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This class will look at many topics in Environmental Science. We will cover major environmental topics
such as acid rain, biodiversity, and global warming, as well as, energy, the atmosphere, water, soil, human
populations and waste. Because this course is Environmental Science and not Environmental Studies, it
will have a large laboratory and field investigation component. This allows students to learn about the
environment through first hand observation.
It is my sincere hope that you will come out of the class with a better understanding and appreciation for
the world around you.
NEW POLICY: Minor grades are NO LONGER ELIGIBLE for reassessment. My
suggestion is to engage in the lesson, ask questions and practice.
Major grades below a 70% may be reassessed once to achieve a 70%. To qualify for a
reassessment of a major grade, the student must attend a tutoring session and reassess
within one week. Reassessments will be short essay tests different from the original test,
and will be more difficult than the original. The students best option is to study and
request help if needed prior to the first test.
Quizzes will be pre-announced and will cover very recent material. Quizzes are given so you can be more
certain of what material will be covered on the exam, to check for understanding, and to ensure homework
is being done. Review your notes daily so that you are ready for a quiz. Review your notes weekly so that
you are ready for exams.
Late Work Policy:
This course follows the GRHS late work procedures. If you cannot produce work when I ask for it, it is late.
Late work must be entirely complete to be accepted. One day late = 20 points off. Two days late = 50
points off. Three days late = 100 points off.
Laboratory Conduct:
Laboratory work is a major element of the science curriculum. The safety of each and every student is the
highest priority in the science classroom. Each student is expected to conduct himself/herself in a safe
and responsible manner at all times. Students who violate the established safety rules during a laboratory
assignment will be subject to removal from the classroom, disciplinary referral, and a grade of zero.
Laboratory Safety Contract:
All secondary science students must have a Student Safety Contract, cosigned by the student and a
parent/guardian, on file with the school prior to using any laboratory materials and equipment. Laboratory
safety rules are printed on the contract.
All school and district rules apply in the classroom. Tardies will be taken so be on time!
All tests in this class will be timed. This is to prepare you for the AP exam. Tests will be multiple choice
and free response. It is my responsibility as an AP teacher to prepare the students for the AP exam. There
will be a practice exam in April to help make sure you are ready for the exam.

Topic Outline

Environmental Science

I. Earth Systems and Resources (10-15%)

A. Earth Science Concepts

Chapter 1. Studying the State of Our Earth

Chapter 2. Environmental Systems

B. The Atmosphere

Chapter 3. Ecosystem Ecology

Chapter 4. Global Climates and Biomes

C. Global Water Resources and Use

Chapter 9. Water Resources

D. Soil and Soil Dynamics

Chapter 8. Earth Systems

II. The Living World (10-15%)

A. Ecosystem Structure

Chapter 3. Ecosystem Ecology

Chapter 5. Evolution of Biodiversity

B. Energy Flow

Chapter 3. Ecosystem Ecology

C. Ecosystem Diversity

Chapter 6. Population and Community Ecology

D. Natural Ecosystem Change

Chapter 3. Ecosystem Ecology

Chapter 5. Evolution of Biodiversity

E. Natural Biogeochemical Cycles

Chapter 3. Ecosystem Ecology

Chapter 4. Global Climates and Biomes

III.Population (10-15%)
A. Population Biology Concepts

Chapter 6. Population and Community Ecology

B. Human Population

Chapter 7. The Human Population

IV. Land and Water Use (10-15%)

A. Agriculture

Chapter 10. Land, Public and Private

Chapter 11. Feeding the World

B. Forestry

Chapter 10. Land, Public and Private

C. Rangelands

Chapter 10. Land, Public and Private

D. Other Land Use

Chapter 10. Land, Public and Private

E. Mining

Chapter 8. Earth Systems

F. Fishing

Chapter 11. Feeding the World

G. Global Economics

Chapter 20. Sustainability, Economics, and Equity

V. Energy Resources and Consumption (10-15%)

A. Energy Concepts

Chapter 12. Nonrenewable Energy Sources

B. Energy Consumption

Chapter 12. Nonrenewable Energy Sources


C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use

Chapter 12. Nonrenewable Energy Sources

D. Nuclear Energy

Chapter 12. Nonrenewable Energy Sources

E. Hydroelectric Power

Chapter 12. Nonrenewable Energy Sources

F. Energy Conservation

Chapter 13. Achieving Energy Sustainability

G. Renewable Energy

Chapter 13. Achieving Energy Sustainability

Pollution (25-30%)
A. Pollution Types

B. Impacts on Environment and

Human Health

C. Economic Impacts


Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.

Water Pollution
Air Pollution and Stratospheric Ozone
Waste Generation and Waste
Water Pollution
Air Pollution and Stratospheric Ozone
Waste Generation and Waste
Human Health and Environmental
Water Pollution
Air Pollution and Stratospheric Ozone
Waste Generation and Waste

Global Change (10-15%)

A. Stratospheric Ozone
B. Global Warming

Chapter 15. Air Pollution and Stratospheric Ozone

Chapter 19. Global Change

C. Loss of Biodiversity

Chapter 18. Conservation of Biodiversity

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