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Jackson Securities, LLC Equity Update

Research for the Prudent Investor September14th, 2006

Google (GOOG: NASD; $406.57) – Partnership with Intuit

Quick First Look

Brian Bolan, Research Analyst
(312) 253-0578;

Quick Discussion

Yesterday, Google and Intuit announced a partnership that brings together the online search leader and the
small business accounting software leader. The implications are far reaching for this partnership and we
believe that this deal will be a major driver of revenue for years to come.

Among the highlights of the partnership:

∗ QuickBook users have access to Google AdWords. For a $5 setup fee, a new customer to Google
AdWords will receive a $50 credit to foster further use of the advertising medium.

∗ Even if the QuickBooks business does not have a website, it can create and manage an online
business listing through Google Maps.

∗ Businesses can make their merchandise searchable on Google through Google Base by enabling
users to transfer inventory information to Google Base.

∗ Google Desktop will also be available in QuickBooks 2007.

Important Disclosures

Jackson Securities, LLC seeks to do business with companies covered in its research
reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of
interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this
report as only a single factor in making their investment decisions. Please also refer
to the important disclosures found on pages 3 and 4. Analyst Certification is found on
page 3.

Deal Analysis
This deal is likely to be the one that brings many small businesses into the fold for Google,
as Quickbooks is the dominant small business software tool. There is a high probability
that a Quickbooks user, even one with an existing homepage, will see the opportunity to
have an integrated accounting system / advertising and customer generation page all in one
easy to use format.

In turn, this will boost the amount of content available to advertising via Google AdSense
platform in a meaningful way. The best example would be of a very small business
(generally a service related field) that has five or less employees that does not currently
have a website but does use Quickbooks. The advantages of this deal will allow that
business to create a profile page (think Google Page Creator) list its products / services for
sale (think Google Base) and be located easily (think Google Maps). This new content
will allow for a myriad of related content or complementary services to be sold as well
through the ads on that profile page.

The integration of Google Desktop may not be the most important of features, but it shows
where Google is heading next. Working within software programs has been a push for
Google, as first witnessed by the deal with Adobe, but this deal has a more small-to-
medium size business effect. We expect that Google will continue to seek more non-
Microsoft software business partnerships.

We liken this deal to those during the days of Web 1.0 that carried a headline similar to
that of “B-2-B Deal Brings Web Services to Current Software Customers” – easily enough
for a 20% move in a stock back in the day. Today, we view this as a significant deal that
shows that the full complement of Google services (Ad Words, Base, Page Creator, Maps)
can be easily integrated into existing systems to help amplify adoption.

As we begin our review of the third quarter and look forward to future quarters, we believe
that this deal will result in higher revenues for Google even as the TAC rate is likely to be
pushed higher. The revenue sharing portion of this deal is one that should not be
overlooked, and while the top line gains will likely be meaningful, the bottom line effect
may be less than expected. We will not really be able to gauge the full effect of this deal
for several quarters to come, but we believe it is a significant one that will affect the stock
over the next several trading sessions.


Analyst Certification
I Brian Bolan hereby certifies that the views expressed in this research note accurately reflect
my personal views about the subject securities and issuers. I also certify that no part of my
compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or
views expressed in this research report. I may be compensated in part based on the overall
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Explanation of Ratings:
Buy - Expected 12-month absolute performance of +10% or higher than the market price at which time
the rating was issued.
Hold - Expected 12-month absolute performance of +5% to –5% from the price at the time the rating was
Sell - Expected 12-month absolute performance of –10% or lower than the market price at which time the
rating was issued.

Distribution of Ratings:
Jackson Securities, LLC has a distribution of ratings among its coverage universe as follows:

Buys – 65.5% (38 of 58 active recommendations)

Holds – 31.0% (18 of 58 active recommendations)
Sells – 3.5% (2 of 58 active recommendations)

Jackson Securities has provided investment banking services within the previous 12 months with the
following percentage of the companies they have rated:

Buys – 2.64% (1 of 38 active recommendations)
Holds – 0% (0 of 18 active recommendations)
Sells – 0% (0 of 2 active recommendations)

Risks: General economic conditions, economic slowdown/recession, adverse industry news.

Other Important Disclosures and Disclaimers

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Jackson Securities, LLC.

Equity Research

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