(Icelandic) Lausnir Við Dæmum Úr Mastering Physics

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Elisfri 1R og 1V

Lausnir skiladmum og tmadmum

Hskli slands

4. oktber 2016


Vika 3

Vika 1

1.47 .
2.8 .
2.18 .
1.25 .
1.46 .
2.49 .
2.57 .
2.77 .
2.17 .
2.62 .


















A Wild Ride . . . . . . . . . . . .
An Object Accelerating on a Ramp
Dmi 3.25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Crossing a River . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.81 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 3.52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Vika 2





4 Vika 4
A Window Washer . . . . . . . . . . .
Block on an Incline Adjacent to a Wall
Block on an Incline . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Skydiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bridging problem . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Homemade problem based on 5.75 . .
Board Pulled Out from under a Box .
Dmi 5.107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Dmi 4.4 . . . . . . .
A Gymnast on a Rope
Pulling Three Blocks .
Two Hanging Masses .
Dmi 4.16 . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.15 . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.33 . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.60 . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.61 . . . . . . .
Dmi 4.2 . . . . . . .
Dmi 4.8 . . . . . . .
Dmi 5.6 . . . . . . .









Nokkrar athugasemdir:
Lausnirnar hr sndar reyna a tskra dmin r MasteringPhysics heilsteyptan mta og vonandi geta astoa
nemendum sem eru fastir. Vi viljum undirstrika a a er mikilvgt a reyna vi dmin ur en stokki er
lausnirnar svo a frin haldist sem best minnum.
Nokkur dmi MasteringPhysics eru interactive og byggjast a nemandinn svari einfldum krossaspurningum,
skilningsspurningum og/ea teikni vigurmyndir/grf. Hr er oft hlaupi fram hj essum dmum. Ef nemandi hefur
einhverjar spurningar varandi dmi sem birtast ekki essu hefti, er velkomi a hafa samband vi dmatmakennara.
Snorri Ingvarsson - sthi@hi.is - VR-III, Stofa 103
Kevin Dini - kte1@hi.is - VR-III, Stofa 230.
Skender Morina - skendermo@gmail.com - VR-III, Stofa 230.
Helgi Sigursson - helg@hi.is - VR-III, Stofa 230.

Vika 1

Dmi 1.47

Find the angle between each of the following pairs of vectors A = Axi + Ay j and B = Bxi + By j.
A. Ax1 = 1.60, Ay1 = 5.20; Bx1 = 1.80, By1 = 2.90.
Til a finna horni milli tveggja vigra plani er hgt a nota skilgreininguna innfeldi.
A B = |A||B| cos (),
sem gefur okkur
= cos1


165 .

Sama afer er san notu B-li og C-li.

Dmi 2.8

A bird is flying due east. Its distance from a tall building is given by

x(t) = 25.0m + (12.8m/s)t (0.0450m/s )t3

A. What is the instantaneous velocity of the bird when t = 8.00s ?
Diffrum hreyfijfnuna til a finna hraa fuglsins sem fall af tma t.
v(t) =

= 12.8m/s 3 (0.0450m/s )t2 .

Tmi t = 8.0s gefur v = 4.16m/s.

Dmi 2.18

The position of the front bumper of a test car under microprocessor control is given by,
x(t) = 2.17m + (4.80m/s2 )t2 (0.100m/s6 )t6 .

A. Find its position at the first instant when the car has zero velocity.
upphafi er stasetning blsins x(0) = 2.17m eins og sst fr fyrsta linum hreyfijfnunni.
B. Find its acceleration at the first instant when the car has zero velocity.
Munum a hrun hlutar er tvfld tmaafleia hreyfijfnu hans,
a(t) =

d2 x
= 2 4.80m/s2 30 (0.100m/s6 )t4 .

upphafi er t = 0 svo a svari er a(0) = 9.6m/s2 .

C. Find its position at the second instant when the car has zero velocity.
Eins og sj m hreyfijfnunni mun riji liurinn (t6 ) valda v a bllinn byrjar a hgja sr eftir einhvern
kvein tma. Til a leysa etta skulum vi finna hraajfnu blsins
v(t) =

= 2 (4.80m/s2 )t 6 (0.100m/s6 )t5

essi jafna hefur rjr rauntlulausnir fyrir v(t) = 0. S fyrsta er augljs ar sem t = 0 en er ekki svari okkar.
Skoum sr lagi,
4.80m/s2 = 3 (0.100m/s6 )t4 , t = 2s.

Vi hfum aeins huga lausn sem uppfyllir t > 0. Stingum v t = 2s hreyfijfnuna og fum t a x(2s) = 14.97m.
D. Find its acceleration at the second instant when the car has zero velocity.
Notum hrunarjfnuna r li B. Vi fum t a a(2s) = 38.4m/s2 .

Dmi 1.25

A postal employee drives a delivery truck along the route shown in

the figure.
A. Determine the magnitude of the resultant displacement
by drawing a scale diagram.
Hr er veri a spyrja um vegalengdina fr upphafspunkti til lokapunkts eftir beinni lnu. Vi getum lagt saman allar frslurnar
einn vigur,
V = (2.6km + cos (45 ) 3.1km)i + (2.6km + sin (45 ) 3.1km)j.
Hr er i og j einingarvigrar eftir x og y stefnu. Lengt vigursins gefur
|V | = 7.8km.
B. Determine the direction of the resultant displacement.
Horni sem vigurinn myndar vi jkvan x-s er,

2.6km + sin (45 ) 3.1km
= tan
= 37.74 .
= tan
2.6km + cos (45 ) 3.1km

Dmi 1.46

A. For the two vectors in the figure, find the magnitude of the vector product A B.
Samkvmt skilgreiningunni krossfeldi tvvu plani urfum vi aeins a vita
lengd vigrana og horni milli eirra. t fr myndinni sst a |A| = 2.80cm,
|B| = 1.90cm og horni milli eirra er = 120 . er str krossfeldsins,
C = |A B| = |A||B| sin () = 4.61cm2
B. Find the direction of the vector product A B.
Samkvmt skilgreiningunni krossfeldi er nji vigurinn eftir neikvum
C. Find the magnitude of B A.
Fyrir krossfeldi gildir a B A = A B. Svo a str krossfeldisvigursins
er s sama og var gefin A li.
D. Find the direction of B A.
Vitum a B A = A B, svo stefnan fyrir krossfeldisvigurinn er fug vi sem var B li.

Dmi 2.49

You throw a small rock straight up from the edge of a highway bridge that crosses a river. The rock passes you on
its way down, 7.00 s after it was thrown. What is the speed of the rock just before it reaches the water 26.0 m below
the point where the rock left your hand? Ignore air resistance.

Lausn: Steinninn er frjlsu falli og hlir eftirfarandi hreyfijfnu,

y(t) = 26m + v0 t t2 .
.e.a.s., upphafsstasetning okkar (y0 ) er 26m fyrir ofan vatni. Steinninn fer fyrst upp og aftur niur 26m h
t = 7s, etta er hgt a leysa me v a skrifa,
y(t = 7s) = 26m
og stinga v inn hreyfijfnuna,

26m = 26m + v0 (7s) (7s)2 ,
sem gefur v0 = 34.3m/s. Nst skulum vi finna heildartmann sem tekur steininn a detta niur vatni (y(t) = 0),
0 = 26m + v0 t t2 .
Annars-stigs jafnan gefur t = 7.69s. Lokahrainn er v,
v = v0 gt = 41m/s.
ar sem spurt er um ferina, skrifum vi svari v = 41m/s.

Dmi 2.57

Earthquakes produce several types of shock waves. The most well-known are the P-waves (P for primary or pressure)
and the S-waves (S for secondary or shear). In the earths crust, the P-waves travel at around 6.5 km/s while the
S-waves move at about 3.5 km/s. The actual speeds vary depending on the type of material they are going through.
The time delay between the arrival of these two waves at a seismic recording station tells geologists how far away
the earthquake occurred.
A. If the time delay is 33 s, how far from the seismic station did the earthquake occur?
egar P-bylgjan kemur tma t m skrifa samband hennar vi S-bylgjuna sem
vP t = vS (t + t),
ar sem t = 33s. Tmann m leysa t,

vS t
vP vS

Sem gefur okkur a fjarlgina vP t = 250km.

Dmi 2.77

During your summer internship for an aerospace company, you are asked to design a small research rocket. The
rocket is to be launched from rest from the earths surface and is to reach a maximum height of 960m above the
earths surface. The rockets engines give the rocket an upward acceleration of 16.0 m/s2 during the time T that
they fire. After the engines shut off, the rocket is in free fall. Ignore air resistance.
A. What must be the value of T in order for the rocket to reach the required altitude?
Hr arf a passa a eftir t = T er flaugin en a ferast upp. Hn hefur einhvern upphafshraa vi t = T sem
verur san nll hsta punkti. Skrifum n h og hraa flaugarinnar egar vlarnar slkkva sr,
y0 = T 2 , vy0 = aT.
Afgangurinn af ferinni hlir eftirfarandi jfnu,
y(t) = y0 + vy0 t t2 .
hsta punkti er hrainn nll, svo a 0 = vy0 gt sem gefur okkur tmann t. Stingum essu llu inn til a f,
2 960m
T =
= 6.75s.
a(1 + a/g)

Dmi 2.17

A cars velocity as a function of time is given by vx (t) = + t2 , where = 3.00m/s and = 0.100m/s3 .
A. Calculate the average acceleration for the time interval t = 0 to t = 5.00s.
Hrainn essum tmum er vx (t = 0) = og vx (t = 5s) = + (5s)2 = 5.5m/s. Mealhrunin er
aavg =

5.5m/s 3m/s
= 0.5m/s
5s 0s

B. Calculate the instantaneous acceleration for t = 0.

Vi vitum a hrunin fylgir,
a(t) =

= 2t

sem gefur okkur a tma t = 0 er a = 0.

B. Calculate the instantaneous acceleration for t = 5s.
Me jfnunni a ofan fum vi a a = 1m/s2 .

Dmi 2.62

The engineer of a passenger train traveling at 25.0m/s sights a freight train whose caboose is 200m ahead on the same track. The
freight train is traveling at 15.0m/s in the same direction as the
passenger train. The engineer of the passenger train immediately
applies the brakes, causing a constant acceleration of -0.100m/s2 ,
while the freight train continues with constant speed. Take x = 0
at the location of the front of the passenger train when the engineer
applies the brakes.
A. Will the cows nearby witness a collision?
Hreyfijfnur lestanna eru,

x1 = (25m/s)t

0.1m/s 2
t ,
x2 = 200m + (15m/s)t.

Vi viljum athuga hvort a x1 = x2 eigi lausn. Vi fum annars-stigs jfnu sem gefur tmana t = 22.54s of t = 177.46s.
etta segir a a verur rekstur tmanum t = 22.54s.
B. If so, where will it take place?
Stingum inn t = 22.54s ara hvora hreyfijfnuna til a f 538m.

Vika 2

A Wild Ride

A car in a roller coaster moves along a track that consists of a sequence of ups and downs. Let the x-axis be parallel
to the ground and the positive y-axis point upward. In the time interval from t = 0 to t = 4 s, the trajectory of the
car along a certain section of the track is given by

r = A(1m/s)t i + A (1m/s3 )t3 6(1m/s2 )t2 j,
where A is a positive dimensionless constant.

A. At t = 2.0 s is the roller coaster car ascending or descending?

Athugi a hr eru i og j einigarvigrar (e. unit vectors) eftir x og y stefnu. Diffrum j part jfnunar til a f hraann
eftir y-s.
= A[(3m/s3 )t2 (12m/s2 )t].
vy (t) =
Stingum inn t = 2s.
vy (2s) = 12m/s.
Neikvtt formerki segir okkur a vagninn er lei niur.
B. Derive a general expression for the speed v of the car.
Diffrum r til a finna hraavigurinn v.

= A(1m/s)i + A[(3m/s3 )t2 (12m/s2 )t]j.

Hr er san spurt um fer vagnsins, svo a vi urfum a taka lengdina af v.

v = |v| = A 1 + (3t2 12t)2 m/s.

C. The roller coaster is designed according to safety regulations that prohibit the speed of the car
from exceeding 20m/s. Find the maximum value of A allowed by these regulations.
Til a finna a gildi A sem uppfyllir etta bilinu t [0, 4]s skulum vi skrifa
20m/s A 1 + (3t2 12t)2 m/s.
N sjum vi a hmark ferarinnar verur egar (3t2 12t)2 er hmarki. Munum n a tgildi samfelldra falla
eiga sr sta nllstum afleiunnar,
(3t2 12t)2 = 0
2(3t2 12t)(6t 12) = 36t(t 4)(t 2) = 0.
Sem hefur nllstvarnar t = 4 og t = 2. Athugum gildin essum nllstum

(3t2 12t)2
= 144,
(3t2 12t)2


Vi sjum a hrainn er mestur fyrir t = 2. getum vi fundi vieigandi gildi A.

1 + 144

Sem gefur A = 1.66. Vi munum a A er vddarlaus str.

An Object Accelerating on a Ramp

In one dimensional (straight line) motion, acceleration is accompanied

by a change in speed, and the acceleration is always parallel (or antiparallel) to the velocity.
Which direction best approximates the direction of a when
the object is at position 1?
Hrunin sem virkar kluna t fyrir og eftir er smu tt, .e. sk
niur til hgri. Svo a hrunin punkti getum vi nlga sem sk
niur til hgri hrun.
Which direction best approximates the direction of a when
the object is at position 2?

Rtt fyrir stasetningu 2, bentir hrun klunnar niur sk til hgri, rtt eftir stasetning 2, bendir hn upp sk
til hgri. Summa essarra vigra er vigur beint upp.
Which direction best approximates the direction of a when the object is at position 3?
Rtt fyrir stasetningu 3, bentir hrun klunnar upp sk til hgri, rtt eftir stasetning 3, bendir hn niur sk
til hgri. Summa essarra vigra er vigur beint niur.

Dmi 3.25

A jet plane comes in for a downward dive as shown in the figure below. The bottom
part of the path is a quarter circle having a radius of curvature of 350m. According
to medical tests, pilots lose consciousness at an acceleration of 5.50g.
A. At what speed (in m/s) will the pilot black out for this dive?
Hrun hlutar hringfer fstum hraa er hgt a finna me jfnunni
arad =


ar sem R er radus hringsins (350m) og v er hrai hlutarins

eftir hringnum. Hj
okkur er hmarki vi arad = 5.5g, svo a svari verur v = 5.5gR = 137m/s.
B. At what speed (in mph) will the pilot black out for this dive?
Mla er 0.62km, og skipting yfir r m/s km/klst er (3600 s km)/(1000 klst m), samkvmt v hfum vi
v = 137m/s = 3.6 0.62 137 mph = 306mph.

Dmi 3.32

Two piers, A and B, are located on a river: B is 1500m downstream

from A. Two friends must make round trips from pier A to pier B and
return. One rows a boat at a constant speed of 4.00 km/h relative to
the water; the other walks on the shore at a constant speed of 4.00
km/h. The velocity of the river is 2.80 km/h in the direction from A
to B.
A. How much time does it take the walker to make the round
Maurinn ferast me fstum hraa fram og til baka.

= 45min.

B. How much time does it take the rower to make the round trip?
Rarinn ferast 4km/h m.t.t. hraa vatnsins. etta ir a heildarhrainn er hans eiginn og nnar,

= 88min.
(4 + 2.8)km/h (4 2.8)km/h

Dmi 3.34

The nose of an ultralight plane is pointed south, and its airspeed indicator shows 28m/s. The plane is in a 19m/s
wind blowing toward the southwest relative to the earth.

A. Letting x be east and y be north, find the components of vP/E (the velocity of the plane relative
to the earth).

Flugvlinn hefur vigurinn vP = (28m/s)j en vindurinn hefur vW = (19m/s)(i + j)/ 2. Hr kemur 1/ 2 vegna
ess a suvestur tt myndar 45 horn vi x og y.
vP/E (13, 41)m/s
B. Find the magnitude of vP/E .
Lengdin er |vP/E | = 43m/s.
C. Find the direction of vP/E .
Athugi a horni er teki suur af vesturtt. a m skrifa sem tan1 (13/41) = 72 .

Crossing a River

A swimmer wants to cross a river, from point A to point B, as shown

in the figure. The distance d1 (from A to C) is 200 m, the distance d2
(from C to B) is 150 m, and the speed vr of the current in the river is
5 km/hour. Suppose that the swimmers velocity relative to the water
makes an angle of = 45 with the line from A to C, as indicated in
the figure.
To swim directly from A to B, what speed us , relative to the
water, should the swimmer have?
Hrai sundmannsins verur a vera svo a hann fari fr A til C eftir
y-s sama tma og hann fer fr C til B eftir x-s. Tminn sem a
tekur hann a fara d2 er
x(t) = ux t + vr t
d2 = ux t + vr t,


vr ux

essum tma verur hann a fara lka d1

y(t) = uy t
d1 =

uy d2
vr u x

Vi sjum a ux = sin ()us og uy = cos ()us ,

d1 =
us =

cos ()us d2
cos ()d2
vr sin ()us
vr /us sin ()

d1 vr
= 4.04 km/klst
cos ()d2 + sin ()d1

Dmi 3.56

A water hose is used to fill a large cylindrical storage tank of diameter D and height 2D. The hose shoots the water
at 45 above the horizontal from the same level as the base of the tank and is a distance 6D away.
A. For what range of launch speeds (v0 ) will the water enter the tank? Ignore air resistance, and
express your answer in terms of D and g.

Vi viljum a vatni lendi bilinu (x, y) = {(6D, 2D); (7D, 2D)}.

Hr urfum vi v a vinna me hreyfijfnur eftir x-s og
x(t) = v0 cos (45 )t,
y(t) = v0 sin (45 )t t2 .
Leysum t v0 fyrir fyrra hniti
6D = t,
2D = t t2 .

Fum r fyrri jfnunni a t = 26D/v0 . Stingum inn seinni

jfnuna til a f,
2D = 6D g
Sem gefur okkur a v0,min =


9gD. Fyrir seinna hniti beitum vi alveg smu afer og fum t a v0,max =

Dmi 3.27

A Ferris wheel with radius R = 14.0m is turning about a horizontal

axis through its center. The linear speed of a passenger on the rim
is constant and equal to v = 7.01m/s.
A. What is the magnitude of the passengers acceleration as
she passes through the lowest point in her circular motion?
Athugi a dmi tekur ekki yngdarhrunina me reikninginn.
Hrunin er v v 2 /R = 3.51m/s2 .
B. What is the direction of the passengers acceleration as
she passes through the lowest point in her circular motion?
Stefna misknarhrunar er alltaf inn a miju hringhreyfingarinnar.
C-D. What is the magnitude of the passengers acceleration
as she passes through the highest point in her circular motion? What is the direction of the passengers
acceleration as she passes through the highest point in her circular motion?
Engin yngdarhrun. Svrin eru eins og A og B li.
E. How much time does it take the Ferris wheel to make one revolution?
etta er einfalt a reikna: 2R/v = 12.5s.

Dmi 3.45

A jungle veterinarian with a blow-gun loaded with a tranquilizer dart and a sly 1.5kg monkey are each a height 25m
above the ground in trees a distance 70m apart. Just as the hunter shoots horizontally at the monkey, the monkey
drops from the tree in a vain attempt to escape being hit.
A. What must the minimum muzzle velocity of the dart have been for the hunter to hit the monkey
before it reached the ground?
Me engri loftmtstu falla deyfiplann og apinn jafnhratt niur. Hrainn sem deyfiplann arf a hafa er einfaldlega v0 = 70m/t. Hr er t s tmi sem plan lendir apanum. Greinilega er v0 minnst egar t er strst, en a
gerist egar apinn er komin alveg niur. Svo a 25m = gt2 /2 gefur okkur t sem gefur okkur v0 = 31m/s.

Dmi 3.53

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest home run ever measured was hit by Roy "Dizzy"
Carlyle in a minor league game. The ball traveled 188 m (618 ft) before landing on the ground outside the ballpark.
A. Assuming the balls initial velocity was 51 above the horizontal and ignoring air resistance, what
did the initial speed of the ball need to be to produce such a home run if the ball was hit at a point
0.9m (3.0ft) above ground level? Assume that the ground was perfectly flat.
Notfrum okkur hreyfijfnur eftir x og y stefnu. Vi sjum strax a tminn sem a tekur boltann a klra ferina
er t = (188m)/(v0 cos (51 )). Einnig vitum vi a,
y = 0.9m + v0 sin (51 ) t2 .
Stingum inn fyrir t og leysum y = 0 til a f
v0 =

2 cos2

= 43.3m/s.
+ tan (51 ) (188m))

(51 )(0.9m

B. How far would the ball be above a fence 3.0m (10 ft) high if the fence was 116m (380 ft) from
home plate?
N hfum vi tmann t = (116m)/(v0 cos (51 )). Vi vitum hva v0 er, svo vi getum stungi essu llu hreyfijfnuna fyrir y til a f y = 55.41m. Vi tkum eftir a spurt er um h boltans yfir giringunni sem er 3m. Svo
lokasvar er 52.41m.

Dmi 3.79

A projectile is thrown from a point P . It moves in such a way that its distance from P is always increasing.
A. Find the maximum angle above the horizontal with which the projectile could have been thrown.
You can ignore air resistance.
Athugi a hr er sagt a hluturinn arf
p alltaf a auka fjarlg sna fr P . essi fjarlg er ekki bara x-sinn heldur
lka y-sinn og er skilgreind sem s = x2 + y 2 . Til a vera viss um a essi str fari svaxandi, urfum vi a taka
afleiuna m.t.t. tma og setja a skilyri a hn s alltaf jkv,
> 0.
Finnum nna hreyfijfnurnar,
x(t) = v0 cos (),

y(t) = v0 sin () t2 .

Notum essar upplsingar til a skoa afleiuna af s,


g 2
x(t)2 + y(t)2 =
v02 cos2 ()t2 + v0 sin ()t t2 .
Afleian verur,
2v02 + g 2 t2 3v0 g sin ()t
2 .
2 v02 cos2 ()t2 + v0 sin ()t g2 t2
a sem er undir striki getur bara veri jkv str. Svo vi getum einblnt a sem er fyrir ofan strik.
2v02 + g 2 t2 3v0 g sin ()t > 0
essi annars stigs jafna verur alltaf a vera jkv. Til a a haldist arf agreinirinn a vera minna en nll
b2 4ac < 0.

Athugi a vi erum ekki a leysa margliuna heldur aeins a setja a hana a hn s alltaf jkv str. Hr
er a = g 2 , b = 3v0 g sin () og c = 2v02 . Nna hfum vi a
r !
= 70.5 .
9v02 g 2 sin2 () 8v02 g 2 < 0, < sin1
Svo a hmarkshorni sem leyfir vegalengdinni s a aukast sfellu er 70.5 .

Dmi 3.74

An elevator is moving upward at a constant speed of 2.50m/s. A bolt in the elevator ceiling 3.00m above the elevator
floor works loose and falls.
A. How long does it take for the bolt to fall to the elevator floor?
Athugi a ll lyftan hreyfist jafnt me hraa v0 . Svo skrfboltinn hefur engan hraa mia vi lyftuglfi. Hreyfijafna
skrfboltans er v,
y = 3m t2 .
Leysum fyrir y = 0 sem gefur t = 0.78s.
B. What is the speed of the bolt just as it hits the elevator floor according to an observer in the
Fyrir athuganda lyftunni er hrai skrfboltans v = gt = 7.67m/s.
C. What is the speed of the bolt according to an observer standing on one of the floor landings of the
Athugandi utan lyftunnar sr skrfboltan hafa hraa 7.67m/s 2.50m/s.
D. According to the observer in part C, what distance did the bolt travel between the ceiling and the
floor of the elevator?
Athugandinn sr lyftuglfi koma upp mti skrfboltanum. Svo a fjarlgin sem hann sr lokast milli skrfboltans
og glfsins er 3m 0.78s 2.5m/s = 1.05m.

Dmi 3.81

A rocket designed to place small payloads into orbit is carried to an altitude of 12.0 km above sea level by a converted
airliner. When the airliner is flying in a straight line at a constant speed of 850 km/h, the rocket is dropped. After
the drop, the airliner maintains the same altitude and speed and continues to fly in a straight line. The rocket falls
for a brief time, after which its rocket motor turns on. Once its rocket motor is on, the combined effects of thrust and
gravity give the rocket a constant acceleration of magnitude 3.00g directed at an angle of 30.0 above the horizontal.
For reasons of safety, the rocket should be at least 1.00 km in front of the airliner when it climbs through the airliners
A. Your job is to determine the minimum time that the rocket must fall before its engine starts. You
can ignore air resistance.
Ltum t = 0 vera egar eldflaugin rsir vlina sna. Hafi huga a eldflaugin er undir flugvlinni allan tmann sem
hn fellur niur. a er ng a finna harmunin eim til a finna falltmann. Hreyfijfnur eldflaugarinnar er
hgt a skrifa sem,
x(t) =
cos ()t2 ,
y(t) = 2 g t +
sin ()t2 .
Hr ltum vi vera tmann sem flaugin er a falla niur og = 30 . Ltum klukkuna vera t = 0 egar flaugin fer
gang. Leysum jfnurnar me v skilyri a flaugin arf a vera x = 1000m og y = 0 fyrir eitthva kvei .
x(t) = 1000m =

cos ()t2

gefur t = 8.86s. Nst hfum vi

y(t) = 0 = 2 g t +
sin ()t2 ,
sem er annars stigs jafna me lausnins = 5.15s.

Dmi 3.18

A shot putter releases the shot some distance above the level ground with a velocity of 12.0 m/s, 51.0 above the
horizontal. The shot hits the ground 2.08 s later. You can ignore air resistance.
A. What is the x-component of the shots acceleration while in flight?
Aeins yngdarhrun verkar kluna svo ax = 0.
B. What is the y-component of the shots acceleration while in flight?
yngdarhrunin: g = 9.8 m/s2 .
C. What is the x-component of the shots velocity at the beginning of its trajectory?
vx0 = 12 cos (51 ) m/s = 7.55 m/s
D. What is the y-component of the shots velocity at the beginning of its trajectory?
vy0 = 12 sin (51 ) m/s = 9.33 m/s
E. What is the x-component of the shots velocity at the end of its trajectory?
Hrain eftir x-s helst fastur t allt flugi. Svo sama niurstaa hr og C-li.
F. What is the y-component of the shots velocity at the end of its trajectory?
Vi skrifum hraajfnuna sem
vy (t) = v0y gt
og eftir 2.08s hfum vi vy (t = 2.08s) = 11.06 m/s.
G. How far did she throw the shot horizontally?
x(t = 2.08s) = v0x 2.06s = 15.7 m
H. How high was the shot above the ground when she released it?

y(t = 2.08s) = y0 + v0y t t2 = 1.8m

Svo a y0 = 1.8m.


Dmi 3.52

As a ship is approaching the dock at vs = 45.0cm/s, an important

piece of landing equipment needs to be thrown to it before it can
dock. This equipment is thrown at vl = 15.0m/s at 60.0 above
the horizontal from the top of a tower at the edge of the water,
h = 8.75m above the ships deck.
A. For this equipment to land at the front of the ship, at
what distance D from the dock should the ship be when
the equipment is thrown? Air resistance can be neglected.
Segjum a nllpunktur kerfisins er stefni skipsins. eru hreyfijfnur bnasins sem er veri a henda:
x = D + (vl cos (60 ) + vs)t
y = h + vl sin (60 )t t2
Leysum bar jfnurnar fyrir x = 0 og y = 0. Seinni jafnan gefur okkur annars-stigs jfnu sem hefur t = 3.2s sem
lausn. Notum a x-jfnuna til a f D = 25.5m.

Vika 3

Dmi 4.4

A man is dragging a trunk up the loading ramp of a movers truck.

The ramp has a slope angle of 20.0 , and the man pulls upward with
a force F whose direction makes an angle of 30.0 with the ramp.
A. How large a force F is necessary for the component Fx
parallel to the ramp to be 60.0N?
N tti flk a vera kunnuglegt vi rhyrningareglurnar. Krafturinn er F = (60N)/ cos (30 ) = 69.3 N.
B. How large will the component Fy perpendicular to the
ramp then be?
Notum kraftinn r fyrri li til a f F sin (30 ) = 34.6N.

A Gymnast on a Rope

A gymnast of mass 69.0kg hangs from a vertical rope attached to the ceiling. You can ignore the weight of the rope
and assume that the rope does not stretch. Use the value 9.81m/s2 for the acceleration of gravity.
A. Calculate the tension T in the rope if the gymnast hangs motionless on the rope.
Spennan er jfn str togkraftsins sem fimleikamaurinn verkar reipi. essi togkraftur er jafn yngdarkraftinum
sem verkar fimleikamanninn. Svo a T = (69.0kg) (9.81m/s2 ) = 677N.
B. Calculate the tension T in the rope if the gymnast climbs the rope at a constant rate.
Fimleikamaurinn klifrar upp reipi me fstum hraa svo a er engin nnur hrun a verka kerfi og spennan
er en s sama og byrjun.
C. Calculate the tension T in the rope if the gymnast climbs up the rope with an upward acceleration
of magnitude 0.800 m/s2 .
N egar fimleikamaurinn hefur hrun upp hltur hann a toga aukalega reipi sem eykur spennuna. Svari er

v T = m(g + a) = (69.0kg) (9.81m/s2 + 0.8m/s2 ) = 732N. etta samsvarar einnig eim astum a einhver
togar reipi fr hinum endanum til a hfa fimleikamanninn upp.
D. Calculate the tension T in the rope if the gymnast slides down the rope with a downward acceleration of magnitude 0.800 m/s2 .
Rtt eins og fyrri li nema nna er hrun fimleikamannsins lei niur sem ir a spennan slaknar (athugi a
spennan er nll frjlsu falli). Spennan er v T = m(g + a) = (69.0kg) (9.81m/s2 0.8m/s2 ) = 622N.

Pulling Three Blocks

Three identical blocks connected by ideal strings are being pulled along a
horizontal frictionless surface by a horizontal force F. The magnitude of
the tension in the string between blocks B and C is T = 3.00N. Assume
that each block has mass m = 0.400kg.
A. What is the magnitude F of the force?
Spennan milli B og C samsvarar kraftinum sem togar seinustu tvo kassana. Vi getum v fundi hrun eirra
= 3.75m/s .
T = 2ma, a =
Allt kerfi er tengd saman og hefur v kassi C smu hrun. er heildarkrafturinn F = 3ma = 4.5N.
B. What is the tension TAB in the string between block A and block B?
Kassarnir hafa allir sama massa. v er auvelt a sj a TAB = 1.5N.

Two Hanging Masses

Two blocks with masses M1 and M2 hang one under the other. For
this problem, take the positive direction to be upward, and use g for
the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity.
A. Find T2 , the tension in the lower rope.
Spennan milli kassanna samsvarar krftunum sem toga spottann hvorn
enda. eir hljta a vera jafnstrir v kerfi er kyrrsttt. Notum v
kraftinn fr neri kassanum sem er T2 = M2 g.
B. Find T1 , the tension in the upper rope.
Vi getum liti ba kassana sem einn massa sem togar spottann.
Spennan er v T1 = (M1 + M2 )g.
C. For Parts C and D the blocks are now accelerating upward (due to the tension in the strings) with
acceleration of magnitude a. Find T2 , the tension in the lower rope.
Ef kassarnir eru a hraa sr upp mun spennan aukast (spennan minnkar ef eir falla niur). Hr er spennan
T2 = M2 (a + g).
D. Find T1 , the tension in the upper rope.
Hr verur spennan T1 = (M1 + M2 )(a + g).

Dmi 4.16

An astronauts pack weighs 17.4N when she is on earth but only 4.59N when she is at the surface of an asteroid.

A. What is the acceleration due to gravity on this asteroid?

Notum fyrsta lgml Newtons, g = Fg /m. Vi getum fundi massann me yngdarhrun jarar. m = (17.4N)/(9.8m/s2 ) =
1.77kg. Notum essa niurstu til a finna yngdarhrunarstuul smstirnisins, g 0 = (4.59N)/(1.77kg) = 2.59m/s2 .
B. What is the mass of the pack on the asteroid?
Massi er skalarstr h vimiunarkerfi. Massinn jru er v s sami og smstirninu.

Dmi 5.15

A load of bricks with mass m1 = 15.2kg hangs from one end of a rope that
passes over a small, frictionless pulley. A counterweight of mass m2 = 28.2kg is
suspended from the other end of the rope, as shown in the figure. The system
is released from rest. Use g = 9.80m/s2 for the magnitude of the acceleration
due to gravity.
A. What is the magnitude of the upward acceleration of the load of
Mismunandi kraftur kassana veldur v a kerfi fer hreyfingu me hrun
= 2.94m/s .
m2 g m1 g = 127.53N, a =
m1 + m2
B. What is the tension in the rope while the load is moving?
Vi getum skoa anna hvort kassa 1 ea 2. Fyrir kassa 2 er heildarkrafturinn fr honum reipi F2 = m2 (ga) =
194N sem jafngildir spennunni reipinu.

Dmi 5.33

You are lowering two boxes, one on top of the other, down the ramp shown
in the figure by pulling on a rope parallel to the surface of the ramp. Both
boxes move together at a constant speed of 16.0cm/s. The coefficient of kinetic
friction between the ramp and the lower box is k = 0.451, and the coefficient
of static friction between the two boxes is s = 0.801.
A. What force do you need to exert to accomplish this?
Stillum upp kraftajfnum kassanna samsa (Fk ) og vert (F ) brekkuna.
Gerum grein fyrir a heildarkrafturinn er nll ar sem kassinn ferast me
fstum hraa.
F = M g cos () FN = 0,

Fk = M g sin () F F = 0.

Hr er M samanlagur massi kassanna. Horni er hgt a finna me v a

skrifa = tan1 (2.5m/4.75m) = 27.76 . N vitum vi a FN = M g cos () og a F = k FN = 0.451FN . Allt etta
er hgt a taka saman til a finna a F = 52.27N.
B. What is the magnitude of the friction force on the upper box?
Efri kassinn situr sem fastast neri kassanum svo nningskrafturinn sem verkar hann er jafnstr yngdarkraftinum
samsa brekkunni, .e. (32kg)g sin () = F = 146N.
C. What is the direction of the friction force on the upper box?
Nningskrafturinn vsar upp brekkuna.


Dmi 5.60

An adventurous archaeologist crosses between two rock cliffs by slowly going

hand-over-hand along a rope stretched between the cliffs. He stops to rest
at the middle of the rope. The rope will break if the tension in it exceeds
Tmax = 2.55 104 N, and our heros mass is m = 87.6kg.
A. If the angle between the rope and the horizontal is = 11.1 , find
the tension in the rope.
Spenna reipisins samsvarar togkrftunum srhverjum punkti og ar me tali
endapunktum reipisins. Vi getum skoa alla y krafta til a sj a mg = 2Ty =
2T sin () verur a uppfyllast. etta gefur okkur a T = 2230N.
B. What is the smallest value the angle can have if the rope is not
to break?
Me v a stinga in Tmax inn fyrri jfnu fum vi a
0.965 .

Dmi 5.61

Two ropes are connected to a steel cable that supports a hanging weight as
shown in the figure.
A. Draw a free-body diagram showing all of the forces acting at the
knot that connects the two ropes to the steel cable.
Togkraftarnir hntinn eru vissulega eftir spottunum/kejunni. Hr arf a
passa sig a str eirra s valinn annig a y og x kraftar eyi hvor rum t.

B. Based on your force diagram, which of the two ropes will have the
greater tension?
Spotttinn til vinstri hefur meiri spennu v togkrafturinn ar er strri.
C. If the maximum tension either rope can sustain without breaking
is 5100 N, determine the maximum value of the hanging weight that these ropes can safely support.
You can ignore the weight of the ropes and the steel cable.
Vi vitum a hr arf a uppfylla T1 cos (60 ) = T2 cos (40 ) eftir x-s, ar sem T1 er spennan vinstra meginn og T2

er spennan hgra meginn. Einnig arf,

T1 sin (60 ) + T2 sin (40 ) = w,
a uppfyllast eftir y-s. Vi vitum a spennan er mest vinstra meginn svo a vi leysum etta fyrir T1 = 5100N til
a f a w = 6560N.

Dmi 4.2

Workmen are trying to free an SUV stuck in the mud. To extricate the vehicle, they use three horizontal ropes,
producing the force vectors shown in the figure.
A. Find the x components of each of the three pulls.
Kraftarnir sem liggja eftir x-sinum eru eftirfarandi.
(985N) cos (31 ) = 844.3N,
(788N) sin (32 ) = 417.6N,
(411N) cos (53 ) = 247.3N.
B. Find the y components of each of the three pulls.
Kraftarnir sem liggja eftir y-sinum eru eftirfarandi.
(985N) sin (31 ) = 507.3N,
(788N) cos (32 ) = 668.3N,
(411N) sin (53 ) = 328.2N.
C. Use the components to find the magnitude of the resultant of the three pulls.
Ef vi leggjum alla kraftana A li saman, fum vi a Fx = 179.4N. Eins fyrir y-sinn hfum vi a Fy = 847.4.
Strin samanlgum krftunum er n
F = Fx2 + Fy2 = 866.2N.

D. Use the components to find the direction of the resultant of the three pulls.
Bi Fx og Fy eru jkvar strir svo a heildarkrafturinn liggur fyrsta fjrungsplani. Horni sem a myndar
rangslis fr x-s er, = tan1 (Fy /Fx ) = 78 .

Dmi 4.8

You walk into an elevator, step onto a scale, and push the "up"button. You also recall that your normal weight is
w = 640 N.
A. Make a free-body diagram of your body if the elevator has an acceleration of magnitude a = 2.42
m/s2 .
verkrafturinn lyftunni er n strri heldur en bara svarkrafturinn gegn yngdarkraftinum vegna ess a lyftuglfi
tir upp mti me hruninni a. Sj mynd 1.
B. What does the scale read with the conditions given in part (A)?
Vi vitum a massinn er m = w/g. myndi vigtin sna a Fv = w + ma = 798N.

Mynd 1: Liur A

Mynd 2: Liur C

C. If you start holding a 3.80 kg package by a light vertical string, make a free-body diagram of the
Sj mynd 2.
D. What will be the tension in the string in part (C) once the elevator begins accelerating?
Spennan verur T = m(g + a) = 46.4 N.

Dmi 5.6

A large wrecking ball is held in place by two light steel cables

A. If the mass m of the wrecking ball is 3760kg, what is the tension
TB in the cable that makes an angle of 40 with the vertical?
ar sem vr A er eftir x-s fellur a vr B a halda klunni stugri eftir
y-s. etta ir a mg = FBy = TB cos (40 ) sem gefur a TB = 48100 N.
B. What is the tension TA in the horizontal cable?
Vr B myndar kraft x stefnu (til hgri) og s kraftur er svaraur me mtkrafti
vr A, svo a FBx = TB sin (40 ) = FAx = TA = 30900 N.

Vika 4

A Window Washer

A window washer of inertia M is sitting on a platform suspended by a

system of cables and pulleys as shown. He is pulling on the cable with
a force of magnitude F . The cables and pulleys are ideal (massless and
frictionless), and the platform has negligible inertia.
A. Find the magnitude of the minimum force F that allows the
window washer to move upward.
Spennan spottanum er T = F . Vinstri trissan beitir krafti 2F
pallinn og maurinn togar sig upp me krafti F . Vi sjum v a
ef yngdarkrafturinn er M g arf minnsti krafurinn a vera F =
M g/3.


Block on an Incline Adjacent to a Wall

A wedge with an inclination of angle rests next to a wall. A block of mass

m is sliding down the plane, as shown. There is no friction between the wedge
and the block or between the wedge and the horizontal surface.
A. Find the magnitude, Fnet , of the sum of all forces acting on the
Vi vitum a yngdarkrafturinn myndar n tvo kraftvigra, einn sem er vert
brekkuna og er jafnstr verkraftinum, og san s kraftur sem er samsa
brekkunni niur til hgri. Fyrst a brekkan er fst, er krafturinn sem er samsa
henni s eini sem hefur hrif kassann og er v Fnet = mg sin (). a er a
segja, vi vitum a s hluti yngdarkraftsins sem er vert brekkuna eyist t
vegna mtsvarandi verkrafts.
B. Find the magnitude, Fww , of the force that the wall exerts on the
S kraftur sem veggurinn tir fleyginn er jafnstr og krafturinn sem kassinn tir fleyginn til vinstri eftir llnu. Einfld kraftvigramynd gefur a
Fww = mg sin () cos ().

Block on an Incline

A block lies on a plane raised an angle from the horizontal. Three forces
act upon the block: Fw , the force of gravity; Fn , the normal force; and
Ff , the force of friction. The coefficient of friction is large enough to
prevent the block from sliding.
A. Consider coordinate system a, with the x axis along the plane.
Which forces lie along the axes?
t fr mynd sst a Fn og Ff eru samsa sum hnitakerfis a.
B. Which forces lie along the axes of the coordinate system b,
in which the y axis is vertical?
t fr mynd sst a Fw er samsa sum hnitakerfis b.
C. Because the block is not moving, the sum of the y components of the forces acting on the block
must be zero. Find an expression for the sum of the y components of the forces acting on the block,
using coordinate system b.
Kraftarnir eftir y-s hnitakerfi b eru,

Fy = Ff sin () + Fn cos () Fw

D. Because the block is not moving, the sum of the x components of the forces acting on the block
must be zero. Find an expression for the sum of the x components of the forces acting on the block,
using coordinate system b.
Kraftarnir eftir x-s hnitakerfi b eru,

Fx = Ff cos () Fn sin ().

E. To find the magnitude of the normal force, you must express Fn in terms of Fw since Ff is an
unknown. Using the equations you found in the two previous parts, find an expression for Fn involving

Fw and but not Ff .

Fn og Ff eru hornrttir svo eir geta ekki veri hir hvort rum. a er auvelt a sj svari Fn t fr myndinni
en vi getum nota lka eftirfarandi r fyrrverandi lium.
0 = Ff sin () + Fn cos () Fw ,
0 = Ff cos () Fn sin ().
Margfldum gegn me cos () og sin ().
0 = Ff sin () cos () + Fn cos2 () Fw cos (),
0 = Ff cos () sin () Fn sin2 ().
Drgum fr neri jfnuni vi efri
0 =(
+ Fn cos2 () Fw cos () (
+ Fn sin2 (),
0 = Fw cos () + Fn (cos2 () + sin2 ()).
Notfrum a cos2 () + sin2 () = 1.
Fw cos () = Fn .

Dmi 5.36

A box of textbooks of mass 24.7 kg rests on a loading ramp that makes an angle with the horizontal. The coefficient
of kinetic friction is k = 0.25 and the coefficient of static friction is s = 0.37.
A. As the angle is increased, find the minimum angle at which the box starts to slip.
Krafturinn sem togar kassann eftir brekkunni er Fk = mg sin (). essi kraftur arf a yfirstga kyrrstu-nningskraftinn
F,s = s Fn = s mg cos (). etta gerist egar F,s = Fk sem gefur a = tan1 (s ).
B. At this angle, find the acceleration once the box has begun to move.
egar kassinn byrjar a hreyfast breytist s k . Hrunin mun vera hlutfalli vi mismun kraftanna F,k og
Fk . .e. ma = Fk F,k sem gefur a = 1.1029 m/s2 .
C. At this angle, how fast will the box be moving after it has slid a distance d = 5.4 m along the
loading ramp?

etta er mjg einfalt, hr er hrunin fst svo a tmaha-jafnan gefur okkur v = 2da = 3.4513 m/s.


A sky diver of mass m = 80.0 kg (including parachute) jumps off a plane and begins her descent. Throughout this
problem use 9.80 m/s2 for the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity.
A. At the beginning of her fall, does the sky diver have an acceleration?
Um lei of hn fer frjlst fall hefur hn yngdarhrun sem bendir niur.
B. At some point during her free fall, the sky diver reaches her terminal speed. What is the magnitude
of the drag force Fdrag due to air resistance that acts on the sky diver when she has reached terminal
Vi markhraann er Fdrag = mg. .e. engin hrun virkar lengur hana.
C. For an object falling through air at a high speed v, the drag force acting on it due to air resistance
can be expressed as F = Kv 2 , where the coefficient K depends on the shape and size of the falling

object and on the density of air. For a human body, the numerical value for K is about 0.250 kg/m.
Using this value for K, what is the terminal speed vterm of the sky diver?
Markhrainn er v = mg/K = 56 m/s.
D. When the sky diver descends to a certain height from the ground, she deploys her parachute to
ensure a safe landing. (Usually the parachute is deployed when the sky diver reaches an altitude of
about 900 m - 3000 ft.) Immediately after deploying the parachute, does the skydiver have a nonzero
Fallhlfin dregur r hraa konunnar og samsvarar v hrun sem bendir upp.
E. When the parachute is fully open, the effective drag coefficient of the sky diver plus parachute
increases to K = 60.0 kg/m. What is the drag force Fdrag acting on the sky diver immediately after
she has opened the parachute?
Gerum r fyrir vterm s breytt byrjun. hfum vi a Fdrag = Kv 2 = 188160 N.
F. What is the terminal speed vterm of the sky diver when the parachute is opened?
Markhrainn er nna v = mg/K = 3.61 m/s.

Dmi 5.58

A bowling ball weighing 70.0 N is attached to the ceiling by a rope of length L = 3.75 m. The ball is pulled to one
side and released; it then swings back and forth as a pendulum. As the rope swings through the vertical, the speed
of the bowling ball is v = 4.30 m/s.
A. What is the acceleration of the bowling ball, in magnitude and direction, at this instant?
Heildarhrun keiluklunnar mun fylgja jfnunni fyrir hringhreyfingu sem segir a a = v 2 /L = 4.93 m/s2 . essi
hrun bendir beint upp.
B. What is the tension in the rope at this instant?
Spennan er samanlagur togkraftur spottans vegna hringhreyfingarinnar og yngdarkraftsins, svo a ma + 70N =
105N. Hr er m = 70N/g.

Dmi 5.50

The "Giant Swing"at a county fair consists of a vertical central shaft with
a number of horizontal arms attached at its upper end. Each arm supports
a seat suspended from a cable 5.00m long, the upper end of the cable being
fastened to the arm at a point 3.00m from the central shaft.
A-B. Find the time of one revolution of the swing if the cable
supporting a seat makes an angle of = 30.0 with the vertical.
Does the angle depend on the weight of the passenger for a given
rate of revolution?
Til a finna t lotu tkisins me v a vita horn faregans vi snningss
urfum vi a stilla upp kraftajfnum ar sem fareginn er kraftajafnvgi.
etta gerist egar allir kraftareftir y og x-s eru nll. Ltum FT vera
togkraft stangarinnar faregann,
F = m

= m 2 R = FT sin (),

deilum mg m 2 R til a f,
tan () =

2 R

mg = FT cos (),

Samband lotu hringhreyfingarinnar og horntni hennar er T = 1/f = 2/, sem gefur

tan (30 ) =

(2)2 R
T 2g

R er vegalengdin fr snningssinum til faregans, semsagt R = 3m + 5m sin (30 ). hfum vi allt til a leysa
dmi, niurstaan er T = 6.19s.
Svari vi li B er nei v a vi sjum jfnunni a ofan a lotan er ekki h massa faregans.

Bridging problem

Hgt er a nlgast tarlega lausn hr: https://youtu.be/KeAOeDKNKvw

Dmi 5.112

A wedge with mass M rests on a frictionless horizontal table top. A block with mass
m is placed on the wedge. There is no friction between the block and the wedge. The
system is released from rest.
A. Calculate the acceleration of the wedge.
Hr arf a gera r fyrir a fleygurinn s a hreyfast til baka vegna verkrafts kassans.
etta dmi vri auleysanlegt ef fleygurinn vri fastur, yri dmi alveg eins og
kassi a renna eftir brekkur me horn . Stillum upp kraftajfnum kerfisins og segjum
a hrun fleygsins s af og a verkraftur kassans s Fn . Athugi a vegna hreyfingu
fleygsins er Fn 6= mg cos (),
M af = max ,

may = Fn cos () mg

max = Fn sin (),

Hr hfum vi ax , og ay sem hrun kassans eftir x- og y-stefnu, og af sem hrun fleygsins. etta eru v fjrar
ekktar breytistrir en aeins rjr har jfnur (a a skila svarinu me , g, M , og m). Svo okkur vantar
fjru jfnuna. Hana getum vi fengi me v a fra okkur r tregukerfi fleygsins og kassans ntt kerfi (sem er
ekki tregukerfi). Hr munum vi gefa llu kerfinu hrun |af | eftir jkvum x-s svo a fleygurinn virist fastur
sta. slku kerfi er krafturinn vert fleyginn (F ) arfi og ll hreyfing kassans er hgt a skrifa nja kerfinu
may = Fk sin (),
m(ax af ) = Fk cos ().
Hr hfum vi teki tillit til ess a af er neikv str. Athugi a Fk er ekktur kraftur sem heppilega mun
styttast t (annars vri essi afer ekki hjlpleg).

Non-inertial frame (xed wedge)

etta gefur okkur a,

= tan ().
ax af

N hfum vi fjrar har jfnur og eftir sm algebru hfum vi a

af =

mg tan ()
M + tan2 () (m + M )


Lausnin a ofan byggist a geta fundi upplsingar fr rum sjnarhli. Sem dmi m nefna miflttarkraftinn
sem er ekki raunverulegur kraftur heldur afleiing ess a skoa hluti snningshreyfingu fr eirra vimiunarkerfi.
B. Calculate the horizontal component of the acceleration of the block.
Vi hfum skrifa a max = M af fr fyrri li og v er ekkert ml a leysa etta,
ax =

M g tan ()
M + tan2 () (m + M )

C. Calculate the vertical component of the acceleration of the block.

Vi hfum a may = Fn cos () mg
Fn =

M af
mg tan ()
sin ()
sin () M + tan2 () (m + M )

svo a

ay = g

1 .
M + tan2 () (m + M )

Dmi 5.113

A wedge with mass M rests on a frictionless horizontal tabletop. A block

with mass m is placed on the wedge and a horizontal force F is applied
to the wedge.
A. What must the magnitude of F be if the block is to remain
at a constant height above the tabletop?
etta dmi er svipa og dmi 5.112. v dmi var may = Fn cos () mg. Hr urfum vi aeins a uppfylla,
ay = 0.
Einnig, hr verur kassinn a ferast me smu hrun og fleygurinn. Svo a ax = af . Sem segir okkur a kassinn
og fleygurinn eru a hreyfast sem ein heild me hrun af . Hafa arf einnig huga a krafturinn F verkar vert
kassann samt verkraftinum fr yngdarkraftinum. Saman mynda essir kraftar heildarverkraft sem vi getum
kalla Fn . Skilyrin gefa okkur n a
ay = 0, Fn =
cos ()
Notum n a max = maf = Fn sin (), fum vi a
af M = max + F,

F = (m + M )af = (m + M )g tan ().

a sst a ef vi ltum horni vera agnarsmtt er F 0, einnig ef horni er mjg strt urfum vi mikinn
kraft til a spyrna gegn yngdarhrun, F .

Homemade problem based on 5.75

You place a book of mass m against a vertical wall. You apply a constant force F to the book, and
the force is at angle = 60.0 above the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction between the book
and the wall is s .
A. The book is held still by the force. Find an expression for the force in terms of m, g,
and s .
Tkum saman kraftanna eftir x-s og y-s.
Fy mg + F = 0,

Fx = Fn

ar sem Fy = F sin () og Fx = F cos (). N vitum vi einnig a F = s Fn = s Fx , svo a

F sin () mg + s F cos () = 0,
sem gefur a
F =

sin () + s cos ()

B. Find the angle that minimizes the force applied.

Tkum afleiunu af kraftinum til a finna tgildi,
cos () s sin ()
= 0.
(sin () + s cos ())2
Sem segir okkur a cos () = s sin (), svo a = tan1 (1/s ).
C. Ef < 0 the force needs to become very large in order for friction to hold it up. Find the angle at
which it is impossible to the book up any more in this way.
Hfum hr huga a fyrir < 0 er cos () > 0 en sin () < 0. Notum aftur smu jfnu og A-li.
F =

sin () + s cos ()

egar essi jafna bls upp erum vi a nlgast srstupunkt sem segir a til a kerfist haldist kraftjafnvgi arf
F . Svo vi skulum leysa sin () + s cos () = 0 fyrir eitthva horn bilinu [90 , 0]. Setjum a + /2 =
og vi fum a,
sin ( + /2) + s cos ( + /2) = cos () s sin () = 0
sem gefur a = cot1 (s ). etta segir a horni getur ekki fari lgra heldur en = /2, a munar
nkvmlega /2 hmarkshorni og lgmarkshorni.

Board Pulled Out from under a Box

A small box of mass m1 is sitting on a board of mass m2 and

length L. The board rests on a frictionless horizontal surface. The
coefficient of static friction between the board and the box is s .
The coefficient of kinetic friction between the board and the box is,
as usual, less than s .
Throughout the problem, use g for the magnitude of the
acceleration due to gravity. In the hints, use f for the magnitude of the friction force between the board and
the box.


A. Find Fmin , the constant force with the least magnitude that must be applied to the board in order
to pull the board out from under the the box (which will then fall off of the opposite end of the
Segjum a hrun efri kassans s a1 og hrun pltunnar er a2 . Athugi a nningskrafturinn kassann er smu
stefnu (til hgri) og krafturinn F sem vi verkum pltuna. Vi viljum uppfylla a a2 > a1 svo a kassinn falli af
pltunni vinstra meginn. N vitum vi a f = m1 a1 = s m1 g. Hrun pltunnar (mia vi kassann) m skrifa
F f = m2 a2 . Vi getum v teki jfnurnar saman til a f
F f
> s g,

F > s g(m1 + m2 ).

Dmi 5.107

A small bead can slide without friction on a circular hoop that is in a vertical
plane and has a radius of R = 0.100 m. The hoop rotates at a constant rate of
4.10 rev/s about a vertical diameter.
A. Find the angle at which the bead is in vertical equilibrium. (Of
course, it has a radial acceleration toward the axis.)
etta dmi er keimlkt bl sem keyrir me fstum hraa hallandi hringlaga
braut. Til a klan s kyrr horni urfa kraftarnir sem toga hana upp og
niur a vera jafnvgi. Vi getum sett upp dmi me miflttarkraftinum,
yngdarkraftinum og svarkrafti vert hringinn (verkrafturinn N ). Ltum
nna vegalengd klunnar fr snningss vera r = R sin (), vi hfum a
eftir x og y s gildir
mg = N cos (),

= m 2 R sin () = N sin ().
R sin ()

Seinni jafnan gefur m 2 R = N . Stingum essu inn fyrri jfnuna til a f a g/ 2 R = cos (). Athugi a = 2f
ar sem er umferartnin f = 4.10 rev/s. etta gefur a = 81.5 .
B. Is it possible for the bead to "ride"at the same elevation as the center of the hoop?
Samkvmt fyrri li mun Frad = mv 2 /R vera samsa verkraftinum = /2 = 90 en yngdarkrafturinn
hornrttur. Svo a er engin kraftur sem verkar gegn yngdarkraftinum sem ir a gnin getur ekki mgulega
veri kyrrst milnu hringsins.
C. What will happen if the hoop rotates at 1.00 rev/s?
Ef minnkar eigum vi httu a hafa ekkert rauntluhorn . etta sst t fr,
= ,
2 R
ar sem 1 < g/ 2 R < 1 til a s rauntala. Svo a ef < g/R lyftist ekki klan, en g/R = 9.9 rad/s
= 1.58 rev/s. Svo a klan situr niri sem fastast fyrir 1 rev/s.


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