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A g u i d e t o d r u g d i s c o v e ry o p i n i o n

Protein therapeutics: a summary

and pharmacological classification
Benjamin Leader, Quentin J.Baca and David E.Golan

Abstract | Once a rarely used subset of medical treatments, protein therapeutics

have increased dramatically in number and frequency of use since the introduction
of the first recombinant protein therapeutic human insulin 25 years ago.
Protein therapeutics already have a significant role in almost every field of
medicine, but this role is still only in its infancy. This article overviews some of the
key characteristics of protein therapeutics, summarizes the more than 130 protein
therapeutics used currently and suggests a new classification of these proteins
according to their pharmacological action.
Proteins have the most dynamic and diverse
role of any macromolecule in the body,
catalysing biochemical reactions, forming
receptors and channels in membranes, providing intracellular and extracellular
scaffolding support, and transporting
molecules within a cell or from one organ to
another. It is currently estimated that there are
25,00040,000 different genes in the human
genome, and with alternative splicing of
genes and post-translational modification of
proteins (for example, by cleavage, phosphory
lation, acylation and glycosylation), the
number of functionally distinct proteins is
likely to be much higher13. Viewed from the
perspective of disease mechanisms, these estimates pose an immense challenge to modern
medicine, as disease may result when any one
of these proteins contains mutations or other
abnormalities, or is present in an abnormally
high or low concentration. Viewed from the
perspective of therapeutics, however, these
estimates represent a tremendous opportunity
in terms of harnessing protein therapeutics
to alleviate disease. At present, more than
130 different proteins or peptides are
approved for clinical use by the US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), and many
more are in development.
Protein therapeutics have several
advantages over small-molecule drugs.
First, proteins often serve a highly specific

and complex set of functions that cannot be

mimicked by simple chemical compounds.
Second, because the action of proteins is
highly specific, there is often less potential for
protein therapeutics to interfere with normal
biological processes and cause adverse effects.
Third, because the body naturally produces
many of the proteins that are used as therapeutics, these agents are often well tolerated
and are less likely to elicit immune responses.
Fourth, for diseases in which a gene is
mutated or deleted, protein therapeutics
can provide effective replacement treatment
without the need for gene therapy, which
is not currently available for most genetic
disorders. Fifth, the clinical development and
FDA approval time of protein therapeutics
may be faster than that of small-molecule
drugs. A study published in 2003 showed
that the average clinical development and
approval time was more than 1 year faster for
33 protein therapeutics approved between
1980 and 2002 than for 294 small-molecule
drugs approved during the same time period4.
Last, because proteins are unique in form
and function, companies are able to obtain
far-reaching patent protection for protein
therapeutics. The last two advantages make
proteins attractive from a financial perspective compared with small-molecule drugs.
A relatively small number of protein
therapeutics are purified from their native

nature reviews | drug discovery

source, such as pancreatic enzymes from

hog and pig pancreas5,6, and 1-proteinase
inhibitor from pooled human plasma7,8,
but most are now produced by recombinant
DNA technology and purified from a wide
range of organisms. Production systems
for recombinant proteins include bacteria,
yeast, insect cells, mammalian cells, and
transgenic animals and plants913. The
system of choice can be dictated by the cost
of production or the modifications of the
protein (for example, glycosylation, phosphorylation or proteolytic cleavage) that are
required for biological activity. For example,
bacteria do not perform glycosylation
reactions, and each of the other biological
systems listed above produces a different
type or pattern of glycosylation. Protein
glycosylation patterns can have a dramatic
effect on the activity, half-life and immunogenicity of the recombinant protein in the
body. For example, the half-life of native
erythropoietin, a growth factor important in
erythrocyte production (see below), can be
lengthened by increasing the glycosylation
of the protein. Darbepoetin-a is an erythro
poietin analogue that is engineered to
contain two additional amino acids that are
substrates for Nlinked glycosylation reactions. When expressed in Chinese hamster
ovary cells, the analogue is synthesized with
five rather than three Nlinked carbohydrate
chains; this modification causes the half-life
of darbepoetin to be threefold longer than
that of erythropoietin14.
Perhaps the best example of trends in the
production and use of protein therapeutics
is provided by the history of insulin in the
treatment of diabetes mellitus typeI (DMI)
and typeII (DM-II). Untreated, DMI is
a disease that leads to severe wasting and
death due to lack of the protein hormone
insulin, which signals cells to perform
numerous functions related to glucose
homeostasis and intermediary metabolism15. In 1922, insulin was first purified
from bovine and porcine pancreas and used
as a life-saving daily injection for patients
with DMI16. At least three problems
hindered the widespread use of this protein
therapy: first, the availability of animal pancreases for purification of insulin; second,
the cost of insulin purification from animal
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Box 1 | Functional classification of protein therapeutics
Protein therapeutics in the tables in this article are organized by function and therapeutic
application. The numbers of therapeutics per group reflect the relative difficulty associated with
drug development across the various classes of protein therapeutics. Every effort has been made to
include in these tables all US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved Group I and Group II
protein-based therapies. Groups III and IV present selected examples that highlight the use of
proteins in vaccines and diagnostic agents.

Group I: protein therapeutics with enzymatic or regulatory activity

Ia: Replacing a protein that is deficient or abnormal (TABLES1,2).
Ib: Augmenting an existing pathway (TABLES3,4).
Ic: Providing a novel function or activity (TABLE5).
Endocrine and metabolic disorders with defined molecular aetiologies dominate Group Ia. As more
diseases are linked to deficiencies of specific proteins, this class will continue to grow. Group Ib is
dominated by therapies that augment haematological and endocrine pathways and immune
responses. The many interferon and growth factor therapies in Group Ib effectively treat disease
even when their precise pharmacological mechanism of action is unknown. Group Ic demonstrates
the rational use of naturally occurring proteins to modify the pathophysiology of human diseases.
The future growth of this class depends on understanding protein function in human physiology as
well as protein function in other organisms.
Group II: protein therapeutics with special targeting activity
IIa: Interfering with a molecule or organism (TABLES6,7).
IIb: Delivering other compounds or proteins (TABLE8).
Group IIa therapeutics use their special targeting activity to interfere with molecules or organisms
by binding specifically to them and blocking their function, targeting them for destruction,
or stimulating a signalling pathway. This group has grown as monoclonal antibody technology has
matured and will probably expand further as signalling pathways and aetiologies of disease are more
clearly identified. Group IIb therapeutics deliver other compounds or proteins to a specific site.
This class has great potential to grow, as demonstrated by the breadth of the specifically targeted
Group IIa therapies.
Group III: protein vaccines
IIIa: Protecting against a deleterious foreign agent.
IIIb: Treating an autoimmune disease.
IIIc: Treating cancer.
Although this is currently a small class of therapies, there is great potential for the production of
recombinant vaccines that provide broad protection against infectious agents. Similarly,
individualized vaccines against cancers are likely to be in great demand. Selected examples of the
57 FDA-approved vaccines in TABLE9 highlight the use of recombinant protein technology in
vaccine production. Many of the FDA-approved vaccines protect against multiple infectious
agents and include synthetic, recombinant and purified protein components. A complete list of
FDA-approved vaccines may be found at:
Group IV: protein diagnostics
Group IV protein diagnostics, for which selected examples are shown in TABLE10, are a class that
powerfully affect clinical decision-making. These diagnostics use technology and therapeutics
developed in other classes to answer clinical questions. This table presents primarily invivo protein
diagnostics, but invitro protein diagnostics are also critical to medical decision-making and are too
numerous to address comprehensively here.

pancreas; and third, the immunological

reaction of some patients to animal insulin.
These problems were addressed by isolating
the human insulin gene and engineering
Escherichia coli to express human insulin
by using recombinant DNA technology.
By growing vast quantities of these bacteria,
large-scale production of human insulin was
achieved. The resulting insulin was abundant, inexpensive, of low immunogenicity
and free from other animal pancreatic
substances. Recombinant insulin, approved
by the US FDA in 1982, was the first

commercially available recombinant protein

therapeutic, and has been the major therapy
for DMI (and a major therapy for DMII)
ever since1620.
Recombinantly produced proteins can
have several further benefits compared with
non-recombinant proteins. First, transcription and translation of an exact human gene
can lead to a higher specific activity of the
protein and a decreased chance of immuno
logical rejection. Second, recombinant proteins are often produced more efficiently and
inexpensively, and in potentially limitless

22 | january 2008 | volume 7

quantity. One striking example is found in

the protein-based therapy for Gauchers
disease, a chronic congenital disorder of
lipid metabolism caused by a deficiency
of the enzyme -glucocerebrosidase (also
known as glucosylceramidase) that is characterized by an enlarged liver and spleen,
increased skin pigmentation and painful
bone lesions21,22. At first, -glucocerebrosidase purified from human placenta was
used to treat this disease, but this requires
purification of protein from 50,000 placentas
per patient per year, which obviously places
a practical limit on the amount of purified
protein available. A recombinant form of
-glucocerebrosidase was subsequently
developed and introduced, which is not
only available in sufficient quantities to treat
many more patients with the disease, but
also eliminates the risk of transmissible
(for example, viral or prion) diseases associated with purifying the protein from human
placentas2325. This also illustrates a third
benefit of recombinant proteins over nonrecombinant proteins the reduction of
exposure to animal or human diseases.
A fourth advantage is that recombinant
technology allows the modification of a
protein or the selection of a particular gene
variant to improve function or specificity.
Again, recombinant -glucocerebrosidase
provides an interesting example. When this
protein is made recombinantly, a change
of amino-acid arginine495 to histidine
allows the addition of mannose residues
to the protein. The mannose is recognized
by endocytic carbohydrate receptors on
macrophages and many other cell types,
allowing the enzyme to enter these cells
more efficiently and to cleave the intracellular lipid that has accumulated in pathological
amounts, which results in an improved
therapeutic outcome23. Last, recombinant
technology allows the production of proteins
that provide a novel function or activity,
as discussed below.
The 25 years since the approval of
recombinant insulin by the FDA have seen a
remarkable expansion in the number of thera
peutic applications of proteins. More than
130 proteins (over 95 of which are produced
recombinantly) are currently approved for
clinical use by the FDA, and many more
are in development. An appreciation of the
many therapeutic uses of proteins may be
facilitated by categorizing such therapies
according to their mechanism of action,
and, in this article, we summarize currently
approved protein therapeutics by suggesting
a classification system that is based on their
pharmacological action (BOX1). Examples

2008 Nature Publishing Group

Table 1 | Protein therapeutics replacing a protein that is deficient or abnormal (Group Ia)*


Trade name


Examples of clinical use

Endocrine disorders (hormone deficiencies)


Humulin, Novolin

Regulates blood glucose, shifts potassium into cells

Diabetes mellitus, diabetic

ketoacidosis, hyperkalaemia

Insulin human


Insulin formulated for inhalation with faster onset

of action

Diabetes mellitus

Insulin aspart150;
insulin glulisine151;
Insulin lispro150

Novolog (aspart),
Apidra (glulisine),
Humalog (lispro)

Insulin analogues with faster onset of action and

shorter duration of action

Diabetes mellitus

Isophane insulin150 NPH

Insulin protamine crystalline formulation with slower

onset of action and longer duration of action

Diabetes mellitus

Insulin detemir152;
Insulin glargine150

Levemir (detemir),
Lantus (glargine)

Insulin analogues with slower onset of action and

longer duration of action

Diabetes mellitus

Insulin zinc

Lente, Ultralente

Insulin zinc hexameric complex with slower onset

of action and longer duration of action

Diabetes mellitus



Mechanism unknown; recombinant synthetic peptide

analogue of human amylin (a naturally occurring
neuroendocrine hormone regulating post-prandial
glucose control)

Diabetes mellitus, in combination

with insulin

hormone (GH),

Genotropin, Humatrope,
Norditropin, NorIVitropin,
Nutropin, Omnitrope,
Protropin, Siazen,
Serostim, Valtropin

Anabolic and anticatabolic effector

Growth failure due to GH deficiency

or chronic renal insufficiency,
Prader-Willi syndrome, Turner
syndrome, AIDS wasting or cachexia
with antiviral therapy



Recombinant insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) induces

mitogenesis, chondrocyte growth and organ growth,
which combine to restore appropriate statural growth

Growth failure in children with GH

gene deletion or severe primary IGF1



Similar to mecasermin; IGF1 bound to IGF binding

protein 3 (IGFBP3) is thought to keep the hormone
inactive until it reaches its target tissues, thereby
decreasing hypoglycaemia-like side effects

Growth failure in children with GH

gene deletion or severe primary IGF1

Haemostasis and thrombosis

Factor VIII27,28,118

Bioclate, Helixate,
Kogenate, Recombinate,

Coagulation factor

Haemophilia A

Factor IX29,30,141,142


Coagulation factor

Haemophilia B

Antithrombin III

Thrombate III

Purified human AT-III from pooled plasma inactivates

thrombin by forming a covalent bond between the
catalytic serine residue of thrombin and an arginine
reactive site on AT-III; AT-III replacement therapy
prevents inappropriate blood-clot formation

Hereditary AT-III deficiency in

connection with surgical or
obstetrical procedures or for

Protein C


After activation by the thrombinthrombomodulin

complex, protein C inhibits coagulation factors Va
and VIIIa

Treatment and prevention of venous

thrombosis and purpura fulminans
in patients with severe hereditary
protein C deficiency

*Continued in TABLE 2. Protein therapeutics derive their specificity and function from their structure. Molecules ranging from large and complex enzymes to short peptide
sequences have specific biological activity due to their amino-acid-based secondary and tertiary structure. For example, somatostatin is active as either a 14 or 28 amino-acid
peptide, and its even shorter synthetic analogues share a characteristic hairpin-loop structure that defines their specificity and biological activity. Some very short peptide
therapeutics are better thought of as small-molecule drugs, as they lack secondary and tertiary structures that define their biological activity. For this reason, therapeutics such as
glatiramer acetate (a four amino-acid peptide consisting of acetate with lGlu, lAla, lTyr and lLys) are not addressed in this article. Protein therapeutics are recombinant unless
otherwise stated. Also classed in Group Ib. Non-recombinant.

of protein therapeutics in each category and

clinical conditions in which they are used
are discussed in the text, and a listing of
FDA-approved protein therapies and their
functions and clinical uses is presented
in TABLES18. Examples of protein-based
vaccines and diagnostics that highlight the
growing importance of proteins in medicine
are provided in TABLES9,10.

Group I: enzymes and regulatory proteins

Protein therapeutics in this group function
by a classic paradigm in which a specific
endogenous protein is deficient, and the
deficit is then remedied by treatment with
exogenous protein. Protein therapeutics
that we have classified in Group Ia are used
to replace a particular activity in cases of
protein deficiency or abnormal protein

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production. These proteins are used in a

range of conditions, from providing lactase
in patients lacking this gastrointestinal
enzyme26 to replacing vital blood-clotting
factors such as factor VIII27,28 and factor
IX29,30 in haemophiliacs. A classic example,
as mentioned above, is the use of insulin
for the treatment of diabetes. Another
important example is in the treatment of
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cystic fibrosis, a common lethal genetic
disorder. In this disease, defects in the
chloride channel encoded by the CFTR gene
lead to abnormally thick secretions, which
can (among other effects) block pancreatic
enzymes from travelling down the pancreatic
duct into the duodenum31. This prevents
food from being properly digested and
results in malnutrition. Patients with cystic
fibrosis are often treated with a combination
of pancreatic enzymes isolated from pigs
including lipases, amylases and proteases
that allow the digestion of lipids,
sugars and proteins. Patients who have had
their pancreas removed or who suffer from
chronic pancreatitis can also benefit from
this therapy5,6. Other striking examples
include various diseases caused by metabolic
enzyme deficiencies, such as Gauchers
disease as mentioned above, mucopolysaccharidosis, Fabry disease and others.
Additional protein therapies that replace a
particular activity are listed in TABLES1,2.
It may sometimes be desirable to enhance
the magnitude or timing of a particular normal protein activity, and protein therapeutics
that we have classified in Group Ib are
administered to achieve this. Such protein
therapeutics have been successful in treating
haematopoietic defects; the most prominent
example is recombinant erythropoietin,
a protein hormone secreted by the kidney
that stimulates erythrocyte production in
the bone marrow31. In patients with chemotherapy-induced anaemia or myelodysplastic
syndrome, recombinant erythropoietin is
used to increase erythrocyte production
and thereby ameliorate the anaemia. In
patients with renal failure, whose levels of
endogenous erythropoietin are below normal, recombinant protein is administered to
correct this deficiency3236. Another example
is provided by the treatment of neutropaenic
patients with granulocyte- or granulocytemonocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF
or GMCSF, respectively)36,37, which stimulate an increase in the number of neutrophils
produced by the bone marrow to allow these
patients to better combat microbial infections. Similarly, thrombocytopaenic patients
can be treated with interleukin 11 (IL11)38,
which increases platelet production and
thereby prevents bleeding complications.
Invitro fertilization (IVF) is another
area in which Group Ib proteins are applied.
Increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are normally produced by the
anterior pituitary gland just before ovulation.
These high levels of FSH can be enhanced by
treatment with recombinant FSH, leading to
maturation of an increased number of follicles

and to an increased number of oocytes

available for IVF39,40. Similarly, recombinant
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)41 is
used in assisted reproductive technology to
promote follicle rupture, a process that must
occur before the oocytes can be transported
into the fallopian tubes for fertilization.
Group Ib proteins can also have life-saving
effects on thrombosis and haemostasis.
Alteplase (recombinant tissue plasminogen
activator (tPA; also known as PLAT)), is used
to treat life-threatening blood clots in conditions such as coronary artery occlusion, acute
ischaemic stroke and pulmonary embolism4246. Endogenous tPA is secreted by the
endothelial cells that line blood vessels. The
secreted tPA normally cleaves plasminogen
to plasmin, which then degrades fibrin and
thereby lyses fibrin-based clots15. Although
endogenous tPA may be present at normal
or even increased levels near the site of a
blood clot, administration of relatively large
amounts of exogenous tPA may be required
to disrupt these clots. Reteplase, a genetically
modified form of recombinant tPA, is used
to treat acute myocardial infarction47,48, and
enecteplase, another genetically engineered
derivative of tPA, has greater specificity
than tPA for binding to plasminogen and
therefore causes a more efficacious lysis of
fibrin in blood clots49,50. Supraphysiological
levels of coagulation factor VIIa may catalyse
thrombosis and thereby stop life-threatening
bleeding in patients with haemophilia A or
B51,52. Also, recent studies have suggested
that recombinant activated protein C53,54 can
improve immunoregulation and prevent
excessive clotting reactions in patients with
severe, life-threatening sepsis and organ
dysfunction. Many other Group Ib protein
therapeutics are also used for immunoregulation chronic hepatitis B and C, Kaposis
sarcoma, melanoma, and some types of
leukaemia and lymphoma have been treated
with various forms of interferon, as noted
in TABLE3. Other disease states treated
with Group Ib proteins are summarized in
Occasionally, the activity of a particular
protein is desirable even though the body
does not normally express that activity.
Protein therapeutics that we have classified in
Group Ic contain examples of this paradigm,
including foreign proteins with novel functions and endogenous proteins that act at
a novel time or place in the body. Papain,
for example, is a protease purified from the
Carica papaya fruit. This protein is used thera
peutically to degrade proteinaceous debris
in wounds55. Collagenase, obtained from
fermentation by Clostridium histolyticum,

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can be used to digest collagen in the necrotic

base of wounds56,57. The protease-mediated
debridement or removal of necrotic tissue
is useful in the treatment of burns, pressure
ulcers, post-operative wounds, carbuncles
and other types of wounds. Recombinant
human deoxyribonuclease I (DNASE1) also
has an interesting novel use. Normally found
inside human cells, this recombinant enzyme
can be used to degrade the DNA left over
from dying neutrophils in the respiratory
tract of patients with cystic fibrosis58. Such
DNA could otherwise form mucus plugs
that obstruct the respiratory tract and lead
to pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis and
recurrent pneumonias. Thus, recombinant
protein technology has allowed the therapeutic application of a normally intracellular
enzyme in a novel extracellular environment.
There are many other successful examples
of this approach to protein therapy. For
instance, certain forms of acute lymphoblastic
leukaemia are unable to synthesize asparagine
and therefore require the availability of this
amino acid to survive. lAsparaginase, purified from E.coli, can be used to lower serum
levels of asparagine in such patients and
thereby inhibit cancer cell growth59,60. Studies
of the medical leech, Hirudo medicinalis,
revealed that its salivary gland produces hirudin, a potent thrombin inhibitor. The gene for
this protein was then identified, cloned and
used recombinantly to provide a new protein
therapy, lepirudin, which prevents clot formation in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia61,62. Other organisms can also
be used to produce proteins that are capable
of breaking up clots that have already formed;
for example, streptokinase is a plasminogen
activating protein produced by group C
-haemolytic streptococci6366. Many more
therapeutic proteins that provide a novel
function or activity are presented in TABLE5.
Group II: targeted proteins
The exquisite binding specificity of monoclonal antibodies and immunoadhesins67
can be exploited in numerous ways using
recombinant DNA technology. Many protein
therapeutics that we have classified in Group
IIa use the antigen recognition sites of
immunoglobulin (Ig) molecules or the receptor-binding domains of native protein ligands
to guide the immune system to destroy
specifically targeted molecules or cells. Other
monoclonal antibodies and immunoadhesins
neutralize molecules by simple physical
occupation of a functionally important
region of the molecule. Immunoadhesins
combine the receptor-binding domains of
protein ligands with the Fc region of an Ig.

2008 Nature Publishing Group

Table 2 | Protein therapeutics replacing a protein that is deficient or abnormal (Group Ia)*


Trade name


Examples of clinical use

Metabolic enzyme deficiencies



Hydrolyzes glucocerebroside to glucose and ceramide

Gauchers disease


Ceredase (purified from

pooled human placenta)

Hydrolyzes glucocerebroside to glucose and ceramide

Gauchers disease



Degrades glycogen by catalyzing the hydrolysis of

-1,4 and -1,6 glycosidic linkages of lysosomal glycogen

Pompe disease (glycogen storage

disease type II)



Digests endogenous glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)

within lysosomes, and thereby prevents an
accumulation of GAGs that can cause cellular, tissue,
and organ dysfunction

Hurler and Hurler-Scheie forms of

mucopolysaccharidosis I



Cleaves the terminal 2-O-sulphate moieties from

the GAGs dermatan sulphate and heparan sulphate,
thereby allowing their digestion and preventing
GAG accumulation

Mucopolysaccharidosis II (Hunter



Cleaves the terminal sulphate from the GAG dermatan

sulphate, thereby allowing its digestion and preventing
GAG accumulation

Mucopolysaccharidosis VI

-galactosidase A)


Enzyme that hydrolyzes globotriaosylceramide (GL3)

and other glycosphingolipids, reducing deposition of
these lipids in capillary endothelium of the kidney and
certain other cell types

Fabry disease; prevents accumulation

of lipids that could lead to renal and
cardiovascular complications

Pulmonary and gastrointestinal-tract disorders


Aralast, Prolastin

Inhibits elastase-mediated destruction of pulmonary

tissue; purified from pooled human plasma

Congenital -1-antitrypsin deficiency



Digests lactose; purified from fungus Aspergillus oryzae

Gas, bloating, cramps and diarrhoea

due to inability to digest lactose

Digests food (protein, fat and carbohydrate); purified

from hogs and pigs

Cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis,

pancreatic insufficiency, post-Billroth
II gastric bypass surgery, pancreatic
duct obstruction, steatorrhoea, poor
digestion, gas, bloating

Pancreatic enzymes Arco-Lase, Cotazym,

(lipase, amylase,
Creon, Donnazyme,
Pancrease, Viokase,


bovine, PEG-ADA)


Metabolizes adenosine, prevents accumulation of

adenosine; purified from cows

Severe combined immunodeficiency

disease due to adenosine deaminase



Intravenous immunoglobulin preparation

Primary immunodeficiencies

Albumarc, Albumin,
Albuminar, AlbuRx,
Albutein, Flexbumin,
Buminate, Plasbumin

Increases circulating plasma osmolarity, thereby

restoring and maintaining circulating blood volume

Decreased production of albumin

(hypoproteinaemia), increased loss
of albumin (nephrotic syndrome),
hypovolaemia, hyperbilirubinaemia

Human albumin168

*Continued from TABLE 1. Protein therapeutics are recombinant unless otherwise stated. Non-recombinant.

The Fc region can target a soluble molecule

for destruction because cells of the immune
system can recognize the Fc region, endo
cytose the attached molecule and break down
the molecule chemically and enzymatically.
When bound to specifically recognized
molecules on the surface of a cell, the Fc
region can target the cell for destruction by
the immune system. Cell killing can be
mediated by macrophages, by other immune
cells or by complement fixation.

Several Group IIa protein therapeutics

have been approved for the treatment of
inflammatory diseases, such as the immuno
adhesin etanercept, which is a fusion
between two human proteins: tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor and the Fc region of
the human antibody protein IgG1. The TNF
receptor portion of the molecule binds excess
TNF in the plasma, while the Fc portion of
the molecule targets the TNF for destruction.
By combining these two functions, the drug

nature reviews | drug discovery

neutralizes the deleterious effects of TNF

(a cytokine that stimulates increased activity
of the immune system) and thereby provides
an effective therapy for inflammatory
arthritis and psoriasis6870. Another Group
IIa protein that targets TNF is infliximab.
This recombinantly produced monoclonal
antibody binds to TNF, and is used to
neutralize the action of TNF in inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
and inflammatory bowel disease7173.
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Table 3 | Protein therapeutics augmenting an existing pathway (Group Ib)*


Trade name


Examples of clinical use



Stimulates erythropoiesis

Anaemia of chronic disease, myleodysplasia,

anaemia due to renal failure or chemotherapy,
preoperative preparation



Modified erythropoietin with longer half-life;

stimulates red blood cell production in the
bone marrow

Treatment of anaemia in patients with chronic

renal insufficiency and chronic renal failure
(+/- dialysis)

Filgrastim36, 37
(granulocyte colony stimulating
factor; G-CSF)


Stimulates neutrophil proliferation,

differentiation and migration

Neutropaenia in AIDS or post-chemotherapy

or bone-marrow transplantation, severe
chronic neutropaenia

Pegfilgrastim171 (Peg-G-CSF)


Stimulates neutrophil proliferation,

differentiation and migration

Neutropaenia in AIDS or post-chemotherapy

or bone marrow transplantation, severe
chronic neutropaenia

Sargramostim36, 37 (granulocytemacrophage colony stimulating

factor; GM-CSF)


Stimulates proliferation and differentiation

of neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes

Leukopaenia, myeloid reconstitution

post-bone-marrow transplantation,

(interleukin11; IL11)


Stimulates megakaryocytopoiesis and


Prevention of severe thrombocytopaenia,

especially after myelosuppressive

Human follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH)39,40


Augments ovulation

Assisted reproduction

Human chorionic gonadotropin



Stimulates ovarian follicle rupture and ovulation

Assisted reproduction



Recombinant human luteinizing hormone;

increases estradiol secretion, thereby
supporting follicle-stimulating
hormone-induced follicular development

Infertility with luteinizing hormone


Type I alpha-interferon,
interferon alfacon 1, consensus


Mechanism unknown; immunoregulator

Chronic hepatitis C infection

Interferon-2a (IFN2a)179183


Mechanism unknown; immunoregulator

Hairy cell leukaemia, chronic myelogenous

leukaemia, Kaposis sarcoma, chronic
hepatitis C infection



Recombinant interferon-2a conjugated to

polyethylene glycol (PEG) to increase half-life

Adults with chronic hepatitis C who have

compensated liver disease and who have not
been previously treated with IFN; used alone
or in combination with ribavirin

Interferon-2b (IFN2b)187189

Intron A

Mechanism unknown; immunoregulator

Hepatitis B,melanoma, Kaposis sarcoma,

follicular lymphoma, hairy-cell leukaemia,
condylomata acuminata,hepatitis C



Recombinant interferon-2b conjugated to

polyethylene glycol (PEG) to increase half-life

Adults with chronic hepatitis C who have

compensated liver disease and who have not
been treated previously with IFN

Interferon-n3 (IFNn3)191,192

Alferon N

Mechanism unknown; nonrecombinant human

IFN-n3 purified from pooled human leukocytes

Condylomata acuminata (genital warts

caused by human papillomavirus)

Interferon-1a (rIFN-)178,193196


Mechanism unknown; antiviral and


Multiple sclerosis

Interferon-1b (rIFN-)197199


Mechanism unknown; antiviral and


Multiple sclerosis

Interferon-1b (IFN)200204


Increases inflammatory and antimicrobial


Chronic granulomatous disease, severe


(interleukin 2 (IL2), epidermal
thymocyte activating factor;


Stimulates T and B cells, natural killer cells,

and lymphokine-activated killer cells

Metastatic renal cell cancer, melanoma




*Continued in TABLE 4. Protein therapeutics are recombinant unless otherwise stated. Non-recombinant.

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Table 4 | Protein therapeutics augmenting an existing pathway (Group Ib)*


Trade name


Examples of clinical use

(tissue plasminogen
activator; tPA)


Promotes fibrinolysis by binding fibrin and converting

plasminogen to plasmin

Pulmonary embolism, myocardial

infarction, acute ischaemic stroke,
occlusion of central venous access

(deletion mutein of tPA)47,48


Contains the non-glycosylated kringle 2 and protease

domains of human tPA; functions similarly to tPA

Management of acute myocardial

infarction, improvement of ventricular



tPA with greater specificity for plasminogen

conversion; has amino-acid substitutions of Thr103 to
Asp, Asp117 to Gln, and Ala for amino-acids 296299

Acute myocardial infarction



Nonrecombinant plasminogen activator derived from

human neonatal kidney cells

Pulmonary embolism

Factor VIIa51,52


Pro-thrombotic (activated factor VII; initiates the

coagulation cascade)

Haemorrhage in patients with

haemophilia A or B and inhibitors to
factor VIII or factor IX

(activated protein C)


Antithrombotic (inhibits coagulation factors Va and

VIIIa), anti-inflammatory

Severe sepsis with a high risk of death

Salmon calcitonin211,212


Mechanism unknown; inhibits osteoclast function

Postmenopausal osteoporosis

(human parathyroid
hormone residues 134)


Markedly enhances bone formation; administered as

a once-daily injection

Severe osteoporosis


Incretin mimetic with actions similar to glucagonlike peptide 1 (GLP1); increases glucose-dependent
insulin secretion, suppresses glucagon secretion,
slows gastric emptying, decreases appetite (first
identified in saliva of the Gila monster Heloderma

Type 2 diabetes resistant to treatment

with metformin and a sulphonylurea




Potent somatostatin analogue; inhibits growth

hormone, glucagon and insulin

Acromegaly, symptomatic relief of

VIP-secreting adenoma and metastatic
carcinoid tumours

(recombinant human bone
morphogenic protein 2;


Mechanism unknown

Spinal fusion surgery, bone injury


Recombinant human bone

morphogenic protein 7

protein 1

Mechanism unknown

Tibial fracture nonunion, lumbar

spinal fusion


Histrelin acetate223,224
(gonadotropin releasing
hormone; GnRH)

Supprelin LA,

Synthetic analogue of human GnRH; acts as a potent

Precocious puberty
inhibitor of gonadotropin secretion when administered
continuously by causing a reversible downregulation of
GnRH receptors in the pituitary and desensitizing the
pituitary gonadotropes

(keratinocyte growth factor;


Recombinant analogue of KGF; stimulates

keratinocyte growth in skin, mouth, stomach and

Severe oral mucositis in patients

undergoing chemotherapy

(platelet-derived growth
factor; PDGF)


Promotes wound healing by enhancing granulation

tissue formation and fibroblast proliferation and

Debridement adjunct for diabetic





Decubitus ulcer, varicose ulcer,

debridement of eschar, dehiscent
wound, sunburn

Nesiritide230, 231


Recombinant B-type natriuretic peptide

Acute decompensated congestive

heart failure

Haemostasis and thrombosis

Endocrine disorders



Growth regulation


*Continued from TABLE 3. Protein therapeutics are recombinant unless otherwise stated. Also classed in Group Ic. Non-recombinant. ||Synthetic.

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Some Group IIa proteins are used to treat
infectious diseases. Patients at high-risk for
severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
infection, one of the leading causes of hospital
admissions for paediatric respiratory
illness, are given a recombinant monoclonal

antibody, palivizumab, which binds to

the RSV F protein and thereby directs the
immune-mediated clearance of the virus
from the body74,75. Enfuvirtide is an example
of a Group II protein therapeutic that is not a
monoclonal antibody or an immunoadhesin.

By binding to gp120/gp41 the HIV

envelope protein responsible for fusion of the
virus with host cells this 36-amino-acid
peptide prevents the conformational change
in gp41 that is required for viral fusion, and
thereby inhibits viral entry into the cell7678.

Table 5 | Protein therapeutics providing a novel function or activity (Group Ic)


Trade name


Examples of clinical use

Enzymatic degradation of macromolecules

*Botulinum toxin
type A232,233


Cleaves SNAP25 at neuromuscular junctions to

disrupt SNARE complex and prevent acetylcholine
release, causing flaccid paralysis

Many types of dystonia, particularly cervical;

cosmetic uses

*Botulinum toxin
type B233,234


Cleaves synaptobrevin at neuromuscular junctions to

disrupt SNARE complex and prevent acetylcholine
release, causing flaccid paralysis

Many types of dystonia, particularly cervical;

cosmetic uses



Collagenase obtained from fermentation by

Clostridium histolyticum; digests collagen in necrotic
base of wounds

Debridement of chronic dermal ulcers and

severely burned areas

Human deoxyribonuclease I,


Degrades DNA in purulent pulmonary secretions

Cystic fibrosis; decreases respiratory tract

infections in selected patients with FVC
greater than 40% of predicted

(bovine, ovine)235

Catalyses the hydrolysis of hyaluronic acid to
(bovine), Hydase increase tissue permeability and allow faster drug
(bovine), Vitrase absorption

Used as an adjuvant to increase the absorption

and dispersion of injected drugs, particularly
anaesthetics in ophthalmic surgery and certain
imaging agents



Catalyses the hydrolysis of hyaluronic acid to

increase tissue permeability and allow faster
drug absorption

Used as an adjuvant to increase the absorption

and dispersion of injected drugs, particularly
anaesthetics in ophthalmic surgery and certain
imaging agents



Protease from the Carica papaya fruit

Debridement of necrotic tissue or liquefication

of slough in acute and chronic lesions, such as
pressure ulcers, varicose and diabetic ulcers,
burns, postoperative wounds, pilonidal cyst
wounds, carbuncles, and other wounds

Enzymatic degradation of small-molecule metabolites



Provides exogenous asparaginase activity,

removing available asparagine from serum;
purified from Escherichia coli

Acute lymphocytic leukaemia, which requires

exogenous asparagine for proliferation



Provides exogenous asparaginase activity, removing

available asparagine from serum; purified from E. coli

Acute lymphocytic leukaemia, which requires

exogenous asparagine for proliferation



Catalyzes enzymatic oxidation of uric acid into an

inactive, soluble metabolite (allantoin); originally
isolated from Aspergillus flavus

Paediatric patients with leukaemia, lymphoma,

and solid tumours who are undergoing
anticancer therapy that may cause tumour lysis

Haemostasis and thrombosis



Recombinant hirudin, a thrombin inhibitor from the

Heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia
salivary gland of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis



Synthetic hirudin analogue; specifically binds both

the catalytic site and the anion-binding exosite of
circulating and clot-bound thrombin

Reduce blood-clotting risk in coronary

angioplasty and heparin-induced



Converts plasminogen to plasmin; produced by

group C b-haemolytic streptococci

Acute evolving transmural myocardial

infarction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein
thrombosis, arterial thrombosis or
embolism, occlusion of arteriovenous

streptokinase activator
complex; APSAC)


Converts plasminogen to plasmin; p-anisoyl group

protects the catalytic centre of the plasminogenstreptokinase complex and prevents premature
deactivation, thereby providing longer duration of
action than streptokinase

Thrombolysis in patients with unstable angina

Protein therapeutics are recombinant unless otherwise stated. *Non-recombinant. Synthetic. FVC, forced vital capacity; SNAP25, synaptosomal-associated protein, 25 kDa;
SNARE, soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor.

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Another area in which Group IIa antibodies have been successful is oncology.
For example, rituximab is a human/mouse
chimeric monoclonal antibody that binds to
CD20, a transmembrane protein expressed on
>90% of Bcell non-Hodgkins lymphomas,
and targets the cells for destruction by the
bodys immune system7981. Although rituximab is most often used in combination with
anthracycline-based chemotherapy, it is one
of the few monoclonal antibody anticancer
therapies that is approved as a monotherapy.
Cetuximab is a monoclonal antibody that is
used to treat colorectal cancer and head and
neck cancer; this monoclonal antibody binds
epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and
impairs cancer cell growth and proliferation82.
Other recently developed Group IIa protein
therapeutics are listed in TABLES6,7, and
many more protein therapeutics utilizing the
exquisite specificity of monoclonal antibodies
are in development, especially for cancer and
inflammatory diseases.
Many important processes are modulated
by cell-surface receptors that are activated
upon binding of their cognate ligands15.
By binding to such receptors, targeted protein therapeutics may activate cell signalling
pathways and profoundly affect cell function. Outcomes may range from cell death
(through the induction of apoptosis), to
downregulation of cell division to increased
cell proliferation. Although it has been diffi
cult to prove that a particular target-binding
protein mediates an invivo effect through the
modulation of a particular signalling pathway, invitro evidence suggests that this type
of modulation is involved in the mechanism
of action of certain therapeutic proteins.
For example, the treatment of certain breast
cancers, in which the malignant cells express
the HER2/Neu (also known as ERBB2) cell
surface receptor, is enhanced by the addition
of trastuzumab (an anti-HER2/Neu monoclonal antibody) to the therapeutic regimen83.
Although trastuzumab contains an Fc region
that facilitates antibody-dependent cellular
cytotoxicity mediated by natural killer cells, it
seems unlikely that this is trastuzumabs only
mechanism of action. Other monoclonal
antibodies, with similar Fc regions and abilities to target breast cancer cells, have failed to
show efficacy invivo. Trastuzumab, however,
has been shown invitro to induce intracellu
lar signalling events that control the growth
of breast cancer cells. It is therefore likely
that a combination of mechanisms accounts
for the therapeutic activity of trastuzumab,
including inhibition of the phosphatidyl
inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, inhibition
of angiogenesis and inhibition of HER2

receptor cleavage84,85. The complex action of

trastuzumab highlights the fact that, while
modulation of cell physiology through
simple receptor binding may play a role in
the activity of some targeted therapies, the
relative contribution of receptor binding to
the overall efficacy of the therapeutic may be
difficult to dissect.
One of the great challenges in drug therapy is the selective delivery of small-molecule
drugs and proteins to the intended therapeutic target. The body normally uses proteins to
achieve specialized transport and delivery of
molecules. An active area of current research
is focused on understanding the principles of
protein-based, targeted delivery of molecules,
so that these principles can be applied to
modern pharmacotherapy. This strategy is
exploited by protein therapeutics that we
have classified in Group IIb (TABLE8), such
as gemtuzumab ozogamicin, which links the
binding region of a monoclonal antibody
directed against CD33 with calicheamicin,
a small-molecule chemotherapeutic agent.
By using this therapy, the toxic compound is
selectively delivered to CD33-positive acute
myeloid leukaemia cells, resulting in the
selective killing of these cells86,87. Similarly,
refractory CD20-positive non-Hodgkins
lymphoma cells can be destroyed selectively
by ibritumomab tiuxetan, a monoclonal
antibody that is directed against CD20
and linked to a radioactive yttrium isotope
(Y90)88. Another example is provided by
denileukin diftitox, which uses a monoclonal
antibody that is directed against the CD25
component of the IL2 receptor to deliver
cytocidal diphtheria toxin to T-cell lymphoma cells that express this receptor89,90.
In addition to these current examples,
interesting developments are in progress that
illustrate where the field might be heading.
For example, herpes simplex virus produces
a protein, VP22, which enters human cells.
VP22 has been used invitro to deliver proteins or other compounds to the nucleus. In
one application, VP22 was used to target the
tumour suppressor protein p53 to cultured
osteosarcoma cells that lacked the p53 gene
(and hence the protein)91. Reintroduction of
p53 led to apoptosis of the cells. It is thought
that a novel and effective therapy for certain
forms of cancer could use protein-based
targeting of the p53 gene. Another area of
research involves the delivery of proteins
and other macromolecules to the CNS,
which is challenging owing to the highly
selective bloodbrain barrier (BBB). Animal
experiments have demonstrated, however,
that fusion proteins combining a therapeutic
protein with a protein that naturally has

nature reviews | drug discovery

specific access through the BBB can allow

successful delivery of the therapeutic protein
to the CNS.For example, a fragment of the
tetanus toxin protein that naturally crosses
the BBB has been shown in animal experiments to deliver the enzyme superoxide
dismutase (SOD) to the CNS92. This type of
therapeutic could potentially be used to treat
neurological disorders such as amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis, in which CNS levels of SOD
are reported to be low. Exciting prospects
also exist for the treatment of other disorders
of the CNS in which levels of a particular
protein are abnormal.
Group III: protein vaccines
As recombinant DNA technology was being
developed, great strides were also being
made in understanding the molecular mechanisms that allow the immune system to
protect the body against infectious diseases
and cancer. Armed with this new understanding, proteins that we have classified in
Group III have been successfully applied as
prophylactic or therapeutic vaccines. TABLE9
provides selected examples.
For humans to develop effective immunity
against foreign organisms or cancer cells,
immune cells such as helper Tcells must be
activated. Immune-cell activation is mediated
by antigen-presenting cells, which display
on their surface specific oligopeptides that
are derived from proteins found in foreign
organisms or cancer cells. Vaccination against
certain organisms such as polio or measles
has most often been achieved by injecting
heat-killed or attenuated forms of these pathogens. Unfortunately, these methods have
involved a certain amount of unavoidable risk
of infection or adverse reaction. By specifically injecting the appropriate immunogenic
(but non-pathogenic) protein components
of a microorganism, vaccines can hopefully
be created that provide immunity in an individual without exposing the individual to the
risks of infection or toxic reaction.
Proteins that we have classified in Group
IIIa are used to generate protection against
infectious diseases or toxins. One successful
example is the hepatitis B vaccine93,94. This
vaccine was created by producing recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
protein, a non-infectious protein of the
hepatitis B virus. When immunocompetent
humans are challenged and rechallenged
with this protein, significant immunity
results in the large majority of individuals.
Similarly, the non-infectious lipoprotein on
the outer surface of Borrelia burgdorferi has
been engineered into a vaccine for Lyme
disease (OspA)95,96. A recently approved
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vaccine against human papillomavirus
(HPV) combines the major capsid proteins
from four HPV strains that commonly
cause genital warts (strains 6 and 11) and
cervical cancer (strains 16 and 18)97.

In addition to generating protection

against foreign invaders, recombinant
proteins can induce protection against an
overactive immune system that attacks
its own body or self . One theory is that

administration of large amounts of this selfprotein causes the bodys immune system to
develop tolerance to that protein by eliminating or deactivating cells that react against
the self-protein. Proteins that we have

Table 6 | Protein therapeutics that interfere with a molecule or organism (Group IIa)*


Trade name Function

Examples of clinical use



Humanized mAb that binds all isoforms of VEGFA

Colorectal cancer, non-small-cell lung cancer



Humanized mAb that binds EGFR

Colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer



Human mAb that binds EGFR

Metastatic colorectal cancer



Humanized mAb directed against CD52 antigen on

T and B cells

B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in patients

who have been treated with alkylating agents and
who have failed fludabarine therapy

Rituximab7981, 249251 Rituxan

Chimeric (human/mouse) mAb that binds CD20,

a transmembrane protein found on over 90% of B-cell
non-Hodgkins lymphomas (NHL); synergistic effect with
some small-molecule chemotherapeutic agents has
been demonstrated in lymphoma cell lines

Relapsed or refractory low-grade or follicular

CD20+ B-cell NHL, primary low-grade or follicular
CD20+ B-cell NHL in combination with CVP
chemotherapy; diffuse large B-cell CD20+ NHL in
combination with CHOP or other anthracylinebased chemotherapy; rheumatoid arthritis in
combination with methotrexate



Humanized mAb that binds HER2/Neu cell surface

receptor and controls cancer cell growth

Breast cancer



Fusion protein between extracellular domain of

human CTLA4 and the modified Fc portion of human
immunoglobulin G1; selective co-stimulation modulator;
inhibits T-cell activation by binding to CD80 and CD86,
thereby blocking interaction with CD28 and inhibiting
autoimmune T-cell activation

Rheumatoid arthritis (especially when refractory

to TNFa inhibition)



Recombinant interleukin 1 (IL1) receptor antagonist

Moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis

in adults who have failed one or more diseasemodifying antirheumatic drug



Human mAb that binds specifically to TNF and blocks its

interaction with p55 and p75 cell surface TNF receptors,
resulting in decreased levels of inflammation markers
including CRP, ESR, and IL6

Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns disease, ankylosing

spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis



Dimeric fusion protein between recombinant soluble TNF

receptor and Fc portion of human immunoglobulin G1

Rheumatoid arthritis, polyarticular-course

juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis,
ankylosing spondylitis, plaque psoriasis



Chimeric mAb that binds and neutralizes TNF, preventing Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns disease, ankylosing
spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, plaque psoriasis
induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, changes in
endothelial permeability, activation of eosinophils and
neutrophils, induction of acute phase reactants, and
enzyme elaboration by synoviocytes and/or chondrocytes



Dimeric fusion protein that binds CD2 on the surface

Adults with moderate to severe chronic plaque
of lymphocytes and inhibits interaction with LFA3; this
psoriasis who are candidates for systemic therapy
association is important for the activation of T lymphocytes or phototherapy
in psoriasis



Humanized mAb directed against CD11a

Adults with chronic moderate to severe plaque

psoriasis who are candidates for systemic therapy
or phototherapy



Mechanism unknown; humanized mAb that binds to the

4-subunit of 41 and 47 integrins, blocking their
interactions with VCAM1 and MadCAM1, respectively

Relapsing multiple sclerosis



Humanized mAb that binds complement protein C5

and inhibits its cleavage to C5a and C5b, preventing the
formation of the terminal complement complex C5b9

Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria




*Continued in TABLE 7. Protein therapeutics are all recombinant. CHOP, cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, oncovin (vincristine), prednisone/prednisolone;
CTLA4, cytotoxicT-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4; CVP, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; LFA3, leukocyte functionassociated antigen 3; mAb, monoclonal antibody; MadCAM1, mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule 1; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; VCAM1, vascular cell adhesion
molecule-1; VEGFA, vascular endothelial growth factor A.

30 | january 2008 | volume 7
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classified in Group IIIb are used to treat
patients with disorders that arise from
this type of autoimmune phenomenon.
Immunological acceptance of a fetus during
pregnancy represents a special situation

with respect to vaccine use. Occasionally, a

pregnant woman can reject a fetus after she
has been immunized against certain antigens carried by a fetus from a previous pregnancy. Administration of an anti-Rhesus D

antigen Ig prevents the sensitization of an

Rh-negative mother at the time of delivery of
an Rh-positive neonate. Because the woman
fails to develop antibodies directed against
the fetal Rh antigens, immune reactions

Table 7 | Protein therapeutics that interfere with a molecule or organism (Group IIa)*


Trade name


Examples of clinical use



Thymoglobulin Selective depletion of T cells; exact mechanism


Acute kidney transplant rejection, aplastic anaemia



Chimeric (human/mouse) IgG1 that blocks

cellular immune response in graft rejection by
binding the alpha chain of CD25 (IL2 receptor)
and thereby inhibiting the IL2-mediated
activation of lymphocytes

Prophylaxis against allograft rejection in renal transplant

patients receiving an immunosuppressive regimen
including cyclosporine and corticosteroids



Humanized IgG1 mAb that blocks cellular

immune response in graft rejection by binding
the alpha chain of CD25 (IL2 receptor) and
thereby inhibiting the IL2-mediated activation
of lymphocytes

Prophylaxis against acute allograft rejection in patients

receiving renal transplants



Murine mAb that binds CD3 and blocks T-cell


Acute renal allograft rejection or steroid-resistant cardiac

or hepatic allograft rejection

Omalizumab273275 Xolair

Humanized mAb that inhibits IgE binding to

the high-affinity IgE receptor on mast cells and
basophils, decreasing activation of these cells
and release of inflammatory mediators

Adults and adolescents (at least 12 years old) with

moderate to severe persistent asthma who have a positive
skin test or in vitro reactivity to a perennial aeroallergen
and whose symptoms are inadequately controlled with
inhaled corticosteroids


Humanized IgG1 mAb that binds the A

antigenic site of the F protein of respiratory
syncytial virus

Prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection in

high-risk paediatric patients

36 amino-acid peptide that inhibits HIV entry

into host cells by binding to the HIV envelope
protein gp120/gp41

Adults and children (at least 6 years old) with advanced

HIV infection

Fab fragment of chimeric (human/mouse)

mAb 7E3 that inhibits platelet aggregation by
binding to the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa integrin

Adjunct to aspirin and heparin for prevention of cardiac

ischaemia in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary
intervention or patients about to undergo percutaneous
coronary intervention with unstable angina not
responding to medical therapy


Recombinant human growth hormone

conjugated to PEG; blocks the growth hormone


immune Fab


Mixture of Fab fragments of IgG that bind

and neutralize venom toxins of ten
clinically important North American Crotalidae

Crotalidae envenomation (Western diamondback,

Eastern diamondback and Mojave rattlesnakes,
and water moccasins)

Digoxin immune
serum Fab


Monovalent Fab immunoglobulin fragment

obtained from sheep immunized with a digoxin

Digoxin toxicity



Humanized mAb fragment that binds isoforms

Neovascular age-related macular degeneration
of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA)

Pulmonary disorders


Infectious diseases


Haemostasis and thrombosis



Endocrine disorders


*Continued from TABLE 6. Protein therapeutics are recombinant unless otherwise stated. Non-recombinant. Purified immune globulins can also be used to mitigate the acute
affects of exposure to an infectious agent. Human immune globulins targeting botulism, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B, rabies, tetanus, and vaccinia have been approved by the
FDA. ||Two additional antivenins have been approved by the FDA: Antivenin immune globulin (equine) Latrodectus mactans (black widow spider); Antivenin immune globulin
(equine) Micrurus fulvius (North American coral snake). Fab, fragment antigen-binding; IgE/G/G1, immunoglobulin E/G/G1; IL2, interleukin 2; mAb, monoclonal antibody;
PEG, polyethylene glycol.

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Table 8 | Protein therapeutics that deliver other compounds or proteins (Group IIb)


Trade name Function

Examples of clinical use



Directs the cytocidal

action of diphtheria toxin
to cells expressing the IL2

Persistent or recurrent
cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
whose malignant cells express
the CD25 component of the
IL2 receptor



A mAb portion that

recognizes CD20+ B cells
and induces apoptosis
while the chelation site
allows either imaging (In111) or cellular damage by
beta emission (Y-90)

Relapsed or refractory
low-grade, follicular, or
transformed B-cell nonHodgkins lymphoma (NHL),
including rituximab-refractory
follicular NHL



Humanized anti-CD33
IgG4k mAb conjugated
to calicheamicin,
a small-molecule
chemotherapeutic agent

Relapsed CD33+ acute myeloid

leukaemia in patients who are
more than 60 years old and are
not candidates for cytotoxic

Tositumomab is a mAb
that binds CD20 surface
antigen and stimulates
apoptosis. Tositumomab
coupled to radioactive
iodine-131 binds CD20
surface antigen and
delivers cytotoxic

CD20+ follicular NHL, with

and without transformation,
in patients whose disease
is refractory to rituximab
and has relapsed following
chemotherapy; tositumomab
and then131I-tositumomab
are used sequentially in the
treatment regimen

and 131IBexxar I-131

Protein therapeutics are all recombinant. *Also classed in Group IIa. IL2, interleukin 2; mAb, monoclonal antibody.

and pregnancy loss do not occur in subsequent pregnancies, even when the new fetus
carries the Rh antigens98.
Proteins that we have classified in Group
IIIc could be used as therapeutic anticancer
vaccines. Although there are currently no
FDA-approved recombinant anticancer
vaccines, there are promising clinical trials
that use patient-specific cancer vaccines. For
example, a vaccine for Bcell non-Hodgkins
lymphoma uses transgenic tobacco plants
(Nicotiana benthamiana)99. Each patient
with this type of lymphoma has a malignant
proliferation of an antibody-producing Bcell
that displays a unique antibody on its surface.
By subcloning the idiotype region of this
tumour-specific antibody and expressing the
region recombinantly in tobacco plants, a
tumour-specific antigen is produced that can
be used to vaccinate a patient. This process
requires only 68 weeks from biopsy of the
lymphoma to a ready-to-use, patient-specific
vaccine. As the genomes of infectious organisms and the nature of autoimmune diseases
and cancer are more fully elucidated, more
recombinant proteins will undoubtedly be
developed for use as vaccines.
Group IV: protein diagnostics
Proteins that we have classified in Group
IV are not used to treat disease, but purified
and recombinant proteins used for medical

diagnostics (both invivo and invitro) are

mentioned here because they are invaluable
in the decision-making process that precedes
the treatment and management of many diseases. TABLE10 provides selected examples.
A classic example of an invivo diagnostic
is the purified protein derivative (PPD)
test, which determines whether an individual has been exposed to antigens from
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this example,
a non-infectious protein component of the
organism is injected under the skin of an
immunocompetent individual100102. An
active immune reaction is interpreted as
evidence that the patient has been previously
infected by M.tuberculosis or exposed to the
antigens of this organism.
Several stimulatory protein hormones
are used to diagnose endocrine disorders.
Growth hormone releasing hormone
(GHRH) stimulates somatotroph cells of the
anterior pituitary gland to secrete growth
hormone. Used as a diagnostic, GHRH can
help to determine whether pituitary growth
hormone secretion is defective in patients
with clinical signs of growth hormone
deficiency103,104. Similarly, the recombinant
human protein secretin is used to stimulate
pancreatic secretions and gastrin release, and
thereby aid in the diagnosis of pancreatic exocrine dysfunction or gastrinoma. In patients
with a history of thyroid cancer, recombinant

32 | january 2008 | volume 7

thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is an

important component of the surveillance
methods used to detect residual thyroid
cancer cells. Before the advent of recombinant
TSH, patients with a history of thyroid cancer
were required to stop taking replacement
thyroid hormone in order to develop a
hypothyroid state to which the anterior pituitary would respond by releasing endogenous
TSH. TSH-stimulated cancer cells could then
be detected by radioactive iodine uptake.
Unfortunately, this method required patients
to experience the adverse consequences of
hypothyroidism. Use of recombinant instead
of endogenous TSH not only allowed patients
to remain on replacement thyroid hormone
but also resulted in the improved detection of
residual thyroid cancer cells105,106.
Imaging agents are a broad group of
protein diagnostics that can be used to help
identify the presence or localization of a
pathological condition. For example, apcitide
is a technetium-labelled synthetic peptide
that binds glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors on
activated platelets and is used to image acute
venous thrombosis107. Caromab pendetide is
an indium111-labelled anti-PSA (prostatespecific antigen) antibody that can be used to
detect prostate cancer108. Protein-based
imaging agents are often used to detect
otherwise hidden disease so it can be treated
early when treatment is most likely to
succeed. Imaging agents are currently used
to detect cancer, image myocardial injury or
identify sites of occult infection; these agents
are presented in more detail in Table 10.
There are numerous invitro protein
diagnostics and two are presented here as
examples of a much larger class. Natural
and recombinant HIV antigens are essential
components of common screening (enzyme
immunoassay) and confirmatory (western
blot) tests for HIV infection. In these tests,
the antigens serve as bait for specific antibodies to HIV gag, pol and env gene products that have been elicited in the course of
infection109111. Oral versions of HIV tests
have also become available. Hepatitis C
infection is diagnosed by using recombinant
hepatitis C antigens to detect antibodies
directed against this virus in the serum of
potentially infected patients112,113.
Challenges for protein therapeutics
There are now many examples in which
proteins have been used successfully therapeutically. Nonetheless, potential protein
therapies that have failed far outnumber the
successes so far, in part owing to a number of
challenges that are faced in the development
and use of protein therapeutics.

2008 Nature Publishing Group

First, protein solubility, route of administration, distribution and stability are all
factors that can hinder the successful application of a protein therapy114,115. Proteins
are large molecules with both hydrophilic
and hydrophobic properties that can make
entry into cells and other compartments
of the body difficult, and the half-life of
a therapeutic protein can be drastically
affected by proteases, protein-modifying
chemicals or other clearance mechanisms.
One example of how such challenges are
being addressed is through the production of PEGylated versions of therapeutic
proteins. For example, PEG-interferon is a
modified form of interferon in which the
polymer polyethylene glycol (PEG) is added
to prolong the absorption, decrease the renal
clearance, retard the enzymatic degradation,
increase the elimination half-life and reduce
the immunogenicity of interferon15.
A second important challenge is that
the body may mount an immune response
against the therapeutic protein116. In some
cases, this immune response can neutralize
the protein and can even cause a harmful
reaction in the patient. For example, immune
responses can be generated against Group
Ia therapeutic proteins used to replace a
factor that has been missing since birth, as
illustrated by the development of antifactor
VIII antibodies (inhibitors) in patients with
severe haemophilia A who are treated with
recombinant human factor VIII117,118. More
commonly, however, immune responses are
generated against proteins of non-human
origin. Until quite recently, the widespread
clinical application of monoclonal antibodies
had been limited by the rapid induction
of immune responses against this class of
therapeutic proteins. The need for antibody
therapeutics that evade immune surveillance
and response has been a driving force in the
maturation of antibody production technology. Recombinant technology and other
advances have allowed the development
of various antibody products that are less
likely to provoke an immune response than
unmodified murine antibodies. In humanized antibodies, portions of the antibody that
are not critical for antigen-binding specificity
are replaced with human Ig sequences that
confer stability and biological activity on the
protein but do not provoke an anti-antibody
response; and fully human antibodies can be
produced using transgenic animals or phage
display technologies67,119.
The field of cancer therapeutics illustrates the pace of advances in monoclonal
antibody development. In the 1980s, most
of the monoclonal cancer therapeutics

Table 9 | Protein vaccines (Group III)*


Trade name


Examples of clinical use

Protecting against a deleterious foreign agent (IIIa)

Hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg)93,94

Non-infectious protein
Recombivax HB on surface of hepatitis
B virus

Hepatitis B vaccination

HPV vaccine97


Quadrivalent HPV
recombinant vaccine
(strains 6, 11, 16, 18);
contains major capsid
proteins from four
HPV strains

Prevention of HPV infection



lipoprotein on outer
surface of Borrelia

Lyme disease vaccination


Neutralizes Rh
antigens that could
otherwise elicit antiRh antibodies in an
Rh-negative individual

Routine antepartum and

postpartum prevention
of Rh(D) immunization in
Rh(D)-negative women;
Rh prophylaxis in case of
obstetric complications or
invasive procedures during
pregnancy; suppression
of Rh immunization in
Rh(D)-negative individuals
transfused with
Rh(D)-positive red blood cells

Currently in clinical trials

Treating an autoimmune disease (IIIb)

Anti-Rhesus (Rh)
immunoglobulin G98

Treating cancer (IIIc)

*Selected vaccines highlight the use of recombinant protein technology in vaccine production. Vaccines for the
following agents or diseases are currently approved by the FDA: anthrax, acellular pertussis, BCG (for childhood
TB protection), diphtheria, hepatitis A and B, human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6,11,16,18, influenza types A, B,
and H5N1, Japanese encephalitis, Lyme disease, measles, meningococcus, mumps, plague, pneumococcus, polio,
rabies, rotavirus, rubella, smallpox, tetanus, typhoid, varicella-zoster, and yellow fever (see

were murine, although there were a few

examples of chimeric antibodies and isolated instances of humanized and human
antibodies in clinical development. During
the 1990s, humanized and fully human
antibodies became the most common types
of antibodies introduced into clinical trials.
Since 2000, there has been a further increase
in the proportion of antibodies that are fully
human, with the proportion of murine and
chimeric antibodies being introduced into
clinical trials decreasing accordingly120.
More heavily engineered protein therapies
that are based on human antibodies have also
been developed over the past 1015 years.
One example is the minibody AMG 531,
which is currently in clinical trials for the
treatment of immune thrombocytopaenic
purpura. This construct consists of an Fc
region of a human antibody with two copies
of a peptide sequence linked to each of its
IgG1 heavy chains. The peptide sequence
was selected to stimulate the thrombopoietin
receptor, yet the sequence has no similarity to
its endogenous analogue thrombopoietin121.

nature reviews | drug discovery

The Fc portion extends the half-life of

AMG 531 in the circulation, and the lack
of sequence homology to thrombopoietin
will ideally prevent the development of cross
reactive anti-thrombopoietin antibodies a
serious adverse effect seen with a PEGylated
version of thrombopoietin122,123.
A third issue is that for a protein to be
physiologically active, post-translational
modifications such as glycosylation,
phosphorylation and proteolytic cleavage
are often required124. These requirements
may dictate the use of specific cell types
that are capable of expressing and modifying the protein appropriately. In addition,
recombinant proteins must be synthesized in
a genetically engineered cell type for largescale production. The host system must
produce not only biologically active protein
but also a sufficient quantity of this protein
to meet clinical demand124. Also, the system
must allow purification and storage of the
protein in a therapeutically active form
for extended periods of time. The proteins
stability, folding, and tendency to aggregate
volume 7 | january 2008 | 33

2008 Nature Publishing Group

may be different in large-scale production
and storage systems than in those used to
produce the protein for animal testing and
clinical trials125,126. Some have proposed
engineering host systems that co-express a
chaperone or foldase with the therapeutic
protein of interest, but these approaches
have had limited success.

Potential solutions could include the

development of systems in which entire
cascades of genes involved in protein folding
are induced together with the therapeutic
protein; the impetus for this work is the
observation that plasma cells, which are
natural protein production facilities, use such
gene cascades to produce large quantities of

monoclonal antibody127. Although bacteria

and yeast are generally considered easy to
culture, certain mammalian cell types can be
more difficult and more costly to culture128.
Other methods of production such as
genetically engineered animals and plants
could provide a production advantage.
Transgenic cows, goats and sheep have been

Table 10 | Protein diagnostics (Group IV)


Trade name


Examples of clinical use


Noninfectious protein from Mycobacterium


Diagnosis of tuberculosis exposure



Pancreatic hormone that increases blood

glucose by stimulating the liver to convert
glycogen to glucose

Diagnostic aid to slow gastrointestinal

motility in radiographic studies; reversal
of hypoglycaemia

Growth hormone releasing

hormone (GHRH)103,104


Recombinant fragment of GHRH that

stimulates growth hormone release by
somatotroph cells of the pituitary gland

Diagnosis of defective growth-hormone



ChiRhoStim (human
peptide), SecreFlo
(porcine peptide)

Stimulation of pancreatic secretions and


Aid in the diagnosis of pancreatic exocrine

dysfunction or gastrinoma; facilitates
identification of the ampulla of Vater
and accessory papilla during endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography

Thyroid stimulating hormone

(TSH), thyrotropin105,106


Stimulates thyroid epithelial cells or welldifferentiated thyroid cancer tissue to

take up iodine and produce and secrete
thyroglobulin, triiodothyronine and thyroxine

Adjunctive diagnostic for serum

thyroglobulin testing in the follow-up of
patients with well-differentiated thyroid

Capromab pendetide108


Imaging agent; indium-111-labelled anti-PSA

antibody; recognizes intracellular PSA

Prostate cancer detection



Imaging agent; indium-111-labelled


Neuroendocrine tumour and lymphoma


Satumomab pendetide293


Imaging agent; indium-111-labelled mAb

specific for tumour-associated glycoprotein

Colon and ovarian cancer detection



Imaging agent; technetium-labelled antiCEA antibody

Colon and breast cancer detection



Imaging agent; technetium-labelled antibody Small-cell lung cancer detection and

specific for small-cell lung cancer



Imaging agent; technetium-labelled

synthetic peptide; binds GPIIb/IIIa receptors
on activated platelets

Imciromab pentetate297


Imaging agent; indium-111-labelled antibody Detects presence and location of

specific for human cardiac myosin
myocardial injury in patients with
suspected myocardial infarction

Technetium fanolesomab298


Imaging agent; technetium-labelled antiCD15 antibody; binds neutrophils that

infiltrate sites of infection

Diagnostic agent (used in patients

with equivocal signs and symptoms
of appendicitis)

Detects human antibodies to HIV (enzyme

immunoassay, western blot)

Diagnosis of HIV infection

In vivo infectious disease diagnostics

Recombinant purified protein
derivative (DPPD)100102


Imaging agents, cancer

Imaging agents, other

Imaging of acute venous thrombosis

Examples of in vitro diagnostics

HIV antigens109111

Enzyme immunoassay,
OraQuick, Uni-Gold

Hepatitis C antigens112,113

Recombinant immuno- Detects human antibodies to hepatitis C virus Diagnosis of hepatitis C exposure
blot assay (RIBA)

Protein diagnostics are recombinant unless otherwise stated. *Also classed in Group Ib. Also classed in Group Ia. Synthetic. CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; mAb, monoclonal
antibody; PSA, prostate-specific antigen.

34 | january 2008 | volume 7
2008 Nature Publishing Group

engineered to secrete protein in their milk,
and transgenic chickens that lay eggs filled
with recombinant protein are anticipated
in the future129. Transgenic plants can inexpensively produce vast quantities of protein
without waste or bioreactors130, and potatoes
can be engineered to express recombinant
proteins and thereby make edible vaccines9.
Finally, by using fluid-shaking bioreactors,
microlitre-sized culture systems might be
able to predict the success of large-scale
culture systems and thereby provide substantial cost savings by focusing investment on
systems that are more likely to succeed131.
A fourth important challenge is the costs
involved in developing protein therapies.
For example, switching to recombinant
methodology from laborious purification
of placentally derived protein has allowed
the production of sufficient -glucocerebrosidase to treat Gauchers disease in many
patients. Even so, the cost of the
recombinant protein can be greater than
US$ 100,000 per patient per year132.
The example of Gauchers disease also
illustrates aspects of a fifth issue associated
with protein therapeutics: ethics (although
these ethical issues are not exclusive to
protein therapeutics). For example, the
possibility of efficacious but expensive protein
therapeutics for small but severely ill patient
populations, such as patients with Gauchers
disease, can present a dilemma with respect to
allocation of financial resources of health-care
systems132. In addition, the definition of illness or disease could be challenged by protein
therapeutics that can improve upon conditions previously viewed as variants of normal.
For example, the definition of short stature
may begin to change with the possibility of
using growth hormone to increase the height
of a child133137.
Conclusion and future directions
Medicine is approaching a new era in which
approaches to manage disease are being made
at the level of the genetic and protein information that underlies all biology, and protein
therapeutics are playing an increasingly
important role. Already, recombinant human
proteins make up the majority of FDAapproved biotechnology medicines, which
include monoclonal antibodies, natural interferons, vaccines, hormones, modified natural
enzymes and various cell therapies. The
future potential for such therapies is huge,
given the thousands of proteins produced by
the human body and the many thousands of
proteins produced by other organisms.
Furthermore, recombinant proteins not
only provide alternative (or the only)

treatments for particular diseases, but can

also be used in combination with smallmolecule drugs to provide additive or synergistic benefit. Treatment of EGFR-positive
colon cancer is illustrative of this point:
combination therapy with the small-molecule
drug irinotecan, which prevents DNA
repair by inhibiting DNA topoisomerase,
and the recombinant monoclonal antibody
cetuximab, which binds to and inhibits the
extracellular domain of the EGFR, results in
increased survival in patients with colorectal
cancer. The therapeutic synergy between
irinotecan and cetuximab may be due to the
fact that both drugs inhibit the same EGFR
signalling pathway, with one drug (cetuximab) inhibiting the initiation of the pathway
and the other drug (irinotecan) inhibiting a
target downstream in the pathway82,138140.
The early success of recombinant
insulin production in the 1970s created an
atmosphere of enthusiasm and hope, which
was unfortunately followed by an era of
disappointment when the vaccine attempts,
non-humanized monoclonal antibodies and
cancer trials in the 1980s were largely unsuccessful. Despite these setbacks, significant
progress has been made recently. As well as
the major successes with protein therapeutics described in this article, new production
methods are changing the scale, cost and
even route of administration of recombinant
protein therapeutics. With the large number
of protein therapeutics both in current clinical use and in clinical trials for a range of
disorders, one can confidently predict that
protein therapeutics will have an expanding
role in medicine for years to come.
Benjamin Leader is at the Department of Emergency
Medicine, Brown Medical School, 593 Eddy Street,
Providence, Rhode Island 02093, USA.
Quentin J. Baca and David E. Golan are at the
Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular
Pharmacology, 250 Longwood Avenue, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA,
and Hematology Division, Brigham and Womens
Hospital, 75 Francis Street, Boston, Massachusetts










Correspondence to D.E.G.
Published online 21 December 2007

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We thank A. H. Tashjian Jr for many helpful discussions and

expert review of the manuscript. D.E.G. is supported by NIH
grants R37HL032854 and U54HL070819. Q.J.B. is supp
orted by NIH grant T32GM07753. Portions of this article
have been published in abbreviated form (Golan, D. E. etal.
Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of
Drug Therapy (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004); Golan,
D.E. etal. Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic
Basis of Drug Therapy, 2nd edn (Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2007)), and are adapted with permission.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | cervical cancer | colorectal
cancer | cystic fibrosis | diabetes mellitus type I | diabetes
mellitus type II | Fabry disease | haemophilia A | haemophilia B |
hepatitis B | hepatitis C | inflammatory bowel disease | Kaposis
sarcoma | prostate cancer | psoriasis | rheumatoid arthritis
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