A Vowel Is A

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-A vowel is a voiced sound produced in the mouth with no

obstruction to the air stream

-A consonant is a sound produced with an obstruction to
the air stream.The organs of speech are tense of the place of
-Occlusive cons., in the production of which a complete obstruction is
formed by the articulating organs+ the air-passage in the mouth cavity is
cons., in the production of whi
ch an incomplete obstruction is
-When the soft palate is raised oral consonants
are produced
-When the soft palate is lowered nasal consonants are
-Vowels are sounds of pure musical tone while consonants
may be either sounds in which noise prevails over tone
(noise consonants/fricatives) or sounds in which tone
prevails over noise (sonorants)
-Plosive cons. Are formed with the complete obstr. which is
then quickly released with plosion
-Affricates are sounds produced with the complete obstr.
which is then released so slowly that considerable friction
occurs at the point of articulation
-A complete obstr. is formed when two organs of speech
come in contact with each other and the air-passage through
the mouth is blocked
-An incomplete obstr. formed when an articulating organ is
held so close to a point of articulation +the air-passage
without blocking
-The organs of speech are devided into movable and fixed.
The movable speech organs take active part into
articulation of speech sounds are called active organs of
speech (lips/tongue/uvila/vocal cords
-The fixed speech organs with which the active organs form
obstruction are called passive organs of speech
-In the production of constrictive sonorants the air-passage
is fairly wide so that the air passing through the mouth does
not produce audible friction and tone prevails over noise
-In the production of median sonorants the air escapes
without audible friction over the central part of the tongue
+the sides of the tongue being raised
-In the production of literal sonorants

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