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A Publication for

The Boarder

the CFSD Community


A Summary Report of the October 10, 2016

C F S D Governing Board Meeting
The students earned first place in both the Chinese
Overall School Performance (responding to questions)
and the Chinese Drama competition. Student
awardees were Chloe Lamb, Caleb Leonard, William
Liu, and Raiden Redford.

Superintendent Mary Kamerzell shared the following

student and staff achievements.
Catalina Foothills High School
Kirsten Fulgham, field studies teacher, is a published
author. The Southwestern Naturalist, September 2016,
includes Kirsten's article, "Kangaroo Rat Foraging in
Proximity to a Colony of Reintroduced Black-Tailed
Prairie Dogs," based on her thesis research for a
master's degree in Natural Science, University of
Seven CFHS students have been named National
Merit Semifinalists for 2017. They are Claire Bergan,
Julia Crocco, Jack Liu, Jesse Liu, Kara Thompson,
Meena Venkataramanan, and Daniel Wieland. These
seniors are now eligible to compete for 7,500 National
Merit Scholarships worth approximately $33 million.
Finalists will be named in the spring.
CFHS students Alexia Fox, Jillian Leaver, and Bianca
Sultan represented CFHS and the State of Arizona at
the Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Boston,
MA, this past summer. They earned the Award of
Excellence for their successful completion of the
Orange Grove Middle School
Lily Gibney, OG 6th grader, was asked to share her
SARSEF Science Fair entry from Spring 2016 (Sunrise
Drive 5th grade) at the U of A Junior Cat Zone exhibit
in celebration of the OSIRIS REX Launch. Lily set up
her work on Friday evening for the U of A pep rally and
pre-game festivities.
Sunrise Elementary School
Chinese immersion students, first through fourth grade,
competed in the U of A Confucius Institute Language
and Culture Day on September 24. The students
sustained the use of Mandarin during the entire

CFSD Star Award

The governing board honored the Star Award
recipients. Board President Eileen Jackson presented
students with individual certificates and star pins in
recognition of their outstanding performance as 2017
National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists
Claire Bergan, Julia Crocco, Jack Liu, Jesse Liu, Kara
Thompson, Meena Venkataramanan, and Daniel
Approval of Revisions to Policy EBAA Reporting of
Hazards / Warning Systems (Pesticide Application
Notice) (second reading)
Dr. Kamerzell presented the second reading of the
proposed revisions in response to Arizonas House Bill
2190 passed by the legislature. The revised statute
includes the following requirements: 1. Notification for
families and employees at least forty-eight hours
before pesticides are applied to school property; 2.
Oral notification to students and employees during the
regular school day; and, 3. Written, electronic or
telephonic notification to parents/guardians. The board
approved the revisions as presented.
Approval of Revisions to Policy JC School
Attendance Areas (second reading)
Dr. Kamerzell reviewed information that Policy JC was
also affected by House Bill 2190. The revised statute
omitted the reference to the districts obligation to notify
an entity that donated land within the past five years of
its governing boards decision to change an attendance
boundary affecting that property. The board approved
the revisions as presented.

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Approval of Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Financial

Controller Sandra N. Thompson presented a summary
of the annual school district financial report including
the following areas:

Maintenance and Operations

Classroom Site Fund
Unrestricted Capital Outlay and Bond Building
Bond Building Fund
Federal and State Projects
Other Funds


Please welcome new CFSD staff members:

Toni Carson, EA Inclusion, OGMS
Francisco Lopez, Groundskeeper, CFHS

The board approved the 2016 Annual Financial Report

as presented.
Annual Bond and Capital Override Report
Dr. Kamerzell presented an update to the board on the
progress of capital improvements financed through
bonds and a capital override. The board reviewed the
2009 and 2015 bond projects completed to-date and in
progress. The board also received an update on the
2008 capital override expenditures for classroom
Consent Agenda Items
The governing board approved the following consent
agenda items.

September 27, 2016, regular governing board

meeting minutes
Expense voucher memorandum
Personnel memorandum
Gift and donations memorandum
Approval of changes to sole source vendors for
fiscal year 2016-2017 memorandum
Approval of family faculty organization and booster
club bylaws memorandum
Approval of fund raising memorandum
Approval of 2 quarter tax credit eligible fees
Approval of updated estimate for FY2016-2017
cooperative purchases memorandum

Upcoming Board Meeting

The next regularly scheduled governing board meeting
is Tuesday October 25, 2016, 6:30 p.m., at the
Professional Learning Center at Valley View Early
Learning Center.
The tentative agenda is:
Recognition of Super Volunteers
2016-2017 Comparative Enrollment Report

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