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AMH 2010

Chapter 6

1 What advantages did Great Britain have over the Americans in the war for
2 What disadvantages did the Americans have over Britain superiority?
3 Describe the Continental Army?
4 What was the Battle of Long Island?
5 Who won the Battles of Trenton and Princeton?
6 Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point of the war?
7 How did Patriot women contributed to the war effort?
8 What was a major problem of the colonies during the war?
9 How did the war endanger thousands of civilians?
10 Why was Valley Forge significant to the American Revolutionary war?
11 What was the primary reason France allied with the American colonies?
12 What was the Treaty of Alliance of February 1778?
13 How did Sir Henry Clinton launch his southern campaign in 1778?
14 Which event turned the tide of the war after Britains series of victories in
the South?
15 Which battle marked the end of the American Revolution?
16 Explain Washingtons success as a military leader.
17 Explain the Patriots successful revolution against Great Britain.
18 What was the Treaty of Paris?
19 How did upper-class women such as Abigail Adams and Judith Sargent
Murray engage in the political debate?
20 What were the Articles of Confederation?
21 Why was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 significant? What territories
were created out of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
22 What was the Shayss Rebellion?
23 What was the outcome of the Great Compromise?
24 When the Constitution was completed? What powers did the Constitution
give to the new national government?

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