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Welcome to the Migo User’s Guide

Migo is Kingston's DataTraveler tool, enabling you to synchronize your desktop image, files, folders, e-
mail items, etc., onto a DataTraveler drive and access this data from a secondary computer.

This manual will take you through a step-by-step Migo setup and explain Migo functions in detail.

Additional Resources
Aside from this document, you can also get information from the following sources:

• Migo Quick Start Guide: included with DataTraveler Mini USB Flash drive
• Online support, including FAQs at http://www.kingston.com/support

The following entries appear throughout this document:

Hint: Hints contain helpful information.

Note: Notes expand upon the concepts described in the main text with detailed information.

Caution: Cautions advise you of potential problems stemming from a particular action.

*This version of Migo is only supported with the DataTraveler Mini USB drive.

Migo User’s Guide_DTM_1.0

Table of Contents

System Requirements ...................................................................................................................................3

Terminology ...................................................................................................................................................4
Chapter 1 Migo Preview ..............................................................................................................................5
Access your e-mail from any computer .........................................................................................................5
Use Migo on different versions of Micrsoft Windows® ...................................................................................5
Use your Internet Explorer®/ Firefox® settings on any computer...................................................................6
Maintain privacy by leaving no data ..............................................................................................................7
Chapter 2 Getting Up And Running With Migo.........................................................................................8
Summary of steps..........................................................................................................................................8
Capture your main computer's data and settings..........................................................................................8
Synchronization ...........................................................................................................................................12
Login to your Migo profile on a guest computer ..........................................................................................13
Synchronize your data with your main computer ........................................................................................14
Chapter 3 Classic Migo Tool ....................................................................................................................16
Migo-Synchronize window...........................................................................................................................16
General options ...........................................................................................................................................19
Files options.................................................................................................................................................20
Outlook Express® options ............................................................................................................................22
Thunderbird® options ...................................................................................................................................25
Synchronization-Classic Migo .....................................................................................................................28
Chapter 4 Windows 2000® Instructions...................................................................................................29
Chapter 5 How To Uninstall The Migo Software.....................................................................................31
Chapter 6 Ghosted / VMware® Users .......................................................................................................33
Chapter 7 – Glossary.................................................................................................................................34

Page 2 of 34
System Requirements

Supported Operating Systems:

Microsoft Windows 2000® SP3 and above

Microsoft Windows XP®

Supported E-mail Clients:

Microsoft Outlook® Express 5.0 and above

Mozilla Thunderbird® 1.5 and above

Supported Internet Explorer Versions:

Microsoft Internet Explorer® 5.0 and above

Mozilla Firefox® 1.5 and above

Page 3 of 34

You should know and understand the following terms prior to reading through this guide. A complete
Glossary is also provided at the end of this document.

Main Computer: This is your primary computer where you would most commonly save files and e-mail.

Guest Computer: A guest computer is a system that you would temporarily use to access important data
originally stored on your main computer.

Personalize: The process of temporarily changing a guest computer’s look and feel by personalizing the
wallpaper, desktop files, and items/settings from Outlook Express®, Mozilla Thunderbird®, Mozilla
Firefox®, and Internet Explorer®, so it matches those on your main computer. Migo personalizes your
environment each time you login to Migo on a guest computer, making it appear as your own.

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Chapter 1 - Migo Preview
Migo provides the flexibility that allows you to bring your critical data and computer settings with you
wherever you go, without carrying a laptop, external CD-ROM drive, CDs, floppies and other storage

Access your e-mail from a guest computer

While using your DataTraveler on a guest computer you can access, send, and receive new e-mail. As
opposed to Web-based e-mail, you will store all of your e-mail onto the DataTraveler drive so you can
work on your Outlook Express® and/ or Mozilla Thunderbird® correspondence, even if you are not
connected to the Internet. When you return to your main computer, all e-mail changes are synchronized
with your main computer’s copy of Outlook Express® and/ or Mozilla Thunderbird®.

Note: In order to access your e-mail items, the e-mail client must be installed on the computer.

Use Migo on different versions of Microsoft Windows®

Migo lets you work between different versions of Microsoft Windows®. It also allows you edit your files
and e-mail items on any computer that has the required applications installed.

Page 5 of 34
Use your Internet Explorer or Firefox settings on any computer

Migo gives you ease of use and security by including the following Internet settings from your main

• Internet Explorer® Favorites and/ or Firefox® Bookmarks: Migo automatically copies all of
your Favorites or Bookmarks. Once you plug your DataTraveler into a guest computer and
launch Migo, your Favorites appear when you use Internet Explorer®, and your Bookmarks
will appear when you use Firefox®.

• Cookies: Migo will copy your browser cookies and use them when you are logged into a Migo
profile on a guest computer. Web sites store passwords and user information in your cookies
so you can have the convenience of accessing your accounts. In addition, browsing with your
DataTraveler is more secure than using a guest computer by itself.

• History: Migo captures your recent browser activity so you can easily return to URLs visited in
the past. Migo’s leave no data functionality ensures all records of visited Web sites stay on
your DataTraveler and not on the guest computer.

• Home Page: Migo records your Internet home page. When you click the Home button you will
be taken to your own home page.

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Maintain privacy by leaving no data

Migo not only gives you portability, but assures the privacy of your data. With Migo’s leave no data
functionality, you can work on sensitive files and access password-protected Web pages without leaving
personal data on a guest computer. This privacy protection works in two popular areas:

• Web Sites: As previously described, Migo lets you incorporate select Internet Explorer and
Firefox settings so you can use your Favorites or Bookmarks to navigate through sites you
would access on a regular basis. When you are done with your work, all records of your use;
cookies, history, etc., are cleared off of the guest computer once you logout of Migo.

• Microsoft Word®, Excel®, and PowerPoint®: When you synchronize Microsoft Office® files
with Migo, you can edit these documents and create additional files on any guest computer
that has Microsoft Office® installed.

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Chapter 2 - Getting Up And Running With Migo
What’s in this Chapter?
This chapter will guide you through the initial setup of your 1st Migo profile.

Summary of steps
Working with Migo can be divided into these main steps.

• Insert the DataTraveler into your main computer’s USB port.

• Use Migo software to capture your main computer’s data and settings.
• When you want to use your files and settings on another computer, take DataTraveler to a guest
computer and insert it into a USB port.
• Login to your main computer’s profile on your DataTraveler.
• Once you are done with your work, return the DataTraveler to your main computer and let Migo
synchronize and update the files in your main computer with the changes made to the files while
logged into the Migo profile.

The rest of this chapter describes each of these steps in detail. For additional help, visit Kingston on-line
support at http://www.kingston.com/support

Capture your main computer’s data and settings

1. Insert the DataTraveler into your main computer’s USB port.

2. Open My Computer.
3. Double-click the Kingston icon (Removable Disk on Windows 2000®) (Figure 1).
4. Double-click on the Migo executable icon to launch the Migo Wizard (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Kingston drive Figure 2: Migo executable icon

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5. The installer will unpack and extract the Migo files (Figure 3). .

Figure 3: Migo Unpack

6. Read and accept the License Agreement to continue. ( Figure 4).

Figure 4: License Agreement

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7. You will now be prompted to create a nickname. This nickname will be used to readily identify your
Migo profile(s).

Figure 5: Profile Nickname

8. Click OK to continue.
9. The Migo Welcome screen will appear (Figure 6). Click START to launch the Migo Profile Wizard.

Figure 6: Migo Welcome

Page 10 of 34
10. You can include your Internet Home Page, Favorites, and other Internet settings into your Migo profile
by selecting, “Include my Browser settings…” Place a checkmark next to the available browser(s) (e.g.
Internet Explorer®, Firefox®) you would like to synchronize into your Migo profile (Figure 7).

Note: If Firefox® or Internet Explorer® is not installed on your computer, it will not be available for


Helpful Hints are available

via the right side of the Migo

Figure 7: Internet Settings

Note: If you choose “Do not include my internet browser settings” any browser activity you do on a
guest computer will leave traces behind.

11. Click NEXT to continue.

12. Next you will select e-mail client(s) for synchronization. Place a checkmark next to the e-mail
programs (e.g. Outlook Express®, Thunderbird®) you would like to synchronize (Figure 8).

Figure 8: E-mail Setup

13. Click NEXT to continue.

Page 11 of 34
14. To include all Outlook Express® and/ or Thunderbird®: Inbox, Drafts, and Sent Items, into your Migo
profile, select “Take it all.” If you prefer to synchronize items created within a specific time frame,
select “I want to limit the _____ items…” Click on the dropdown arrows to select a time frame for
each item (Figures 9 and 10).

Note: If you have chosen to limit the mail items, removing the checkmark displayed next to an
item will remove it from Synchronization.

Figure 9: Configuring E-mail (Outlook Express) Figure 10: Configuring E-mail (Thunderbird)

15. Click NEXT to continue.

16. Now you will configure your data files for synchronization (Figure 11). To include all of the files
located on your Desktop and in your My Documents folder, select “Include my entire “Desktop” and
“My Documents” folders.” If you only want to synchronize items created or altered within a specific
time frame, select “I want to limit the files and folders…” Click on the dropdown arrows to select a
time frame for each item.


The My Storage tank on

the right side of the wizard
indicates available and
used space, and space
required for selected files
to be synchronized. As
you add files for
synchronization, the My
Storage tank will
automatically adjust. If the
tank turns red, step back
and select fewer files for

(Grey) Available Space

(Green) Files to be synchronized
(Purple) Used space

Figure 11: Configuring Files

17. Click FINISH to synchronize the files, Internet settings, and e-mail items onto the DataTraveler.

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Login to your Migo profile on a guest computer
1. Insert the DataTraveler into a guest computer’s USB port.
2. DataTraveler will appear in My Computer as Kingston (Removable Disk in Windows 2000®). Double-
click on Kingston to access the Migo application.
3. Double-click the Migo executable icon to launch Migo (Refer to Figure 2).
4. The Computer User dialog box should appear (Figure 12). Select between Synchronize Mode and
Login Mode.

Figure 12: Computer Use

o Synchronize Mode is used to create a new computer profile by synchronizing Desktop

files, folders, Outlook Express® items, etc., from the computer that you are currently
logged into.

o Login Mode is used to access your main computer’s profile on the guest computer.

Note: If you choose Synchronize Mode, Migo will setup the computer for full synchronization,
exactly the same way the initial computer in “Capture your main computer’s data and settings,” was
done. For the sake of this installation, we will assume you want to use this computer temporarily to
access your main computer’s profile, and therefore will choose Login Mode.

5. The Migo Tab will appear at the top of the Desktop (Figure 13). Click on the Migo profile name or
Desktop picture to login to your Migo profile.

Figure 13: Migo Tab

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Note: Migo may take a few moments to personalize your environment while it applies your
computer’s Desktop items, Wallpaper, Files, Internet Favorites, etc.
6. Once the Migo profile loads, you can work on your data files and e-mail items just as you would on
your main computer.
7. When you are done with your work, click on the Migo Tab or Logout button (Figure 14), to logout of
the Migo profile.

Caution: Windows 2000® users must always use Windows’ Safely Remove Hardware utility to
stop the DataTraveler prior to removing the drive from the USB port (see Chapter 4).

Figure 14: Migo Logout

Synchronize your data with your main computer
1. Insert the DataTraveler into the main computer’s USB port.
2. DataTraveler will appear in My Computer as Kingston (Removable Disk in Windows 2000®). Double-
click on Kingston to access the Migo application.
3. Double-click the Migo executable icon to launch Migo (Refer to Figure 2).
4. The Migo Welcome Back screen will appear (Figure 15).

Figure 15: Migo Welcome Back

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5. Click SYNCHRONIZE NOW to update your main computer with the changes made to the files and
e-mails in your Migo profile (Figure 15).
6. Once synchronization is complete, a Migo Message will appear with a confirmation (Figure 16).

Figure 16: Synchronization Complete

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Chapter 3 - Classic Migo Tool
The Classic Migo view offers additional Migo settings.

1. Select Classic Migo to access the Classic Migo tool (Figure 17).

Figure 17: Migo Welcome Back

2. Classic Migo will appear with the Migo Synchronize window (Figure 18).

Figure 18: Synchronize - Migo Window

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The Migo Synchronize window is divided into three areas: Synchronize, Migo Meter, and Synchronize List
(Figure 19).

Figure 19: Classic Migo Divisions

Synchronize: Has basic options and allows you to specify items to be synchronized (Figure 20).

• Desktop Files changed in the last __ days: Select this checkbox if you want Migo to
synchronize the files on your desktop. The files chosen for synchronization are those whose
modification dates fall within the number of days indicated in the “days” field.
• Outlook Express® Inbox Items from the last __ days: Select this checkbox if you want
Migo to synchronize items from your Outlook Express® inbox, up to the number of days
indicated in the “days” field.
• Internet Explorer® Favorites, Cookies, History, Home Page: Select this checkbox if you
want Migo to copy your Microsoft Internet Explorer® Favorites, Cookies, History, and Home
Page settings for use on a guest computer.
• Firefox® Bookmarks, Cookies, History, Home Pages: Select this checkbox if you want
Migo to copy your Firefox® Bookmarks, Cookies, History, and Home Page settings for use on
a guest computer.
• More Options: Click this button to open the Synchronize Options window.

Figure 20: Synchronize Area

*** days indicates that all files and or/ items will be included during synchronization regardless of
date stamp.
5 days will only synchronize files and/ or items created or edited within 5 days.
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Migo Meter: Displays storage information. Depending on the number of files being synchronized, Migo
Meter may take a while to complete its space calculations (Figure 21).

Figure 21: Migo Meter

The Migo Meter displays information graphically and numerically:

• Used: Indicates the amount of data currently stored on the DataTraveler.
• Selected: The amount of storage space required to synchronize the list of currently selected
• Capacity: Indicates the total DataTraveler capacity.

Synchronize List: Where you can review the list of files selected for synchronization, as well as all of the
changes detected by Migo since the last synchronization (Figure 22).

Figure 22: Synchronize List

+: Indicates files that will be copied from your DataTraveler to your computer.

x: Indicates files that will be removed from your DataTraveler.

**: Indicates a file that has been updated on both your DataTraveler and on your computer. In a
situation where both the Migo file and the computer’s file have been changed, Migo will
create two versions of the file so that all changes are preserved.

->: Indicates that an Outlook Express® and/ or Firefox® item has been moved from one folder
to another on your DataTraveler.

<-: Indicates that an Outlook Express® and or Firefox® item has been moved from one folder to
another on the main computer.

Note: Files without a symbol will be copied to the DataTraveler.

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More Options: Allows you to customize your Migo synchronization parameters. Here you will have tabs
for General settings, Files, Outlook Express®, and Thunderbird® (Figure 23).

Figure 23: More Options

General Tab

• Options
o Show Logout button in Taskbar: Select this option to keep a Logout button in the
computer’s taskbar while you are logged into Migo.
o Automatically check for software updates: Select this option to allow Migo to
automatically call home periodically to check for software updates.
o Computer Use: Click this button to open the Computer Use mode. Select between
Login Mode and Synchronize Mode.
• Synchronized Computers
A drop-down list lets you select computer profiles to be configured with the Remove or Set Nickname
o Remove: Click this button to delete the computer profile that is selected in the
Synchronized Computers drop-down list. Removing a computer profile can be a very
effective space-saving technique. If you are running out of space and you are confident
that you have made no changes to any items since your last synchronization, use this
option to delete one or more computer profiles.
Caution: When a computer profile is deleted, all of the data associated with that profile is also
removed from your DataTraveler. To avoid data loss, verify that your DataTraveler has been
synchronized to the main computer before deleting a computer profile.

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o Set Nickname: Click this button to open the Set Computer Nickname dialog box,
which changes the nickname for the computer profile selected in the Synchronized
Computers drop-down list.

Files Tab

Hot Spot Icon

Figure 24: Files

• Add Folder: Click this button to add a folder to the list of items to be synchronized to your
DataTraveler. Be sure to set the options for each folder (refer to File Options for details).
• Add File: Click this button to add a specific file to the list of items to be synchronized to your
DataTraveler, or drag the file to the Hot Spot Icon. Be sure to set the options for each file.
• Add Desktop: Click this button to add the desktop directory of the computer to the
Synchronization list. Be sure to set the options for the Desktop items.
• Remove: Click this button to remove the highlighted item from the Synchronization list.

Note: Select the checkbox next to each item displayed in the synchronize list to include it into your
Migo profile.

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Highlight an item in the synchronization list to configure its specific file options (Figure 25).

Figure 25: Files options

Note: The filtering file options at the bottom of the Files screen apply only to the selected folder in the
synchronization list (Figure 25). This allows each folder to have its own synchronization criteria.

• Include files changed within __days: Select this radio button only to include files in the
selected folder that has been modified within the specified number of days.
• Include all files: Select this radio button to include all files in the selected folder.
• Include sub-directories: Select this checkbox to include all of the sub-folders within the
selected folder. If this checkbox is not selected, only files on the root of the folder will be
• Include File Types: Select any combination of these checkboxes to specify what types of
files you want to include into your Migo profile.

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Outlook Express® Tab

Figure 26: Outlook Express®

• Add Folder: Click this button to add an Outlook Express® folder to the list of items to be
synchronized to the DataTraveler.
• Remove: Click this button to remove the highlighted Outlook Express® item from the
Synchronization list.
• Inbox, Drafts, Sent: Click any combination of the following buttons to add their respective
information to the list of synchronization items:

o Inbox: Click this button to add your Inbox e-mails to the Synchronize list. Please be sure
to set the options for this folder.
o Drafts: Click this button to add unsent e-mails that are in the Drafts folder to the
Synchronize list. Please be sure to set the options for this folder.
o Sent: Click this button to add copies of sent e-mails that are stored in the Outlook
Express® Sent folder to the Synchronize list. Please be sure to set the options for this

Note: It is mandatory that you set the options for every item added to the synchronize list. Please be
aware, these settings will only apply to the folder highlighted at the time options are being set. This is
to allow each folder to have its own criteria. Refer to the Outlook Express® options in the next section
for details.
Note: Select the checkbox next to each item displayed in the synchronize list to include it into your
Migo profile.

Page 22 of 34
Highlight an item in the synchronization list to configure its Outlook Express® options. (Figure 27).

Figure 27: Outlook Express® Options

Note: The filtering Outlook Express® options at the bottom of the Outlook Express® screen apply
only to the selected folder in the synchronization list (Figure 27). This allows each folder to have its
own synchronization criteria.

• Include messages received within __days: Select this radio button only to include messages
received into the selected folder within the specified number of days.
• Include all items: Select this radio button to include all items in the selected folder.
• Include sub-directories: Select this checkbox to include all of the sub-folders of the selected
item. If this checkbox is not selected, only files at the items root level will be synchronized.
• Include only items smaller than __KB: Select this checkbox to limit the message you
synchronize to those with attachments that are smaller than the specified size (KB).

Page 23 of 34
• Conflict Resolution: This option has a direct impact on Outlook Express® items that have the
same ID but not the same information. For example, if you make changes to files within
Outlook Express®- Inbox, Drafts, Sent, etc., on your DataTraveler, and make changes to the
same file(s) on the main computer, then later try to synchronize, Migo will recognize these
files as conflicts. The options below (Figure 28) will determine how Migo will resolve this
Caution: The Migo software will not display a warning about file conflicts. Please be sure to set these
options prior to synchronization!

Figure 28: Conflict Resolution (Outlook Express®)

• Resolve in favor of PC: If selected, the Outlook Express® item(s) on the DataTraveler will be
synchronized to match the Outlook Express® item(s) on the computer.
• Resolve in favor of device: If selected, the Outlook Express® item(s) on the computer will be
synchronized to match the Outlook Express® item(s) on the DataTraveler.
• Do not resolve conflict: No synchronization will take place. However, if you make changes
to a single-item on both the host and the Migo drive; Migo will create duplicates of this item
during the next synchronization as if they were two separate entities (Default).

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Thunderbird® Tab

Figure 29: Thunderbird®

• Add Folder: Click this button to add a Thunderbird® folder to the list of items to be
synchronized to the DataTraveler.
• Remove: Click this button to remove the highlighted Thunderbird® item from the
Synchronization list.
• Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Contacts: Click any combination of the following buttons to add their
respective information to the list of synchronization items:

o Inbox: Click this button to add your Inbox e-mails to the Synchronize list. Please be sure
to set the options for this folder.
o Drafts: Click this button to add unsent e-mails that are in the Drafts folder to the
Synchronize list. Please be sure to set the options for this folder.
o Sent: Click this button to add copies of sent e-mails that are stored in the Thunderbird®
Sent folder to the Synchronize list. Please be sure to set the options for this folder.
o Contacts: Click this button to add your contacts to the Synchronize list. Please be sure to
set the options for this folder.

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Highlight an item in the synchronization list to configure its Thunderbird® options. (Figure 30).

Figure 30: Thunderbird® Options

Note: The filtering Thunderbird® options at the bottom of the Thunderbird screen apply only to the
selected folder in the synchronization list (Figure 30). This allows each folder to have its own
synchronization criteria.

• Include messages received within __days: Select this radio button only to include messages
received into the selected folder within the specified number of days.
• Include all items: Select this radio button to include all items in the selected folder.
• Include sub-directories: Select this checkbox to include all of the sub-folders of the selected
item. If this checkbox is not selected, only files at the items root level will be synchronized.
• Include only items smaller than __KB: Select this checkbox to limit the message you
synchronize to those with attachments that are smaller than the specified size (KB).

Page 26 of 34
• Conflict Resolution: This option has a direct impact on Thunderbird® items that have the
same ID but not the same information. For example, if you make changes to files within
Thunderbird®- Drafts, Contacts, etc., on your DataTraveler, and make changes to the same
file(s) on the main computer, then later try to synchronize, Migo will recognize these files as
conflicts. The options below (Figure 31) will determine how Migo will resolve this conflict.
Caution: The Migo software will not display a warning about file conflicts. Please be sure to set these
options prior to synchronization!

Figure 31: Conflict Resolution (Thunderbird®)

• Resolve in favor of PC: If selected, the Thunderbird® item(s) on the DataTraveler will be
synchronized to match the Thunderbird® item(s) on the computer.
• Resolve in favor of device: If selected, the Thunderbird® item(s) on the computer will be
synchronized to match the Thunderbird® item(s) on the DataTraveler.
• Do not resolve conflict: No synchronization will take place. However, if you make changes
to a single-item on both the host and the Migo drive; Migo will create duplicates of this item
during the next synchronization as if they were two separate entities (Default).

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Synchronization - Classic Migo

After you have made changes to the synchronization options, click OK to save your settings and close the
Options dialog box. You will then return to the main Synchronize window (Figure 32).

The Migo Meter will automatically re-calculate space usage and update the Synchronize window with the
items currently selected for synchronization. Click Synchronize at any time to have Migo synchronize your
files, folders, and Outlook Express®/Thunderbird® items.

Figure 32: Finalizing Synchronization - Classic Migo

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Chapter 4 - Windows 2000® Instructions
What’s in this Chapter?
This chapter provides some additional instructions required to safely remove your DataTraveler
from a Microsoft Windows 2000® computer.

Instructions for Windows 2000®

If your computer is running any version of Microsoft Windows 2000®, you must use Microsoft Windows®
Unplug or Eject Hardware utility prior to removing your DataTraveler from the computer.

Follow the instructions below for safe removal:

1. Locate the Unplug or Eject Hardware utility icon in the system tray in the lower right
corner of your computer screen (Figure 33).

Figure 33: Unplug or Eject Hardware utility

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2. Click on the Unplug or Eject Hardware icon as shown in (Figure 34). Select the
DataTraveler (which will be referenced as a USB mass storage device) from the pop-up menu.

Figure 34: Unplug or Eject Hardware

3. The Safe To Remove Hardware pop-up message will indicate that it is safe to unplug the
DataTraveler from the USB port (Figure 35).

Figure 35: Safely remove hardware dialog box

4. You can now safely remove your DataTraveler from the computer.

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Chapter 5- How To Uninstall The Migo Software

What’s in this Chapter?

This chapter provides you with instruction on how to completely uninstall the Migo application from your
main computer.
If you have administrative privileges, you can uninstall the Migo application with Microsoft’s Add/
Remove Programs utility. Please follow the steps provided to uninstall the Migo application.
1. Double-click on My Computer and then Control Panel.
2. Double-click on the Add or Remove Programs icon.
3. Locate Migo in the list of currently installed programs.

Figure 36: Add/ Remove Migo

4. Highlight Migo and then click the Change/Remove button.

Microsoft Windows® will now uninstall the Migo application.

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If you do not have administrative privileges, you can uninstall the Migo application with the Migo
Uninstall utility found on your DataTraveler. Please follow the steps provided to uninstall the Migo

1. Double-click on My Computer.
2. Double-click on the Removable Disk icon.
3. Double-click on MigoUninstall.exe.

Figure 37: Migo Uninstall utility

4. Once the Migo application has been successfully uninstalled, you will be prompted to reboot the
computer (Figure 38).

Figure 38: Restart the computer

Note: In order to complete the uninstall, all of the Migo related components on the DataTraveler will
need to be manually removed.

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Chapter 6 - Ghosted / VMware® Users

What’s in this Chapter?

This chapter provides you with a possible scenario which may arise on Ghosted and/ or VMware®

If Migo recognizes multiple computers with similar hardware fingerprints, the Migo – Confirm Profile
dialog box (Figure 39) will display a list of systems that Migo has previously been launched on. To
continue, select the physical computer that you are currently using. If your computer is not displayed in the
list, select New Computer.

Hint: To confirm your Full computer name, right-click on My Computer and select the Computer Name
tab (Network Identification tab on Windows 2000®).

Figure 39: Confirm Profile

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Chapter 7 - Glossary
DataTraveler Mini - Migo Edition: The portable, key-sized USB device that you use to store your

Guest Computer: A guest computer is a system that you would temporarily use to access important data
originally stored on your main computer.

Login Mode: One of two modes available when logging into Migo. Login Mode is used to access your
main computer’s profile on a guest computer. In this mode, the guest computer will be personalized with
your profile although all your files stay on your DataTraveler. Nothing is copied to the computer. Also see
Synchronize Mode.

Main Computer: This is your primary computer where you would most commonly save data files and e-

Migo Meter: Displayed in Migo’s main Synchronize window. It automatically calculates and displays
storage space information and lists the files, Outlook Express®, and Thunderbird® items that have been
selected for synchronization. Depending on the number of files that need to be synchronized, (e.g.,
thousands of files and e-mails added) the Migo Meter may take a while to complete its space calculations.

Migo software: Migo is the name of the synchronization software included on your DataTraveler.

Personalize: The process of temporarily changing a guest computer’s look and feel. Its wallpaper, desktop
files, e-mail content, and Internet settings will match those on your main computer. Migo automatically
personalizes your environment each time you log into a guest computer, making it appear as your own.

Pulldown Tab: During Migo login, the guest computer will display a Migo tab at the very top-center of
your computer desktop. Clicking on this pulldown tab expands the tab to display the nickname and
wallpaper of each computer profile. You can then select the appropriate computer containing the data you
want to access from your DataTraveler.

Synchronization: The process of updating copies of the same files that reside on both the DataTraveler
and your main computer so that the most recent version is maintained in both locations.

Synchronize Mode: One of two modes available when logging into Migo. Synchronize Mode is used to
create a new computer profile by synchronizing Desktop files, folders, e-mail items, etc., from the
computer that you are currently logged into. Also see Login Mode.

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