different requirements, select a 1-for-3 or 1-for-1 fixing clip in Figure 4-52 and Figure

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(1) C-shaped fixing clip

(2) Feeder

(3) Cabling rack (hexagonal steel)

Figure 4-51 Fixing upper end of feeder on tower

Figure 4-52 1-for-1 feeder fixing clips

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Figure 4-53 1-for-3 feeder fixing clips

4.12.3 Laying Feeders

Lay feeders as follows:

Install feeder grounding clips and fix feeders at the same time.
Bind a metallic label to a feeder using a black cable tie at the following points:

The point 200 mm away from the lower connector under the outdoor antenna;

The point 200 mm to 300 mm down the tower platform;

The point 200 mm away from the outside of the feeder window;

The bent

All labels and cable ties shall face the same direction. Leave a slack of 3 mm to 5
mm when cutting the cable ties.


Design the feeder arrangement and lead-in plan based on the sector requirements
in the engineering design document.

Normally, arrange the feeders in the same sector in one column or row. Keep the
arrangement sequences of the feeders in each column or row is kept consistent with
each other.


Arrange the feeders according to the designed sequence.

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Fix the feeders onto the tower or the cabling rack while arranging them neatly.
Meanwhile, mount the feeder grounding clips and replace the temporary labels
with formal metal labels.

4.12.4 Install Feeder Grounding Clips

Install feeder grounding clips and lay the feeders at the same time. Grounding the
feeders by clamping the grounding clips to the outer layers of the feeders. The
grounding cables led out in this way are directly connected to the protection grounding
Install the feeder grounding clips as follows:

Lead the grounding cable of the clip downward. The angle between the grounding
cable and the feeder is no larger than 150. Make sure the feeder grounding clip bends


Prepare the tools, unpack the packing box of the feeder grounding clips and get all
the parts and accessories handy at a clean place or on a piece of paper.


Determine the installation location of the feeder grounding clip.


According to the clip size, strip the feeder skin at the determined location and
expose the outer conductor, as shown in 1, 2 and 3 of Figure 4-54.

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Figure 4-54 Installing feeder grounding clips


Wrap the copper coat of the feeder grounding clip around the conductor of the
feeder tight and screw the dead lever using the straight screwdriver to force
against the grounding cable of the feeder, as shown in 4, 5 and 6 of Figure 4-54.


Implement waterproof and encapsulation treatment to the grounding point. See

section 4.16.1 Waterproofing Outdoor Connectors".


Connect the grounding cable of the grounding clip to the grounding part of the
cabling rack securely.


When laying the feeders along the tower, if there are grounding points for the
grounding clips on the tower body, connect the grounding cable of the grounding clip
directly to the steel plate of the tower.

If there is no grounding point on the tower body, use the base of the feeder fixing clip
to connect the grounding cables. In this case, fix the base onto the tower or the
outdoor cabling rack and then connect the grounding cable to the base.

When laying the feeders on the outdoor cabling rack, connect the grounding cables
to the well-grounded cabling rack.

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Remove the antirust paint around the grounding part of the cabling rack prior to the
connection and apply a new coat of antirust paint around the lug, nut and cabling racks
after the connection. In addition, wrap the bare wire and the lug handle with insulating


Neatly lead the grounding cable of the feeder grounding clips to the outdoor
grounding bar. If no outdoor grounding bar is available, connect them to the
well-grounded outdoor cabling rack or to the lightning protection grounding net of
the building.

Make anti-rusting treatment to both the grounding cable and the grounding connectors.
Coat the lug, nut and cabling racks with anti-rusting paint. Wrap the bare wire and the
lug handle with insulating tape.

4.12.5 Grounding Locations of Feeder Grounding Clips

The grounding of each feeder depends on RRU3801C installation modes.

I. RRU3801C and Antenna Mounted on One Pole


No grounding is necessary for the feeder if it is shorter than 5 m.

Before connecting the feeder to the RRU RF port, ground the outer shielding coat
of the feeder at the nearest grounding point of the pole when the feeder is no
shorter than 5 m.

Figure 4-55 shows feeder grounding when the RRU3801C and the antenna are
mounted on the same pole.

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Figure 4-55 Feeder grounding for RRU3801C and antennas mounted on same pole

II. RRU3801C and Antenna not Mounted on One Pole


Primary grounding of the feeder must be made at the pole bottom.

Do not ground the feeder before its connection to the RRU RF port when the part
between the point where the feeder is routed off the pole and the RRU is no longer
than 5 m.

Ground the outer shielding coat of the feeder when the part between the point
where the feeder is routed off the pole is longer than 5 m. Ground the feeder lead
off the pole every 20 m.

Figure 4-56 shows feeder grounding when the RRU3801C and the antenna are not
mounted on the same pole.

Figure 4-56 Feeder grounding for RRU3801C and antenna not mounted on one pole
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III. RRU3801C Mounted Outdoors

Follow similar instructions as mentioned above when mounting the RRU3801C
outdoors, for example, tower, billboard, chimney, power tower, or monument. The
following shows how the RRU3801C is grounded when mounted on the tower.

Ground the outer shielding coat of the feeder 0.5 m below the antenna bottom and
0.5 m above the point where the feeder goes off the tower. The grounding wire of
the feeder is grounded to the nearest tower body. If the tower is higher than 60 m,
make another grounding point midway through the tower.

Do not ground the feeder before its connection to the RRU RF port when the part
between the point where the feeder goes off the tower and the RRU is no longer
than 5 m.

Ground the outer shielding coat of the feeder when the part between the point
where the feeder goes off the tower is longer than 5 m. Ground the feeder lead off
the pole every 20 m.

Figure 4-57 shows the RRU3801C mounted on the tower.

Figure 4-57 Feeder grounding for RRU3801C mounted on tower

IV. RRU3801C Mounted Indoors


When the RRU antenna and feeder are mounted indoors, no grounding is

Ground the outer shielding coat of the feeder at the point nearest to the feeder
window when most part of the feeder stays within the building.

When most part of the feeder stays out of the building, ground the outer shielding
coat of the feeder 0.5 m below the antenna bottom and at the point where the
feeder enters the building feeder window. The grounding wire of the feeder is
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grounded to the nearest tower body. If the distance between the antenna bottom
and the feeder window is smaller than 5 m, ground the feeder at only one point.
Figure 4-58 shows the RRU3801C mounted indoors.

Figure 4-58 Feeder grounding for RRU3801C mounted indoors

4.13 Leading Feeders into Equipment Room

Generally, the feeder window installed in the equipment room is of 12-hole type.
Therefore, this section only describes how to lead the feeders into the equipment room
through the 12-hole feeder window. As for the 27-hole feeder window, take this section
for reference.

4.13.1 Feeder Arrangement Principles

Abide by the following principles when leading the feeders into the equipment room:

There are 4 large openings in a 12-hole feeder window. Each opening is divided
into 3 holes, each for one feeder.

Lay the feeders through the three small holes of the same opening according to
the numbers in their engineering labels.

Lay the feeders in the way that facilitates future expansion, because the feeder
layout in the feeder window is not allowed to be changed during expansion.

Lay the feeder in the feeder window in the way that facilitates the feeder layout on
the cabling rack and the connection between the feeders and the cabinet top.

Lay and connect the feeders in parallel without intertwining.

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4.13.2 Leading Feeders into Equipment Room

Lead feeders into the equipment room as follows:


When leading feeders into the equipment room, it is suggested that someone helps
with the feeder leading in the room lest the feeders damage the indoor equipment.

When the feeder window and the indoor cabling racks are not in the same horizontal,
bend the feeders in a natural manner, and the minimum bending radius of the feeder
is 20 times longer than the feeder diameter or even longer.


Lead each feeder into the equipment room through the feeder window.


Make the waterproof curves of the feeders outside the feeder window.


Mount the sealing gasket and sleeve for the feeder window. Make sure the
glue-adding holes in the sealing sleeve face upward.


Cut feeders to the accurate length based on the design requirements.


Make the indoor feeder connectors.


Attach the label at the point 200mm away from the connector.

4.14 Installing Jumpers

The connectors of the indoor jumpers (1/2) are usually made on site.

4.14.1 Installing Jumpers

The procedure of installing the jumpers on the cabinet top is as follows:

According to the configuration, connect the DIN connector on the feeder jumper to
the related antenna connector at the RRU cabinet bottom.


Cut the jumper to a proper length according to the actual distribution route.


Make the connectors (DIN male) at the antenna side by following instructions
delivered with the components.


Attach engineering labels 100 mm from both ends of each jumper.


Connect the jumper to the feeder or the antenna.

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If the cabinet and antenna are only connected through jumpers, you must decide the
grounding points on each jumper and install related grounding clips. For details, see
section 4.12.5

"Grounding Locations of Feeder Grounding Clips. Then connect the

jumpers to RRU.

4.14.2 Requirements for Laying Jumpers

Follow the requirements below when laying jumpers:

Lay the jumpers between the cabinet top and the cabling rack in parallel.

To route the jumpers through the cabling rack to the upper part of the cabling rack,
route them inside the rack.

Bend the jumpers in a natural manner and the bending radius is 20 times longer
than the jumper diameter.

Lay the jumpers between the cabinet top and the cabling rack with proper

Bind the jumpers onto all crossbars of the cabling rack. Bind the cable ties in the
same direction and cut them smoothly without sharp ends.

4.15 Testing Antenna and Feeder System

Measure the antenna and feeder VSWR on the jumper which connects to the
ANT_TX/RXA port on RRU using a radio analyzer.
Normally, the antenna VSWR is less than 1.5 (including when there is TMA in the
system). If the VSWR is greater than 1.5, it indicates there are problems in the antenna
and feeder system. In this case, measure the VSWR hop by hop or measure the return
loss of the entire system to locate the problems.

4.16 Waterproofing and Encapsulating

4.16.1 Waterproofing Outdoor Connectors
Right after installing and testing the antenna and feeder system, apply waterproof and
encapsulation treatment to outdoor connectors. The outdoor connectors include those
between the jumpers and TMA and those between jumpers and feeders.
There are two types of waterproof tape: waterproof insulation tape and PVC tape, as
shown in Figure 4-59.
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Figure 4-59 Waterproof insulation tape and PVC tape

When wrapping up a connector, wrap it up with a layer of insulation tape before
wrapping it with the semi conductive adhesive tape for the convenience of removing the
adhesive tape.

Waterproof and encapsulating outdoor connectors as follows:

Make sure that the stretched width is at least 1/2 of the original width. Otherwise,
over-stretching may damage the molecular structure of the tape and reduce its


Clean the feeder connectors or feeder grounding clip.


Stick the end of the waterproof insulation tape to the feeder at the point 20 mm to
50 mm from the connector or grounding clip.


Stretch the tape until it is 3/4~1/2 as wide as its original shape. Wrap up the feeder
spirally upward while maintaining this stretching strength. Make sure that the
overlapping area of adjacent tape layers is 1/2 of the stretched width, as shown in
Figure 4-60.

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Figure 4-60 Wrapping up feeder with waterproof insulation tape


When wrapping the feeder to the point 20 mm to 50 mm from another connector or

grounding clamp, reverse the direction to let the wrapping goes back towards the
starting point. When it reaches the starting point, reverse the direction one more
time. In this way, the feeder is wrapped up with three layers of waterproof
insulation tape.


After wrapping, squeeze the tape until it sticks to the feeder to make sure no air
remains between tape layers.


When the wrapping of the waterproof insulation tape is done, wrap the feeder up
with PVC tapes to prevent the wearing out and aging of the waterproof insulation


The wrapping of PVC tape is similar to that of waterproof insulation tape. Start
wrapping spirally upward with 1/2 width of overlapping between adjacent layers.
Reserve the wrapping direction twice to make three-layer cover. Be sure to
maintain the stretching strength.

4.16.2 Waterproofing Feeder Window

Right after installing and testing the antenna and feeder system, apply waterproof and
encapsulation treatment to the feeder window.
Waterproof the feeder window is as follows:

Put the two semicircle sealing sleeves around the outside of the big holes in the
feeder window.


Put the two steel hoops in the two grooves of the sealing sleeves, and tighten the
screws on the hoop using a screwdriver.


Inject the glass cement to the gap around the feeder window.


Plug the holes unused with special stoppers.

Figure 4-61 shows the feeder window that has gone through the waterproof treatment.

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Figure 4-61 Waterproofed feeder window

If the feeder is to led into the equipment room through a glass window, waterproof the
feeder window as follows:

Remove the glass, and cut an opening of a proper size round the corner of the


Protect the cutting position using the rubber or adhesive tape. Wrap the feeder to
be led through the opening with the adhesive tape lest that the opening edge
scratch the feeder.


Lead in the feeder through the glass window.


Make the waterproof treatment by sealing the port between the feeder and the
glass using the glass cement.

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Chapter 5 Checking Installation

Chapter 5 Checking Installation

5.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to check the antenna and feeder system after installation
as follows:

Checking the feeder

Checking the grounding bar

Checking the feeder encapsulation window

Checking Antenna

Checking the jumper and TMA

5.2 Checking the feeder

Table 5-1 Check items of the feeder

Check item

The feeders are arranged neatly and nicely.

In accordance with the standard requirements, the feeder and jumper labels
are attached neatly and nicely and oriented in the same direction.

The feeders are not broken or twisted. No copper skin is exposed.

The bending radius of the feeder is no less than 20 times longer than the
feeder diameter.

The installed feeder fixing clips are spaced evenly and oriented in the same

The feeders keep straight for at least 0.5m on both directions from the point
where they are led to the equipment room, and for 0.3m on both sides of the
lightning protection frame.

The feeders do not cross each other. They are arranged in neat and straight
row and column at the entry to the equipment room. The degrees of their
bending are identical.

When the front of the cabinets is in parallel to the cabling direction of the
lead-in feeders, the feeders in each sector are arranged in the same row.
The arrangement sequences of all rows are the same. When the front of the
cabinets is perpendicular to the cabling direction of the lead-in feeders, the
feeders in each sector are arranged in the same column. The arrangement
sequences of all columns are the same.

The feeder connectors are prepared and fastened in a standard way.


The feeders are connected in a right way and arranged in the right sectors.
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Check item
Make waterproof curves for the feeders before they are led into the
equipment room.
The feeders from the tower top to the equipment room are grounded at least
at the following:



Within 1m from the feeder connector


On the feeder in the middle of the tower


On the feeder at the bottom of the tower


On the feeder outside the feeder encapsulated window (as close to the
window as possible).

The grounded parts are securely bound and well treated for waterproof.
The feeders from the rooftop to the equipment room are grounded at least at
the following points:



Within 1m from the feeder connector


At the point where the feeders are led down from the rooftop


On the feeder outside the feeder encapsulated window (as close to the
window as possible).

If the length of the feeder distributed on the rooftop exceeds 20m, a feeder
grounding clip is applied to the feeder on the rooftop.
The grounded parts are securely bound and well treated for waterproof.

When the length of the feeder exceeds 60m, the middle parts of the feeder
are also grounded by using lightning protection clips. The interval between
two clips is 20m.


If the feeders from the building top are led into the equipment room through a
downward cabling ladder along the wall, the ladder is also grounded.


The grounding cables of the feeders are led from the top to the bottom. The
angle between the feeders and the corresponding grounding cables are no
more than 15.


Terminals of the feeder grounding clips are fixed to the corresponding

nearest steel plates of the tower.


The antennas and feeders installed on the rooftop of a dedicated tower are
grounded to the lightning protection grounding net at the nearby building top.

5.3 Checking the grounding bar

Table 5-2 Check items of the grounding bar

Check item
The grounding bar is isolated from the wall. The grounding cable is as short
as possible.

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Chapter 5 Checking Installation


Check item
The outdoor grounding bar is connected to the underground grounding net
through a reliable special route.

5.4 Checking the feeder encapsulation window

Table 5-3 Check items of the feeder encapsulation window

Check item

The glue-adding holes in the sealing gland of the feeder encapsulation

window face upward. The plates of the encapsulation window are installed
indoor (not applicable for the new feeder encapsulation window).

The feeder encapsulation window installed on the building top is sealed

carefully and securely.

5.5 Checking Antenna

Table 5-4 Check items of the antenna


al antenna

Check item

The installation locations of the antennas are in compliance

with the design document.

The antenna lies within the protection coverage of the

lightning rod (a deviation of 30 downward from the top of
the lightning rod).

The antenna stand is securely installed on the tower or on

the rooftop.

The top of the antenna sheathing is as high as or slightly

higher than the stand top.

The omnidirectional antennas stand upright with the error (if

any) less than !2.

The distance of the antenna extending outside the tower

platform is no less than 2m.

For the omnidirectional antenna installed on the building top,

the horizontal distance between the antenna and the
antenna lightning rod is no less than 2.5m.

The antenna isolation is required to be 30 dB for both Tx-Tx

and Tx-Rx antennas.

When two antennas are installed horizontally, the

Tx-Tx/Tx-Rx antenna horizontal spacing is no less than 3m.
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Chapter 5 Checking Installation



Check item

When two antennas are installed vertically, the vertical

spacing between Tx-Tx and Tx-Rx antennas are no less than


According to the diversity Rx requirement of the

omnidirectional antenna, the Rx-Rx antenna horizontal
spacing is no less than 3m.


Omnidirectional Rx and Tx antennas can either share one

antenna stand or be installed separately, depending on the
project design drawing.


The error of the azimuth angle is no more than !5 and that of

the pitch angle no more than !0.5.


The antennas are free from any interference of the tower

structure in the forward direction. The distance of the
antenna extending outside the tower platform is no less than


The antenna isolation is required to be 30dB for both Tx-Tx

and Tx-Rx antennas


The Tx-Tx/Tx-Rx antenna horizontal spacing in the same

sector is no less than 1m


The Tx-Tx/Tx-Rx antenna horizontal spacing in different

sectors is no less than 0.2m


For the vertical installation, the Tx-Tx/Tx-Rx antenna vertical

spacing in the same sector is no less than 0.2m.


When installing the directional antenna, the interval between

the space diversity receptions of two Rx antennas is no less
than 3m.

5.6 Checking the jumper and TMA

Table 5-5 Check items of the jumper and TMA

Check item

All jumper connectors undergo the waterproof treatment.

Waterproof curves are made for the jumpers.

Jumpers connected to the antennas are bound through the crossbars of the
antenna stand onto the steel frame of the tower.

A certain allowance is left at the cutting of the binding tapes.

The bending radius of a jumper is no less than 20 times longer than the
jumper diameter.

The TMA is installed near the antenna.

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Chapter 5 Checking Installation


Check item
For the TMA with connectors on different sides, the connector to the
antenna is extended upward and that to the feeder downward. For the TMA
with connectors on the same side, both connectors are extended

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