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The Gospel In The End Times




Daniels Great Vision Prophecy: Part 1




Daniel the prophet, Servant of the Most High God, was given some of the most amazing end time visions. One of the most detailed of these
prophecies is Daniels Great Vision in Daniel 10-12. Did Satan fear this prophecy so much he tried to keep it secret?
Daniels prophecies are foundational. Much of the book of Revelation and much of Jesus Olivet Discourse were explanations of these incredible
visions into the future. In total Daniel interpreted two dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar, interpreted the writing on the wall in King
Belshazzarsbanquet hall, andexperienced four of this own visions found in Daniel 7, 8, 9, and the nal vision found in Daniel 10, 11, and 12. These
last 4 prophetic visions occurred over a period of 18 years.

When Given



4 Beasts

1st year of King Balshazzar

553 BC

Babylon to Millenial Kingdom

Ram and Goat

3rd year of King Balshazzar

550 BC

Great Sunni/Shia War to Millenial Kingdom

Seventy 7s

1st year of King Darius

538 BC

From the Decree to rebuild Jerusalem to

Millenial Kingdom

Great Vision

3rd year of King Cyrus

535 BC

From Persia to Millenial Kingdom

Spiritual Warfare
Did Satan fear this last prophecy in Daniel 10-12 so much that he tried to keep it secret? The story of how Satan tried to keep this nal vision from
being released to Daniel is one of the greatest examples of spiritual warfare in the Bible. In Daniel Chapter 10, the veil between the spiritual realm
and the physical is drawn back, if only for a moment, to allow us to view the spiritual struggle occurring.
Then he (an angel) said to me, Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the rst day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling
yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was
withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of
Persia. Now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision pertains to the days yet
future. (Dan. 10: 12-14 NASB, clari cation and emphasis mine)




Prior to this amazing passage, we learn that Daniel had been fasting and seeking God for 3 weeks. We notice that from the rst day Daniel began
seeking God, this angel was dispatched to respond to Daniels prayer. He didnt arrive for 24 days! The reason is an evil angel was withstanding
him or standing between or opposing the messenger angel.
Chapter 10 doesnt tell us what Daniels prayer that prompted the messenger angel was, but we can deduce it from the vision the angel gives him and
from comments he gave us previously in other chapters. The angels answer is a detailed vision of what is to occur in the later days (literally the end
of days). Previously Daniel had 3 other visions (Dan. 7, 8, and 9). These 3 visions were perplexing to him because at the conclusion of the rst two
visions he wrote:
At this point the revelation ended. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts were greatly alarming me and my face grew pale, but I kept the matter to
myself. (Dan. 7:28 NASB)
Then I, Daniel, was exhausted and sick for days. Then I got up again and carried on the kings business; but I was astounded at the vision, and
there was none to explain it. (Dan. 8: 26 NASB)
We can see these previous visions had made Daniel physically ill, and they confused him. It is very likely then that Daniel was seeking Gods face so
he could receive anexplanation of the previous visions that he had received as long as 18 years previous. In response the angel gave Daniel a highly
detailed vision that spans both Daniel 11 and 12. In a future post we discuss this expansive vision in detail. This post however, focuses on the angel
and his struggle.
The Invisible War
Returning to the previous passage from Dan. 10, we see it is another evil angel that is withstanding or opposing the messenger angel for 21
days. This angel is given a most instructive name. He is called the prince of the kingdom of Persia. In the Hebrew, the word translated prince is
sarwhich is primarily a term applied to angels meaning captain or commander or general. In the Septuagint Greek, the word is archonwhich is
translated ruler. In the Greek this word equally applies to angels and religious leaders such members of the Jewish Sanhedrin. Here are some
angelic references that use this word, archon, in the New Testament.




For our struggle is not against esh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the
spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph. 6:12 NASB)
But the Pharisees were saying, He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons. (Matt. 9:34 NASB)
These passages imply a hierarchy of demonic powers. The evil angel in Daniel 10 is one of these ruler angels and it appears he is in charge of the
nation of Persia. Does Satan assign demonic angels to rule the nations? Obviously it appears he does. Later in the passage we learn that after the
archon of Persia, the archon of Greece will arise.
The passage in Daniel 10 also implies a hierarchy of heavenly angels. Michael is dispatched to help the messenger angel and he is described as one of
the archon of the Holy angels (those that didnt fall in Satans rebellion.) Later in Daniel 10:21 we learn Micheal is the archon of the Jewish nation
(Israel). Because he is listed as onlyone of rulers, the passage implies there are more rulers like him. Perhaps the sheep nations of Matthew 25:31
have Holy rulers and the goat nations have demonic rulers? We dont know. It is not explained to us. Maybe all the nations have both. This is
something we may learn in the Millennial Kingdom.
A question that came to my mind is how does Satan have the authority to assign demons charge of nations? An interchange between Jesus and
Satan in Luke provides fascinating insight:
He (Satan) led Him (Christ) up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.And the devil said to Him, I will give You all
this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore if Youworship before me, it shall all be
Yours. Jesus answered him, It is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only. (Luke 4: 5-8 NASB)
We can see from this passage that the earthly domain and its earthly glory has been handed over to Satan and he can give it to whatever human he
wishes! In this interchange, he tempts Christ with the kingdoms of the world. Someday he will give it to the Antichrist. This domain was originally
Adams but Satan stole it from him in the fall. Satan then became the ruler (archon) of this world. (John 14:30) It is believed by many that the scroll
with seven seals in Rev. 5 and 6 is the title deed to the earth, which Jesus shall open during the Tribulation. After this event, Jesus and the saints
will rule the earth.
After This Vision Daniel Understands




What we do know is the message the angel brought to Daniel is one that Satan feared enough to try and prevent its delivery. It is also one that may
be further explanation of Daniels previous visions that caused him confusion. It may be a key to understanding the Book of Daniel. We learn at the
beginning of this section that Daniel understood both the message and the vision after he heard it; so it obviously answered his questions about his
previous visions.
In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, who was named Belteshazzar; and the message was true and one of
great con ict, but he understood the message and had an understanding of the vision. (Dan. 10: 1 NASB)
If Daniel was confused about the meaning of his previous visions but understood this one, the vision in chapters 11 and 12 must be able to clarify
questions he had (and that we have) about his previous visions in chapters 7, 8, and 9. This makes this nal vision of extreme importance. We will
study this nal vision in the next post:


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What Prophecies in Dan. 11 are Yet to be Ful lled?

In "The Antichrist"

The Antichrist BEFORE the Great Tribulation

In "The Antichrist"

The Most Important Prophecy in the Bible

In "70th Week of Daniel"





JANUARY 22, 2015 AT 7:04 PM

very good love this sort of bible study, Got a question that popped into my head today in Daniel 11 it says he will get help from a foreign god , im
assuming this is talking about anti Christ.. if the anti Christ is Islamic as you have said then the foreign God cannot be allah if so then who uis the
foreign God

Nelson Walters
JANUARY 22, 2015 AT 9:46 PM

Thanks Mike. My Daniel 11 and 12 studies are coming in the next week or so. But to answer your question, yes I believe the foreign god the
Antichrist gets help from is Allah, the moon god, also known as Satan. Ill go over this in depth for you and why Allah and YHWH are not the
same in the study. Great question.

Richard Barker
FEBRUARY 5, 2015 AT 1:11 PM

Interesting to see you too using the descriptor moon god Nelson. Ive used the same now and again. Why else would that politico-religion
use a crescent as its de nitive emblem?

roy alexander




JANUARY 23, 2015 AT 12:59 AM

Isaiah 14.. The King of this World, Lucifer I Would Think Has His Day !
Those that watch for him( that one) perish.
Them that wait on Yeshua Live . because he is the life & way.
Who knew the Evil one Would Manifest thru Islam it seems !
The Fullness of the Gospels is here Thou the world is rejecting it

JANUARY 26, 2015 AT 1:09 AM

Ive also understood that the sealed large scroll was the executed Day of the Lord or His wrath when unsealed.

Nelson Walters
JANUARY 26, 2015 AT 1:26 AM

Yes, I believe that is when the nal seal is broken. The seventh seal unleashes the trumpet judgments which begin the day of the Lord. In
Chapter Five of the new book, there is an extensive examination of exactly at what point the Day of the Lord (Gods Wrath) begins.

Kofo Gbadebo
JANUARY 26, 2015 AT 2:21 AM

Thank you for this Bible Study of the Book of Daniel, my question is where are our modern day Daniels and Moses? The leaders of the believers
on the international stage of these days?

Nelson Walters
JANUARY 26, 2015 AT 12:53 PM




If you think about the men God used, Joseph was a slave, Moses herded sheep, Daniel was taken captive, Peter and John were sherman. God
calls his leaders from the ranks of the poor and lowly. Only when God is ready do they appear on the stage.

JANUARY 26, 2015 AT 3:59 PM

Yes God does seem to call those lowly people doesnt he but God will have his people in place for these times , I like the book of Daniel it says
will fall by atteries for a time and God will purge them white as snow and it says there will be those with understanding .. praise God

Pingback: On unsealing Daniels prophetic visions | Richard's Watch

JULY 8, 2015 AT 5:52 PM

I have read every one of your posts and enjoyed them immensely. I only wish I had your knowledge, as a lot of this is over my head. Is there a
more simpli ed version I could also read that you can point me to? Then I could come back, reread, and hopefully understand more than I do

Nelson Walters
JULY 8, 2015 AT 8:40 PM

Sarah, knowledge is good, but the Love of Christ is better. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have
all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. (1 Cor. 13:2 NASB) Always pray for the love of Christ to dwell within
you. Knowledge is an add-on!
As for a simpli ed version, I dont know another one. The basic idea is that Satan so feared the vision Daniel was given, he had a demon try to
stop the messenger angel. This is proof of nature of Spiritual Warfare. The struggle lasted 3 weeks! The vision itself in Daniel 11 and 12
provides stunning detail of the 70th Week of Daniel. That is the basic and core of what this post is about.




SEPTEMBER 7, 2015 AT 10:10 PM

I completely agree. I believe that some people get so caught up in knowledge that they leave the message. One of which is Love.

JULY 13, 2015 AT 1:37 PM

Thank you I enjoyed reading this.looking for more

AUGUST 13, 2016 AT 2:16 PM

Re: Satan ruling the earth what about Col. 2:15 which tells us that God disarmed the principalities & powers that were ranged against us and
made a bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in Him (Christ) and in the cross. .?

Nelson Walters
AUGUST 13, 2016 AT 10:20 PM

This is encouraging Lee. Now you and I have something in common besides a love of Jesus


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