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1. X : Well have a long holiday next month.

What are you going to do?

Y : ....
X : I hope you have a nice trip.
a. I am thinking of going to Bali
b. Sorry, I cant tell you
c. Its not your business
d. I have nothing to do
e. I dont know what to do
2. A : What do you think about the film ?
B : I think .......................
a. I like it
b. Thank you
c. i cant hear you
d. you forget it
e. lets go
3. ........................ he is polite.
a. I dont think
b. I dont
c. What do you
d. What your opinion
e. i dont understand
4. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Eric : I dont think so ................ Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
a. I know it
b. I am thinking of
c. He forget it
d. In my opinion
e. see you

5. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.

Sri : I think . Dont leave the bed if it is not necessary.
a. you must sing
b. you should lie down and have some rest
c. you can see the doctor tonight
d. I will take you to the hospital
e. I must take some rest, too

>> A : Excuse me, could you lend me your pencil ?

B : I m s o r r y, I m u s i n g i t
A : No problem
> > M r s . An w a r : L u c k y, c o m e h e r e .
L u c k y : Yes , M o m . W h a t s t h e m a t t e r ?
M r s . An w a r : L u c k y, c a n y o u g e t m e s o m e c h i l i e s f r o m f r o m t h e
L u c k y : Yes , s u r e M o m . W h a t a r e y o u m a k i n g a n y w a y, M o m ?
M r s . An w a r : I w i l l m a k e r e n d a n g , L u c k y.
You r f a t h e r l i k e s i t v e r y m u c h .

1. You want your friend to come on time


: Can

you come



Your friend : Of course

2. Dika wants Nurul to show the way to the post office
: Can you show me the way to the post office?
Nurul : Of course. Please go straight this way. It's about 500
meters from here
: Thank you

B. Section 2
1. Offering service/ something/ helps

May i help you?

What can i do for you?

Would you like anything to eat?

Would you like to have breakfast?

Would you like any helps?

2. Accepting an offer

Very kind of you


Yes, please

3. Refusing an offer

No, thank you

I'd love to, but ........


1. Rofik offers something to eat because Yuli looks hungry




: Would








: Very kind of you

2. You see your friend having a problem with his motorcycle


: Would you like any helps?
Your friend : Yes, please

Admitting Fact
Expression of Admitting Fact Admiting Fact merupakan sebuah ungkapan jika kita
sedang mengakui sebuah fakta yang kita lihat. Fakta tersebut seperti teman, benda,
tempat tinggal, dan lain-lain.
Intinya yaitu kita sedang mengakui sebuah hal yang kita ketahui dari diri kita
Contoh Text :
a. Wow. your book is very nice.
b. Wow, I think if your laptop is nice
c. Your Friend is very good
d. Wow. this school is so nice
e. Wow. you have good house
dan lain-lainya..
a. Wow, buku kamu sangat bagus
b. Wow, saya berpikir jika laptopmu itu bagus
c. Temamu itu sangat baik
d. Wow, sekolah ini sangat bagus
e. Wow, kamu memiliki rumah bagus

7. Refusing Fact
Expression of Refusing Fact
Refusing Fact Merupakan sebuah ungkapan dimana kita sedang mengikari
suatu fakta yang telah dikatakan ataupun belum dikatakan yang oleh kita
ataupun orang lain.
Jadi Intinya kita sedang mengikari fakta tersebut
Contoh Text :
a. I remind if your house is not big, but your house is small
b. I think, your table is not clean, but your table is dirty
c. I think, this pool is not small, but this pool is big
d. I think if you not smart, but you are good friend.
e. I remind if this house is not big, but this house is small

dan lain-lain
Translate :
a. saya berpikir ulang jika rumahmu tidak besar, tapi rumahmu itu kecil
b. saya pikir mejamu itu tidak bersih, tapi mejamu itu kotor.
c. Saya pikir, kolam renang ini tidak kecil, tapi kolam renang ini besar
d. Saya pikir, jika kamu tidak pintar, tapi kamu itu teman yang baik
e. saya berpikir ulang jika rumah ini tidak besar, tapi rumah ini kecil.

1. X : Well have a long holiday next month.

What are you going to do?
Y : ....
X : I hope you have a nice trip.
b. Sorry, I cant tell you
c. Its not your business
d. I have nothing to do
e. I dont know what to do
2. A : What do you think about the film ?
B : I think .......................
a. I like it
b. Thank you
c. i cant hear you
d. you forget it
e. lets go
3. ........................ he is polite.
a. I dont think
b. I dont
c. What do you
d. What your opinion
e. i dont understand
4. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Eric : I dont think so ................ Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
a. I know it
b. I am thinking of
c. He forget it
d. In my opinion
e. see you

5. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.

Sri : I think . Dont leave the bed if it is not necessary.
a. you must sing
b. you should lie down and have some rest
c. you can see the doctor tonight
d. I will take you to the hospital
e. I must take some rest, too
All the plants of a particular area or period are flora. Plant life is a part of the ecosystem
and its condition is related to the condition of the local habit. Science of the structure of plants is
called botany, and scientists who study plants are called botanists. People can find many kinds of
trees and flowers there.
Some people know that forests are important for their products. They are also important
to keep the soil fertile and to prevent floods. The humus holds rain water during the wet season,
stores it and then waters the fields during dry season.
For many years, people have not obeyed the government regulations and cut down the
trees carelessly. As a result, thousand hectares good forests become waste. People should know

that without forests, nothing can prevent the water from running down to lower land. In wet
season, this will cause floods which will destroy the farm land and villages.

Who studies and knows much about plants?

What words have the same meaning as special place to grow?
What does the word they in paragraph two refer to?
What does the word it in paragraph two refer to?
What does hold the water during the wet season?
What waters the fields during the dry season?
What causes good forests become waste?
What will destroy the farm lands and village?

Read the following dialogue.

Pretty is talking to her new friends, Jane and Chris. Jane and Chris are from
Switzerland. They come to Indonesia to visit their relatives in Jakarta.


: How is Switzerland, Jane? Ive never been there, but I know it a little from
television and websites.
: Switzerland is a beautiful country for me. Do you agree with me, Chris?
: I completely agree with you. It has many beautiful sites, especially in
: Really? How about summer?
: Oh, I love summer very much. Do you think so, jane?
: I dont think so. Instead, I like spring. You will find so many flowers
around. Flowers are everywhere. The world is colorful at that time?
: Thats wonderful. In Indonesia, there are only two seasons, rainy and dry
seasons. No summer, no spring, no winter. By the way, how about
: Autumn is the season of the year between summer and winter, from late
September to late December. Leaves stop functioning and drop off.
: Nisa, tell us more about the seasons in Indonesia.
: In dry seasons. We often lack of water. In rainy season, people grow
plants in their farm and garden.
: You like the rainy season, dont you?
: Not really in rainy season, there will be floods everywhere, especially in
: Its probably because of the habit that people dont put rubbish in proper
: Yes, I agree. People must learn that their bad habit may cause bad
impact to themselves.

Find out the expression you might find. Put the answer in the table below.


Denial of Fact

Admitting Fact

Read the following dialogue.



Hi, Neng. You look great today.

Thank you. I just want to look different today.
Is there any special occasion that you want to look different?
Well, yes yesterday, I participated in a speech contest.
You did?
Yes, I did. Im so happy that I got the first runner up place in the contests.
Wow. Congratulation. You are good at speaking. Your public speaking is
always amazing.
: Thank you so much. By the way. I come here to invite you to my party





this afternoon. My mom decided to have a little party to celebrate my

achievement. So would you come to my party?
Of course, I would love to. What time?
The party is at four but would you come earlier?
Oh Im sorry. I dont think Ill be able to come earlier. I have to help my
mom to babysit my little brother until 3.30.
Well. Its ok. But please come to my party.
Ok, I will. I will definitely be there by four. Thanks for inviting me, Neng.
You are welcome.

Answer these questions based on the dialogue.


Did Andy compliment Neng? What did he say?

How did Neng respond to Andys compliment?
What did Neng achieve the day before?
Did Andy congratulate her?
What did he say?

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