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In Rome, the worship of the images of Christ, of the virgin Mother of God, and of the

saints were encouraged since the beginning and still today, they have been retained. Through the
images which the believers kiss, cover their heads and lie prostrate, adore Christ; it means that
one has paid veneration to the saints whose likenesses the images bear. Following the idol
worship in United States, new and terrible sexually transmitted diseases, the use of abortion as
form of birth control, sexual abuse of children and many other destructive practices have raised
meaning that the Gods original purpose for sexuality has been corrupted and perverted.
Furthermore the idol of materialism has kept many people in United State with minds of
always chasing the almighty dollar indication that they are serving the god of money. In addition
trusting self-more than God is another idol worship in America. They have trusted their president
so much that even they cant oppose anything that he commands and this have led to wars,
oppression of the poor and disagreements among people. Putting self-first does not lead to
happiness or contentment, in spite of what Hollywood or any other person says. We must yield to
Christ, the living savior, and allow Him to have first place in our lives.
Therefore considering just the few idols worshipped today in United States, it is evident
that it is doing the wrong thing and also not learning from the history thus repeating the same
error which was done in Rome. Of course there are other idols that can be stated: drugs, alcohol,
love of power, false religions such as witchcraft and love of pleasure. However if this continues,
the believe of worshipping idols which started with Christians at Rome will spread very fast to
other parts of world.

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