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INSTRUCTION Gape BOOKLET eens Solve the puzzle on the game bourd by fling N in the hidden letiers, Each correat guess sends ‘into fun and Games!" with our beautiful blonde hostess to the board to We are he heh electronic entertainment tum over your letters. Then, when you solve Company it puts you in he picture wih home ‘the puzzle, see her clap for you! versions a televisions top game shows. These tre games ie wnole far loves the games WHEEL OF FORTUNE™ ‘nay can piay...itner together or alone agains! the computer ‘Gometek’s Nintondo version of Whee! of Fortune™ tively and challonging st ke is CONTENTS {elevidon counterpat Ener yout corsonanis HowTo Use the Cortoer ‘ Duy your vowels solve the puzzle wihout going Seting Upine Gama é banitupt.and he chanes fo win cash angen ‘ How 0 Py excting dream pize's yours! j ound 8 Rone 2 “This game is icensed by Nintendo* for play on he (Mintereda) escort ncmae eee epee in hind z Avan ESEET cst yah St Hints on Garne Pay 8 HOW TO USE THE CONTROLLER, ee =e 111 player plays alone or against the computer, only Controller ts used. ‘4, BBUTTONS 12 players are competing, Controllers 1 and 2 are used. Get feabareesthis 113 players are.competing, Player #1 and Player #3 share Control. lock m setoctions mace by Soro th cuteor to etre, «, SELECT staat ae Soon one bstartthe WHEEL soinsing aftora Norused Starts TheGame | Player as chosen fo SPIN CONTROL PAD Pressing the arrowes ti lft or right eros te cursor. fa actess or wrapping arcune the ends 0 sop on tho osies tater bs back and orth to make selections such 2s 1+2+3.r YES-NO ‘or SPIN: VOWEL = SOLVE, SETTING UP THE GAME: 4. Payor #1 prossas the START BUTTON on hither Conwoie unin ‘onthe CONTROL PAD, ending wih END and locking inthe name with PRESS START TO BEGIN lashes ante screen the Aor B BUTTON. (In games agains! the compute a name wal be 2, Player #1 presses the CONTROL PAD to the ght to seal he cursor ta entered autoraticaly when tha players tun comes or) the doses umber of players (1+ 2-3) and locks that rumbor by proseing the Act 8 BUTTON. 3. llonly tor 2 players are competing, they willbe offered the option (VES + NO) ctpiaying agains! he computer Player 4 Tocks intra choice wth the Act BUTTON. iipay against tie compute selected, tho players a ctleroc tie option of 3 aki ievels. Player #tTocks tie withthe Aor BUTTON, | PLEASE NOTE: i This cartridge uses a program which witrandomiy aecess the puztes. I ‘tho ono! play te ertra phrase fe seared nd mace available ! foc future play Puzzos ave selected al random by he computor, 30 although thee are over 100 phrases, paces things events, el. t repetibon wl oeeu k HFeepettion dows occur and you wish o rose the fil, press the reset 4. Each player tur, enters hisher name by seoling the cursor itor butten which wit inate a new game and restate over 1000 Fight, or wrapping around the alphabet, using the gh and lft drctions phrases places, hings and vote in his Ha. 6 A 7 HOW TO PLAY ROUND SS [Tho s2r00n opors wth the Whe! of Fortune boare agpiaying the jego'y (PERSON, PEOPLE, PHRASE, PLACE, EVENT, TITLE 0 ‘THING and Blank boxes forthe purse ters. 1 Player #1 offeod the choice o a ashing SPIN, osroling the cusor VOWEL oF SOLVE, (Players nualy 10 SPIN or their fw urs Uni several eters appear onthe board) Vowels cannot be Cough ut & playerhas atloast $250 n hishorwineungs column fo: hat cure an, {Player # locks inte fasing SPIN withthe A or 8 BUTTON. The decison to SPIN, Duy a VOWEL, or SOLVE the puzzle must ‘bemade quick as the timer (ower let of steer) is Counting oun t0 00. «6. ina decison s made during the countdown, a buzzer souncs, ‘sgraing OUT OF TIME, andthe next player takes Fisher urn 1 ITSPMNsseectec ne Whee! appeers co the screen. To star! the Wheel spinning, Player #1 presses the Aor 8 BUTTON. ving hatzortal bar (at the upper lt ‘tthe sereon) dotormines the speed ofthe Whee's spn alte time that Aor Bis ‘proseod. (Prossing when tho bar is ‘hart programs a sew spin: when lng, sfastpin) During the sp, the value meter (atthe uoper right of the screen) shows the foto values a they change. When the Wee stops the number on which thas stopped determines the vale ol the consonant abe selected by Player #1 curing thal tutn, wit" these exceptions: ‘a. Ifthe whee! stops on B the player goes bankrupt. Any winnings for the current found ate lost ‘Ifthe whoo stops on + . the player gots a FREE SPIN which can De used then 0” stoved and use when olleted back a anytime during that round that payor ertars an incorrect lier or ards ‘Sn MISS A TURN, «. llthowhoo| stopsonM, the payor misses 2tur (the foawing one) 2. The Whee! stops on Boe. 1 Once the value of the eter is deterring «A yon otored ater the playorhas apun te Whee! tor Payer #1 is glen the ctecton fo ENTER A consent CONSONANT. He/She scale ight ole fata incxymed sedi i gn Einar swinene eusorto a etter and ick in with Beet een at {Tame runs cutter tote selection is made the Aor B BUTTON. ‘the ltrs correct, the hostess turns |@ Player #2 flows the same procecure as Player #1, using Contallor 2 ‘ver that ater on tha game Boars When the auzzie appoats 0 wil an arrow pointing a Payer #2 name nthe board. That vot aves a each payer's uh COMoS wp fate val ofthe sen hat ter Remedies 30 soe 1B Player #3 fotlows the same procedure, using Comet 4 ‘that letter appears twice in the puzzle, _ iw — heer thewinnings are doubled. 0 Z Atay ur, play may choose to buya times mange aera) VOWEL, os ong as nse has $220 rece fe 5 Migs thal ound That $2508 caductod ela mi eee era fomrte payors weings weet pauica a ee vowels coret ora 1B Player #7 continues to spin and entra consonant or ya vowel uni: ‘8. Theletter siecteaisnot nine puzzle 'b, Tholottar selacteahas aready boon quossed 0 ” {1 Arany urn, player may choose io solve the puzzle When he CONTROL PADI sc"ole0 SOLVE anc ockeainwitnihe Act B BUTTON, the puzzie appears atthelower halfoftheseroen. Blanks show the missing letters A rashingiboxindicates the bai on hich each missing eters to be entered. {8, Tho layer scralethe cursor across the alphabet nedlocksin each ete, hen ate tors ae filler, the payer sere t9 END aniocks | inthe completed purse. NOTE: Spoedisescoralsine the timers counting downto 00; Accutate spelingis aso essential for even ane ineotretlatet makes fora wrong answer, «-llthesolutonts correct, the hostess wil turn over the remaining bianks onthe gameboare, hen capherhandsin cangrtulons. 1. tthe solution isincorect, play passes othe nextplayoro SPIN, p0080a VOWEL, or SOLVE. 2 HOW TO PLAY ROUND 2 es 1 A new puzzle apooare ands playod the samo as Roun 1 1 Payers’ winnings rom Round 1 ae transferred from the $$$ column to ‘he TOTAL colunin wich Koop a cumclane total throughout al 4 rounds othe game 1 Playor #2 starts Round. HOW TO PLAY ROUND 3— THE SPEED-UP ROUND: 1B The Whe spins automaton o star the rund. The value oo wth sops'sthe amount of maney each consonant wil be woth for hat ‘ound. (Vowels donot have ery dolla valve, but may be selected tonelp Sot the puzzle) 1 Playors oach take ture, starting with Player #3 acrling the cursor toa ‘contonant or vowel {A comect consonant sends the hostess othe puzzle to urn the letlors onthe Boar, andthe value (288 #1 above) &enteres in the player's $88 coLimn ». Acorrect vowels tured on the board by the hostess, but no money is added to the payers winnings 1 Atte each coroct quoss, ATTEMPT TO ‘SOLVE? flashes on he ceroen, and te layer i given a imecicountcown to decide {habe wants io solve tho puazk, 2a. Ihe player wants solve it, hehe presse the A‘ B BUTTON ding the timed count= dom then follows sieps outlined in outa ‘Stop #10 the player doos not with to salva, haishe iets the time run cut and the runs contindes wth the next play 11 Atthe end of Round, each payer's toal winnings ate ransterred io his hor TOTAL column, The pier wit he highost total gers pay oun HOW TO PLAY ROUND SS ——————EE—— |The winning players identified by name on tna seroon af lees hier choice of a prize play for a sportscar aboal,deuxe furniture, aeniee of vacations te. Ae each prize appears, the player is asked he/she Wranis now prize 8. Locking ina YES withthe Ror B BUTTON changes to a ilrent prize bs Lockingin a NO stops the hoard on he prize stow". 18 The player's tnen shawn the category ana the blank game boars, and askec to choose Sccorsorants and | vowel The cursor must Descralled' alleles during the times ‘Sountdown then locked in with the A or B BUTTON. 1D The hostess thon tune ovr those ltrs that appear inthe puzzie. ‘The players gona timed cauntsewn ts quess the answer snd enter the missing itor intra Hashing box, locking n ach with the Aor B BUTTON, then orang to END o eck nthe completed answer Inthe player’ answer is corec, the board announces the prize that player has won the answers incorrect, payor can continue ‘quess and onterciflornt tars inte Heshing boves ut the cour ‘down uns ou, Then the sing ltlers are revealed on the garne Doard to soive tho puzzo. HINTS ON GAME PLAY = 18 Correct speling essential when solving a puzze. Nis recommonded that players check al eters ented on the screen belore sealing cursor END ane lacking mien answer 1 Lotter incorrcty entored can be "erased" by serolng the cursor othe ‘=the conection sym, andioekng tin with tho A or B BUTTON, 1 Each timo a payor quosces alte (corecty or incorrect), tha eters ‘elmraloc rom Me aiphabet cn he seen. 18 vinen all consonarts have Deen paced in the puzzle and only owes fare sil suing that information ached onthe sereen. ang the ‘CONTROL PAD can bo moved cnly ib VOWEL or SOLVE. 1B A numeral (or2.0¢ more) appearing onthe scoreboard between the S538 and TOTAL colimns a rmindet for tho payor at ho 0 shat he She has sezumolated thst camber af FREE SPINS. 1B A boxed arrow [= onthe scoreboard moves trom name oname, indeaing the player whose turn itis WA BANKRUPT stop.on ne Wheel apples only to winnings in tre curron found, Previous rounde’ winnings are not alected and slay on the scare- ‘board uncer the TOTAL column SAFETY PRECAUTIONS —___ {9 This hiohsrecsion Game Pak contains complex eecton cut. ‘nid temperate extemes when string Ror cnneceseary shock hen novo 1 Termracanracer uk ol be touched or aonado gt wot or ‘This can damage the game, . me 1 Heer tere open crake asa te Gamo Pak 1 Donat loan tho Game Pak mth pant ner benzene alcohol ot any son gover 1 Be conan rat tne Corral Dack POWER SWITCH is ttre ct when inseingerromovng te Gara Pakeasott NOTE: This ame has heen programmed to tlie the fll TV seron, ‘Singe some older mode! TV sets have rounded screens, a Portion ofthe image may be blocked out, (COMPLIANCE WITH FCC REGULATIONS ——— ‘nage gona ang ung mung at an ieviraceoiadanstaleveonocoston Ithosces pe sie anstuna ts amo wh one Case 8 computing ‘dneee naceucarcewtntresgesteatona Suopar Jo Fat of=Cc Fak, wch {regs opr reason pranoton apart ouch urine) afar ‘ialaton Honevot here oo ounce wa rtreeres il rotocee para ‘atalaton Fee supe doe nace mrronce rae esa eespion ‘tneneanve gscminady wring tho eet traeon the user somone yt cre neinestenc yon more te lowing messes “Rost te RES wah asp tothe recor “howe be NES ava om nace {Plugte Ms i ern out so tat compan eos arc iferee unecessary te usr cue cons te dealt ofa exe tence aaron ‘ocho ial suggest. Ts use may ftw ing bool prepared byte Pao Gommanatos Commensen ba “ow arly ad Resave Rado TV heroeree Poses Ths bok ‘ale tem he US Goverment ins Cer, Masargion, DG 20002 ack Na ot oo coats Ey Re LIMITED WARRANTY Look For These Other Exciting New Games From Ty JEAPAREY! The orewer is “Ihe second highest rated television game show’ You know the cues! ‘What is J2opord!2” Be the press the buzzer and the cosh ‘yours There are tnausanes of nsw in hundreds of categories just walling for eager contestants focomeup with the corect questions ts great funlltsa great Chalenge! Ana ifs now on the NNintonde Entortainment System, THE PRICE IS RIGHT Toke yourtuntiying to quest ne price of hore fuloue Plueton ane tensors longed fuming game shows HOLLYWOOD SQUARES: elctoctoe wih ahilech Misiagiee cr Sangre wh ‘nocobrier an hol DiaDuost PASSWORD" ‘athe he secre pasos omuseeanexzement ‘Competition succes oF big money yout naires ing corsieny popu! gare 22 2

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