8 Steps

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The Entrepreneurs Essential Checklist for

Turning Your Passion and Purpose into Profit.



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Copyright 2016


Which Massively
Profitable Ideas Are
You Throwing Away?
If youre ready to leverage a new
way of thinking that todays most
influential entrepreneurs and
thought leaders use to shape our
world, click below and register for
our FREE Webinar: Exponential
Thinking: Hacking Your Mindset to
Get What You Want (and Help
Others Along the Way)



Heres Why The People You Admire Seem To
Have The Golden Touch
Why does it seem like the super successful win nearly every time?
How do todays extraordinary achieversentrepreneurs like Je Bezos, Sergey
Brin, Arianna Hungton, Elon Musk and morecreate passion fueled and insanely
profitable ideas capable of completely transforming the world?
What mindset, processes, and techniques do they implement to constantly stay
on top, one step ahead of our rapidly changing world (and the competition that
comes with it)?
Imagine just for a minute
If you could borrow the same strategies, techniques, tools, and methods todays
most prominent super achievers use to quite literally change the world
What could you accomplish?
What would you be capable of?
Could you finally turn your passion into profit?
Given the same tools as these entrepreneurial whiz kids and others, could you
also create a business backed by purpose, capable of solving real problems
people everywhere face?
I believe you can.
And Im teaching entrepreneurs, CEOs, and talented teams behind the
progressive ideas of todays most influential Fortune 500 companies exactly how.

Hi, my name is Peter Diamandis.

Im a bestselling author, founder of over 15 companies,
physician, engineer, and educatorand Ive developed
the term Exponential Thinking to describe how todays
influential technology and business innovators get
By copying the concept of Exponential Thinking, you
can create the very same success, abundance, and
rapid business growth you dream about.
Right now, it seems like an elusive forcean almost
mystical momentum of success that only a select few were born with or capture
by accident. But, as youre about to learn, turning your passion and purpose into
profit with the power of Exponential Thinking doesnt happen by mistake.
Continue reading and youll learn 8 actionable steps you can implement right now
to start thinking exponentially and create abundance in all areas of your life and
Go ahead and discover the strategies of superachievers yourself
At the end of this guide, youll be able to gauge how you currently use
Exponential Thinking in your business ventures by calculating your Exponential
Thinking Quotient.
Read through each of these steps and analyze your ability to think exponentially.
If youd like to learn more about how you can use Exponential Thinking in your
business, career, and more, click the link below to join me (Peter Diamandis) for a
FREE webinar on June 21st: Exponential Thinking: Hacking Your Mindset to Get
What You Want (and Help Others Along the Way).

Click Here to Register

for the FREE Webinar


Step 1:
Adopt an Abundance Mindset
Consider this:
In just 10 short years you went from flip phone that barely sent a text message, to
handheld supercomputers with 24/7 Internet access more powerful than the
room-sized processing powerhouses of just decades ago.
Imagine what NASA could have
accomplished in 1963 with your
smart phone.
Todays rapidly growing and
expanding world of technology,
communication, and science requires
a new mindset of abundance.
With todays technology you can
accomplish more, faster than ever
Processes that once cost millions are
now available for pennies.
You can launch a startup in minutes, create and sell a new product by tomorrow,
and grow your market to reach nearly anyone on the globe with a single button
Learn to embrace all of this with the abundance mindsetthe idea that nothing is
truly scarce and the concept that technology creates more opportunityand
youll consistently find key resources you need to succeed.
Todays industry leaders use the abundance mindset to innovate.
They dont fear the future, fret about whats unavailable, or worry that there arent
enough resources available for their vision.
Its important to understand this about super achievers, because when you do,
you free yourself from being stuck in the same old holding patternfailing to
move forward as our rapidly evolving world moves past you.
To adopt an abundance mindset, stop thinking about your resource limitations,
quit worrying about your competition, and start creating the change you want to
see in the world.
How do you create change?
Embrace step 2


Step 2:
Shoot for the Moon
Pick a goal no one believes you can achieve and go get it.
This is your new moonshot
You need to choose to go to the
moon, and you need to choose
to do it now.
It doesnt matter if everyone in
your industry thinks youre crazy.
It doesnt matter how impossible
to achieve it may seem. And it
doesnt matter if you fail 10,000
times before you get there.
A moonshot goal keeps you
moving forward.
And all the researchfrom real
world case study examples to
psychological dataindicates that the pursuit of bold, nearly out of reach goals
creates faster growth and more opportunity to transform the marketplace.
Moonshot goals are how earth-shattering innovations are developed.
They are also how you keep yourself and your business from stagnating (for more
on this, skip to step 4).
To achieve your moonshot goals, surround yourself with a diverse team, embrace
open thinking, and avoid getting bogged down by sticking to the rules.
Instead of shooting for just 10% growth, aim for 30 times growth.
Instead of just trying to keep up with your industry, leap ahead of everyone else.
You may fail and you may feel like youre not ready.
Thats why you have step 3



Step 3:
Rapid Iteration Equals Results
Youve heard it said time and time again that money loves speed but you never
knew why until now.
In Silicon Valley theres an unocial motto, fail fast, fail often, fail forward.
The meaning is this
If youve released a product or service youre 100% happy with, youve waited too
And its easy to see why
By the time you wait until everything is perfect, tested, and 100% ready to go, the
world, the marketplace, and your competition has already passed you by.
Its very possible that youve already thrown away millions of dollars in profitable
ideas simply because you didnt launch them fast enough, you couldnt put the
team together, or you thought didnt have access to the resources you needed to
perfect your plan.
Remember step 1: In todays world of abundance, you can create all of the key
resources you need to act quicklyespecially if your ideas are rooted in passion
and purpose (more on this in a minute). Thanks to venture capital, crowdfunding
and more, even money isnt an issue.
Launch your ideas quickly.
Learn from Silicon Valleydont wait. Rapid iteration equals results.



Step 4:
Disrupt or Be Disrupted
Our world is growing exponentiallydont be the 20th century CEO who sits back
and plots out linear progressions for your businesses.
To grow your business exponentially, to keep pace with exponential
advancements in our world, and to be an exponential thinker you have to
constantly be disrupting your
industryusing new technologies,
developing new innovations, and
creating new products.
If youre not disrupting your
industry, you are at serious risk of
being disrupted.
But its easy to see how you can
get stuck thinking linearly and
falling behind.
Its part of our nature, engrained
in our education, and embedded
into human experiencewe
expect one thing to come after
another, step-by-step, like counting from 1 to 100. 1 is where you are now, 100 is
where you want to go, and you have to hit all the numbers in between.
Being a disrupter goes hand in hand with your moonshot goal.
When you aim for the moon, you overshoot 100, and in the process you and your
team end up creating exponential growth.
Instead of counting 1-by-1, your progress doubles, and growth happens at an
exponential rate.
Outdated business models move linearly, with slow and steady growth
Todays business leaders set moonshots.
Sometimes they achieve them.
When they dont, their business still moves forward exponentially, setting the
pace for their industry.




Step 5:
Measure Success by Experiments Run
Theres a secret development laboratory in Palmdale, California where advanced
U.S. Military Aviation programs are born.
Its called Skunk Works.
You may have heard of it.
If you havent, its likely youve heard of todays tech companies Going Skunk.
Steve Jobs did it to develop
the Macintosh computer. He
put a team of 20 or so
engineers together, moved
them away from the rest of the
Apple team, and let them go
wild until they developed
something new.
Google does it. They have an
entire division that works in
secrecy, isolated from
organizational culture and not
bound by rules. All they do is
run experiments, test new
ideas, and work out the details of their crazy moonshot goals without restriction.
You should try it.
Put a team togethera group of people passionate about your mission, your
goals, and your cause. Get a diverse group of technical, creative, outlandish, and
traditional thinkers together.
Tell them to test their ideas.
Dont give them rules.
Youll be surprised at what you can accomplish and how fast your team innovates
and what they learn about your products, your market, your customers, and more.
Todays most successful industry innovators measure success by the number of
experiments they run every quarter, not by their profit margins.
Sure, you still have to pay attention to profitbut you can still set up your own
experimentation process.



Step 6:
Constantly Assess Your Use of Technology
Yesterday, a new piece of technology was developed capable of increasing your
profit three times without any extra work.
Are you using it?
Technology increases your profit
margins and market share. And
your ability to use technology to
optimize customer value,
analyze your business, and
optimize practices is constantly
Still, youll see many
entrepreneurs working with
outdated tools.
There are no excuses to keep
using antiquated technology.
Creating abundance in your business needs to include data collection and
analysis, process optimization and automation, workflow improvements and time
saving technology implementationsthis list can go on forever.
Exponential Thinkers are constantly researching new ways to use technology
because every day technology changes.




Step 7:
Ask Your Community and Customers for Help
Build a community of followers, engage your customers, and make them part of
your business and youll discover a whole new level of success in business.
Your customers are your greatest asset.
Ask them for feedback, engage with them one-on-one, and talk about your
passion and purpose with them.
After youve set your moonshot
goal, ask your customers for
help. If youre following the
next step (step 8), customer
help shouldnt be hard to get.
Crowdsource your next big
Crowdfund a project in
Create incentives for
community participation built
around your moonshot goals,
passion, and purpose.
If you do, youll never worry about your bottom line again. Instead, youll be
focusing your energy on the right things.
Take a look around at the most successful business innovators of our time
perhaps you are personally a member of one of their communities. Consider how
these innovators engaged you with their passion and ignited your own emotions
in the process.
Are you ready to put your customers to work? Unite them around the next step



Step 8:
Find The Higher Purpose
Heres where everything comes together
Set a higher purpose for your business based on a universal problem humanity
Yes, this part is hard.
Its one of the reasons youre personally invited to join me, host Peter Diamandis
for an exclusive FREE broadcast event on June 21st.

Click Here to Register

During that broadcast event youll discover:
A simple plan for creating specific-to-you moonshot goals that work (perfect
for you if youre feeling stuck right now)
The dangers of ignoring Exponential Thinking and how to help those around
you adopt this mindset before the damage to your business is irreversible
Why the top entrepreneurs in the world refuse to watch the news, and how that
simple change in our life can trigger abundance like youve never experienced
And much more
I invite you to join me on June 21st and together Ill help you discover just how
possible your future really is.
Companies like Google have multiple transformative purposes behind their
business (something well discuss in detail at the broadcast event)the selfdriving car or global Internet access. Other companies like Tesla focus on a single
problemreducing our carbon footprint.
No matter what your passion or purpose, you need to make it do one thing
Use your purpose to drive all decision making.
When you do, everything else will fall into place.
Your team will unite and innovate for you, your customers will love to interact and
support your brand, youll be able to disrupt your industry, and your business will
grow exponentially.
Its not just about making money.
You need to focus on changing the world.


Your Exponential Thinking Quotient
Ive developed an Exponential Thinking Quotient self-assessment.
On the next page, you can test and self-score your current application of
Exponential Thinking principlesthe 8 steps to abundance youve just learned.
After completing the worksheet, use the scoring key below and rate how you
currently apply Exponential Thinking as an entrepreneur:




Youre stuck in the past, watching other businesses and entrepreneurs

accelerate by you. Its time to stop focusing on the day-to-day grind
and embrace the exponential growth in our world.


Youre moving in the right direction, but not fast enough. Break out of
your comfort zone and shoot for the moon. Stop expecting steady
growth and go for it!


Youre on your way to becoming a true leader and innovator in your

industry. Consider integrating your passion into your business and
modifying your mindset to achieve more.


Youre a game-changing entrepreneur on the rise. Youre embracing

your passion to create true change in the world and in your industry. If
you have weak points, master them and accomplish even more.



Youve built a small community of

customers who are eager to engage
with you. You regularly speak to them
with one-way communication. Youd
like to build and interact with a larger
community, but you dont know where
to start.

You have a simple customer

engagement program and
communication practice. You may have
an email list, Facebook page, or similar
social media communication system.
You have never asked your community
for help.

You dont have a community that you

communicate with on a regular basis or
leverage for new ideas, information, and
perspectives. Youre dependent on your
employees, your intuition, or established
best practices.



Your life has purpose, but your business

is just a means to generate cash. You
currently use that cash to do good in
the world. Youre philanthropic and you
strive to solve problems and help other

Your community of users or customers is

one of your greatest assets. Your
community helps you design and improve
products and services. Crowdfunding,
crowdsourcing, and incentive
competitions are part of your core
business practice.

You are currently studying

exponentially growing technologies
and you have a monthly, quarterly, or
yearly plan in place to evaluate your
use of technology and optimize
processes accordingly.

You value using technology in your

personal life and you recognize the
impact technology can have on your
business. Youre currently using multiple
technological tools to improve your
business, but they may be antiquated or
ine cient.

You prefer to do most things by hand,

using pen and paper to plot your plans,
projects, and to-do lists. New
technologies are increasingly di cult to
adapt to and you prefer analog
processes for both comfort and


Your business doesnt have a great

purpose in the world. Someday,
however, you feel that youll make
enough money to create an impact in
the areas you believe in. Youre just not
sure how to get there.

You know that technology increases your

profit margins and market share. You are
collecting as much data as possible,
analyzing it, learning from it, and
constantly researching new ways to use
technology to make the most of what
youve learned.

You strive to innovate, often

recognizing disruptive technologies,
techniques, and products in your
industry as they arise. Youre constantly
attempting to adapt, seeking new
innovative ways to expand and grow.

You can see the massive growth

margins of Airbnb, Uber, and other
digital business models. You recognize
massive growth is possible, but you
dont know where to begin or how it
could be you. Perhaps its the luck of
the draw?

You live in a traditional world.

Accordingly, your business operates on a
linear progressionfollowing established
practices, case study examples, and well
tested success road maps. You like to
play it safe.


Your primary goal is to make money and

be successful. Money drives your
decision making and youll pursue the
opportunities that make you money. It
does not matter if your decisions inspire
you, or if your decisions make a
di erence in the world.

You never feel like a product, process, or

service is complete before you launch it.
Attempting to say ahead of your industry
and marketplace, youre always
innovating and launching bold new ideas.

You believe that money loves speed

and the best ideas are born when
youre able to test your services,
products, and processes live. When
your new ideas dont work, you often
abandon them and move on to the next

You occasionally release or launch a

new idea quickly, without completely
testing it. You often get excited for a
new idea only to discover it doesnt
work when it reaches the marketplace.
You often have trouble getting your
new ideas to work.

You never release a new product or

service until it is fully tested. You do not
like feeling like a product or process is
incomplete before implemented. You
struggle to get new products, processes,
or ideas o the ground because they are
never complete.



Youve identified your moonshot goal and

e ectively communicated it to your team.
You have a plan, funding, and a dream
team in place and are striving to achieve
10, 20, or even 30x growth.

You know what a moonshot is and

you realize its important to set your
goals as high as possible. Youve
identified big, bold goals for your
career as an entrepreneur, but you
havent taken action to pursue them.

You believe theres potential in taking

greater risk and see that greater risk
provides the opportunity for larger
returns. You may have a moonshot
goal but you dont know where to
start, or how to get there. You have
some ideas to try.

You avoid taking goal setting risks and

prefer to aim for easily achievable goals.
You already have enough challenges and
you dont want to experience failure. A
10% increase in profit or income would
be amazing.



Your entire company has a clear purpose,

drive, and mission aimed at solving a
universal problem humanity faces. Your
purpose drives decision making. It
attracts top talent and creates
community around your brand. All your
e orts are aligned to a ect global

Youre at the forefront of progress, a

change maker who understands the
process behind idea creation and industry
revolution. Instead of watching disrupters
challenge your market position, youre
setting the pace and tone for the
evolution of your industry.

You understand that nothing is truly

scarce and technology is creating more
abundance than ever before. Using
technology, you are able to consistently
make the key resources you need
abundant. The world is better than ever.

You are excited about the growth of

technology, communication options,
and knowledge available in todays
globalized world, but at the same time
you believe many of the resources you
need to capitalize on global growth are

You see the world as better now than it

was 20 years ago, but youre still
concerned about what the future holds.
As global population (and along with it,
competition) increases, you grow
fearful that there are less opportunities
for everyone.

You believe the future is unpredictable,

scary, and by definition, di cult to
control. As each day passes, its getting
harder and harder to make a good living.
The world is changing quickly and you
feel like its leaving you behind.




Join Peter Diamandis for a FREE Webinar
On June 21st
Exponential Thinking:
Hacking Your Mindset to Get What You Want
(and Help Others Along the Way)

Click Here to Register

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