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Laura Clyde Ray Parker Pass of fLINe eBook [a= Pass Trinity now GESE Grades 5-6 =D Contents Page Grammar Functions i) Tre berries ny 8 ‘The Present Perfect Talking about the indefinite a and recent past < [8 UNT 2 Means of transport o 16 Will referring to the future Informing & predicting Expressions of quantity about the future Quantifying UM 24 Expressions of preference: Expressing preferences Oe cy R Connecting clauses Giving reasons Stating the duration of events Review Units 1-2-3-4 40 © Marr Wi 42 Past Continuous Describing past actions over a a period of time a cf o 50 Present Continuous for Expressing intention & purpose future use Expressing & requesting Infinitive of purpose: ‘opinions a COT ae tees 5B Modais for obligation, Expressing obligation, necessity and uncertainty necessity & uncertainty We ed 66. Zero and first conditional Expressing surprise Review units 5-6-7-8 4 Phonology ‘Exam Expert Writing Topic{T) & Conversation (C) | Haive in the Present Perfect Preparing for the Topic phase (T)__ Exam practice Dos.and don'ts (C) Intonation of basie Preparing & discussing Exam practice question forms your topic (7) Intonation of more Responding to theexaminer(T) Exam practice complex question forms, ‘Exam practice (C) sed past tense endings ‘Showing understanding Exam practice of the examiner (C) Exam practice (C) Sentence stress 10 Preparing questions for Exam practice clarify meaning the interview (C} - ‘Exam practice (€) Exam practice Topic structure (T) (Dos.and don'ts (T) Connected speech at Tallting about rules and Exampractice sentence level regulation (C) Intonation at sentence level Exam practice (C) Exam practice and of more camplexforms Chasing a topic (7) Trinity Grades 5-6 Overview 4 ISE file 7B Diagnostic test 6 Appeni Trinity Takeaway %6 Extra material 95 =_ Exam overview TRINITY GRADED EXAMINATIONS IN SPOKEN ENGLISH (GESE), GRADES 5 AND 6, AND INTEGRATED SKILLS IN ENGLISH (ISE), LEVEL | GESE Grades 5 & 6 (CEFR B1) Time: 10 minutes Format and procedure: 1. Discussion of a topic prepared by the candidate (up to 5 minutes}: + Give information about the prepared topic and answer questions. Ask the examiner at least one question about the topic area. 2) Conversation on two subject areas selected by the examiner (up to 5 minutes}: Answer appropriately to questions and give information in simple and direct exchanges. Ask the examiner at least one question (Grade 5i/two questions (Grade 6) about the subject areas. Grade 5 exam syllabus: Grammar Subject areas for Conversation phase + Present Perfect tense including use with for, + festivals since, aver, never, just + means of transport connecting clauses using because + special eccasions, e.g. birthday celebrations + will forinforming and predicting the future + ententainment, eg. cinema, television, dubs + adjectives and adverbials of quantiy,eg alot |. music (of, notvery much, many. + recent personal experiences expressions af preference, e.g. prefer, 'drather Functions Phonology + talking about the future (informing and + correct pronunciation of words relevant to the predicting} vocabulary for this grade expressing preferences + combination of weak: forms and contractions, + talking about events in the indefinite and recent eg. ve been to. past + avoidance of speech pattems of recitation giving reasons stating the duration af events + quantifying Grade 6 exam syllabus: Grammar zero and first conditionals, using if and when Present Continuous tense for future use Past Continuous tense modals: must, need'ta, might, dan’t have to Infinitive of purpose PS Aad Subject areas for Conversation phase travel maney fashion rules and regulations health and fitness learning a foreign language Functions expressing and requesting opinions and impressions expressing intention and purpose expressing obligation and necessity expressing certainty and uncertainty desctitiing past actions over a periad of time Speaking and Listening Format:a speaking exam with two tasks and a listening exam with twe tasks Time: 14 minutes Speaking Phonology. + correct pronunciation of words relevant to the vocabulary for this grade sentence stress to clarify meaning intanation pattems of more complex question forms basie intonation of connected speech avoidance of speech patterns af recitation + Discussion of a topic prepared by the candidate (up to.4 minutes} + Conversation with the examiner about ane subject area from Grade 6 list selected by the examiner (2 minutes), Independent Listening + Task 1: candidates listen to a description or a narrative and respond to questions asked by the examiner (3 minutes, 15 seconds). + Task 2: candidates listen to a facttial text, repart information {rom it to the exeminerand respond to questions asked by the examiner [3 minutes, 45 seconds). Reading and writing Format:a reading and writing exam with four tasks Time: 2hours Procedure + Task 1, Long reading: candidates read one lang text of approximately 400 words and answer 15 questions (20 minutes). Task 2, Multi-text reading: candidates read four texts of different types related to the same topic andl totalling approximately 400 words and answer 15 questions (20 minutes), ‘Task 3, Reading into writi candidates welte a text of 100-130 words in response ta.a prompt, using information from the four texts in Task 2 (40 minutes). Task 4, Extended writing: candidates write a text of 100-120 words in response to a prompt (40 minutes), ED Diagnostic test B Listen ta the examiner asking some questions and choose the best answer, A, Bor C. There ls only ane Fightanswerfor each question. You will hear each question only ONCE. Goad luck! at A My name Gianluca, B My name's Gianluca. € IsGianluca, A lve 17, B lim a7. © Fine, thanks. And You? A She's blue. He's blue. It’s blue, Theee are seven. They are seven. We have seven, Lam of Triaste come to Trieste. come from Trieste. Yes, Igot a dog. Yes, I've gat a dog. Yes, Ihave got Her name is Paola She name is Paola. Her name Paola, A He has two. B Heis nwo, © Hetwo, A@> Ao> Ae Awe Ae A It'sopposite of the supermarket. B [It opposite the supermarket. € [t's opposite the supermarket. A It'stoday. B lt'sMonday. Is Monday. A Live in Madrid, B Iliveat Madrid € I live to Madrid, A It's raining. B Itrains. € Iwas cloudy. Wrained. Itrains. It was rain, the third of March the three of March three March Yes, Ido, Yes, can, Yes, Ihave. in 7 o'clock ‘on 7 o'clock at? o'clock I'm watching TV. watched TV, watch TV. No> no» neD Awe noD A They are drinking coffee. B Theyare drink coffee. € Theydrink coffee. A Yes, of course, B Yes, help you. © Ves, Ido, A No, Idi’, B No, don’. © No,Thaven't A No, didn’t go for holiday. B Yes, |went to the beach. No, haven't A enjoy swimming. B Lenjay to swim. € L enjoy to swimming, [was watching television. Iwatch television. |watched television, Sarah is the better student. Sarah is best student, Sarah is the best student. London is bigger. London is mote bigger, London is more big. A {have bought them last weekend. B | buy them last weekend, € | bought them last weekend, twice a week twice in the week twa times the week A 8 c A | will visiting my Aunt, B c A 8 ner nor ne> Frm going for visit my Aunt. Fm going to visit iy Aunt Yes, once a week Yes, sometimes.a week. € Yes, one time.a week. A Yes, LWwent ta Edinburgh last year. B Yes, Cambridge. © Yes, Lhave gone to London, A Because | want to have a certificate. B Because of a certificate. © Because to have a certificate, A atabout midday B I'vehad lunch. C Yes, Uhave had lunch, A Iwas here since two years. B I've been here since two years, F'vebeen here for twoyears, A Lam prefer dance music. Blam preferring dance music. I prefer dance music. Am preferring to travel by ear. B I prefer to travel bya car, C I prefer to travel by car A Ithink to go for a coffee. 6 I think | will to go fora coffee. € [think Il go for a coffee. A No, I've never had any, B No, I didn't C No, I newer tasted it. A since | was 12 B for long time € since 5 years A two days before B twodaysago C wo daysearly Vocabulary Match the photos (A+H) with the festivals and Think of all the other festivals and speclal spectal aecastons (1-8) occasions you can, Write them, and the ones i rrr in the pictures above, in the table. New Year British national | international Carnival abirthday lation eyvae 2 3 agra 4 awedding 2a In pairs, match the words from the box with each celebration. You may decide to put some words In more than one picture, Use a dictionary if you need to, ‘ings carols brides groom pumpkin Jovers fireworks chocolates ghosts cards witches decorations resolutfons presents Boxing Day midnight the best man vases 'b Now use the definitions of seven words from a} to complete the crossword. midnight pumpkin cords chocolates decorations roses fireworks Across 1 On New Year's Eve we stay up until this time 3) We send these to-riends andl family at ‘Christmas and on biethdoys 5. Theyare loud and colourful and we use them to celebrate special occasions, 6 They are sweet and we often eat them on special accasions, like Christmas, 7 ‘Thisorange vegetable fs popularat Halloween, Down 2 People aften put these up around the house at Christmas, 4. People give these flowers to say, “love yout SCOOT Festivals & special occasions ‘¢ Usten te the four speakers, Which festival |s each person describing? 3. Work in small groups, and choose a festival from this unit or another ane from your country of region. Then follow these Insteuctions. 1 List the things that peaple do and eat at this festival, 2 Expand the information by making notes about the items on your list. 3. Now one person from the group presents the festival to the rest of the class, without saying the name of the festival 4. The rest of the class tries to name the festival JO 7LI oo saqvyo The Present Perfect The Present Perfect is formed with haverhas + the past participle (verb + ed). eg, She has-eaten too much cake, In English, there are two main ways to talk about the past: 1 We use the Past Simple to tolk about experiences with a specific reference to when the event happened. We use time expressions such as yesterday, last weekymonth/vear, in 1999, in January. J went fo Venice in 2006. 2.We use the Present Perfect to talk about experiences when there is no reference to when the event happened. We use for. since, ever, never and just Pve beer to Venice twice. They've celebrated Carnival for hundreds of years, She's lived in Hiong Kong since 1998. They've never spent New Year's Be in Scotland. They've just come back trom holiday. (They were on holiday last week. Have you ever received a Valentine's Day card? » il = 4 & So 4 Look atthe sentences below and decide whether they contain the Present Perfect (A) oF Past Simple (8). © [E_Iwentta Edinburgh last year. 1 Co Jenny phoned Susan last night 2 CL Shehastold us all the details, 3 Have you ever played basketball? 4G Brion has received letter from Lia Sa Look at these rules for using for, since, ever, 5 They opened their presents around never and just with the Present Perfect in the tree. English and complete them by putting 6 (Emilio has never been to Venice. the right word Intoeach space. (Use the examples above to help you). We use... 1 _.when we want te focus on a period of time. 2 onan WHEN We want to focus on the date or the time when a periad began. 3 wont emphasise that something has happened very recently, 4 cunee when something has not happened at any time in the past when we want to ask questions about experiences in the past. a Complete the following sefitences tsi far, since, ever, never oF just. 41) Have you ...—seena fil staring Brad ite? 2. They/ve been in the football team last year 3 [haven't seen Bruna -nmnow ages! 4° Shehas...... maved to Madrid - her dad got a new jab last month 5 ve... been toa film fest 6 Have you been toa wedding? © Go around the class.asking questions beginning with Have yor ever..? Try to find people who have done each of the activities In the list below. Find someone whe. 1. has eaten raw fish 2 has been to Greece. oe 3. has been to an eighteenth biethday celebration. has seen a James Bond film, has been skiing, ee 6 has played a musical instrument in public. 4 Now choose two of the activities above and ask more questions to find more information {use the box below to help you). Remember! We often begin conversations using the Present Perfect to ask about experiences, Then we may change to the Past Simple to continue talking about details of the experience, A: Have you ever been to London? B; Fes, I have, Jn fact I've just been there, A: When did you go there? B; went there tast month, A: Did you visit the Fower of Londan? B; No, Fdidn't have time! Lh hdl Shad ih kcibali aha obeh abe 6a Listen to these sentences with have in Phonology the Present Perfect, Do we use contractions in the positive, negative and interrogative forms? 1 I've been ta Venice, 2 |haven’t been to Venice. 3 Have you been to Venice? Yes, | have /No, | haven't, b Practice saying these sentenceswith a partner, They've finished their studies. He's been to Paris, Peter’s gone shopping Yes, she has. No, she hasn't Have-you ever eaten raast beef? ve beer in the queue for hours! She's just finished her shawer, eV anewne € Now listen to the sentences and repeat them. Reading Ta Read this article about a festival and find out Where itis. in Ww a < a & bb Say what these numbers from the text refer to, 1 25 41591 2 three 5 200 3B six © Underline all the expressions that you-can find inthe article which refer tothe past, Which tense Is used? Why? tate The bull run In Pamplona, northern Spain, has happened nearly every year since 1597, In recent years it has become a big tourist attraction. It takes place at 8.a.m. every moming from 7810 14% ly Runners must be ready by 7,30 a.m, The actual tun goes from the corzal at Santo Domingo where the bulls are kept, to the bullring where they fight that sane afternoon. The length of the run is 825 metres and the average time of the run from start to finish is about three minutes. The streets through the old d Without looking at the text, work with a parther and tell them about the Bull Run in Pamplona, Use the following words in your sentences. 1 Pamplona bull rurvhappen/nearly every year since 1591 recent years/become/big tourist attraction fire/rocketiconfirm/gate/ust open 4 youlever/see/spectacle/this? Writing TES = see ise file on page 92 8 Imagine that you went to the Pamplona Bull Run with some frlends. Weite a review (100- 130 Words) of your experience fora travel website, You should: + deseribe what you save + explain what you preferred about the festival + say if you will go te the festival again ‘own whieh make up the bul run are elosed off, so the bulls can’t escape. Each day six fighting bulls run the route, The tension builds as the release of the bulls approaches and at 8 a.m. on the dot they fire a rocket to confirm that the gate has just opened at the Santo Domingo corral, The runners, who are dressed in white with a red handkerchief around thelr necks, pray to San Fermin, Then a second rocket announces that the bulls have left. The bulls and the runners ‘then run along the route. Sometimes peaple get hurt, Have you ever seen a spectacle like this? No? Then start planning your trip! Topic phase . The Tople phase js the first part of the exam, You must prepare a topic before the exam to discuss with the examiner. This topic must nat be from the list of subject areas from the Trinity exam specifications, Complete this information about the Topic phase with the verbs In the bax prepare team interests remember ade ‘Choosing my topic Chaose a topie that tno YOu sorthat it fs easy to speak about it, Make sure that you NOW, OF GN Bs wosnnnenw eNOugh grammar ancl vocabulary to be able to speak about it Preparing my topic ‘You must prepare-a mind map with five discussion poi 1 what you want to say, You cat alse take one or tio photos oF abjects into the ‘exam to illustrate your tople. Do not memorise your topic! Ifthe examiner thinks you have memorised i, she ar he sill automatically interrupt you. Length af tapic The topic section of the exam is no more than § MINUEES, My siomnnnn SOME ideas On yar toplc, 1s you will have a discussion about it with the on It, This will help you to How to create a mind map Write the title of the tapic in the middle of a niece of paper + Scena five ideas about the topic around the tite, + Then think of 3 ord sentences for each idea, + Make sure you are using Grade 5 language: as much as possible in your sentences + Atleast one of your sentences must be a question that you ask the examiner. Peteris an English teacherin Mexico. Me is ‘going to:speak about Christmas in Britain with his friend, José, to give hiselass an example of ‘the tople, Before you listen te Peter's topic, put atick in column A against the ideas you think ‘he will include in his discussion, AB Special food Christmas carols Christmas carels Watching TV i : Presents i [ Playing games [ anew Now listen to Peter's tapic and tick (/) the Ideas he talks about in column B, Now listen to Peter's topic and tick the Ideas he talks about In colurnn B, exam EXPERT € Inthetople you will need to use Grade 5 language, like using the present perfect, Conversation @ Dos and don’ts -expressing preferences, giving reasons, Using a lotémuch/many and expressing the future. You will also need to use language from the lower Grades, for example, the present tense, the past tense, going to and ike doing. Listen to Peter's conversation again and as you listen tick the language alotof may present simple twe buy’ prefer lovellike ding simple past ‘came’ going to furure wil future d Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Why does Peterlike Christmas so much? 2 What does Peter do before Christmas? 3 What does Peter prefer doing at Christmas? 4) What does he like doing with his nephews and nieces? 5. Why was last Christmas special? How dees he describe it? 6 What's he going ta do next Christmas? @ Look at Peter's mind map for his topic. In pals see if you can remember what Peter said about each point. Then make a mind: map about a festival you have celebrated, fons for Christmas ‘11 Complete the advice about the conversation phase by writing Do ar Don't ta start each sentence, 00 22" just answeryes o¢ ne when the examiner asks you @ question! 1 no startan answer with Letme think... or Let's see... if you need extea time. 2 on pause for tao lang before answering. 2 .. be prepared to give reasons for, or more details about, samething you say. remember that it's alright ta talk about something ordinary ~ not having done something really exciting isn’t an excuse for not talking! Sno ask the examiner atleastane Question in Grade 5, at least two in Grade 6 andifor SEL Yau could ask about the subject she/he has just asked! you about, ~oneowe SHOW interest in and/or comment on the answer the examiner gives to your question/s, with expressions such as, That sounds nice,, That sounds like fur, Mow nicet Really? : Christm Bay (Wig tke Christmas 5 What Tpnefen edscut Christas Listening to Peter speaking about Christmas will help you in both the Topic and Conversation phase, ‘but remember, in the actual exam, you will have to choose a toplc that Is not on the list of Subject areas for the conversation, 50 you will need to choose something different to talk about, CHRISTMAS IN BRITAIN ‘ Thebest Christmas ever Writing Put the different stages (A-H) of doing a writing task into the correct arder. 8 0) Write a first draft 8 C1 Listen to what your partner says about how you can improve your text. Write a plan for your ti Write.a second draft, Give your t {i toryour teacher, amon Swop texts with a partner and suggest ways for your partner to improve her/his text. [1 Refer to exercivesin this unit forbelp with subject area vacabulary and grammar, HC) Refer ta the Writing filefor help with hhow to write the text type. See ISE file on pages 90 and 92 Choose one, of these writing tasks and follow the stages in Exercise 12. Anemail itis friend’s 18" biahday saan, You anda group of friends want to buy him/her a speclal present. Write an email (190-130 words} 10 your group of friends. You should + explain vehat will be a suitable present for your friend + say how your friend is planning to celebrate hissher birthday, Areview You recently went fo.a music festival. Write a feview (100-130 words) fora music magazine. ‘You shoul + describe the different types of music at the festival + Say if you will oto another music festival in the futuee: Examinet: Is there a special festival in yout town? Candidate: Yes, we celebrate St Stephen's Day ~ he's the Saint of our local church. ‘We parade through the streets and we have special St Stephen's cakes - they are really delicious. Have you tried one? I ‘Ta Label the pictures with a ward from the bax: below. cor helicopter train port minilees runway tram bicycle What job does Emilia not want to da? (2 What willyau elo if there's nothing on ‘TWtonight? [2 Isthere a particular programme you want to-see? hun A I'l probably become: teacher, B He won't be a bus driver! © He'll probably study town planning Bin that case Ill read oF go to bed early E_ Yes, the football =m sure we'll win F (i probably-go to the cinema. we wll + we'll b Complete the tour guide's information using a Q willfuture for informing and the verbs below. include take leave be “Good moming everyone. We would like to inform yeu of one nr two-changes toour programme for tomerrow. The bus tour of the ty CORE su the hated at 9,45, but don't SWOEFY, YOU yenwnn Backat the hotel in tne for dinner at 6 pam, The four bout five hours and stop for lunch in the old part of the cty. We hope you havea pleasant teal € Think about transport In your town/city. ‘What do you think will be the major problems. In the next decade? Complete the sentences below with your ideas. 1 [think 3 2 Fmsure.. 4 Himagine, _Will probably. Now exchange Ideas with the person next to you. De you agree or disagree? Topic phase . Look at this phote of Turin. What types of transport can you see? Compare Itwith your own city orhome town, What isdlifferent? What \s the same? Talk about this with a partner. Emilio Isa Grade 5-candidate from Turin, Emillo wants to get some speaking practice and Is going to discuss a topic with his teacher, He has made up a topic form to practise speaking about ‘Transport In Turin’. For the exam Entilio Is going to choose another subject of interest to him, whieh fs not Of the subject listfor Grade 5. Listen to the recording and number the polts on the form In the orderin which you hear Emilio talking about them, Usten again and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 C1 Emilio prefers using the tram. 2 Emilio has just moved to T 3 Tuts has an underground railway 4 1 Turin’s transport conteal system has made journeys quicker. 5 J Emilio won't be a bus driver in the future, Now talk to a partner and decide whether you Wouild like fo visit Turin, Is It like your home town? mB exam www 8a Emilio made extra mind maps to halp him Comes) prepare his topic. Each mind map gives Information about the main discussion Cie trerspont Teri) points of his Topic form. Look at the extra Information about Turin below. Gamay Goo lb Listen to Emilio's discussion again and (Fiennes [18rmmn) as you listen, complete the extra mind maps below to give more information about the ¢ Remember! Don't memorize your topkc. Listen to the same topic discussion, but this time the candidate has inemorlsed It. What differences are there between the two versions? What do you natice about the candidate's intonation? You have listened to Emilio talking about Transport to practice speaking about the subject area of Transport. For the exam you need to choose a subject for your own. Toplc that is not one of the subject areas for GESE $. In the exam you will only have the five main points on your mind map ~ you won't be able to use notes. Complete these sentences aboutthe Topic phase with do and don’t. Topic ‘Do's and Don'ts! 1 uu, memanise your topic! It may make ‘you feel more confident but it will almost yearold Jenny Wilkins on the piano, | really loved every minute! The choir was established in 1987 and consists of local singers who meet weekly to rehearse and prepare performances, Take the opportunity to go to theirnext performance! plery?) ®. The atmosphere at the concert was (What was the atmosphere like?) .and theaudience What did the audience think of it?) The best part of last night's concert was (Whar was the best part of the concert?) " . but the Worst part was (What was the worst part?) ‘Overall the concert (Was it a suecess?) "3 ‘and | thought (hat did you think AOU TE) Hs In fact, (Would you recammend it?) 1. _ exam © PERT Topic phase @ Responding to the examiner ‘The interview is divided inta the fallowing 4 pans: Discussion of your topic Te (Teple phase Hi Asking the examiner questions Be prepared to ask the examiner questions in the exam. At Grade 5 ask the examiner one Conversation on two subject question in the Tapic phase and one question areas (Grades 5 & 6) Before you start your topic the examiner will greet yau, askto see your photo identification and ask a few questions. in the Conversation phase. It ts a good Idea to prepare some possible questions to-ask the examiner about your tople. ‘Ma Look at these example titles fora topic and think of two possible questions that you could ask the examiner for each one. 8 Football in Spain Je.forebeall nepali. war. RUN ‘10a Match these questions and instructions (1-6) to the appropriate responses (AFI. 1 Myhome town 11 Please sit dow, what's your name? How do you spell Muang? 2 How are you? [Cant have your Topic form, please? 3 wan Lon Huang Fine thanks, and you? HUANG “ Yes, of course, Here you are. ~ Thank you. b Now ask and answer the questions In a} with partner, moaw> b Now write two questions that you coul the examiner about your chosen topic, Conversation Mi Exam practice G@ ‘Vda Match the questions (1-8) that an examiner might ask you about music and entertainment to suitable answers (Av), © [Bl Doyou tike listening to classical music? 1 (1 What type of films da yau enjoy watching? [1 How often do you goto the cinema? 1 Do you preferwatching films on TV at the-cinema? 1) Whois your favourite singer? 1 Have you seen any good films recently? 6 [1] Which 1V programme do you prefer watching? [1 Howmuch 1¥do youwatch every day? TB. woud you rather Rater ta pap inasle ocregpau? > | prefer watching Hove watching romantic films. I prefer Ed Sheeran because he’s very talented, imson the big sereen, ‘Yes, love it because it's relaxing. At least once a month Not that much. About 2 hours.a day, . E F enjoy watching N.C, 6 H_ Yes, I've seen Inception. It’s really good 1 Fe rather listen to reggae! b With a partner, ask each other the questions abave and give your own answers, Now think ofa question that you could ask the examiner about music and entertainment. Examiner; Can you play a musical instrument? EXPERT @@ Writing TED » see /5E file on pages 90 and 92 Choose one of these writing tasks. An informal email ‘You have asked a friend to come with you to see your favourite band in concert, Write an email (100-130 words} teva friend. You should: explain why you prefer this band + say why you think your friend will enjoy the concert, Areview Anew disco has recently apened in your area. Write a review (100-130 wards) for-ary entertainment guide. You should: +explain why you enjoyed your evening at the disco «say how successful you think the disco will be, Candidate; No - but I really love listening to all types of music, How about you - are you ‘a music lover, 0 a you prefer other forms of entertainment? Vocabulary Match the photos (A-H) with the activities (1-8) they show, 1 soeing fiends 2. celebrating.a special oceasian 3 studying 4 playing video games 5 watching sport 6 gaing away for the weekend/on hall 7 playing sport 8 gaing toaconcen Tick (¥/} three activities you lke doing. Put a cross (Xp next to three you dan'tlike doing Compare your answers with a partner. Eg. Ail really like going away for the Br 46, me too, aepecially in 61 jell, | don't lke watching footeall quite like watehing tennis, @ Past time expressions Gg 2a Read the posts from a social networking site about recent activities. Which activity from exercise 1a) does each person write about? a Alex writes: I plese in @ match forthe echo team yesterday altermocn and we lost, 5-nil We lost the weekund before last, too, by 6 nil! | think we need to train harlert! Thad ouch a great weekend! twas my mums birthday last Saturday ancl we hald 2 surprise patty tor her: It was so uch fun! Check out the photos. Jie writes: They're over! Ive nally fished. | did the let one yasterdey, No hohe exams and no school for two months! All |'ve done for the past two weeks fs revise! Now | can have Sone tun! Shirin writes: I want to live by the seal We got back to town two hours ago, after a feria: ‘ie thn 2 the teodh | is it erwach! Luca varites: Hyou waran't there last night, you misoed a fantastic experience, Wthink they played every song thuy'yu aver mecorded. Iwas the bust gig I'w wen to for ages, fhight/week/weokend/manth yea Fimansnn Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday... Peer Mod Tr Cty b Underline the expressions relating to past tine in the posts i exercise 2a). © Complete the past time expressions in the table below using a word from the phrases you underlined in b), Jie uses the expression ‘for twa months’ and Luca says for ages’..Does each person refer to the past, present or future? Can these expressions be used with other tenses? 3) Work with a partner. Ask and answer at least five questions about activities you've done recently, Use the expressions in the table below, where possible, Az So, what did you do laet night? 8: Nothing! | wag £0 tired after last waekend, | went to bed at 9 o'clock! A: Did you do anything last Saturday night? Br Yas, actually, | went-to 8 concert. It was greats Remember! ve finished my exams! ‘Use the Present Perfect to talk about events at can ungpecitied time in the post, I did my Frerich exam yesterday, Use the Past Simple to talk about events that happened at a specified time in the past. For more information on the use of the Present Perfect and Past Simple, see Unit page 10, ‘wo days/week/we weeks/two months/year the day/weekend/week/yeat before a 4 cee morning/aftemaon/evening two/threesfour hoursidays/weeksmonths/years save) Phonology @ -ed past tense endings ‘4a Put the past tense forms in bold In these sentences from exercise 2a) Into the correct column, according to the pronunciation of the -ed ending. | played In a match for thy sterday afternoon ald we lost, Seni re ovee! Ive finally Aitiahed, | think they played avery sang they've ever recorded 1 Ce) WwW a < oe S played ib Listen to check, then listen and repeat, ¢ Now put these past tense forms into the cortect columns. Listen to check, then listen and repeat missed wisited danced watched celebrated arived decided wanted talked relaxed enjoyed foved worked waited Sa Work with a partner to invent a story. + Use as many of the past verb forms from ise dc} as you car + Make notes, but don't write the story in full + Practise telling the story = remember the -ed endings! b Change partners and tell your new partner your story, + Count hew many past verbs forms fam exercise 4c) your partner uses. + Check your partner's pronunelation af the past tense verts forms. Reading 6a Tick {¥) things (1-5) that you've bought and things(A:E) that you've done in the past six months. Then campare with a partner. Ive bought, 1 Chew clothes. 2 T acomputer. 3 C0 ones player, 4 CO amobite phone 5 [1 avideo game. ‘ve been. a DO onholiday. 8 L) toanadventure park ¢ C2 fora mealata restaurant D LC tothecinema E LI tovisitanew place. b What makes you feel happy? When you buy something, when you do something, or both? Compare your opinion with a partner, DOING OR BUYING? Attip to an adventure park or anew MP3 player? ‘A-meal at a restaurant of a new pair of jeans? A smart new computer or a holiday? What would you choose? Well, a study carried out in the USA by the University of Colorado has found that people are happierif they spend money on life experiences, rather than material possessions. Through a series of surveys and experiments over several years, researchers found that people from various social groups were happier when they spent money on doing things, rather than buying things. Gne of the reasans suggested forthis in the study is that experiences are more open to positive Interpretations, For example, imagine yau go on questions, 1 isthe text from A] a science text book? B [1 anarticle in newspaper of magazine? ¢ C1 an online advertisement? 2 What makes people the happiest, according to the article? A 1 buying things 8 CD spending money ¢ L doing things CPU reed a holiday and the weather or accommodation is Not very good, Maybe you feel disappointed at the time, but later on, perhaps you'll change your view and start to think of the positive aspects of the experience - the new food you tried, or the new places that you sau. With material things, you can't reinterpret in this way because they are what they are = thelr qualities dan't change. ‘Another possible reason why experiences bring ‘more joy than material goods is that experiences also help us build up better social relationships. We tend to da things with ather people, and we often share stories about the things we've done, So there is a social aspect to experiences that ‘material possessions just don't have. And sacial success |s closely assaciated with happiness, bb Read the text again, Welte T {true} or F {false} foreach statement? 1 C1 Research for the study taok place in different countries 2 (1 The study lasted for a few months. 3 1 Lots of different kinds af peaple took ptt in the study. 4 C1 According tothe-study, youcan't change your opinion about experiences, but you can about material things 5 LD According to the stucy. expertences help us develop socially, and this makes us happler, 8 Work with a partner. Tell her/him about: 1. adisappointing experience - how you felt at the time and how you felt later 2. something you've bought that made you fee! really happy 3. something you've done with other people that's helped you socially. Connecting clauses ~ ‘We can connect clauses using words such as because, but, so-and also, Look at these examples from the text and notice how the connexting words in bold are used, A Maybe pou feel disappobwted at the time, burt later on, you may change your view... cp Wich material kings you can’ reinterpret inthis way because hey are what they ae. C...experiences alse help us build up better soctal relationships. LL] ..we ofter share stories about the things we've dane, so there is a social aspect to experiences. 92 Now match the sentences (A-D) to the g RE —_ttPlenatons (1-4) about the use ofthe connecting word In each sentence. 6 1 LF togive reasons 2 CL toaddappaint 3 C tomake acantrasting point 4 D totalkabout results er consequences b Match the beginnings (1-4) with the endings (A-D) to make sentences. 1) People like doing things with other people. They 2 Buying things can make people happy, d Complete these sentences in your own 2 L fmnot very happy with my new: words, then compare with a partner. mobile phone [spend all ry time at wark on a compute, Tis KTINGI 005 IN saison eas because it's complicated to use. but doing things makes them happier 801 don't even want to check my email at weekends! D. alsorlike tatking about what they ve done, Aop ee Complete the sentences with a.connecting word from the grammar facus, 1 bought. new mobile phone old ane was broken, 2 We wont to Landon last week and we vouinmenw Went to Brighton, 3° My mum thinks thiswideo games too walent, she's taking it back to the shop. 4 Angela enjoyed the haliday, she didn't like the food vary much, 5 Thaven'tgot much money, g0.0n holiday this summer, my Hean't 2. My lavourlte time of year hi because 3 roaly like/don't realy ike because TF + see 1SE fite an page 89 10 Read the article on page 35 again, then, In your own words, write an article (100-130 Words) to post on alblag about happiness. You should: + explain what makes people happy + givesome-examplesof what makes you happy = give reasons why these things make you happy.

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