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Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Dengan Pencegahan Kejadi ISPA

Di Puskesmas Nusa Indah Bengkulu

ISPA is a disease process of acute infection for 14 days, its caused by microorganisms and
attack one or more parts, starting from the nose (upper tract) to the alveoli (channel below)
including andeksanya, such as sinus, ear cavity tenggah and pleura, this research conducted
by researcher aimed to determine the differences between the effects before and after the
incident preventive health education with ISPA in puskesmas Nusa Indah Bengkulu.
This research use method of gate control with analysis of test T (T-Test), the results of
research obtained average value score before health education with the incident, ISPA is
11.55, the average score after the incident preventive health education with ISPA is 16.90 and
from this research the researcher found the difference before and after do preventive health
education in health centers incident ISPA in Nusa Indah Bengkulu.
The results of this research, researcher hope on medical officers doctors and nurses can
provide information to the public about the effects of health education in the prevention of
incident ISPA in Puskesmas Nusa Indah Bengkulu in order to help the people in the
prevention of ISPA in baby, the researcher suggested that the parents or relatives who have
baby given health education in order to help the prevention of ISPA.
Keywords: penyuluhan.pencegahan ISPA

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